#if you know anything about louis's children... particularly his illegitimate children
unclefungusthegoat · 4 months
Louis stages a glorious opera, yet is haunted by the memory of the thaumaturgy. The arrival of the King’s bastards at court causes a stir. Marchal’s fate is decided. Concept script for Versailles season 4, episode 1.
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I've finally finished and uploaded my new Versailles fanfic! This is a full length TV script, and is my interpretation of what S4 E1 of Versailles might have been like! I've tried so hard to be as true to the spirit and feel of the show, and to the characters, and have presented it in proper script format. I hope you enjoy reading it! Maybe I'll write an episode two now hahahahaha
Just to reiterate- this is a work of fan fiction. This is NOT an official Versailles script, and I don't claim to be associated with the show, showrunners or Canal+.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Pixar’s Soul: Who Are All of 22’s Mentors?
This article contains Soul spoilers. You can find our spoiler-free review here.
22, the incorrigible soul voiced by Tina Fey, has resided in the Great Before for a very, very long time. But just how long is that? Centuries? Millennia? By virtue of her name, a number designated to her soul upon arrival in the Great Before, it is hinted that she’s been watching our world with skepticism since the very beginning: a soul who’s had eons to say, “No, that living thing is not for me.”
In all that time, she’s also had countless mentors: Souls who completed a life on Earth and before going to the Great Beyond agreed to take some time off on the other side to offer 22 pointers on the finer things of life. Until she met a guy named Joe, it never ended well. That said it sets up one of the movie’s best running gags. Throughout Joe and 22’s experiences, the film frequently flashes back to random insert jokes about 22’s past, highly esteemed teachers.
It creates an opportunity for Pixar to dabble in the strangest bit of referential humor we may have ever seen in a kids’ movie. After all, how many young minds are familiar with the works of Carl Jung? It also  gives parents time for a couple of specific laughs, and maybe the chance to talk with their children afterward about just who those floating heads were. For that reason, we’ve compiled this handy list and brief guide to 22’s mentors.
Abraham Lincoln
One of the first dropped names from 22’s past mentors, and the one most often referenced in the film, is Abraham Lincoln. Perhaps this is because unlike George Orwell, most American school children under the age of 10 should be familiar with the 16th President of the United States.
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Elected in 1860 and reelected in 1864, Lincoln is cited by many to be the greatest president in American history due to his ability to lead the nation through its greatest existential crisis, the Civil War. During that cataclysmic moment, he preserved the Union and eventually ended slavery, first in rebelling states via the Emancipation Proclamation and then more completely with the 13th Amendment. He then became a martyr in the eyes of the generations to follow since shortly after his reelection and the end of the war, he was the first president to be assassinated.
Most kids should know that, and they definitely know he’s on the penny. Hence the terrific joke of 22 asking Lincoln, “Are you really okay with being on the penny?” He insists it’s a great honor. But when she twists the knife and says, “Even with Jackson on the 20 [dollar bill]?” he breaks in abject horror. Not Jackson!
Mahatma Gandhi
Another name dropped early—though I’m not sure we ever see him as an actual mentor—is Mahatma Gandhi, the nonviolent civil disobedience Indian leader who helped India achieve its independence from the British Empire.
Born in 1869 Gujarat, India, Gandhi had a profound effect on world history in the 20th century and beyond. After being educated in London and spending his early professional life in South Africa, where he raised a family, he returned to India and led anti-colonialist campaigns against the British government that occupied British India, as well as pushed for reforms that would create a religious plurality. He was briefly President of the Indian National Conference between 1924 and ’25, and eventually took to wearing his now famous loincloths and shawls as an act of solidarity with the working poor of his country. His image as the fasting leader of nonviolent resistance influenced civil rights leaders around the world.
In 1947, Britain resigned itself to granting India independence, but split the British Indian Empire into states, India and Pakistan, the latter becoming a country for India’s Muslim population. The resulting hostilities and tension eventually led to Gandhi being assassinated in 1948.
Mother Teresa
An honest to goodness saint, Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic leader who dedicated her life to wholeheartedly caring for “the poorest of the poor.” So when she tells 22, “I like everyone except you,” you know 22 just has the devil in her—if such a thing exists in a theoretical construct like the Great Before!
