avaxallen · 2 years
Health is Subjective.
Being healthy means being in a state that is conductive to your chosen purpose in life, even if that purpose is/entails hedonism. Anyone who loves you would empathize and respect your convictions despite their own desires, sensitivities or concerns. Only you can decide what is best for you, and anyone who cannot accept it should respectfully exit your life.
Yes, you can be healthy and fat or obese. Not everyone’s “healthy” means “living longer” or avoiding death or “disease” (a disease is a ‘disorder of structure or function’; only you can decide the proper function and structure of your body).
Define your best life (there is no right or wrong definition) and pursue it. Don’t let people project their own fears and preferences. Only you can decide what constitutes as a “health problem” for you. Only you know what’s best for your body and mind and what risks are worth taking. I’m not saying “do whatever you want” all the time, but do what you must to shape the life you want to live and the person you want to be.
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avaxallen · 3 years
Dignity isn’t how others see you. It’s how you see yourself.
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avaxallen · 3 years
Real feminism never makes any woman feel inferior. All women are strong and amazing, but in radically diverse and unique ways. Some just need help recognizing that about themselves.
The only exceptions are women who seek to hurt others; all abusers are weak, regardless of gender. Other than that, there is no universal criteria that qualifies you for/disqualifies you from being a strong and great woman.
The greatest strength any human can possess is the incorruptible determination to fulfill their chosen purpose, no matter how "big" or "small"/"simple" or "extravagant" it may seem and regardless of what any faction of society thinks. Women don't owe ourselves to any dreams but our own.
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avaxallen · 3 years
Real feminism never makes any woman feel inferior. All women are strong and amazing, but in radically diverse and unique ways. Some just need help recognizing that about themselves.
The only exceptions are women who seek to hurt others; all abusers are weak, regardless of gender. Other than that, there is no universal criteria that qualifies you for/disqualifies you from being a strong and great woman.
The greatest strength any human can possess is the incorruptible determination to fulfill their chosen purpose, no matter how "big" or "small"/"simple" or "extravagant" it may seem and regardless of what any faction of society thinks.
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avaxallen · 4 years
In addition to my last post, I just want to say this: If you were not part of your loved one’s recovery, then you do not deserve to revel in the aftermath of it.
If you left me to wither alone when you knew that I couldn’t save myself, then you don’t get to share in my happiness and fortune when I get better. My rewards would be reserved for those who helped me obtain them.
Too many people these days only want to be in your life when you’re doing fine. But the people who really love you are there the most when you’re at your worst.
Someone who only wants your company when it’s pleasant for them, or only helps you when it’s easy for them, is a leech. Discard them as they discarded you.
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avaxallen · 4 years
When someone we care about is flailing helplessly, it is our job to help them. Not everyone can save/fix themselves. Some people need help getting their lives together; whether it is themselves they need to be saved from or not.
And by the way, someone who is suffering from a genuine mental impairment is not “doing it to themselves”. Just as severe enough physical illness can rob you of control over your body, severe enough mental illness can rob you of control over your mind. And if you can’t control your mind, you can’t control your body anyway, obviously.
It is not just your job to “be there when they decide to get their lives together” and simply hope that they will succeed (assuming they aren’t too far gone to make that decision on their own). Hope without action is nothing more than self-indulgent. You should be proactive in their recovery. Your involvement might be their only chance. You might even be the one who convinces them to make that decision in the first place.
You might be the one who talks them out of/restrains them from suicide, introduces them to a resource they didn’t know about, offers them a new perspective that changes their mind for the better, makes them laugh hard enough to realize they can still feel joy, or just to show them that they are worth saving (and that’s all some people need, at least to start with), and assure them that they will not have to take that journey alone.
By the way, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your “job” to save/help someone. Just do it anyway because you can. Every day, people are pulled from the brink by loved ones–sometimes even strangers–who give them the tools and guidance that ultimately enables them to heal. So it’s not like it can’t be done; society has just adopted the terrible attitude that we shouldn’t.
I’m not saying you should run around chasing people who explicitly do not want to be saved, and possess the mental faculties to make that choice. But if someone you love is unable to control or reason with themselves, leaving them to suffer on their own can be a death sentence.
If you can’t help them yourself, then at least direct them to someone who can/direct someone who can to them. Don’t just let them drown and merely hope they miraculously learn how to swim before it’s too late.
