#if y'all could just fucking read that'd be great
“get biden in as president or the county’s going to become facist hellhole, how dare you complain about voting feeling like pissing into a hurricane” We’ve got biden as president right now we’re still falling into a facist hellhole , THATS WHY WERE COMPLAINING.
I said don't complain about voting.
I said don't complain in a way that got people not to vote last time, because "both sides" and "voting is pointless" and "but he's..!"
If you think that the current state of affairs is all on Biden, you're not paying attention.
But please, do enjoy feeling like you're scatter than me, because you read my post in a way that let you yell about stupid you think I am, instead of reading what I actually said.
There isn't a choice in who to vote for. There isn't really ever a choice in US politics, it's red or blue, and red has been actively working towards fascism for decades.
The reason shit is so fucked up right now, is for the last several election cycles, too many "both sides" idiots got loud and stayed home, and made it so other people stayed home-- because that's what your "complaining" does, makes people feel hopeless, and give up-- and we got increasingly violently bigoted Republicans in office across the country, and into positions in the federal government and SCOTUS.
So, honestly, shut up.
I don't really care how much you dislike Biden, or the rest of the Dem representatives in DC. I also don't like them. But none of them are trying to make me illegal. I'm not afraid of the people in my neighborhood with Biden Harris bumper stickers and BLM/Love is Love signs in their yard, I'm terrified about the man at the end of my block who covered his car in Trump stickers, and gun stickers, and symbols of white nationalist groups when Trump took office.
"Both sides" is bullshit.
Vote, or don't and let your vote go to fascists by default. That's reality, and it would be great if everyone stopped pretending it's not.
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astrababyy · 2 years
The mating bond is trash. You’d have think that with true mates they’d have some similar interests besides like very bare minimum. But then again Rhysand said so himself, it’s just putting the two physically fit matches to create better and stronger fae. What if Feyre never got all the abilities she got???? Would she still be the best mate choice for Rhys? Some eugenics shit SJM writes and it doesn’t help that she is a white lady. Ick
you're so right anon the mating bond is SO BAD
like??? it's so questionable lmao. think about it too hard, and it really does read like magical eugenics. the two main mating bonds we have from this series (nessian and feysand) have both proven to be incredibly toxic relationships, and the men in these relationships probably never would've given af about the women in them without that bond leading them around.
the thing that probably bothers me the most about these bonds in particular is that there's like this innate attraction to it on the men's end so it ends up being really icky like idk man. it's fucking gross how these things are created lmao.
it is JUST survival of the fittest, and the fae fall for it hook line and sinker 😞
the entire thing with the fae just reeks of eugenics and who’s better bullshit. you can just tell from how it’s worded, yk?
and the way the mating bonds are portrayed doesn’t help matters. out of every example we have in the acotar universe, there is all of ONE healthy, official relationship between mates — and even then, vivienne and kallias barely count since we know like nothing about them lmao. every other example — feysand, tamlin’s parents, rhysand’s parents, nessian, etc. — are all terrible, particularly to the women involved. even a lot of the theory mating pairs are toxic asf lmao, like even the fandom has the unconscious realization that these bonds tend not to be healthy.
it’s just… *waves hands maniacally* bad, anon. that’s all i can really say abt it. it’s such an icky thing to think about, really. imagine forcing two random strangers into such a bond, and then artificially crafting a near-obsessive attraction on the male’s side. and for what? for some shallow wish fulfillment? yk what, there’s nothing wrong with a wish fulfillment book, but please market said book as such instead of being the holier-than-thou gospel of modern feminism. i mean, ffs.
if y'all ever wanna read how bad i am at answering asks, just check out the first draft of this response 🙃
yeah, that was such an icky line to put in the books — "sometimes the bond is just shoving together the ones that'd make the best offspring". like??
okay, in fairness, a dichotomy of a near-sentient magic with a mindset of survival of the fitness facing off against a faerie society that's evolved past that could be so interesting. but that's a convo for another day.
There's definitely this underlying level of gross implications to it. You'd think it'd be like the people who can help each other become the best versions of themselves. and maybe that could tie into fate and how these mating bonds significantly impact the lives of these pairs and how they later go on to impact the world as a whole. that'd be interesting. if the mating bonds were rare and considered to be like an omen promising great change. actually, wait, that's cool. i like that idea lmao.
i'm getting so side-tracked in this ask im sorry anon lol.