Born Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu in 1910, Teresa grew up in what is modern day North Macedonia, before she left home at age 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland. Soon moving to India, where she lived the rest of her life, Teresa took her solemn vows to become a nun in 1937 and in 1950 founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Catholic congregation that’s seen its sisterhood of nuns grow by the thousands. Until Mother Teresa’s death in 1997, she helped oversee her missionary’s fourth vow, again to serve the poorest of the poor, by managing homes of people dying of leprosy, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, as well as managing soup kitchens, dispensaries, and orphanages.
Teresa was canonized as a saint in 2016, with Sept. 5, the anniversary of her death, now being a feast day in the Catholic religion.
Nicolaus Copernicus
One of the older mentors we meet in flashback, Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance Man who really took the concept of being a “renaissance man” to heart. Both a polyglot and polymath, the Prussian thinker was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat, economist, and a doctorate in canon law with the Church. He spoke either five or six languages, and most importantly, is considered one of the pioneers of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th century. Indeed, this early era of scientific progress is also called the Copernican Revolution.
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That is due to the fact Copernicus published his model of the universe shortly before his death in 1543. With his astronomical findings, he posited that the sun, as opposed to the Earth, is the actual center of the universe. This discovery—which really rediscovered a forgotten breakthrough from antiquity postulated by Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos in the second century B.C.E.—led to a better understanding of the universe, and eventually that the sun was merely the center of our solar system. Copernicus shattered the eco-centric view of the universe preached by the Church forever.
So when he tells 22 that she needs to stop thinking “you’re the center of the universe,” it’s pretty damn funny.
Muhammad Ali
The self-described Greatest to ever enter a boxing ring, Muhammad Ali remains arguably the most famous heavyweight champ in boxing history, as well as a significant figure in the anti-Vietnam War and counterculture movements of the 1960s. So when he calls 22 “the greatest… pain in my neck,” she better listen up!
Born Cassius Clay Jr. in 1942, the man who would become Ali first won the heavyweight belt after beating Sonny Liston by TKO in 1963. At age 22, Clay became the youngest fighter to ever take the heavyweight title from a reigning champ, a record he still holds to this day. Shortly after the victory, Clay joined the Nation of Islam and eventually changed his name to Muhammad Ali.
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Despite being the Greatest, Ali lost four years from his peak athletic career when he refused to be drafted into the U.S. military and serve in Vietnam on the grounds of being a conscientious objector. He was found guilty of draft evasion, stripped of his boxing titles, and denied the ability to professionally enter a ring until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned his conviction in 1971. Older but arguably even bolder in rhetoric, Ali suffered some losses in his later career yet still reclaimed the heavyweight title when he knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round of the “Rumble in the Jungle.”
Marie Antoinette
The French Queen does not say anything particularly pun-y to 22, but her floating head is a great visual sight gag to anyone who knows how the French Revolution ended!
Marie Antoinette, a doomed and largely misrepresented monarch, was Queen of France from 1774 to 1792. Prior to that she was born an archduchess of Austria, one of the Emperor’s youngest children. She was married off to the French dauphin Louis in an arranged and loveless marriage at the age of 14 in 1770. Her standing in court improved after she began having children, however she became a popular figure of resentment in anti-monarchist pamphlets, which painted her as a promiscuous harlot whose children were illegitimate, and who conspired with her native Austria against France. It is from this caricature where the lie of Marie Antoinette saying, “Let them eat cake” was born.
Eventually she and King Louis XVI were arrested by leaders of the French Revolution, who eventually abolished the monarchy in 1792. Her husband was executed in front of the mob in January 1793; in October of the same year Marie Antoinette was tried by Revolutionary Tribunal for high treason. Two days later she likewise was executed by guillotine before the cheers of the mob.
Carl Jung
About as cerebral an easter egg as one might expect from a Disney movie, Carl Jung appears briefly in a montage to tell 22 to “stop talking, my unconscious mind hates you!” We’re sure any parents who ever took a Psychology 101 course smiled.
Considered one of the pioneers of modern psychology, Jung was the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Born in 1875, Jung saw the world change drastically during his lifetime and career from the 19th century until his death in 1961. This includes in the breakthroughs made by him and his onetime mentor, Sigmund Freud. Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, considered Jung his heir until their diverging visions for the future of a “talking cure” created a schism between the men.
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Jung’s analytical psychology was founded largely upon the idea of individuation, which related to the lifelong psychological process the mind is said to go through, separating an individual’s conscious and unconscious elements. This also led Jung to develop concepts like the collective unconscious and extraversion versus introversion. Whichever 22 is, she clearly doesn’t want Jung’s company!
