#if u have any tips of taking care of bettas
marsosims · 6 months
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I overfed my fish and now its bloated and i think i might have to put him on a diet
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juminly · 4 years
Nights Like These
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Summary: A nice cozy movie night with timeskip! Iwaizumi Hajime.  Tags: Mostly Fluff & Smut towards the end. Warning: Smut starts after the “♥♥♥” and includes fingering and cockwarming.
Hajime knew that you loved mac and cheese. He had enough skills to be able to be able to whip up something nice and yummy for you after you've had such a long day and especially since you haven’t had an actual “date” in so long. Living on his own in the US for a few years did have its perks and this was one of them: he was a grown ass man who knew his way well enough in the kitchen to be able to cook for you. Sighing loudly, dark orbs stared for a few seconds at the smart watch strapped to his wrist then back at the pot in front of him. He was looking forward to seeing you more than anything. Being the athletic trainer of the national Japanese team was no ordinary feat and it took up a lot of his time and energy. But, that didn't mean that it would take up the time that you deserved, the time that you both needed. Being always so hyper-focused on his own work, his thoughts tended to drift off quite often to you, just thinking about the last few phone calls you had, the last few texts you sent him and the things you've done in your last few dates. He missed the way you sighed when he played with your hair... God, he loved playing with your hair, twirling your curls in his fingers. It wasn't even the agreed time for your date but he was anxious to see you. He wouldn't admit it to you though, not even to himself. The loud and strong thrumming of his heart in his chest was a big reminder of how much he loved you. He was smitten. No, ever worse! or better? He couldn't even think straight anymore, he was whipped for you and... Ring! Ring! Ring! Three rings. That's your own way of letting him know that it was you and he just absolutely loved it when you did that. If it were anyone else at the door, he wouldn't have been rushing towards it the way he had and flung it open just to see your face.
"Princess." The corner of his lips just curled up out of their own volition, didn't even ask for permission but they didn't even have to. You were here and he wouldn't have it any other way. Why was he acting and feeling like such a schoolboy? He didn't even care. What he cared about was why you were still not throwing your arms around him. "Come here, you." Leaning forward, he took your hand in his and pulled you in for a hug, squeezing his arms tightly around your waist, supporting your weight as you literally balanced yourself on the tip of your toes to wrap your arms around his neck and hug him back. He nuzzled your neck only for a brief moment, leaving a gentle kiss there and before you murmured in a wondering tone. "Cheesy?" He couldn't help but stiffen for a brief moment. Did you figure out what he had prepared for you? Or even worse, Hajime would be completely mortified if you thought he was cheesy or corny at any point and you didn't like it. Not that he was a man of many words but he always made sure that any word coming out of his mouth meant something. At least when it came to you. He didn't give two fucks when it came to the guys, they could all whimper and cry for all he cared. Nobody meant more to him than you. The click of your tongue snapped him out of his racing thoughts and that giggle... that same glorious and marvellous sound that made him turn his head the first time you met, that time when your eyes locked and he knew that he had to talk to you, even if one of the players on the team had to be used as a wingman just to be able to get a word in with you. "Babe-" You laughed softly. "What's going on in that head of yours? Are you daydreaming about me when I'm in your arms?" With a long sigh, you mumbled and seemed a bit disgruntled, which obviously made the furrow between Hajime's eyebrows even deeper. "If that's the case, then I can just leave. Is daydreaming about me better than real me?" He knew you were joking but how dare you use that pouty tone on him?
"I won't answer your first question. You'll have to wait and see for yourself. But-" Pressing his hand on the small of your back, his other hand inched down to grip you by the waist as his lips hovered against your own, his breath fanning over your lips, tickling them lightly just as a tingling sensation arose in both your chests. "Do you really think I would call you over if I didn't want you right where you are right now?" Closing the distance between you, he loses himself in the little taste of sweetness he could get from a chaste gentle kiss of your lips. It was hard for him to even contain himself or exercise any form of control when he's around you. "Right here in my arms." He murmurs softly before going back in for another kiss, a little bit deeper, a tiny bit more passionate as he molds your lips together, sucking on your bottom one before breaking away once again. Gazing down on you as you both try to catch your breath from the small loving exchange, Hajime stared down at your cheeks that were now painted with the most adorable blush, his heart swelling with giddiness that he was the one responsible for such a reaction from you. "Come on, we're watching The Princess Bride tonight and I better not hear any objections from you." He smiled as he saw yet another giggle from you, even as you rolled your eyes and told him that you've already seen it a thousand times before and you didn't even know why he wanted to watch it with you. Silencing you with a small peck, his usual frown was still on that handsome face of his but his gaze was soft and endearing. "I want to know more about the things that you love so you'll have to humour me for tonight, baby girl."
Kissing your cheek, his hand finds yours and he guides you to the living room, pulling you away from the kitchen since he knew that was the destination you had in mind. You always wanted to give him a hand when it came to literally anything but when it came to your dates or your time together, Hajime wanted to show that he wanted to do things for you. It was simply his love language. A language that was created since he met you. "Thanks for coming over. I know it was last minute but the guys' practice match got postponed so I decided to cut them some slack." - he chuckled before meeting your eyes that were now crinkling with laughter - "Not that I don't plan on kicking their ass later anyway. Gotta make sure they are in top shape and remember who's the one making the rules." Once he ensured that you were seated, he threw you a glance of warning over his shoulder as he walked out to the kitchen. "You better sit tight princess while I go get the food. I'll be right back." He winked at you and chuckled at the way you squirmed slightly and busied yourself with the remote control as he prepared your dinner for you. Hajime had his own way of showing his love and spoiling you. The man wanted to make sure that he followed through. Making you feel special, trying to show but a sliver of how he truly felt about you. Sighing loudly and after ensuring that the pasta was thoroughly cooked, he meticulously dumped it in a bowl, big enough to fit 6 servings of mac and cheese and brought two plates along with him to the living room.
As "The Princess Bride" began playing, you both dug into your food and being the humble fellow that he was, Hajime didn't dare comment on the food but he did find it quite... acceptable, to say the least. On the other hand, the look on your face when you saw what he had cooked for you was worth all the effort. He didn't use the basic Kraft Dinner mac and cheese, even though it was basically your favourite. However, he just wanted to do just a little bit extra for you, add his own touch : a four cheese mac and cheese with the finest pasta from a local Italian shop that he always ate at and even took you to a few times. The first few bites etched an expression of pure bliss on your face and that drew a shit eating grin on his face, one that you didn't even get the chance to see as you were too busy filling in your plate with a second serving. While you munched on your food and whispered about your favourite scenes from time to time, Hajime tried his best to keep his attention on the movie but you were much more entertaining that it was while you recited almost every single line that resounded from the TV. He wished he could turn it off and just watch you act out the movie and tell him about everything you love about it, he wouldn't have minded that at all.
