#this is not a bit. iwant to see them
coyotefather · 2 years
my psionic warriors...... i am ailing..... please reblog with pictures of your pets to restore hit points to me
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vyrion · 1 year
the characterization of the goddesses from the brief glimpses we Have of them is so so so interesting to me.
aster's temple establishes her as pretty strict, what with smiting anyone who enters who has done wrong. in the same way that you might expect, RAFT, or at least the ferin family, seem very heavily tied to her, given the dreams that jay has (and drey and jayson, given how their eyes are also changed in a similar way. it's pretty safe to assume this is something that's common in the ferin bloodline).
the navy is very pro-structure, pro-government, etc, pushing for an agenda essentially under their watch, which line up pretty nicely with how the temple is structured. yet her answers to gillion about the pin, while lacking in any real tone due to the nature of the communication, feel open or in some ways hesitant (this is more specifically about the "not really" answer to the chosen one question).
in addition, the dreams jay has are about withstanding the heat, being strong enough to tough it out and find the freedom on the other side. the sun is something guiding and also that light. it's something hidden away from those in the undersea, something that draws them out and has them realize this is what the elders had been hiding from them? it's a source of warmth, comfort, familiarity, and yet it's orderly.
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dozing-marshmallow · 6 months
Do you have any more headcanons of Chris being a dad? This time raising his teenager who wants to get in the show despite reader's detest?
My motivation is back. 🙌 Apologises for putting these off for so long and thank you all so much for being so patient. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start in the Spring Season and may you enjoy the read!💗
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Once a month, he and the child have this all nighter of ordering fast food and playing video games.
Chris is the type of dad to play games like Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty and GTA 5 with his teenager.
Obviously you don’t approve of it, but it’s better than her trying to persuade you into letting her on his show.
Like last time.
“Chris’ show?” you consciously blinked,“Why would you want to go on that show, sweetheart?”
“I have what it takes!” she gleefully replies, putting a proud hand on her chest,“And besides, if you’re comfortable with all the other kids my age going on, you should be fine with me, mom!”
You sighed. There would be so many complications that could wreck Total Drama if the host’s damn daughterjoined as a contestant,“But my dear... The whole point of the show is to win money! And mommy and daddy already-“
“I don’t care about the money!” she snapped in interruption, yet her tone remained in her own way benevolent,“Iwant to start drama. I’ve had plenty of experience in doing that!”
To your horror, Chris gave a grand laugh at that,“That’s my girl!” 
“Support me here! I’m not letting you feed into her delusion that she’ll actually be going on your show! This is horrible influence!“ you scolded Chris unimpressed with how okay he was with this idea, turning back to the daughter in question, with a dejected frown,“Darling, it’s a bad idea! Maybe another show daddy’s hosting, but notthis one. I don’t approve.” 
“Daaaaaad.” she whined, her begging eyes rolled onto him.
“I know, I know.” Your husband exhales a disappointing breath. And it’s not exactly like he can bring her on secret since it’s a reality show,“Just goes to show how mother doesn’t always know best.”
“You said something, Chris?” You said, removing the flip flop off your foot and gripping it in your hand.
He nervously smiles seeing you armed,“Naaaah. I-I said nothing.”
You humphed. Why can’t they both see that you were thinking of them long term?
Regardless, he goes all out on spoiling her, no thing is ever too expensive for his little girl.
Why wait for sixteen to throw her an expensive birthday party?
Albeit, it seems she’s taken after your morals as she also puts a lot of her allowance (Keep in mind, she gets the literal prize money amount every month) towards charities and many shelters.
Thank God for that.
If she ever brought a boyfriend home, Chris would plaster hospitality and bump a fist.
Though, he’ll do a lot of interrogating and enjoy the hell out of torturing the guy if he turns out to be even the slightest bit scumbag.
Rather than letting his fame decide, Chris actually asked her which type of school she wanted to go to.
“Public!” she chose quickly.
Chris raised an eyebrow. He had bet a yacht and two helicopters she’d pick private,“Why’s that?”
“Because I read in a book once that this girl went to a boarding school and her dad, who was paying the fees, died so she got abused by the people at the school, and I don’t want you to die.”
Chris’ eyebrows then came to the same level as he chuckled,“I’m a host, not a military captain for World War One, tiger,” but sure, whatever she wanted.
She never had any crying at the dinner table over maths homework nights with him.
For he was way too busy to not hire a tutor for her.
“Hi darling!” you kiss her cheek,“How was school today?”
“School was good-“ she’d catch sight of Chris entering the kitchen and before you knew it, she was sprinting to him.
“Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, I have new gossip to tell you!” she could hardly contain the excitement seeping on her face and tone.
He’d smirk and take a seat at his island counter, cup of coffee in hand,“I’m all ears!”
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"Fox TV and Marvel Comics decided. By summer of 1993, the show had been a runaway No. 1 hit for six months and we had completed writing the second season of scripts, bringing the total stories to 26. At that point, Fox committed to three more seasons (39 more episodes), and I, executive Sidney Iwanter, producer Scott Thomas, and director Larry Houston visited Marvel’s New York offices to brainstorm and discuss various characters and bits of storyline we would all like to see in the next 39 half-hours.
“Phoenix” and “Dark Phoenix” were at the top of Marvel’s list.