ANYWAY, since it's NOT that, instead it's based off, like you said, what is essentially magical eugenics. there's actually something so dystopian about it. like, even rhysand who is the most powerful high lord is the son of a mated pair. the fact that faeries aren't discriminated based on whether they're a child of a mated pair or not, with the comment rhysand made in mind, is pretty interesting. (it's also probably just a side effect of poor worldbuilding but yk).
going back to what you said about what'd happen if feyre hadn't gotten the high lord powers. i think, if we go in universe and try to make sense of it, it depends on the way the mating bonds work and how much sway they have over fate, etc. if feyre didn't get those powers, would the mating bond use other methods to make her powerful enough to be "worthy" of ending up with rhys? because the bond's already snapped in place at this point lmao so what then? is a genuine concern.
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skadiloki · 2 months
First story!
A/N:This isn't the title of the story obvi. But this is my very first story post on here. Mad hella nervous😬😵‍💫 Don't judge me too much on it,okay? I know I'm not one of the greats on here but I tried. Please forgive my little commentary I usually keep my stories private in my Google Docs. So bear with me here. It is The Boys so there's a shitton of cussing,at least not right now,but still. That and I cuss a lot myself so yeah. I usually make my stories with the character and an OC I make or myself,so please do not hate me for making the love interest a person of color mainly black centric,that's literally all I know as a black woman. But I'll stop talkin now so y'all can read my potential story. @tarjapearce this is for you cause you asked. Not sure if you're The Boys kinda fan but here ya go babes.
(A'ight so I know Leonard is dead in The Boys franchise but let's pretend for a second that he actually lived after Butcher left for the British military and went to America with him at some point after. So right,I know I'm talkin a lot but hear me out. Butcher and the others,others being M.M,Annie,Hughie,and Soldier Boy need some extra help rightrightright with killing Homelander and shit so they go off to Lennard's house for that extra help. 👀👀 Took me mUuUmmfffs to try and come up with something so let's hope this works. Fingers crossed)
*It was Summer,a normal sunny day,perfect breeze,children playing in sprinklers,people barbecuing in their backyards just having the time of their lives like normal folk. Meanwhile Butcher and the others are in the current safehouse at a standstill contemplating their next move and what they should do in trying to take Homelander down for good*
Annie:We've literally tried everything and still haven't taken down Homelander. And we can't have another Herogasm incident.
M.M:If Soldier Boy couldn't take him out there aren't really any more options we can take here Annie.
Annie:My live should be more than enough to help some.
M.M:Yeah but how is that really going to help us take down Homelander in the long run?
Hughie:Maybe we can ask Frenchie to make something that could temporarily take out Homelander?
M.M:With how much time that we have,that'd be cutting it close Hughie.
Soldier Boy:Then how the hell do you figure we take the caped fuck out,huh?
Butcher:I may have an idea.
M.M:Well don't just sit there in silence motherfucker,tell us.
Butcher:I'm not sure it might even work.
Annie:What even is it Butcher?
Butcher:*Stands up from his chair* Come on you lot. We're goin on a trip.
Hughie:A trip to where?
Butcher:For our secret weapon.
A/N:This was all I could muster for today,I still have some writer's block so it's still a very much work in progress but I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment if you want.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
It's over, Erlina. Bring me Aephorul.
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Oh, there he is. Good job. Thanks.
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HEY. RUDE. Did no one ever teach you that it's not polite to killsteal?
I had a whole pre-mortem speech prepared about how she and I aren't so different in the lengths we'd go to for the people we love, and you ruined it. Ugh, I want to break your neck so bad.
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Oh. There you are.
You're not about to tell me I can't wring this guy's neck, right? You were there for my Statement of Intent. You knew what this was about. I will go through you to get to him. I am nowhere near as attached to you as I am to Garl.
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No, it's time for him to die, is what it's time for. I want my pound of Fleshmancer.
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...what final surprise? Your big thing was Erlina and we beat her. What more could you possibly have--
Oh, fuck me. I got vengeance in my eyes and somehow I completely forgot about Strife. Shit. Right. Fused with the Acolytes to become a whole new kind of thing. A World Eater, I'm guessing.
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UGGGGGGH I hate this fucking guy so much.
I'm neurodivergent. I get that being bored can be the most insufferable agony in the world. But get a fucking hobby, man.