He chuckled under his breath at the look of amazement on your face when you both managed to finish and lick clean all the contents of the pot. He just let you believe that you ate more than him - just for shits and giggles - when he was also devouring whatever he could from the food (about 4.5 servings - the man works out A LOT, okay? Don't judge-). Nobody could blame him, it was fucking delicious and he was proud that you loved something that he made with his own two hands. Taking a short clean-up/bathroom break, Hajime cozied up on the couch, checking all the stupid emojis and texts he received from the Olympic team. How did they even know that he was on a date with you? The texts and emojis on the group chat ranged from: "Ya betta get it on tonight, Iwa-chan~ Ya frown too much cause ya don't get laid enough!" - Atsumu, the wannabe Shittykawa. "WAT R U GOING TO BE DOING ON UR DATE? WILL IT BE FUN? MAYBE I CAN COME!? I LUV UR GF" - Hinata, the sweet sunshine boy bordering on annoying but too pure to be so, Hajime had to admit that he had a soft spot for him and the rowdy wing spiker who followed up with a text of his own. "WE'RE COMING OVER IN 1H TO HANG OUT WITH U! WE MISS HER SO MUCH!", Bokuto's follow-up did nothing but make the trainer's blood boil with imminent rage. If those two dimwits dared to even ring the bell of his condo, Japan can say goodbye to their favourite chaotic duo.
Putting in an Airpod in his left ear, Hajime began recording the most graphically violent threat he could muster on the group chat and stuttering mid-way through the voice note. Yes, Hajime Iwaizumi stuttered out of surprise and YOU were the only one who could catch this man off-guard as you walked back into the living room wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts. He barely managed a quick "I gotta go", clicked send without looking at the screen, blinked and gawked at you with a baffled frown.  "What happened to your clothes?" "Well~ Things did get a little messy in the kitchen and while I...-" You cleared your throat and bit your bottom lip, definitely not trying to turn him on. Sarcasm alert. "-kinda made things worse so I borrowed one of your T-shirts. I hope you don't mind." He simply shook his head, mumbling a husky "It's fine, what's mine is yours" and patted the seat next to him. His frown only grew deeper when you walked closer to him but made no sign of actually sitting down. Looking up at you, he could see the bright flush spreading across your cheeks when you pointed to his lap. "Is that seat taken?"
His eyebrow perked up in amusement along with a mirthful smirk, your bottom lip remaining a prisoner between your teeth. "Be my guest. Who am I to refuse a request from my princess." He chuckled as he grabbed your hand, pulling you into his lap and you squirmed in embarrassment, the feeling of your well-defined butt rubbing against him, those supple cheeks that his crotch was getting well acquainted with. The accidental groan that escaped his lips was a definite warning to stop what you were doing or continue at your own risk.
"If you keep wiggling your ass on me like that, you're gonna have to own up to your actions, sweetheart." His rough baritone was telling of the growing desire he had for you. He hadn't seen you in so long and he was starved for your touch, as if the soft brush of his calloused fingers on your thighs was no indication to his underlying intentions. He knew how sensitive you were and he was not above taking advantage of that fact, the slight shiver that ran over your body only urged on him, wanting to coax even more of these delicious reactions from you. 
♥♥♥ "Iwa-" Before you could even finish calling his name, his lips were on yours, nipping at your bottom one and sucking deeply before licking his way into your mouth, tasting the freshness of mint from his mouthwash as he entangled his tongue with your own, groaning loudly into your mouth. Breaking only for a moment, he demanded your attention as his fingers began to meander up your inner thighs, wasting no time to slide his index and middle over your panties, a clear wet spot forming and drenching the fabric slowly..
"If this is what you've wanted all along, you should've just said so, you naughty princess." Pushing your panties aside with his other hand, he deftly parted your folds and circled his fingers over your entrance, gathering up your slickness before lathering over your slit, barely grazing your swelling clit that desperately needed his attention. Seeing how you held your breath and stiffened in his embrace made him only want to do even more to you. This is not the type of quality time he had in mind but he was definitely not going to object to it. "Baby girl..." He crooned huskily as one of his hands rubbed up and down one of your thighs, making sure that your legs remained parted so that he could finger you good enough, prep you for what he had in mind. Before capturing your lips once again, he licked the seams of your lips, demanding that your eyes meet his own as he murmured against you. "You call me by my name, baby. You're royalty to me, after all." He smiled softly as you responded in kind, calling out his name and pulling him in a deep kiss, your hips slowly beginning to rut against his fingers that had yet to turn things up a notch. "Hajime..." You whimpered shakily against his lips, his warm breath fanning over your wet lips as his thumb rolled over your sensitive bud, moving clockwise and counter-clockwise, fast and slow with just the right amount of pressure to leave you with fighting to catch your breath. With two fingers right at your entrance, he watches you with avid interest, humming in satisfaction every time a moan escapes your lips, his own hips grinding involuntarily against your behind as his own erection begins to harden under your squirming figure.
"Hajime, I want you inside me... Please, stop teasing me!" You squeal while your nails dug into his shoulders, gripping those thick muscles tightly, while his own body tensed, betraying the composure that he desperately tried to maintain. His large biceps flexing as he squeezes his arms around you even tighter, trying to cease the negligible movement of your body that is driving him insane.
"Shush, baby. I'll treat you good. Just relax." Finally plunging in his fingers inside you, he swallows your moans with a searing kiss while you cried out into his mouth, his thick digits thrusting in and out of you and curling into you, your inner walls clamping down on them and sucking him in. With every roll of your hips, he met you with a thrust of his own, his fingers knuckle-deep, reaching that sweet stop that has you keening, so damn close to falling apart.
Your lips parted with a loud wet noise, his chest heaving with bated breath, his state reflecting your own but it didn't change the fact that you were feeling even needier when he cruelly removed his fingers from your core. Your frustrated whine didn't elicit any reaction from him but, contrary to his exterior, he could feel his body bursting with heat and it became unbearable. He exhaled loudly, patting your thigh and growling in your ear. "Get up and take your clothes off, baby girl. I'm not getting inside you until you do."
