#if you don't like it just leave none of the other ppl who unfollowed me the last few days bothered with doing this
sanstropfremir · 2 years
Acting all wise and spewing random words, I see 💀
i'd show you photos of my bachelor's degree AND my master's degree, but i like maintaining the illusion that i'm a talking eel
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lnc2 · 3 years
I like u and ur blog but all this stuff going around about ppl who dislike ladrien is rly putting me off the entire fandom again, which I've only just reentered. What if I dislike ladrien, but for none of the shallow reasons y'all are complaining about? I won't go into why bc obviously you don't want someone coming into your inbox unceremoniously telling you why I don't like something you enjoy, but also, please realize there are VALID reasons to be uncomfortable with ladrien, ESPECIALLY with the way that a lot of fan content chooses to explore it.
you don’t need valid reasons to dislike something just stop tagging it ladrien and coming onto ladrien posts to say you hate it. if you’re not doing the things we’re complaining about then we’re not talking about you are we?
i’m not going to tell you how to enjoy fandom but i’m also not going to take on your ish about how you feel about reentering fandom or wanting to leave it.  how you feel is how you feel and that’s on you.
anyways block me because i’m not going to stop complaining on my own blog (on posts that i don’t even tag) about something that is constantly thrown in my face either on my posts or in my inbox (hi) or just scrolling through a tag meant to curate content for said subject.
believe it or not i really don’t care what people think about it just like people don’t care about my own opinions on other aspects of fandom. the difference is i’m not up in your spaces shoving my opinion down your throats.
unfollowing is free. blocking is free. tagging your content appropriately is free.
good luck
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
What's going on? I just came to see what's going on and I find out something happened? Is everything alright? I really hope you're okay.. I don't really know you personally but I really look up to you as a writer and you seem like an amazing person, and I'm really concerned now..
Okay I wanna clear this up once and for all bc it’s kinda messy. Here’s a timeline for anyone confused;
I started a joint blog for yandere writers with 7 other ppl. I decided to take a break bc my grandma died and my mom wasn’t taking it well. I planned to return within a couple months but until then, I wanted to dissociate by temporarily leaving the groupchat and relinquishing my admin title. Like a day after I left, they made an announcement that they were changing the rules I made for the blog. I also noticed that only two of the current admins were still following me. I answered a few asks joking that I needed new mutuals bc I had like none (which was true). Later, someone asked me what happened to my stories bc they couldn’t find them on the joint blog. I go and see that they removed my stories from their masterlist and basically hid it. I was really hurt and was honest with my followers about it. Then, someone sent me a post that Chimchim made which said I left them and no longer wanted to talk to them (also called me bitchy). This was reblogged by another admin as well. I was mad bc I didn’t leave them, my family needs my attention rn and I didn’t do anything towards them to imply that I didn’t fuck with them anymore (in fact, it was them who unfollowed me). Chimchim also blocked me. Then they saw that I was answering asks about what they did, they proceeded to make a masterpost about me to ‘expose’ me with pictures of private messages (I’m a minor btw and some of them are actually adults so that’s fresh) that were meant to pubically humiliate me despite them not proving anything.
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