#if you feel it was that bad that’s your right and i wont argument about it!
grandtheftpoptart · 2 years
Babysat a 5, 3, 2 year-old and 10 month old for 6 hours. That's 1 kid per age group. I got a hot chocolate and 5$ for it
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serejae · 1 month
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pairing : seungcheol x reader
WHAT !! : in which youre unsatisfied with the way you treated seungcheol throughout your relationship, but destiny will always bring you back….right? (or in which you messed up your relationship with him and the 4 times you tried to fix it and the 1 time it worked out)
warnings: so self indulgent, if ur my ex bby i know we’re still contacted but come back 💔💔💔💔 readers a ass in the beginning, open ending
w.c : 2872
a/n : i never really see angst where the reader messes up and i decided to display it with my experience el oh el . hope you all enjoy
you laid in bed beating yourself up for the nth time. youve been in a rotation of screaming into your pillow, walking around the house, and journaling (or at least attempting to) but you still cant get the guilt and regret off your shoulders
its been almost 2 years since, since the argument, since the day you ended things, since the day you ran away afraid of hurting yourself and let alone him even more than you already did.
everyone you know has told you to move on because theyre sure he already has too but its harder said than done, how could you go on with life knowing you hurt someone who was so willing to give you everything you wanted because of your own selfishness
and as bad as it sounded, you hoped he’d reach out first as desperate as you wanting to catch up so you can show him the new version of you. the version who was ready to commit, a better person, willing to love him correctly. not crazy or stupid like the one before, the one he had the unfortunate case of dating
so now youre stuck in this 3 activity cycle because no one wants to hear you mope about your asshole tendencies to seungcheol, youve sent him a couple messages apologizing and hoping to be civil to which he replied accepting every single one a couple hours later
why wasnt it enough though?
its because you wanted more, and you knew it. you wanted him to reply immediately and accept your apology as well as begging you to come back because you knew not even deep
down, straight foward youd accept it
you longed for his ‘good mornings’, ‘i miss you’, ‘i love you’’s that you took for granted
all because of that one day (s)
you decided that this cycle of wanting ends now, all these cowardly attempts will stop. so you grabbed your coat and put on your shoes and drove to his place
to make up for that night and those days
“i just dont understand why you wont talk to me whenever you feel a certain way instead of running away” seungcheol sighed as he ran his hands through his hair as he sat on the couch watching you pace around the living room
“what part of ‘i dont want to’ do you not get” you raised your voice slightly as you paused to stand infront of seungcheol
“i dont get it because i love you.” he replied calmly as he reached to grab your hand and caressing it. and as he looked up at you you saw it in his eyes, the longing for those 3 words you never said back to him. he was always patient with you, the first time he said ‘i love you’ to you he saw the hesitation and understood, he allowed you go at your own pace until you felt ready. but it got to a point, a point where he started to doubt himself and to a point where you could read it.
“i…i cant.”
its not like you didnt love him, you loved him more than anything, more than yourself
and thats what scared you
you know the saying “you cant love someone until you love yourself”?
he was the reason you forgot you hated yourself because you were so inlove with him
and your pride was the one thing holding you back from facing the fear
“what?” seungcheol said pulling you out of your thoughts
you looked back at him to see his eyebrows furrowed
“you cant say you love me or you cant love me?” his tone became a bit more furrious
you didnt say anything, just stood there which was the first mistake you realized you made throughout this relationship out of the many
“im willing to wait for you yn, because i love you. i love you so much, i never want to rush you to tell me you love me back but its been almost months now. im starting to doubt myself”
you didnt know how to process his words, not knowing how to comfort him you did what you did best
“this is too much for me” thats all you managed to get out before you left the house without looking back
you heard his protest as you left but they went ignored, like how seungcheol felt in your relationship
seungcheol stood there watching the door close. he never understood how people could be so shocked they freeze but now that he was experiencing it first hand he didnt know what to do
should he run after you?
leave you alone?
was this the end between you two?
this couldnt be, you wouldnt let a small argument get between you two
the first time reaching out.
seungcheol had reached out to you, it was about a week since you left the house without deciding if you two were actually over
he spent each day opening the message app and clicking on your contact name hoping he’ll see the 3 bubbles letting him know you were still thinking of him
so when he was finally fed up with it he sent you a message hoping itll give you a change of heart, he wanted you to know he didnt mean any of the bad things he said and that he still cares for you
“hi, i hope this finds you well but uhm i just wanted to know where we stand. im sorry if i overwhelmed you the last time we saw each other but i really want us to work out, you mean a lot to me and i love you, so much. but i cant keep hanging onto this silence from you. text me back when you can? i love you, and im sorry”
you had woken up from your pity nap to his message and spent the entire following week fighting the thoughts in your head
if you replied and told him you wanted to come back, youd still be in doubt about yourself and cause more trouble for the both lf you guys, but if you replied and told him you didnt want to get back together, itll cause a very strange and awkward tension between you two so just ignored the message and left him wondering
now that you think about it, it was a horrible idea but you didn’t know how to solve this. you didnt want to bring more pain to him but you couldnt bring pain to yourself either
so you stared at the message he sent a month later
“i waited for a month and im assuming we’re over? it sucks but i respect your decision. i hope you find someone for you, thank you for the memories we’ve had you’ve been good to me. i love you and im sorry for not being enough”
laying on your bed wrapped in a blanket resting on your side the tears fell on your phone. you didnt want him to think he wasnt enough when it was the opposite way around, but its too late now. all you could do was hope he found peace
seungcheol sat on the couch and sighed resting against it as he opened up the message only to see read for the nth time. was it really over between you two? is he never gonna be able to wake up to your face again?
maybe thats the way life goes
he just pushed his luck a little too much
the second time reaching out
its been a couple months, you kept his last messages in your ‘recent messages’ on your texting app. so each time you opened to text someone you still saw his contacy name with the words “i waited over a month….” underneath. youd be lying if you said it didnt hurt but it did, it stung that you let go of one of the best people in your life
so out of impulse, instead of texting your bestfriend a reply to her latest message you clicked on his name
“cheol 🩶”
“this is really sudden but i cant help but still feel guilty. i shouldve been better and replied to you but i was really scared. i was scared of hurting you and myself but im sorry, im sorry for not reaching out sooner, im
sorry for being a dick, im sorry for not being a good partner. i hope youre doing good and i wish you the best”
you held your breath as you sent it. it took you about a hour constantly rephrasing the words. you didnt want it to sound too lengthy or too short. you wanted to sound sincere but not that you longed for him even though you did.
took him exactly 3 hours and 19 minutes from when you sent the message to reply. you waited 22 minutes to open it, you kept refreshing the screen because his reply only had 12 words.
“no problem, i wish you the best, you were a good partner :)”
the smiley face really topped it off you could see how he was trying to downplay the situation to have you feel not as guilty , but you were ready for anything
to be blocked, to get yelled at over text, for him to be disappointed but this really twisted the knife
he was so civil about it, he wasnt angry, he wasnt stressed about it
so why were you?
maybe it was the fact you were the asshole while he was the victim. the victim who stood by you and tried to understand you only to be hurt. deciding not to push it you left his message on read and turned off your phone and sighed
when seungcheol got home from hanging out with jeonghan, he turned on his phone after not checking it to see your contact name as one of the first notifications. he said rubbed his eyes frantically and turned off and on his phone again to make sure he wasnt seeing things
clicking on the notification his heart clenched
he hoped you meant everything you said, but its kinda hard to believe when all he could see were words. he’d much rather hear it from you but he doubted his luck at this point.
sending a small reply of what hes able to get out now he hoped youll rack up the courage for you to see him, or maybe he will
the third time reaching out
the third time you reached out wasnt your proudest moment. your friend convinced you to finally go out after mopping about seungcheol for the last months. the main point she gave was
“you already apologized, he forgave, what are you waiting for now?”
she was right, he clearly showed no sign of wanting to get back together so you have to live your life without him whether you liked it or not
and it didnt turn out too well. all you could remember was drinking your face off and then opening your eyes in your bed, still in your outfit. assuming your friend brought you home you picked up your phone and unlocked it to immediately see your text log with seungcheol making your heart drop
there were 3 messages in total since your last apology
“chwol i msiss hou so mwuch came beck i love you se mych”
you saw he read it immediately but took 19 minutes to reply
“yn your drunk, get some rest. stay safe”
“im nat i love you, im sorry”
seungcheol left you on seen.
somehow to your and his suprise the only word you could spell right was ‘i love you’
especially seungcheol. the whole day he subconsciously kept going back to look at the message to see if youd come back and apologize or even try and clear things up but the most important thing to him was the “i love you”
did you mean it?
when he first saw the message on his phone at 2:22 from you saying “i love you” his heart stopped, well until he read the rest of the message, it was clear you were drunk but he hated how it still had an effect on him
drunk words were sober thoughts but still, he wished to hear those 3 words from you when you were intoxicated.
seungcheol still longed for you to tell him you love him even after these months but his expectations for you were low. as much as he’d hate to say it, he began to give up on the chance you’d love him again
but he still loved you.
the fourth time reaching out (sorta)
its been a year and a half since you both had ended things. admittedly you realized your issues and worked on yourself, you weren’t ashamed to admit that you were a horrible person before cause you were. but now you can at least be proud with the person youve became
you took time away from those associated with seungcheol to avoid seeing him and breaking down your healing process but now you were finally ready to face everyone and most importantly
apologize to seungcheol in person
walking inside hoshi’s party the music was blasting, everyone was talking to one another and you walked around looking for some familiar faces.
jeonghan was the first to greet you, he hugged you while mumbling questions asking of how youve been and what youve been up to. but as he hugged you he turned your body to face seungcheol.
you looked up and saw his eyes. he stared at you as if he never saw you before and froze once again
the same way he did when you left
jeonghan whispered a “go talk to him” before leaving.
as cliche as it sounded, in a room full of people you both stared at eachother blanky
he wss the first to smile slight at you and you took that as a go sign to walk to him
as you made you way to him time moved slow, it seemed like everyone wasnt there anymore, just you and him
and like time went back to normal youre now standing infront of him
you heard another voice call him by his nickname
looking for the voice you found it belonged to another woman.
it was hard to not assume the worst especially when you looked up and saw his embarrassed face.
