#if you like. crochet good job you have good stamina
trenchcroats · 9 months
Litterally so easy to give up on crochet wtf it this bullshit I fucking hate granny squares kill me now fucking hell
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15 Questions
hi @prommethium ! Thanks so much for tagging me 💛💛💛☺️ Sending lots of love to you as well! I loved reading your answers!
Were you named after anyone? - nope, my parents were both named after their own parents and didn't like it much, so they were very insistent on giving us our own unique names
When was the last time you cried? - last Thursday💧
Do you have kids? - no, but i'm a teaching assistant in an elementary school so in a way i have about 400 kids 😅
Do you use sarcasm? - very much so yes, though i'm mindful of always trying to keep it silly instead of mean-spirited
What’s the first thing you notice about people? - their posture and body language and whether they seem comfortable, probably
What’s your eye colour? - light brown/hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? - happy endings all the way!
Any special talents? - i am very good with spreadsheets and databases and i can color-code like a champ 😎
Where were you born? - the state with the coolest flag in the US
What are your hobbies? - video games, tumblr, reading, tv shows, making playlists.... i don't practice nearly as many creative hobbies as i'd like. i used to crochet a bit and would love to get back into that at some point!
Have any pets? - yes!! a small black and white dog named Ranger
How tall are you? - 5'2" or less than 160 cm 🦐
What sports do/have you played? - i did track & field when i was little and swim team in middle school, but i had very poor stamina and never enjoyed either much. i was more of an orchestra kid! 🎻
Favorite subject at school? - math, orchestra, history, and psychology! i had a lot of anxiety about academic writing, so math and music were always a nice break from that.
Dream Job? - someday maybe i'll figure that out...
tagging anybody who would like to participate! please tag me if you do, i'd love to see it! 🌻💞
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opalvscent · 3 years
Tumblr media
– character development.
Full name:  Ophelia Grace Weiss - Hebrew name (used in religious context only): Ayelet Nickname:  Effie Birthdate:  29/09/87 Age:  33, going on 34 Zodiac:  Libra sun, Sagittarius Moon, Virgo Rising  Gender: Ciswoman Pronouns: she/her/hers Romantic orientation: biromantic Sexual orientation:  bisexual Nationality:  British Ethnicity:  Ashkenazi Jewish / Afro-Bahamian Ranking: Angel Affiliation:  Famine
Birthplace:  Amersham, Buckinhamshire, UK Hometown:  Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, UK Social Class:  Upper Educational achievements:  2:1 Honours degree in Philosophy from University of Edinburgh Father:  Adam Weiss Mother: Sophia Weiss (née Rosenthal) Sibling(s):  None. Pets:  Rosie, a 4 year old husky. (+ too many horses for me to list them here but you all knew that already) Previous relationships:  Spent much of her first year at uni with some kid from Chelsea. Told him she loved him, way too quickly, and he ended up never returning her texts.  Arrests:  None. Did get a parking ticket once. Cried about for a solid hour. Prison time:  None.
Current occupation:  Racehorse breeder/trainer Dream occupation: The same, but with significantly less paperwork involved. Less gang involvement would be preferable, too. Past job(s):  None. She’s cut from affluent cloth and has never really had to do any real labour. Spending habits:  Thinks she’s frugal, really isn’t.  In debt?:  On paper, no. 
Physical strength:  average  Speed:  average Intelligence:  average  Accuracy: average  Agility:  above average Stamina:  above average Teamwork: As long as she’s not in a position where she has to make decisions on behalf of others, she’s fine. Talents: Horseriding, attention to detail, wallowing in self-pity at inconvenient times.  Shortcomings: Completely spineless, indecisive, see above comment about self-pity.  Languages spoken: English, Hebrew, some French. Drive?:  Has a license, has not used it in a hot minute.  Jump-start a car?:  No. Change a flat tyre?:  Probably, but it would take a little while. Ride a bicycle?:  Yes. Swim?:  Yes. Play an instrument?:  Attended weekly violin lessons as a kid Play chess?:  Badly Braid hair?:  Yes Tie a tie?:  No Pick a lock?:  No Cook?:  Pretty well, but is limited to a couple of staple dishes. 
Faceclaim:  Zoé Kravitz Eye colour:  Dark brown Hair colour:  Black Hair type:  4a/4b, but has been using relaxer since her early teens. Mostly wears her hair in braids. Glasses/contacts?:  Neither. Dominant hand:  Left. Height:  157 cm  Weight:  51 kg Build:  petite Exercise habits:  tries her best to practise yoga every week, but it usually falls through. jogs every morning as an emotional outlet (it’s way more socially acceptable than just full-on screaming at 6am) Skin tone: Type IV Tattoos:   A daisy on the inside of her lower arm, in a tribute to her first childhood horse Piercings:  Two in each lobe, tragus in her left ear Marks/scars:  Freckles. A scar on her right elbow from falling off a fence as a child, two under her right knee from getting thrown off a horse Clothing style:  The type to value function over form. Tends to favour classic silhouettes and colours. In other words, she’s boring. Does like a good printed coat though. Jewellery: a small, gold magen david pendant that was gifted to her by her grandmother. it never comes off. a wristwatch.  Allergies: milk, penicillin Diet:  plant-based, tries to keep kosher
MBTI type:  INFP-T, the mediator. Enneagram type:  Nine - the peacemaker ( subtype 9w1 - the dreamer ) Moral Alignment: Lawful good Temperament: Sanguine/Melancholic Element: Earth Emotional stability:  Maintains composure in public, not quite as good in private. Easily overwhelmed. Prone to overthinking.  Introvert or Extrovert?:  Introvert. If given the option, she’d much rather enjoy her own company. Obsession: Safety, security, stability.  Phobias:  Death, loneliness, the dark.  Drug use:  None. Unless you’re counting hayfever medication, which I don’t think anyone is.  Alcohol use:  Social drinker. Prone to violence?: Nah. Prone to crying?: Yes. Believe in love at first sight?:  Yes.
Accent:  Received pronounciation (voiceclaim). Hobbies:  Horseriding, reading, crocheting, overthinking Habits:  Bites the inside of her cheek Nervous ticks: Fidgets, has a hard time maintaining eyecontact Drives/motivations:  Security, stability and for the needs of those she loves to be met. Subconsciously, she thrives off validation from others. Fears:  Not being able to provide for those she loves. Sense of humour?:  Laughs more than she makes others laugh. Do they curse often?:  Every once in a while, mostly while under distress.
Animal: 🐎 Horses. Who’s surprised? Not me. Beverage:  Alcoholic? Red wine. DRC or other burgundies in particular. Non-alcoholic? Fizzy water. Book:  ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen, ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About Love’ by Raymond Carver Colour:  Yellow Food:  Any type of soup Flower: Daisies, tulips, peace lilies Gem: Amethyst Mode of transportation:  Horseback if the distance allows it, car if not. Scent:  Freshly cut grass, ‘love - don’t be shy’ by killian, rosemary Sport:  ..... do I need to say it? Weather:  Overcast Vacation destination:  Cap d’Ail, France. 
Greatest dream:  financial independence, being able to do what she loves for a living without having to worry about the bottom line. probably wants world peace too. Greatest fear:  failing those she loves Most at ease when:  in the stables or in complete solitude Least as ease when:  in cities or big crowds, doing illegal shit, basically anything she’s done while working for famine. Biggest achievement:  has a silver medal from the 2011 london international horse show Biggest regret: agreeing to her current ... circumstances
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