Hurriedly taking off his shirt in one smooth go and just in time to watch you reach for the hem of the oversized shirt, pulling it up in a rush, exposing more and more of your smooth skin. Fuck... he wanted to mark you all up but the twitching of his cock straining against his pants urged him to do so later. There were more pressing matters to attend to and right now, he just wanted to drink you all in. Licking his lips with a desire only you could sate, the darkness of his unquenchable thirst swimming in his orbs almost too much to handle, yet you still kept your gazes locked as you unclipped your bra, letting it fall to the floor while he fumbled with his belt, unzipping his pants and freeing his aching length with a loud hiss. The way you squeezed your legs together didn't go unnoticed and he knew that he left you hanging. "Come here, baby." As you inched closer to him, Hajime placed one large hand on either side of your hips, guiding you before him as you placed one knee on the couch and then another to straddle him, giving him a glimpse of your dripping core that was so ready for the taking while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he latched on to the crook of your neck, sucking on your soft skin deeply while sweet moans tumbled so easily from your quivering lips. "I've had enough, Hajime. I promise... Just please... I want you inside me." You pleaded as his warm hands settled on your butt, fondling your soft cheeks while he angled you right on top of his cock, groaning against your neck. "You're so perfect. I fucking missed you so much." With his fingertips digging into your soft flesh, he eases you onto his cock, sheathing himself fully inside you as you sink onto him, both of you moaning in harmony as your cunt clamped down on every single inch of him that you could take.
For a few moments, both of you remained silent, your forehead pressed against his bare shoulders and his own lying on the crown of your head. The silence of the room was filled with your heavy breathing as you allowed the fullness of your bodies, the fullness of your hearts washed over you and enveloped you completely. Neither of you wanted to move or even dared to, even though your instincts screamed to grind against one another and chase the release that you both wanted. But it wasn't what you really needed. This moment, the intimacy, this... love. "W-what about the movie?" You breathed out shakily against his arm, giggling softly while you began nibbling on the hardness of his bicep. He knew that you weren't even mildly concerned with the movie which made him chuckle out a deep laugh that rumbled in his chest. You... You never failed to those stupid butterflies flutter in his stomach with your cute little acts of possession.
He wore your love bites with pride and didn't mind that they were in a place that was even more visible than his neck. He licked a long strip on the column of your throat, decorating it with nips of his own, marks of his love and yearning for you while his hands sought your breasts, kneading them with tenderness. Even if words betrayed him most of the time, he trusted his actions to speak for him. "There's nothing better than watching you, princess."
Please feel free to leave comments/feedback!💜  Masterlist
Tagging @shhhlikeme @hqissodelicate @cleverlittlevixen (I hope you enjoy your movie night with your boo :*) 💜 
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quillyleaf · 3 years
fish anon again ^^ thanks for replying to my ask!
basically, my mom and i were given an aquarium from a friend, and we wanna get some fish for it, but have no idea how to choose. are there any types you would recommend for some first time fish owners? any tips? and if you have resources yes pls i'd love for you to share them !!!
have a nice day <3
Hello again!!
I decided to put a quick summary up at the top because this got super long:
Before you get the fish:
What’s your tank size?
Get a filter that fits
Get a heater that fits (and a thermometer)
Get enough substrate for the tank size (natural coloured is best)
Get your decorations (live/silk plants are great! Driftwood and natural stones, too!)
Research what fish can live well in that tank size (and which ones would get along if you’re getting multiple!)
There are a bunch of “starting a new tank” chemicals that kickstart the cycle that can shorten this cycle from weeks to a few days
Adding in hardy and small fish (tetras, barbs, platys/mollies/guppies) can also help the cycle go faster
“Cycling a tank” is basically just getting the chemicals inside the water to a stable level. Most importantly, you want NO AMMONIA.
Fish! Recommendations!
(Be aware I have limited experience here)
Small, hardy fish are best for beginners, but you can definitely get something else if you do your research: Tetras, barbs, most livebearers (like guppies, swordtails, platys, and mollies)
Cleanup crew! Fish that will cleanup algae and leftover food: Snails, shrimp, algae eaters, plecos, loaches
Flashy highlight fish! If you plan on these, I recommend choosing just ONE and basing all the other fish in the tank on what gets along with them. Flashy fish can be very aggressive, so beware! Bettas, gouramis, cichlids (I know nothing about cichlids, I might be very wrong), that sort of thing
Goldfish are great if you just want one type of fish, and only one or a few to focus on, but beware: THEY WILL EAT ANYTHING SMALLER THAN THEM.
I personally recommend KGTropicals Fish Keeping 101 Playlist if you like clear and comprehensive youtube videos. Specifically, their video for new fishkeepers is a nice starter!
After you watch through that new fishkeepers video, here’s some tips for possible fish! (Under the cut ‘cause this is longggg.)
Firstly, disclaimer: I only have experience with some limited fish types, so I’ll give some info on those!
I have two bettas in a divided ten gallon tank. It’s divided in half, so it’s technically two five gallons! Originally I had one in a community tank (with other fish types) but they ended up getting nippy and aggressive so I gave them their own. ^^ With bettas, they have really fun personalities and swim around and can even be easily trained to do tricks as long as you take care of them properly!
But having a betta means you can only have one “highlight” fish, the betta. So if you want more than one fish with longer fins, or really pretty colours, or a flashy personality, bettas aren’t a good idea. Gouramis are a little less aggressive, but a similar fish in that you don’t want to put them with other larger/flashy fish because they tend to get nippy.
In my twenty gallon tank, I have platys, a gourami, weather loaches, and kuhli loaches. I would actually recommend getting a larger tank for weather loaches, I’m just keeping them in this tank temporarily while they’re smaller until I get a larger tank. ^^
In the past, I’ve had guppies and african dwarf frogs. Unfortunately, due to either disease right from the store, or from my own inexperience, these fish passed away a while ago. :c I wouldn’t recommend african dwarf frogs to beginners: feeding them is remarkably trickier than you might think. Guppies can be a great beginner fish, I just got really unlucky with them and I don’t want to get them again. ^^’
Livebearers in general are usually great beginner fish if you have a large enough tank and you want a group of lovely colours and cute personalities. Guppies, mollies, swordtails, and platys are some of the common ones you’ll find. Some of these can be more aggressive than others, so do your research, but the great fun with these is that they breed readily when healthy and happy. HOWEVER, these fish DO tend to be short-lived, so I wouldn’t recommend these if you get attached really easily.
LOACHES are my favourite favourite favourite fish ever because they are!! SO SILLY AND DERPY and so fun to watch! They’re extremely easy to take care of, eat up all the leftovers at the bottom of the tank, get along really well with other fish (because they can be really peaceful), and they can even be extremely friendly (and can even!! ENJOY BEING PET!!). HOWEVER. All loach types are different, so do your research. ^^
I don’t have personal experience with these, but tetras and barbs are also said to be very hardy fish, cheap, have many varieties, and are little and therefore are good for beginners.
Also!!! Technically not a fish! But! SNAILS ARE GREAT. They clean up algae and leftover food and keep your tank nice and clean, and are also fun to watch~ Nerites are known as the best for algae clean-up, but apple (or mystery) snails are also really good. SHRIMP ARE ALSO GREAT for a similar reason! Just make sure your other fish won’t eat them.
