#if they'd killed the dudes instead of running after the Collection Piece right away things might have been different
firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Oh, Touma...
... Pegged you as the one most willing to die for this from the beginning.
Not that the other two aren't all in, Touma’s just... Clearly hardcore singleminded. Like, self-destructively.
He’d die w/out a thought if it was the surest way to ensure that Aya would be brought back. He’s down for this.
Of course, this being only episode 16, him being one of the core team, and the title of the episode make it pretty clear that's not gonna be happening. But he would.
(this turned into much musing, so more below)
I’m, of course, excited bc maybe it’ll be Kairi-Touma brotherly feels. Bc I’m inferring from the preview stuff I've seen that Kairi does indeed hesitate. I mean, he’s just a kid, and as I’ve mentioned, I hc Touma as slowly becoming a dad/big brother figure to the other two, even if they didn’t notice. Kairi’s lost his older brother, he’s not gonna be ecstatic about the idea of having personally cause the death of/hurt someone who has been starting to become another to him. And Umika would never until they’d exhausted all other options. I mean Touma’s been an anchor for them several times (so has Umika, too, though in a different way). I’m super excited that this could be the beginning of that--keeping in mind my, uh, skewed perceptions. This might also be the Touma starts to think about caring ep. At the very least, he may begin to realise these two kids care about him.
But also... Did they just ask the the actor to make the most ridiculous faces he possibly could? Bc those are pretty impressive. Plus, given the way the Gangler is apparently behaving around ladies, I’m wondering if it’s going to try and hit on Tsukasa and she’s going to be like ‘... Okay something’s wrong here. Kairi, Umika, why is your stoic chef trying to flirt w/ me what is this?’ (there’s this preview/spoiler image of those two and the three Patos in Juer and it looks like Tsukasa’s talking, so I just made that up--plus the images of her interacting w/ Gangler¡Touma in suit).
This is gonna be weird though. Like. There’s no way they can explain it w/out revealing their identities. It’s not even poor communication kills. It’s ‘the fact that we cannot communicate this in any way is fucking shit up.’
I’m certain they’ll make it. I mean, the preview did kinda give that away.
Plus, I think if they killed Touma off, Kairi and Umika would starve to death and that would be, in a word, bad.
Oh, and something a comment reminded me of--Blue got switched w/ an enemy in Dekaranger, too. That guy who tried to blow up the base? Wow, it’s almost like Toei recycles plots sometimes.
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