#if you dont do it righr every time you will do it righr never
gayspock · 1 month
and i dont know ido try . itsreally fucking humiliating that i do . and i dont know i wishsomeone wasthere to just believe me when i say i fuckingtry but it jsut doesntfucking do anything. but it jsut fucking does ntohing. and i feel so fuckign hopeless. and thats the problem. and i feellike the only thing there is is people just assuming i havent tried. and i djsut feel so much fucking grosser inside because i know. i knew i already fucking cant do it and its alread y fucking snowed me under and i already feel so alone and its jsut so isolating and fuckign sic k to mystomach when i fe el like the only assessment people ever have is . you havent worked on yourself enough you havent done this enough you havent done that enough you havent suffered enough you havent wethered through it enough it will work out if you justdo it enoug- qne i jsut feel so fuckiign alone i fuckign wonder sometimes i dont know the millinofucking tmes people have explained to me over and over "getting better is HARD. you KNOW that righr?" LIEK YEAHN DFUDE TEAh dude yeAH DUDE YEAH DUDE IVE DONE IT IVE DONE ALL THE SHIT YOU DFUCKING DO IVE DONE IT A MILLNION FUCKGINT RIMES IVE DONE IT SO SMUFHCI NA DI TMEANS NOTHING AND ITS SO FUCKING . i feel so fucking worthels s i really fucking do ijsut go round and round i hit my head against walls i get nowhere i fee l so ufcking hopeless smeone tells me i didnt do it enog because gues what. the trying isnt enough it doesnt d anyhyign it doesnt mean anything . its jsut a lose fucking cause but i cant . i jsut i dont know i want to die i want to let it all go but theres htis fucking embarrasisng fucking want in me for someone to jut pretend t fucking care at least for jsut fufking ten seconfs wit me i keep feeling so fucking emebarrasse di think about all the poeple ive cared about and hw fucking mortified i am of everything they think of me and how i cantdo anyhting t change it and theyre never going to care back and i cant say that because im a fucking cunt if i do but its the truth and i think theres also that sufcking anger within me i dot know eeyr time i see recovery , see peoples fuckign storeis of getting bwtter theres osmething theres got to be somethign the re to fucking help them beut theresnothing there for me i dont have family to lean on i dont have friends to talk to i dont have a fucking suport system there sntohing to go towards there sntohing that makes it better i dont htink theres anythign worthwhile ot fucking resolve in side me and thereslike why dont people just admit to that right lie . i dont know . is this the nasty shitty fucking feeling that people dont like looking at. i think of all the things ive read, the fucking ways people have tried to go through ancedontes of people whove gottenbetter and thats the unifying factor yhat they were good at osmehting that someone else could like them that they dfodund love that they had anyhting i dont . know it feels s o mcuh worse every time i fe el like its always jus t a kick int he face qwhereis there to go what isthere to do any more i keep trying peopledont believe me because materially it makes so littled difderence and i feel so so so fucking useless and im noteven a lowed to cry about it without fucking being atheigver upperi dont know what to say i dont have it in me i dont afducking have it im not a strong person what do i have i have a fucking TUMBLR BLOG I CAN FUCKIGN SCREAM AT ANF THATS IT HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL i need to delete oh my fodddd FUCKKK BRO
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cowboyprowl · 4 years
Axe kick is for breaking collarbones. Circle kick is for knocking heads off. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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vicsep7250 · 5 years
@ren-amamiyaa and their (he/she?) Golden Heist, Thief Nanako and Cryptid Chaser aus flooded my brain and now Im making this post bc I cant fit all of this in asks!!!
All right, so, idea. Cryptid Chasers, Thief Nanako and Golden Heist are all connected righr???
CC acts as a prequel, TN becomes the inbetween starring Nanako and Akechi, and GH stars a broken and older IT and slightly jaded PT.
So far CC has Yosuke and Naoto forming the brotp that fanon wanted through silly Saturday Night Ghost Chasers Shenanigans, Akiren is bein' a lil shit at midnight bc he needs an outlet and exercise to Phantom Thief. While this goes on, Akechi's ghost/spirit/rement/heart/whatever pulls pranks and shenans along with Joker (hiwever that happens).
As the Cryptid Chasers keep going out of their way to confront Joker about Arsene (bc even he likes to mess around) the other IT in Inaba start to try and stop them from disrupting the peace (read : harassing a known criminal) and this somehow leads to a falling out. Mayhaps Naoto and Yosuke break a few laws and Chie busts them, Kanji wants to know why theyre stalking his student/protege, and Yukiko just wants to keep the rumors about the inn in check bc jfc Yosuke STOP SCREECHING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN THE LOBBY THERE IS NO GHOST ON THE TV!
Maybe eventually they call it quits or dont bc Naoto dug this hole too deep to climb out themself and Yosuke is having the time of his life since Partner isnt around and hasn't come back to visit yet (Not sayin' souyo is canon and there but-). And the Cryptid Chasers arc probably ends here with there being some animosity towards their shenanigans , but the IT are all still friends.
Now fast forward to like, uhhh (*flings dart at wall of calendars*) 2014 during winter and Akiren's cryptid acts are now fully accepted and maybe exposed, who knows. Nanako is like 10 ~ 12 (P5 is maybe three/five years post P4 I believe) and is just going through the motions of public education. I.E. go to class, do work, get good grades. Dojima is still the same as he was before Yu came but is at least doing better at being a dad, not much but better. Yosuke and Ted aren't around as much bc Junes, Chie is transferred to Tokyo, Yukiko is busy managing the Inn, and Kanji is busy with work (as a teacher and crafts business owner). Rise unfortunately cant come visit and Big Bro now visits every other year.
