#if this doesn't work!!!! let me know i'll think up something else uwu
goldies-cryptobitch · 6 months
Warning people in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fandom of the shameless art thief @horrorlover1 (funnily enough they tried changing their URL because they got called out, I assume they don't realize that old URL @'s still take people to your updated URL 🙄) - They've been reposting people's art with the excuse of "Oh, well, I don't know where they came from, I just find them on Google UwU Credit to the artist tho lol" and when told directly where somebody's art came from, their response was to delete the replies, block the person, restrict replies on ALL their posts, and btw, STILL did not actually credit the OG artist.
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So, safe to say, it's abundantly clear that this human trashpile doesn't actually give a shit about the original artists of these works. I'll be tagging all the OG artists I can find and link to the stolen posts so that y'all can report this person (I will also @ some of the well-known fandom artists who might not've been hit yet so that they know to block this person and report them if they are able. Also, I don't have Twitter, so if somebody could let the Twitter-exclusive users know of this to also report this person, that would be dope. (Maybe post in the replies if you're going to do that though, so that people can see if it's already been done and the artists don't get spammed about it.))
This art belongs to @marukmpos (Twitter link)
This art belongs to @bluestripedrenulian (dA link)
This art belongs to rinna_hel
This art belongs to Tunyeta
This art belongs to @mellemoondraws (Twitter link)
This art and this art belongs to @gensubart (dA link)
This art belongs to thatboni and @notherpuppet (Twitter link)
This art belongs to TheOGFazFilms
This art belongs to Cessy_Janea
This art belongs to cocodar
This art belongs to Sooelliee and Alkar_tar_art (whose profile SPECIFICALLY says not to repost their art btw)
This art belongs to Thea Yildirim
This art belongs to @pleasantlypony (Twitter link)
This art belongs to Serped3ra
This art belongs to @frenchiefie / @frenchiefieart (Twitter link)
This art belongs to ArtyDemon
This art belongs to SuamyArt
This art belongs to @sadelionne (Twitter link)
And some Hazbin/Helluva artists I'm tagging mostly just warning to block this person so their art also doesn't get stolen/reposted: @kandavers @smilezandmics @greykolla-art @triona-tribblescore @alymccart @noramiamere @adyophene @diabloku @applepartysins @captainsaltypear @scruplepossum (Again, I'm not in the fandom, so I don't really know who all should be tagged and I don't want to make this post crazily long, but yeah, I guess if anybody else in the fandom knows of who might wanna be given a heads up, they'd know better than me lol)
I'm not in the HH/HB fandoms, I was just shootin' the shit with a friend yesterday (the one who initially commented about crediting artists on their posts) and they mentioned this situation to me, and since art thieves like this are massive fucking shitbags that just wanna get clout off of other people's work, figured I should at least credit some ACTUAL artists. Even as an outsider I know that stealing/reposting is a MASSIVE problem in that fandom, and the art fans have got to stop letting people get away with it. Don't like/reblog from assholes like this, support the ACTUAL artists, dude. Stop letting these leeches get away with stealing from legitimate content creators.
If anybody recognizes any of the other stolen art that I might not've found the OG artists for, please let them know so that they can also report their stolen artworks.
Moral of the story: It's not that fucking hard to find the original artists of things online. Don't be a shitty art thief like @horrorlover1 and at LEAST give PROPER credit if you're going to repost something. :/
Edit: Just editing to add that I find it kinda funny how they claim I made this post to try and boost myself when I said multiple times that I'm not even in the Hazbin/Helluva fandom, lmfao. Like, who tf you think I'm boosting myself to??? I don't even make content for this fandom. Also they changed their url to @thecatgirl-luvmyrocky but the original @ link still works, too.
Editing to add their apology, but I am still keeping the post up so that people can decide for themselves if they want to block or not.
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Stop reposting things with no credit, and if any artists reach out to you about taking down their posts or anything like that, then listen to them. Artists deserve respect, they deserved to be RECOGNIZED for their hard work, and not giving credit is a HUGE slap in the face to them. Do better.
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circeyoru · 6 months
Sooooo I know the readers in your stories are mainly left up to the person’s imagination butttttttt
Do you per chance imagine them a certain way? I want to make some fan art and it just always help me to have something to go off of. Any of the readers from any story will do honestly because I adore them all! Sorry to be a bother about this by the way
Oh, it's not a bother~ No worries~
Now for this ask I'm gonna use mainly {Unwanted Soul} for examples, so any spoilers for those that don't read this. Other series are mentioned here and there.
My Works: MASTERLIST (check out the series you haven't heard before would be appreciated~)
I do imagine them a certain way, cause that's how the personality and certain characteristics come out to the design of Reader. I just remove the minor details like the 'likes' or 'dislikes' that have no real meaning to the story.
Like in {Unwanted Soul} you can say you like Japanese food and dislike dogs. So? Alastor's liking you the same, if you like that type of food, he'll just learn to cook it. If you dislike dogs, then he'll avoid them. There's no obvious effect to the story as a whole or changes your character interaction.
In terms of appearance, for stories with a human Reader, I'll think if it's necessary for a certain skin colour set or like height and the like. Usually there's none cause there's no deciding factor. Otherwise, free range for you artists to draw to your liking.
As for demonic Reader, I'll think if it's necessary for a specific species. Like in {The Raven's Deer}, even though the Reader is Zestial's younger sibling, you're depicited as a raven type demon and the powers focuses around that, it's also the dynamic of a raven and deer that I was aiming for. In {Unwanted Soul}, I specifically said the species doesn't matter because the focus was on the power you possess.
Last is the unique Reader, like {The Spirit's Favourite Human}, that one is specifically stated that you're a spirit that protects the forest you manifested in, nothing else. Cause the only interest was that you are a spirit. You'd normally think of elves and forest spirits, or whatever since it's already stated.
Now I'm aware you're asking for specific format to follow in a drawing to match what I have in mind. But that's more like an OC, in my opinion. What I hope to offer in my stories of [character] x Reader is that a number of people can insert their likes and wants (basically an OC appearance) into the Reader's design without saying what's right or wrong.
You can check {Unwanted Soul}'s Demonic Design for fan art, there are some specifics I listed and clothing choices of what I had in mind. There are a few drawings that I saw already and they are fire!
Rabbit based @sparrowfleet Page Demon named Celestine @chirimeimei Jacob sheep based @oh-nowo-i-got-uwu Musical interpretation Page Demon @tash-sho-sho
In {Gone Too Young}, it's a collaboration with another account and they have shared their work and interpretations already~ But parts like eyes colour and the like can be changed~
Drawing from my collaborator @blubugg13
As for {Collection of Overlords}, I won't put out a design like {Unwanted Soul} just yet because the appearance will be more fixed and set in stone. Due to [spoiler].
So~ I suggest you wait for more parts of Collector!Reaeder to come out before anything. For the other series, you can send me spectulations or what you want to add to the design and see if it's what I had in mind, only if you want more pointers. Otherwise, let your imagination take you~!
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blackvahana · 13 days
Reminded of my ramblings in response to magical girl stuff and I think I understand my feelings towards astral magical girl things more now. As with any opinion I'm not saying I'm right, and to be honest as much as I'm realising I can't stand this, I'm very, very aware people also can't stand me in the way that we're all programmed to be annoyed by shit other people do and we all have extensive reasons for why we think others are wrong, but that doesn't actually make us right. I can list my reasons here, doesn't mean I'm right. Maybe one day I'll completely change my mind! But for now, no, uh, yeah. Oh, and also worth noting no, I'm sure not everyone under this label fits my issues, this (an opinion) can only ever be about what I've seen and if the shoe doesn't fit then you're not included in this post
I already have issues with pop culture stuff bleeding into violence because you have to be real, real sure that the cause you're hurting other living beings for even exists let alone is what you think it is. Usual "I spent 5 years channelling and taking part in astral stuff with PC spirits who proved they were real - then I found out the hard way through them having their faces torn off by Divine Fucking Intervention that they were completely lying and using my connection to a video game to get me to be a part of their cult" shit, but you know. that's mostly a me thing, and that's not really something the average person is able to prove, because you know. spirits will prove they're real to you and will show you firsthand memories of fictional locations and people, have other fictional characters show up, and so on to prove to you they're real and uh.... the average person doesn't know about memory forming and mask forming and multiple bodies with multiple personalities and how to dissect the difference between holes in channelling and holes in the spirits lies and so on and so forth. But also this point is not against magical girls so much as its just a uh. yeah. oh boy. And this point is also relegated to PC pagan work
The general issue I have is that it's such a... trivialisation of war and violence. Here's the thing: Soldiers can lean into aesthetics, sure. Lev and I can be seen showing up with terrifying flashy entrances lmfao and Beastly(tm) forms, on occasions. Much less so for him nowadays because of how serious war fucking is and how little the enemy is dissuaded by fear. There's a lot to be gained from picking a persona to interact with war, too: war is a fact of life, but flight/freeze/fawn reactions don't have to be a counter factor if you engage personas. But here's the thing: I work with soldiers outside this incarnation. If fucking any of them showed up in an aesthetic outfit and treated the violence like it was their Moment To Shine and their opportunity to become a magical (gender) and we're acting like they're being pretty while bonking people on the head I'd bite their own fucking head off, possibly literally if soldiers weren't more important than my disgust
There's something actually twisted about treating violence as a magical cutesy fashion thing, an opportunity to get dressed up and be a Magical (Gender) Fighting Evil or Fighting Demons or whatever else dehunanisation of the enemy is going on. Not in a "take my sphere of warfare more seriously way", not in a "show up more seriously way". I don't care about you. I care more about the enemy that has to deal with people showing up in cosplay being cutesy for you to enact violence on them. Show respect to the enemy, show them you actually see them as a being instead of treating them like their blood is just in a jar waiting to be smashed so they can add it to your aesthetics.
Again, I understand aesthetics in war, and I also understand dehumanising the enemy. But can you seriously imagine through my eyes for a second? Imagine a soldier showing up in heels and a fancy dress with charms on their weapon making peace signs at the camera and UwU killing people. That's what I'm seeing when I see this. You can do what you want at the end of the day, but if you value your aesthetics over taking violence seriously then spirits ruling over war and violence are gonna at the very least have 0 respect for you if not be pulled to tearing you down, not in terms of personal retribution (though there's no line between aspect/part of nature and personhood) but in terms of... if you push the ocean to recede, it is forced to return by its own physics. If you start playing with warfare and violence in the way that you completely disrespect it...