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Yeah, yeah. Come on, Zale. Let's go god-fight the apocalypse.
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Not if Strife has anything to say about it, you're not. *sigh* It never ends. It never goddamn ends. I am not looking forward to whatever immortal eternity vigil we're going to have to perform after this.
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Once this is done, I am taking a long-ass vacation and y'all are coming with me. That is not a request.
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If you guys could, like, research ways to get my hands around Aephorul's neck while we're gone, that'd be great. Maybe dedicate part of your civilization to it or something. Maybe with a statue of me while we're at it.
Oh, but that is just a friendly request, not some sort of god decree. I'm not going to Great Eagle this shit. Just. If you could. For me.
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I don't know why you needed both of us when we've never been apart for more than five minutes, but we love you too, Teaks. Have a good life.
And maybe put those skills to work helping us figure out how to murder Aephorul, because I trust you more than anyone when it comes to deciphering obscure lore.
But don't let that take you away from the most important calling in your life: Writing better fucking tomes. I want Zenith Academy stocked with Teaks Originals of all--
Oh, shit. We're leaving Zenith Academy completely unstaffed. Well, we cleared out all the Dwellers and chased the Acolytes out so hopefully they won't need any more Solstice Warriors ever again. Otherwise those kids will just have to do with an empty school, a bunch of books, and a plank of wood that reads "GOOD LUCK".
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I can't speak for Zale but you'll be hearing plenty from me, bestie.
But I really can't delay any longer or else your planet's going to be devoured by a cosmic monstrosity.
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Alright, Zale. We're gods now. We must conduct ourselves as such. Dignity. Decorum.
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Like gods do.
Come on, Zale. It's going to be a long vigil.
But first: Back down to the planet. Because it's party time.
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mydetheturk · 1 year
it has been something like. eight or so hours. and i am still trying to figure out how the fuck my eye doctor lost my glasses frames???
like. ive been going to the same eye doctor every year for the last like, six years or something like that. they have never once fucked up this badly.
timeline of events, from my pov under the cut because it got way longer than i thought it would when i first started this.
i go to the eye doctor, having set up an appointment like normal (late because its been a weird summer)
everything goes well until the very end, at which point the computer crashes and loses the data.
annoying, but its fine, i just have to go back in the next day and do it all over again on a saturday while they're busy.
go in again the next day. they're busy as hell, so i am there significantly longer than planned, because i'd set up for a late timeslot on friday for a reason (nobody wants to go to the eye doctor at 6:15 on a friday. trust me. it's great its so dead then.)
go through everything over again, i get a huge discount because i had to go through the inconvenience of coming back to the eye doctor. this is the best news, actually, because i hadn't totally been sold on getting new glasses, but i needed them because my old pair literally make my migraines worse.
the first indication that something was wrong was the fact that they didn't have any trial pairs of the contacts i wear.
This would not cross my mind until i picked up the new contacts a week later when they came in.
I try the contacts. Nothing is properly in focus, and i just think to myself, "oh its just cause i have a new scrip, it's fine, I'll get used to them."
i did not, in fact, get used to them.
About a week later, when my glasses come in, i make a mention to the guy fitting them that the contacts don't seem to be right. he tells me i've got plenty of time to bring them back in, they've got policies for stuff like "wrong prescription"
y'all i went to a friend's house on the other side of town two days later and came home via the bypass in the dark and i couldn't read the highway signs.
that's how badly they fucked this up.
i give it to the end of the week to be sure. End of the first pair of contacts, since i wear biweekly ones.
i go in on friday like "hey. this does not work, when can you get me in?"
and the lady at the front desk was like "well we've got a slot open right now if you've got time"
"nope, i only have until the end of the hour because I'm on lunch from work and i don't have either the contacts or the glasses with me right now. got anything for after (time i got off work that day)?"
