#if this was coloured the hyacinths would b purple
harveylikestoart · 9 months
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Dickroy after bruce fires robin, when roy already left speedy, heard you were taking prompts <3
Thanks for the prompt <3 I hope this does it justice
Ao3 link
CW: brief mention of drug addiction
Dick was sitting on his couch when Roy stepped into his apartment. His shoulders were tense beneath his jacket, and his head was lowered. He looked for all the world to be in what Garth would call 'in a state'.
"Geez, Short Pants," Roy said in greeting, dumping his armload of groceries onto the countertop. Did someone die? is what he'd normally start with, but knowing Dick, and knowing their line of work, it might prove to be true. "You coulda at least brought me a present when you decided on a B&E."
Roy could practically feel the way Dick's spine cracked as he straightened and relaxed, just the slightest. "Who says I didn't?" Dick responded, turning to face Roy with a small smile.
Roy raised his eyebrow, and Dick reached into his bag – the one Roy hadn't even noticed sat at his foot – and pulled out a—
Roy whistled incredulously. "Only you could pull out a whole damn bouquet out of a satchel and have it in perfect condition." Before Dick could step over to him, he leapt over the back of the couch and landed beside him, neatly plucking the bouquet out of Dick's hand. "Mmm, colourful."
Dick didn't say anything, just slowly climbed up and around Roy as Roy peered curiously at the combination of flowers before him. One of the first things he and Dick had done – one of the ‘normal’ romantic gestures they’d liked to indulge in – had been flowers. Ollie had given Roy way too many lessons on the language of flowers, and so had Bruce (albeit for two very different reasons).
So this combination made him frown. As always, there was the single red rose, not at the centre, but tucked away in a little corner. Its meaning was obvious: love. Around it were the arborvitae, for unchanging friendship. Those were normal, and even expected, by this point. And that combination always made Roy smile a little to see, remembering the earliest of conversations they'd had before Dick had agreed to go out with him. Then there was the dill that Dick always made sure to include with his, because they warded against evil.
Edelweiss was both courage and devotion, which wasn’t anything out of the ordinary – maybe Dick was feeling particularly gallant today. Aloe, though… that could mean affection, but also grief. And was this hyacinth considered blue or purple, because the former meant constancy, but the latter meant sorrow.
Instead of commenting on them, Roy handed the bouquet over to Dick when he brought out a vase he’d found somewhere amongst Roy’s belongings. He handed it to Roy and glanced up at him through his eyelashes, a look you’d have to be hard-pressed to be unaffected by. Roy swallowed and went to go fill up the vase in the sink.
“So,” he said over his shoulder, scrounging around the cabinets for some sugar to add into the water. “You planning on staying the night? I was planning on making chilli, and that new pastry place opened a block away that you’d probably like, mmph—”
Two things happened simultaneously: one hand slid around Roy’s waist and turned off the tap, gripping Roy’s wrist so he’d place the vase in the sink, while the other hand gripped his shoulder and spun him around, chapped lips meeting Roy’s in a way that was far from the typical hesitation Dick kissed him with.
Roy kissed back just as hard, gripping both the benchtop and wrapping an arm around Dick’s shoulder, fingers coming up to grip his hair. He was breathless in an instant. They’d been dating for about a month now, but kissing was the most they’d done. And that had been fine with Roy; he’d known, when he’d gotten into this, that Dick didn’t do fast and easy, didn’t like to get straight to sex without a whole lot of courting beforehand. And sue him if he didn’t want to woo Dick for a little while, in ways he’d never really tried with any of his partners before.
Dick’s hair was damp beneath Roy’s fingers, as though he’d just gotten out of the shower, and he smelled like he always smelled when he came from the Manor: of that cologne Roy could never remember the name of. Roy’s hand trailed upwards from Dick’s waist, with no solid destination in mind. He just knew he wanted to touch every inch of Dick’s body, as much as he was allowed to.
And then Dick’s hand, the one that had been a hot circle around Roy’s wrist, moved to his navel and found its way beneath his shirt. Roy jerked his head back, almost succeeding in hitting his back against the tap.
“Whoa, hey, Rob,” he said, trying to get his breathing under control. “Let’s talk about this before we—” Do something you regret, was what he’d been about to say, but Dick had already backed away and was all the way at the sofa.