The only direct adaptation we had made so far was “Days of Future Past,” which we had suggested, and it and the two Phoenixes were the only direct adaptations we ever committed to. Every other story used bits and pieces from the books, but these were the “big three.” 
Primarily we focused on Jean Grey (who was going through the Phoenix transformation) and on those people who cared most about her. Secondarily, we focused on Xavier, whose connection to Lilandra brought the worlds beyond Earth into our stories for the first time.
When we looked at the many subplots in the books, we trimmed them away or bolstered them, depending on how they helped support these two central through-lines.
We were excited to do it because we had felt that we had underused her in the first two seasons and this gave us a chance to give her more screen time. Second, by now we had established that she was a kind of emotional center for the team–someone who could talk honestly with any of the others, who understood them–so we knew she would sustain a good story focus for our team of X-Men.
As a “children’s show for Saturday morning TV,” we were always aware of the tight limits we had on sex and violence–limits far tighter than the comics had.
Luckily, since we were focused on Jean/Phoenix and Xavier and Lilandra, adjusting secondary characters wasn’t a big worry for us. Also, we believe we got the intensity of Jean’s Black-Queen sensuality across in her dialogue and in Catherine Disher’s performance. Jean-as-Phoenix is so much bigger, more dramatic, in animation than Jean-as-Black-Queen that we never felt the loss.
First, we knew from the beginning we couldn’t have Dark Phoenix destroy an inhabited planet, so we worked with that disappointing limitation from day one. We hope we got across how deadly she could be. Second, we very much believe that killing Jean off would have been the proper heroic sacrifice for the story.
We didn’t for two reasons. First, we needed her for the remaining 20 stories–a problem in all comics and serialized TV.
And second, we’d had a convincing seeming-death in “Phoenix,” which was then revealed to not be Jean’s end after all. We didn’t want to repeat that.
We thought up the shared sacrifice of the rest of the team (10% of their lives–a handy cheat) as a way around it.
I wish I knew (and that they had asked us to help). Animated TV comics-adaptations and live-action feature comics-adaptations are similar but not the same.
The great TV critic Brian Lowry thinks animation suits super-hero-comics adaptations better than live action–something about suspension of disbelief. Mutants with super-powers are hard enough–then in these cases you add space aliens. You can get lost in the spectacle.
I believe that the recent Spider-Man animated feature was better than any of the live-action movies, most of which I enjoyed a great deal. When in doubt, keep the story simple and trust in the characters to propel the story (the movie Logan is a good example).
She asserted herself. As writer Mark Edens and I laid out the first, then the second season of stories, we kept coming back to needing to use her in scenes, often to reveal depths of other characters.
She was an emotional center, trusted, a glue that helped keep the disparate team together. Luckily, she was a true legacy character, so no one ever felt we were being intrusive by featuring her."
(Eric Lewald)
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navree · 1 year
hey I wanted to ask you about rhaena the fucking queen in East that girl didn't deserve what she went thro for real but let's go to her life since she was born until aegon conqueror death how you imagine aegon his emotions when he held first time we know he doted on her but what does it mean did he try to spent time with her as possible as he could why he dote on rhaena because she looked like rhaebys what is the relationship of a dead woman to his granddaughter yeh she looked like her but is it fact aegon will and is always obsessed with rhaenys and never got over her so to feel like rhaenys is with him he uses rhaena cause it s creepy you are favpurite granddaughter for just being alike to the woman who died in a horrible way ( poor rhaenys ) even thought your personality is visenya poterraly whome aegon didnt standlater ...???? What iwant is how you analyse aegon and rhaena relationship how you see their dynamics and do you think he tried to spent time with her as he could ..
Apologies if this answer is a bit garbled but I've got a bit of a headache so I might be misreading things, but Aegon and Rhaena's relationship is certainly one I like to think about.
The text is pretty explicit in the fact that Aegon clearly adored Rhaena, not just because she was named after Rhaenys (which was likely mostly an Aenys decision because that was his mother) but also just because she was his first grandchild, that always gets parents emotional. There's also the fact that Aenys just having a kid was a relief for Aegon; he was one of the people who thought Aenys was going to straight up die after Rhaenys disappeared in Dorne, so getting to see him grow up and be a father would likely mean a lot. It's not just about Rhaena reminding Aegon of Rhaenys, but also what she represents for the family and for his child that likely overwhelmed him and got him to make such an uncharacteristic public display of emotion.
And when it comes to their relationship, I think time is also a factor. We know that Aegon appears to have been a pretty involved grandfather, especially after Aenys took over a lot of his kingly functions and he functionally retired to Dragonstone. He spent time with all of his older grandkids (Jahaerys was only a toddler and Alysanne was a baby so they were likely still with nurses and their parents primarily), given that he died while telling stories of the Conquest to Aegon the Uncrowned and Prince Viserys. He clearly spent a lot of time with these kids, and Rhaena likely occupied a special place just by being the eldest and therefore the one he spent the most time with, and yes likely because, as his first granddaughter who probably did look a bit like her grandmother, she did remind him of Rhaenys. And even if her personality was a bit like Visenya's (tho most Visenya coding Rhaena gets happens later in life due to the tragedies she suffers during Maegor's reign and its aftermath), it doesn't seem like it was Visenya's personality that bothered Aegon much, since Orys had some similar traits, just Visenya herself and the entire mess of circumstances that came out of Rhaenys's death that drove them apart.