“i love you….im sorry”
those two words were all you said before you left
but this time you walked away with not the regret of being afraid but instead regretting the fact you let him
go to be with someone else
with tied in with how much you hated yourself for being so selfish you couldnt or rather didnt want to imagine him with anyone other than you
but there was no one to blame but you
walking back to your car you sat in the driver seat and laid on the horn while screaming letting out every single feeling youve felt and held in despite thinking youve let go
i guess somethings never leave
your love for him.
“excuse me?” you looked up at the old lady
you rolled down the window and tilted your head
“your horn” she awkwardly laughed
“oh right. sorry.” you chuckled awkwardly as she left, you reclined your seat back wanting to disappear
the fifth time reaching out
seungcheol spent the entire night and day after the party consoling himself. he tried to convince himself that you already moved on so what happened last night didnt mean much.
you werent worried were you?
she was just his cousin but you wouldnt be jealous or bothered because you had moved on
moved on
moved on
oh fuck it. he hoped you didnt.
but he had spent the entire year and a half, almost 2 years afraid to go for what he wants. but life was too short
life was too short to hold him to get you back
whether it ends with him getting slapped or completely heart broken
its okay with him
so as he opens his door with his shoss on he-
you looked as almost shocked as him as he opened the door
you both jumbled your words
you both said
there was a moment of silence of you two deciding what to do, or who should speak first
you shook your head and decided to go first
“i love you
im sorry.”
he froze, the words he longed to hear from you finally hit his ears. there was no ‘and’ between the ‘i love you’ and ‘im sorry’. its as if you were apologizing for loving him like you were scared
and he knew you were. so hearing it made it 10 times better
the silence from him caused you to be able to hear your heartbeat, you looked up and seen him smiling warmly as he opened his arms
your lips curved up slightly as you entered his embrace
“i love you
i havent stopped”
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horrorshow · 1 month
Can you talk about why you think blocking and moving on is a bad thing? I thought it was a way to curate your space and avoid drama
idk maybe i'm too idealistic but fandom is a much more friendlier, welcoming, supportive, creative, engaging, active, diverse and interesting space when it's treated like a community where people are encouraged to participate and talk about their interests and where there's space for niche or more unpopular opinions without these people having to worry about being blocked and feel unwelcome by the majority of the fandom they are in. i can't stand how blocking everyone you disagree with has become the first thing to do.
you say its 'to curate your experience'. but blocking people does not only curate YOUR experience. you're also forcefully curating other users' experiences. and not for the better.
people say 'i will block you for literally anything' and then those same people wonder why engagement is down, why no one sends asks, why no one reblogs, why rarely anyone talks in the tags anymore and why this place feels so dead and boring and quiet. i wonder why!!!!
people treat real people as annoying ads they can dispose of at their whim. but that's not how a fandom or a site like tumblr works. (besides, if you really care about people curating their own experience you wouldn't block people. you can filter and blacklist and never see them again while still granting them the same freedom instead of actively making their experience worse.)
you say its to avoid drama. but seeing a post you dont agree with is not 'drama'. and blocking is not solving anything except for you personally. fandom was more fun when we remembered that every user is a real person you share a space with, and probably some mutuals as well, so you find a way to live with each other. starting with a restraining order seems a bit excessive and is not contributing to anything. it's not that hard to be respectful and tolerate others and acknowledge people have different opinions and interests and still co-exist in peace. its not that hard to be nice to people and try to find common ground with them and interact with the stuff you DO like. you do this in every aspect of your real life, so why not online?
i hear you say: 'but that requires WORK and i don't NEED to do any of that bc i can just block them'.
yeah, you can try to create your own bubble and only hang out with like minded people but you wont EVER fully achieve that (no matter how much you block, social media WILL keep feeding you posts you disagree with bc it makes them money). social media WILL pressure you into an 'us vs. them' mentality where you constantly feel like everything online is a threat or an argument you have to win and where being mean and unnuanced gives you the most notes and where you don't even see, let alone be able to treat, other users as people anymore bc you don't interact with them anymore other than to block or fight them. that's not how i want it to be online. it's not fun to me. and maybe i'm a pessimist but i think it will eventually be the death of online fandom and sites like tumblr. look at the state of twitter right now. DOES blocking give you a better experience in the long run? i doubt that it does. overall, i think it makes people even less tolerable and more vulnerable to hate and fear mongering, and social media an even more hostile place.
it's everything i hate about social media and everything i want to fight against and WILL fight against. i won't pretend my meager contribution will change anything, but i LIKE to just scroll past posts i don't vibe with and not see every argument online as a personal offense. it keeps me curious. most posts aren't that bad when you know the person behind it. i mean, you do you, i'm not gonna say what you should or shouldn't do bc that's up to you, but i recommend it: free yourself of the block button and bring back supportive user communities based on a shared love for the same thing and focus on what you have in common with people, just like you would do in real life. save the block button for the rotten apples who DO keep trying to pick fights and exclude others.
(which is, now that i think about it, probably the main difference: most people see the block button as a neutral way to prevent worse. but. that's only the case on an individual level. and treating everything online as an individual choice to which there are no further consequences, especially if they happen on a larger scale, is already a loss.)
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
also I'm sorry i keep bringing up chaotic teen Buddy and Megatron, but i love seeing this fucker suffer through forced adoption.
I'm still kinda trucking through the comics, but i know that at some point Megatron is essentially yeeted into a whole ass different dimension and spent 300 years there (i could be totally wrong, if so ignore.) long story short, i have been stuck on the idea of Megatron getting stuck there for 300 years, mourning his funny little human child after 80 years, cause he figures even if he does get back home, they wont still be there.
Luckily for everyone involved, that 300 years was just a few months for the lost light. unluckily for everyone.
Buddy - "My father is gone, therefore I am no longer responsible for the consequences of my actions."
Hello again! Don't feel bad for asking/ requesting. Requests are fun to do for me and I can write almost anything someone asks, almost. Still, ask if you want something written. It is time for the return of Fearless Buddy!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy reaction to Megatron coming back from the other dimension
SFW, platonic, familial, bit of angst here and there, Human reader
Buddy had conveniently slept when Megatron had left. Don't blame them, they had been running off of little to no sleep for weeks and their body finally had enough.
Rodimus had to break the news for Buddy.
"What do you mean Megatron is 'gone'?!"--Buddy
"He left, he just up and escaped! But don't worry we'll get him back on board in no time."--Rodimus
"He... He really just left?"--Buddy
"I'm afraid so."--Rodimus
"Well, you know what? Who needs him anyways! The big sorry pile of scrap can go rust in space for all I care!"--Buddy
"Who needs him! Thanks for letting me know Roddy, really. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important things to go over with Whirl."--Buddy
"What important things? What could be more important than this right now?"--Rodimus
"We are going to put a bumper sticker on Minimus saying 'Kachinga'!"--Buddy
"... Carry on!"--Rodimus
Rodimus really wishes now that he had stopped Buddy from making it to Whirl's. The ship had become the two's playground for pranks and sillies.
No one was spared from their wrath.
Many bots on board got mad at the two. But it was the bots closest to Buddy to realize something was deeply troubling them.
Their enthusiasm seemed forced most of the time. Their laughter almost seemed... Robotic almost. And their eyes... they looked so hollow and lacked the usual twinkle they had before.
Whirl appointed himself Buddy's guardian in the meantime. There wasn't much argument there as being Buddy's Amica, it was probably for the best.
Whirl lost count of the amount of times he caught Buddy going into Megatron's habsuite and crying over some of his poems. He wants to hurt Megatron so badly for the pain he inflicted on Buddy. They became Rung's most frequently seen patient after talking with Whirl.
"You really think this is going to help?"--Buddy
"I'm sure of it! If Eyebrows here can stand me, then you'll be like a walk in the park!"--Whirl
"... Thanks Whirl. I mean it, you're the best Amica a friend could ask for."--Buddy
"Hey now, don't get soft on me yet. That's Rung's job. Now get in there and punch those feelings in the face!"--Whirl
The day when Megatron comes back after everything is settled Whirl is one of the first in line to deck him across the face.
"You sorry excuse of a tyrant!--"--Whirl
"I know you're upset Whirl... Buddy passing must not have been easy..."--Megatron
"Passing? What are you talking about?"--Whirl
"Surely they have already passed it's been more than 80 years."--Megatron
"Megs, it's been a couple months since your little disappearing act."--Rodimus
"...Is Buddy alive?"--Megatron
"Of course they are! Why--Hey!"--Whirl
Megatron sprinting pass him and to Buddy's habsuite.
Megatron had never sprinted as fast as he did at that moment. For the past 200 or so years he had been in a constant state of mourning. He thought he had lost Buddy forever. The biggest regret he had was not at least telling them good bye.
Now here he was... He almost backed out of knocking on the door, but he did it. The doors opened revealing Buddy in all of their morning glory.
"... Buddy?"--Megatron
"Ah man it's one of those dreams again. Listen fake Megs, I'm not in the mood right now. So if you'll just come back next week that'll be great."--Buddy
Megatron finally snapped out of his dazed and scooped up Buddy into his servos and held them close to his spark.
It took Buddy a solid second to realize this wasn't some fever dream.
"I'm here now. I'm here."--Megatron
"...I am so sorry..."--Megatron
"...you better be... I will never leave your side again... You're worse than a toddler getting lost at a Walmart..."--Buddy
It wasn't an easy transition at first. Buddy had their friends always within arms length from Megatron. Buddy themselves put up some walls to avoid getting hurt again.
The two eventually decided to seek counseling to try and mend their relationship. Thank goodness that happened.
Now Megatron was sitting in his habsuite with Buddy telling him all the latest news on the ship while reviewing their latest poems.
These were the little things he missed most and was glad he had gotten a chance to get them back.
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vulpixisananimal · 5 months
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(you leave for one loop. One day. And it becomes a blinding disaster. Oh yes, Stardust gets a loop where they can relax and don't need to worry about anything and look what happens.)
(Because of you.)
(I did not do anything.)
(Oh sure! Was I mistaken? Was I mistaken thinking that the one who's always causing trouble, always making things harder, was the one who messed everything up!?!)
(I had to do what I had to do. It's fixed now.)
