#if theres enough nos im going to act like ging freecs and disappear again dkjhkjdskj
prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
i have like (?) a sideblog for baldurs gate (and now red dead writing. fucking lmao.) that i was originally going to jump ship with in case i decided to not come back. i wasn't going to share the url just for idk identity purposes but i must keep it a buck w you all and tell you i have no current interest in writing for anime outside of my like commissions. like i dont have any desire to post my own ideas and i feel kind of burnt out on x reader stuff all together in my own stuff for anime. i enjoy writing comms bc its another persons idea but its not hitting and it has been like that for some months now.
plus all of the back 2 back discourse has put a sour taste in my mouth. and i want to try doing other things.
which isn't REALLY a big deal in any case but i do feel a little bad (read: very bad) because i still. love anime LMAO. i want to read stuff and participate in fandom just more quietly or something. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL IM AWARE BUT I FEEL LIKE IM ABANDONING MY POOKIES AND I AM NOT. it will come back because it always has for like 15+ years of my life
sorry for the INCESSANT yapping heavens above. but im wondering if anyone would want me to share the url for said blog or if i should drop another hiatus pin and call it a day perhaps.
i will not be giving out my main blogs url for that but if you are a mutual that follows me there i will send u like a DM etc
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