Like here's the thing. Lev and I? Especially Red Sky, half of Lev... We'll say Lev and her for a minute: They wear corpses, they skin what they hunt and kill and wear it, but they do so to see through their eyes and out of respect. It's ("shamans") making skin drums, it's journeying, it's opening up to the world letting it teach you... And this is important to me. Which is probably, actually, part of why I hate this so much, because magical girl shit is the opposite of what we as a group do - which is, yes, a more subjective reason to dislike this. We are war spirits, we are willing to wear the enemy's viewpoint, see them for what they are, and even in death they are in a way preserved even if we may personally hate them. Magical girl aesthetics... Enforcing and projecting your own aesthetics on to the world, on to the enemy, and fighting not even to preserve your micro-culture but as a part of it? Yeah. Not a fan
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
How would the RO’s react to MC asking for help with homework? …MC really doesn’t need help they just want to spend time with RO ☺️
Asahi: Mc would be the only one he'd say yes to helping,, being the smartest in mcs class (and cutest), he gets a lot of people asking for his help studying. He turns them all down gently, except mc 🤭 also would be one of the few observant enough to know mc doesn't actually need help and is wondering why they asked him. He wouldn't bring it up though
Niko: is confused why mc would ask them when Asahi is right there??? when mc doubles down on only wanting Nikos help they accept but warn you they're not doing much better at the homework lol. They're just happy to be spending time with mc ~
Shikako: can't believe mc is asking her for help! but she'll quietly agree! the study session goes just as silently, she'll only speak when mc asks her a question first. but she'll be sneaking glances at mc the whole time, hoping they don't notice 🫣
Inoru: is SO excited (internally) that you asked him over Asahi 🤩 he'll try and act cool on the outside like "idk i'll need to check my schedule" when mc starts to walk away he'll change his tune: "WAIT YES I CAN HELP" lol ,, it's when there's just you two in private he'll change his act and may even become a shy mess 🤭
Rona: would say yes to helping without hesitation! of course she'll help! just like Asahi though, she knows you don't need the help but will go along with it all the same. the studying goes by with Kanemaru snuggling in between you both <3
Jun: "no." but when he sees your dejected look he'll slowly change his mind, "... okay fine. but i can only help you for an hour, i have other things to do." will be avoiding eye contact the whole time he's helping, does not want to think about what it means mc asked him to help to help over everyone else in the class
Chai: Would jump at the opportunity!! Would absolutely love to help mc with homework or any work really!! She may not be the smartest but she'll be a very supportive study partner lol. Might recommend doing some physical exercises to help mc focus better lol
Mokoto: "sure. but we both know you don't need help, so why are you asking me?" they'll ask with a smirk on their face 😏 , whatever mc responds with they'll still agree to help but will have a small smile the whole time, knowing mc asked just to spend time with them. most of the time other kids wanna be away from them, so mc wanting to be close to them? they're 🥰
mc wouldn't have known Ryoku or Kougetsu when they were in the academy so we can imagine mc's sensei gave them some kind of homework assignment while those two are around
Ryoku: shocked and confused, but only for a moment before he composes himself, "i suppose i can help you? i don't know why you're asking me though." if mc responds with something like wanting to spend time with him, he'll be shocked once again but will still agree. the whole time trying to stay focused on the assignment but keeps letting his mind wander to mc uwu
Kougetsu: mc wants their help????? with homework?????? they're not sure they'll be much help, they're not the most book smart. but they will 100% be willing to sit with mc while they do it if they want company !! :D (may not be the best idea if mc actually want to get the work done, Kougetsu will be distracting the whole time lmao)
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northwest-cryptid · 2 months
Tags were gonna cut me short, but the tags on my last reblog cut into the idea that I hate the way western english speakers are taught to behave when speaking.
And it doesn't matter where you're from if I'm being honest. I've heard it from anyone ranging from Americans to Canadians to even people from the UK and such, though admittedly it's primarily a Western, North America type thing from what I can tell.
The idea is that you're taking up my time with your answer, and attaching unnecessary emotional baggage I didn't ask for.
If I say "hey would you mind taking out the trash?"
and you say:
"Yea sure."
Great fantastic, done and done; stop wasting my time.
^ not my actual views mind you, this is just how we're taught to think in the western english speaking culture.
If you say instead:
"I'd literally rather do anything else, but yeah give me a minute and I'll get to it for you."
Suddenly you're complaining, you're making me feel guilty for asking; don't attach emotion to it!
^ Again, not my actual views. But how this sort of thing has been taken when I speak.
What you likely meant by those words:
"Yes I would mind, but I care enough about you to do things I mind doing if it makes you happy."
I've spoke to people from all over the world; and a lot of other countries don't sugarcoat things. I have been told repeatedly shit like "oh yeah our boss is from Russia, he's really blunt but he means well!"
only to meet the guy and by "blunt" they mean he'll just outright see me sick and say shit like "you're not well, you shouldn't be at work; go home this is no place for a sick person." In a very clearly (even to my autistic ass) concerned manner.
Only what he means is "you're forcing yourself to work while sick, not only is that not healthy; but if you are contagious you might get others sick. You should be home resting."
American managers have literally said "you okay? If you're sick go home or don't let anyone know."
^ The big thing here again comes back to you being an inconvenience for others.
North America as a whole is sort of just culturally like that in how we speak. I know a lot of people really latch onto this "americans are rude but Canada is a sweet little uwu bean who can't do anything wrong" and like nope lol absolutely not what are you talking about.
Regardless, this is just sort of a thing we do; we're not outright told this is why we're doing it, it's something I only picked up on likely because I'm really fucking autistic and I pay a lot of attention to what words mean rather than how words are said because of it. Tone inflection is really difficult for me; and it means I've had to always provide context and further explanation for my words. It also is hard for me to tell what other people mean when they say things unless I give it time and thought.
It's the same general reason we don't REALLY explain how we are when someone says "how's it going?" We have a culture of polite exchanges that specifically don't take up your time, attention, or energy.
I often see people talk about how "person from place" says something vs how like, Americans say shit. Which like yea, we're basically told not to speak more than absolutely necessary. Even going through school I was often told to condense sentences, find bigger words to replace multiple smaller words; say more with less.
If my friend asks me to hang out and I say:
"Sure what are you up for?"
That's fine, this is acceptable. It completely ignores the fact that I'm now unbeknownst to the asker; shifting my responsibilities around, I'm having to make time for them. Now in my brain if they don't do the same for me our friendship feels extremely one sided. It's suddenly a matter of "I make all this time to hang out, I bother to go out of my way for them all the time; and they can't do this one thing for me!?" But in reality, they have NO IDEA I'm doing that, because I am not explaining that.
If I however say instead,
"My friend, time spend with you is one of my life's greatest gifts. Allow me some time to finish my necessary things around the house and I should be able to spare a few hours tonight!"
This is weird, and suddenly it's too much. No one likes this apparently, I've made it weird.
But when someone from another country speaks that way it's okay in the eyes of a lot of people because "that's just how they talk there!"
The North Americas have no sense of unique individual identity on a person to person scale; at least not in how we speak. We're to explain ourselves with brand loyalty, with our wallets; what we play, what we drive, what we eat, what we wear.
But don't get me wrong, if any of those things are "wrong" you're weird for it. Ousted from any sense of community because you didn't abide by our need for a collective culture where THIS is good and THAT is bad, where THIS is acceptable and normal but THAT is wrong and weird.
Anyways I have a lot of thoughts but yea this sort of passed through my brain again.
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
I have been summoned! For the characters/fandoms currently giving you brain worms (we all Know it's FGO, but feel free to improvise uwu): 7, 12, 13, 14, 18, 23~ owo
OH BOY HERE WE GO thanks for the ask uwu
I'm gonna put this under a read more right now because I know this'll be longer.
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
OMG you started on a nice one ty friend <3 as you well know I love coats,,,so much,,,fabric go swish. So one thing for me is Salieri wearing his first ascension coat even in second ascension BECAUSE HE SHOULD HAVE COAT. COAT GOOD. Also other people wearing each other's coats,,,Salieri wearing Mozart's, Mozart wearing Salieri's.
The avenger agenda trio of Jalter, Dantes, and Salieri all wearing each others. Everyone putting their coats on Lobo because he's the goodest boy.
BUT ALSO ever since I found out about hanakihan's ruler!Salieri oh my GOD I have been FERAL I mean LOOK AT HIM I want this actually in game IMMEDIATELY he looks AMAZING and I would kill for a gentle, beloved Ruler Salieri TwT
[This also continues outside of Fate, like with my favorite character ever Nick Valentine, forever thinking of him offering his coat to the Sole Survivor because he's such an old school gentleman.]
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
OKAY since I already mentioned the teaching AU [which yes did start with one Mozart/Salieri fic], this time I'll talk about the Alter Ego Salieri AU!
So this is really self indulgent and proooobably not really lore compliant but this is fanfiction so it doesn't matter! :D So basically it starts with the end of lostbelt 1, with Mozart in Salieri's head As He Does, but when the lostbelt closes and everyone is unsummoned, he's really terrified Salieri won't be brought through so he just fuckin digs his teeth in and refuses to be evicted from Salieri's body.
Cut to Salieri being summoned in Chaldea and realizing something's Not Right and then realizing the Not Right is OOPS AMADEUS STAYED.
From there the reason why i love it so much is they are really tempered by their love for each other. The Man in Grey wasn't able to reestablish within Salieri's spirit origin, which should have rendered him nonexistant, but Mozart Knows him, knows him in life and in death, and so this Salieri is far closer to how he was in life. This is actually why I decided on an Alter Ego, since this Salieri is an aspect split from the Avenger recorded in the throne of heroes, and because he was held together by Mozart's desire to see his friend whole again. And on the flip side, after realizing Mozart has to live in his mind, now, Salieri actually gets therapy and starts taking care of himself so that Mozart can flourish too. Especially since he doesn't want any lingering selfhatred or hatred for Mozart left over from the Man in Grey to send Mozart spiraling.
It's ALSO really fun because this Salieri is really chill and kind, and so Chaldea's existing Mozart reaches out to him to rekindle their friendship [and possibly more] and the Mozart in Salieri's mind goes FERAL because um WHO??? THE FUCK ARE YOU???????? YEAH YOU'RE ME BUT GET YOUR OWN. So the first time Chaldea Mozart tries to probe about a relationship, the Mozart in Salieri's head is like "you know what the Man in Grey was right let's~ kill him~~ <3 and Salieri just waves it off and works on helping him work through it because no one else could be for him but his own, of course.
Also they're stupidly OP together because it's my AU and I say so <3 the NP is either ST or AOE, I haven't decided yet, but it's a chorus so divine it sounds like death as a mixture of both, and Mozart appears from Salieri's cloak for it <3 and in the NP animation Mozart has his mask from his final ascension but it's shot through with red, black, and gold, and overall his outfit palette is much darker because Salieri's coat.
First ascension is a lot like Salieri's canon second ascension, just with the coat from his first plus some more white accents. Second ascension the coat gets more detailed, more dashes of white and gold lace through his overall design, and he gains a fiery aura,,,ring,,,thing behind him, like the one Mozart has in his final ascension but with a little more flame, and he has Mozart's weird...angel things. And then final ascension Mozart actually manifests kinda like how Orochi does with Ryouma, hanging around and wrapped around Salieri's shoulders like the world's most annoying scarf. Salieri has a lot more white, gold, and some purple, whereas Mozart retains a lot of black and red in this ascension.
One more detail with them is Salieri changes his appearance in terms of like...energy and vitality as well, looking haunted and worn still in first ascension, healthier in the second, and then fully revitalized in the third. Mozart, as a counterpoint, retains an air of frailty around him in their third ascension, not to imply that Salieri is stealing his lifeforce but to show that the Russian lostbelt took its toll and some scars, some trauma you never fully heal from. Salieri worries over him ENDLESSLY, can often be seen gently pushing him to the kitchens to cook him a meal or to their quarters to get him to rest. Mozart complains Loudly about this, but fondly.