George Orwell
One of the funniest, and honestly most subversive, easter eggs is only quickly alluded to when 22 (inside Joe’s body) drops some George Orwell truth bombs on an impressionable young girl, and Joe’s jazz student. “Like my mentor George Orwell used to say, ‘State sponsored education was like the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket,’” 22 announces. “‘The ruling class’ core curriculum stifles dissent.’”
While the real Orwell didn’t exactly say these words (at least as I can find), he was of course an extremely wary and sharp critic of both governmental and capitalist control. In another Orwell chestnut, he opined the future is “a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” Never the optimist, Orwell wrote perennial high school favorites Animal Farm—a parable about the corruption of the Soviet Union and Bolshevik Revolution with talking animals—and Nineteen Eighty-Four, the ultimate dystopian text about an authoritarian regime controlling every facet of citizens’ lives, with propaganda being administered by the “Ministry of Truth,” as but one example.
Orwell likely was skeptical of state education, and probably would have been even more so of the recent phenomenon of corporate sponsored education, since he wrote, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” In this vein, he did refer to capitalism’s use as advertising as “the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket” that led to the “blind worship of the money-god.”
That this is quoted in a Disney movie intended to sell toys, theme park attractions, more “swill” to the masses is a little amusing… if disheartening that the quote was reappropriated to overlook the fully anti-capitalist thrust of Orwell’s sentiment.
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The post Pixar’s Soul: Who Are All of 22’s Mentors? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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blackwatchmase · 7 years
White Women (some ninjas think anything is better than Black ) and before you criticize read A True Story that Happens 1,000 times a Day As Peggy Sue walks, her skirt rides up so that her wishing well legs and knob-knees protrude outward. She does not like to wear shorts. The material in the expanded sewn seams is stretched and gets caught in her crouch. Her translucent White skin shows varicose veins because of the weight she carries from the waist down. The excessive weight has not produced a rounded buttocks but a wide flat white bottom. The excessive weight and large breasts cause her body to hold more heat than a person of average weight. The heat causes her hair to become bone straight as it strings down her back, and perspiration beads on her forehead. Peggy Sue is a good person who has been raised to love God and respect all mankind. It is a Friday, and she has plans to go out with her friends that evening after work to a singles club in the metropolitan area. When she gets to the club, there are a lot of single men and women looking for mates, but she feels she does not have a chance because of her appearance. The music is vibrating, and the party is jumping. She watches her friends dancing. She wishes she could dance but does not want to bring attention to herself because she might bring the roof tumbling down! She looks up. A handsome Black man looks in her direction and then asks her to dance. She waddles toward him--legs looking just like the turkey drums on a Thanksgiving Dinner table--fat and greasy. Mr. Bernard Black Hunk is impressed. She is beautiful. Her skin is so smooth and White. Her hair is straight and lays flat on her head. Mr. Bernard Black Hunk has the immediate startling realization that he has one of the biggest White diamonds on Earth. His dreams have been answered. Peggy Sue is so exquisite. She is mild mannered, quiet, and is eager to talk about his interests. She has the right attitude!!!--To match his White-right attitude!!!--The White Subliminal Created Attitude!!! Mr. Bernard Black Hunk tells one of his friends that he has just met a beautiful White woman in which he could become very interested. His friend says, "Is she pretty?" Bernard comments, "She's White isn't she?" Mr. Bernard Black Hunk has just met Peggy Sue but immediately comes to the realization that even if she is strung out on drugs and in re-hab or on furlough from a mental or correctional institution or has head lice, she is one White Gem. "In fact, I might even marry her," says Bernard. He remembers reading a statistic that in 1995, 10.5 percent of all Black men who married legally, married a White is right woman. Mr. Bernard Black Hunk is driving a Mercedes, has a MBA and loves him some Big Greasy White women. He has internalized and perceived himself as worthwhile only when he can accentuate his actions and feelings in accordance with the WHITE grain. To put it plainly, he wants a part of the so-called American Dream. He suddenly forgets about where he came from and sees the White woman as an object to help him get "on top." He often denies feelings that are inconsistent with internalized conditions of worth. His quest to--DESPERATELY SEEK WHITENESS is the only way to be truly worthwhile. This ASSIMILATION assures acceptance in his mode of building self-esteem. He will share whatever he has with her. He praises her!!! He worships her!!! She is his world!!! This White woman has been placed high on the IDEAL pedestal!!! She truly has become the superior being constructed by the White Race to carry on the 8%!!! She