#if you guys have any other opinions/thoughts plss let me know i'd love to discuss this stuff
iiasha-archived · 4 years
So, I recently was binge-re-watching Avatar and was wondering how you'd place the SVT members in terms of benders plus non-benders. Vernon really seems like a water bender to me because he's so chill but that also makes me think he'd be Gucci as a non-bender. But Jun as air and Minghao as fire?
AHHHHH omg this is SUCH a good question and i hope you’re ready for the whole ass analysis under the readmore bc i have many Thoughts on the subject 😂 honestly though arguments could be made for any, since i think they all have traits that could fit in with multiple elements!! but anyways longass rambling ahead lmao ❤️
definitely a firebender in my mind, no questions asked, but i could also see the argument for earth
this kind of comes out of his character of being such a great leader
on one hand he has such a passionate and ambitious personality, which is the main reason why i see him as a firebender
especially on stage you can really feel his energy explode
his loyalty also runs soooo deep and one of the things i really admire about him is the lengths he’ll go through to do what’s best for his members. he really does take care of them
so on the other hand, that’s why i also see the argument for earth!
again making him such a great leader, he has a lot of patience and stability
it’s clear that he’s a rock that the others can rely on during turbulent times, and that steadiness is definitely a trait i associate with earthbenders
but overall i think his own personal aspirations and drive make him more suited as a firebender
waterbender! there is a trait that water benders are versatile and adaptable to situations, which i can DEFINITELY see with jeonghan
i mean obviously we speak loads of his cleverness (cheating) and how good he is at speaking out of his ass on the fly
at the same time though i also kind of see him as a flowing river
as in he’ll flow and move in any direction he wants, and is definitely open to change if he is willing to
but god if you try to force that change out of him he is absolutely immovable; he can also be pretty stubborn and relentless sometimes!
and also with rivers how there’s always a destination for it; jeonghan is completely not afraid to do whatever it takes to achieves his goals, which to me is a lot like a river steadily rushing on towards the ocean
even if there are obstacles he’ll do whatever it takes to overcome them (even if it means cheating lmao)
at the end of the day though he’s definitely a healing presence for other members, considering how much they confide in him, which is another property i associate with water 
now with joshua i’m not entirely sure. i could definitely see him as an earthbender or nonbender
my rationale for earthbender is that he’s just very... grounded
while of course he can be really goofy and playful at times, i think in general he’s very down to earth 
like in interviews and stuff he obviously isn’t the one always reaching for the microphone
and his answers are honestly pretty standard most of the time, i haven’t really seen him try to answer in an outrageous way, especially compared to someone like, say, hoshi lmao
even in going seventeen he seems more content to literally just sit back and enjoy the show, only speaking up when he really feels like it
he just gives off super reliable vibes as well; i mean that’s probably half the reason why he got that gentleman nickname lmao
it’s also this difficulty of pinning an element to him that i could see him as a non-bender??? 
i’m not really sure what traits drive home for a non-bender but that’s just my gut feeling lmao. if he was an earthbender he’d be an incredibly chill one
ahhhhh my boy is definitely an airbender!!
i keep thinking back to that interview where the members were asked something along the lines of whether they had worries or something? i can’t remember the exact wording
and like jun (and maybe vernon?) said no and the others were like “that’s just because he forgets” lmao
he is suuuuch a go with the flow type of dude, and his playful nature really plays in well with the aspect of freedom that’s tightly associated with the element of air
another reason i kind of associate him with airbending comes from the show itself, namely aang’s own personality and how much aang would stand his ground to defend his own beliefs and morals
i always come back to jun’s selfless attitude in cyzj when he had to perform without yanan, specifically the stage where he performed with two microphones to represent that he was still thinking of yanan in that moment
like even if he seems all over the place at times, when it comes down to it he’s really going to do what he believes is right, and can be incredibly stubborn about it too
but at the end of the day jun is a lover not a fighter and just wants everyone to have a good time and god i fucking love him for that
what else could our resident tiger be but a firebender
again, the main thing i associate with firebending is high energy and passion and BOY DOES HOSHI DELIVER
but his outrageous outbursts aside i also think there’s a lot to be said of his work ethic that i think really fits into firebending
from the show there is a lot of discipline and hard work that comes with firebending, as fire is often seen as difficult to control
while all the members are obviously hardworking, a lot of them have pointed to him and woozi being the hardest working of them all
hoshi is definitely the kind of dude that throws himself into his work with everything he’s got
and of course the fact that it’s what he loves only helps push that drive and determination even further
i also often think of how hoshi mentions he basically feels possessed when he’s dancing/on stage lmao
but i think that can be attributed to the overwhelming passion he has for the art; it consumes him like an overwhelming flame
for me wonwoo definitely feels like a waterbender
again with the idea of water being adaptable, wonwoo is really good at adjusting to the energies of the others even if he’s not naturally super outspoken himself
he can easily go from low to high just like the tides (haha get it), and if the other members are being super excitable it’s very easy for him to join in on the fun
but on the flipside he also has the capabilities of just completely shutting them down lmao kind of like how he cuts people off in debate night
not to bring astrology into this but he’s also the one helping bring some water into this air-dominated group lmao
so yes, versatile, adaptable, but also really good at literally dousing out the flame when needed
if jeonghan was a river i see wonwoo more as a vast like, in that even if he’s somewhat quiet on the surface there is so much more going on underneath
there’s just something very tranquil about his energies that i think make him very suitable for waterbending
honestly woozi is another one that’s hard for me to place, but i’m going to go with firebending on this one, although i can also see earthbending
i know i’m sort of sticking to the same traits for these lmao, but woozi is kind of that perfect combination of being super well grounded and stable vs just sooo so passionate about his work
he’s always throwing himself into his music like never has anybody questioned his absolute passion and determination for it
as such it sort of makes me lean towards him being a firebender, but a more like... aloof one i guess??