Actual thoughts with outfit and detail aren't fully finalized, I'll post them when I have them ;w; same for skills and the like.
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
Hmmm this one's a hard one because I have a million fic ideas in my head, but so many of them refuse to come out, or I feel intimidated or worried that my writing won't be good enough for them orz
BUT a big one for me is I really wanna write Jalter/Boudica, pooooossibly ending in Boudica's class changing to avenger?? BUT the reason I really want to write this ship is I HATE HATE HATE what typemoon did with Boudica and her lore and I just. I want someone to show her it's okay to be angry, that it's okay to hate, and Jalter would be so perfect for it. For breaking her out of the "everyone's big sister" Boudica shape. I have a tiny bit? Of this written up? But I don't like most of it, they're both really hard characters to pin down for me.
Jalter in general is hard for me to write because she has so many layers and she changes so much throughout the FGO story, but honestly the harder part of this is Boudica. Because to really fully grasp what I have to do I would need to reread Septem and her interlude and they did her...so so dirty. I can read actual history fine and work with that but typemoon just. Made choices with Boudica and I haven't been able to bring myself to reread her stuff in preparation.
I also have a ton of fionn/diar wips in my docs but it's hard to work on them,,,they aren't RIGHT
Also BediMer,,,and Bedivere interactions with the knights in general,,,I'm so soft for him,,,,
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
Yeah so when I first got into fate it was because of YOU, WOLFIE, and I got really attached to Diarmuid pretty fast. And then I got to the North American singularity and Fionn was SUCH AN ASSHOLE TO HIM and I just hated Fionn on instinct ngl. But then I was looking up...either just Diarmuid or something else, and I stumbled on teatitty's blog and all of their fate posting changed E V E R Y T H I N G
Because, like most servants, typemoon only really grabbed a piece of Fionn, but by reading through her fate blogging and her sharing from extensive celtic mythology knowledge, I learned that the real Fionn and Diarmuid's relationship was. Very different, and that the pursuit was much later than most of the Fenian cycle, and wildly out of character for Fionn from mythos.
So after that I DEVOURED all of Tea's fate content and they got me hooked real bad on fionndiar [and other ships], and I have tentatively written some out but I just don't think they're good enough to share sdzfxcgv but yeah went from a NOtp to an Otp real quick w that one XD though I am a multishipper at heart so I do have other Diarmuid ships,,,and Fionn with his various wives,,,and snakecharmer [fionn/quetz/yan]because Tea again,,,,
18. Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
So I think I did this wrong sdfxcgvh but when I typed Salieri the next word was just 'is' XD So I kept hitting words until I got a sentence and got:
Salieri is the best way to get the best of the world.
I kept going too but it got weirder [added on 'to be in the same room as the first time in the past and i think it was a good idea'] SO. I DO AGREE HE'S THE BEST WAY TO GET THE BEST IF THE BEST IS ANGST BECAUSE THIS MAN CANNOT CATCH A BREAK
23. Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
I guess I kinda answered this in 14 already hmm. But honestly I've been a multishipper all my life, so not really? Every ship that my silly little brain latches onto is loved equally uwu it's just that Salieri has the brain in his grasp rn XD
Ask game is: here if anyone wants it or wants to send more to me uwu
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hillvalleyhuh · 3 years
Oh yes being a menace as a way of showing favoritism - chef's kiss I feel seen (especially with the zhongli one - feral in the streets but soft when at home). Could I request a continuation of that with Itto and Kujou Sara, please?
YOOOO FIRST REQUEST!!! and of course as someone who bullies out of love i felt like we needed more representation than the typical reader people usually portray--i'll probably stick with this type of reader in the rest of the works i do
also ps I'm still figuring out how to organize my posts so be prepared for that
aka you bully them to show love <3
continuation of this
sagau gender-neutral reader w/ itto & kujou sara
be careful he looks like a big tough guy but we all know he's a big big softie
i think he would be the one that you would be the least "mean" towards however that does NOT stop you from teasing this oni cmon it's still fun
he would accidentally do a clapback from time to time that he doesn't even realize
"itto i love you but i think you're the only person in teyvat the does not have a job....i know a 12 year old that has job like babe how do you pay taxes"
"um, your grace? you don't have a job so why does that matter?"
"also what are taxes?"
just a couple of menaces in different fonts
i think you would be very protective of him and wouldn't allow anyone else to talk sh*t because only you can do it cmon you're hilarious
you: hey! why do you care so much about what he wears? it's his body he can wear whatever he wants so please respect that
also you: itto babe I'm trying to pay attention to you but i am ONLY looking at your titties right now
you would probably have to tell him straight up that you teasing him means that you favor him more and afterwards he'll turn even more of a love sick puppy
you'll insult him and he's like "wow you are the kindest and graceful creator ever uwu" i'm the only creator but...thank..you? also did you hear ANYTHING i just said?
"Your Grace! I thought about what you said about me not having a job and that's not true at all! No, I don't mean the gang, I mean you! My job is to take care of all your needs and worship you. So tell me, am I doing a good job or do I need to show you my other skills?"
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Kujou Sara
i would assume it would take you a little longer to tease her just so she can get comfortable with you
however it's always the most distinguished and "put together" people that are the most fun to bully
she so badly wants to roast you back but her desire to please you and be nice to her creator outweighs it
that doesn't mean she isn't thinking of what she WOULD say
you: babe if i "caw" at you would you understand what I'm saying or is there a different dialect that i need to do
her: your grace, you and i both know that i don't speak bird :)
her internally: i am going to wake you up by cawing so loud in your face tomorrow morning
whenever you tease her you love to watch her facial expressions because you can tell she's fighting off the urge to say something back it's very cute when her face scrunches muah gimme a kiss
you try not to tease her about her job since you know it's very important to her but sometimes you'll drop a lil smth to keep her on her toes
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i feel like as time goes on and the more comfortable she gets (and once she realizes your teasing is a love language) she would be more willing to speak her mind she won't tell you she figured it out though
this would only happen in private but you would treasure those moments
"I am grateful your Grace has bestowed their attention upon me...even though your attention includes teasing me beyond belief. However, I cannot help but think that your teasing has an ulterior motive. If their Grace does not mind, would you let me indulge more into your motive?"
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faffreux · 3 years
I want a list of your fanon fawful pet peeves
ALRIGHT, you will receive them. I AM PUTTING A DISCLAIMER HERE SO I DON'T STEP ON ANY TOES but please keep in mind you do not have to agree w/ me. This is how I feel!! These are my personal thoughts.
1. I can't stand when people woobify Fawful and that's not just doing the "uwu so cute tiny bean boi little precious bean" stuff but also extends to talking about his motivations as if he didn't know what he was doing, as if he's NOT an intelligent mastermind, etc. Fawful is an extremely competent villain and literally came closer than any of the Mario Bros other enemies to actually succeeding. He brainwashed himself an entire army and conquered two castles in the process. Finding him adorable is not the problem but more the way I see him portrayed by some fans that bothers me.
I think it’s also important to note that his character comes across as far more serious in EVERY other translation except English. A lot of people in the west take him less seriously bc of his speech patterns so I think we need to take that into account as well.
2. I hate when people think he's a child. I wanna make something clear though and that's that I see a huge difference between creating an au/interpretation of Fawful that's a child VS actually believing he's a child in canon. The first type is something I'm completely fine with but the second drives me absolutely mad, I'm sorry.
Take a good look at this and tell me again how you think you're looking at a child.
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Fawful's age, like many other Mario characters, is extremely ambiguous and kept that way on purpose bc it's not really an important or defining characteristic. I've seen hcs of how old he is range from young adult all the way to a weird old guy (I'm personally somewhere in between and hc him as middle aged!) and all of these are perfectly valid in my book. But I just cannot handle somebody legitimately believing he's a kid and nothing's going to change my mind about that.
3. Mommy Cackletta. I can accept that the idea of Cackletta raising Fawful like a son is cute in theory but can't get behind it at all because it simply doesn't line up with what we see of the interactions between the two in Superstar Saga. Fawful is straight up treated like a servant/minion and even refers to himself as having been a "toady" to Cacketta once he realizes what he's actually capable of on his own. He also never speaks of her again after the events of the first game which would be more than a little odd if she was actually intended to be a mother figure to him, let's be honest.
THAT BEING SAID I WANNA THROW SOMETHING IN... I notice that a lot of the folks who like the idea of Momletta tend to also support the idea of Fawful being a child to make the HC work more. But I feel that in the process of doing this many of these fans often forget that Cackletta is an OLDER WOMAN. She gets around in a flying rocking chair for a reason! If anything, if we're going to go with that kind of relationship between her and Fawful it would make far more sense to imagine a badass witch in her 60s still toting around her momma's boy of an adult son.
Come on, I'm not the only one who thinks that's funny, right?? LMAO.
4. I mentioned this in a previous post but it bothers me when people use Fawful's foreign names as a last name ex. Fawful Gracowitz or Fawful Gerakobits. This is a small thing and more of a mild annoyance than anything else.
Y'know what?? I think that's honestly it off the top of my head for now. If I come up with any more I'll reblog this post and add on. THANKS FOR ASKING AND I'M SORRY I'M SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS I LOVE YOU ALL
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aquamoonchaii · 3 years
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⍣ genre: fluff; slice of life; comfort!au
⍣ warnings: none
⍣ pairing: juyeon x reader
⍣ word count: 2.7k
⍣ collab: This is for the collab Summer Love - The Boyz from lovie @bangchan-fairy
⍣ charlie’s notes: juyeon is here! i did a comfort au so you guys can read it to feel better always uwu, this lovely banner was made by the precious @halliney
⍣ summary: juyeon needs to talk to someone, you appear with a glass of wine ready to make his life a little better.
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This was his second night in this bar, he would never have expected himself to be alone in a small town drinking beer with snacks on a friday night. But he was desperate and he had to do something, his mind needed to relax.
He has a beer in his hand as he smiles back at the pretty ladies that pass by his table and look at him with desire and interest. JuYeon likes the attention but turns down any invitation to go to another table or even to hotel rooms, he already has a target and is not interested in anyone else.
At least tonight.
Because his target is special, he wouldn't be able to talk about this to the other girls.
Usually summer vacations are all about relaxing after the hard work of a whole year, thinking about all the goals he has reached and the new goals he wants to set for himself. But not this time, he gulps down all the beer and sighs.
JuYeon feels trapped in some kind of existential crisis thinking about if what he is doing is correct and if his life is turning out the way he wanted. Usual stuff that makes young people think a lot.
He is just here waiting for the girl that said would be here around the same time as yesterday, where she literally just came to take care of a drunk friend who was heartbroken. He wasn’t heartbroken but her words certainly had some healing effect on him and he seemed really anxious to talk to her or...
...to anyone really. He is used to being the one who is reliable and the man all his friends go to have some type of advice or comforting words. And being him the friend in need? Hell no.
The irony on him not being able to ask for help or even having the strenght to let out all his weak thoughts is stupid and makes him smile bitterly against his beer. He wonders what the hell he is actually doing here, maybe he is desperate for some comforting words coming from a wise stranger.
