#if this is too ugly pls let me know privately and I’ll delete all my blogs thank u
lorenzo-aleotti · 2 years
location: avery’s house
for: @afaulkncr
His car was a black stain along the quiet streets of Linacre, quiet and proud, rolling along like a cat moments from springing. It was an unnecessary indulgence and one of the few he allowed himself, beyond the fine, tailored clothes and suits he preferred. A sports car like this was not uncommon in the gated community, but Enzo’s two-seater had something wicked about it, no modded muffler or loud, screaming engine. Near silent, the black gloss shone like an oil slick under the wide pool of light from the street lamps. Reservations had been made at one of the finer restaurants in Rye, but the whole thing felt like such a cold and unfeeling affair. There was a sense of duty to the pairings— for the sake of science and research, all things he stoutly believe in and championed for, but there was that other nagging annoyance at the idea of his fragile, self-constructed peace being broken. Still, no one could say Enzo was a bad date, groomed and well-mannered, the thorns shorn from the long-stemmed deep red rose he held in one hand, the other rapping a consistent and firm rhythm on the door belonging to Avery Faulkner.
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berriesgonebananas · 5 years
Tangerine BC Casting Call!
Ahem. Yes, you read that right! There’s going to be a Tangerine BC!
This BC will be held for the 100th Tangerine Baby!! At this point I have NO IDEA who that will be because I haven’t finished the challenge yet, but I think that makes this fun for all of us!! (I’m also pretty dang close so hopefully this won’t be too far off into the future!!)
The winner of this BC will be used alongside the mysterious 100th Baby to play at LEAST one gen of a wishacy-inspired save! I don’t know yet if I will continue that as a regular save, but it is a possibility.
If anyone knows of a good BC house up for download pls lmk….rly don’t wanna build another one…….
I will be taking 7 Sims for this BC! Requirements & slots under the cut! Please send me a message (not an ask or a reply) to get a spot! Thanks in advance for your lovely Sims ♥
Your Sim must be a full berry AND have a berry name. (If you’ve seen any of the names I’ve used, you know this is a pretty broad category.) The 100th baby and any following generations will be taking your sims’s last name so PLEASE follow this rule. also for my #aesthetic 
Any gender and color is fine, but please have them be YA. Even though I don’t know who the 100th baby will be I’m deciding rn that they will be nonbinary and use he/they pronouns, so your sim’s orientation should include masc nonbinary people.
If possible, please try to use a LTW that isn’t crossed off on this list! Not a huge deal if you forget! (Mandrake has the super popular wish and Electra has a stylist-related one so maybe not one of those bc I’m playing them right now!)
Occults are welcome but not necessary.
Please avoid the Bad Traits. You know the ones. Also I’m so sick of the genius trait, so pls no.
If you’re using CC skin, use either Fawkes, scattergenes, or & Everything Nice ONLY. If you don’t, I WILL change your sim’s skin to as close as I can get it using one of those.
Please do not use CC makeup (except Chigasi blushes) and limit overall CC use. Hair is great, clothes are fine. NO sliders.
I have the following EPs only: Supernatural, University Life, Seasons, Ambitions, Pets, Island Paradise, and Generations.
Please set all of your sim’s outfits. They will definitely be using their everyday, formalwear, swimwear, and sleepwear. I really won’t feel like changing their ugly game-chosen outfits if you use clothes I don’t have or don't set all of their outfits. 
A bio is welcome but optional. I don’t know yet if there will be interview questions.
I’m pretty indifferent about whether your sim is a public or private download, but please use a .sim file if possible!
Deadline is August 1, which was also the deadline of Mandrake’s BC aww. Please let me know if you sign up and the deadline becomes an issue--I have NO idea when I’ll be playing this, so there may be some wiggle room.
@socialjusticesimblr: Apple Cashew
@nerdupthesims: Azaelia Indigo
@sim--salabim: Nova Wavelet
@harmoniouspixels: Lemon Fizz
@sweet-berry-sims: Clover Mint Reed
@berriesandbrownsugar: Argon Ultraviolet
@flowerhoneysims: Bastille Tulip Huckelberry
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic
I was talking to an online friend on Twitter not too long ago, and the subject of bad fanfiction came up. My friend had been reading “My Immortal” and losing his shit over it. I asked if he’d read “Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen” and it turned out he had not. He’d never even heard of it.
