#if u know what the second image is a ref to kiss me
deadendwithapulse · 2 months
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putting the freak in jesus freak
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jhupaig · 5 years
K_Renbo: mhm,,, kinda caught between just raising an eyebrow at her and squinting at her thecyberflame: don't,, need to do either K_Renbo: well she seems to want to be very clingy which is a problem thecyberflame: Not a problem at all,, K_Renbo: mmmhm just checking you wouldn't like, cry or anything if he punched her in the face would you thecyberflame: Depends how hecked his brain is K_Renbo: could say super hecked for fun thecyberflame: For fun, of course. Uhhh then yeah he gonna cry K_Renbo: well dang. he's not a fan but yeah he's gonna have to fight her cuz that's just how it be sometimes thecyberflame: Have fun trying to fight with a boy clinging to her K_Renbo: aww,, she's gonna kiss your head tho, you stay safe while she takes care of this creep, okay? thecyberflame: Clings to her,, so much,, K_Renbo: oh, baby,,, holds,,, hamon's just gonna si g h thecyberflame: Don't sigh at him,,, he's gonna cry mo re K_Renbo: :/... He's gonna try to kick her one way and pull you the other. Release, thecyberflame: That's rude and not nice Mama please don't let go of hi m His little weak hands can only cling so much,, K_Renbo: She won't!! she's gonna try so ha r d, and even if he pulls them apart she'll just try to get you ba ck but his look has graduated from squint to glare so that's cool thecyberflame: Yaaay fun,, K_Renbo: very fun thecyberflame: Those hands are gonna reach for her,, K_Renbo: Sig h s. He's gonna try to pull you far away from her tho got the image of her grabbing a palette knife and trying to get him so,,,, enjoy watching your mama stab your papa~ thecyberflame: This,, hecks with his head too much for him to be okay with it,,Yell a no but look surprised that he did,, reach out a hand but he doesn't know wh o he's reaching to,,, Life is ha r d K_Renbo: she's sorry you have to see this baby,,,, but this man is trying to take you away from her-!! thecyberflame: But,, But he- he's not.. He's good,,He thinks..,, K_Renbo: Baby, no! He wants to take you-! pulls him back into he r a rm s thecyberflame: Mm,,, He'll.. He'll look at Hamon K_Renbo: He's just trying to collect himself and decide what to do hi don't mind this pained glance at you thecyberflame: As long as you don't mind his pained and confused face looking at you K_Renbo: Well, he does mind that. He's just gonna sigh at it and close his eyes for a hot second thecyberflame: Why do you mind that si r K_Renbo: Ah e m your mama's just gonna pull you way over there, come along,,, thecyberflame: But mama he's hurt..,, K_Renbo: Good. thecyberflame: Maaammmaaaa. Just killed a maaann That's not,, good,, K_Renbo: He wants to take you away, baby--  He's gonna try to take you so far away-- She had to thecyberflame: He doesn't want to be taken away but.. he- he's hurt.. K_Renbo: Don't look at it, baby. She'll hold you to her chest thecyberflame: Mama- K_Renbo: Shh, shh now, she's got you,, thecyberflame: But- Mama can't you help him.. K_Renbo: Baby... thecyberflame: Please.. K_Renbo: He- He's dangerous... He'd just take advantage of her kindness.. thecyberflame: Please Mama... K_Renbo: She'll give you such a sad look...You're so sweet, to worry about him, and she'll kiss your head for that-- but baby, no, no... thecyberflame: B.. But Mama- He's good.. He's- I know him.. Even if his brain is being kinda hecky on h o w he knows him,, It's,, there K_Renbo: How do you know him-? When did you ever meet him without me knowing? thecyberflame: I.. I don't know I just- I know him... Enjoy that Ham man K_Renbo: Baby, your mind's being silly... She'll kiss it again, but...... Hamon's going to push himself back up though, and look over at you thecyberflame: Mm.. He's been looking at him K_Renbo: .... internal sigh, but, "We're family." thecyberflame: Awww Hamon He'll- look a little more confused K_Renbo: shut,, Your mama's gonna hold you closer, and spin around to glare at him, like how dare you -- But he doesn't care about her opinions, so? "You were adopted by my fiancé. Dimitri. You remember him, don't you?" She'sgonnagetso m u ch mo r e offended th o thecyberflame: "Dimi.. tri..?" K_Renbo: "... Or how about Dri? Adriane? Your 'brother', as you've been calling each other." A lady is gonna keeping insisting this is all bullshit thecyberflame: You can keep insisting that all you want but brains do what they do. He's gonna look down at the