“Are you really drowning in alcohol for a woman that cheated on you, idiot?” It was late and the only thing he could hear was the voice of the girl that just entered the bar, she waved at the bartender and he finally noticed the loud sobbing of the wasted man that was two tables apart from him, his whining was part of the whole mood of the bar so JuYeon didn’t even pay attention to the scandal, his own problems were loud enough in his head. He turned his attention to them when the crazy wasted man hiccups and finally shuts up, not even the bartender or the other drunken friends of his could do it. The scene was pretty unforgettable: a tall strong drunk man that was pretty aggressive when someone asked him to lower his voice while sitting down holding a glass of vodka is now hugging the waist of the woman that just called him an idiot. But your next words made his mind explode, he wonders if he is as drunk as the crying guy there.
“If you want to scream, do it to let go, cheer yourself up and move on, don’t just drink and act like an asshole with people.”
Random but effective words. He expects her to mock the man there, instead she hugs him back and pets his hair and talks with a gentle voice but it also sounded strong. JuYeon found her words weird and comforting even if they weren't directed to him or even to anyone to hear he was just close to them and it was pretty late so there was little noise and he could eavesdrop. “Let’s go, you can cry at my house. I won’t look, I promise~ Then we will be sober, you are going to write down all your happy feelings, smile at them and that’s it. The other paper with all the bad feelings is going to be burnt and we are going to kick ass, ok?”
She didn’t make a fuss of it, the woman just petted his friend’s hair until he calmed down and probably passed out when the bartender came to her. “Y/N! You are the drunk whisperer, that was awesome! Why don’t we put him to bed, he can stay the night up in my room and you have some snacks here? I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
“I would love to have a snack from my favorite bartender but the taxi is waiting for me to let my drunk one at home, I promise I will come tomorrow at this exact time. I’ll eat like crazy I promise!”
JuYeon came here at the exact same hour.
He isn’t sure why he came because he didn’t know anyone or had planned anything really, he just hopes you read his mind and approach him to talk about your weird speech that made him feel good for no reason. Or something like that at least.
So when you appear, he notices something.
He is completely sober tonight and doesn’t know what to do to approach you. You are a pretty woman indeed but you intimidate him for some awkward reason. He feels like an idiot but it feels like you are going to read him like a book after looking him in the eyes. So JuYeon stands up and goes to the restroom to gain courage, he will do what he knows best: being a charming perfect boy.
A bit of flirting, maybe a date. That’s all he needs to have a little conversation with you.
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"Jacob, can you please stop staring at the random guy? Is he that good looking? Your eyes are glued to him." You laugh as you eat the snacks your friend put on the bar for you to eat as you chat about a whole month of not seeing each other.
"Dude, this guy comes and kills all the ladies. But he is looking at your way too much, I own this place~ He wants something and I will not offer you as a tribute." Jacob follows the tall man's steps with his gaze, he stops when he sees his figure disappear in the restroom. His face is recognizable because well, he is quite handsome for the girls that asked a lot for him that came only yesterday and Jacob just said he is a regular to gain a few more female clients. Actually, he never saw him before and it's a big no for you to even look at his direction.
"Ok but stop staring and what makes you think I'll agree to something? I just want to have this awesome glass of wine as I talk to you about our Sunwoo and his broken heart." He laughs as he wipes the glasses that were recently washed. "I want to slap some sense back to him."
"He needs some time. Let's just be patient with his wailing at least this week, he needs to let it all out." There is this untold secret that only Jacob knows too: your feelings for the guy you took home drunk last night were strong and you decided to let Sunwoo go so your heart was also healing, it was a slow and silent process that was shut by a glass of bitter wine. You would always drink a glass of wine when your feelings were out of control as Sunwoo falls hard and easily and suffers too because of girls.
"Is this your last glass of wine?"
"Of the bitter one, yes. My heart and my liver are all good now, I'll take sweeter things this time." Jacob smiles and nods, he understands and pats your head. A client comes in and he excuses himself to go attend them.
"Is this seat taken?" JuYeon asks and when you look at him, he shows his biggest smile. You pat the seat next to him. "My ego usually needs an extra seat but I guess you can take it." He seems taken aback for the quick answer but he quickly smirks triumphantly and sits next to you. You've met him before but apparently he doesn't remember you.
"May I offer you a drink?"
"No, because this is my last glass of alcohol but we can share snacks as you seem lonely." JuYeon must feel like a champ because he sticks his tongue out sexily and nods, grabbing a toothpick that holds a little cube of cheese on your plate and eats it. "You don't remember me?"
"Is that a pick up line? Because I'm trying to think of one that will make you swoon."
"So you don't." You see JuYeon’s mind wandering at your smirk and trying to read something in your eyes.
It was indeed unexpected a target to flirt back or to be this mysterious because- Wait.
Holy crap.
You caress SunWoo's hair as he blacks out completely on his bed. Of course you feel bad for him, you treasure him a lot but your heart is finally at peace, you’ll be there to pick up the pieces of his oftenly broken heart but yours who used to suffer in silence is okay now. You let him go just as you kept your crush on him. In a blissful secret.
"I'll be right here for you. And I'm voicing out this because it's over and you are half-dead. I liked you so much it's crazy how I could keep it to myself. My crush on you is over and it was beautiful for me and our friendship stays strong as always." You smile at his passed out figure and make him company until his cousin appears to take care of him and calls a taxi for you. The taxi will wait for you in the convenience store as you wanted to buy some things, it’s pretty late but this small town is safe, or at least this neighborhood is.
"I'll have these cereal boxes and these snacks please."
"Is SunWoo still sad for that bad ex- girlfriend? He used to come here and buy her favorite snacks all happily until yesterday when he just bought beers with swollen eyes. We talked for a bit as his first question was why women were so unfaithful."
"Oh really? He came crying? Oh dear, this guy… Yeah, he is a sad single person now. Hopefully, he will cheer up quickly as always. He is now half-dead so he won’t feel any pain." The old lady who attends there knows you because you hang out a lot with Sunwoo and Jacob who lives nearby too. She nods and laughs until he stares over your shoulder.
"Me! Me! I want snacks too! I'm lonely, we can share them!" A man behind you makes you startle with his loud voice as you are paying your stuff, you turn around and find the cute man you saw at Jacob's bar. He is more than tipsy, his cheeks are red and he has droopy eyelids. "I heard you talk to the crybaby~ Talk to me too!"
"Young man, you are drunk. Go to your house!" The lady explains she saw him coming with luggage and he is staying at the house in front of your sad friend. He is pretty quiet and always arrives at the store early with hangovers asking for ramen, she points out he is indeed a gentleman and he must be here for summer vacations so party nights must be his thing or something.
"I'm not a young man, I'm JuYeon sweet lady. I wonder where my money went, my whole wallet disappeared just like my motivation to do stuff." He huffs and you laugh sharing one of your snacks. “Is this for me? You are so sweet, can you be my life mentor? I’ll treat you well I swear!” The store lady laughs at the cute behavior the drunk handsome man has and hushes you as she sees your taxi at the entry. “Wait! Don’t go, I’m trying to propose, drunk whisperer!”
JuYeon’s seductive mood dissipates with the beer foam in his glass. He wonders how the blackout and don’t remembering a single thing after getting drunk should have its negative side. Like this moment, he feels so embarrassed but of course, his stoic face remains the same.
“Oh God, this is so embarrassing. I can’t even pretend I don’t remember stealing your snack, can I?” You shake your head and clink your glass of wine with his glass of beer. “Well, I guess I should use my drunk self to start a conversation.”
And he did, JuYeon initially tried to start a casual little conversation to ask about you and stuff but he ended up spilling about why he is in a small town searching for some peace but apparently it’s his mind the chaotic one instead of the city and its loudness. When he started speaking about it, there’s this feeling of a really heavy load slowly leaving his shoulders and maybe he understands now the american movies that use this plot about talking about your problems with a stranger. He felt relieved, JuYeon is the kind of guy that seems impassive at everything around him and he is praised a lot because of his drive and his determination of not give a single fuck.
But he cares. He notices everything around him. And feeling like he could appear vulnerable sounds awful, just thinking about it makes him regret even approaching you. JuYeon suddenly falls silent, half studying your reactions and half awkwardly shutting up because this was too much information.
"Sometimes a lot of thoughts just turn in a big skein. It's okay to feel weird about it too." You said emphatically (or at least that's his conclusion as you don't mock or roll your eyes), he can't help but stare at you. He was right all these hours thinking about you and your words, his drunk self was right too. You can be a life mentor. The conversation ends when Jacob introduces himself and says he is going to close the bar and that if JuYeon is even trying to talk more with you, he needs to promise he will let Jacob chop his head off if he does something inappropriate.
"Date me."
“No, why would I?” This is the fourth night of a long conversation about life and deep topics he thought no one would want to talk about, JuYeon forgot about seduction tips after the second night of just one beer and lots of good talking. He feels comfortable and his mind thinks less of his apparent poor self worth and he now feels encouraged. “If you feel happy singing and being a performer, why are you doubting?”
Good question.
He wants to date you.
It’s kind of impulsive coming from him and basically you two are already hanging out meeting in Jacob’s bar every night. He wasn’t expecting you to say no that easily, it’s shocking and honestly sexy, his ego feels slapped too.
“Yeah, we clearly have a mental connection and yes, you are pretty attractive” You say like it's pretty obvious. "But why would I date you?"
"Because… I don't want to eat alone?"
"And I am kind of attracted to you and your amazing brain?"
"Because I feel like you are pretty as fuck and also a friend I will treasure a lot and I will probably scream because I don't know if Jacob is your friend or your boyfriend?"
"What?" You laugh at his sudden confession and at his reaction that seems pretty surprised at his own words. "Well, that kind of convinced me."
"You always make me talk, it's embarrassing and really interesting. How am I supposed to meet another person like you- Wait, I convinced you?" You nod and feel your cheeks heating up as he stares at you and laughs happily.
You can be a life mentor and he will protect you from everything. Maybe you could be a couple.
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© aquamoonchaii. all rights reserved
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@halliney @bangchan-fairy @kpopsnowball @melonmochimoon @prettyjaems @soleilsuhh @haifengg @purplepsycho03
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nuttytani · 4 years
Hi uwu so like if it’s OKaY can you plz do a hcnfor the Ikevamp boys when mc does the tik tok challenge “walking in on your boyfriend naked” and it doesn’t matter if it’s nsfw, or anything else just whatever you prefer thanks uwu💞✨
a/n: I actually had to search this challenge up 😂😂 I'm not a tiktok person but hmm– this is interesting xD. I made it a modern au because... No way MC knows about the #nakeychallenge in 19th century and it'd not end well especially since others live in the mansion 😳 + the characters are living in their own apartment/house in this hc
tw: nsfw
characters: isaac , mozart, arthur, f!reader
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• you didn't have some sexy time with Isaac for weeks and wanted to do something...fun and special~ aha! That's when you think back on a conversation
• some time ago you were chatting with your best friend.They were telling you about how they did the new trending nakey challenge on their partner
• so you decided why not try it on Isaac tonight~ the sooner the better am I right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• Isaac had been real busy with work and with this pandemic going on he had to work from home
• meaning he'd be cooped up in your(and his) office room
• you got rid of your clothes in the bathroom and threw on a robe
• you softly padded to the room as you meekly called out his name
• "hmm...wait a sec ___ , let me finish this up" "Isaac~ look here!"