(Fixed?!? Is that all you care about?!?)
(You grip the sides of the sink. You might be sick again at this rate. You couldn't tell if the nausea was from looping or from the mental argument you were having.)
(It's fine! Really, it's wonderful even! You could share what you learned now. And figure all this out. It's fine.)
(But first, cue Isabeau.)
"You alright, Sif?--" >> "--Just some loopy stuff, not that bad, I'll meet you for breakfast!"
(It's so easy to slip back into the old routine. It's comfortable. It's easy. You can just zone out and respond in exactly the right way. And yet, it made your skin crawl. After all you've been through you're still supposed to memorize a play? What a joke.)
(You go through the motions, get fully dressed, go downstairs, greet your party. Quesadillas again. They'd probably still be tasty, though you wont want them for a bit after these loops.)
"You sure you're alright??--" >> "--Do you think that's why you're sick again?"
(You were zoning out a lot. Change things up.)
"That would make sense, craft exhaustion, right?"
"Alright eat up then 'Frin, gotta get your energy back." (Nille gave you more food like last time.)
"At least let me finish first breakfast." (You say, smiling.) "I am hungry though."
(You still weren't sure if you felt better or worse after taking some time to relax. Although, that 'relaxing' time was cut short. You take a bite of the quesadilla.)
"Is Bonnie feeling okay?" (You ask.)
"They woke up with a headache, I think it's from that bonk from yesterday." (Nille looked worried at you bringing it up.) "Just, don't mention the burnt food."
(Odile spoke up from behind her book.) "It shouldn't be from that bang on the head. No concussion, any booboos they had Mirabelle healed up."
"Well what else would it be then."
(You quietly eat up the quesadilla. Just think for a second, Loop. It's probably nothing. Just focus on the task at hand.)
(You and I know that it's impossible for the past to change. If something did change, it would be us who did it.)
(So why does Bonnie have a headache?)
(. . .)
(You're still not giving me all the details~)
(It does not matter, it will distract you.)
(You're afraid arent you~ You're afraid that things are going to change~)
(As are you.)
(I'M at least trying to-)
(You bite your tongue.)
"Blinding-" (You exclaim.) "Ow."
"Everything alright, Siffrin?" (Odile asked.)
"Oh I just bit my tongue, eating too fast."
"Aw no!!" (Isa said, concerned.) Want me to check if it's ok??"
"So you can kiss it better?" (You reply, almost instinctually.)
"Get a ROOM you two!"
(Isabeaus face was getting off shade, it took you a second before you processed what you just said and what it meant.)
"OH. UH. I DIDNT??? MEAN, UH???"
(you hide yourself in your hat. That's??? So embarrassing?!?!? Oh stars you said that as a JOKE. "I banged my elbow kiss it better." Stupid, stupid Loop! You're making such a fool of yourself.) ". . . S-sorry."
"Noit'sokI'mokit'sfine." (And now Isa was covering his face.)
(. . .)
(Not a WORD from you.)
(There's a bit of an awkward pause before casual conversation starts again. You mostly just zone out untill Bonnie comes back.)
(They looked. . . Fine? It was hard to tell from last time, maybe a bit more tired looking? Nothing physicaly wrong, not that it looked like, they caught you staring at stuck out their tongue at you and make a "nyeeh" noise. You stick your tongue out back.)
"Quite done, you two?" (Odile said without looking up.)
"'Frin started it."
"Did not."
"Did too!"
"Alright maybe I did."
(Mirabelle gasped.) "Siffrin? Admiting to cheekyness??"
"Truly a dark day." (Odile commented.)
(You all chuckle.)
(Here again. Back at the explination table. You know you could keep the loops a secret this time, but no. You needed help, you did ask for it after all~)
(Might as well make it fun, though. You look around and see a few scraps of note paper, you grab one and quickly write something down. Next, who to pass it to. . .)
(Odile is still in her book, Mirabelle was checking on Bonnie, Isabeau. . . Passing a note to Isa right now's a bad look. Nille, then. You crumple the paper into a ball and gently throw it at her as she's about to take a bite of food. She pauses and looks at you. You hold up a finger and wink.)
(You lean back in your chair.) "Let's skip going to the defenders, when we head there later today it just becomes a whole mess."
"You looped again!?!?--" >> "--I'll look for one of those next time."
(You hear a stiffled laugh come from Nille, looking over, she had de-crumpled the note and looked at it. She gave you a look and held it up.)
"So do you just have the whole crabbing day memorized, Siffy?" (The note was that whole exchange written down. Nille passes the note to Mirabelle to look.)
(You stick out your tongue.) "Maybe~"
"What's our next line then, Siffrin." (Odile had closed her book, now quite curious.)
"Well, bonnies next line is 'that's crabbing stupid.'"
"No that comes after Bonnies line." (Ok this is kind of fun actually)
"Alright, but what's your next line." (Mirabelle says, curious.)
(You nod.) "That this will be try number four, or five, First was me and Odile at the library, rest of you to the Defenders place, Bonnie came running back to us because Mira was framed for kidnapping Bonnie."
"!?!?!?--" >> "--Language."
(There's a bit of a pause as everyone catches up to the exchange that just happened, and laughs.)
"Well, at least you're making light of it?"
"Tee hee, I try~" (Now, how to explain things quickly.) "Next loop we all went to the Defenders and bumped into an old friend of Isabeaus, going by Ramos now. We got split up, Ramos and Isa were acting suspicious, we confronted Ramos and they had a wishing star pendant like from yesterday. There was also a strong mint smell around. And then last loop Mira Isa and Odile went to figure out if mint was a sign of anything."
"That's, quite a lot to take in." (Said Odile.) "Well, did we find anything?"
(You nod) "Yep, a strong mint smell is assosiated with Mind Craft. It makes sense really, with how Isa and Stardust acted~"
". . . Stardust?"
(You wince. Stars! STARS! Oh great you were just TALKING and explaining things and DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Alright, fine, fine, you'd have to explain this anyways probably.)
(You could try again.)
"R-right, aha, well. . ." (You shook your head, lights, camera...) "Well it's a bit of a story, Mirabelle had the wonderful idea that we take a loop to rest up! Oh very, very thoughtful~"
"Uh, th-thank you?" (Mira looked confused, well, everyone did a little.) "Did, did it go alright?"
"Oh it did! For a bit. And then our good friend Ramos showed up. Stardust, Siffrin, thought it would be a wonderful idea to talk to them to figure out a few things. Buuuuuuuut then Ramos grabed their hand and he started acting ~very different~"
(You felt like you were going to have a heart attack. When was the last time you talked to your party? REALLY talked to them. It was on the final day, wasn't it? And even then you were all worried about Stardust. You just need to keep acting.)
"Let me guess. Siffrin was effected by mind craft in some way, but you weren't?" (Odile, like usual, was ahead of the curve.)
"Correct~ Hello by the way, your friendly neighborhood Loop here to help~"
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"Oh! Good to talk to you again then!" (Mirabelle said excitedly.)
"Yeah. Lot cooler than 'Frin." (Bonnie said all cheekily.)
"A devistating blow to someone not even here. Are they around at all, by the way?" (Odile asked.)
"Well. . ."
(We shouldn't bring him to front. They are likely still effected by mind craft.)
(And how would you know that?)
(I don't.)
(Exactly. You tap your chin.) "Well I could get them, but we're worried that mind craft is still effecting him."
"But, didn't you turn back time?!?"
"Yeah, it never happened then, right?"
(You shrug.) "Kinda. Memories stay. Our body keeps some of it's changes, scars and muscle growth, but not wounds. We keep our fighting experience too, naturally. And for some reason, equipment."
"Oh right... Like the bow my classmate got me." (Mirabelle touched their bow, the same one.) "That really hurt my head to think about."
(Nille rubbed her head.) "Well if you get them we can check easily. And if Siffy's still gotten mind crabbery we'll..."
"Then we make sure Loop doesn't get effected either!!" (Isabeau said confidently.)
"Or undo it. It should be easy enough, unless-" (Odile starts)
"-it was powered by a wish." (You finish with her.)
". . This is weird." (Nille says.)
"Give me a day and I could recite those two days in Dormont by heart~"
"Even the sleepover?"
"Especially the sleepover."
(You all chuckle a bit at that. It's. . . Kind of nice, being able to be open about this. Even if you wish it could be in better circumstances.)
"I've got two plans today." (You say, as you take another bite of food.) "First, we'll all check on Stardust and see how he's handling things~ "
"Rude to talk and eat, Loopert." (Nille sais smugly.)
(You choke on your food. Loopert?!?!)
"Hah! Loopert."
"Hehe. It's a cute nickname."
(You sink down in your cloak and quickly finish that bite of food.) "Any chance we could rethink the nickname?"
"No!!! You're Loopert now!!!"
(Well if we they wont remember at least.)
"Alright alright, well the other thing I want to do is try talking to Ramos agian."
"So daring..."
"Are you sure about that, Loop." (Mirabelle seemed worried.)
"Well, I'm curious how they'll react. The last two times we've bumped into eachother they've been. . . acting strange. Oh, and I would like to talk to them one on one if possible."
"You do realize if that mind craft stuck this could be increddibly risky." (Odile looked concerned. Understandibly so.)
"I'd like to be around in case they try anything. . ." (Said Isabeau.)
(You nod.) "Well, if you all could stay nearby in case something does happen, that would be great."
"Why do you need to talk to them alone anyways?" (Nille asked.)
"W-well. . ." (How to put this.) "I don't want to be rude, but you all are terrible actors."
"Ah. . ."
"Oh. . ."
"Ouch, but fair."
"Sorry." (You shrug.) "One of the best advantages of not talking about the loops was knowing exactly how things go. But we made a promise to not keep secrets soooo~"
"No no, I understand Loop." (Mirabelle looked a bit dejected.) "I don't know if I'd be able to keep a straight face."
"Heh, I could do it." (Bonnie said smugly.)
"Sure you could Boniface." (Nille replied.)
"Yeah!!! I could!!!"
"I'll go sign you up for theater classes then."
(Heh, that would be a sight to see.)
(At least we have a plan.)
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white-poppie · 1 year
Amethyst Reverie
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Request: mm, maybee a darling who’s like Kocho Shinobu to leorio, gon, killua, and kurapika??