I don't think there was any sort of creepy attempt to "replace" Rhaenys with Rhaena in Aegon's head though, if I'm reading part of your ask right. What a Targaryen would consider to be "crossing the line" is heavily blurred due to the fact that they're practicing all sorts of incest right and left, but it looks like there's some sort of line drawn in terms of getting involved with direct descendants (unlike the irl Ptolemies because I'm pretty sure one of them married his daughter after his sister-wife died, congrats to the Targaryens because as bad as they can be they will never get to the level of those fuckers). Aegon just appears to have been someone who valued family and familial relationships higher than most, considering that even if we disregard his marriages, his closest friend was his brother Orys, he was heavily involved in raising Aenys, he personally knighted Maegor, and again, was clearly invested in the lives of his grandchildren. He and Rhaena likely just were the closest due to having had the most longlasting relationship due to her being the eldest.
I think Aegon's relationships with his grandchildren, especially Rhaena, were probably the simplest he ever had. They're his grandchildren, and so he doted on them and spent time with them without the burdens of parenthood or grooming for the throne or too much of the pall cast by his other investments in other people getting in the way.
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the-firebird69 · 2 days
Lorde - Team
We actually hear what he's saying. It makes a lot of sense. It's in there complaining and all this. We didn't try that hard. He actually knows why we're saying this **** **** and we're taking a lot of stock. in the cities that we see. they can get destroyed. Pretty damn fast. and it's not going very well. It feels upset. and so do I. I'm not really praising us. You hear in the words it says that we are wearing the vestiges and you'll you'll never see us. and that you can tell who we are. and it wasn't working then. It's not working now. We're having trouble. getting to the pseudo empire ships. And they're not that difficult. We can't get here with ships. I sent up a bunch of warnings. Use people here. after us. It says group of 10 or 20 **** Who think they have some absolute foolproof plan? and they keep getting shot in the head, mind you. And they're just dumb people. He can't get away from them. He's talking. He's done. Good They won't change until they're out here. And they're insisting on being last. And I really don't think that's worth anything I don't wanna die for these jackasses
leed singer of lorde 
and he syas I have a beautiful voice. It's really nice to listen to with the song that's haunting in it. should be. all gonna die here. laughing. at this guy who are abusing That's pretty much our job. And the outcome is we're getting killed rapidly. I see people ripping our bodies apart by hand. Some of these guys are big. and they come up to you in combat and ask you your name is not true. They just pop your head off like it's nothing and you're running around saying You're defeating them. I have to know where this is happening. I need you to stop withering right now and come and come up with some real answers. You don't have the program. You don't know where it is. in your ****
we failed thusfr and have our cities and some other stuff. ok. that is what it is came very far jsut to stand up to mac proper a bit andtons say it. now we are going to war we are all afraind tehy took me down a lot now i die but im williing to try iwant to see theirfaces as they die saying you did it...that is all
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knightlyrogue · 9 months
god FUCKINF DAMMIT im hallucinating so fuckinf bad rihhr now and i dont know how to tell anyone and im so tempted to just leaveverythinf shain bit now i dont knwo whst i want im so scsred rohhr now im fadinf in and out of reality i just remembered someone i wasnt esrlier and i was doifm stuff to myself sgsin earier thst i really should habendone and im so fuckifn sick i just want it all to be soothed or somethinf so i dont have to feel tbis way all fbr wfuckifn time all the fuckkifn time what if idid it then what rhen what will you do i dint know im so sorry i didnt mesn any kdnehsr i just said im fine ill be okay i think and i mens this in the elsst fiolt trhippy way pissible irs so hard tk acthslly vent and talk whenoekple are warching me andir just feels like theres somtbign under my skin thst i need to clsw out but i dinr know how its under the sfhefh by my neck. i can feel it i can feel the dread radistinf off of that srew from my fingertips to anyrjinf i tougch im so sorry im so sorrh im done i jsut want thingks ro be back to how they used to be when i was with shady ir skmething but its not the real me soeaking its the chemicjald in my brain thst sre extrememe known for meking thegood decisitons rihhr guys )im lying) i dont know i dont know whst i want iilnly know that i want it to stop and i will never tell or talk to anyone to their face about stuff like this i hate talking i hate talking i hate talking i hate talkin i hate talking i hate talking i hate talkin i hste talking. hste talking i hate twlking i hate talking i hste twlking i hste talking i hste talking i hste talking i hste talking i hste talkifni bate twlking i hate twlkingi hate twlking i hate twlking i wn thoing wll of this with my eeyes clotsed because i cant stand keeping my ehes ipen for linger thsn 30 seconds because i will resume ro seeinf the things on the walls again im sifk im dilfm i will die and i fw hear them and you will never see me again i sm seriousno imnotni dont know everything is jumbled uo abd lost i am so deeonunderbtheblake water i do not know which way is up. i will not make it back fi shire i will not do anythinf i wm like this i will stay like thie and i hwve annedteneebhwteerbriwwrdebtbisebwhibribtbubfeekbthejnubbnybrucuojei feel them in my visions andyim slowly slowly slowly going insane inswnenwnenonce its over it will be over iwant to go bsck to my ex and tell him to do it to finally juetlet himself fo it adn not screwm wr me from another eiom and flwkk mewlurwbjuekkkk liek he did the rirsr time youfuysbwill neger eharbfirm m egyen
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
250 of 2023
1 - What was your last impulse purchase? Do you regret it?