• "wha– OH ...oh " the literal description of jaw on the floor
• he turned a beautiful shade of apple
• "you'll catch a cold– put on something!"
• you whined and gently straddled his hips and whispered into his ears that made him growl
• sheep's façade out the window
• he pulled you closer and grabbed your thighs as he gently raked his fangs along your shoulder
• he lightly sucked on your nape and left you with a pretty red mark , he got rewarded by your soft mewls~ it sounded like angels singing to him
• you helped him unbutton his shirt and later on get rid of his restricting pants
• both of you were eating each other out wildly like there was no tomorrow
• all the pent up sex came flooding out
• it got hot and heavy extremely fast, thankfully there was a bed in the corner
• ended up having many rounds as both of your sweet moans resounded and harmonised
• This musician boy has a high libido , gets turned on real quick but always keeps it in check
• y'all probably have intimate sessions quite regularly because he can't resist you lil cutie~
• you wanted to see Mozzy's shocked face
• It had been long since you last pranked him, what can be the best thing? Ahh yes~ the new challenge on tiktok ( although you won't post it there cuz dat embarrassing !)
• best part is Mozart rarely checks up social media so he doesn't know the trends (except for music ofc xD)
• he was in the kitchen , making some midnight tea to relax~
• you quietly creeped up on him and hugged his back
• allowing your towel to gently land on the tiled floor
• Mozart huffed and turned to face you, his first reaction "Pikachu face" but he cooled his expression to a seductive smirk~
• "What are you trying to do? Do you even know what'll happen if you look at me that way?" He whispered in your ear and kissed from your jaw till your hands
• he gently took them and kissed along your knuckles
• you could feel tingles across your body each time he kissed them
• "I hope you're ready for a long night ___~ because we won't be leaving the bed anytime soon"
• he pulled you up to the counter and started kissing you as he gently massaged your hips
• wanton.hurried.kisses
• ehem– que some hot love making sessions on the kitchen counter then in bed. Spoiler alert you couldn't get out of bed the next day due to exhaustion and your legs felt weak
• let's not forget your hoarse voice from all the screaming– I'll leave the details to your imagination ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ
• Do I even need to explain about this old chap? He.is.horney.24.hours.period
• don't be fooled by his expression, he's as turned on as you– but he just has the best poker face
• Now Arthur and you are sprawled on the bed while watching some late night television
• you got bored of it so picked up your phone and started checking your mails and notification
• Theo; your good friend sent you the nakeychallenge that's been going viral
• you thought hey~ why not try it on Arthur? You wanted to pull the reverse uno card and surprise him; since he's always successful in making you a stuttering mess
• You languidly jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom in your shared room
• Arthur was too engrossed to even notice you were gone
• discarding your night slip inside, you sensually came out as you called out his name
• Shock was written on his face then a cute blush, he quickly smiled and ran to you
• picking you up in a bridal style as he walked over to your bed
• He kissed you like you were air, gently placing you on the soft mattresses as he stripped off his clothes as well
• he almost literally pounced on you– no joke
• grabbing you by the waist, he pulled you flush against him and threw your legs over his shouder ( his favourite position because he can see your cute erotic expressions and kiss you too~)
• he left many hickeys on your chest and shoulders
• Sweet love making sessions (〃゚3゚〃)
• Both of you were drowning in sex with no break
• Vicky barged in a couple of times that you both had to close the door 
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a/n: if you enjoyed reading this, please dont forget to leave a like and/or reblog. feedback is always appreciated
if you'd like to join my taglist, click here
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bvnknow · 4 years
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*You were on your period but you didn't have any pads at home and you were really moody, you would get pissed at the most littlest things even if they didn't make sense.*
Am I the only that gets mad easily and doesn't like talking to anyone, yep just me ok.
♡Boy would be too scared to go home
♡"Christopher Bang if when you get home you don't have all the things I told you to bring I will kill you with my bare hands got that!!!"    "Uhhh yeah sure, but umm what did you need again?"   "Figure it out I already told you." 
♡Would go to the closest store to buy you chips and candy but ended up buying one of each thing cause he forgot what you wanted, the more the merrier.
♡When he's walking home he's already imagining you and him cuddling and him cooking for you and being the best boyfriend he could ever be buuuut no he got home and heard you yelling "WHERE ARE MY FUCKING CHIPS!!!!!!" As soon as he heard you he went running to the room and didn't expect to see the room in such state, pillows everywhere candy wrappers everywhere and you had pain killers in your hand with a cup of water
♡"Stop taking so much pills." He gave you the bag and you ran to the restroom to change your pad but much longer you got out and you weren’t happy
♡"Chan." Was all you said and looked at him like you were going to murder him. "Didn't I told you to bring (The pads you use)."
At that moment he knew he fucked up but was also ready for you to start ranting cause every month is the same.
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♡I feel like Minho would be the type of boyfriend to roast you but when it comes to your period he's a sweetheart
♡"Do you need anything else (Y/n)? He said in a sweet caring voice. "Can you buy me pads?" You weren't really in a bad mood. "Sure anything for my lovely and beautiful (Y/n)." He was smiling and patting your head. "THEN GO!!"
♡He would later come back asking what kind of pads you use but would still be confused and buys you pads of each brand.
♡Very caring and would go to the store to buy you whatever you want.
♡Would also get scared when you get out of the room cause you like to be locked up all day watching tv.
♡When you aren't on your period he wouldn't get you anything and would say "You have legs to walk to the store and hands to grab it yourself." But he doesn't want to die young.
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♡He would try to act manly but on the inside he is terrified for his life.
♡Would try to cheer you up but would fail, he would also try to act sexy and hot but because of your cramps it doesn't have any effect on you.
♡He would be cute and cuddly just for you and also do aegyo.
♡Worries about you because your cramps can get really bad. "Do you want to bite my hand to ease the pain?"
♡When it comes to snacks he knows exactly what you want but with pads yeah no, he would have to ask a lady to help him. "Your girlfriend has a really nice guy, she must be really lucky."
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♡He wouldn't let you out of the room and would do everything for you.
♡"(Y/n), don't do that I'll do it for you."
"I'm not sick Jinnie,I can do it myself."
"Give.It.To.Me, and go to your room."
♡When your cramps are bad he would freak out, go to the store, buy you candy, chips, all types of snack and ramen.
♡He wouldn't be that scared of you cause he knows how to calm you down.
♡Knows from your favorite snacks to the pads you use.
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♡He would be scared but not for his life, for yours. DRAMATIC AF
♡"(Y/n)!!!!! NOOO" He busted into your room almost breaking the door. "Please stay with me."  "Jisung I'm not dying."
♡Cuddles 24/7 but would also give you space. "Can I hug you or do you want space?"
♡Would try to do girl talk but would end up pissing you off. "Sooooo." Lè flip hair "Han you don't have to do this."  "So how does it feel to feel like you want to cut off your legs?" (Cramps are the worst I hate them😤) "I will fucking murder you Han, stop"
♡After the "girl talk" he got scared but ended up babying you.
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♡I feel like he would be surprised on how girls can take all the pain every month but also be weird. We all know Felix isn't normal.
♡"Do your cramps really hurt that much, wow and how are you still alive with all that pain?"
♡He would ask the most random questions. "Do you have to take off your underwear to change your pad?" "Does it hurt on the first day?" "Can we have sex while you're on your period?"   He ended up getting smacked and slept in the living room.
♡Pads?? He would ask Chan but would end up getting the wrong ones, poor boy was scared of you now.
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♡Most caring boyfriend ever UwU
♡You would get really emotional sometimes (Yo, the mood swings really are something) you would cry for every single thing, you were watching a k-drama (Strong woman Bong-Soon, where she was locked in a room with a bomb tied on her and Hyung-sik wouldn't leave her, man I cried, okay sorry back to the reaction) you started crying, Seungmin heard your sniffs and ran to your room, he knew you were on that day so he didn't really say anything.
♡"(Y/n), here." He handed you the bag of snacks. He was hugging you and when you asked "Minnie, where are my pads?" Oh, Shit was all he could think of, he took off and ran to the closest convenience store to buy your pads, luckily he knew the types you used.
♡But if he would've gotten the wrong ones he would try to go back to buy other ones but he was stuck with you crying more, sooner or later he would leave to buy the pads and then talk to you.
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♡ex.Jeongin has stopped working
♡Panicks when he reads the text message you send him Innie can you buy me pads and snacks pls
♡Honestly he doesn't know what to do so he asks the other members to help him
♡Would apologized every time he does something wrong or buys you something you didn't really want but you wouldn't get mad at him like how can you just look at him
♡But if you did yell at him boy would come at you and yell back
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。↷ [тнιѕ waѕ ιт. нopeғυlly y'all lιĸed ιy ]¡! •ଓ.°
˗ ˋ  .*ೃ✧₊˚. ˋ  .*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷
🌹and ѕorry ғor мιѕѕpelled wordѕ🌹
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ.   .   .   .   .  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❀ ‘ end ₊˚.༄ ೃ -
ㅤㅤㅤ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
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ghoulxbaekhyun · 4 years
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I have a new header now :D and I think these few new dedicated days will mark the beginning of more positivity in this community 🖤
𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @incubuswooyoung
𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @pianist-jihyo @biker-minghao
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1. @yourmom-jieun
Ji-chan, I can't stress enough just how much you mean to me. You've always been the heaviest rock in my life, you've helped me through so much and you've always been there for me. My dearest little sister, you're such a strong person. The amount of pain you've gone through was unbelievable, yet you still held on for the sake and happiness of your children and your friends.
You helped and cared for many of us, but I don't think you've ever had equal amounts of love for yourself. I know today will be the day of your departure and I am saddened by that. But if it means you'll be happier, you'll be healthier, you'll be better, then go for it.
Just because the person is gone doesn't mean the memories will be too. I'll always remember you. And you know exactly where to find me 🖤
2. @/spy-jaehyunx ° @time-for-confession
To dearest Admin Kai, I can't thank you enough for always looking out for me. Yoonoh was my first everything. My first kiss, my first crush and my first love. I hope you know that even if you're gone, I'll always remember you.
Just as I've remembered my fallen comrades, my past friends, I'll definitely remember you. Thank you for giving me the love and affection, for the late night talks, that time you said you'd deal with my angsty ass.
Thank you. For being there for me, both you and admin. I'll be here for you anytime, Kai. Don't forget to take care of yourself, yeah? 🖤
3. @m00n-purplerose-chatbot
This is directed to both admin Moon and the boys. To the wonderful, legend of a person Admin Moon! I respect you and your writing skills very very much. You never fail to touch my heart, wether it be a depressing angst scene or an action-packed fight scene or a soft heartfelt scene. You manage to hit me with so many different emotions that I didn't know we're possible. I've known you and the rest for quite some time now, and I'll have you know you're one of my closest friends here.