“Don’t call me that,” he said in a low, hard murmur. Roy watched as he ran his hand through his hair, watched how he steadied his breathing so his chest was no longer heaving like he’d run a marathon, and the back of his neck slowly lost the red flush that’d been darkening it.
“Call you what?” Roy asked, bewildered. It was becoming all too clear to him now that this was less a booty call and more a… might-as-well-make-more-bad-choices fling. “Rob?”
Dick stilled, back to Roy, and his fingers twitched by his side. “Yeah,” he said finally, after what felt like a whole minute. “I’m not Robin anymore. So don’t call me that.”
Roy blinked. “Wait,” he said. “Wait. What—”
Dick whirled around, and moved towards Roy. There was a look in his eyes that Roy had never seen there before, a desperate plea. “Not tonight,” he said, hands on Roy’s forearms. “Roy, please. Just… I just want to forget, okay? For one night.”
If it’d been anyone else, then Roy might’ve agreed. But Dick… Roy knew how Dick was, knew how his mind worked and the ways in which he punished himself when he was hurting. He shook his head. “Sorry, R—” he caught himself before he could get the age-old nickname out and covered quickly, “Romeo. But I won’t help you hurt yourself.”
“I’m not,” Dick said, eyes flashing. “What, too good for a quick fuck, Harper? Now that the thrill of the chase is over, you’re done, ready to move to the next hit?”
Keep calm, Roy told himself, even as his own fists clenched at all the insinuations of those few taunts. “I’m not doing this with you right now,” he muttered, sidestepping Dick. Dick didn’t let him, neatly stepping in front of him. Roy’s jaw clenched. “You want a fight, Dick? Then fucking fight—”
He almost missed the fist that flew towards him, and ducked at the last second. He’d sparred with Dick enough times to know when he was being calculating and when he was just blowing off steam, and this was very much the latter. Roy really should’ve been bracing himself for this when he’d offered a fight, but in his defence, the last ten minutes had been an absolute whirlwind of events.
Dick had left his left side wide open, and Roy didn’t hesitate to take advantage of it. Dick was fighting sloppily, and Roy was going to take every opportunity that came his way. He aimed for the fleshy part of Dick’s side, and the hit was rewarded by a low grunt from Dick.
Roy swung around, intending to get to the backs of Dick’s knees, when his own feet were swept out from beneath him. He rolled into the fall, moving himself to the other side of the coffee table, but before he could find his way to his feet, Dick had leapt over the piece of furniture to straddle him.
“Tell me,” Dick said. Roy noted that his breathing was perfectly even. “What’s your best time against me?”
Despite everything, Roy snorted. “Don’t get started, you,” he said, half-jokingly. And then he performed a move that Dick had taught him, grabbing him by the ankles and using the leverage to both swing himself away, and slam Dick to the ground.
It was as though that one line from Dick had opened up something in him, and Roy felt the rough edges of the fight being whittled away the longer they sparred together. Dick’s moves became sloppy from tiredness, not anger or desperation or whatever the hell he’d been feeling.
Roy just wished they’d had time to move to maybe the roof or something, so he wouldn’t’ve had to sacrifice his chair in all this.
When at last the two of them slumped to the ground, flat on their backs and breathing heavily, he turned his head and glanced over at Dick. Dick’s eyes were open, and he was looking straight at the roof.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Roy murmured before he could think better of it.
Dick’s lips quirked up in a half-hearted smile. “I goad you into a fight and you still want to ask me how I’m feeling?” he said, head turned to the side to face Roy.
Roy blamed the sparring match for how his breath caught in his throat the moment their eyes met. “Rule number one of dating, right?” he said. “According to Dinah, anyway.”
Dick’s smile dimmed, and he sat up, one leg stretched out in front of him. “I’m sorry,” he said, heels of his hands coming to rub at his eyes. “I… this whole thing was a mistake. A dumb one.”
Roy sat up, stomach dropping. “’Whole thing’?” he repeated.