A pair of trousers and no, I don’t.
2 - When was the last time you took a painkiller? What was it for and did it work?
I don’t take painkillers.
3 - Have you ever had to go and rescue someone because their car broke down? When was the last time that happened?
No, never.
4 - What’s on your to-do list for tomorrow? Are you looking forward to it?
Probably sorting out the mess, then a little bit of travel. I’m always looking forward to travels.
5 - Would you rather be employed or self-employed? How come?
Employed, I find having my own business too overwhelming.
6 - What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood? Is this item something you can still buy or has it been discontinued?
I don’t miss anything.
7 - When was the last time you used some kind of moisturiser?
Long time ago, some lotion prescribed by the doctor.
8 - Do you struggle to wake up in the morning without some form of caffeine?
Yes, but I’ve stopped with coffee for health reasons.
9 - Would you rather get everything done early and then relax, or leave everything until the last minute?
Early and then relax.
10 - What was the reason for your last car journey?
My husband picked me up from work.
11 - If you’re under lockdown/stay at home orders at the moment, are you struggling or managing okay?
This crap is over in Europe, there are no restrictions anymore.
12 - Has anything positive come out of the pandemic for you?
Yeah, I saved money.
13 - Would you rather drink a latte, a cappucino or a mocha?
Latte, if ever.
14 - What does your ideal sandwich look like? Is this something you eat often?
I’m not really a sandwich dude.
15 - Do you wear a watch? Is it analogue/digital? Does it it have things like a step-counter in it?
No, I never wear watches. I don’t like them.
16 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is this different to what you’re wearing now?
Black hoodie that reads "I ❤️ Belgium", light blue ripped jeans (like, really ripped, you can see much of my skin in them, so let’s say my thighs are exposed), black leather jacket and black and white high-top platform canvas sneakers with daisy print. It’s not different, but will be soon, after I take a shower. The only difference is that I took off the jacket and the shoes.
17 - When was the last time you met someone for the first time?
Long time ago, but if brief interactions count, at the beginning of the month, this student conductor.
18 - Do you have any gifts from Christmas that you still haven’t opened or used?
No, I don’t.
19 - Do you know how to tie a tie? If so, who taught you?
No, I’ve never learnt it. Never needed anyway.
20 - Who was your last missed call from? Did you ring that person back?
My husband and yes, I did.
21 - When was the last time you had some kind of problem with your internet connection? Is this something that happens often?
Very long time ago, the cable was pulled out from the router, I guess my cat was sleeping there again. It’s not something that happens often, though. I mean, the cat sleeping there does, but the cable being pulled out doesn’t.
22 - Do you have a favourite celebrity chef?
No, I don’t. Maybe Nadiya Hussain, though.
23 - Would you rather support a small business or buy from Amazon?
I’ve never liked Amazon anyway.
24 - Do you prefer pizza or pasta?
Pasta, but I don’t mind either sometimes.
25 - Do you use Instagram? How often do you update it and what kind of things do you tend to post on there?
Yes, I do. I like the aura of mystery so you’re not gonna find my face there, my account is solely dedicated to my photography.
26 - Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?
No. I like coloured gemstones.
27 - Have you ever volunteered anywhere before? What was the reason behind doing so?
No, never. Maybe I’m a bad person, but I prefer to work for money. Volunteering won’t pay my bills.
28 - Do you donate to charity? Which charity (or charities) do you like to support and why?
No, I don’t. Iwant to know where my money goes to.
29 - What else are you doing apart from this survey?
Watching TV with one eye and kinda listening to music.
30 - And what are you going to do now that it’s over?
Shower, and then maybe another one.
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clavicuss-vile · 2 years
IWANT TO KNOW MORE ABT MARROW AND NYMERIA SO BAD IM GRASPIBG @ THEM WITH VIGOR.. for the ask game what abt 33 and 22 for both of them (if you are down) !!❓
ffrogey beloved i will paypal you my firstborn
my funky little college babies i lov them <3 lesgo with the questions !!
33) when creating your character, did you take inspiration from characters in other media? or just other media in general? name them, if any!
Hmmmm god yes im almost certain i did,,, i'm just trying to think what it was. Her name was ripped straight out of Game of Thrones because its a gorgeous name, and she takes a LOT of inspiration design-wise from Almalexia (makes sense considering she's her mother) I think vaguely story-wise she also takes some inspo from Daenerys Targaryen because they both have themes of discovering their history and taking back their "birthright" throne, difference being Daenerys knows who she is and Nymeria has absolutely no idea aside from a little telvanni necklace. I think she also got inspiration from that one dunmer in riften for that bit too!