can shake her naked booty as a stripper or sell her naked booty on the street corner. . . But the White skin has made her superior to any Black woman. Some Black men need a White woman--this type or any type of White woman to boost their self-esteem. White women have become fascinated with the Black man because contact was forbidden just 20 years ago. Television screens show these Black handsome muscular hunks in sports arenas. As they run, their bodies sway from side to side in synchronization. Naturally, this causes psychological mystique and excitement from the rigid calculated Caucasian man. The fat, ugly, low social strata White woman has never received this kind of wholesome attention from a White man. So she eats up the attention--raising her self-esteem. She gives Bernard Black Hunk all of the praise and attention he needs to make him feel he is "THE MAN." As he hollers, "WHO'S THE MAN?" He has crowned her "QUEEN" for life. Mr. Bernard Black Hunk now has a White woman by his side. It makes him feel he is just as good as any White man in our "White man dominated culture." He has the professional job, big house in the suburban community, and beautiful mulatto children so that he may assimilate into the White Culture to assume PSYCHOLOGICAL. The "Klu Klux Klan" has been appearing behind sheets in small towns for years and recently on major network talk shows. All over America the Klan members hold meetings to talk about racial purity and burn crosses. All over America Klan members have been burning Black churches. On talk shows the Klan members jeer, chant, and taunt. "Ya Al' Niggra Boys just keep hav'in babies, collecting Welfare checks, and smok'in dope." "Ya Al' need to go back to Africa and give us back this here U-N-I-T-E-D S-T-A-T-E-S O-F A-M-E-R-I-C-A." "This here is our country." "Why ya here taking our money and our pretty White women?" "We confirm a pure White Race." As the Klan talks, the network talk show hosts and guests seem to be more accepting of Blacks and racial issues than other group of people in this country. The Klan sneers at the audience--"P-o-r-c-h M-o-n-k-e-y-s." The effects of interacting with a group of people are different than with an individual. The process of interacting with others changes people. People tend to act like other members in a group even when asked to conform to a particular point-of-view. People who appear on talk shows will continuously tell panel members they are wrong in their racist thinking and that all people are equal. The group rehearses before the media audience implying a love between different races and purporting a colorblind society. The audience members swear that when people walk down a street and see someone to whom they are attracted, skin color does not play a role and that love is colorblind. People usually make decisions on the basis of what they think others will think of them--particularly parents and persons of authority. Because of implanted color rules and biases, people make decisions based on these learned rules. Peer groups represent the most important people in an individual's life. White peer group orientation just like Black peer group orientation includes conformity to the ideas and judgments of that group whether it is peer influence or parental influence. People adopt the values, attitudes, style of dress, and language of their parents and peers. If a mixed group of Blacks and Whites listened to a speech about Adam and Eve being Black and all skin colors coming from Black, do you think they would be more likely to believe Minister Louis Farrakan or Billy Graham? Of course, Whites would believe Billy Graham--So would Blacks. We are all subjects of persuasion. Society has a high degree of influence in social situations affecting our behavior. Groups influence individual behavior through our own tendencies to conform with a group even when we are not asked to do so. Sometimes Black men outwardly seek White women. Sometimes Black men subliminally and psychologically do not realize why they seek White women. When they look at White women, they consider them beautiful because of perceptual expectancies that have been created by media suggestion. Since their perceptual expectancies have been titillated, Black men view White as the premium of all women. Television, movies, newspapers, and magazines feature the most beautiful people in the world as White lead actresses and White centerfolds. Perceptual learning has built up mental categories of beautiful people being blonde and blue eyed. Note: Blacks are not the only ones who want honey blonde hair. Clairol makes many shades of blonde dye for White women. "Blondes have more fun." Perceptual categories make a difference since we know people are often categorized. Categories might include the following: "punks," "mental patients," "queers," "honkies," "Niggers," "bitches," "dysfunctional" "welfare queens," and "Nubian Queens." When labels define people, observers are influenced (Coon, 135-6). The illegitimacy rate is nearly three times as high as in the immediate aftermath of slavery. Individuals from illegitimate births provide over half of the US murder statistics. 