ground and be silent for a moment. "That.. I know that name-" K_Renbo: "... Blond hair, covers his eye... He calls you Blondie." thecyberflame: "I..." His face will get all scrunched up as he thinks really hard. ".. Yellow.. eye?" K_Renbo: ... A bit of relief will cross his face, almost a smile, too. He'll nod. "That's right." "Baby! Baby, no, enough with this nonsense! Your family is here-" thecyberflame: .. He'll look at her- K_Renbo: She'll give you a pleading sort of look,,"He's just trying to trick you, please-" thecyberflame: "But.. But I remember-" K_Renbo: "You don't, baby, that's silly," she'll lay a hand on your cheek and brush her thumb over it. "You've only been with me, where would these made up people fit in?" thecyberflame: Mm.. He'll look down again and close his eyes. "I don't.. I don't know but-" He'll look over at Hamon. "I remember him.." K_Renbo: "... My name is Hamon," he'll cut back in before she starts up her rudeness again, and start coming closer, little as she likes it. "I spend most of the time on the couch, but sometimes you kids come along and try to play. You and Cecilia mostly, you surely remember her." "But as for me," .... he'll bring a hand up, a bent finger brushing some of his own bangs a little. "I wear a cowboy hat sometimes for a chuckle. You steal it from time to time." thecyberflame: Hm- He'll.. He'll start to smile a little, though his confusion still showing through. Though some tears might start to line his eyes. K_Renbo: ... He'll smile back, more than a little. And he'll try to reach over-- But, the woman will slap his hand away, and try to pull you further from him. "Leave my baby alone!" thecyberflame: Oh, that'll surprise him. Might jump,,, As much as he can. "Ma- Mama, it's good..!" K_Renbo: "No! Listen to it, what sort of nonsense is he putting in your head!?" thecyberflame: "Non.. ? No, it- it's good..!" K_Renbo: "You're not going to go with him, are you!?" thecyberflame: "Ca.. Can't you go with?" K_Renbo: "We're not going along with some strange kidnapper-!" thecyberflame: "No, but I know him-!" K_Renbo: "You don't!" thecyberflame: "I-I do!" K_Renbo: ... Hamon's going to look over some vines, and make his way over to them. "No! How would you know him!?" thecyberflame: "I- I don't know, but I do-!" "So, we can go with him, Mama.. Please?" K_Renbo: "Why do you want to!? Am I not good enough??" thecyberflame: "No, Mama! O- Of course you are-" K_Renbo: "Then why do you want to leave me...!" totally not starting to cry or anything thecyberflame: You raising your voice was already making him hhhh but like if you start cryinG. He's gonna hug her and shake his head. "I want you to come with, Mama.." K_Renbo: "W-Why do you want to leave--" She's gonna hug he r s e lf and cry more. 'Wasn't I a good mother? I gave you everything-" thecyberflame: "You're the best Mama- I don't want to leave you-!" "I want you to come with- I.. Is that okay?" K_Renbo: "You want to leave our home, our everything-- F-For some random-" Ah, but. Hamon's going to curiously snap some of these vines, causing her to flinch and spin her head around to glare at him. thecyberflame: He'll look up at her and then over to him,, K_Renbo: ... He'll look her over for a second, then turn to the boy. "... She isn't real." thecyberflame: He- He'll blink Also Mother Knows Best feels fitting to this fake,, K_Renbo: hhhhhhhh y es,,, very fitting,,, thecyberflame: Crying in the club,,Gotta listen to it now K_Renbo: Waving off her how dare you type yells, he'll break a few more vines to demonstrate the pain that hits her. thecyberflame: See, logically, that makes sense. His brain isn't really a place for logic right now and he's gonna grab her hands and ask if she's okay,, K_Renbo: She's just going to cry, and use this as proof of how awful he is and please don't go He'll sigh a bit, though. "The gallery made her to trick you, Hotaka. It tried to do the same kind of thing to me." thecyberflame: He- He's very confused and those tears are back. "Wh- What are you talking about?" K_Renbo: ... He'll come over and grab her arm. She'll fight, of course, but all he's looking for is to snatch her knife and slice her arm a bit. show off how not right it looks. thecyberflame: Hhhh y eah he sees how not right that is and it’s not matching what’s supposed to be there in his head and that’s not,, cool. He’s gonna try to hold his head,, if he can move his arms that much K_Renbo: he probably can, she's a little busy trying to get him away from her. definitely screaming too, so have fun with that thecyberflame: HhhhhhhH this is