22) if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.
ooooo okay. i think during her time at the college of winterhold it would be something like: @/PersimmonCrabs 🌸 Studying dunmer history at the College of Winterhold 🌸 She/Her 🌸Please DM me if you find any artifacts or historical records from Morrowind! 💜 Her favourite fruit is persimmons and she has a little palm-sized dwarven crab automaton that Marrow fixed up for her that helps her with her studies (brings her a pencil or a sheet of paper, whatever she needs), also she would definitely use proper grammar and spellings for everything, 100% the type to end all her messages with "thank you lovely xx" I think she'd mostly post pretty aesthetic photos, selfies, photos of her hanging out with her classmates, and whatever the tamrielic equivalent of starbucks would be. Her account would have a purple theme and if the photo didn't have purple in it she'd either add a filter or a few stickers or drawings to make it suit the theme!
33) when creating your character, did you take inspiration from characters in other media? or just other media in general? name them, if any!
Marrow my sweetheart. I'm so bad with remembering where i got inspiration this is embarrassing 😭. I know i built them first off entirely around seeing the skull face paint in Skyrim and thought "wouldn't it be cute if i gave the sweetest purest character that". Her design came mostly from the water tribe's clothing in avatar the last airbender actually! never watched it but absorbed the fandom through osmosis. also this video made me want to make a character that would love cooking (well, making) foods like that, and thus marrow was born!
22) if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.
Pure and utter chaos. Unlike Nymeria's there'd be absolutely 0 theme or put-togetherness, if it's an instagram-based platform she'd have story highlights dedicated to cooking recipes, tips + tricks for college, silly selfies, pictures of his friends, etc. For the acc itself: @/marshmari they/she/he !! genderfluid & pan !! dwemer ruins > nordic ruins fight me i'll win !! pls stop stealing books from the arcaneum :( Mari is the nickname her tribe call her, and marsh comes from how she got her name, when the khajiit tribe found her she couldn't pronounce marshmerrow and thus the name Marrow was born. Her posts would be an absolute mess of adorable pictures of her pets, book recommendations, gorgeous falmeri carvings she finds on expeditions followed immediately by a photo of Kin'aru sticking his hand into a dwemer automaton and screaming when he gets stuck, aaaaaand i think she'd also have an art account called @/onionhater where she posts all her paintings :))) grammar simply does not exist on her page
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frogtowns · 4 years
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genshinluvr · 2 years
I've decided that Iwant to give a certain purple haired harbinger some love. Imagine he just got back from some fatui work with a pissed off expression cause the fatui agents are doing shitty at their job. Reader noticed this and asked him what's wrong and he just simply told them that the fatui agents are being as stupid as Childe today. Reader wanna try to cheer him up so they decided to cup his cheeks with both of their hand and kiss his forehead and told her that everything is going to be fine. I can see Childe whining and clinging onto the reader cause he want them to do that to him too 😂💓
Also I hope you had a fantastic day! Here's a flower 🤗🌹💕
Omg the minute Childe sees the reader give Scaramouche any type of affection or attention, the man will go crazy. He will be clingy, telling the reader to forget about Scaramouche and give him attention instead. While Childe is clinging to the reader while whining for their attention, Scaramouche will be shoving Childe's face out of the way with a scowl on his face.
When Childe gets pushed away, Scaramouche will be smug about it and stick his tongue at Childe to taunt the ginger Harbinger. Childe would probably gasp, feeling offended that Scaramouche is being a little shit head about getting all of your attention while Scaramouche will cling to you. He will occasionally give Childe a victorious smirk while holding onto you, letting you press soft kisses on his head and his face while stroking his soft purple hair. The others will be refraining Childe from committing murder in the background while feeling a tiny bit jealous that Scaramouche is getting all of your attention while they have to deal with a murderous Childe.
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crystalsenergy · 3 years
low {intellectual} self-esteem - placements that bother
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pic not mine.
in this post i list some of the positions that most demonstrate fear of communicating, shyness beyond normal, and even an internal censorship regarding what people think. besides, as things are related, in this post i also bring situations of low intellectual self-esteem, that is, people who don't consider themselves intelligent enough. many who have such positions may not even see how bad it is, trivializing and living daily with these sensations as if it were something normal. however, i see that this causes more harm than the person imagines, generates anxiety, internal blocks, limits the person, prevents the person from trying new things.
i want people to see their difficulties and also know how to deal with them, even if little by little, taking one step at a time. this is because iwant people to cut the roots of anxiety and some bad things from their lives. as we aren't always able to find light in the tunnel that is our personality, i bring some light through astrology, so that if the placements are verified in you, you can start working on it.
"I am not sure how much longer I can just sit in silence (...) I want to hear you getting loud Capsize me with the sound Why don't you open up your mouth? Come and shake me down to the ground Sometimes it takes a raging river To make the dam come crashing down I want to hear you getting loud Loud Loud"
- The Collection - Loud.
Saturn in Gemini / Saturn in 3rd: a big internal censorship regarding saying what's on your mind, the mind that can't delve into many topics with autonomy because it feels it's not as capable of learning everything on its own. the person who thinks he/she is "dumb" and who assumes that things are going to go wrong when it comes to communication and studies. an internal authority for itself, refraining from being free in communication, in speaking, in learning.
Saturn in Virgo / Saturn in 6th: the feeling of not being smart enough can make you a person unable to believe in your own potential, always holding you back from learning because you have an inner feeling of not knowing enough. note that this doubt about your potential prevents you from seeing the things you are really good at, it prevents you from seeing how much you have evolved in certain knowledge. the fear of failure that keeps you from going out there and doing it.
