#if you don't like me still reblog with pictures of your pets but specify you're doing poison damage
coyotefather · 2 years
my psionic warriors...... i am ailing..... please reblog with pictures of your pets to restore hit points to me
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little-silly-bear · 2 years
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Tinification project!
What is the tinification project? It's a serie of posts focused on helping people feel tiny again! I wanted to start this project because I personally have problems feeling tiny and I want to come back into that space! Each post will have a theme, If you want to suggest one let me know in the comments!
Hi kiddos! Let's talk about Impure regression. What is it? It's when your brain regress to a younger age by a traumatic or unpleasant memory, the regression is often characterized by crying, feeling hopeless and alone, panic attacks and pain.
I want to specify that I don't like the term impure, I think there's nothing of impure of regressing that way, we can't choose to regress and we certainly can't choose how our brain react to certain stimuli. I prefer to call it Sad regression. Every time I Sad regress first then I learned to redirect it, I'm gonna share with you how I do it, I hope you'll find it helpful as well.
○ If I'm in hyperventilation cry I hold a stuffie next to me and try to look at them in the eyes as much as I can. I move their belly while trying to breathe. Inhale for 4 seconds, pause of 1 second, exhale for 6 seconds. Don't stop until you can feel a change, the stuffie is important to succeed.
○ If I feel that I'm having flashbacks I try to say out loud what year I'm in, what day is it, what season, month, what is wearing, what i ate, how old are my pets. This may help you come back into the present moment.
○ If I feel alone and abandoned, I take the biggest stuffie I have and I imagine that it's my parent. I call it mama or dada, or big bro, big sister and I hug it. I close my eyes and I let my tears flow while I imagine what I need to hear from that stuffie. Even if it seems strange it doesn't mean that it can't be real and healing for you.
○ If you have the urge to hurt yourself or harmful stimming I suggest to place a very fluffy stuffie in front of the place that you're trying to hurt. For example when I have the stim of banging my head on the wall I place a stuffie between me and the wall, or if I need to scratch my leg I scratch a stuffie belly instead.
○ After I calmed myself I usually slip into a more young regression, if it happens to you too don't worry it's normal your brain is just trying to adjust. It's okay if you can speak, it's okay if you still need to cry, it's okay if you need a paci, it's okay if you still feel helpless. It'll pass soon, you just need to trust the process.
○ Final tip, make a list of what makes you feel tiny in a positive way. For example if I'm Sad regressing and I finally calmed down I usually search a bear video to Happy regress. Save some dog pictures or have your favorite snack, color, watch bluey, dance, stim with fidget toys. You've been through a lot you deserve to feel happy again and remember to always reward yourself after a Sad regression. I hope i helped you somehow, I'm proud of you kiddo.
As always it's okay to reblog! It's absolutely not okay to repost as your own even with credits or reblog this post with the tag mine!
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