Indeed, while this story is one of the best-known badfics out there, it’s still considerably less popular than “My Immortal” is, and I think that’s a damn shame. This may be my personal favorite work of bad fanfiction; it’s a fantastic example of the “so bad it’s good” genre. Author BeckyMac666 writes like no other English-language writer has ever written, and this is both a good and a bad thing. She’s almost certainly a troll, given the blatant use of established badfic tropes and several parallels with “My Immortal,” but when you’re this good at being terrible it really doesn’t matter how serious you are about it.
For the record, there are folks who believe that this fic and “My Immortal” share an author, due to the aforementioned parallels. I personally don’t think that’s true, since the prose is very different, but if it amuses you to imagine that they’re written by the same person, be my guest.
Like virtually all Twilight badfic, this story is about a mysterious new girl arriving in Forks and shaking up Bella and Edward’s relationship by creating a love triangle. As usual, Bella is made out to be completely awful in the process, Jacob is largely forgotten about, and the protagonist may not be entirely human herself. This is far weirder, and more entertaining, than your average shitty Twilight fanfiction, though. Mark my words.
I first MSTed this fanfiction back on the old WordPress version of this blog, but, as that was a long time ago and I like to think I’m funnier nowadays, I rewrote most of my comments. It’s not wildly different, but hopefully it is an improvement over the old version.
AN hey guys this is the new improved verson of my story, hope its better this time!
I have no idea what the unedited version of this thing looked like, but I honestly can’t imagine it being any more ridiculous than the final story.
btw i am young and have dyslexia i find spellin hard but its meant2 be unformal ok !
Use spellcheck, you fool! Or get a proofreader!
no critisism pls!
tis story goes out 2 my bf zac(kisses!) amd my besfreind Tiffi LOVE YA GRRRL!
The Tara parallel here is probably intentional. Zac never gets mentioned again, much like Tara’s boyfriend, but Tiffi isn’t Becky’s beta reader and they don’t have a spat partway through or anything of that sort.
EDWARD IS OUR GODD!(we wanna SEX him gud!)
Honestly, I think this is how all fanfiction should open. Just tell me straight-up what character you wanna bang before the story’s even started. Save us all some time.
love &blood becky mac! xxx x x xx
Aww. That’s kinda cute.
UPDATE: I have a proofreader and I have cleaned up the spelling and grammer on this chaptor a hell of a lot as you will see (thank u vickie!)
Yeah, Vickie, thank you. Looks like you’re doing a great job and you’ve got everything under control here.
i will be imrpoving the next chaptors soon.
Since this fic got “abandoned,” subsequent chapters have not actually been improved. Not that one can tell, anyway.
Yes, that is a typo of her OC’s name. Off to a great start.
Hey, my names Atlantiana Rebekah Loren (but everyone calls me Tiana or just plain Tiaa).
Virtually no one calls her Tiana during the course of the story. Just so you know. “Tiaa” isn’t a typo, either, though I have no idea why the author felt the need to add an extra A.
Notice the middle name? Subtle.
I am a 16 year old girl and I live in Forks, Washington!
This actually makes her a year younger than Bella, for the record.
My hair is long and pale like spun gold and skims to my waist like a pale shimmering amber mist.
It’s pale and it’s pale? Also, gold and amber are not the same color.
My eyes are deep forgetminot blue and my delicate fentures are lilly white and pure as the winter snow in moonlight.
I’ve been complimented on my fentures before too, but it’s nothing worth bragging about.
I've been told by loads of sleazy, ugly, HORNY guys that I'm real pretty and look like a model or a bunny girl (some of the guys who like me are really old and try to make opt with me its disgusting and weird!) but basically a lot of the girls I meet tell a different story.
Well, gee, after that modest description of yourself I’m shocked that boys think you’re attractive, Tiaa. You sounded so plain and ordinary.
Am guessing that the girls who don’t tell a different story are gay.
They say I'm too ivory white and ethereal and too skinny and that I look anorexic which i don't care about, but I think its seriously disrespectful to people with REAL eating disorders (btw i'm so totally not anorexic! I eat loads I just never gain weight and I'm not thin enough to be anorexic anyways, I think they were just being BIATCHES especially this one ratty brain called Ellie Mayfair who I hope freaking DIES in PAIN with SHIT ON HER FACE! Sorry, I'm not really such a batch but she is SO horrible if you met her you'd think the same!)
I hate when girls pick on me for being too ethereal.