"the doctor leaves at (time i got off work), will one of these slots tomorrow work?"
set up the appointment for the next day; i've got my glasses and my contacts and the eye doctor put me through a series of eye tests i'd never actually done before, which was kind of cool.
he was like "if you could shift your bangs back that'd be great, actually, i can't tell if you're squinting or not."
and i was like "well i'm doing my best not to but no problem."
appointment went fantastic, he even had trial contacts for me to put in. i almost cried the difference was so stark between the old scrip and the new one. (turns out the old scrip was just off enough it was giving me low-level headaches constantly. fun! not.)
so i leave the old contacts and the glasses with them to get the lenses replaced and for my new contacts to be ordered. (i looked at the eye chart they sent home with me cause i wanted to see the difference in the prescriptions. there should not be a discrepancy of over a whole number between the two. per eye.)
i picked up the contacts last week.
and now.
this morning, i get two (2) texts saying my orders are in and ready to be picked up. sweet, i think to myself. i'll go pick them up later, get myself a treat while i'm out. grab something for dinner, etc.
i get there and its dead because its been raining all day. fantastic! it shouldn't take long.
i go in.
they're dead.
i let them know i'm here to pick up my order.
here comes today's first confusion: the guy at the desk is having trouble finding my order. which. okay. not a problem (yet).
so i sit and wait and fiddle around on my phone for several minutes while the guy hunts for my glasses.
I am slowly growing more and more confused.
another guy starts helping him out.
the first guy finds a couple of doctor-style ziplock bags and asks me if i have my frames with me.
"Nnnnno. I left them with you guys two weeks ago. I was assuming when I came in, my frames would have new lenses."
I am very confused now.
the gentlemen go on the hunt for my frames.
several more minutes go by, and i am increasingly incredulous and more confused.
i think to myself "did they lose my fucking frames????"
the first guy is sent to the racks of frames to grab a pair of frames that look almost, but not quite, like one of the frames i left with them. blue instead of brown.
the guy goes back in with the frames and i am fully invested.
it sure as hell looks like they lost my fucking frames.
they lost my fucking frames.
they got ahold of the lady who's been so helpful basically every time i've seen her and they let me know the situation.
tomorrow, she's going to look into the situation for me. see if she can't find my frames, and if she can't, replace them. gonna call and let me know tomorrow what the deal is.
they offered to give me the blue frames until they could find the frames i'd gotten originally - from THERE, mind you - and i was like
"i don't need the glasses to see. i wear contacts most of the time. my glasses are backups."
so i wasted a solid 45 minutes at the eye doctor today and i'm sure i'll still have to go in tomorrow to talk to someone because they mentioned potentially having to re-order the glasses frames from another store if they couldn't find my glasses.
this was at like. 2:45 this afternoon.
i'm still just like how in the hell did you lose them????
spoke to my roommates earlier about it and they were BOTH like "you are having a shit time with your eyes this year huh?"
and its just like
crhist alive
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
i keep coming back to the mental image of dot trying to explain cow tools and just losing her shit every time. because it's a funny, absurd, silly little comic of a cow and things that the caption insists are tools but have no obvious purpose. It's hilarious.
But if absurdist humor isn't a big thing in Faerun the whole gang is going to be sitting there like "Oh, so our de facto leader is fucking nuts"
Even the whole concept of motivational quotes would seem kinda wild. Because yeah they get the concept of 'cool words to inspire people', speeches are literally that. But also like. A random quote saying your dreams don't work unless you do is a bit... abstract. Add in that Dot clarifies at some point that the purpose of the quotes is less "become inspired" and more "have just enough inspiration to make it through whatever exceptionally soul sucking task you're handling rn" and it would just seem like. very fucked up.
"Oh no, it absolutely is fucked up. Capitalism is a cancer upon the human condition and is rapidly killing the human spirit."
"Another quote, i take it?"
"Oh no that was just off the dome. Don't get me wrong, y'all seem to still be in feudalism, which is not GREAT but I don't have to work a desk job so i'm fine with that."
"So is everyone just... miserable all the time? You work, you eat, you sleep, then you die?"
"Oh pretty much. The only ones that aren't miserable are very lucky, honestly. I'm very serious about it killing the human spirit. I don't think anyone i knew wasn't at least a little dead inside."
"That's.... Gods, was there anything good there?"
A long pause.
"Cats. The food. People when we weren't being ground down. Nature, when you could see it. Books were cool too, when i had time to read them. When you only have real, human suffering in the world, people would come up with all sorts of good fiction about things going right. Or going even more wrong, just to see where that'd go." A shrug. "It wasn't all bad there, the main problem was the fact society got built up to be about your labor being your worth and if you didn't produce something in high enough quantity for your bosses, then you were worthless. It was a cultural thing rather than a person literally sitting there making you feel that way. So, like, you'd have spans where it was fine and then spans where it was worse. So, like here i imagine."