Hopefully that helps? Mostly this was just an excuse to rant, though. ^u^’
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us (Fezco x fem!reader, part 7.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like the scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
 A/N: None really this time?
Warnings: Fezco being FLUFFY as fuck. Rue and Jules with yo sis Fran being fucking the best supporting bitches ever. No drugs or so mentioned, except weed, this part is overall pretty ok I think. 
Read the rest here, babe:  PART 1  PART 2  PART 3  PART 4  PART 5  PART 6
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
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When you have a meeting which is truly important for you, the time slows down around you. It could be a meeting with someone new, which usually tears you apart from the inside because of the curiousness of how it will be, to be with them.
You have those feelings when you have an appointment with your new work. Your nervous about the questions that they will ask you - you're nervous that you will not answer correctly. People can be very keen on the first impressions.
The same feeling appears in your chest when you have to go to meet someone for the last time in your life. A sudden feeling of loneliness stops the world turning around you. You feel the need to be sad, to be alone, you feel a lot of anxiety.
So when Fez didn't text you for the first week, you felt like you have fucked something like. When you told Fran, she just busted out of laughter, watching you with her eyes closed playfully. She giggled for the last time.
She always told you that she finds you astonishingly beautiful, especially in your tight dress showing your cleavage almost completely and some high heels on. When you were doing a little catwalk to Rue and Jules, Rue told you that you should not wear them when you'll go out with Fez, because it could give him a heart attack. So you decided that those were definitely the ones to wear when being with Fez on a date.
"Are you serious? You from all the people feel insecure? Shithead, you're hilarious sometimes, for god's fuckin' sake." - Fran swung her feet on the small table in front of the TV, taking a fistful of popcorn and shoving it up to her mouth. It was almost nine p.m., Cal was already sent to bed and you two watched some badly written and badly shotted horror movie. Your mom and your dad were on the way to your old hometown to visit granny and grandpa.
“What would I even do without your honesty?” - You snuggled to her side as you always did. From the time you were small, Fran was basically the boy-ish manly element in your everyday life. She was the big sister who was rude, loud, who was cursing like a sailor with the humor the darkest humorist on the planet. 
When you were little and you were afraid, she took you to her bed to snuggle you for the rest of the night. When you were feeling bad, she tried to make everything on the planet felt right for you. And when you watched some movies, you always cuddled and she braided your head or massaged your scalp, being the protective one. 
You, from all of your siblings, were the woman element, the princess which everyone felt the need to protect and to take care of. You knew that you are capable of the watch after your own fucking ass. It wasn't your choice that you looked like a gentle, small woman, the rose in beasts palace. 
Cal was obviously the dumbest and youngest, or that was what Fran was saying all the time. He was extremely likely to be persuaded with Fran's bullshit - and she was capable of thinking almost extremely crazy things. She made him go all nature-loving vegan boy for almost three years and one time, she told him that he should drive circle on every dog hell see to make him a dalmatian.
But that was what your family was like from the day you three were officially together. So it was completely normal for you to snuggle with Fran in the most sister-like way even possible. 
“What would ya do without me? Well, mostly, you wouldn't have anyone to be truthful with ya.” - Fran whispered, leaning her cheek to the top of your head. She had a huge smile on, again shoving a whole fist of popcorn up to her mouth. - “Second of all, ya life would be completely without a direction and without any sense of humor in ya boring day-to-day survivin'. Dear fuckin' lord baby Jesus.” - She yelled and laughed when a jumpscare took her by surprise. 
A vibration next to your upper thigh took you by surprise as you and Fran laughed it off. You shook it off as Rue's gibberish, but the phone continued on vibrating. Eventually, after a minute and three texts later, you finally looked at the screen. When you looked at the screen, you didn't even know who the hell it is. 
But then you focused on the grammar and the nickname, it all clicked into one place.
“What happened? Somebody took a picture of a yeti again?” - Fran joked around, but you looked like the Lord and Savior himself just put a halo on the top of your head. You watched the display with mouth opened, without having a single idea what to say to Fran. 
Unknown number: Heya newbie.
Unknown number: It Fez 'ere. Wanna know when ya have the time?
Unknown number: Wanna see ya. The sooner the betta. 
“A... A boy who I like just texted me if I want to go out? Jesus, Fran, do I want to go out?” - You shuttered and exhaled out loud, being all nervous and rosy all of a sudden. Fran was giggling at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“Is he the knight of the Catholic cavalry you were searching for?” - Fran closed her eyes a bit and then she started to giggle. - “You will never know, shithead. You better find out, hm? Go get 'em, tiger! You can go out with that boy tomorrow, I will look after shithead number two, just have a nice evening. Live a little while the two of them are gone.” 
So you texted him back, feeling all confident with your sister's support. Fran then stood up and stopped the movie, pointing with her thumb in the direction behind her back. - “Gonna have some fine time, just me and ma weed while ya will be all over dat boy, okay?”
Y/N: I have some time tomorrow. Wanna hang out?
You sat down, eating some popcorn and drinking the root beer Fran had bought for you two. You tried to keep your mind occupied while Fran was stoning on her balcony. 
Fez: Alrite. Wanna do somethin' special-special or just han' out? We can go to the cinema and shit. 
Y/N: Dinner, cinema, and shit? That's what u mean?
Fez: Yea, I mean dat type of shit. 
Y/N: Ok. See ya tomorrow at 5? 
Fez: Tomorrow in front of da expansive Italian bistro.
You almost screamed out loud with joy, your brain was all over the fucking place. Fezco wanted to go out with you. Holy fucking shit. Fezco. That fucking bearded stoner who you were all around. In an Italian bistro which everybody considered the best in the city. You two between all of the businessmen, rich people and there you would be, just the two weirdos. 
“So wazzup?” - Fran walked into the room completely tuned down by the weed. She was slow, all over the place; she usually acted like a fucking philosopher or a magician when she was stoned. - “Yo man, I am so fuckin' high.” - She sat down and laughed loudly. 
That meant only one thing - she already found one of the local dealers and she bought some good fucking shit, as she would most likely say, from him.
“You're asking about me and the boy, aren't you?” - You let her sat down next to you, again snuggling you. - “It is all going a-ok. I have a date yesterday.” - You said excitedly with a joy-filled voice. You looked and Fran. She was smiling happily and after a half an hour, she leaned down to kiss your forehead. 
But in her head, no time has passed between she was happy for you and after she leaned to kiss you. 
The other day, Cal left the house really early. He was going to skate with his band of friends, in which was Gia Bennett included as well. But your three fangirls decided to be with you all day, telling you some useful tips and tricks, doing your hair, doing her make-up. 