A/N: This has been in my inbox for over 3 months, I am so sorry nonnie, I hope you have a great one!
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He loves your cheery and teasing demeanor at first
He is pretty clueless so he doesn't realise for a long time that it is all a farse
That is until you get into a battle. Then he is scared by how fierce you are.
He gets it tbh, how much hatered you have against the people who killed your loved ones.
If you want to get revenge he will help you.
He has seen his friend and himself go down that destructive path so he wont stop you but rather try to catharize your rage.
He thinks that you are just another Gon at first, until he looks into your eyes and realises how empty they are.
He is scared, he doesn't know what to do, but he wont stop you doing things your way.
His heart breaks everytime you cry or rage, but he is terrible with comforting people and has no idea what to do.
His words of comfort are silent acts of service.
When you are comfortable enough to tell him the story, he almost cries at how much you have been enduring.
He will help you get stronger and stay by your side :)
"I can fix my s/o" No you can't Lay-oreo
Anyways. He is just so pathetic my god, take some time out for him from your revenge.
Thinks you are going on the same self-destructive path as Kurapika and absolutely hates it.
Unlike the others, he will try his hardest to stop you, so arguments are a common occurrence.
Yet he will path you up every time you get hurt, scold you and tell you to be more careful next time.
He hates that he can't do much to help, so he silently accepts defeat and prays that you don't end up getting hurt.
(Poor baby, I feel bad for him :<)
*insert spider-man meme* oh damn I forgot about spiders-
Your honour this man is literally the definition of perfection.
Sees right through your facade (after some time of course) but doesn't say anything, thinks he is going crazy.
He just silently listens when you open up and hugs you after you are done.
"It's okay, we will hunt them down together, we both will have our revenge."
He is kinda a hypocrite. Him getting hurt is okay, you, however-
He just gets it, he will help you get your revenge and vice versa.
(A/N: Therapy, both of you, now. Oh shit, don't leave me alone 'pika!)
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psst, hey, over here! Uhm hi :) Do you like reading? If so can you please check out my first novel? I am a 15-year-old author who needs support, I assure you it won't disappoint! Its okay if you don't buy, it would be enough to share the link with someone else who might be interested! I humbly request you support my career as a child author by purchasing my book. This would help me to write more books in future.
“Of Vengeance and Ashes” -> BUY NOW!!!!
🏷 Tags: @denkis111, @jazzylove, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp,@rintaroubby @nanaseishiro @innerpurple, @cleaningfairylevi, @webawee
⤷‧₊˚ Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
🥀 BYI/DNI ♡⌇ Request Rules 𓏸 🗝️ ₊﹒《 Join my Taglist •
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jackmanbj · 11 months
trick or treat!
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summary: you and jack take your 2 year old to trick or treat but she gets more candy then you thought and you and jack get into an argument about if you need to take some away or not.
“you really to go baby?” your 2 year old daughter excitedly shook her head yes “ok baby how about you go get daddy and tell him to come on so we can go?” “ok mommy!”
sarija ran to the living room where she knew jack was to find him sitting on the sofa putting on his 550’s “daddy hurry!!” “mama wait please daddy has a headache” “oh no..” you daughter ran back to you “mommy daddy has headache? he ok?” “yes baby i’ll go check on him you wanna come?” she shook her head no while you walked over to jack.
“you ok baby?” “my fucking head hurts” “do you still want to go trick or treating with us?” “yea of course” “ok i’ll go get you some pain medicine stay put.”
you came back to jack talking to sarija while she was giggling “im back, now lets hurry this up so we can go hhm?” “yes mommy!!” jack took the medicine and sarija told jack yo bed down so she could kiss his head “feel better??” “yes princess thank you! you kisses always make me and mommy feel so much better!”
eventually you all had left the house and were on your way to your first house “now what do you say when you get the candy?” “thank you!” you gave your daughter a high five “good girl” at the first house jack went up to the door with her while you stated back at the driveway.
“trick or treat!!” “hi missy! what are you?!” “minnie mouse!” sarija put her hand over her mouth and giggled “ok well i have something extra special for you!” the house owner gave her a huge minnie mouse lollipop “thank you!” “of course!” jack and sarija started walking back to you.
“show mommy what you got princess!” “i not princess today! i minnie!” “ok minnie, show mommy what you got!” you daughter took out the huge lollipop and showed it to you “thats awesome! but baby you need to apologize to daddy, you yelled at him that could hurt his feelings baby, right?” “yes.. im sorry daddy” “thats ok bug.”
you were headed to the 8th house of the night, it was 9:30 and your feet were starting to hurt being as though your costume needed you to wear high heels.
“jack i think im gonna head home, you ok by yourself?” “yea mamas” “ok baby, come home when its to much candy, no going over the limit, im serious” “i got you baby”
you had made it back home and ended up playing some music while cleaning the kitchen, your bedroom, and sarija’s room, you took out sarija’s pajamas and placed them on top of her dresser while you headed back to your room to take a quick 10 minute shower thinking jack should be on his way back with half a bag full of candy.
after 45 minutes of you waiting jack walked through the door with a full bucket of candy and a smaller bag of candy.
“uhm thats way over her limit jack!” “baby its fineee, it’s halloween!” “yea mhm, we’re going to talk later” “fuck!” “JACKMAN!” “DADDY!” “WHAT??” “you said bad word!” “sorry princess, wont happen again!”
you started bringing your daughter to the bathroom and putting her into the bathtub and cleaning her off.
by the time you were done she was good and tired.
“mommy i sleepy..” “ok baby lets go to bed” you took her yo her room putting the clean pajamas on her you had laid out earlier, tucking her in and kissing her goodnight.
you walked out of the room to find jack sitting on the sofa scrolling on his phone.
“jackman bedroom now” you said walking past him, you head jack huff and get up.
“why would you let het get that much candy?” “baby its halloween, its not like were giving it to her all in one day.. its going to take her like 5 months to eat all that” “dont care, your missing my fucking point” “whats your point?” “if i were out there with yall the whole time you would have stopped halfway, you disrespected my wishes” “baby, j really dont see this as a big deal” “its not a big deal but j.. you just went against everything i made rules about, if you keep this up shes going to think whatever i say doesn’t matter, like what her monma says doesn’t matter because daddy said something else, if you would have called me and just simply asked me if you could stay out longer and get more candy i wouldn’t mind, yall had daddy daughter time but stop disrespecting me, understand?” “understand.”
you turned over laying on your pillow falling under the blanket as you felt jack come wrap his arms around you pulling you closer.
“goodnight mamas, your doing so good, great wife, even better mom. i love you” “goodnight baby boy, you doing better, you balanced your work like, made me and sarija your number one prioritys, amazing husband, amazing daddy. i love you.”
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
shes basically taking care of you n all:3
mdni please<3
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warnings: anemia, a lil of smut
writers note: i swear its okay to read even if youre not anemic:3 i feel like shed do these thingss even to hers not anemic gf.. also this may seem odly specific because im anemic myself and idk this idea randomly came up to my mind so enjoyy !!
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🌿lets start with the fact that an anemic person tends to become tired and sluggish very easily so they (most of them) enjoy any kind of support
🌿ellie knows that your health is fragile so she tries to be as patient and gentle as possible in your interactions<3
🌿when youre not feeling well shes is usually pretty awkward and she has no idea how to help you😓(my poor awkward gf) BUT whenever she doesnt know what to say she just offers to help you out in small ways like preparing food or running errands
🌿if you both live together her GOAL is to keep your house well-lit and cool as too much heat or brightness makes it hard to focus/uncomfortable for people with anemia
🌿she always makes sure you drink and eat well so you have more energy and all
🌿she always gets mad when you refuse to go to sleep because she knows you need to.. even if youre making a cute excuse like
"but els, i want to stay up so i can spend time with you!"
and then she'll roll her eyes at you and say "we can do whatever you want tomorrow, you need to rest now!"
and would even forcefully make you if needed🙏
🌿if its modern!ellie(just ellie having access to a phone), she'll secretly google things about your illness and things like "how to help your anemic girl from passing out every time she misses breakfast" I JUST KNOW SHED DO THAT ISTGG
🌿she would hate to hear you being guilty. like when you say "im tired of you making all the little house jobs just because i mostly dont have the energy to.." she'll go crazy. not in a bad way, of course, but she wont drop the topic until she makes sure you understand she doesnt mind.
🌿she also definitely hates when you want to convince her into letting you help her.
"fuck, ellie, its not cancer, its anemia! i can at least help you" you say angrily. like, really angrily. because youre kind of right (but she doesnt care)
"we've talked about this, lay down and wait for me," she answers sternly. so sternly you feel shivers down your spine.
🌿but when you eventually talk with her (you manage not to start an argument but really, simply talk) she understands your point and promises she'll let you help her with some things
🌿one time you told her that anemic people are sensitive to the cold and its true but now she overuses it as an excuse to cuddle up with you. like she couldnt just say she wants to be near you. istg, this woman...
🌿she ALWAYS lookout for things that could potentially cause bleeding
🌿she loves when you blush. more than anything. mostly because anemia makes the blood blah blah idc basically anemic people dont really blush so when you actually do she would just stare at you with a wide smile. and when you ask her why is she looking at you like that she wont admit it just like that, shed say something like "you just look more colorful than usual"
🌿anemic people often have pale or translucent skin tone and that makes bruises really visible. and we all know ellie can be rough. so when she wakes up after a.. long night and she notices what she did, she feels so bad. like really bad. she apologies as soon as you wake up and of course you try to convince her it doesnt hurt, because it really doesnt and you, in fact, really enjoyed all of this, but she thinks youre just lying to make her feel better
🌿one time you woke up in the late evening after one of your naps. usually, ellie stays with you - awake, watching you sleep and drawing something in her sketchbook but this day you woke up to an empty bed:( you quickly stood up to look for her and after a few steps, your little anemic head started spinning from the sudden move. your vision got blurry and eventually completely black. you felt your knees getting weak but right before you could fall someone caught you. your lovely hero - ellie. you leaned on her as she held you from behind, what could look like a normal hug for someone who just saw you both like that, and you felt the bulge in her pants pressed against you. why the hell would she wear it now? you failed to stay quiet and you let out a soft moan. your girlfriend noticed that but she thought its caused by your health state
"shh, shhh... it's okay"
when your vision was back to normal, you turned around and kissed her as a simple way to thank her for being here with you. before you could think, you were grinding on her lap, getting ready to take her strap while she firmly held your hips, guiding them to move back and forth 🥰🥰
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t0rturedangel · 2 years
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parental alphabet
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I absolutely love creek it my favorite sp ship! Ive decided to write this out of sheer boredom and my love for creek. I hope you all enjoy !