Nanako starts to look back and wonder how things started to fall apart amongst the group and recalls that "delinquent" who came back at the same time the Cryptid^tm showed up and ruined the group. So now she starts to remember the good times when Big Bro came by and starts to notice some blanks around winter... Why was she in the hospital when she got kidnapled? Why does she remember these weird flashes of Big Bro and his friends and some monster?? And how come she tried to ask them anything about it they brushed her off each time???
The TV in her room flashes and soon she starts hearing things. She starts to move closer to the tv, as if she was in some sort of trance, as the sounds start to become voices to her. When she's directly infront of the screen she sees something... someone on it...
Nanako doesnt show up for breakast, or to school, and nobody seems to have seen her.
A full year passes on after that day. It starts off with a big search party of the IT and Social Links for the first two months, then after ankther three something stange happens... are people forgetting that Nanako existed or something? Everybody's starting to act like completely different peoplw than who they are too, some even end up hospitalozed due to severe headaches and such, and start claiming that Nanako was never around when she vanished or that she left Inaba or was already deamed dead or missing. This rings alarms in the IT's mimds as they search for answers, eventually all fully reuniting for the first time in years/months.
Naoto and Yosuke blame themselves bc they piece together her disappearance with the Cryptid + Ghost case and immediately get scolded for trying to pin their stupid kids game on a missing person's case - especially now with Nanako missing and possibly in danger again! Afterwards the IT are a bit on edge and a bit broken with the whole thing. Meanwhile Akechi can hear the tale ends of "missing person" and "literal disappearnace" and starts looking into this weird limbo metaverse he's in bc some shit is kinda fucked in here now for some reason. They're pretty much only together as a team to rescue Nanako.
GH in the PTs POV starts when Akiren invites the group to the Amagi Inn thanks to licrative money grin- I mean training. He comes clean into having seen something weird on the tv one late night and wants to let the gang know.
Midnight rolls around and Akechi shows up on the screen and the Thieves losing their shit is an understatement - numerous noise complaints were filed that night. Anyways Akechi decides to just play the role of "hey moron, some shits fucked come help fix it" and ends up informing them of a missing girl and this weird TV Mementos world he is in.
I would like to note that Akechi is not at all bitter or confused at everyone's circumstances in life, no of course not Joker stop crying I know its been a while but shutup theres a kid in trouble rn and youre the only ones who can possibly help her.
When the PT figure out a plan to reach this other world Goro is in (Arsene : THOUARTTHEESTICKYOURHANDINTHETVDOITDOITDOITDOIT) the IT eventually come to the very sad conclusion that Nanako moght be in the TV world and that opens a whole can of worms and burnable bridges to cross.
While in the TV world, I'd like to imagine that due to Akechi having been there for a good while it has been shaped to reflect his heart and be the new overall theme of that world. It all still looks like Inaba, but it all holds themes to Akechi and his no good terrible life. However due to Nanako having been in that world as a kid, and now for an uncertain amount of time, the world now holds motifs to the Heaven area from P4, but it's all sorta ruined and kinda darker.
When both teams get together and enter the weird Tele-Mentos world (IT in a Junes storage and PT at either Ren's pad [bc he moved out obvi] (OR bith teams enter from seperate TVs at the Inn so SHENANS!)) Yu and the IT go through Akechi's influenced world/TV Palace, finding out about his tragic backstory and involvement with the PT, but anything that can and could reveal their true identities is blurred and staticy or missing bc Akechi aint gonna snitch out who ruined his sperm donors life (also I guess saved the world too yeah). While going through the Palace the Team starts to think that finding Goro will just be an "if it happens" sort of deal bc he's been missing for years already, what if we just leave him here bc M U R D E R E R.
Cue a sudden appearance by someone in some sort of fallen angel garb who starts whipping out a full on Metal Gear Villain monologue about how hypocritical the IT are when they find the truth about Akechi's life and disappearance - they claimed to want to live in a world where no one hides in the fig, was that all a lie? Are they going back on their word, and hiding behind a shriud of lies and falsehoods once more? "You've gone and lied and hidden the truth already, what's to say you won't continue?"
Meanwhile Akiren and the Thieves enter at the very top of the Heaven TV Set and have to climb all the way down. As they do so they start seeing little murals or epitaphs about memories and people in this girls life. They see all of these memories of a happy girl who had such a loving family - both found and by blood. As they go further and further down the ruins start to look like an actual Heaven, and the scenary becomes more bright and colorful. Eventually they might run into Crow in his Black Mask clothes and give the bastard a slug on the arm and a group hug or two, bc man he doesn't deserve to suffer anymore like this.
Now that the Phantom Thieves have been reunited (Akechi : I can't leave this world The PT : FUCK, MORE PLOT) they end up thinking up ways to get Akechi out until this weird angel priest looking dude shows up and starts babling about how they are criminals and how they've done more bad than good and blah blah blah. Everyone is just all "We're the good guys, we do the right thing even if its morally grey/ambiguous!" and oh look! Another crazed maniac wants to kill us for our "injustice" *Crow has the decency to look away and not say anything* annnnnnd Heaven is locked off. Perfect.
Now maybe the Phantom Thieves and Investigation Team run into each other somewhere in Akechi's Palace and "You have Personas?!?!" "The hell is a Palace?" "YOU'RE THE CRYPTID OF INABA!!?!?" "And Im the 'Ghost' that follows him." "Wait you followed me as a ghost?" "WAIT WHY ARE THERE TWO AKECHIS??!??!!"
Oh yeah, Shadows... Akechi is still kinda in denial about the whole friends and justice thing...
And now the Dark Priest is back great ("Good name Skull" "Well I've got my moments right?").
Annnnnnnd now I have no idea what happens next and Im all burned out but AAAAAAAAA this entire AU crossover thing is so GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
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