Mercury square Saturn: person with a severe mental block. someone who communicates only after so much thinking and questioning in his/her own mind. a person who is afraid to speak automatically what he/she thinks, because he/she fears judgment from others, and in reality, the person who is judging is the person him/herself. a person who, due to the fear of making mistakes in speech, ends up expressing very little, which can be a problem in relationships in general, as communication is one of the most important things. people with this aspect is very intelligent, but don't see it easily, as they are always focusing on criticizing themselves internally.
Mercury opposite Saturn: people with little ability to see their potential, their intelligence, and who don't develop much of their communication and study skills, which generates disagreements with others. Mercury and Saturn here definitely can't dialogue, because the person feels "not born" to communicate and may have difficulty exchanging even the slightest bit of communication with someone. this can create a lack of resources to communicate with people, having more superficial exchanges and being good at listening but terrible at talking. they can also have quite low intellectual self-esteem, feeling "dumb" in relation to others. this can gradually change, but as long as a person makes a conscious effort and realizes that much of what he/she does is just an internal block.
Chiron in Gemini / Chiron in 3rd house: you may have a hurt about communicating, feeling that you shouldn't do it, that you are unable to express yourself. you have a strong inner desire to keep your thoughts to yourself, and communicate too little or feel that people aren't there to hear you. it could be that when you speak, you feel that people don't pay attention to you and that you have nothing to teach. you may have had situations where someone "taught" you to be silent and censored your speech, whether in this life or in a past life.
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dylansslutt · 3 years
daddy issues / r.c
part 3
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very much waited, took me forever to figure out how iwanted to do this. i think this might have more parts.
warnings; sex, rafe, mention of assault
also hi ty for the love i hope ypu enjpy
i jolted awake, my breathing uneven as i analyze my surroundings. “he-hey, your good. your safe.” rafe’s voice brought me out of my mid panic. i glance over at him, the whole night coming back to you in a blur.
he turned down his street, my eyes flickering back and forth. “wait, rafe. i can’t go to your house.” i check around for my phone but its no where to be found.
“your not going home, selene” he pulls in the drive way, shutting his truck off. i felt the anxiety rise in my chest, “i can’t- i dropped my phone, i think. i hav- i have to go back.” my voice trembled.
rafe’s hands grasp my face, making me look at him. “you gotta calm down. okay?” his thumb brushed away a fallen tear. “you’re gonna come inside: where i know you are safe. then tomorrow it’ll all be taken care of.”
“rafe...” i pulled away. i can’t deal with this shit. my life has hit a low blow, and i feel myself sinking. i dont know why he can’t leave me be, he can’t fucking save me.
“no dont pull that shit, selene.” he glares down at me, i felt my energy start to match his, but the inside of me felt so different.
“what do you want, rafe? you could give two fucks about me, so why are you doing all this?” i lean back in the seat, not even staring at him. the adrenaline was gone. i was exhausted.
“do you not see i care about you, selene?” my head snaps towards him, confusion written all over my face.
“is this some sick joke?” i felt like i could cry, why am i so emotional?
“why can’t you believe me, god i have been sitting here helping you out this entire time.” he scoffs, his hands going towards his hair.
“you literally beat the shit out of my friends! i am everything you hate rafe. why the fuck would i not believe you?” i sat up straight, staring the boy in his eyes.
“you dont think i know this? i am changing, selene. i-im stepping up, and i dont know why you are the person tha- that makes me.” his voice softens. “you make feel good, and i would kill anyone that ever hurts you or tries. i dont care about shit, but for some reason. i care about you.”
my heart felt warm and everything felt fucking insane. i bit my lip, feeling lost at words. “yeah, well you aren’t the only one with feelings rafe.”
my confession changed the atmosphere. “i feel like this is some stupid romeo and juliet bullshit and i shouldn’t feel this way. yet, i really fucking like yo-” my sentence was cut off by his lips landing on mine.
without hesitation i kissed back, and it felt right. i felt safe for once in my life in his arms. i pull back, staring him into his eyes.
“you didn’t answer my question... what do you want, rafe?” i gulped.
“you.” he blinks, “you are my girl. i will take care of you, i promise you that.”
“let’s go inside, i am so tired.” i lied, i was actually starting to feel the pain that spread over my body. i watched get out and walk over towards my side. he helped me out, and we headed inside.
after a nice shower, i changed into rafe’s t-shirt along with some boxers he had. a large bruise marked my back, along with my left elbow being scraped. my face wasn’t bad, which was shocking, just a bruised cheek and small busted lip.
i let out a sigh, walking into rafe’s room. he was changed, wearing grey sweatpants and black tee. “i can sleep on the floor, i don’t wanna kic-”
“shutup. your sleeping with me.” rafe sets his tv remote down, walking towards me. “im kidding, sorry. i just meant you can have the bed, i’ll take the floor.” i let out a small laugh, absorbing the fact his eyes lit up seeing me in his clothes.