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A - affection
How affectionate are they to their child?
I feel like, while they absolutely love you, they wont be took affectionate, they'll defiantly give you hugs and stuff but not too much
B - Bullying
How would they react to their child being bullied?
Oh boy, the kid who bullied you better get ready for the biggest ass whooping ever.
I feel like Both Tweek and craig will over dramatic things to make the kids punishment very bad.
After you've told them you were / are bullied, craig will be talking to the headteacher: very clearly pissed while Tweek will be hugging you and comforting you
C - clingy
How clingy are they to their child? And vise versa
Despite them not being too affectionate, Tweek is defiantly clingy to you, having you in his arms practically always, he will never let you go any where by yourself. Rarely, when you're not in Tweeks arms you're by Craigs side
Due to your father's clinginess towards you, you also turn clingy to surprisingly both of your dads
D - Dating
How would they react to their child dating?
They both set the rule of 'No dating until you're 18' but you broke it by having a boyfriend when you were little (around 7 or 8) and while they were upset you broke the rule they found you and your boyfriend's playdates to be so adorable.
You also broke the rule when you were in your teenage years, multiple times.
E - education
How well do they educate their child?
Oh you're very well educated, thats because they sent you to the best school they could, they want you to grow up to be extremely successful
F - Family
Do they want you to meet their families?
Tweek doesn't really want you to meet his, since they might make you drink their coffee, and well we all know what they put in there.
Craig doesnt really mind you meeting his family, you gotta meet at least one of your grandparents right?
G - Goodies
What nice things do they buy their child? (E.G. toys, games)
They'll buy you little goodies when you've done something really good, like get a high score on a test or something.
Usually they get you stuff you've talked about liking before, they always make sure they remember what you said you've liked.
H - hate
How do they react to their child saying they hate them?
The first time you've told them you hated them was most likely during an argument in your teenage years.
You wanted to go to a party that all your friends were going to and they didnt let you, since those friends of yours were 'bad influences' so mid argument you yelled out a 'I hate you both!'
Tweek's heart broke and Craig got angry, sending you to your room. They probably both shed a few tears since they care for you so much.
Later though, you apologized and all was forgiven
I - Internet
How much to they limit their child's access on the internet?
They put on safe search and lock it, also put on parental locks. Though its annoying, they dont want your little head to be ruined with 18+ stuff that a little kid like you shoulnt be watching / reading
J - Jokes
Do they joke around with their kids? How bad are their jokes?
I dont think Tweek jokes a lot but Craig defiantly tells stupid classic dad jokes, that are pretty shit but not even gonna lie you laughed at some of them
K - killjoy
How strict are they? Do they allow their kid to go to things like parties?
They are quite strict, yeah. They wont let you to o to parties that go over 10 pm and will not let you do multiple things you friends' parents would.
L - leaving
How do they react when their child needs to leave? (E.G. move out / die)
If you were to move out and or go to uni, they would be very reluctant to let you go, but will the promise of you visiting as much as you could they let you.
If you died, however, they would be heartbroken beyond belief, Tweek would never be able to get over your death even with his husband's help and support. You mattered the world to him. Craig would never get over your death either but he'll try to move on, whats done is done, you're never coming back, even though he really wants you to come back.
M - motherly
Who's the most 'motherly' to their child?
Oh Tweek is defiantly more motherly to you out of the two.
N - Nicknames
What nicknames do they give thier child? And vise versa
Tweeks nicknames for you are :: Sweetie (very rare that he calls you that though) , kiddo.
Craigs nicknames for you are :: Kid, little shit, mini me.
Your nicknames for the both of them are :: Dad, da, pops, papa (when you want something)
O - Overprotective
How protective are they of their child?
Oh yeah, they're quite overprotective, especially Tweek. Like this man will go mental if you're out of his sight for even a second, what if you get hurt!? what if someone takes you away!? what if-
P - Punishment
How would they punish their child?
They're very classical with their punishments, so you'd be grounded and be in time out for punishments.
Q - quality time
How much time do they spend with their child?
Thye try their best to spend good quality time with you but sometimes they simply dont have the time (which is actually surprising due to Tweeks practical need of being around you to keep you safe and happy and Craigs devoted love for his husband)
R - Rebel
How would they react if their child rebelled against them?
they'd try to catch you in the act of rebelling in whatever way you are and ground you on the spot, no 'buts' no arguments you're grounded go to your room .
S - swears
Do they let their kids swear?
Despite Tweek's thoughts against it, Craig teaches you to flip people off from a young age, thats just a necessity.
You usually get in trouble for flipping people off so much, you're truly Craigs kid
T - talk
How often do they have a meaningful conversation with their child?
again, they both try to have meaningful conversations with you but they (again) dont have the time sometimes
U - Uhmm
What do / did they find awkward when around their child?
The puberty talk and the sex talk.
Without a doubt they'll defiantly feel extremely awkward talking to you about these things
V - violence
Would they be violent to their child?
Absolutely not!
Never in a million years would they be violent to you. Sure they'll accidently hurt you when play fighting or giving you a smack round the head for screaming 'fuck' in public but they'd never hit you on purpose for no reason.
W - word
What was their child's first word
You first word was probably, most likely, ' Tweet '
You were trying your best to say your dad's name since you heard your other dad say it so many times
X - Xaroncharoo
How brilliant do they think their child is?
They know you're a brilliant child and will argue with mums and all that about it.
Y - Yelling
Would they yell at their child?
No, they absolutely refuse to yell at you, even when you're yelling at them for some thing.
Z - Zesty
Would they support their child if they were apart of the LGBTQ community?
I mean, they're part of the LGBTQ community, so it'd be really weird if they didn't support you.
I feel like they'd buy you a cake and have a little celebratory moment with you for coming out
They love you so much and want you to know it.
𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 - 9/10, very good parents
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miupow · 3 months
you had me at "skz" and "vampires" (sorry its kinda a mess of thoughts hehe)
so, thoughts on vampire prince/king skz (i immediately thought of hyunjin, jeongin, or lix but who ever else comes to mind for you :3) who has a new human staff member that is supposed to be by his side and be his personal maid but she's also supposed to get used as his guard's blood bag so they never have to leave his side. buuut he gets super attached to her within the first week and keeps her all to himself 😼
idk what you would want to write about this but ill add on sappy/cute thoughts as well as some raunchy shit. also the red is toxic stuff
so on the lover agenda some of my thoughts are:
definitely courts her with little trinkets or gifts that he googles researches that humans historically have liked. usually any particularly shiny jewelry he can get his hands on
definitely has his right-hand-man order the highest quality ingredients and has a very talented chef cook normal (high end) food for your meals. (i also thought if he was being a tsundere about it he would sooo tell them to make the food look bad while still keeping its flavor 😭)
when you both get closer he is definitely a spoiled brat about it and will absolutely hate being told "no" by you for any reason, but you also know all too well that he won't do anything about it because he's really bad at hiding his feelings so you know he likes you
when you guys start dating he'll do everything in his power to get you to agree to be converted into a vampire, cause he'll be damned if you're gonna die while he loves you but he feels a slight sense of morals when it comes to you, so he would rather not force it (but will if theres a life or death situation)
lowkey toxic thought but uses "vampire powers" on you, but will wipe the memory from your head depending on what it was for *cough* straight up mind controlling you to win an argument *cough* hypnotizing you to stop talking if he's angry *cough*
and on the horny agenda:
fucks you literally everywhere and anywhere he wants. hes royalty so hes spoiled rotten and always gets what he wants. plus, who will have the balls to tell the prince/king that he can't have sex in the middle of the dining room? not you and sure as hell not the poor kitchen staff when they're trying to set the table around you both
i can see them preferring to make love to you most nights, but wont hesitate to fuck your brains out if he's particularly horny or angry/jealous
def uses those "vampire powers" in bed too. hypnotizes you to obey him (may or may not be with your immediate consent dont @ me) or uses his inhumane strength to force you into a position and uses it to hold you up as he fucks you (literally no matter how much you weigh because he can and he will)
also the speed power most likely means he can fuck you insanely fast and/or finger you just as fast if not even faster (& basically vibrates if he rubs your clit fast enough lmfao)
yeah.. anyways i love vampires and i love skz so u might have just awoken something in me
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crushedsweets · 5 months
ninakate or any wlw nina ship w/ good luck babe by chappell roan,,,,
oh god. ok youre so right that this works with any wlw nina ship, but im gonna go through the lyrics and describe some toxic ass ninakate scenario that comes to mind LMFAOOOO SORRY I LIKE TOXIC YURI
ok so in an AU of my AU where ninakate happens, it all starts after nina is stabbed by jeff. they make her heal in the proxy cabin cuz theyre worried jeff will break into ninas apartment and finish the job(he has no interest in doing that tho). tim/brian/toby/jack are busy with zalgoid issues, SO kate sorta...keeps watch on nina while she heals. cuz of that, nina starts latching onto kate. between kate cleaning the stab wound, bringing her water, wrapping her up in gauze, nina crying into kates arms unprompted, asking kate to sleep in the same bed with her cuz she cant sleep, nina asking kate quiet questions for hours while the radio hums and rain pours outside... they share an awkward, "meaningless" kiss. nina blamed it on emotions running high. kate didnt know what to blame
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(this section is HEAVILY inspired by still a friend by the back seat lovers, the entire song is very my-au ninakate)
SOOOOO i wanna go from THAT SONG into good luck babe by chappell roan...