“If ya not gonna wear that, I mean THAT dress, I’m going to disown ya, girl.” - Rue stood up and took those tight black dress hugging your cleavage fuckingly tight. She and Fran had a joint together so they were on cloud nine. Fran said she was watching over Rue - that meant Rue hadn't got more than two shots. - “Oh yea boy! You need to fuckin' wear that, bitch!” - Fran exclaimed. 
“Those spaghetti straps plus ya boobs? I tell you that you're going to kill ma man with that kind of shit. And girl, I saw yo ass looking just yummy in dat skirt.”  - Rue gave you the dress with a slight smile. They've made your face prettier, your hair looked like the hair of a Hollywood star. 
“And may I recommend you those black high heels?” - Jules smiled. They had a plan - to make you look the most devilish way you ever possibly could. Rue knew what Fez is going to like, so she just continued with making a really good outfit. 
“That's it. We done 'here, ma ladies. Now ya have it in yo own hands. Good luck girl.” -  Rue kissed you on both of your cheeks an hour later. You were nervous that you will fuck something up. Fran voluntarily said she would take you to the Italian restaurant in her car. 
“Good luck with that man, babes.” - Jules hugged you, then giving you an encouraging smile to kick you in the ass. Jules and Rue were staying at your place to watch over Gia and Cal. Cal was on your team. The two of them fangirled all over you as well, but Rayman was way more interesting than your date was. 
“Hey ho, let's fuckin' go!” - Fran opened up the door for you, playing with the keys in her hand. The way in the car was a quiet one, only interrupted by the hip hop station. You were nervous and Fran was sobering up after the joint, tuned down a bit. But she looked you in the eyes when you were there. 
“Yo look absolutely stunnin', shithead, no matter what he's gonna say. Be confident, be cool and be you, ya comprehend?” - She took your palm to hers, playing with your fingers with a slight smile on her lips. You nodded and took a deep breath in before you basically jumped to circle your hands around her neck. 
“I love you, dingus.” - You whispered and Fran smoothed your back in a slow matter. - “I fuckin' love you too, shithead. Fuck off or I'll be fuckin' emotional.” - Then she waved at you when she was leaving, holding her thumbs up. 
You nervously trembled when you stood next to the entrance. You looked all over the place just to see him smoking behind a car. He looked nervous as hell, paler than before, with your eyes flatter than any time else. But he looked really cute. 
He hadn't got a tux, but he had a white shirt with a tie around it, tight black trousers. He overall looked cute than when you have seen him before. You tiptoed to be seen from behind the car and you waved at him. Fez gave you a nod and a knowing fast smile. Your eyes were scanning his way of walking and you almost fainted. Fezco looked sexy as hell.
But you had the feeling that that was the first and official last time that you saw Fezco in something like a suite. 
“Heya, newbie.” - Fezco smiled at you, offering you his elbow to hold onto. You took a hold of it almost instantly. - “Hi, Fez.” - A big, happy smile appeared on your face and you smoothed his upper arm with your fingertips. 
“How ya doin'? Ya lookin' all happy and shit.” - He opened you the door but made you go after him, holding them open for you.   
“Can't I look happy? I'm just excited about this evening.” - You said and you were completely honest with him. Fezco made you really surprised - he had a reservation of a really good table in the restaurant, he made you ordered the best food you wanted to taste in the restaurant and he truly paid for you in the end. It must've cost a fortune at least, but Fez looked like he's completely cool about that.  
You were sure about one thing - it didn't matter that Fez was not the smartest, the brightest, the strongest or the best boy in the hood, yet he was the perfect match for you. Fezco knew how to make you laugh and your smile made him smile as well. He loved your imperfections - that you were nervous about all of that, that you sometimes said something utterly stupid and the panic when you were sorry for that. 
At one point, your fingers brushed on the table and since then, your hands intertwined gently. He did some serious gentleman shit. He was really nice to you, seriously concerned about you and the things that you like even tho his brain looked like it's about to freeze. Yer he found you sweet, so he tried his best to be the brightest he could. That was some serious effort he put into that evening.
You took a quick picture od those hands on the table lightened up with all the chandeliers and candles in the Italian style. It looked seriously romantic. And Fez didn't even notice, because he was doing something with the menu. 
Then, even tho you looked like some big hugs, you two went to a cinema. You had the upper hand off choosing the movie. So you definitely went to watch some horror movies - it was seriously visible that you made that only move because you wanted to be closer to him.
That evening was the best one you have ever had. You were with a boy you were into, he was funny and charming and even hugged you and cuddled to his chest when you were freaking out. Your mind was on cloud fucking nine because of Fez.
When the ride home came, you were completely relaxed as hell. You completely opened up the car windows and you sang loudly, which made him giggle. It almost looked like he is about to kiss you when you stood in front of the house. But all of a sudden, you saw your mom in the window. So you giggled and took his hand into your palm, running off with him into the garden, pressing your body into his. 
“I didn't know that my parents will be home so soon. If they saw you here, they would have killed me.” - You whispered to him, leading him under your window. He just nodded when you stopped, smiling shyly and playing with his hand in yours. 
“So... Can I see you anytime soon?” - You put your palms on his chest, still looking into his eyes. You were still whispering - because you wanted to be longer with him and you seriously didn't want to get to trouble. 
“Yea. Would be cool.” - Fezco said immediately and you bit your bottom lip with excitement. You made the first move for the second time, leaning into a long kiss. You put your palms on his jaw, holding him a tight grip. The kiss was getting more passionate and more desperate as you moaned lightly. Dear Lord, you were so fucking impressed by his kissing techniques. They were even better than when you were drunk. When the kiss came to an end, you scanned his face with a happy, loving gaze. You liked that boy. You really did.
He stood there until you crawled back to your room through the window, kissing you one last time, this time starting the kiss and leading it.
"Ya wait for a sec like dat?" - He pointed at you suddenly. Your face frowned a bit, but you smiled with excited expression in your face. Fezco ran off as quietly as possible, before going back in the same manner. He was giving you something - upon a further inspection, it was a single rose only decorated by a red velvet string in a somehow strange yet beautiful manner. You smiled widely, your stare turning to his once again.
"Thank you so much, where the hell had you the time to get this?" - You leaned for another long kiss. Okay. So that was your thing. The couple who is basically obsessed with kissing each other. That one was a sure thing. But it was so exciting, he tasted so good and your head just made the reality blur around you every single time. Yeah. You could easily consideration yourself officially lost in the way Fez kissed.
"Bought it before but forgot it in da car. I was so nervous." - A wide smile broke out on his lips and you couldn't anything else but smile happily.
That was the moment when it all has started. This was one of the top moments in your whole life at that point. There was a lot that was ahead of you, but you didn't want to see it. So many fucked up bullshit was just beginning to rise in your future without you even noticing. At that moment, you had everything.