not fun and he feels like he’s gonna be sick His head is also splitting and it’s,, not fun K_Renbo: Would it help if he plops a hand over his mouth? cuz her noises aren't doin great for his head either but also if you want a ref for how real blood looks that hand's got a good amount on it now, from trying to hold shut that stab wound, that's definitely going to bite him in the butt sooner or later thecyberflame: Yeeaaaah you know what he is gonna be sick and thats gonna be real fun cause he has nothing on his stomach K_Renbo: sorry son thecyberflame: Aww calling him son K_Renbo: <3 do you believe him well enough though? can he get this woman away and can we leave? thecyberflame: Whooo knows,, His brain is shit so you’re just better off doing what ya gotta do K_Renbo: Well, that works for him. Cue a little fighting montage with her I guess, but he'd prefer to win, and that's all that matters thecyberflame: Believe in that rat so much,, K_Renbo:  .... He'll go over to pick the boy up. thecyberflame: Sorry if he looks very spacey and just,, out of it. His brain is,, so so stupid and is just kinda shutting in on itself,, It’s fine K_Renbo: That happens. He'll just hold you and work on getting out despite his body being pretty upset now. May have to sit for a minute somewhere? but she seemed like the biggest threat, so that's probably fine to do now Congrats though, you'd get to sit in his lap thecyberflame: Mm... He’ll look at Hamon’s stomach and really without even thinking or realizing why, he’ll lift his arm to Hamon’s mouth K_Renbo: Ah- He'll blink at him?... A hand will go up to nudge his arm back down, shaking his head. thecyberflame: He’ll push it towards him more K_Renbo: Sighs. "You're much worse off than me, schlange." thecyberflame: “...You’re hurt-“ K_Renbo: "And you?" thecyberflame: “...” He’ll push his arm to him more K_Renbo: He'll just shut his eyes and lean his head back. thecyberflame: Mm... He’ll move his sleeve a bit to show one of those wounds from the vines and work it closer. “.. Please?” K_Renbo: He'll open them again, and look him over. Maybe his brows will furrow a little bit.. thecyberflame: “Please..” K_Renbo: ... He'll just kind of bring his hand to your head, and nudge it down into his shoulder with some light pats. thecyberflame: Oh... He’ll lean down into that K_Renbo: His chest will just do a large up and down thecyberflame: He’ll look up at him K_Renbo: He'd shut his eyes again briefly, but when they open again he'd just look across to the other wall.  "... How are you holding up?" thecyberflame: Is a nod an answer? Cause it’s the one he’ll give as he stares off into space K_Renbo: That's fine. He'll pat a little more. thecyberflame: “..We’re family..?” K_Renbo: ... A short nod. thecyberflame: “Okay..” K_Renbo: ... thecyberflame: He’s sorry he’s so,, This K_Renbo: no, he's fine thecyberflame: Is he though,,Sure you don’t wanna just leave him here? K_Renbo: Eh, thought about it, but nah~ He may... almost fall asleep for a moment, though. But, catching himself, he'll shake his head and try to push himself back up. A little sway maybe, possiblyalightbumpintowalls, but they'll get going again thecyberflame: A little hand might come up to cling to your shirt on those bumps but it’s gonna stay there,, K_Renbo: Sorry if they spooked you~ Should be fine after one or two, though. Forthemostpart,atleast thecyberflame: Mm it’s fine,,, He’ll keep his head leaned against his shoulder K_Renbo: Heee's just gonna do his best to get you out safely now. Just rest up and ignore whatever little obstacles try to pop up Despite their efforts, he's getting you home.. thecyberflame: Okay,, He’ll probably pass out at some point,, But aww Hamon you love your son K_Renbo: mmmmmmmmmmhm, he's just gonna pass out once he finally gets back to his couch thecyberflame: Mhm of course,,Let the boy crash next to you K_Renbo: that's fine with him, have fun boy,,,    
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intoxicatingswift · 4 years
the 1:
God the line if my wishes came true it would've been you OK THAT HIT
this feels like a iftye but like folklore version
UGH THE BRIDGE ACTUALLY HIT why was this my exact mood yesterday I already called it I knew I needed this album
can i just say im here for taylors lower tone
the Peter losing Wendy line really got me cuz that used to be a thing w me n some1 *cries*
chasing shadows in the grocery line nooo
this is like an other side of the door but folkmore IDK IT JUST REMINDS ME OF IT
the last great american dynasty:
god i had to restart it 3 times my fam r so noisy pls.