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"you can say that we are nothing" after the kiss, nina would probably be like 'we should go to sleep' and the next morning laugh about it and tease kate and be like "thats so funny, i never kissed a girl like that before. was that your first kiss? oh my god kate are you serious?! we should probably keep that between us, huh? its okay, it wont happen again!" and kates just nodding along while her brain is going 100mph. but kates perceptive as hell and she'd easily see all the little changes that happen afterwards. nina's gaze falling, her hands lingering, little comments she makes. and it'd make kate feel kinda stupid. "guess im the fool, with her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof" toby ends up 'inheriting' an old rusty red pickup truck from tim. i doubt it would have a sun roof, but i could see toby and nat up front, while nina and kate are in the back (like, the BACK bed of the truck). nina would be giggling, tilting her head back and her hair is flying like crazy and her arms are out and kate cannoooot get that damn kiss out of her head, especially when nina looks like that.
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im thinking maybe it happens again. the group was hanging out, but nat and toby went off somewhere else, leaving nina and kate together. and kate offers to walk nina home, but ninas like 'what if i spend the night instead?' and kates immediately like Oh jesus christ okay. and they talk . and chat. and banter. and nina would bring up that stupid kiss and say something about 'i wouldnt mind doing that again. i mean, as friends.' and kates head is spinning.
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and despite all of this, nina is still in a bad headspace. before, during, and after her relationship with jeff, she has HORRIBLY low self esteem and a need for attention/validation, and she will seek it out anywhere. she'd blame it on a million and one things "oh its just for fun, oh i was just drunk, oh its not that serious, he was cute, i got his number!". especially when trying to heal her bruised ego after the whole jeff thing (alongside a few huge arguments with toby calling her out on her BS). and kate listens, and even though she's really blunt and straightforward, she doesnt feel mean. not like toby or nat or jack. so even when kates like "that doesnt make sense" "that seems stupid though" "why would you do that" ninas just laughing and being like "it just felt right in the moment! im having fun, kate!". she thinks kate just doesnt get it, on account of never being in a relationship, but kate knows whats going on. she knows why nina is the way that she is, but all she has to say is . GOODLUCK LMFAO. shes not here to control or convince or plead with anybody, and def not nina. and i think that would kinda irk nina a little. she'd kiss kate, then a couple nights later talk about a guy she met at a bar, and kate just side eyes her and is like 'have fun' and nina wishes there was more
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ok whether their kisses turn into anything else, i think theyd both continually agree to keep it a secret from everyone else. it would just be a huge mess that neither of them want to address, especially kate dealing with toby. but i think once kate starts getting a little affection and whatnot that she's never received (she's been in the chaser mode for over half her life, mind you), it would feel incredibly suffocating but also incredibly freeing. like she feels like something new has opened up to her, something that she got locked out of years ago. and nina has the key, unfortunately
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ok this is where the song and story falls apart a little cuz ninas not getting married to anyone. i guess this could be a hypothetical where she goes back to jeff for a moment in time, but.. ehh.... dunno how i feel about that. and i dont think the 'i told you so' fits kate cuz she just kinda lets nina do whatever. asks questions and is like ??? and maybe has a bit of an attitude when saying 'good luck with that', but she never tells her what to do
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i know "the feeling" is more about being into girls and how you cant hide from it, but i dont think the whole lesbianism thing would be their issue. in a ninakate interpretation of the song, i think 'the feeling' is either ninas issues with romance and self worth, kates ache to be with someone despite thinking she has no right to it, ninas guilt for leading kate on, and of course their literal romantic feelings...
anyway. anyway. um. cries. i just i really. i really im just. im fond of lesbians alright.
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I finally got around to watching the clone wars so here are some Ahsoka and Anakin headcanons that wont leave my brain
They both steal each other's stuff and complain when they catch the other one doing it 
As Anakin’s hair grows longer he finds himself looking for hair wraps or something to push it back 
And he stumbles on Ahsoka's stash he borrows them mostly when she’s off on a mission so she won’t complain 
But she suspects him of doing so cause they’re never in the correct spot he also steals some of her simpler hand wraps when he’s training 
Ahsoka's just as bad tho she’ll steal Anakin’s cloaks and shirts all the time cause for some reason the council failed to give her comfortable clothes  
It all comes to a head when Ahsoka is debriefing the council and Anakin and she stops and goes “Is that my head wrap?” 
The change of topic is so abrupt that no one reacts for a hot second 
And then Anakin goes into full-on defensive mode like “What? No your device must be defective cause this isn’t yours” 
Which Ahsoka calls him out because “Jedi’s don’t lie so just come clean sky guy I know that mine. And are those my kriffing hand wraps?! Take those off you’re gonna mess them up!” 
Anakin is still defending himself and Obi-Wan is stepping in scolding them for using this line for their petty and selfish arguments  
And then Anakin says “Wait snips is that my cloak” “Don’t change the subject just cause you got caught” “No no you can’t talk about getting caught you little hypocrite that’s my cloak!” 
Obi-Wan is still chiming in half-heartedly but he knows better than to stop a full-on argument between those two 
Especially when they’re throwing each other words back at them like “I thought you said I should keep warm” “And I thought you said I need a hair wrap with all this hair” 
The argument only ends cause Windu threatens to hang up the com 
After the debriefing ends Anakin calls Ahsoka back and the argument starts right back up again 
Ahsoka always gets ready with her music playing 
And Anakin in true big brother fashion doesn’t want Ahsoka to know he likes her music so instead he’ll just turn on their version of shazam and stands by the speaker in what he thinks is a normal fashion 
It always goes something like this “Master what are you doing?” “What do you mean snips I’m not doing anything” “Oh so you’re just standing in my doorway with your device on for no reason” “Yep” “Okay when well have fun”
And in bratty little sister fashion she turns off her music and lights and leaves him in the doorway 
Later on she makes a playlist of all his favorite songs and sends a link to it 
All she hears is a grumbled “thank you” from the other room 
Anakin also plays his music out loud sometimes and it took a small amount of time to realize the songs Ahsoka complains about the most are her favorites 
He adds them to their shared playlist and ignores her when she plays those songs more 
Over time they make a lot of joined playlists
Some to work out and train to, some to hype them up before a mission, some to wind down after a mission, some to play when they have nightmares 
It’s something that they both enjoy more than they probably should 
Obi-Wan jokes that some of those playlists will be the death of him 
Ahsoka runs abnormally hot to the point where she could wear shorts in winter and Anakin runs cold enough to be confused for a corpse  
Obi-Wan Padme and Ahsoka all agree that he needs to get checked out cause no way is it healthy to be that cold 
They're both fine in their rooms where Ahsoka can blast the AC and Anakin can turn the heater up as high as he needs 
But the common room is where the bickering happens such as “Jesus snips I didn’t realize we lived on Hoth” or “I’m so sorry master that every room can feel like Mustafar” 
I also know that they both get nightmares like Earth-shaking soul shattering nightmares 
Some where they get abandoned some when they can’t save each other in time and some where they have to kill each other  
Not a lot of words need to be said when Ahsoka wakes Anakin out of a dead sleep with tears in her eyes or when Ahsoka wakes up cause Anakin is checking in on her for the third time that night 
They both just grab as many pillows and blankets as they can carry so they can make the world's best pillow fort 
Obi-Wan has grown accustomed to finding them cuddled up on the floor while the credits of a shitty old movie roll in the background  
When they get older I feel like they unlock the childhood nickname status 
Don't get me wrong snips and sky guy are their normal nicknames and will never go away but those are mostly used when they’re out in public or on the battlefield 
When they’re around people they trust like Obi-Wan and Padme you’ll hear questions like “You good Ani?” or “Be safe Soka”
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eunkitarot · 5 months
Todays Read will be Heeseung's personality. For personality readings I will be doing it differently. Instead of analysing each card, i will read the cards as a whole tapping in what kind of person he is.
🤍Heeseung's Personality Reading🤍
Heeseung is someone that is logical. He seems to look at things with his head rather than his heart. When making decisions he is very cautious he tries not to rush. He is very calm in serious situations and he is very observant. Someone that is quite intuitive. He can read people easily, he can sense if people are being genuine or not. He can be intimidating to people that don't know him. Something about the way he stares and analyse. As a person he is smart and quick- thinking.
But at the same time despite being someone that is very logical he can be very loving to people around him. He likes to be someone's comfort person. Someone that people can go to when they need a helping hand . Heeseung is a great listener and can give you good advice when you need them. He knows how to choose the right words and advices that you need. Heeseung is easy to talk to even if initially he seems closed off but in actuality he can be very talkative to people he is comfortable with.
He is a homebody, he likes to rejuvenate at home rather than going out. He also like things that are beautiful. People, places anything that pleases the eyes he likes to admire it. As a person, he is grounded very stable. He has a set of beliefs he stand by and wont be easily swayed. Something about him that is traditional. Someone that probably find the familiarity in the phases of lives comforting. For eg, gg to school, graduating, work, get married, retire and die. He finds this natural process not boring but comforting because that just how life is.
Heeseung too can be someone that is sociable. He loves social gathering or parties even though he is a homebody at times. As a person he too can be very welcoming and warm. He can be someone that is energetic especially when he is feeling happy and giddy.
Heeseung is someone that is ambitious and a go getter. When he set himself on something he will follow through. He is a planner, so he would make plans for the future early on. He is not someone that goes with the flow but instead he sets goals and expectations on how certain things would go.
However, Heeseung as a person can be someone that is argumentative. He can be very stubborn at times especially in something that he believes in. It is not easy to change his mind once he made it up. He may have difficulties admitting if he is wrong.
He can also be an overthinker at times. Even though he is a warm person, but if you overstep his boundaries or crosses his line, he can be very cold. You just do not want to be in his bad side.
but overall as a person, Heeseung is someone that is loving and warm to people around him. Someone that can be comforting to you. And he is the type of person you go to talk to when times get tough. He would be ready to listen to your problems. He is someone that is ambitious and a dream chaser. He would find ways to achieve his goals. He is less spontaneous but more of a planner. Very careful in making decisions and he is not hasty.
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
Is it unrealistic to want people you text to at least say “not in the mood to talk right now” instead of ignoring your message all together?
I’m conflicted because the argument I hear is that “you can’t tell me what to do with my phone” and I acknowledge that they have no obligation but if it’s rude to not acknowledge someone who spoken to you in person why is it different over text when it’s still a means of conversing?
