#if you dont play duke nukem 3d you like men! if you play duke nukem 3d you like men! you like men!
caracello · 1 year
if you nukey.... you dukey
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dialphone-archived · 1 year
if you dont play duke nukem 3d you like men ☝️ if you do play duke nukem 3d you like men ☝️ you like men ! ☝️
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These guys pack a punch, some of gaming's toughest enemies!
These baddies arent bosses, youll see them here and there and their job is to be a pain in the butt. Get ready for a fight, because these guys bring the heat, and in some cases make the bosses look like pushovers. Please note these are foes you can fight and defeat, so dont expect to see the Xenomorph from Alien Isolation or the Service Grunts from Amnesia here.
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Dr. Salvador (Resident Evil 4) In the plagas infected forest in an unspecified location of Spain lives a rabid mad doctor. This doctor is the very opposite of his name, he is no savior. He is a chainsaw wielding, burlap sack wearing madman who will relentlessly hunt Leon through the first third of the game. If he gets close enough, its game over. He takes a boat load of punishment to take down, and will often appear before Leon has any real powerful guns, as early as the village encounter, the first major event of the game. When confronted by this powerful foe, aim for the head or the knees, try to stop him from charging you! Its going to take a lot of ammo to finish him off, so be prepared to judge if you should run or fight. What’s worse is in mercenary mode, a giant version exist that’s constantly berserk, has a DOUBLE chainsaw that’s on FIRE! And has even more hp. Leon really needs a vacation…
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Battelord Sentry (Duke Nukem 3D) Duke is a capable protagonist, with the large reservoir of alien enemies going against him, Duke wont back down from a fight! In Duke Nukem 3D, you’ll encounter foes such as shotgun wielding pig cops, floating octopus enemies, but nothing can send shivers down your spine then the roar of a Battelord Sentry. Essentially a miniature version of the final boss of L.A. Meltdown, the battlelord Sentry is armed with a minigun that can tear your health to shreds and grenades that can do significant damage as well. They have 1000 hit points and don’t stagger very easily, on top of that their aim is deadly accurate, close quarters combat with one will get you killed quicker than the lifespan of Duke Nukem Forevers online community. The only real way to deal with these guys safely is to blast them with rockets or devastator blast from afar, even then it will take some time to kill them. What’s worse is when they attack in groups of two to four, just make sure you don’t run out of ammo.
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Shark Giants (Bloodborne) In the dark world of Bloodborne exist the small fishing village that was drenched in eldritch horrors. Inside this village is a well, and in that well is an amazing weapon that was wielded by the once mighty hunter Lady Maria. However, this blade will be no easy blade to acquire, as it is guarded by not one, but two mighty foes. The giant shark men of the hamlet alone are difficult, but this encounter is akin to a boss fight. They have large amounts of hp, are incredibly aggressive, have sporadic and unpredictable movement, can be difficult to parry, and can kill even the most skilled hunters in a few hits, what’s worse is you can only get the weapon by slaying them, and they respawn. Watch out, its very easy to be eaten alive, and no amount of blood vials will fix that.
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Disma (Final Fantasy XII) Disma is a rare monster in Final Fantasy XII, therefore you can only find him in one area in the large world of Ivalice. The area is the back end of the Lhusu mines, already filled with deadly traps and enemies. His stats are extremely high, he has nearly 100 thousand hit points, resistances to almost all magic types, and is immune to most status ailments. His regular attacks can inflict stop, his combos can reach up to 12 hits in a row, he knows several high level spells. He gets stronger as his health dwindles away and on top of all that, youll be dealing with a horde of other enemies as well, so there’s little chance of cornering him or outnumbering him. He starts the battle with several buffs as well, so if he spawns at a bad point, the team could very well be doomed.
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Red Arremer (Ghost n Goblins) These guys are by far the most annoying and stress inducing enemies on this list. While all the other foes prove to be a difficult challenge, they can all be bested by a skilled player, not these guys… The Red Devil’s are dangerous foes that pester and bombard you with divebombs, they like to fly out of range of attack and tend to strike with deadly accuracy. Keep in mind in this game the main character dies in only 2 hits, which is why its so infamously difficult. These guys will most certainly hit you, and they position themselves in such a way to where a fight is unavoidable, what’s worse is when you are unfortunate enough to aggravate more than one at a time. These annoying foes can make you reconsider playing a different game…
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Mimics (Terraria) Terraria is home to many enemies and dangers in the vast underground, though one such foe that will give the player trouble is the mimic. The mimics, like in many other games, mimic treasure chest and wait for the unsuspecting player to get near it. They boast a good amount of health, have high attack and speed, and can travel through blocks. If one is encountered, get ready to fight, because running may not be an option.  
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Super Mutant Overlords (Fallout 3) Many things can kill the lone wanderer in the capital wasteland, from giant scorpions, deathclaws, and of course, humans. However, one major threat in DC is the super mutants, modified humans that are best describe as extremely violent brutes. There exist a super mutant hierarchy based on strength and age, older super mutants tend to be larger and more violent and brutish than younger super mutants. The oldest eventually become behemoths, which don’t show any signs of higher intelligence. Therefore the apex of super mutants is the stage before behemoth, the half behemoth, the overlord. Overlords boost high perception and health, and tend to travel in groups with other super mutants and at least another overlord, so coming across one almost always ends with a shootout. What makes the overlords dangerous is their deadly tri-laser gun, which bypasses armor and eats away at health VERY quickly. The best strategy is so disarm them as quickly as possible, then they are more manageable to kill, but are still dangerous.