i really feel like the stripped back style of production really allows taylors lyrics and storytelling within songs to shine. like ive got the maddest mental images of screaming matches between Rebecca and bills family and small town style rumours passing from someone to another
mental music video basically and also u can see the strength of rebecca which is only paralleled by smth ive experienced from books/TV? imagine the skill it takes to tell such a story in a few minutes that people see in 358 pages or 12 1hr installations
can u tell im excited for this one
ughhh his harmonies are always *chef's kiss*
side note this rly is pushing me and giving me a better sense of identity for the sort of music I want to make thank u Taylor 🥺
god taylor urs and bon ivers voices go together so beautifully u both know how to make a harmony so good
the metaphors are so.... UGH I LOVE
my tears ricochet:
im in love with the vocalising in the intro omg
if I'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too yes hunger games let's go (no for real I just re read it and loved it again so)
ok no the lyrics on this one just HIT me particularly even tho I'm gonna say that on every song OK
I feel like theres a lwymmd ref in here 😶
the line I didn't have it in myself to go with grace spoke to me like i feel like that was extracted directly from my brain
still can't believe we actually got a whole album wth
this song just feels like calm vibes as a blanket, stolen kisses
bro.... i literally wrote half a song with the lyrics that have the same gist of the bridge the whole idea of the circus no longer existing and yet u still feel like u have to perform for that one person cause u need to prove that they made the wrong choice leaving i
God her voice is hauntingly beautiful here
and though I can't recall your face I still got love for you what a beautiful way to express that you're always loved by someone even if you're no longer close, you live in memories and that's 100% enough and you're enough
THE ENTIRE SECOND VERSE IS ME AND MY FRIENDS AS TEENAGERS? God that hurt especially bc the sentiment of my prev things applies to those same people
ahhhhh we had cruel summer and now we have august
"lost in the memory" is one of my favourite lyrics anyway and now taylors used it i
did taylor find out like the story of my life 2016- present bc like this seriously hits the "you were never mine" and the emphasis on August i
OK THE BRIDGE WAS MEEEEEE OH MY GOD how do i write my shitty album when this *gestures to entire folklore aggressively* exists.
oh the outro :( whoever said this is taylors melodrama was onto smth fr
this is me trying:
just looking at the lyrics is this ootw; the next chapter 👁️👄👁️
this is so beautifully sad
you're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town okkkkkkkkkkk wow 🥺
illicit affairs:
why do i feel like this is joe and tays story post met gala👁️
invisible string omg OK I claimed this one pre listen:
oh crap the colour references already spoke to me bc long ago I had a concept to link songs to colours
also the idea of storybook romance as well with the "used to think I'd meet somebody there"
i love the invisible string theory also oh my god
BAD BLOOD OMG this is such a random detail abt how Joe heard bad blood the first time he was in LA and I love it
LMAO not taylor getting recognised on their anniversary trip 😭
also can i just say the plucking strings keeping the same rhythm/volume the way through somehow contributes to the invisible string theory i loooooveeeeee the lyric/music matching here (did i just somehow compare this to vq matching? think so ok maybe there's hope for me as a medic yet 💀)
taylor rly said fuck adam tom and whoever else Joe is it
safe to say i made a correct choice stanning this song pre listen ahahaah
mad woman:
the chords on this i am in love, the chaos of the string instruments yessss
here for the strength lol
this is i did something bad but quiet scary angry version
ugh the delicacy in how the words are pronounced in the second chorus shows how hurt and strong u can be simultaneously
mirrored ofc by the soft piano and percussion of hand claps ugh taylor im so happy u made this album
im getting let it all go vibes from this also bon iver
oh it's coronavirus :( yeah
side note wear a mask this seriously was unprecedented and ik at my work (icu) while I was FT we had a couple boxes of antiviral ppe and I did a shift just as things got bad here and it was all completely gone. at the time we'd only had a couple query covid cases so pls. WEAR A MASK ESP U LOT ON THE TUBE/TFL RAIL
i feel like this song reflects how slow the pain can be when ur losing someone like literally watching their breaths slow and also the emotional pain.