“i think we can share the bed.” i whisper, his hand snakes up around my neck. they land around my jaw, he smiles down at me. “you look beautiful in my clothes.”
i felt the heat rush to my cheeks, “well i might have to steal them. they are comfy.” it was nice seeing the softer side to mr. mean dickhead bad boy rafe.
he leans down, leaving a soft kiss to my lips. i step up on my tip toes, capturing his lips onto mine. rafe’s arms slip under my thighs lifting me up, i let out a small giggle.
he sets me down softly under the bed, my shirt riding up allowing the cool air hit my heated skin. being under rafe was something you never thought would happen, but i was not complaining .
“you’re so beautiful.” he repeats leaning down to kiss me. leaving small trails down to my neck. he sits up staring at me, “i wanna make you feel good, but if you want to stop just tell me.”
without hesitation i nodded my head, “it’s okay rafe.”
with that being said he lifts my shirt, i had no bra on so my breast were out on display. his lips instantly finds my right nipple, twirling his tongue around. i arch my back a little, a soft gasp escapes my lips.
he switches nipples, distracting me as he slowly dips his hands into my new pair of boxers. he softly strokes me, a small moan left me. “your so wet for me baby.”
your eyes flicker to his as he slides his fingers between my slits. he pulls his hand out, tasting me. i felt a slight panic at the sight, but his face told me not too.
“you taste so fucking good.” his lips slamming onto mine. he picks me up some, pulling me more up on the bed. i pull away from rafe, “your such a tease.” a pout evident.
he smirks, slowly pulling your boxers down. “someone’s needy.” i throw my head back as he kisses my inner thighs. “please rafe.”
without a word, his tongue connects with you. my hands fly to his hair, the feeling of his tongue massaging my clit, along with the grip he has on my thighs.
soft whimpers escape me, as my hips buck towards him. “look at you.” his actions coming to a stop. “god i could watch you like this every day, shaking under my touch.”
i could’ve came at those words, no one has ever made you feel like this. his tongue started small flicks, him entering a finger. then another.
i pull his hair as i felt my orgasm start to build, “oh fuck, rafe. im gon-”
i pant as he starts to go faster, “fu-fuck.” i felt my body shake, rafe slurping up the liquids running down my thighs and his face. he just made me cum. what the fuck.
i felt him get up, moving to get something to clean me up with.
after the clean up, we laid cuddled up. i was about to pass out with him softly stroking my hair, but what i didnt know. rafe was planning a way to get the two motherfuckers that tried hurting you tonight. rafe was officially obsessed with you.
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gobstoppr · 2 years
a ramble about . having hand and wrist pain that all started hitting me at once .theres no real thesis i just have been thinking about shit . happy disability awareness month .
god for what, over 4months now , ive had chronic hand/wrist pain thats made it fucking frustrating as all hell to do . the things i want to do . i cant play games for hours at a time . i can barely draw for over 30 minutes at a time without a break (oftentimes i have to take breaks long before that point) . i cant scroll on my dash forever since even with the keyboard shortcuts it strains over time (sidenote but CHRIST can i just . but a bookmark on a point on my dash. i want to come back there later and scroll from there . iwant the site to stop lagging ). everything i do i have to consider how bad my bones will hurt from it and if i can do it, if its something i can adjust to make easier on my hands, if its something worth 'wasting' what i call my 'hand stamina' for the afternoon. like oh if i play video game then i wont be able to draw or do shit for like at least 30min .
ive gone to the doctors. ive gone to the tests . its not carpel tunnel they say ! thank you for clearing that option after 3.5 months of pain. now i get to do more trial and error tests to see what i have . ive finally gotten at least like. the orders to let me get physical therapy so hopefully that can help . just side note i fucking HATE decentralized medical care holy SHIT why cant this info just be fucking shared between u guys . i wait 2 weeks between getting to go into the doctor and say 'yea mate it still fucking hurts' so they can give me a different appointment 2 weeks later and so on . its so much fucking treading water . weve been over this bullshit . why do i have to wait 2 weeks to see the dr for 10 minutes and then figure out an appointment . i just fucking . god .
i have to go to college in a month . im not going to be better in a month . im definetly never reaching what was once 'normal' condition for a long time . its . its hard to think about that shit . i feel like ive been trapped ykno.
i remember . for about 3 months. starting in late september 2021. i was having an absolute fucking blast . i had spamton brainrot . i could pump out several small doodles a day, sometimes multiple cleaned up/colored sketches, every couple weeks i might make a fully finished piece . i could spend hours upon hours just. doing what i loved . drawing silly guy who i liked . seeing what the other people in my community were doing . art, creativity is a conversation to me. i see peoples works, i get inspired, i want to create, even if i don't have anything in particular to say at that moment . it doesnt matter i have no ideas for posing or anything . i wanted to create . and i created .
i could be in my element . have this conversation . this feedback loop of inspiration . a constant improvement to my own skills as i just enjoyed art how i enjoy art . i'm mad at myself for not taking more breaks. im mad at myself for not fucking stretching all these years . but i will never regret my time . it was worth every second . and even if im not always interacting with everyone i met thru that time, im forever thankful for getting to meet all of them .
this is sounding a bit mopey huh . ok some quick advice then for this sorta shit in general.
for one . yes i know its fucking hard . but please just stretch a lil sometimes . even just learning one or two u can do pretty consistently can help u get going . this page has alot of good ones.