To the boys, (yes I'm giving them all a paragraph)
Jeonghannie, I hope you keep on staying strong. You've been through a lot, dearest leader. You've suffered plenty and you've seen way too much heartache for the average person. Although it gets tough, I know your past shaped you into the person you are today. And I couldn't be any prouder.
Shuashua, I haven't gotten to know you well enough to say too much, but I want you to know that you still have my support and affection. Take care of Jeonghan like you always do, you both are made for each other. Try not to stress out because of the kids, I know how frustrated and helpless you can feel from their ruthlessness hhh-
Hao, you're the definition of that one best friend that loves exposing and teasing the shit out of you but cares and loves you just as much as they do their bullying. I haven't gotten close to you, just like Shua either, but I'll have you know I'm here for you too. Stay the way you are, sunshine. You've never failed at making me and other people smile.
Wonnie and the gang, you're a tol bean. You're seriously one of the squishiest people ever you know that? I'm glad that you're also staying strong despite the past that you probably have. I haven't gotten to know you better as well, but I'm looking forward to learning more and more about you all! Hope you forgive Seokmin for the argument too :')
Jihoonie, I know we don't really talk, and by don't really talk I mean we barely talk at all. You're the logical person in the team and you do your job very well. You're reserved and cold and mysterious. But I know you're more than that stone face. I'm looking forward to learning more about you too, so take care yeah?
Junnie, we may not talk a lot but I want you to know that I care for you too okay? It may just be a few skirt pics that are simply unforgettable but I want you to know that I'll be your hyung just as much as I'll be a hyung to the others. You and Wonwoo are freaking adorable, so stay cute together okay?
Mingyuuuu, I remember the longest conversation we had was because of the engagement ring mishap kshsjsjsk. You got your ass whooped, and I was worried tbh- but you've probably been through a lot already. I want you to know I'm here for you too okay? So keep staying strong!
Last but not least, dearest Seokminnie. Oh, where do I start with you? I can vaguely recall the first ever interaction we both had, when you and Hao pointed out the fact that yes, I do eat humans. Cannibalism never striked me as a way to start a friendship but hey, it worked~
Over the course of a few weeks we've only gotten closer and closer. I can't help but be protective of you, and just feel like keeping you in my pocket most of the time. I know your past, and you know mine. It may not be alterable but let's keep staying strong together okay?
I know your secrets too, and after what went on in private i think it's time for me to be honest and come clean. I think I'm starting to fall for you too, Seokmin. I've never felt something like this with anyone else before but I like you too.
I won't pressure you into choosing me, it won't be fair for you to face such pressuring. But I want you to know that it's mutual. Even if you're too good for me. But thank you, okay?
Thank you for always staying by my side. 🖤
4. @vampiresanha
Sanha and Aleister, thank you for caring for me. Thank you for all the fun times and showing me how to live life. Thank you for calling me out on my boringness and swooping me away to that cliff. You two are such amazingly people that deserve way more friends and love.
I'll always be ready to donate my blood whenever Sanha needs it, you'll always be my favourite vampire. Aleister will always be my favourite dragon. You two will always be my favourite person with two souls.
Thank you for being here for me, you both. I'll let you know that I'll do the same. 🖤
5. @moonlightchn
Admin, I can't express just how much love I want to shower you in ;-; you're such an amazing person, and i want to thank you for all the affection and care you've given me. I wouldn't mind staying up late to talk to you through asks again, twas fun~
To Channie Chan and Chris, you three are the most chaotic pack of wolves I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Channie you fucking cutie, stay soft and stay loveable okay? You're the sweetest fluff ball ever, I can't handle the uwus you shower me with >-<
Chan, the big scary alpha that I let the chance to dom slip away dumbly, you're a really great person. Taking care of your pack while being so nice to others. I'm here for you anytime yeah?
Finally, the one that I must've wounded. Chris, I'd like to start it off with an apology. I'm sorry that i hurt you after answering about who my favourites were, I really didn't mean to. You're on rut now and I know you'll be all passive aggressive and as long as you are I'm never replying to our DMs but even so. I want you to know just how much I care for you. Because i do.
No matter how much we trash talk each other and no matter how much angst we end up accumulating, I'll still care for you. All three of you.
And that's a promise I'm willing to keep. 🖤
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Now, I'm sure there's more people that I need to talk about, more people that have been there for me and helped me through various different things. But for now, I'll end it here. Admin's fingers are starting to hurt from typing all of this at once, but we both have no regrets because these are all the things that we've always wanted to say.
Call it appreciation if you may.
I think I'll do my Support Saturday in a different post, so for now, that's all for Sentimental Saturday.
Thank you, to everyone. Thank you for being here🖤
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EXO 🖤: @werewolf-sehun @werewolfkai @j-0ngdae @serialkillerkris @softdomtao @y-ix1ng @captain-kyungsoo @college-baekhyun @serialkillerkris
🖤: @ghoulxjeongyeon @vampiresanha @barista-san @bunjihyo @dalsooobeanie @madmanwoodam @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @your-jaemin @moonlightchn @mafiabossxjunmyeon @xash-axx @time-for-confession @yourmom-jieun (🥺) @vamp-jjk @yourchaechae @kpop-shelter
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. There's a difference between having villains who are "relatable" and having villains who are *more sympathetic than the heroes*. Sometimes we go from "This guy is relatable, don't be like him because of everything else he does" to "never mind he's a villain, he's so *sympathetic*! How dare that so called hero stop him!"
I have been fortunate to avoid most unsavoury takes. Usually they get to me when somebody smarter and more eloquent than me adds a reasonable counterpoint. I think I follow the right people. However, I know strange things sometimes happen within fandoms. This is the site where "it's sad that Kylo Ren had to watch his dad die :(" sort of opinion appears occasionally, and while some things make me giggle, I'm also happy to only see it so often.
This is all a little vague, though, so I'm first going to say that I'm honestly not here to judge how somebody engages with a piece of fiction. I'll repeat that: I'm not here to judge how somebody engages with a piece fiction, what kind of fiction they consume, what characters they like or dislike, why, whether their fave is "problematic", what headcanons or art they produce, etc. And if it happens, I keep it to myself. It's none of my business. (Unless it harms somebody else, of course.) But I know some odd and/or aggressive discourse can happen on this hellsite for sure, which usually gets to me in the form of those legendary posts we all collectively shake our heads about in disbelief.
But, yeah, if we're going to talk about villainous characters with some tragic background or whatever, as it often happens in stories, and some people are going to be like, "Mr. Mass Murder Sad Backstory actually did nothing wrong, uwu," then I'm definitely gonna look at that a little sideways. I'm not sure whether it happens because people have difficulty accepting that they, they the good people, like an evil character, or because they like the character so much they feel the need to explain the evil away, so that it doesn't negatively reflect upon them, or they somehow internally feel the character should be better because they like them, so surely there's a reason for their evil behaviour. I don't know.
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Hell, there's nothing wrong with liking a completely fucked-up character for what they are. Because they're interesting. Because they have style. Because their villainy is fun to watch. Or because they're sexy. Whatever the reason might be. Like that big ass and titty, milfy vampire from Resident Evil who everyone fell in love with recently. Like, who cares she wants to slice you into a shish kebab? She's not real. They're not real. They're a piece of entertainment. They're supposed to be entertaining.
And, yeah, some professional writers certainly do that, too. Or something of the sort. They're so infatuated with their own villain that they can't see them for what they are, maybe they even unfortunately share some of their dumb views ("Hurr-durr, overpopulation is killing the planet, so everybody should just die."), but they begrudgingly let the heroes stop them, if they must.
There's also something to be said for when a writer of a villainous character is obviously a piece of.... work themselves, or even better a shitty corporation (through its poor employees), very possibly with shitty production leaders, that doesn't even know what they're talking about, and that then oozes out of their writing. The audience then rightfully doesn't vibe with that, and they will start poking holes in the "good guys" and in how the "bad guys" are portrayed and why.
I will end this here because I don't even know what I'm talking about at this point. I'm not even sure I understood the ask correctly. I'm certainly no authority on this matter, so I'm basically just thinking loudly here.
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tanukifucker91 · 4 years
I'm rly sick and stuck in bed and bored so let's talk about the revealed arts for clan selection 01
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Angel feather: shin malkuth-melekh
Ok so as an AF player this isn't what I expected nor what I would have wished for if asked, but og MM has been a rly fun card that's both good and balanced while giving players flexibility. So I guess I'm excited even if I got a feel he might just replace the old one + if he doesn't work with Gavrail that'll be sad and wonky. Af is honestly still in a weird place bc they have so many good g3s I'm tbh more excited for what g2s or g1s we might get. Hype rating: 7/10?
Murakumo: Shirayuki retrain
I hate Shirayuki I hate fighting her, she just shuts you down and feels outright unfair for an accel deck, too many Murakumo players at my locals also. Art is nice but could be better bc Shirayuki, though pretty, was never rly simp fodder you know. So no need to make her so sexy. Hype level: 0/10 I was celebrating when old Shirayuki became limited 1, don't mess this up bushi plz
Gear Chronicle: Time Leaper (?) dragon
I was NOT expecting a new unit for GC. Was expecting like a Groovy retrain. A lot of people wanted Chronoscommand (really?). Tbh this is gonna be all about the skill, art looks not super exciting but it's a bit hard to see. Name suggest something like time leap but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. Hype level: 8/10 it's gear chronicle so I'm always gonna be excited
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Neo Nectar: maiden of stand peony (?)
Again was expecting one of Tokoha's units... But I guess RPs unlikely to any Altmile support so I guess they didn't want to give Shion the short end of the stick as always. Idk what to say, she's rly pretty, love the art, but idk what NN even needs. Ahsha would need specific support as would musketeers. She's bound to be generic but idk what decks would even fit a gen unit. So rly idk. Hype level: 5/10 not much to say. But she's pretty
Shadow Paladin: Spectral Duke Dragon
Ren's Gold Paladins more like 🤢🤢👎👎🤡🤡😫😫💔💔👎👎👎
Hype level: 2/10 the art is cool and I guess it's nice to have GP units that aren't just uwu good boys
I know nothing about tachikaze but I hope they can recover from the crippling ban list they don't deserve that bushiroad. Hype level:??/10 I prefer more realistic dinosaurs and all, but more importantly I just want tachkaze players to be happy, I hope the card is good but not broken so it won't just get banned again
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Megacolony: this guy
Idk I should have more onions on this dude bc I've played against mc a lot at locals but idk what the deck needs or lacks since gredora like I have 0 clue. Art is pretty rad doe. Hype level: idk/10
Dark Irregular: Gastille
I always liked Gastille, I think he's funny, cool design and concept. Hope they can do him good, feels like he could easily mesh with the deck if they give him another copy effect, strong RC skills can also be super good in protect clans. Also the art looks bomb. Hype level: 8/10 I don't even play this clan but I wanna see what he's gonna do real bad 👀
Shadow Paladin: Fianna
Ok this is a fun one. I know a lot of SP players are celebrating rn and for good reason. Fianna is like the only SP girl boss and ppl have been asking for Legion era card retrains so this is quite exciting. I doubt she'll challenge Luard for the throne but seeing as Nemain/Luard choice restriction still exists, who knows. Either way I expect this to be fun, this feels both like a wild card choice and a fitting option to settle for. Even if she can't be her own deck she might chance things up and force SP players to make more choices. If she fits seamlessly in Luard I'm kinda gonna get pisses though lmao that deck is already too good. Hype level: 8/10 I want another SP drama shit storm at the very least plz. Also the art is amazing.