omg this is one of the teenager love story three aaahhhhh it's so cute BUT I SERIOUSLY REMEMBER THE TEENAGE ANGST oh man i Really do
also hello country tay
ugh all ur stupid friends it seriously sounds like 17 year old boy 😭
I made good choices in the songs I chose pre listen all of this is literal poetry and I'm so glad I can focus on the lyrics more because of the production yes i know I already said that
the i-i-id in I'd swing with you for the fences, the delicacy in "give you a child"
now I see your brother as my brother hello paper rings reference (it's not even but yall know)
the rain (paps/media) can well and truly fuck off
"would it be enough if I could never give you peace" actual poetry.
i love the dainty piano ugh that HIGH night
the octave differences on the chorus
don't want no other shade of blue hello paper rings
OK this one has a lot to unpack tbh i probably will pore over this like the English poetry i missed out on by choosing stem
also fuck kimberly lmao
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
The 27 best moments from the 2017 NBA Finals
From Rihanna, to 3-1 leads, to deleted “Cavs in 7” tweets, the NBA Finals held plenty of surprises.
Look, the basketball: it was good. But, with the exception of a wild Game 4, the NBA Finals unfolded as expected: The Warriors dominated and destroyed the Cavaliers, despite Cleveland’s best efforts.
While the final result wasn’t surprising, we did have some twists and turns along the way. From Rihanna’s appearance, to J.R. Smith’s deleted tweet, to KD and Steph’s moms dancing after a win, here are the best moments of the 2017 NBA Finals.
1. When Rihanna won Game 1
Rihanna showed up courtside and walked by Jeff Van Gundy, who was all of us when he yelled, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”
Things only got better from there. Rihanna’s a huge LeBron fan, so she bowed to him during the game at one point, then turned around to dab on the fans who told her to sit down. Never tell Rihanna to sit down.
Amazing. Rihanna bows to LeBron then hits a dab and small waves a Warriors fan telling her to sit down. http://pic.twitter.com/q0IyIPIbGK
— Rob Perez (@World_Wide_Wob) June 2, 2017
Not long after, Rihanna’s long time friend and assistant Jenn Rosales yelled out “BRIIIICK” during a Durant free throw. Durant then appeared to stare Rihanna down after nailing a three-pointer, though that depends on who you ask. He wouldn’t confirm or deny. But, I mean ... show me a world in which Rihanna doesn’t get in someone’s head, and I’ll show you a world in which a current NBA team can beat the Warriors.
Steph Curry tried to play it off like Rihanna didn’t have everyone completely shaken, saying that she’s never been on a Warriors locker-room playlist. Which is clearly their loss: There are few songs inspire the vanquishing of enemies like Desperado.
2. When it came out that LeBron and KD once recorded a rap song together
The track is ... something. I mean, it’s not good. I mean, it’s bad. Let’s hope these guys don’t quit their day jobs to pursue their art anytime soon.
Here's the Lebron James-Kevin Durant secret track! 1 million retweets to release the whole song! @espn @NBA @CBSSports @SInow @SportsCenter http://pic.twitter.com/4oCIEHsSJP
— Spider Studios (@SpiderStudiosOH) June 5, 2017
3. When Jay Z taught the world how to take a truly great candid photo
He’s a pro.