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avaxallen · 4 years
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Loki and Sigyn
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.
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avaxallen · 4 years
Imagine Thor and his friends bullying Loki as youths by calling him names and mocking him for not being as “manly” as other Aesir man. What they do not realise is as the God of Lies, he can see everyone’s weakness, their points of contention in themselves, finally, Thor and his friends go too far, mocking his seidr and how he is “Mommy’s little princess” he unleashes his wrath, attacking   everything that the others were unhappy about in themselves, silencing them immediately. 
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avaxallen · 4 years
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avaxallen · 4 years
Does anyone know the name of the song Cleo was dancing to in the third episode (the ones where the team freed the slaves)?
I can't find that song anywhere. I tried Shazam, Google, SoundHound, tried looking up the lyrics... nothing. And they don't list the tracks in the show's credits either. :(
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avaxallen · 4 years
For me, nothing is more romantic than pooping together/in front of each other. It’s not a rued byproduct of dwindling passion; it is actually something I look forward to as one of the many highlights of basic daily life. If you ever closed the bathroom door on me, or refused to use it because I’m in there, that would have me planning our relationship’s funeral.
It’s not just about a “fetish”. Something like defecating together/in front of each other is one of the most basic manifestations of intimacy for us, like kissing, holding hands or eating together.
I don’t poop in front of anyone but my husband, if I have a choice. That alone makes it romantic by definition for me; only my romantic partner shares that experience with me.
Even on the very rare occasions when I don't like how it smells, it only makes the situation all the more intimate and intriguing.
So no, in response to this video: https://youtu.be/TV95hkzi-xc …
That is not “obvious”. That is some couples’ opinion. But I would rather be where they are than taking selfies in the blazing sun. I guess I just love different things, and that’s good, because “freaks” like my husband and I would have no one to be with if everyone were “normal”.
Video description says: “Fact: Sharing a bathroom with your loved one at home is not as romantic as sharing a bathroom on vacation.”
That is not a fact. That is your opinion. For me, this would only be true if his ass were even closer to my face. ;)
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avaxallen · 4 years
My husband and I have been quarantined together for years. We've never and always been alone. ❤️
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avaxallen · 4 years
Society: "Everyone is solely and entirely responsible for their own emotions, which are always completely independent of any external factors."
Also Society: "wE neeD tO be CONsIderAtE Of OTheR peOplE'S FEeLiNGS!"
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avaxallen · 4 years
"If you love someone, you'll encourage them to do what's best for themselves."
The issue here is that people have different opinions about what's "best for you". Some people think going to college and pursuing a career is best. I think staying home and raising a family in a humble household is best. We can both love someone and yet give them extremely different advice.
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avaxallen · 4 years
Addiction is not a "personal responsibility" issue.
Addiction is a mental disorder that no one chooses to have and no one can overcome on their own.
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avaxallen · 4 years
I answered this in the original post.
Your lover is your family, and your most important family member at that. The two of you alone are an entire family, and a true marital bond comprises of all forms love takes. So if it comes down to your spouse or the rest of your family, your spouse is the obvious choice. There is no love deeper or more important. It's worth every sacrifice; absolutely no exceptions.
Yes, love is enough to keep a relationship together, when you value love above all else.
Love only fails to conquer that which we choose to put before it. My husband and I didn't stay married for over 50 years because we were lucky. My parents didn't stay married until death because they were lucky. Couples who stay together through anything and everything choose to make the love we share our focus and priority.
We've been through poverty together, suffered the death of a child together (while grieving chaotically), and even had to give up sex for years while I recovered from a injury that had my husband bathing, feeding and changing me. We never even considered or came close to separating because being together is the be all end all for us.
If something threatens your love, discard it. If you feel like walking away, don't. If something tempts you away from your partner, ignore it. If it hurts, endure it. At any and all costs.
Just because your parents/friends/peers failed to allow love to be enough doesn't mean every couple has that problem. Some of us have our priorities in order. There is nothing more important than my husband, and therefore nothing I would trade our union for. Not a disagreement. Not money. Not other relatives. Nothing.
Love is always enough, because love is the point.
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avaxallen · 4 years
ALL female characters are strong.
Yes, all. Not “some”. Not “most”. All.
People define inner strength differently.
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to be a woman, and no “right” or “wrong” purpose to live or fight for.
Stop attacking women who are different from you.
Stop holding all women to the same ideals.
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