two . get yourself a good dumbass friend to watch stupid cartoons with you . yes im serious . if it were not for having my sister this summer to watch anime for children i would have gone insane with boredom whenever my hands hurty so i cant do shit . find yourself some bullshit to binge and laugh at . highly recommend the yokai watch dub of seasons 1+2 . good head empty but very entertaining shit . incredible for passing the time
three . find shortcuts for doing smaller straining tasks udont really think about . for example, theres the more prominant things like using keyboard shortcuts to navigate ur dash, but then theres stuff like realizing . oh trying to cut my sandwich with a knife is a kinda weird strain and because the bread is so soft its hard to cut super easily . so now i just . tear my pb+j up with my hands to cut it . jsut rip it . its not fucking worth the nonsense
yeah ok i think im out of things to say for now but yea. fucking hands huh . take care of yourselves gamers . i apologize if this is a bit gloomy
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
@clownstolemyjokes​ asked: 🐭
Send 🐭   for slightly intimidating
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Oh golly. I hope I’m not too intimidating. I know I can be a bit much sometimes and overwhelming when I get really excited about something.
I know it probably won’t help much but please I don’t bite and honestly I’ve really wanted to interact with people but I know I lose threads a lot (which mind you, just tap me if I haven’t yet because chances are i forgot about it or lost it in my notes)
I won’t be upset or mad if you poke me or invade my inbox. If anything I am always so happy to see people around and talking, liking my posts even. I find liking posts of someone helps you feel comfortable around others at least for me. When I see people liking my posts I feel less intimidated by them because i know they want to be here, they read my posts, they like me bein around which makes it feel less scary to interact with.
I hope you can still find yourself comfortable around here though! If there is anything I can do to make it comfier let me know because iwant my mutuals to have a fun time here
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tomatada-witch · 3 years
Hiii I was waiting for this one yayay im excited
🧟‍♂️ im glad u decided to put yourself first and not answer all the asks, i cant imagine how draining a game like this is
I like how long your readings are and that takes extra energy and time so iwanted u to know i really appreciate you
Have a wonderful day🥰❤
Hellow!! HAA I am really glad you are excited! ;; it means a lot to me, I did my best to research types of games I could come up with so i am really happy that you can appreciate it ;; It means a lot so thank you! lkjhug Thank you so much for your words! They mean a lot! To be honest it's draining but it's so worth it when I receive asks like yours because you are so nice ;; and honestly I feel, like i said above, appreciated hfrehf so thank you so much ;;
feijhghftdfri before I start crying let's dive in, shall we??
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Order of the cards
Nine of swords
Eight of chalices
Four of Chalices
The magician
The wheel of fortune Reverse
We really don’t start good right off the bat huh! We are on our first day of the zombie apocalypse and this causes you only anxiety and worry- well it’s quite normal for you to feel this, after all this is something new- and what gets to you is your mind replaying the same possible scenarios, seeing people you love getting killed, you not being able to save any of them or you becoming a zombie and having total conscience of you you are killing and not being able to stop. The thing is, the more you think of these things the more real it becomes, you can’t even sleep, you only have nightmares, you are completely restless. You do manage to trust others but these thoughts don’t leave your head, at least for now.
These thoughts keep coming and you decide to leave your group, you feel you are too much of a burden- so instead of trusting them and telling them how you feel, you run away, you feel everyone is already uneasy as it is and you being here with these fears you feel like you are stopping everyone else. Even if this is reckless behavior, this does make you happy but sad- it’s a complex emotion, you’re sad because you are still scared and you already miss them, but at the same time you know you won’t be nobody's cause of death.
Scared and alone you still make your way through this apocalypse, you don’t believe yourself but...you know what? You start believing, you start seeing how strong you are, you start tackling opportunities in front of you, you are actually discovering a new part of yourself that you didn’t know you were hiding. You still are a bit numb about everything, and a bit unstable emotionally but you are getting better, bit by bit and so far you haven’t died so...that’s a plus right? Instead of shutting yourself down, you are learning not because you want but it’s your own body, your own instincts that is driving you to this.
The more you survive, the more you learn, you start creating your own weapons with the things you remember from tv or even by instinct. You finally master the power within you ..not that you realize. But now you have a will to actually live and to survive, and you know what? You know you have the strength to protect people you love. Whatever you went through is paying you now. You are determined and motivated, you are creative- heck you can even make traps and use nature at your liking, yet you can’t help but feel guilty about how you left your group, so those thoughts start hunting you once again, but you are determined. You go where you left them, you now know how to follow tracks...but what you see you hate. As you go, you see them, pr parts of them and some of them are zombies...you feel heartbroken, this was all your fault wasn’t it? They didn’t deserve this you did. These are all the thoughts you were having while you didn’t get out of your place and the zombies that were once your friends and family get close.
They wouldn’t want this for you, right? You open your eyes and with tears and screams, you end their suffering. You needed to hit rock bottom to understand, you can’t give up now, you have to live for them, and for you, you will help people along the way, like they would. This is a way to honor them and for you to try to redeem yourself from what happened. You don’t run away anymore from your emotions. You learned the hard way. I feel in here that you are almost reborn, whatever you had within you, all the negativity, and the sadness and regret, are left in this last battle, you are now stronger than how you started. Huff! I hope you like it, please remember this is just for entertainment! Be safe and sound <3!!
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