"And you treated this spiritual ennui with... quotes."
"Oh and alcohol and drugs. I just couldn't afford those so I read a lot. Being numb or disconnected was a good way to make it through the day, but watch out." When no one laughed, she coughed. "Basically, yeah. I get through most days by thinking about which quote applies and if i can't find one, i'll make one up. Oh, and little comics help. Like cow tools."
"Don't give me that look, okay, i got by. And now i'm here, saving the day and figuring out why the worms in our heads aren't killing us yet. It all worked out and now i have other things to worry about."
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the-acid-pear · 8 months
Actually i cannot shut the fuck up so Y'all are gonna have to see my currently downloaded watch - list! ^_^ and also WHY i care < 3
In the order they're in my folder (not downloaded order):
Barbarian - I heard amaizing things about it and i still have very few spoilers on it guaranteeing a perfect movie watching experience, i suppose. So i've heard at least.
Bodies Bodies Bodies - No fucking clue m8 i just have had it on my radar for a hot minute now. Is it not the queer one? I think it's horror. Y'all know i love not knowing information Lmao
Bullet Train - Because Bad Bunny is there obviously /j but really because it looks fucking cool also isnt Sanada there? I love Sanada.
Calvarie - I have no idea I don't know which movie this is hello? Wait i think it's some european film i was like Ah Sure Let's Watch It. Brother you KNOW its gonna be grey and slow and blue and gloomy europeans love that.
Crash - I saw a meme recently and its a classic so. They have sex in cars.
Cruising - The cunt that man is serving requires my full attention.
Dead For A Dollar - I'M A FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delgo - I need to watch it for myself see how bad it truly is. Can't wait to LOVE it or something. That'd be so funny imo.
From Beyond - Right, another one where there's a ton of cunt being served.
Funny Games - It's a classic I HAVE to check it out. It's the original btw not the american one. I hope. I dont think im that stupid.
Incident In a Ghostland - Alright I cheated I looked this one up BUT, i heard it's great and underrated also did y'all see how the girl's face was left? the actress. Truly gruesome shit. Movie better slay i guess.
MEN - I got a video of it recommended with a man who looks very small very pregnant and well. I love shit like that. I'm a Skins fan. I trust this one to be fun for me.
Nope - I'm so late to the party brother I have to watch it. Also mutual Oliver really liked this one I know he's moved on because its been like... Oh it was 2022 just two years but still a while. Anyway yeah Everyone loved it I gotta see it.
Oculus - Ryan Hollinger loved it and i got reminded of its existence not long ago so fuck it. Might as well. I do love me a sibling story so.
Pearl - I had no fucking idea this one was an horror movie but the fact that it is interested me greatly. The lead is also so weird looking i love that in a woman
Pensive - Wait no this was the european movie. What's Calvarie? I googled it. I don't know.
Reinfeld - Mutual Andy said it was good and it did fucking Slay on the trailer so i gotta. I love Nick.
Repo! The Genetic Opera - I hope this makes at least one person reading this list happy, if anyone even reads it. It's pretty big online i mean I gotta check it out. For the green vial and shite.
What Josiah Saw - I'm really into Southern Goth as y'all could imagine by my music taste and this looks sooo fucked up has me rubbing my hands together evily
X - I, heard good things I guess. I don't remember. But it was along w MEN and Bodies x3 those big of the year i guess.
And that concludes the list! A nice 20 to wrap it aint that satisfying? Reminder You can recommend me movies at any time I'm a Movie Head i'll watch anything idgaf. I'll kill you if you recommend me a bad movie tho so watch out. With my teeth yeah.