Even though we’re using the “attractive character looks anorexic but isn’t” trope, and that’s obviously not so great, I guess it’s nice that Tiaa/Becky took the time to point out that the comparison is disrespectful to people who actually have anorexia or another eating disorder.
The bit about Ellie Mayfair is one of the best things I’ve ever read. I hope you guys all understand why I had to run this fic now.
Anyways I am quite tall and slim and but with really big boobs that I used to HATE because they look noticeable on my slender body and draw to much attention but now i like them and don't care who stares at me!
Ah, the “skinny yet improbably busty” body type. Strangely more common in fiction than in real life.
Tiaa totally does care who stares at her, by the way. As we’ll see shortly.
I have a lip ring and recently put black and indigo and magenta streaks in my long pale blond hair. I smell like mint and cinnamon.
I have no idea why we’re supposed to care about any of this, but I’m particularly unclear about why we should care what she smells like.
I wear mostly black and hot pink, deep purple and neon blue and listen to COOL music!
Tiaa’s specific music taste never comes up, to my recollection, but I’m betting My Chemical Romance is involved.
It is my first day at school in forks as I just moved here to live with new foster parents Dave and Marie. They are nice and all very hole some sweet people but it is not like having a real family.
Yeah, Tiaa is adopted. This is sort of plot-important later on, but we never get to learn much about her life prior to Dave and Marie.
I've been hurt to many times to let people close to me and I don't talk to them very much.
I mean… you just moved in with them.
My real mom died when I was born and I never knew my real dad. I sometimes wonder what he is like and if I will ever get to met him.
Dave gave me a ride to school and I smiled faintly as he wished me good luck and I got out of the car and went into the school. Loads of people freaking stared at me as I walked down the hall.
Presumably because she’s too ethereal.
I was wearing tight black leather pants with silver chains at the waste and a red fishnet-like top and you could see my black lacy bra through it.
That could have something to do with why they’re staring.
I ignored whispers and the big pink cheerleader imbosils pointing at me. I was used to it and I paid no at-tension to the guys asking desperately for my number(like hell I'd even LOOK at the horny little donkeys!) and told a ditsy blond cheerleader called Jessica to STFU(!) when she called me a freak!
God I love this author’s writing style. Truly, no one has ever written like this, before or since. BeckyMac666 is one of the unsung geniuses of our time.
Next time she tries anything I'll hit her in the eye cause NO ONE messes with me nemore!
Most of the rest of the story is about various people messing with Tiaa. For the record.
My first day I was relay board, I sat gazing out of the window into the gray cloud-embittered sky for most of the morning, My teachers all looked at me disprovable but said nothing cause they probably new I was a foster kid and a Gothic and didn't want to upset me in case I cut them up as they slept,.
I’m a pretty big fan of the phrase “cloud-embittered,” although it is of course completely meaningless.
Hey, uh… why the hell hasn’t she gotten dress coded? I went to a private school and I guess our dress code was a bit stricter than most, but most high schools will get upset at teenage girls for not covering their knees and shoulders, let alone having any undergarments visible. Tiaa’s entire bra is showing through her fishnet top. This is a situation in which I think it’d be reasonable to ask her to change.
My ears are pierced four times, I have a tattoo of a scorpion(like S my birth-sign!) on my ankle and a Gothic cross on my shoulder, and on my hand i have a weird birthmark in the shape of a seven-pointed star that I've had all my life.
I don’t know why we’ve gone right back to (over)describing Tiaa, but I do think I should delete my entire OkCupid bio and replace it with this opening chapter.
Your probably wandering why I'm bothering to tell you this, well I tell you now I am no ordinary sixteen year old girl.
Could’ve fooled me!
I have a secret, a dark and forbidden secret witch I am only just beginning to understand. When I sleep I hear whispers in another language and even though I understand them at the time, when I wake up i can't remember it!
That’s nothing. I had a dream once where I explained the meaning of Nirvana lyrics to somebody (obviously not possible in real life), and I couldn’t remember my explanation when I woke up either.
I also see weird faces in my dreams that fade to nothingness when I open my eyes and I swear out the corner of my eye my birthmark glows shocking bright gold and gets relay hot sometimes but when I look properly it is back to normal boarding scar-color!
I’d like to remind you that this is set in the Twilight universe. It’s already got magical creatures, and there are rules established about their abilities, appearances, and behavior. Tiaa is clearly not quite human, but she doesn’t seem to be a vampire, a half-vampire, or a werewolf. She’s completely unique within her universe, for no defined reason, and the rules governing other nonhumans don’t apply to her.