Dick nodded, lowering his hands to fall limply into his lap and looking over at the plain brick wall that outlined Roy’s place. “I shouldn’t’ve come here and bothered you,” he said, voice low and ashamed. “First trying to get you to sleep with me and then fighting in your living room—”
Roy tried not to show the relief on his face at Dick’s words. “Hey,” he said. “When I was… when I tried to go cold-turkey, get myself off heroin, I said some shit to you I didn’t mean, and you never held that against me—”
“Roy,” Dick said helplessly, finally turning back to him, “Roy, that was you going through withdrawal. This is in no way the same thing. You had a reason.”
“And so do you,” Roy said. “Let me finish? I’m not… saying they’re the same situation. Just that I understand. Or at least, I will understand, once you tell me what’s going on. And what’s a fight in the living room between two Titans?”
Dick smiled that weird smile again, the half-hearted one that meant he didn’t really know what to do with his face. Roy wanted to kiss it away, to replace it with a completely different look that was genuine, not this fakery, but he held his tongue and waited Dick out.
“Uh,” Dick said. “I’m not Robin anymore.” He looked down at his lap, eyes getting a faraway look as though he were seeing straight through his limbs and the wooden floorboard right down into the very foundations of the building. “I don’t really know what happened, to be honest. You know how it’s been with Bruce lately.”
Roy nodded; he’d been on the receiving end of many rants about Bruce Wayne for almost as long as he’d known Dick. Hell, their whole careers as Teen Titans had pretty much started up as a joint rant between all of them about their mentors. But for the last year or so, Dick’s rants had become… different. When before, he’d stayed in Gotham for the week and only come to the Tower on weekends, now it was almost flipped.
“He just,” Dick sighed, “he just can’t stop treating me like a kid. And I get it, y’know? I’m seventeen. In his eyes, I am a kid. But after everything I’ve done, everything I’ve fought, with him, leading the team with you guys, alone… I can’t live under his shadow anymore. Maybe it worked before when I was still fifteen, even, but now I can’t do it, not till he sees me how I am now. Working with him is more us getting into arguments than it is actually solving the case.”
When there was silence after that, Roy slowly said, “So you gave up Robin?”
Dick shrugged helplessly. “Bit of both?” he said. “He said he fired me, again, but I told him he can’t fire me if I quit.”
Despite everything, despite the bone deep ache of empathy at Dick’s words, Roy found himself smiling. “You regret it?” he asked, settling into a more comfortable position as he asked.
Dick shook his head. “No,” he said, in that way he spoke when he was being brutally honest. “I… outgrew it, really. I just… without Robin, I have no one.” And the smile he shot towards Roy was so painfully sad that Roy couldn’t stop himself from scooting forward.
“Hey, no,” Roy told him, eyes hardening. “You might not have Bruce anymore – and honestly, fuck him – but you’ll always have us. You’ll always have me. No matter what happens between us.”
Dick’s smile wavered, and then turned watery. He didn’t move away when Roy put a heavy arm around his shoulder, and Roy didn’t say anything when Dick’s head ended up on his shoulder. They might not have their mentors anymore, but he’d be damned if that was going to stop them from having each other.
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dengswei · 2 years
quick catch up tag game :)
tagged by the wonderful @snimeat​ thank you 💜💙
last song: don’t go back by just b
currently watching: ase to sekken, cupid's last wish, cutie pie, dear doctor i'm coming for soul, dna says love you, dr. white, e.m.s earth-mix space, fight song, force book show real, kinnporsche, koi desu specials, la cuisine, meitantei stay homes, meow ears up, moon knight, murai no koi, my liberation notes, ohm nanon upvel, our blues, our days, plus & minus, rak diao, rokuhodo colourful days, secret crush on you, sotsugyo time limit, star and sky: star in my mind, the tuxedo, tomorrow, what zabb man!
last tv show: cherry blossoms after winter (if this part means the last thing i completed)
currently reading: imagine me, reunion, heartstopper, love lessons, ghost on the roof, novae, batman wayne family adventures, shotgun boy, unordinary, eaternal nocturnal, #muted, fluidum, hyperfocus, purple hyacinth, eleceed, the doctors are out, stray souls, the remarried empress, deor, the star seekers,dark moon: the blood altar, my gentle giant, asterion, lucid, death: rescheduled, raven, the uncommons, selow pace, phase, lumine, apple blossom, servant of death, the sea in you, covenant, unbreakable bond, death of a pop star, little rain, bad bye, in the bleak midwinter, & unloveable replacement (literally all but the first one are webtoons so they update weekly and some of them are on hiatus atm)
tagging: whoever would like to do this!