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Narukami: vermillion, the blood
I always said vermillion was sexy and I stand by it. I don't play Narukami but I love vermillion. Idk what else to say, I didn't even check what bronto does yet. Hype level: 6/10 it's vermilion
Link joker: chaos breaker dragon 🤯
Ok so this is the one ppl are gonna open their wallets, pull down their pants and throw it all away for. Would be more excited if I knew it wasn't gonna be just 2 more new cards in terms of support this set. Still nice to see an old and treasured friend once more. Even if I likely won't play the deck bc I haven't been updating my LJ collection at all. Expecting salt once skill is revealed but personally I rather have my ass handed to me by CBD than anyone else so if he's a bit broken I'll forgive bushi. It's okay. Hype level: 8/10 they actually did it the absolute mad men
Gran Blue: Obake Leader Beatrice
She's really cute! And what a fun concept! Another clan I don't play nor know much about but among the new units she's by far the most interesting and creative one and her little ghosties are adorable! Kinda wish she looked more like a ghost herself but other than that I really like it. I think GB players are gonna love her too ngl. Hype level: 7/10 just a really good concept for a card using such a gen but iconic archetype like this gj
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dongiovannaswife · 5 years
In order to celebrate the 300 followers (well, technically 307), I wrote this, please take it as a big thank you. When I made this blog I never thought I’ll have this much love and recognition. uwu
Destiny; Vampire! Giorno Giovanna
Part 2.
It started with a pain on the chest, small but persistent; he didn't knew what hurted exactly, but he recalled the pain starting on his lungs and then, after a sharp breath, his heart. 
And suddenly he couldn't feel his hands or legs; it felt like a fever, with his hands and legs feeling like balloons. A couple days after the pain disappeared, his hands and legs feeling normal again. His heartbeat normal. His lungs working perfectly. 
Perhaps it was the changes his body started experimenting; after turning 17 he grow taller, 1.90 wasn't a simple thing and he developed a muscular complexion; maybe his body was still adapting to the change, maybe his hormones were crazy by some random swap on his endocrine system. Giorno didn't make a big deal about it and continued his routine. 
During a certain day on summer, when he had to go out to supervise the inauguration of a restaurant at Passione's charge, the sunburns he got weren't normal. They were small but hurted more than he thought. Mista suggested some sunblock and, surprisingly, it worked. The bad thing? It stopped working a month later. 
His skin started turning pale. He stopped eating because everything tasted bad; not even his favorites foods could help and the only thing his stomach seemed to accept was the black coffee from the mornings and meetings. Nothing less, nothing more.
After a night of having a really bad fever Giorno started considering an illness, a serious one. 
But then, when the doctors couldn't find anything wrong, he started thinking about the possibility of something more, an illness slowly taking over. A quiet one; the one that, until you sleep forever, stops; when life is drained out of you.
But his first preoccupation was her, his (Y/n). 
She knocked at his bedroom door, entering when he talked. Giorno was on his bed, a pair of trousers hanging slow on his hips, letting her see the v shape on his hips, the toned abs and the marvelous chest, big arms underneath his head and blond locks on a man bun; he seemed lost on the ceiling even if he already had talked to her through the door. 
(Y/n) sat beside him, placing her hand on his cheek; his skin was cold and she jumped at the temperature, Giorno reacted by looking at (Y/n) with preoccupation written all over his factions, "I don't know what's happening," he whispered, voice low and sounding like a pained growl. "But i'm sick and I don't know what's wrong." She nodded, silently encouraging him to keep talking. "And I don't know if it's an infection caused by a virus, a bacteria or even a tumor; but I don't want you to be affected. It can be anything and nothing but whatever it is, I don't want you to feel like this." And he looked at her with his once full of life eyes now clouded with pain.
"What's wrong, Gio? What do you feel?" 
He sat, groaning when his heart made that jump again and his breath felt like stopping. 
"Something in my chest hurts. I tried using my stand but I couldn't find anything..." He was getting impatient at this point; he was a man of action and, if he didn't get answers when he needed them, his patience could be affected and, finally, the calm and composed boss would explode. Just like now. "I even called Adam and he couldn't find anything."
"A doctor couldn't find the problem?" She asked, impressed. 
He nodded and (Y/n) pressed a hand on his forehead, he didn't had fever but seemed to be hallucinating, his eyes suddenly lost on something behind her. 
He coughed and she rubbed his back, his hand gripped her arm, "i-i need water." (Y/n) nodded and when she looked at his eyes, she almost could see a faint crimson color on them; so she ran out for a bottle of water. 
When she came back he was sweating; cold sweat and pupils blown; his breathing uneven and soft whimpers leaving his mouth, the water bottle was took form her hand with no care; the liquid descended down his throat rapidly and, after what seemed like a dehydration moment, he seemed like nothing happened.
But his eyes held a fear she knew well; it was the same fear after taking over Passione thirteen years ago, the fear and sadness after his friend's death's. 
And (Y/n) knew he was about to ask something for the way he licked his lips, a nervous trait she learned to read on him, "(Y/n), please don't come around. Not when I'm like this. I-i don't want you to go through this."
She felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes; «what if i left and then i never saw him again? What if it was only a matter of the session change? »
"Please." He pleaded, sitting at the edge of the bed and, with her now between his legs, placed his hands on her hips, looking up at (Y/n)'s eyes, "I'll make Mista tell you everything but please, don't get too close."
She swallowed, getting a piece of hair behind his ear. "How long?"
He seemed out of his mind for a moment but she wasn't sure what was going on, "two months." He answered finally and she looked at him surprised. "I'll find the problem in two months."
She nodded again and after giving him a hug, tried kissing him but he turned his head, gesturing for the transmission of the illness. 
(Y/n)'s tears fell as she left the room.
Mista looked at Polnareff with doubt on his face; Giorno was drinking the third vodka bottle, claiming to be thirsty. 
"Giogio, don't you think water would be better?" Asked the consigliere, getting closer to the blond. 
Giorno took the bottle away from his mouth, wiping the remains off with the back of his hand, "that doesn't help." The cold tone he used seemed out of him, like the behavior he had towards some men when negotiating. "Hand me the red wine bottle, Mista."
Mista closed the door of the cupboard, looking mad for the first time. "No, I'll get you to Jotaro." 
Giorno flashed a furious glance at the gunslinger and Polnareff could note how his eyes started to have the same coldness from that man back at Egypt all those years ago. Recalling the way Giorno was getting out of his mind, losing the calm and composed demeanor of his, getting more and more inpatient; and then, out of knowhere, Polnareff saw the vivid image of Dio Brando on Giorno Giovanna. 
"Mista, we gotta go." He stated calm and Mista looked at him suspiciously, taking him on his hands and getting out of the room as soon as Sex Pistols user could. 
When they reached Mista's office, Polnareff called Fugo, who stood in front of them with a glint of worry on his eyes after being told about the situation. "Fugo, I need you to send a message to Jotaro." Fugo nodded and took a paper and a pen, writing the words to send them later, "Giorno is having strange behaviors. We need to make sure he's not like Dio, and if it's not like that, we need to find out what's going on. Got it, Fugo?"
Fugo wrote the lasts words on his messy handwriting and nodded, getting out of there as fast as he could. 
Mista looked at Polnareff with a bit of fear and worry, asking "you think he's becoming like his father?"
"It's possible. You know the story, right? Maybe he spent part of his life being a healthy human and now, after having reached all his human growing Dio's vampire genes are acting. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a half vampire, recalling his mother being a human. Or maybe, a full vampire."
Mista stared at the wall, trying to swallow the theory, "that's... That's crazy." 
Mista nodded, looking at the door, lost on his thoughts, "yeah."
Mista answered the phone and the first thing the voice at the other side said left him recognize the person, "how's Giorno?"
"But could be possible." Answered Polnareff, staring at the wall; praying at whatever or whoever who ruled the world for Giorno not to be like Dio or else, recalling how strong Gold Experience Requiem could be, the world was lost.
It was her. (Y/n). 
"He's okay." He answered, calm. Giorno didn’t sent Mista to her in any moment, claiming to refuse to lie to her; she’ll understand, said de 28 years old boss.
"… You don't know how to lie, Guido. How's him?"
The line went death after a sob could be heard.
Mista sighed and decided to tell the truth. "He's worse than the last time you saw him."
His eyes open suddenly at the new sound. His breath got caught on his throat, said part closing, a childish fear taking over. 
Boom boom, boom boom. Boom boom.
The scent, however, it's something between coconut and honey, maybe almonds; and it's intoxicating. 
Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom. 
In the dark of the room Giorno feels his body react, lips parting and tongue licking the upper lip. Turquoise eyes stop staring at the wall to go through the bottle wine just to end up on the door, were the sound is getting closer. As the sound comes closer a scent reach his nose, it makes him react again and stand from the cold floor, his nude back being caressed by the cold wind entering through the open window. Giorno almost stumbles with his black seda shirt in the floor, the clothing ending up there due to the extremely heat he was feeling to the point where he believed he was going to burn alive. 
Boom boom, boom boom. Boom boom, boom boom.  
And suddenly a face, a laugh, a smile, a voice, two hands; her waist, her hips, her hair and that black lipstick she uses for parties comes to his mind and a picture, made out of a memory, starts to form. 
Again, the image appears and suddenly he finds the link between the three things: the scent, the image and the heartbeat. 
It's her. His (Y/n), his precious (Y/n).
His heart skips a bit at the thought of her coming; «i think I asked her to not come. » the scent, somehow, makes him start to think on another things; his body went still and his mind kept thinking; «i have her kisses tattooed on my skin. I want her. I need her. » irrational thoughts clouding his senses; the thirst, manifesting through a hard lump on his throat and tongue stuck to his mouth, not moving but just feeling dry. It's exhausting and uncomfortable. His chest hurts and his lungs seem at the verge of collapsing—
She opens the door slowly, the structure making a crack sound. 
The poor light of the moon allows her to see the empty bottles on the floor, Giorno's shirt stained with some of the alcohol; a sudden rush of air, scandalous and cold, makes her froze in place. Something moves at the corner of her eye and she turns, "Giogio?"
Giorno stays still, hiding in the shadows of his office; his ears taking on her heartbeat getting fast; there's a taste of fear. A fear he can almost taste on his own tongue; Giorno pictures the taste as a mix between iron and leather.
He came out of the shadows, a hand placed over his chest; fingers buried on the muscle, trying to ease the pain by applying pressure. A strange smile displayed over his lips: the kind that makes you get goosebumps out of pure fear. 
“I’ve been fighting it for so long.” He stated, the moon revealing his pained expression: his usual short locks that used to be back now covering his eyes but at the same time, a faint shade of red piercing her soul. “Trying not to become the same monster my dad was.”
But she recognized Gold Experience passing besides her to close the door; the sound doesn’t sound like the door closing but a death statement. 