It was just Fezco and you.
And it was perfect.
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shoutyfish · 6 years
general betta fish care / common myths
there's a lot of myths fueled by pet store employees floating around about bettas, so the more this kind of information is spread, the better. as always i encourage everyone whose looking into fishkeeping does THOROUGH research long before getting the fish and do NOT rely on pet store employees to give u accurate information.
"bettas aren't good swimmers or active so they don't need big tanks and are perfectly happy in a little bowl or a flower vase"
"they're super hardy and resilient so don't worry about tank cycling"
"bettas like dirty water so don't worry about cleaning either'
"live and frozen fish food arent good for everyday feeding"
"bettas can't be kept with other fish ever bc they are extremely aggressive and will kill anything with a pulse"
(we're gonna debunk all of these (: )
the first thing that should be in your possession long before adding the fish is the tank. a lot of fishkeepers think 2.5gallons is the minimum, but personally i think 5 gallons is the minimum. 10 gallons works best. to reference, 2.5 is the minimum by AMERICAN standards, which are outdated, so many people choose to go by germany's standards instead because it's proven to be a lot more successful & up-to-date.​​​​​​​ 
a 5 gallon tank is the minimum that i recommend, but 2.5 gallons are ok.
10 gallon tanks work best. the bigger your tank, the more likely your betta will grow to maximum size & beauty, the less likely chance of stunting growth.
also, 10 gallon tanks are much easier to maintain and establish a cycle, and you can even start an albeit small community tank with them. (with tank mates compatible with your betta & small enough to not outgrow a 10gal. but community tanks are a topic for  another day)
properly cycled tanks reduce disease risk & encourage longevity in your betta's lifespan (i will make another post about the nitrogen cycle bc that's a lot)
a filter! nothing with a strong flow, though. bettas are not very good swimmers! (tip: when cleaning your tank, never rinse the filter media! it kills beneficial bacteria & basically starts your cycle all over)
a heater - bettas thrive best in 78-82 degrees F.
an aquarium thermometer
water conditioner. i recommend seachem prime - it's the BEST out there and contains helpful nutrients that get rid of bad bacteria & ammonia.
bottled bacteria, if necessary. helps kickstart the cycle of your tank.
pH and ammonia testing kits
gravel syphon for cleaning & maintenance
a net to fish out uneaten food
gravel/substrate. (tip: measure how much u need by laying the bags out across the tank box. it should fit evenly across it long-ways)
decorations!! don't get plastic plants, they can harm ur betta's fins. if ur getting fake deco, try to find silk ones or very soft ones. bettas like to  be divas so make that shit pretty as hell & give them lots of places to hide. marimo moss balls are good for helping tank filtration & super easy to care for if ur interested in live plants!
acclimation and tank cycling are still CRITICAL to a betta's life and happiness. it's true that they are resilient fish that are easy to take care of, but like any fish, they have vital comfort needs & are still going to get diseases if you don't care for your water quality! 
1. when you first bring home your betta, do your final check on those water parameters. do an ammonia test in the fish's cup water to see just how much of a battle the pet store caretakers made for you.  almost 100% of the time the ammonia levels will be in the danger zone.
2. this is why acclimation is so very critical. start small and take your time. empty out a bit of the cup water, add a bit of your tank water. empty out a bit more of the cup water, add a bit more of your tank water - with about 3-5 minutes in between takes. keep doing this until you have replaced most if not all of the filthy pet store cup water. (WARNING: WATCH FOR SIGNS OF SHOCK WHILE YOU ARE DOING THIS. CLAMPED FINS, THE "SHAKES", FLOATING ON ITS SIDE, ETC ARE ALL SIGNS THAT YOU NEED TO ABSOLUTELY SLOW DOWN & LEAVE THE FISH ALONE FOR A COUPLE HOURS.)
3. now float your betta. you can put them in a bag if it's easier, otherwise you can just hold the cup in the tank. let the temperature adjust & let your lil guy/gal get their first glimpses of their new home. do this for a minimum of 10 minutes
4. gently tip the cup into the water & let the beast free! continue watching for signs of shock and keep a close eye on them & your water parameters for the first couple days.
frozen  or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, & mosquito larvae are betta favorites. when handling frozen food always rinse it out before putting it in the tank - most of the time the food is frozen in water that becomes really gross and murky. dried bloodworms also work very well. for flakes and pellets, i always recommend Omega One betta buffet flakes/pellets because their food is all natural and contains no additives/"meals" (tip: don't buy any food that lists something followed by the word  "meal" in the ingredients; it's basically heavily processed food).
do NOT overfeed. honestly underfeeding is better than overfeeding. you should feed your betta once a day with as much food as they can eat in about 2 minutes. have them fast one day a week to clear their digestive system. their stomachs are smaller than their eyeballs, so really, DON'T overfeed. it can cause a lot of incurable issues AND mess with your water quality
remove any uneaten food, or if you have bottomfeeders in your tank let them have at it
bettas will literally eat six #12s, 7 medium fries and a large shake if you let them. dont let those big black eyes trick you lmao
if you have a very young betta (5-10 weeks old) feed them twice a day instead of just once. brine shrimp eggs are especially tasty for fry but if your lil guy is big enough, they can eat regular frozen brine shrimp. meaty products filled with protein help  them grow the best. (bettas are full grown at 11 weeks, here is a size chart to determine your adolescent betta's age)
note that even if it worked out for everyone and you've gotten 800 recommendations, things can STILL go wrong when keeping bettas with other fish.  ALWAYS be prepared for an emergency move. also note that sometimes things can work perfectly fine for the  first couple months and then go to shit within a couple seconds, especially when pairing young bettas with other fish. young bettas develop, you know, hormones at some point and start getting supa territorial.
also, please make sure you have the proper tank size to keep any of these fish together. i've included their adult sizes & my recommended tank size if you were to keep nothing but the betta and this species in the tank. this WILL vary.
clown plecos - 4" full grown - algae eaters - 20 gallon tank size min.
pygmy corydoras - 1" full grown - schooling fish (you will need 6 or more of these) - 15 gallon tank size min.
ember tetras - 1" full grown - schooling fish (again, 6+) - 15 gallon tank size min.
rasboras - 1" full grown - schooling fish (again, 6+) - 15 gallon tank size min.
mystery snails - 2" full grown - plant-safe snail, doesn't reproduce asexually - 5 gallon tank min.
ghost shrimp - 1.5" full grown - social shrimp (3-4 of these, any more can lead to breeding) - 10 gallon tank min.
feeder guppies - 1" full grown - normal, can live in schools but not necessary - 10 gallon tank min (larger recommended for schools)
corydoras - 2.5" full grown est. - algae eaters - 15 gallon tank min.