4. When we learned that JaVale McGee has a hairless cat named Raja
Where were you when you realized that JaVale McGee not only owns a sphynx cat named Raja, but has created an Instagram account for her?
Where were you when you realized she gets massages?
Shoutout to @sootheapp for the massage.... Mike W. has magic fingers... #sphynxkitten #sphynx #sphynxcat #spynxlair #sphynxlove #sphynxcat #spynxtagram
A post shared by RAJA (@rajathesphynx) on Mar 11, 2016 at 3:02pm PST
5. When we all got to meet LintBron James
I am not in the business of being speechless, but this sculpture made out of 30 pounds of dryer lint rendered me completely mute.
LintBron James. She said she made this out of 30 pounds of dryer lint. http://pic.twitter.com/brkeeITHYn
— J.A. Adande (@jadande) June 7, 2017
6. When the dude washing the court pulled off the most incredible scooting motion America has ever seen
But you’ll just have to take a look and decide that for yourself.
7. When KD and Steph’s moms got super amped together after their sons won Game 3
Do you know how incredible it feels to watch your son torch another team in the NBA Finals? Unless your son is an NBA player, then no, you don’t. Seems pretty great, if this video of Sonya Curry and Wanda Durant celebrating after their sons won Game 3 is any indication.
A post shared by NBC SPORTS BAY AREA (@nbcsauthentic) on Jun 7, 2017 at 8:55pm PDT
8. When Mark Jackson said “full steam of head” instead of “full steam ahead”
LOL! I could be wrong (gotta check the facts) but I’m pretty sure this was the greatest mix up in the history of the English language. “Play it by year” and “in egg shell sits Deio” have nothing on “full steam of head.”
Slightly related: Highly recommend saying “that train has sailed” or “whatever toots your boat” in everyday conversation. Really kicks people for a loop.
9. When Kyle Korver dunked and Draymond Green smiled
Even Draymond Green liked Kyle Korver's dunk. ( Kyle Terada-USA Today) http://pic.twitter.com/wmYb003B5Z
— SB Nation (@SBNation) June 8, 2017
Look, it’s not every day that we get a Korver dunk, OK? Even Draymond realized this was something special to behold.
10. When Steph Curry appeared to maybe pretend to poop on the court and then said he didn’t (I know, I can’t believe this is where we are, either)
There was this whole thing where Steph squatted down on the court at one point during Game 3, and everyone was like, “Oooooh Steph mimed pooping on the floor!”
So a reporter asked about it:
“Steph, I’m sorry we keep asking you about squatting, but while Draymond and Steve were arguing with the ref and one of them got the technical, it looked like you squatted down. And were you just stretching there, and what did Richard Jefferson say to you?”
“Are you serious right now?” Curry said to the reporter.
“You got to be better,” Durant added.
Sports writers, folks.
11. When Jeff Van Gundy defended Khloe Kardashian?
JVG went on this whole soliloquy about how people should stop saying that Khloe is the reason Tristan Thompson has been playing badly. JVG: not a fan of the Kardashian Kurse.
12. When Dwyane Wade showed up in a track suit to Game 4, and the internet roasted him for it
Everybody had jokes when D. Wade appeared on the sidelines dressed like Usher.
Ready for Game 4 of the #NBAFinals... @stephenasmith, @DwyaneWade & @SHAQ! http://pic.twitter.com/lcLP3FzBhd
— NBA (@NBA) June 10, 2017
13. When Draymond did or didn’t get a technical for elbowing Iman Shumpert in the head
I mean, he did. But then when he got another technical, the refs said that the first technical was supposed to be on Steve Kerr, so Draymond didn’t end up getting tossed out of the game. Which is totally fine and normal and not at all something that would make anyone suggest the NBA is in anyway (to quote Ayesha Curry) “absolutely rigged for money.”
14. This goddamn self-alley-oop from LeBron James ...
LeBron makes me hyperaware of my physical limitations. How do you DO THIS in the middle of a GAME?!
15. ... which J.R. Smith credited to the fact that LeBron is a Gatorade Baby
JR in LeBron's self alley-oop: 'He's a Gatorade baby. He was made in a lab somewhere.' http://pic.twitter.com/41CEC3Trfx
— Sports Illustrated (@SInow) June 10, 2017
What on God’s green Earth is a Gatorade Baby, J.R.? The “made in a lab” part I largely agree with, given what LeBron can do, but the Gatorade part is giving me pause. Maybe J.R. is referring to those 90s ads where Mia Hamm ran around to that “Everything you can do I can do better” song.
