#if vi is cussin at you ur def in the wromg
kitom-kortil · 5 months
Lets get into it
Lets start with the anti trans comments and trying to conflate pedophilia and grooming with allowing trans kids to have access to gender affirming healthcare
This is their pinned post.
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Nuff said.
First of all ill give u the apology with me misremembering how many times uve made comments about not liking shadlink on Helio's shadlink posts.
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They went into you cuz this is fucking inappropriate. YTA, because who the fuck starts a compliment with "Not a fan of this but-" and thinks thats okay in the fucking slightest? Everyone who knows any kind of internet ettiquette understands that thats irritating and disrespectful.
What youve done consistently however is those backhanded comments
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Ill hand yall what I initially said, though Helio asked me to delete it because of my incorrect statement about the shadlink. But you have made a number of weird, backhanded comments and given leading questions cuz ur fuckin weird, Ill link to the post on Helio's page here
Youre weird dude. And whats this? This isnt the first time youve started weird shit in a fandom? Let's see how much I can get on that.
This is by no means concise, nor is this really a callout post, Ive def not got the amount of shit on you to call this a callout post, but if i get my hands on the other side Im being told youve been pulling, then I might make another one. This is just to give some context for others about their stupid AITA poll.
Leave Helio the fuck alone you creepy little freak. Youre the asshole, for a number of reasons. Go fuck yourself and eat the block instead of trying to block and unblock Helio to try and keep arguing with viol.
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