94% of Black killings and murders are Black-on-Black crime. Categorically Speaking: For Whites to be with other Whites and Blacks to be with other Blacks seems to be an unlearned, inborn reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that we here in the US have accepted for centuries. Some White fathers may provoke their daughters to seek out and pursue the Black man. When children are little, and parents have tried to suppress inappropriate behavior in a negative manner, a child soaks up the stimuli from his environment and becomes rebellious; thus, trying to get back at the parent. Parents attempt to assert their authority, and conflict develops. This may cause the child to direct feelings away from the primary father object and seek something else that makes her feel better. When children are in the formative years, things happen to them that they remember as they grow into adults. Example: By repeatedly spanking a child for "talking back" to you may lead the child to quit talking to you altogether. A common reaction to punishment is to dislike the person who inflicts the pain, and sometimes reacting combatively towards the person. An aggressive reaction to get back at parents may be to aggressively seek Mr. Black Hunk and retaliate. The retaliation might be to seek Mr. Black Hunk because he has been labeled "forbidden." The "forbidden" label may entice excitement. This is the type of White woman, who after marrying the Black man has a hard time accepting the fact that her children are Black. She realizes that she has made a grave mistake with her rebellious behavior and does everything in her power to convince her children that they are not really Black but mixed. People of the White Race have found themselves in a quandary. Their White women have gone astray--keeping themselves not only unto White men. White couples seem to be thwarted with infertility and need fertility drugs for production and manufacture of White babies. The Author has a theory to insure "White man existence." Maybe fertility drugs are the rudiments to White Race mortality. The telephone Yellow Pages in large cities has pages of doctors and clinics specializing in fertility clinics, in vitro fertilization, sperm banks, and drugs to help the "White endangered species" survive. The "White endangered species" continues to push Norplant in Black communities while picketing abortion clinics in the White community. In fact, there are birth control methods used globally to stop the production of people of color--What's up with that? Another thing that thwarts Whites in this country is abortion of White babies. Because Whites can afford the procedure, they are more likely to use abortion to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Recently, there has been widespread news coverage about White couples adopting babies from Russia and Croatia. There are White couples who adopt Black children--but can Black couples adopt White babies??? That's unheard of--You know it is. There are many National reports on the condition or orphanages in Russia and how Russian babies need good homes. Could a Black family go to Russia and adopt a White Russian baby? As Black women are encouraged to use Norplant--a method of birth control, White women are taking fertility drugs. There is no secret that White childless couples would pay almost anything on the "Baby Market" to adopt a White baby inasmuch as there is a shortage of White babies. It seems obvious that there may be some reasons why. In White neighborhoods there are stores that sell leather straps, spikes, and chains to nourish sexual arousal. It should not be a surprise to anyone that a woman, regardless of color, runs like mad to get away from the practice of sadism--chains, whips, and spikes? A White woman does not have to put up with treatment like that. There is a Black man that will hang from her every movement and word. He will kiss her butt and may even lick it. Black man bashing has yielded the unconscious turned conscious feeling that White is right, and the White woman is thusly virtuous. Self-hate Therapy ^equals^ A White-right woman! In the US there is a silent war declared. This war is with the forfeiture of America's White women. America will protect its White women. Legislatures in this country will work hard to get the racial category "multiracial" on the next US Census. General determinants of interpersonal attraction have variables that influence the Black man's perception of White women. White women perform and transact the ultimate "Physical Attractiveness Role" in society. A member of the Aryan Race that is untouched by Jews and non-Whites is holy, pure, and in the likeness of God. White men and a whole lot of Black men perceive the image of White skin as the ultimate in physical attractiveness. Black men, following in the shadows of murky waters and mainstream obstructions perceive White women in an identical manner. Physical attractiveness is the most important factor in the early stage of a relationship. To that end, opposites attract. The opposite characteristics complement or advantageously "fit" with one of the Black man's own attributes--feeling U - N - I - T - Y with the rest of the world. A Black man feels better about himself because he has the revered White woman at his side, and he has an accurate view of the self-actualized life. The White woman is a positive step in the right direction. He feels a sense of harmony with the White Brotherhood Kingdom. His self-esteem has been bolstered. It is only natural that humans possess an inner drive to grow, improve, and use their potential to the fullest. Because of cultural differences White women tend to be more submissive than Black women. A dominant person might prefer a submissive person, and a person who likes to nurture and "take care" of others might prefer someone who will take care of them.
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