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Lynels (Breath of the Wild) One of the most ancient and powerful races of Hyrule. The Lynels are best described as lion men centaurs, they are armed with powerful weapons and deadly fire breath, it takes skill to defeat one. The slightest error in a dodge can mean death when facing a Lynel. Despite being said to attack on sight, Lynels are surprisingly passive unless Link gets to close. Lynel’s cannot be fooled by a basic lynel disguise, they are too intelligent for that. When one sees a Lynel, then one should approach with caution, make sure you have appropriate buffs and armor, make sure you have strong weapons and plenty of health and stamina, because a dangerous fight is about to begin. Be wary of the silver Lynel, as they have more health than the final boss!
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Panzerdemon ( Painkiller) These demons are large and powerful. They have high defense and can only be damaged by fighting it head on. They have powerful slamming attacks, and are so large that their mere presence can take up half the screen. What’s worse is that they have very high amounts of health and are somewhat common foes in the levels they appear in. So buckle down and blast away, hopefully you have enough ammo or you will be here for a while.
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Geckos (MGS4) A powerful unmanned weapon that serves as a major threat to snake in the story of Metal Gear Solid 4. These machines can be heard before they are seen, as they tend to make animal noises akin to a cow or a cicada, they have powerful legs that can be used for kicking, and are armed to the teeth with various means of defense. They can use the environment to hide and ambush their foe. When dealing with one, high powered weapons is beyond recommended, its almost required, as lesser arms will barely dent these things. They have no glairing weakness and thus can be very tricky to deal with and are best avoided. They wont attack civilians, so that’s a plus. Some variations come with a kamikaze feature.
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Beat Saber
William DeFoore PhD
Exactly where i can download Beat Saber, complete game download and set up
You have probably already heard plenty of people out there telling you that the greatest headphones are the only way to get amazing sound when utilizing a computer. Described items is an uncommon game, rhythmic, developed for virtual reality glasses. In Basic assumptions, to Beat Saber to the platform PS4 and Pc beat saber download is reminiscent of, for instance, the series of Guitar Hero, which is required at the correct moments to press certain buttons on a plastic guitar. Similarly, in this case, despite the fact that instead of hints to the player fly strikes” (colored cubes). Our process is to destroy them with the aid of two lightsabers - red in the left hand and blue in the proper.
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This is exactly where you happen to be being ignorant. These are two separate games, just since SB has custom songs does not imply BS should not, or that they are pointless. Theyre separate games and ought to Each have custom tracks for their fans. Just due to the how to download beat saber fact your not a fan of BS doesn't mean others dont want custom songs. truly each and every wants them it seams like your the only one who does not.
Duke Nukem is a rough and tumble Rambo meets Jesse Ventura hero out to save the planet (or at least himself) and virtually sweats testosterone and sarcasm. He's the main character in a series of video games about, properly, himself. The 1st Duke Nukem game was released in 1991 for IBM compatible computers and was really how to download beat saber shareware (customers could download cost-free, but had to spend a modest fee to preserve it or to unlock it is full functionality). In this game, Nukem had bright yellow hair, an Oompa Loompa-like tan and no neck. He also did not speak, his lines were written on the screen.
Sony's headset, which plays nice with all PS4 consoles, is not the most technically impressive headset of the premium tier, but it's arguably the easiest to get going with ' and with 130 new VR games landing in 2018, there's Beat Saber download a lot to play on it as well.
I just think about an idiot like you saying oh im gona play PS(or XBox) because one particular has a controller” …uh dumbass they both how to download beat saber have controllers…. <— thats the argument your making over beatsaber and sounboxing and their player made songs. You never mentioned the quality or quantity of either.
TimeShift is a well-liked FPS game with science fiction elements that is accessible on Pc, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. If you are browsing for games like Halo that capture the identical where i can download beat saber science fiction really feel that TimeShift is absolutely worth your consideration.
On leading of this, 22 of the top mappers have worked collectively to also develop an exclusive playlist of songs for the event and they've been mapped in ALL issues so everyone can appreciate this! Playing any of these songs will give you two occasions the likelihood to locate a golden ticket! It really is an Remarkable playlist and the maps themselves are sufficient to get Really excited about.
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NOTE #two: If for what ever reason some of your monster's attacks stop working in game, it really is due to the fact you have been previously a diverse creature with spells equipped. To fix this, open up your magic menu and equip and spell in each hands, then unequip it. You could have to use player.setrace to go to an additional creature and then back to the one particular you want to be at the moment in order to get it to operate, but this ought to re-allow your attacks.
Beat Saber is a rhythm primarily based virtual reality game that has taken the gaming neighborhood by storm. Players choose their song track and want to slash by means of the beats as they appear on the screen. Folks who have a great sense of rhythm are sure to have lots of fun beat saber download playing Beat Saber, despite the fact that the fact that a virtual reality headset is necessary to join in the entertaining implies that several gamers will be left out in the cold.
The laptop is low priced and has low specs, but the develop high quality is pretty excellent. Also overall performance sensible the laptop is not negative at all. It is not for gamers, nor for men and women undertaking Beat Saber Download 3d-graphic design. But you can even so edit video and audio on this laptop. The laptop handles these tasks fine. Occasionally, you will notice a modest pause when multiple heavy video editing or rendering tasks are operating, even though.
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