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coolunspokenforname · 3 years
Sims 4 legacy challenge: Flower symbolism
This challenge was made for @cowoman and it follows flowers and some of their symbolism (Disclaimer: This is probably not completely accurate, and in general flowers have different things associated with them through time periods and cultures)
Rules:  - Normal lifespan  - No cheating (Resetting sims is okay, of course) - Unless specified in the generation you can live anywhere - Unless specified in the generation you can have as many partners and children as you want - Basically regular rules of legacy challenges
Gen 1: Daffodil- New beginnings
Aspiration: Super Parent Traits: - Family-Oriented   - Loner   - Ambitious
Left on a doorstep of an orphanage when you were a baby, you’ve always felt alone. You were never able to find a family, but found accomplishment in raising the younger kids. When you finally age out of the system, you are ready to follow your dreams. You move into the big city and find yourself a job as a teacher. Though you love it, you need more. When you are able to afford it, you have kids. You love being a parent, and do your best to be amazing for your children. You love going to the parks on weekends and having pizza nights. It’s your goal to be the best parent you can for your kids, and you pass those goals with flying colours.
Start in an apartment
Complete aspiration
Only have kids after getting to level 4 of the education career
Max education career (Professor) 
Adopt at least one kid
Reach level 10 parenting skill
Gen 2: Gladiolus- Strength, Victory
Aspiration: Bodybuilder Traits: - Athletic   - Ambitious   - Self-assured
You were adopted when you were a little baby, and you are incredibly grateful. You were raised in a loving family, but were never spoiled. You were taught that if you want something, you need to work for it, whether it be doing chores or getting a part-time job. As you grew up while your siblings loved watching cartoons and kids shows, you loved watching bodybuilding competitions. As you grow up, that interest also grows. You join the athlete career and love it! You love going to the gyms, and there you meet your spouse. However, you tend to spend a bit too much time at work or at the gym, and barely see your children. 
Have manual labor part-time job as a teen
Complete aspiration
Complete athlete career (Bodybuilder)
Meet spouse at a gym
Have a low relationship with their children
Gen 3: Marigold- Jealousy, Despair
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Traits: - Jealous   - Self-absorbed   - Self-assured
You never had much of a relationship with your parent, and always felt jealous of your friend’s relationships with their parents. Eventually that lead to being jealous about anyone who had better than you.  You tried a bunch of different jobs, but never really cared. You loved being around celebrities, and one day you even had a one night stand with one. After finding out you’re pregnant, you tell the celebrity hoping to marry them, but they don’t even listen. Angry, you keep your child from ever meeting them.
Complete aspiration
Careers: Actress, Artist, Style Influencer (Any order you wish)
Get level 10 charisma
Have a one night stand with a high level celebrity and have their child
Never let the child meet their parent
Gen 4: Bluebell- Humility, Everlasting love
Aspiration: Soulmate Traits: - Romantic   - Loner   - Bookworm
You were never able to meet one of your parents, and felt a small emptiness. Your other parent didn’t seem to care much about you, and you two didn’t have the best relationship. The one good thing in your life is your best friend. Unfortunately your parent decides to move to a whole different world right after you became a teen. You still keep in touch with your friend, and the friendship evolves into a romance. As soon as you can the two of you get married and move in together. For quite a few years you live together, but after becoming adults you decide to have a child. The love between you somehow grows even more with the new child.
Complete aspiration
Be best friends as a child with your neighbor, but move away soon after becoming a teen
Stay close friends with the neighbour over long-distance and eventually fall in love.
Complete writer career (Journalism)
Get level 10 writing
Gen 5: Columbine- Foolishness, Folly
Aspiration: Joke Star  Traits: - Goofball   - Clumsy   - Outgoing
You had the best life you could ask for. Your parents love each other so much and you always wanted that too. You always loved comedy, and so you became a comedian. As time went on you met someone and finally found the one. You have a wonderful few years and eventually have kids. You are the happiest person in the world! Unfortunately happiness doesn’t always last long. You die young, leaving your spouse and children alone.