Like, the physical description and the obvious homage to “My Immortal” already made it clear that this girl is a Mary Sue, but this author clearly gets that Sue status isn’t just about looking unreasonably pretty. It’s about defying the rules of canon. Tiaa’s outstanding at that, as you’ll see later on.
I am really gracefull like the running anti-lopes when I run very fast and am stronger and faster than most people.
God, what a sentence.
I used to just think i was relay athletic but now I'm not so sure, I think there might be something else at work, something so much more mysterious and eeire.
Something like… bad writing?
The truth hovers so softly on the brink of my memory sometimes but if only i could remember the weird things that clung to the edge of my mind as I slept!
There are so many bad fanfics where the prose is bare-bones, with few or no adjectives/adverbs and simple sentence structure. BeckyMac666 tends in the opposite direction, and it’s awesome. Everything is phrased as though it’s super dramatic, nonsense metaphors abound, and our author has clearly never met an adjective she didn’t like. Hey @ aspiring trollfic authors: take note. This is how you write an entertaining badfic.
At lunch I sat alone in the corner and scanned the cafeteria quietly with my eyes smoldering dark blue beheath my long black lashes and my slim thighs curled under me.
Also a big fan of how Tiaa always talks about herself as though she’s checking herself out.
It was the n I noticed an unbelievably jaw-droopingly hawt HAWT HAAAAAAAAWT dude with tusseted blondey-brown hair, golden yellow eyes like wells of hot caramel and pale sexy features. He was tall and mussel and looked like he was wearing eyeliner and my body got hot and cold all at once as I looked at him.
Kind of like an erection only she’s a girl so she didn’t get one you sicko.
I'd never felt this way about anyone before and I'd totally never felt this weird feeling that I'd met someone before but I had no idea where and i knew it was impassible because I'd freaking remember someone THAT hawt!
Foreshadowing! Again!
A girl sat next to him with long brown hair with her arms dripped over him like a freaking flesh-eating plant so i thought well whatevah, hes taken.
Straight-up one of the greatest similes I’ve ever seen. Like, I study English literature and I don’t think I’ve ever read a metaphor better than that one. I’m not joking, it’s brilliant.
She wasn't nearly as hawt as he was, she wasn't ugly though. I figured I was maybe prettier then her. I never really saw myself as beautiful but i'd guessed from thinks others had said, plus this girl wasn't great looking but anyways I'd never try to pilch with another girls' BF cause thats just low.
The modesty act might be a little more convincing if we hadn’t just read several paragraphs of Tiaa talking about how hot she is.
So I got up to leave the hall thinking I'd go and smoke some bald drugs in the locker room while no one was there.
Hey, what’s a “bald drug”? I go to a liberal arts college and I’ve watched the entirety of Breaking Bad multiple times, so you think I’d have heard of it.
As I waked over to he exit I couldn't help but notice the hawt pale guys musky eyes as they met mine.
Musk is a substance some male animals secrete for scent-marking purposes. The word comes from the Sanskrit for “scrotum.” Thought you all should know.
I locked away hurriedly. I smocked dope in the locker room for a bit then I wondered to my next class.
This bitch just hotboxed a locker room on her first day of school. 
I bumped into someone in the corridor and my bocks fell everywhere! FRICK! FRICK! FRIIIICKK!
Remember that this is the beta-read version of the chapter.
"WTF!" I screamed loudly, "watch where your FREAKING going you asshole!" (i have anger problems)
So you know how self-insert characters, particularly Sues, often have self-proclaimed “anger issues”? I wanna talk about that, actually, because it’s a trope I see not only in fanfiction but in published fiction, and it honestly bugs me.
In real life, anger issues are a totally legitimate character flaw, and one that can have serious negative consequences in-universe. A character with a bad temper may make rash decisions, screw up their relationships with others, have trouble holding down a job, get in trouble with the law, and so on; people who have anger problems are often mentally ill and/or traumatized, too, and the anger may be just the tip of the iceberg. Many morally ambiguous characters, well-written ones, have trouble with anger. There’s nothing wrong with this trope when it’s executed correctly.
