#if you nudge Foul legacy he'll let out a drowsy trill
do you think Legacy would be able to hide himself under blankets or such? Like imagine you come home one day & you can't find him
but you lift the covers over the big lump in the bed(which could pass as just pillows) & he's there
curled up like a big cat
- 馃枻
the first time it happens is actually a bit scary, since you think that your beloved Foul Legacy has gone missing, and you're on the verge of panicking when you notice the large mound of blankets on your bed, slowly moving up and down. and when you lift them up, a single crystalline eye blinks sleepily at you as Foul Legacy yawns and peeks his head out from under the covers, drowsily chirping and bumping against your hand. you breathe a HUGE sigh of relief and let him pull you down for snuggles- you'll have to remember not to sit on the blankets without checking first!
usually Foul Legacy will be napping under the blankets, but Liyue is no stranger to storms and thunder, and on those days when you return home the mound of covers will be shivering, and you can look under to see Childe petrified with fear. he calms a bit when you come into view, letting out a hiccupping cry as you crawl under the blankets and scoot next to him. almost immediately there are arms around your waist, hugging and squeezing you tightly as Childe clings, burying his face into the crook of your neck with a strained whine. it's warm under there, a bit too warm, but you're stroking Childe's soft, fluffy hair and hugging him as much as you can, murmuring gently and feeling him slowly relax in your arms, and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
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that-foul-legacy-lover 7 months
// mild 4.2 archon quest spoilers!!
Skateboards my way back because 4.2 gave us CRUMBS EVEN IF ITS FOR A MINUTE. And i had a very self indulgent thought... okay so tsun!FL, yeah? Imagine aiding him after the events and he has to take painkillers / medicine that has to help his recovery, but it's a sedative so it makes him very eepi... wHICH SUCKS FOR HIM BC HE CAN'T BE TOO ACTIVE AND FITE, but that means he'll recover faster! Imagine having to deal with this tire and stubborn moth for a while, gets difficult over his meds and when he's on his meds he gets very soft sometimes... leans onto you sleepily... fighting the whale, going back to the abyss, etc etc was probably way too tiresome and God knows how long he was there for again-
~ 馃┕ nonnie !!
Foul Legacy will ONLY take his medication if you're the one giving it to him- not the doctors, not his Fatui subordinates, only you- and even then he's still stubborn, hissing and glaring at the medicine like it's his worst enemy. you extend your free hand and cup his cheek, gently rubbing your thumb against it as Legacy leans into your touch, his demeanor softening with a quiet purr. finally he lets out a huff, nudging your other hand for the medicine; he swallows the pills, sticking out his tongue in disgust before pressing himself closer for you, wanting to bask in the warm, comforting feeling you exude
soon you feel Legacy leaning heavily against you, his voice coming out as little croons and chitters, wings fluttering almost absentmindedly. he shifts so his head is resting in your lap, rumbling tiredly as you pet his hair. your fingers brush over the cracks in his armor, the areas that haven't quite healed yet, and he lets out a quiet whine, curling his claws gently around your wrist. you lean back against the wall and open your arms, Legacy practically falling into your hug with his cheek snuggled into your chest, wedging his head underneath your chin. he missed you- when he was fighting the narwhal all he thought about was you and coming home to your warm embrace- it's what kept him going, really
silence falls over you both and in a few moments, you begin to hear soft snores from Foul Legacy, drowsy trills occasionally slipping from his fanged maw before he nuzzles closer, relaxing for the first time in weeks
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Hey sooo its me again with nightly thought haha
I was listening Venti singing and thought about how Xiao said his song grounded him, so what if Foul legacy also get grounded by hearing you singing/humming ? Like you're doing chores or have a song stuck in your head or just feels like humming and Fl feels so comfortable everytime it happens. When he woke up after a nightmares or its raining so loudly it scare him, i can see him go to you and (idk if its possible) purring a song hoping you get the message and sing to him ^^
please never stop sending me these, i love them so much!!
since you used to live alone, you often hum to brighten up your empty house- and even though it's not so empty anymore with your new Abyssal companion, the habit still stuck and you find yourself absentmindedly humming as you do work or chores, Foul Legacy happily watching. if you're sitting on the couch and humming, you're guaranteed to have a purring Legacy resting in your lap in no time!! he'll look up if you stop, trilling and nudging you until you start again, resting a hand between his twin horns and giving him little scritches
sometimes, though, you're woken up in the middle of the night to claws tugging at your blanket, small whimpers and hiccups chasing your drowsiness away. no matter how tired you are, you open up your arms and allow Foul Legacy to lean against you, face buried into your shoulder. through his cries he lets out a few watery chirps, pressing his head against the underside of your chin until you start humming a soothing tone, the same one you've had stuck in your head for the past week. gradually you feel Legacy's shaking slow, then stop as he clings to you, nuzzling into your hands in exhaustion, and as he drifts back to sleep you swear you hear him purring the melody you just sang, claws gripping onto your shirt so he knows that you haven't disappeared
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