She tried to back off, to put a bit more of distance between them even if they were two meters apart; the fear taking over.
“You know how long I’ve been fighting against this, (Y/n)?” 
He’s not the Giorno she knows. He’s not her Gior— 
She’s confused now, not getting the point. “What are you… talking about?” 
“You’re smart enough to know what I’m talking about, you, just like me in the beginning, don’t want to accept it; you know too well what I’m talking about. Perhaps,” he started getting closer, strutting to her slowly, the kind of walk a predator does seconds before jumping on the prey. “you just need to accept it with me. Would you be a good girl and help me, (Y/n)?” 
He chuckles, dark humor on it as his pale hand throws back the short blond locks restraining his vision; a sardonic smirk and big red eyes staring at her; there’s no sense of humanity but a monster. 
“Giorno, go away.” She stated trying to seem strong, brave. 
But failed under the accusatory sight of the Don. 
But then he looks back at her and suddenly she’s on the floor with his hand pinning her wrists at top of her head, his hips preventing her legs to move. 
He chuckled and, suddenly stopping when the pain is too much his hand goes back to his chest, applying pressure. 
“Blood, blood.” He cooed, desperate to find peace. “Just a drop and I’ll be okay— blood.” His free hand pulls down the collar of her shirt, revealing the space where he can smell the blood running down the jugular, his mouth opens as he lowers his head.
The view of the star on his shoulder blade is almost the last thing she sees, aside from the feeling of his new fangs piercing her skin slowly and painful. 
But the last thing she really hears before drifting off to unconsciousness is Jotaro’s stand cry: “ORA!”
—and the last thing she actually saw was the blood dripping down the corners of his mouth; her blood, crimson and greek tragedy like. And the way his eyes came back to the usual and human color. 
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 4)
A/N: I was on vacay for a while and I had a hard time thinking the plot through but this could work. If you want to be tagged, just ask me uwu
Summary (for the entire series Ofc) : You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Word count: 2148
Tags: None
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. And some angst, yet again *sigh*
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Parallel to the nature of the grimace present on your face shrouded by the umbra of the umbrella, the thunderclouds become bleaker and unwelcoming, complimenting the harsh pour of the rain on the city. In your mind, it could just get worse.
You tighten your grasp on the stem of your umbrella, the pressure of your grip making the veins in your wrist visible. To think you were enthused to spill the news to him, only to end up feigning the real one because you couldn't bring yourself to accept what must be.
You know he loves you, he loves you so much. He tells you 24/7. But that love is purely limited to hugs, small arguments, spontaneous fits of laughter, gentle pats on the back and forehead kisses. Compared to the almost spiritual connection he has with his fiancee. You've known and been around him longer than you could remember and yet, you're always several steps behind.
Well how else does platonic love compare to something romantic and sexual?
You stop in your tracks just half way through the wet sidewalk and stare at your reflection on a puddle beneath you. The tears dripping from your cheeks making bigger ripples on the puddle in contrast to the ones made by the rain. You sniffle, wiping your eyes quickly with your sleeve.
You hear a faint ring from your pocket and pull out your phone, seeing Lucy's name flash on the screen. You swipe the answer button and go on walking along the moist pavements.
"Hey Luce!" You blurt to hide the cracks in your voice.
"Y/N! Where are you right now? I just got back from a photoshoot and I want to hang out with you!" She giggles through the line and you keep your eyes ahead.
"Well I'm walking back home-"
"In the rain? You could get sick!"
"Lucy, relax. I'm covered up."
She sighs in relief, chuckling at her little mistake. "Sorry there. But mind if I stop by at your place?"
You don't think twice before answering, feeling the need to have some company. "Of course. Hurry up, I'm almost home." You aren't though, you're a dozen blocks away from your destination but you kind of want her to be there just in time for you to...vent.
You hear an audible slam echo from the line, almost coming off as a car door slammed close. "I'm on the road, I'll see you, Y/N!" You hum in response, your mouth curving slightly to the side. "You too, Lucy. Drive safely."
She bids you adieu for the meantime and you pick up your pace along the streets, careful not to glide recklessly over moist surfaces. The rain is not going to lighten very soon, you're sure of it.
As soon as you step foot into your living room after drying off, you are welcomed by a laid-back version of Lucy seated on the couch with a can of Mountain Dew in hand. You chuckle softly at how mellow she's positioned during such a weather, even more so at her choice of beverage.
"You're late." She shakes her head at you, pretending to be upset.
You shrug out of your coat and drape it over your shoulder, trudging to her and crouching down to hug her. "I am so sorry I left almost too quickly last night though."
She pats your back, letting a 'tsk' slip past her lips. "You are lucky Gwilym was there to accompany me."
"Hmm, he's not mad at Joe and me, is he? " Pulling away, you joke a little to cheer yourself up.
"No," she takes a sip of her can and puts it on the table, "in fact he's furious." This could be a little enlightening, a chat with Lucy to shed a beam of light on your mood. You take a seat next to her and begin your conversation. It's not much except that it's full of what happened at her photoshoot, the promotions she is required to attend, a few people she's had a little beef with and apparently her planned getaway with Rami to France. The topic is almost unilateral but you always take genuine interest in everything she says. Notwithstanding the fact that she constantly groans at the mention of the situations she underwent, you both still take a laugh out of it.
It's Lucy, she's a fascinating person with a fascinating life. You sometimes even wish you had her glam and eye for fashion.
She moves a lock of her blonde hair away from her forehead and looks at you curiosly. "Okay enough about me, what went on with you this week?"
You shrug, in an attempt to recall anything at all. "Not much. New Year's was a blast and last night's party was another thing," you turn your glance to your shoes, a frail smirk ghosting on your lips, eventually turning into a hopeful beam as your acceptance into the medical school flashes in your mind, "and... I got accepted into the medical school I applied for."
Lucy's eyes snap wide open at the news. "Shut up," she grabs you by the shoulders and gapes at you with eyes sparkling like they just found a heap of treasure, "you applied for medical school?" The slight disbelief and utter amazement can never be any clearer in her voice.
You nod happily and without warning, Lucy pulls you in for a tight hug, squealing at your success. "Oh my god, that's amazing! When did you get the letter? Have you told anyone?"
"I was sent an email from the institution this morning and told my parents and Joe about it soon after."
Lucy shifts on the couch, sliding her hands over her lap. "Which medical school though?"
"It's outside the country."
"Have you told Ben? "
With her question still hanging in thin air, you pause for a while before turning your head to her, shaking it slowly.
You stand up and head for the kitchen to grab a glass of water, your action confusing Lucy. "Y/N, are you okay?" She asks and you return on cue with your glass in hand. You let out a soft exhale and descend onto the couch. "I just...dont want to make him worry."
"Worry and Ben aren't exactly two words that mingle well. Solely in the context of a great news such as your acceptance."
"Of course, but I don't know how long I'll be gone." You notice your voice dwindle down to a whisper with the cast of your gaze to the side. The look on your face is deciphered by Lucy who's somehow adept at reading expressions, the blank that is your face making it easier for her.
And she suddenly knows what those furrowed brows mean. "There's something you're not telling me, Y/N. Just say it. I mean...even if you don't say it, I already hinted at it." She slides a hand over yours and you slowly turn to her, your expression becoming mildly stark. Of course she'd have a guess and it's only fair that she knows, she could help you get over it.
Your lips part but quiver as you try to find the right words. "I love him."
Lucy's gentle hold turns into a light squeeze, an indication of her comforting you. Her lips curve into a tender yet sad smile as she draws you in close again.
No matter how hard you're trying to let the tears fall, it just doesn't. It hurts but your tears aren't present to highlight that churning burn. Against all the odds to have them resurface in your eyes, you dip your head onto her shoulder and just squeeze your eyes shut. You mumble languidly on how it was an impulse to lie about your acceptance to Ben after he had broken the news about his engagement to you and soon after you had the thought that he would slowly forget about you once he and Rosy marry, and that your friendship wouldn't matter in the long run. As the decision that it'd be best if you go without him knowing, thinking it would make it easier for you to move on.
Lucy clears your face of your hair strands, staring at this once hidden,broken side of you. "I'm so sorry. I know this might not change a thing but you must tell him. He would never forget you, you're like the first person on his mind when he needs someone to talk to."
"Rosy's his life-"
"Y/N, don't demote yourself to a third party. You're more than what she is in his life," a brief pause from Lucy followed by a heartwarming emphasis, "you're his soulmate."
That word always meant something different to you. It involved a deep,romantic relationship but with how Lucy uttered it, it now means something entirely new. But you can't bring yourself to believe it. It's not a concept that can suture the gaping cut left in you.
With the little emotional strength left in you, you smile, launching at her with another hug as a requital to her presence during a time as this.
"I know it hurts...but- bloody, that's what love does to everyone."
--- (Apparent time skip 👀)
Amidst the hectic schedule your job has burdened you with throughout another week, never once have you faltered in between. You've gotten tons of invites to get-togethers during your weekend from friends yet out of the fear of losing all concentration on your duties, you turned them down politely. The second week of a new year means a new batch of spine-cracking, workload for everyone with jobs.
You're doing all this to save up for med school and it's something you tend to prioritize first and foremost. And regarding med school, you are to leave a month before enrollment to ensure your documents are in tacked and get served first. Since a few days before first semester arrives, enrollees would be lining up from different backgrounds and classes would be heavily filled. You have weeks left before your departure...and still, you haven't told Ben the truth...or talked to him in days, at least. For all you know, he could be on a tour, at a conference, an awards ceremony that you don't know of- certainly not the Oscars since you've been told that it's scheduled on February. He's probably busy enough to have other things in mind.
You discard the distraction and go about your business in your work area, with the intention of letting it purposefully distract you.
Minutes close to your dismissal, one of your co-workers strut in to invite you to have a drink with them. You could do no more than turn her down politely but with regards to the strain you've put yourself in with work, she insists and demands that you don't hesitate.
"But-" You try to protest, only to fail as she cuts you off. "I beg of you. Just for tonight."
You lightly clap your hands on the desk, springing from your chair with your head lightly tilted to one side. You turn your head to the wall clock on your far left and bob your head. "Do we leave now?"
"Most certainly. Come on!"
You haven't sped out of the building that fast with your colleagues before, not that it's not the first time but it certainly feels like it with how relieved you feel to go out. You needed a distraction from your personal ordeal and you got it, in the form of a night out for a drink.
You hit the pub that's just right across the street for the sake of convenience, half expecting your night to turn out eventful. A light buzz from your pocket stops you halfway into the entrance and slightly indisposed, you fish your phone out from your pocket, holding up your index finger at one of your colleagues to take the message you've received. They stride in ahead of you as you read the message, a little surprised to know Joe's back in London in the favor of Lucy who had asked him to come back. He's asked you out for a dinner with his friend but you tell him you're out for a drink with your colleagues, to which he replies with, "Mind if we join you then?"
And of course, you invite him over. Traipsing through the near rayless place to find your friends, hilariously realizing you're walking to the beat of the music coming from the speakers, you do a double-take at the table to your near left, quickly covering your face and speeding away to continue your search as the sight of Ben with his mates and Rosy ruins the first half of your evening.
What a distraction from a distraction.
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