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: Are you okay? My parents would've paid for a cab if they weren't sober enough to drive you back Amelia: My dad was [somewhere nearby cos JJ live in town] Jac: Oh, right Jac: you seized your opportunity then, alright Jac: Is still should've gone with to make sure Amelia: I didn't want her to, she was in too excitable a mood Jac: lol, can't really fault you that Jac: you got a headache, yeah? Amelia: I got the aura so I knew it was time to leave, last time I ignored that I was sick everywhere Jac: That's fair Jac: you do not want that unless you've had a really wild night Amelia: sorry I didn't say bye Jac: well that's okay, if you didn't have time Jac: we were just worried Amelia: is Is okay? I was probably a bit rude to her Jac: Don't worry, she seems fine Jac: you know her Amelia: yeah Amelia: alright cool Jac: make sure you stay hydrated, yeah Jac: and no more screentime Amelia: I'll 😴 it off if I can Jac: Sounds like a plan 🙂 Amelia: it sounds 😕 but I couldn't stay Jac: you can't help that you get migraines Jac: it must be so crap for you Amelia: we've all got crap to deal with Amelia: I wouldn't swap Sav for hers Jac: 😢 I know Jac: she deals so well, considering how fresh it all is Amelia: Where's her boyfriend at? It's not technically a night you can get away with chucking fireworks at your mates or cars Jac: Out on the lash with his mates Jac: or something Amelia: very supportive Jac: yeah, I know Jac: oh well, she had us Amelia: you, you mean Jac: are you not her friend too? Amelia: that's up for debate, but she'd win it over me Amelia: so it probably depends what she wants the answer to be Amelia: and who's asking Jac: She definitely views you as a friend Amelia: okay Jac: No, come on, you don't think she does? Amelia: I know she doesn't Jac: Why do you think that? Amelia: I know it because she's said a handful of words to me lately & all of them are in some way bitchy or patronising Jac: How many have you said to her? Jac: and how nice have you been to her? Amelia: I don't like her, I'm not going to act like I do Jac: Then the issue is a you thing, isn't it Jac: Savannah does like you, and it's not really on to say you know otherwise, simply because that's how you feel about her Amelia: no, it's a me and her clash Amelia: it isn't one-sided Jac: Okay, if you say so Jac: but I don't see her trying to start anything with you, and like I said, I've told you she's told me privately that she likes you Jac: she knows you aren't her biggest fan though Amelia: she would say that to you Jac: Now you're being ridiculous Amelia: no I'm not, she wants me to look like I'm the dickhead and it's clearly working Jac: well no, what she wants is friends who can support her through this tough time and not make her life any more shit Jac: I really do not think she has the time, never mind the desire, to play games to make you look like some kind of villain ??? Jac: we seriously do not need to be that dramatic about things Amelia: fine Jac: it clearly isn't but I'm not going to agree with you Jac: you're not feeling well right now, you're just lashing out Amelia: you sound as patronising as her now Jac: for giving you an excuse for your behaviour? Jac: it's being gracious Amelia: I don't need to be fucking excused Amelia: I haven't done anything wrong Jac: You're being rude to Savannah and now you're being rude to me Jac: you're attacking and saying you're being attacked Jac: just calm down and we can come back to this when you aren't in such a state Amelia: yeah because she's the only one whose dramatics you indulge Amelia: I haven't been rude to her, I've made an effort Amelia: it doesn't change my opinion Jac: You're accusing her of having some plot right now, also of not liking you, being bitchy and patronising...yeah, that's rude, Amelia Jac: and oddly enough, when she went off crying, it was not about you Jac: call it dramatics if you want, but I'd say her home life situation warrants more empathy and listening to than whatever this idea, about us being against you or something, that you've concocted does Amelia: I'm not on her radar when she isn't subtly slagging me off or wishing I'd fuck off, obviously it wasn't about me Amelia: the latter is way less subtle though Jac: You're right in that I'm not indulging this Jac: you're just wrong, that's it Jac: but if you won't listen to reason, and me, then there's nothing else I can do to change your mind Amelia: you wanting me to be wrong doesn't make me wrong Jac: you having no proof for her dislking you, bar the fact you dislike her, doesn't make it true Jac: if you want to walk around thinking people have a problem with you when they don't, that's your call Jac: it's sad but it's clearly an internal issue Amelia: there's proof in every group chat if you want to go back & read it Jac: the fact you're in a group chat together, to plan to do stuff, to talk, kinda negates that Amelia: no it