and there are many, many more but these are what has, to me, at least, been the least problematic tank mates for bettas. all of these fish have something about them that would deter an aggressive betta's attention, such as the armor plating on clown plecos & dull colors of the pygmy corydoras and feeder guppies.
okay, so i think this covers all the basics! if you guys have any questions, please ask! and if you have anything to add, please do! thanks for reading & happy fishkeeping xxx
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dreamersparacosm · 7 years
Stuart Twombly - Fuck You Better
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warnings ; oral (male on female x female on male), lil bit of car sex, cursing, fingering, unprotected sex, just rlly smutty tbh 
 prompt ; in which you and stuart twombly hit the strip club, and your feelings about him are thrown into the open when another girl comes at him.
a/n ; my first stuart smut!! (how exciting) just something to suffice while i write the pregnancy series & the malia smut (: 
 Neon Hitch - Fuck U Betta 
 From the moment you had walked into that strip club that Stuart had talked about for ages, you knew you weren't going to enjoy the night. Of course, Stuart was your best friend and literally the only person he would talk to without looking at his phone. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't thought about him as more than a friend. Everyone around you two were beginning to notice as well - at work, near your other friends, literally everyone.
 The idea of Stuart even wanting to go to a strip club made your heart ache and stomach turn, but when he had brought it up, you couldn't say no to his excitement. The blue lights danced across the floor, chandeliers lining the ceiling. It was beautiful - well, as beautiful as it could get with pole dancers. It wasn't like you were against it; you just didn't want Stuart to like it as much as he did.
 "Um, Stuart?" You muttered lowly, still trying to make yourself heard above the music. His eyes were averting all across the dance floor, searching for god knows who. This was the first time you'd seen him without his phone - well, besides when he was talking to you.
His eyes locked on the girls at the bar, and without even saying anything to you, he walked off in their direction as if he was being dragged by them. You watched in shock as he approached them, making conversation and even going as far as letting one of the girls touch him. Your blood was boiling. This is what he brought you here for?
 Confused and agitated, you looked around, searching for something to do. You wanted to go to the bar and get drunk, but you didn't want to bump into Stuart. Instead, you made your way to a two-person table and sat yourself down, hoping somebody would offer you a drink. Thankfully, once of the dancers who you presumed was also a bartender, asked what you wanted to have tonight.
"Uh, give me the strongest drink you have," you shrugged nonchalantly. "And bring two of those."
 "Rough night?" The brunette girl asked. You almost couldn't take her serious with her black lingerie and perfect body - but you knew you had to play nice. She seemed sweet anyway.
 "Yeah, yeah. The guy I came with ditched me for a bunch of girls," I sighed at the mention of Stuart. My eyes searched for him over the crowd, but he was long gone from the last time I saw him. "He promised he was gonna stick by me all night."
 "Boyfriend or friend?" She questioned, trying to make conversation as she sent off your order to the other bartender. He looked particularly young to be working in a bar.
"Uh, friend," you immediately responded. But with a sigh, you couldn't help to admit, "But I wish he was my boyfriend." This time, when your eyes searched around for Stuart, you finally located him. Another girl was on top of him, cozying herself up as she grinded against his lap. Your mouth almost dropped in awe. You couldn't even hear the words the girl was still speaking to you, too in shock to even move. Stuart was really doing this? Did he even remember you were there?
 You were so overcome with anger and frustration that instead of replying to the girl, you raced to the bathroom to blow off some steam. A billion thoughts were racing through your mind, and you struggled to comprehend what you just saw. You couldn't even really blame him, though. It's not like he knew you liked him. He was just being himself.
 But you wanted him to want you like that. You were overcome with such anger that all you saw was red. You wanted him to look at you like that, with desire and longing. You wanted to take a risk. With the amount of adrenaline bursting through you, you just wanted to push the girl off of him and make him notice you. 
 You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You weren't ugly. You had guys before who wanted you and made it known. So, why was it so damn difficult with Stuart fucking Twombly, of all people? He was sarcastic, he was rude, he never cared enough to look up from his phone for two seconds.
 But, you wanted him to fuck you until you couldn't even remember your own name. 
 You were still wearing your button down shirt and pencil skirt that you had worn to work that day. Slowly, you glided your skirt up a little higher, showing off more of your legs. Undoing a few more buttons so that your cleavage was fully showing, you took another long look at yourself. You knew what he liked - typical long-legged, big-breasted girl. But none of that mattered when you knew exactly what would go on in his little head. The desires he had, the kinks he would think about. You were the only girl who was ever going to completely and utterly destroy him.
 With a deep breath, you exited the stuffy bathroom and made your way towards the couch where Stuart and the girl were still seated. As you made your way closer towards them, you pushed all thoughts aside. You could see her laughing at something he said, but her mouth shut completely when she locked eyes on you.
 Stuart looked down at your infamous black heels, eyeing up your legs before meeting your eyes that had darkened with desire. He could hardly recognize you under the light. You looked absolutely stunning. With a smile, you sat in between the girl and Stuart, making room for yourself. His jaw fell slack as he watched you turn to the girl, waving at her to leave before she finally got the message and roamed away.
 "Thanks for ditching me, Stuart," you placed a hand on his chest, pushing him into the couch. "You know, I didn't think I would care, but when I saw that little skank just sitting around, I got so fucking jealous."
 "Y-You got jealous?" Stuart was tongue-tied at your words. This was his best friend - someone he had loved for a long time. There was no way he was going to pass this up: whatever this was.
 "Yeah," you smiled sinisterly. "I felt really stupid, until I remembered that it wouldn't matter. Because I'm the only one who knows how to treat you right. I'm the only one who knows exactly what you want."
Your voice was so low that you had leaned in closer to him. He shuddered at your words, his heartbeat increasing as he thought about you. His best friend. He was about to fuck his best friend, and he totally didn't care. But first, he definitely wanted to make sure you weren't drunk. "Oh, yeah? What do you wanna do?"
 "Well, first," you moved yourself so that you were sitting on his thigh, your clit pressed down against him. You grinded against him, and his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. "I'm gonna make sure I come first."
 "Are you serious?" He almost whined in agony.
 "I think I deserve it after watching you flirt with that girl," you replied, leaning down to pepper light, teasing kisses along his jawline. 
 "Fair enough," He spoke, his voice raspy as he contained his moans. He didn't want to be so submissive in such a public area - but he definitely loved this side of you. His hands moved to your waist, his fingers pressing into the crevices of your hips. He had only dreamed of feeling those curves. 
 He was starting to get anxious, you could tell. You leaned down next to his ear, whispering over the loud music, "Do you wanna get out of here?"