Complete aspiration
Marry someone
Get level 10 comedy
Get at least level 5 of entertainment career (Comedian)
Die young
Gen 6: Purple Hyacinth- Sorrow
Aspiration: Professional chef Traits: - Foodie   - Loner   - Ambitious
One of your parents died when you were young and it really affected you. While your family seemed to move one, you just couldn’t. So, your main goal in life is to learn how to bring back the dead. You make good progress, but one day you meet someone who lets you forget your goal. While at first you learned to cook to revive people, you learn that you love it. You stop thinking about revival and instead focus on the present. That is, until that person dies. After their passing, you go straight back into the little hole you had made for yourself all those year ago. You revive the person, but they don’t look at you the same way anymore.
Get level 10 cooking and gourmet cooking
Complete aspiration
Complete culinary career (chef)
Have a friend or spouse die
Make ambrosia
Revive the person that died (but they are more distant with your sim)
Gen 7: Lavender- Distrust
Aspiration: Serial Romantic Traits: - Noncommittal   - Dog Lover   - Vegetarian
Your parent always told you to never trust anyone, and you’ve taken that advice to heart. You refuse to get close to anyone, and actually try your best to make others understand your viewpoint. How do you do this? You break as many hearts as you can! However, you’re not completely lonely. You have loved animals, mainly dogs, since you were a kid. When you aren’t breaking hearts, you curing animals in the little vet clinic you made yourself. You try to do it all alone, but as your clinic gets more well-known you realize you can’t, so you hire a couple employees. Now, with the extra help, you can focus more on breaking hearts. Oh, and you have a child, but they aren’t your main priority.
Complete aspiration
Own a vet (get 4+ stars)
Max veterinarian and pet training skill
Never have a long-lasting relationship
Gen 8: Black-eyed Susan- Justice
Aspiration: Academic Traits: - Family oriented   - Genius   - Unflirty
Your parent never cared for you. They were always either at work or around the town. You always tried your best to be a good child. You did your homework and got good grades. Sometimes you even did school projects when you didn’t need to! Still, they never seemed to notice. When you became a young adult you decided to go to university. You always were interested in history, so you took that degree. Soon you learned that you enjoyed law, and decided after university you would be a judge. While you enjoy your work, you aim to be the best parent you can for your child. You promise to yourself you won’t be like your parent.
Go to university (History Degree)
Complete the aspiration
Join law career (Judge) after university
Complete Law career
Have only one child
Gen 9: Angelica- Inspiration
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire Traits: - Art Lover   - Creative   - Self-Absorbed
You were an only child, and you loved it! You were always the most important, and you loved it! In fact, You loved it so much that you never wanted the attention to go away. You’ve always loved art, right? So, you start recording videos of painting and stream it. You actually become quite popular. Sure, you still have to work as a freelancer to live comfortably, but that just gives you more freedom to stream, record, and edit. You meet someone, and get along great. A few years after you marry them, though, you both realize you aren’t meant for eachother. You split up on good terms, and stay friends. Eventually you do find the one, and you are ecstatic. Even with your busy schedule of recording, streaming, editing, and doing works for clients, you find a way to spend time with your family. You couldn’t be more grateful.
Get level 10 art skill
Be a freelance painter
Record and stream painting
Get to at least B-tier celebrity (3 star)
Max media production skill
Divorce someone but stay friends
Have an excellent relationship with family
Gen 10: Sweet Pea- Goodbye
Aspiration: Party Animal Traits: - Dance Machine   - Outgoing   - Good
You don’t know why, but all your life you’ve felt like something was ending. Like a book was about to close. There was always this feeling in the pit of your stomach. While many may let this get them down, you don’t. If the world is going to end, your going to live your life to the fullest. Who said the end of the world can’t be fun? You spend your life laughing and smiling. You do your best to help others as well. You give away a lot of the money your family has made over the generations to charity. When you aren’t partying you’re volunteering. You decide that, if everything is going to end, your going to do your damndest to make the world a better place beforehand.