Or maybe this doesn’t make sense nor mean anything, but we’re going to roll with it because it’s J.R.
16. When the third quarter of Game 4 turned into a WWE match
LeBron and KD mouthed off at each other, Draymond almost got ejected ... we were one metal ladder away from Undertaker coming out of retirement to drop Kerr with a piledriver.
17. When the Warriors blew a 3-0 lead and the internet exploded with 3-1 lead jokes
They wrote themselves. And namely consisted of: Remember that time the Warriors blew a 3-1 in the 2016 Finals with the first-ever unanimous MVP?
18. When Draymond basically called all of Cleveland stupid
I mean, if you’re going to play games like WWE matches, you can’t begrudge Draymond for really leaning into his role as a heel.
Cavs fans don't like Draymond. The feeling is mutual.
A post shared by SB Nation (@sbnation) on Jun 9, 2017 at 10:32pm PDT
19. When Snoop Dogg showed up to Game 5 dressed like Merlin
Maybe he didn’t get the memo that D.C. wasn’t in the finals, because he was doing his best Wizard impression.
Snoop x 40 Water x Stephen A http://pic.twitter.com/dWMcogXFDk
— Bay Area Sports Guy (@BASportsGuy) June 13, 2017
20. When LeBron dunked KD through space and time back to Oklahoma City in Game 5
The laws of physics don’t apply when you’re LeBron James.
21. When David West and Tristan Thompson got into a fight and accidentally kissed in Game 5
Things got heated on the court when West rebounded a layup that Kyrie missed in the second quarter of Game 5, and then Kyrie tried to take the ball back. West snapped, then Thompson got involved, and then all hell broke loose when the two big basketball men appeared to kiss each other before refs and teammates separated them.
The Bachelorette might’ve gotten pushed from Monday night because of Game 5, but at least we still got a make out. It raised the very important question: Is kissing on the court a technical foul?
22. When the intimate moments continued, and Draymond caught Klay and held him up in Game 5
“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert youuuu...”
23. When the Warriors pulled away like a getaway car leaving a bank, went up 122 to 110 with three and a half minutes left, and we were all like, oh, that’s right. The Warriors have Kevin Durant. And this is all over. And it’s ending just the way we thought it would, only one game later, so we still got to make our 3-1 lead jokes, and now we can all go to sleep and wake up next June when the Warriors are in the Finals again
^That’s all I have to say about that.
24. When Wanda Durant also deserved to get a ring
KD and the real MVP ❤️ http://pic.twitter.com/LSPNrz00nO
— SB Nation (@SBNation) June 13, 2017
25. OK, fine, here’s a celebration picture because KD’s mom is in it
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
26. And the best GIF of all time, maybe
When it’s a school night but ur parents let u stay out past ur bedtime http://pic.twitter.com/yUP8jMvXMH
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) June 13, 2017
Congrats, Warriors, on the basketball.
27. And finally, here it is, the best moment of the Finals: When J.R. Smith tweeted and then deleted “Cavs in 7”
Minutes after Game 3 ended, a tweet appeared on J.R. Smith’s timeline that said “Cavs in 7.” He or someone else deleted the tweet after it had racked up close to 40,000 retweets.
In the parking lot after the game, J.R. claimed he was hacked (classic) but that he agreed with whoever sent it.
Who knows. Maybe J.R. sent it. Maybe J.R. was hacked. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. Because that transparency — whether it was Russell Westbrook’s pettiness, or Draymond’s taunts, or the Celtics showing up to Game 6 against the Wizards in D.C. wearing all black — was what kept us on our toes this NBA season. We all knew what would happen. We all expected to be here. It was the little dramas, the glorious gossip, the deleted tweets that gave it life.
So here’s to next season. The Warriors just dunked on a year’s worth of 3-1 lead jokes, and it’s hard to imagine a world in which we don’t find ourselves right back here when June comes around again. So, to that I say: Cavs in 7, Gatorade babies.
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