#if this seems disjointed its bc i just woke up lol
purrincess-chat · 8 months
I think ml fandom has the wrong idea of ladynoir. Their bond is not only about the flirting and the banter, it's also about unconditional trust and care for each other. So when they say ladynoir is dead, I think they are mourning the lighthearted side of their relationship, forgetting it's way more complex than just Chat Noir flirting with Ladybug. And that side of ladynoir they tend to overlook isn't gone. It's still there.
You are 100% correct, nonny. People are just butthurt that Chat will no longer be making passes at her every 30 seconds of a battle, and they refuse to accept that the love square evolved in s5. Development happened all around, and things have finally changed. It's called growth. At their core, LN are still partners who trust each other, despite Adrien's absence in the finale, which was entirely to prevent him from finding out Gabriel's secret and less about him not mattering as part of the hero team. The writers just really don't want him to know likely bc they don't want to deal with the fallout but thats neither here nor there.
I for one am actually looking forward to the new love square dynamics the most in the coming seasons. It's everything else that has me concerned 🤣 I'm more worried about the threat that the 17 other permanent heroes pose to LN's screentime than canon Adrinette. Bc that was a big plot point in s4 that all of the extra heroes got in the way of LN. Lilamoth is whatever. Gabe's new world of madness is a little concerning, but I can already predict there are going to be too many fucking heroes around. It's Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, not Tales of Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegase, Argos... Them being temporary for a mission or two every now and then was one thing, but I am not fond of the prospect that everyone is a hero now. Idk maybe it won't be as bad as s4, but I have low hopes. I just know it's going to eat LN's screentime during battles bc it already did.
But anyway. Yes. You are right. The core of pretty much all of the sides is still there (LN are still partners, MC can still have wacky hijinks, Ladrien can still have thirsty overprotective bug bc that is her man). Adrinette obviously had the biggest glow up, but I think now that s5 is over they may scale them back since now they are an established couple. They got a lot in s5 bc they needed to establish the relationship, but now they've done that so. Idk. We will see.
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