doesn't Jac: totally, when you hate someone and want them to fuck off, you choose to spend time talking to them when you don't have to Amelia: she doesn't spend any time talking to me Jac: well it isn't a private chat Jac: do you expect her to ignore me and Is? Jac: if you wanna have a 1x1 she'd be more than happy, like Amelia: Oh, she ignores Is plenty Amelia: but that's not my fight to have Jac: 🙄 I can assure you, we understand how DMs work Jac: if we wanted to talk just us, we would, and do Jac: and Is seems fine to me, like I said Amelia: great Jac: 🤷 okay then Amelia: 👋 Jac: I hope you feel better when you wake up Amelia: thanks Jac: Night Amelia: goodnight Jac: [hope you do go to sleep so you don't see those gay ass stories] Amelia: [you know she will because she's not actually sick soz gal] Jac: [i mean, you do have 24 hours so bit of a long shot when you're this in love lol] Amelia: [everyone gonna be seeing it including Ty who has been lowkey ignored all night as well] Amelia: [we should say she writes something but then deletes it so Jac only knows she deleted it for the sheer gay drama of it] Jac: [none of y'all got invites to this sleepover, but yes 1000%] Jac: ? Amelia: 🤨 Jac: butt-dial? Amelia: why would I be sitting on my phone? Amelia: I'm not thrashing about with a 🤒 Jac: I don't know why you'd delete a message either Jac: unless you sent me something really 💦 meant for someone else, in which case I wanna know anyway Amelia: I can nurse myself Amelia: though there are loads of lads who would put me to sleep Jac: 🙀 Amelia! Amelia: no Amelia: 🥱 NOT whatever you're thinking Jac: Sure 😉😂 Amelia: 😣 Jac: So grouchy Jac: I'd know if you were texting someone Amelia: would you? Jac: of course Jac: what secret have you ever kept from me? Amelia: I didn't need to before Jac: you don't need to now Jac: you aren't going to shock me with your thirst Amelia: I'm staying hydrated like you instructed Amelia: there's nothing to tell, which is why I pressed delete Jac: What did you say? Amelia: if I repeat it there was literally no point in deleting it Amelia: so no, nothing Jac: Well why did you? Amelia: because it's 😳 Jac: how 😳 can it be Jac: we've known each other at our most cringe Amelia: that was us both being awkward not just me making a massive tit of myself Jac: rude Jac: you're meant to disagree Amelia: alright, I'll lie Jac: you're already being very sneaky, you may as well Amelia: okay Jac: no, tell me, dickhead! Amelia: rude Jac: you're rude Jac: you know you can't just take back a message Amelia: I have & I win Jac: you can't do it without leaving evidence Jac: and I'm not just going to drop it Amelia: 🙄 Jac: why are you saying shit to my virtual face then Amelia: how else am I supposed to speak to you? Jac: I'm not going to apparate into your room 'cos you fancy having a go Jac: don't be a baby, what did you say Amelia: maybe I was saying sorry but you're so undeserving I took it back Amelia: that'd be fitting Jac: oh right, your whole conspiracy theory Jac: you forgot for a hot sec you believed in that, yeah, sure Amelia: it's typical of you to only give a shit about what I'm trying to say when I'm not saying it anymore Jac: you left without saying anything earlier Jac: then you wouldn't speak to me 'cos you were in a huff but yeah, pop off Amelia: I didn't have time to search your 🏠 for you earlier Jac: and I said it was okay but don't act like I was ignoring you Amelia: you were Amelia: but I get it, Savannah's in greater need Jac: oh my God, do you actually get it though Jac: like could you Jac: because this is really gross Amelia: of course I do, her parents are mental and it's horrible Jac: I mean, nicely put Jac: so you don't need to be snippy with me about needing to spend like 10 minutes alone so she can talk about it without my whole family standing around Amelia: I was the one who told you, ages ago, so you already know what I mean Amelia: and I'm not, I'm explaining why I left without saying anything before you hold it against me any harder Jac: you aren't just explaining though, because that was never the question Jac: you said I was ignoring YOU Jac: I said it was fine you left, you had a migraine Amelia: because it's not just about 10 minutes alone so she can cry on your shoulder and you fucking know it's not Jac: you don't like her Amelia: she takes over everything, including my birthday Jac: She was just trying to make sure you had a nice time Amelia: then why didn't I? Amelia: if she really cares so much about what I want, why wasn't it perfect? Jac: She's not a miracle worker Jac: I'm just saying she tried, can you fault someone for having good intentions? Amelia: she cares about you two having a good time, she doesn't try with me Amelia: because guess what, chucking money at something doesn't actually count Amelia: you used to know that Jac: you can't say how much she does or doesn't try Jac: maybe she's really trying, and I happen to think she