#if you guys have any music recomendations based on this. tell me :3
cordeliaflyte · 5 months
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veratnetherstriker · 6 years
A little appreciation and criticism about the Scps
Im a huge fan of the SCP fundation and all the people who made them, i just love the way they are writen and the originalaty behind such ideas, but lets be honest, no one is perfect. Soo, im just going to do a little recopilation of a few of the most popular Scps of all time and the reasons why i like them and how i think they could (if they should) improve. This will be just my personal opinion, and in any way it should be taken as the one true of the universe(like i said, no one is perfect). Plus, my main lenguage isnt the english but i know that this way this will reach to more people, soo sorry for all the gramatical errors from the starts. 
That said, lets dive in this terrorific, yet beatifull, world: 
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Who else should start this list right? Good old ‘’fetus statue’’ (name copyrighted by my ex) is a classic at this time, the one that started all, the first the most of us saw for the first time, and the one that make the bases for what was to come. And is a pretry good start. 173, a creepy af statue that dost move until nobody is watching him, but when he do, someones dies. An idea soo good that im really surprise nobody in hollywood ripped off yet. An amazing example of creativity and creepynes alike, the only fault i could find him is the way right now he is everywhere and, kind of slendy in the past, that ruin part of the charm of a creepy internet story. But that is not his fault, and more something that is destined to happen with all popular monsters. We love you fucking 173, never change you fucking weirdo.
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106, AKA radical larry for the pals. Tell my if this asshole never give you chills in any of the games?? His capacity of rust everything (even your body)  and his inhuman, sadistic motives of ‘’prey humans for fun’’ make him the closest SCP has ever get to a hollywood horror movie creation, but even for that standar he is particullary creepy and original, both in how to kill you (the first time in the pocket dimension in CB is a wonderfull yet terrible experience) and why to kill you. Because he is an asshole, that is why he is going to kill you. Good luck asuming that. 
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The people who are just entering the world of SCP should be very cofunsed right now. ‘’A stair? why is a stair an scp?’’. But the people who know this thing, and the things that live in him (her? it?) know why im talking about it (him? her?). The idea of a never ending stair that just get creeepier with every step you make, amazing. And the creatures that lurk in it dont help. That said, i do find him a little limited in the ways this story could scare you. With 106 we have a full fan of posibilities to scare , and with 173 a constant tension, here you have to start decending into the stair(it then) and that do seem a little forced.  
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Aaaaaah 049... you are a miracle that could only happen in the SCP community. Our good doctor could soo easily become a basic self insertion gary stu, both for being humanoid(we all know is a common problem with this tipe of character) and for the edgy  medieval style of clothes, but nope, he is just a weird, disturbing, cool character with original ideas behind like every good scp should be. His only problems (besides every fangirl trying to bang him or taking him as a jeff the killer wannabe) is maybe his unnoriginal result (zombie people are kind of overused nowdays) but still his fight against ‘’the disase’’ together with his misterius and cool aparence make a good example of how to make a good humanoid scp.
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...and for the exact contrary we have this idiot. Cool blades made of darkness, demonic tatoos, an unstopable capacity for killing even when he has no reason to have that inhuman strengh, forced religious context just for the sake of cool. My god, i know this may offend some fans but this guy is bad guys. I mean, really bad. He has no build up, no fear or paranormal factor beside the ‘’im soo cool they have to make me an scp’’ and the blades things (wich falls in the ‘’cool’’ stuff too). And yet he is one of the ‘’fanarted’’ (copyrighted by my this time) Scps ever. Why? Well for the same reason jeff the killer ended with most popularaty than slenderman even when Slendy is far better as a character and story. Because he is hot, easily identificable as an self insert fantasy for the edgy boys back in the 2000s, has a looooot of ‘’cool’’ stuff that atract fanboys(and girls) and soo darn cool isnt he?
Put him in line with the others until now and the ones to come and tell me if you dont give everyone else a cool yet creepy horror music, and then give this asshole a linkin park theme. He is that bad. (I love LP btw but you understand)
Im not saying that humanoid SCPs are bad per se(see 049 above), but Able is the perfect example of how you NOT make one. You dont give him like 5 superpowers together at once. You dont make him look like a generic antihero from a shonnen. You dont make him have ‘’cool’’ stuff just for the sake of him being cool. The only reasons why he is here is for : A- serve as a  good example of how to NOT make humanoids scps, B-  comparing to good humanods scps despise his fame, and C- give some credit to the person that change him. Yes, he used to be worse, and someone(not sure if was the original author) rewrite him to be more a ‘’xmen that got mad’’ and less a ‘’Generic Sasuke Uchiha who is soo cool they had to cointan him.’’ D- I have to show at least 1 bad Scp. 
3/10 (and just for the rewrite)
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We pass from a character boring as a machine to a litteral machine far more interesting. 079 is the perfect scp objetivly speaking for me. He have all the things wich make scp fundation works. He is disturbing, yet sad. He is a monster, yet has some form of humanity that make us feel sorry for him, yet fear him notheless. We want him to get free but we fear what he could do being free. We know he isnt human yet we identify with him somehow(good identification, not Able tipy identification). Complex, well writen and good background, 079 could not be one of the most popular, yet he is perfect as an scp. The idea is disturbing and its done wonderfully. Also, he is the closest we get to a villain in CB, and is extraordinary good at that. This CPU, is an awesome SCP.
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But not every SCP has to be disturbing in all his existence, there can be scps that are not scary in theory but still interesting a good writing. Our little reptile lover loli killing machine here its a good example of it. Much like 079, he is a good example of an scp that we want to get free, and we are sorry for her, but we know that is better this way (to an extreme). 053, the little girl, a young child who can (and will) kill you without even notice, but dont do it of evil, sadism, need or as a medium for an end, just because that is her nature and she cant do anything about it. You know is bad when a monster like 682 feel sorry for her. Maybe his only faults are the desing , wich is kind of generic, but its ok to have a normal human once in a while for me. Very good scp.
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And speaking of the devil, to end the list we have the hard to destroy reptile himself, 682. I always love villains like nuraryhion from Gantz, beings that could adapt to anything and eevolve in an instant to adapt to the situation, soo 682 inmediatly become one (if not the one) of my favorites. His abilitys and the danger he represents are just amazing and well writien and is one of the most developed SCPS thanks to all the trys to kill him. His interactions with 079 and 053 are one of the best, and his fights with 173 and 096(kind of forget of him for this list, maybe in an hipotetical next?) are very interestings, not to mention all the reactions to others scps. His rol in CB also give him points, being the one that cause most of the destruction in the fundation and the principal reason why the nuclear warhead are lauched. I would watch the hell out of a series with him as a villain, thank you very much. 
Scps are wonderfull when done well, and i think that i show a lot good examples of this. It isnt my idea to hurt anyone feelings, just express myself in a little critisism and appreciation, and i really hope this help someone who write or is considering to write one. And like its obvius, this is just my personal opinion. This monsters are more than just generics creepypastas, they are something else completly and should be trated like that. I strongly recomend the series ‘’Sedition’’ made by tasstops or the ‘’Confinement’’ animated series made by Lord Bung if you want to see more of them and see for yourself what i meant, both awesome works make by awesome artists. 
Hope you all enjoyed, and wait for your criticism about my criticism
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