In the hands of a less-than-competent writer, however, anger issues are the opposite of a problem, because the character’s show of anger will invariably cause others to back down or apologize and there will be no negative consequences. Writing a character who’s so sweet and charming that they always get their way has exactly the same effect, but as that trope falls out of style “anger issues” has taken its place and the authors who write these characters have no idea that they’re doing the same thing as the trope they thought they were avoiding.
Of course, this is the work of a troll, and the use of this trope is almost certainly intentional, but there are way too many authors who employ it unironically as a way to give a “flaw” to a character that even they realize is bordering on unrealistic.
"I'm so so sorry" he said in a voice like wet heaven "please forgive me my lady”
Author’s so fond of weird phrases that I have no idea whether or not “wet heaven” is intended as innuendo.
It was the hawt pale guy!
Dun dun dunnnn!
Next chapter
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soularchildgif8 · 4 years
I’m powering up
Loser alert
Horny for this
Love it. Live for it.
This is incredibly my shit
Having the time of my life
I’m on board
Real ones will do this.
Here for it
I’m saying
I am shaking with fury & envy
You have what I want
This astral link...
Game recognize game
literally just vibing
finally some good news in this world
nothing good
the word pervert should be a celebrated term
are they making this specifically for me
Me? Listening to the Postal Service in 2019
Butt ugly
I’m in a state of awe.
I die.
I’ve been saying this.
This is the type of psychic torture that gave birth to the opioid crisis.
I retire
whoever gets the ball rolling honestly
Look at this to die instantly
Saving that for my memoirs.
I feel unchained.
Spirits are high.
Hello to my friends who are haunted and still awake.
stress overwhelms executive function
terrible day folks
still a horrific assault on the eyes
I’m laughing really hard
Fit check number 500000000. thank u
You’ll burn in Hell for this.
I trust your taste
The langoliers
I’m telling u snowboarding will cure my depression but no one wants to go w me
Misery misery
I’m comfortable resorting to violence.
So brave
I don’t talk during sex, I just let him beat me black and blue and I love it!
I still listen to that song “Riptide” to remind myself of the nervous breakdown I had in 2014
Ball too hard
insanely high level swag
Mood, as they say.
Kiss my dad on the lips
600mg ibuprofen lifestyle still in play
"What motivates you at your current job?" money and fear
Trader Joe’s seems like food people eat when they’re living in an underground bunker city
thank you for speaking truth to power
My most illogical fear is that I'll develope a severe peanut allergy halfway through a Snickers.
i love to fall over the side of a cruise ship into the endless pitch black ocean far below
Anyone I know who was only allowed to listen to Kidz Bop growing up is now a violent pervert.
That’s so interesting . This is about the horse who has sex with women right. I’ll be sure to check it out on the LCD screen I’m going to have installed in my coffin
The communist gene
If I ever take my own life it’ll be over post nasal drip.
Having a fun day with my work wife and remembering why I love her.
i have a condition it’s called porn star pussy
Thinking about becoming insane
it's so disgusting, but hey, I gotta be me
I like when we have fun online
Spilling that tea and refusing to clean it up
What part of “I RESPECT AND CELEBRATE SHOPLIFTERS” do u not understand
I'm bipolar sun, retard rising, and autisitic moon
If I was a fish that anglerfish light would work on me
2 be respected and feared for sure
it clouds my third eye
Feeling my eyesight deteriorating in real time but let me make this clear I will never put my phone down
as Confucius once said, before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. one for the person you are going to kill and another one for their friends and family
a superhero who can see vibes
see the devil every time I take melatonin.
we have to stop pretending ivy league people are smart
I went to the pharmacy and picked up all of my little pills and potions for the upcoming holidays.
worst behavior winter
The highest compliment
High praise
Gemini mindset
quick fit check
here i am. come on guys heap on the praise
Too hot pls delete
No one talk to me or my cold winter prairie ever again
I have made rice on a George Foreman grill before
Doing the work
What do we think of this
Come over here and pop that pussy for me
it just resonates
just vibing
faulty metaphors do be abounding to me
Self awareness and an apology, very nice
sometimes people speak languages i don't understand. this is peak comedy
i know i don’t have to be so public about my politics, can’t say i respect people that are private about theirs either... but i will say right now that there is no fucking way i will ever vote for pete buttigieg. this is my promise to the american people
Mamba mentality
I’ll never, ever be able to unsee this
trying to explain to bf that actually it’s wrong and sinful that he had girlfriends before me but he doesn’t get it smh
theyre soooo retarded it’s crazy
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