is, and I've got it on better authority than you Jac: as you said, it's not as if she's had close friends before really Jac: you could give her a break instead of being ungrateful about it Amelia: you could give me a break Jac: no, you're being mean Jac: and blaming her for problems you're having Jac: like how dare she treat you? Amelia: the problem is that you used to care how I feel about things and apparently now you don't Jac: I can care without indulging pointless bitchery Jac: if you told me what was actually wrong with you, I'd listen, I'd do whatever I could to help, you know that Amelia: no, you're not listening Jac: You aren't saying anything Jac: you keep slagging Savannah off, and I counter that and then you stop Jac: what is actually going on Amelia: I've been saying the same thing this entire time, for fuck's sake Jac: When you wanna say what's actually going on with you, and think about that in a way that doesn't involve Savannah Jac: then I'm here waiting Amelia: I don't want to spend time with her, I want to spend it with you Amelia: Why can't we literally EVER? Why does she have to be involved in literally everything? Jac: We do spend time without her Jac: but we can't exclude her when she wants to be involved, she's our friend Amelia: she's not my friend Amelia: I'm trying, I am Jac: okay, she's my friend though Jac: we can spend time together, alright Amelia: okay Jac: pick a day, pick something to do, let me know Amelia: sure, put me on the spot Jac: 🙄 god, not RIGHT now Jac: but give me something more committal than that 'okay' or it won't happen Amelia: okay!! Amelia: are you happy now? Amelia: I just said how much I miss you Jac: like I'm that desperate for attention, again, rude Amelia: clearly not if I have to be the one begging you for yours Jac: oh hush Jac: I invited you to something like, literally 5 seconds ago Jac: you were the one that ruined it with your 🤕 Amelia: I didn't mean to ruin anything Jac: I'm joking Jac: I'll survive Amelia: I'm serious Amelia: and sorry, obviously Jac: it's fine, actually fine Jac: you shouldn't worry about it Amelia: if you want me to try harder, I'll try harder, alright Jac: I'd appreciate it Jac: I think she would too, and you Jac: getting along would just be easier Jac: you don't have to be like, her own personally cheerleader Amelia: I can't work miracles either Jac: you said you'd try Jac: I don't know why it's so hard for you but I can't really ask more than that Amelia: you really don't get it? Jac: No, I really don't Amelia: okay Jac: I'll leave you to it Amelia: bye again Jac: You have planning to do Amelia: you love a competition Amelia: what happens if I lose? Jac: What competition? Jac: I'm not planning anything Amelia: so it's a test instead Amelia: it's the same question Jac: we can still hang out, as you asked Jac: I'll just be bored if you pick something boring, I suppose Amelia: when have I EVER picked anything boring? Jac: 🤷 Jac: we'll see Amelia: don't 🤷 at me Amelia: you've never been bored Jac: you're so touchy 😂 Jac: I can't do anything Friday, by the way, so don't pick Friday Amelia: do you want to assign me a day? Jac: Probably Sunday Jac: I'm working after school every other day Jac: Saturday is up in the air right now Amelia: alright Jac: free time is just not a thing I have Amelia: I know, I'm not touchy about that bit Jac: I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're not boring, Amelia Jac: what kind of midlife crisis Amelia: Shut up, I don't need that from you Amelia: I'm well aware Jac: 👉😠 Amelia: you don't need to teach me sign language either Jac: you're gonna side with the 12 year old asshole on that, are you Jac: yeah that's about right mentality wise 🙄 Amelia: according to you there aren't any sides, we're all friends and everything is 🌹y Amelia: so no Jac: Jude isn't our friend, she's my sister and she's a little bitch sometimes Amelia: yeah, again, I know Amelia: Savannah's the one who needs family introductions Jac: She knows who everyone is Jac: you're being so whiny, it's just annoying now Amelia: leave me to it then, that's what you said you were going to do Jac: Yeah, and I definitely will now Jac: christ, is it any wonder I'm not electing to spend time with just you Jac: think about it Amelia: It's already all I think about Amelia: I don't want to fight with you Jac: it's not hard, Amelia Jac: as I said, Savannah doesn't devote her time to bitching about you, or anyone else Jac: nor does she walk around with a massive strop on all the time Amelia: I'm sorry Amelia: what do you want me to say? Jac: Just stop acting like this Amelia: I'm not acting like anything, that's the problem Amelia: it's how I feel Jac: You're gonna have to sort it out Jac: it's not healthy for you Jac: or good for us or anyone else Amelia: I said I'll try Jac: you've got to Jac: it's for your own best interest Amelia: yeah Jac: yeah Amelia: 👋
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