Complete aspiration
Get level 10 Charisma
Complete politician career (Charity organizer)
Volunteer a lot
Host at least one charity event (You can host one by getting a great reputation)
This is just for fun! If you don’t complete the entire challenge or miss a couple goals that’s fine, as long as you have fun! I’m not going to hurt you if you do something wrong. Feel free to add extra drama or goals if you want!
I’m pretty sure if you have high charisma skill you are able to talk to celebrities.
You can have a “long-distance relationship” by chatting on the computer with the other sim and sending love emails (unlocked around level 3/4 of the writing skill)
Sims with the goofball trait can die from laughter, but there are many other ways to kill a sim.
To make ambrosia you need a death flower, angelfish, and potion of youth. You can find ways to get the ingredients if you google it, but i don’t mind if you cheat for the ingredients just this once. Getting level 10 in both cooking and gourmet cooking is hard enough, lol.
Also, for the 8th generation, If you go to live on student housing or dorms in university any pictures in your household inventory will turn blank, and any business ran by sims in you household will no longer be yours when you get back. Just letting you know!
If you have any issues, then please tell me! I haven’t tested this challenge out yet, so if something is impossible I’ll try to fix it! This was a lot of fun to make! :)
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
📚💐 for Efalynn!
thanks for the ask!! this is long (when i start talking about my OCs i can go for A While) so i've put it under a cut. vague spoilers for HoT and PoF in the second question
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbidden knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
honestly this is quite a difficult question to answer, because it's really vague about the kind of knowledge. I think Efalynn would definitely try to use it for good if she could, but it would depend on how much harm it would directly cause to other people. as the Commander she's used to having to make difficult decisions, but she also doesn't want to be the reason anyone else dies (whether that's the actual reason or just her belief).
Efalynn definitely wouldn't want to tell anyone about it though. partly because she'd be determined for it to not get into the wrong hands. partly because she wouldn't want anyone else to have to stress about the morality of using this knowledge. partly because her communication skills are Bad. (and partly because a little bit of her really likes to hoard knowledge.) she'd definitely feel guilty about not sharing it, and worry about it for a Long time, but that's definitely the decision she'd come to.
lastly, if it was forbidden for a good reason (like because it was Evil), it would really upset her. because Efy is very young (just 18 months in my canon), she's still quite idealistic -- maybe slightly naive? -- even though she's been through A Lot, so she always hates learning about new ways that people are cruel to each other.
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown?
Efalynn doesn't dislike flowers exactly, but they're not really something she has much time for. she's constantly moving, constantly fighting, and she sees it as a waste of time to stop just to admire something pretty. so I'm not really sure she'd have a favourite flower? but also she does like any that remind her of her friends (whether that's because it's their favourite flower, or just because it makes her think of them)
I can't see Efalynn ever having a proper garden, but in the best possible timeline where she can retire, I can picture her owning a little library with planter boxes in the windows and maybe a little vegetable patch out the back. I think she'd really like growing her own food. like imagine you've been eating anything you could find (including all that awful HP stuff) for years. wouldn't it be nice to eat something you grew yourself, something made with care from ground to plate, something you can share with the people you love?
also, she would really enjoy flower language: Efalynn love to learn something new, and with her struggles communicating, I feel like she'd find it a good way to express things without having to properly say them.
and speaking of flower language! for the last part of this question, I asked my friend about plant language because I think it's fascinating and I love symbolism.
for a crown that Efy would choose: forget-me-nots (remembrance), clematis/virgin's bower (love for family), gladiolus (strength and victory) -- these are positive meanings, the kinds of things that she'd want to carry around reminders of. the inclusion of remembrance and love for family are for her sister Rhiannwen (who got zhaitaned just before the battle of fort trinity in the personal story), and for Trahearne (who was basically a big brother to her)
for a crown that I would choose to represent her: asphodels (pain and grief), purple hyacinths (rashness and sorrow), crimson roses (mourning) -- these are much less brightly coloured than the others, much more somber, and I feel like the difference between the two is a good way to show a) how everything Efalynn has been through has affected her, and b) how she presents herself very differently to how she actually feels. asphodels are associated with death; in greek mythology, these flowers grew on the plain of asphodel, the realm of ghosts. this links to both Efy's necromancy and her visit to a similar place. the purple hyacinths represent her tendency to push herself too far and the stress that causes her.
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