underthercse · 3 years
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underthercse · 3 years
You remember that moment in Pacific Rim where Mako politely tells Raleigh to fuck off with his assholey assumptions because “it’s not about obedience, Mr. Beckett- It’s respect”?
That is how Lucia deals with detractors insisting she gets special treatment from the Lord Commander. 
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underthercse · 3 years
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underthercse · 3 years
“I want you to picture your house, before it burned down. Where are you?”
I’m in the library. I can smell smoke coming from the study.
“Tell me what you see. I want you to take me there.”
A mahogany writing desk. Father’s map of Othard is on fire from what’s left of the curtains. Mother’s body is laying beneath the oriel windows. They’re broken and I can feel the glass crunching under my dress shoes. Father is to the left, in front of the fireplace. There’s two wounds to his chest from blades, but smaller than a sword... Maybe a bayonet. One wound in his head from a bullet. The carpet is soaked with so much blood, it looks black- Like ink. There’s a gunblade next to his right hand, it’s a ‘Blasius F3’. His friends from work have them too, that’s how I recognized it.
“Good. You can stop there.”
… how did I do?
“Lucia, there are those who would like to train you for a job of great import. You must be very gifted to do it.”
“We believe that your Mother and Father were silenced. Finding the perpetrators is something that only exceptional candidates can accomplish. However, we are confident that you may have... potential.”
And what about Li... What about my younger sister?
“She will be placed in a House where she can develop a skill best suited to serve your homeland-”
“You...! You just want to escape! People always do that, they escape- To their jobs, their mistresses, their sordid little fantasies of power, or glory. They always want to escape from reality and pretend like everything’s fine, just like YOU.”
“Oh, right. Of course, now I’m the problem-”
“They always... do that. They always leave. Our parents left, you left! You always leave ME behind!”
“That’s no reason to pursue him any further. It’s only a lie to make yourself feel better. Don’t do this, Liv. What is it that’s so unbearable about the truth? That you think you’re the only one who ever feels lost or alone? Are you afraid that without him, you’d just be reminded of how empty you think your life is-”
The sound is what stuns her into silence more so than the delayed pain flaring hot along her right cheekbone.
The conversation was over.
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underthercse · 3 years
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-Lucia and Livia, c. 1544-
Both sisters were often being mistook for twins due to their close-knit dynamic, though Lucia proved to be more independent than her younger sibling when it came time to separate. Perhaps she felt it necessary to be strong in the face of grief and imparted similar advice to Livia- That she needed to be strong, proud, and not make any trouble for their respective sides of the family. To do otherwise would be to shame their parents’ memory.
Lucia was rasied in a house that excelled at espionage and assassinations, while Livia eventually became infatuated with Gaius van Baelsar and fought her way up to the ranks of the tribunus to remain by his side. The two barely saw one another as the years passed, growing more estranged due to the nature of their respective roles and chosen interpersonal connections.
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underthercse · 3 years
Questing my alt in Coerthas Western Highlands to trick myself into thinking it’s not 84 degrees hot in this house
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underthercse · 3 years
One hundred years of wait is over Now we claim what is rightful to us
Oh my brother, with your courage we can conquer In your sword, I put my trust that you will honor
I will be the higher ground, should you concede it And my body be your shield if you should need it
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underthercse · 3 years
‘Cleaning’ my room thus far has just been moving my metric ass-tons of sketchbooks and concept art collections from one book case to another.
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underthercse · 3 years
Me: *helping my friend finish Crystal Tower, watching the cutscenes with her* BGM: *plays Eternal Wind* Me: OH MY GOD THIS WAS IN THE SHB TRAILER, I’M SO FUCKING DUMB-
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underthercse · 3 years
She dons a dark pair of sunglasses and assumes the Rap Squat beside him.
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underthercse · 3 years
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Independent FFXIV roleplaying blog for LUCIA GOE JUNIUS; loved by SODA.
Rules + Bio HERE. 
10+ years text-based roleplaying experience across multiple platforms- Open to AUs, OCs, and Crossovers.
Tracking: @underthercse
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underthercse · 3 years
♘ Tag Drop
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