kind of like uncle iroh, except instead of tea it’s music lmao
and if you hurt the people he cares about it’s going to get SERIOUS because how DARE you
but that sort of distance is also sort of why i see more earthbending traits in him; he’s more comfortable with sticking with what he’s used to, and isn’t as inclined as others to go outside his comfort zone
and why he facepalms so much when the other members do stupid shit lmao
seokmin i actually have no idea
if i had to pick an element i’d say either water or air, but somehow neither of those completely fit either. so maybe even a nonbender???
like for water, i see it through his kind and healing soul and heavily relate that to the healing properties of water
he’s also just so expressive, which honestly to me can be represented in the many different forms of water there are
like he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve, and i feel like that is something that could be reflected in waterbending
for air, i see it through his playful and joyful personality and the childlike innocence he embodies, like a playful breeze on a warm sunny day
like jun he’s completely a lover not a fighter, and if he had bending it’d be more about mediation than confrontation
but at the end of the day i think he’s more grounded by his emotions which is why i feel slightly more inclined towards waterbending, but honestly it’s still pretty 50/50
he’s also one of the members i can definitely see being a nonbender; i don’t have anything to back this up but it’s kind of just a gut feeling lmao
interestingly enough i kind of see both firebending and waterbending for him, and kind of like seokmin i’m very 50/50 on the two
for firebending i actually literally associate him with fire, and my nickname for him is also spicy red hot chili pepper lmao
i also see fire with him because almost everything he does is done with extreme eagerness and curiosity
for me he almost encapsulates the tantalizing allure of playing with fire, and how he wants to try his hand at experiencing many different things as quickly as fire spreads from one interest to the next
for waterbending though it’s kind of for the exact same reason
i keep preaching about the versatility and adaptability of water, and what better aspect to associate with mingyu’s continuous curiosity for trying new things? 
so it’s a mix of the two due to the passionate determination behind his desire to literally get his hands on everything
and there is no end goal, it is just an all consuming fire that is hungry for more until there is none left
okay i see minghao as a firebender as well and also this is a slight nod to the minghao = zuko agend LMAO
but kind of in the same vein where iroh/zuko used elements of waterbending in their firebending, i think minghao would also have a lot of the more fluid waterbending techniques in his firebending
like where traditional firebending is perhaps more of a hard, fighting style, minghao gives me a much more fluid vibe
this also comes out of his artistic style with contemporary dance and abstract art, and his passions with developing it
i’m not totally sure how to explain this but to me his artistic expression has a lot of fluid movement in it in which the driving force isn’t the necessarily the user/artist (minghao) but more about where those energies want to go themselves
compared to hoshi where i said the fire consumes him (in a good way), minghao’s fire is more directed at releasing the energy where it needs to be released and not forcing it
i think that’s also why minghao finds a lot of stress release in drawing and art
so still very passionate, very hot, but fluid, like a dancing flame
seungkwan i see mainly as an earthbender but maybe with some fire as well!
a lot of this comes with just how extremely disciplined he is with pretty much everything
even if he is extremely witty and incredibly funny on variety shows i think a lot of it comes out of him just being extremely socially aware, or like aware of his surroundings if that makes sense??
one of the key elements of earthbending is sort of taking in the environment around you and waiting for the right moment to strike
and for seungkwan i think he just has so much natural wit and knowledge that he is able to always come up with the right thing to say at the right time
but i also see some firebending in him because he also gets easily frustrated lmao
like how he gets so easily flustered when he does say the wrong thing at the wrong time and it doesn’t get the reaction he wants
he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve a lot like dk but tends to also act on them, which to me is aspects of firebending shining through
personally for vernon i very much see air bending!
again a huge association i have with air is also the element of freedom, and kind of literally doing whatever you want, which i think suits vernon SO well
we always talk about how he’s just simply vibin’/off in his own world and for me there is no element more suitable for that then airbending
he has the kind of energy where everyone else is forced to go at his own pace; you can’t really force it
to throw another pun in here it’s literally like trying to fight the wind: completely useless
but it’s not necessarily met with resistance; vernon has his own ideas but he’s definitely extremely open minded to others and could be swayed given a good discussion
like while jeonghan also goes at his own pace, it’s often feels like it’s towards some directed goal, again like a flowing river. but with vernon, i feel like he’s literally just kind of doing whatever, in the same way that the wind never has a destination or specific course
it’s more about exploring the possibilities and just straight up enjoying life
dino is definitely a boy of the earth for me hahaha
while he is definitely just as passionate about things as his other members, his energy comes off more of a really steady and powerful determination
there’s this sort of strength and endurance with dino that for me makes him extremely suitable for earthbending 
like i think a large part of it comes from the fact that he has very clear goals and a steady mindset way of achieving them
like if he says he’s gonna do something then he’s going to do it, and also the way he always stands his ground when it comes to confrontation
he’s the guy who’s gonna absolutely speak his mind but at the same time be really open minded to other opinions
like he obviously gets teased a lot as the maknae but he takes it all in good stride and then throws it back with just as much force you know lmao although maybe not as much in recent episodes where woozi has just completely obliterated him with the razor
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