Please point out any flaws in my thinking, I would like another person’s perspective
I don't think its unrealistic for you to feel this way, no. I am very inconsistent with answering my phone on time (I also have 3 phones) but I do try to respond actively if it's someone I know. Sometimes it takes me a little longer. Sometimes I forget for sure. But if its someone who I have an active relationship with I always get back to, either later in the day or within the next couple of days. They do the same and no one gets offended. Sometimes we just end up writing our stories then days later they or I respond like they just sent it lol But my friends would not bark at me if i tell them to answer me if its something I want to talk about immediately and vice versa, I know this for a fact.
So I guess the difference comes in where if its someone who is always ignoring you versus if its something that happens once in a while. People do not have to answer when someone calls or texts them. Neither do you. But if it's reoccurring, especially if it is a friend, then for the sake of your sanity I would suggest to stop making such an effort and go based off what they are showing you. Because there is no reason for you to always be chasing your friends.
When my friends and I are in a bad mood, we either wont respond until we feel better (which doesn't last that long) or we say we are in a bad mood. We do the same thing when it comes to venting, we ask each other first if we are in the headspace for it. People have their own lives and responsibilities. Not everyone is going to be able all the time, but if you are feeling ignored then your feelings are valid and no one should make you feel bad for it. That is a red flag to me.
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narcolini · 1 year
ezekial ‘ez’ reyes x gn!reader, whump, happy ending, 2627 words
warnings for claustrophobia(?) 
for day 11 of whumpril : ‘i’m right here.’
a/n: i always knew this day would come... the solo EZ fic finally beckoned, and i answered. and i promise next time i write him he wont be in mortal danger LMAO
tagging: @drabbles-mc @cositapreciosa @hausofmamadas (let me know if u want to be in any taglists ofc)
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Gilly’s barely got the truck in park before you’re flying from the passenger side, door left open behind you. He’d driven far too slow for your liking, so you’re running now, toward the orange-lit yard and the house EZ has passed through a thousand times—with no issue. Until today, of course. And still, Gilly showed no hurry in bringing you here, despite the situation. The very time conscious situation. You’d think, after trying to hide it from you, and then trying to stop you from coming to help, that he’d drive with a bit more pep under his pedals. Use that guilt he’s harbouring, to make amends and get you there fucking faster than the speed limit.
If he did, you’d have time to consider the situation properly. To assess the risk, the likelihood of EZ being in real, serious trouble. As is, you don’t, and your sneakers can’t hit the ground fast enough.
Coco’s the only one you can see, standing by the open garage. Standing, yes, fidgeting, smoking, and doing nothing—like he can afford to do nothing. Like his brother isn’t buried beneath the concrete he’s killing time on.
‘Where is it?’ you blurt, pausing long enough to show him your face. Let him see that it’s you, you’re serious, and stressed out of your mind, so it would be very fucking smart for him to answer without argument. ‘The tunnel?’
‘The fuck…’ His arm falls to his side, cigarette smoke curling back up the length of it. ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’
‘Hm, I don’t know.’ You line the sarcasm with enough venom to sting. ‘Something about my boyfriend being trapped in a collapsed smuggler’s run?’
He tuts sharply, looking past you to Gilly. ‘You were supposed to keep this shit quiet, bro.’
‘I couldn’t—’
You cut Gilly off, snapping your own voice over his reply, ‘The real question is, why the fuck are you out here and not in there, digging him out?’
It’s behind him, you realise, the opening. A small square cut from the concrete, with a ladder set over the edge it. You don’t have time to debate it, though you could chew Coco out until the sun came up, so you burst past him instead.
‘Keeping watch—hey!’ he shouts after you, sounding as annoyed at you, as you are at him. ‘There’s no fucking space for you, dude. You’re just gonna get in the way.’
It doesn’t matter. If EZ’s stuck in there, you’ll make space. You’ll pick the walls apart with your own hands if you have to.
You take the ladder facing forward, which is a mistake, but you’re too committed to it to turn around now. Your hands grapple at the metal rungs behind, heels slipping every other step. It looked like a bigger height from the top, but the clambering, clumsy approach you’ve taken, makes it feel like two or three foot, max. Gone in a blink, and then you’re underground, at the end of the tunnel with the destruction sitting right there in front of you. And God, it’s as bad as your anxiety had told you it would be.
The air is choked with dust, disturbed dirt from the collapse, you assume, and it’s thick enough to make you cough. To irritate your throat as soon as you take that first breath. It’s even making it hard to see, putting a cloudy filter over the narrow alleyway that you have to squint through. Your arm goes up, forearm shielding your eyes, like that’ll be any help at all.
There are figures ahead, that you can make out, two men swinging at the wall where the ceiling caved in. As you get closer, toes catching on the gaps between the plywood walkway, it’s obvious who it is, Angel and Creeper, both working away at the rubble. Creeper’s topless, Angel's sweating through his A-tank, and both have been working long enough to look sick with it. Tired and lagging.
‘Get out the way,’ you bark, pushing between the two. You have to get to him, you have to get close enough to the landslide of mud to see for yourself, to know. To know that he’s…
‘The fuck?’ Angel stumbles back, shovel swinging free from the dent he’s made. ‘No, nah, you can’t be here.’
You flick your gaze back to him, hand flapping behind you. ‘Give me the.’ You swallow, airborne dust drying your tongue and words with it. ‘The thing, the fucking. Give it me.’
‘Are you kidding me?’
Creeper’s still working, chipping away at the dirt with the end of his shotgun. It isn’t efficient, by any means, but it must be all he has. All you have, now. Two dudes with a shotgun and a shovel. One big fucking wall of collapsed earth, with no sign of life on the opposite side.
‘EZ?’ You turn to it, desperate. ‘Ezekiel?’ Your palms smack against it, but all you make is a shallow pathetic slap that has no hope of carrying through. ‘I’m right here,’ you shout, before turning your head to put your ear to the cold of it. ‘Can you hear me?’
Angel answers in his brothers place, ‘You really shouldn’t be in here.’
‘Shut up.’
‘This shit isn’t stable, it could collapse again any fucking—’
‘I said shut up,’ you snap, ‘I’m trying to listen.’
It hums, almost, the dirt against your ear. Echoes like you’ve held a shell to it, and not pounds and pounds of ancient soil.
Creeper stops when you call for him this time, giving you the momentary silence you need, because—there, yes—there it is, faint as anything: your name said back to you, muffled but clear enough to be real. EZ, alive, conscious, and talking back. Hope jumps into your chest, right behind the heart. It’s not over yet. He’s in a pocket, somewhere, a gap big enough to survive in.
‘Give me the shovel, Angel.’
You look back when he ignores you, just in time to catch him and Creeper exchanging a look, a pair of expressions that you know to take as a no. Loco, they’re thinking. You’re in over your head.  
They set to work again, and you let them, staggering back a couple yards to give them space to swing. You can’t dig any faster or better than they can, determination or not. Even love can’t manage that.
‘Hold on, EZ,’ you tell him, though you’re probably too far away now, and the shirt you’re holding over your mouth, to block the rising dust, is muffling the words. ‘Just, hold on.’
A little longer, and he’ll be out. Just a little longer.
They’re making progress, you can tell, the wall is concave and crumbling now. In fact, your arrival seems to have only made them quicker, more thorough, the dirt coming off in chunks, splitting and shattering by their feet. If they aren’t careful, they might get through so fast that they’re a danger to him. Shovel to the head, shotgun nose to the outstretched arm. He could be anywhere within the collapse, hearing them get closer and closer, unable to speak loud enough to stop them.
You can’t think about that. You can’t think of him in there, under the weight of it all. Chest tight, restricted. Mud in his eyes. Wires and plastic from the overhead lights, all wrapped up on top of him.
You chew your lip to stop it. Teeth through the skin, copper in your mouth. He’s alive and you’ll see him soon enough. He’s alive and you’ll see him—
‘I got something.’ It’s Creeper, loud and certain. ‘Help me clear this shit, man.’
Angel tosses his tool aside, just as Creeper has, choosing to use their hands instead. Dirty and desperate, their knees on the piles of earth they’ve already shifted. It only takes a moment before they’ve cleared enough away that you see it too: black, muddied leather. The white edge of writing.
It’s him.
You can’t give them space after that. You’re in there with them, shoulders bumping, six hands clawing away at the wall until more and more of EZ is revealed. His arm, the blue of his jeans. A bit longer, and you’ve found his head, found the bent metal strip-light that has shielded him from the worst of it. If it wasn’t for that, he’d have no pocket to breathe in, no eyes to blink up at you.
‘Hey,’ you whisper, bending down to put your face next to his. You had imagined saying something useful to him, something reassuring. But when you’re down to the moment of it, all that comes out is that, hey, soft and wavering.
He blinks again, pulling in a wheezing breath as he looks up at you—he hasn’t recognised you yet, you can tell, he’s still catching up on being alive. On having light on his face, and free air to breathe, dusty or not. He’s on his back, lengthways down the tunnel. Not out yet, but Creeper and Angel are working on that, pulling chunks off with clawing fingers.
‘EZ?’ you try, brushing the grit from his eyes, then the corners of his mouth, the angles of his beard. ‘We got you, okay? We’re getting you out.’
He croaks your name, makes the connection at last. Bleary eyes at bleary eyes.
‘Yeah,’ you sniff, fighting tears without realising it, ‘it’s me. I’m here.’
Your hands are shaking as you put your palms to his head—too far gone to try and still them now. What matters, is EZ. His comfort. You want flesh between him and the ground, warmth, not cold roughness, to cradle his head.
‘Just a little bit longer,’ you promise.
His eyes close, but he attempts a nod, moving his chin just enough to be noticeable. The next breath he takes is bookended with a cough, dry and filled with the crap you’re all breathing in.
‘You sure I’m not dead?’ he asks, only audible because your face is so close to his, your hair flopping down onto his forehead.
‘Yeah,’ you laugh, though it’s more of a sob, ‘I’m sure.’
‘Seems like heaven.’ He forces a dry swallow. ‘I see an angel.’
You sniff again, your nose threatening to leak, and brush over his face once more. Gentle, because you’re too scared to break him. ‘You’re choosing now to flirt with me?’ you joke, keeping your voice quiet. ‘You’re ridiculous, EZ.’
He smiles—or at least he tries to, one edge of his mouth twitching upwards.