Immediately, the boy perked up, and you climbed off of him, fixing your skirt seductively and latching onto his hand. You nearly dragged him out of the night club, and for a moment, you caught the eyes of the girl you had been talking to before. She sent a wink your way before continuing her job. Once the music had faded away and you had exited the club, you both almost ran to Stuart's car, hoping to get to his loft as quick as possible. 
 The moment he had shut the car door, he was already in reverse and zooming down the streets of San Francisco, headed straight towards his loft that he had bought a few months back. But you knew you couldn't wait it out. You needed him. And you could tell by the bulge forming in his pants that he couldn't wait any longer either. "We don't have to wait until we get to your apartment," you whined. "Why can't we do it in here?" 
 "Well, I mean, there's a bit of a-"
 He stopped in the middle of his sentence as soon as he saw you reaching down and beginning to unbuckle his belt. "Um- [Y/N]? What are you-" 
 His sentence was soon cut off with a moan as your hand latched onto his erection forming through his boxers. He immediately shifted uncomfortably in his seat, gulping down his saliva. "Do we really have to wait, Stuart?" You spoke as you pushed down the band of his boxers to release his hardened cock.
 "I-I, I don't-" 
 He couldn't even manage to form a single sentence as you ran your hand along the shaft of his cock, your thumb swiping away the pre-cum that leaked. He was in awe at your actions, his eyes struggling to focus between you and the road. Your right hand continued to jack him off, while you ran your tongue down his length. Stuart let out a sharp gasp, inhaling a deep breath. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, "[Y/N]." That was all he could manage to say.
 Wrapping your around the base, you slowly dragged it up and down, pumping him so that he was fully disengaged from driving. He couldn't take his eyes off you as you took him into your mouth, bobbing your head at a painfully slow pace that you were sure would make him go insane. He was moaning for you, letting out grunts of pleasure as you roamed your tongue on the underside of his cock. Your lips wrapped around his tip once more, and Stuart nearly collapsed over the steering wheel. "Fuck," he moaned out as his hips thrusted upwards to create more friction with your mouth. One of his hands wandered down to your hair, collecting it into the messiest ponytail you had ever seen. You two made eye contact, and you could tell by the way he was swallowing that he was going to combust with pleasure.
 But you didn't want to let him come yet. You knew better than to do that — the poor boy would probably get into a car crash. You pumped his length a few more times, removing your lips from and sitting back up in your seat. With a smirk, you wiped your lips and smiled, "How was that for a preview?" 
 Stuart couldn't even reply as he tried to contain himself. He was completely focused on the road, knowing that the quicker he arrived at his loft, the quicker he could destroy you. Your hand still remained at the tip of his cock, which was still erected. You knew better than to not let him orgasm, but you loved watching him squirm. 
 He was speeding down the street where his apartment complex was, and with one very sharp turn to the left, the two of you clambered out of the car as quick as possible. The wetness between your thighs pooled, and you clamped your legs shut as you waited for Stuart to whip out his eyes and open the door. Shivering on the doorstep, you watched as he gasped in excitement when he found the key, slipping it into the keyhole and nearly slamming the door open off its hinges.
 The moment the door was closed, his hands cupped your cheeks and his lips were suddenly on yours. You could feel his heartbeat going wild against your chest as he pressed you deeper into the wall of the door. You were overcome with emotions as you realized you were kissing your best friend. This was all you had ever wanted — and now it was finally happening. 
 You two were still in the hallway of his apartment, but it seemed obvious neither of you were moving away. He helped you guide the zipper of your shorts down, discarding them. He kissed down your neck, making his way towards your inner thigh. He looked up at you, almost as if he was asking if it was okay. You nodded impatiently, your hands reaching for his hair, tugging on it. He pushed your black lace panties to the side, letting his tongue swipe up your clit. You let out a small mewl of pleasure, encouraging him to continue. Your back leaned against the wall, both hands entangled in his messy hair.
 His tongue swirled around your sensitive clit, lapping up any wetness that was once there. He pressed his tongue flat against you, another loud moan exiting your mouth at his action. Stuart stuck his tongue inside of you, making you nearly go insane. He nibbled on your clit before licking up your slit again. "Oh god," you moaned out as you felt a familiar feeling of heat knotting in your stomach. You could hardly breathe, gasps of air leaving your mouth as your orgasm impended on you. 
 Stuart moved his lips off of you for a second, replacing them with his fingers. You yelped in shock, your eyes widening as you watched him work against your clit with your tongue and his fingers teased your g-spot. The feeling returned, spreading through your whole being. He could tell you were close as his tongue worked quicker, your chest heaving. Two of his fingers continued to work inside you as the burning heat of your orgasm shattered through your whole body. He watched in awe as you moaned out his name, tugging on his hair. Stuart removed his fingers from you, licking off the juice that had remained and standing up to kiss you.
 You could taste yourself on his lips, your legs still shaking slightly from the orgasm. He hurried to remove his jeans, his cock already erect and bulging against his boxers. You turned around, your chest facing the wall and your back towards him. He positioned himself at your entrance, gripping your hips tightly. He pushed into you, a groan both exiting yours and his lips. It was obvious the anticipation of this exact moment was greater than known.
 Your tits bounced with each thrust, and his hands tugged on your hair, pulling your head back as you moaned out his name. "Faster, Stuart," you encouraged him, and he almost pulled out of you before slamming himself into you. He was moving faster than humanly possible, and your legs shook as you took his full length. It seemed as if after each thrust, you were moaning out his name. Your walls clenched deliriously around him, and the feeling of your orgasm already erupted around you. "I'm going to come," you announced to him, and he bit his bottom lip as he worked harder to bring you to the brink.
 The burning heat in the pit of your stomach exploded as he continued to thrust into you, desperate to experience his orgasm. "Fuck, baby," He spoke as he went over the edge. You clenched around him as he came, and white washed over your vision as you thought you were going to come again. You exhaled a deep breath after you had calmed down, your hips sensitive to the touch, and you were certain they were bruised. Stuart removed his cock from inside you, and you turned around to face him.
 For a moment, you almost hesitated before leaning in to kiss him again. The feeling of your lips against his made you feel ecstatic. You pulled away, resting your forehead against his. "Was I better than the stripper?" You said comically.
 "Are you kidding?" Stuart raised his eyebrow, "I wasn't even serious about her. It was just a plot to get you jealous," he shrugged before laughing, "I guess it worked." 
 "How'd you know I was gonna get jealous?" You asked, confused.
 "Did you really think Neha wasn't going to tell me about your little crush?" He chuckled lightly before pressing another kiss to your cheek.
 "That little bitch," you grinned widely, but at least then you had something to be grateful for. After all, you finally got Stuart. And it was the best feeling you could ever attain in the world. 
 masterlist + request
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