‘I think that’s that’s good enough,’ Angel says, sitting back on his boots. ‘Think we can pull him out now.’
You nod, shuffling back yourself, though it’s the last thing you want to do. His legs are free enough to wiggle him out without threatening the structure of it all—without crushing the rest of you in the process. So if you have to leave him to do that, let his head sit back in the dirt, just for now, then okay. ‘Okay,’ you tell them. ‘Where should I…?’
Angel’s taking your place at the head of him, forcing his hands beneath EZ’s shoulders. Creeper grabs the leg they’ve dug entirely free, hooking his elbow around his thigh and, well, there isn’t room for you to help at all. So you step back, again, stumbling to your feet so they have space to manoeuvre him.
‘You ready, lil bro?’ Angel asks, panting still, a thick sweat over his brow. ‘In three.’
Creeper nods, and then they pull without waiting for three at all. Probably because they’re just as desperate as you are, now, just as keen to see EZ out and safe again. They’ve been digging so long that there can’t be much energy left in their reserves. It’s now, or never. One tug, two grunts, a catch in the dirt, a tear of EZ’s shirt sleeve, and then it gives. It all gives.
They pull him out of the landslide using their bodies as the counterweight, EZ tugging free and over their laps as they fall backwards from the effort of it. You’re only watching and it’s made your breath heavy, matching the rise and fall of their own chests. They did it. He’s out. Sprawled and painted with dirt, red spotting up his arms from the scratches and nicks he’s collected, but alive. Scooping breaths in like water.
‘God,’ Angel rushes, slapping a palm to EZ’s shoulder, ‘you need to cut some weight, bro.’
‘Yeah,’ Creeper laughs, ‘like moving a fucking bear.’
And then they’re all laughing, even EZ, as weak as it is, panting for air and laughing with the relief of it. Shit, even you’re smiling, and the lump of worry in your throat is still set there like concrete. It’ll stick until you’ve seen him up and walking again.
But they need to catch their breath first, and you can’t carry him alone.
‘D’you think you can stand?’ you ask, looking down at EZ laying over their legs. If he can’t, you’re all in for a struggle, trying to get him up that ladder and through the gap smaller than his shoulders will be near impossible.
EZ nods, taking a finally deep breath before pulling himself upright. He nearly manages it alone, but Angel helps him in the last minute, with a palm to his back, and then once he’s got the momentum of it, he’s up. Wincing and limping as he turns, but up.
You’re crying again. Or, your eyes are, and you’re just letting them. Wet down your cheeks.
‘I thought you were…’ You can’t manage to say it. The words become a whimper that you try to hide by clearing your throat. Before, you had enough of a mission to ignore the fear of it, the sinking what if behind your eyes. Now, it’s pouring out like gasoline. So thick, you can hardly breathe.
He struggles over to you; from the clench of his jaw, you can tell he’s hiding what it costs him, how much it hurts, to protect you. To save you from worrying even further. One foot in front of the other, between where the two men sit, and then he’s in front of you. Upright, and alive, and breathing hot, dry breath over you.
‘I’m sorry,’ he says, pulling you into a hug with the arm he seems to be favouring.
You press your face to his chest and lock your hands behind the back of him. ‘For what?’ you mutter, glad of his clothes to muffle the catch in your voice.
‘Scaring you all the time.’ He puts a kiss to your head, against the hair, holds you tighter than you dared to hold him. ‘Must be the worst boyfriend in the world.’
You scoff, puffing it at the skin by his neck. ‘You think I’d dig through this shit to get you, if you were?’
You’d dig through three times the amount if it meant seeing him safe. If it meant having him, like this, on the other side.
He squeezes you again, before pulling back and shifting so he can lay his arm over your shoulder. There’s a thank-you in the way he looks at you, a level of relief, and love, that neither of you need to articulate. It’s enough to make you sniff away the last of your tears, to take an edge off the lingering concern.
‘Can we get out of here?’ he asks, wincing, and hissing a breath as he tries to walk again. ‘Always fucking hated these tunnels.’
‘Yeah,’ you scoff, ‘me too.’
If only it made a difference. If only that would stop him walking through one again.
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jackmanbj · 11 months
school hours
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A/N: this is a time skip fic, jack would be like 35 and reader is 34, with a 13 year old and a 6 year old.
summary: your teenage daughter gets into a fight and you and jack get into a small argument about the right punishment, but she has other plans.
jack signed as he pulled up in front of the school building getting out of his car and making his way into the office of the school.
jack went to the room in the office he was directed into opening the door to see his daughter sitting in a chair with her head down on her phone.
“hello mr. harlow please have a seat” as soon as jadore heard jacks name she picked her head up and placed her phone on the table “ok so, we are here because your daughter got into a altercation with another student uhm, the cameras show jadore did put her hands on the other girl first, but the other girl started it so, with that being said there both suspended jadore is suspended for 4 days and the other girl is suspended for a week” “jesus christ jadore, your lucky im here and not your mother.”
“i know” “also if jadore gets into another fight this year, she will be kicked off of any extracurricular team she may be on” “sounds fair to me, if thats all me and jadore should probably head back home so her mother could talk to her” jadore groaned and stood up “ yes sir thats all” “lets go jadore.”
jack and jadore walked out the school and back to the car, jadore got into the back seat while jack started driving.
“jadore, im not going to take your phone or ipad but if your mom does i wont stop her, what did that girl possibly say to you to make you put your hand on her??” jack started the car and pulled off.
“she said i only had friends because my mom is well known and my dad is jack harlow” “that cannot be the only reason you put your hands on her..” “she also said sarija looked like a horse and thats when i hit her…” jack signed “your mom might punish you so get ready.
jack pulled up at the house and when they walked in they found you sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Jadore Tovi Harlow, come here please” “yes ma’am” jadore hurriedly went over to you and placed her bad on the floor.
“why” “..at first she said the only reason people talk to me and the only reason i have friends is because your well known and because dad is jack harlow and went on to say how people use me, and at first i ignored her and walked away then she said sarija looked like a horse and thats when i hit her..” “did you win?” “thats what people are saying..” “you have a video?” “yea..” “let me see” “BABY!!” “huh??” “come here real quick!” “mk, jadore pull up the video!” “ok mom!”
jack brought you to the bedroom “baby..explain!” “what?” “why are you encouraging it?!” “im not! shes still in trouble but shes not in that much, she was defending herself and her little sister so im not that upset!” “if you don’t punish her i will!” “fine what should her punishment be?? im thinking like a week with no phone and no ipad, no going out with friends for about 2 weeks and no friends over for 2 weeks?” “how about all that but no phone for a month and no ipad for a week” “what no!” “why not??” “jack i remember getting my phone taken for months for defending myself it made me hate my parents and ect, i dont want her feeling the same way, 2 weeks without the phone is the most im going. the end.”
you walked out the room heading back to you daughter “i was kidding sweetheart i dont want to see the video, but me and you dad agreed you are in trouble baby, so no phone and no i pad for a week, no friends over and no going out with friends for 2 weeks understand?” “yes momma..” you grabbed her phone “go put your ipad in my room please and thank you. also go apologize to you daddy for fighting, if it was up to him you would be grounded for 2 months, go think of a longggg apology to say, give it to him tomorrow!” “ok.”
you went back to your bedroom and found jack kicked back onto the bed.
you went and climbed on too of his lap and gave him a few kisses on his neck “hi handsome” “what y/n” you huffed and pulled back so you were sitting straight up in him.
“jackk! please stop being mad with me!”
“im not mad” “you are.”
you started messing with jacks belt trying to get it off but jack just moved your hands out the way.
“baby!” “im not in the mood.” “mk..can we go shower together..?” “kiss” you bent down and gave him a kiss while he put his phone next to him and grabbed his hands full of your ass “mm” “lets go shower baby.”
jack picked you up and brought him to the bathroom.
jack placed you onto the bathroom countertop and turned around and started the shower water.
you pulled jack back to you and kissed him rough “mm jack” jack hands were rubbing up and down your waist while your hands were getting into his hair and around his neck.
jack pulled back once he heard a knock on the door.
“whats up pumpkin??” “do you guys want me to go get sarija??” “oh fuck” “no im about to go!” you quickly jumped off the sink and put on your shoes “you coming j?” “yea hold on.” jack put on his sandals and grabbed the keys and started to walk to the door.
“you wanna come jadore??” “nope” “ok”
once you and jack left jadore found herself going into you and jacks room and grabbing her phone, she knew she wouldn’t have long on her phone because sarijas school wasnt to far from the house but she wanted to take all the time she could get.
jadore ended up getting lost in time and didn’t hear the front door open, she was laughing on her phone until she heard the room door open “JADORE TOVI!” “yes daddy..?” “give me your phone NOW!” “yes sir..” jadore got off the bed and slowly walked to jack “now your not getting you phone or your ipad back for a month, you mom isn’t changing my mind either. go to your room.”
once you seen jadore walk out of your bedroom to find jack sitting on the bed strolling on his phone with jadores phone next to him.
“what happened?”
“she wanted to sneak her phone but doesn’t know how to be sneaky, i walked in to her ok tiktok”
“jesus..what did you say??”
“she’s definitely grounded for a month, no phone no ipad.”
“i guess.. im about to go back dinner go ask the girls what they want” “mk”
jack walked out the room and knocked on both the girls door and asked them what they wanted for dinner, they both said burgers so thats what you made.
“GIRLS DINNERS READY!! jack can you go get sarija and bring her down??” “of course”
jack went to grab sarija and came back with her on his hip and jadore next to him laughing.
“jadore i was thinking, good behavior gets your phone back faster, keep up the good grades, do your chores without us having to remind you, and you’ll get your phone back faster.”
jadore look excited and quickly started eating dinner.
jack sat sarija down and put her plate in front of her so she could eat.
“mommy!” “yes sweet girl??” “i full” “ok baby.”
you picked up sarija’s plate and started to wash it, once you were done you started to hold sarija’s hand and started walking upstairs “jack when your done can you wash you and jadore plate?” “sure baby.”
you jack and jadore ended up having a movie night because jadore was suspended anways, she didnt need to go to bed super early, but you made sure to let her know if her violent behavior kept going, her punishment would be wayyy worse.
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