#if you wanna collect blinkies and buttons from gifcities DO IT!!
aloftmelevar · 4 months
Tumblr media
i'm not a DNI person but actually do not fw me if you're like this
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quinnblog · 2 years
can you do a neocities tut?
im afraid im an amatuer at coding myself, and dont have enough confidence in my coding/web design abilities to do a full on tutorial on it, but i do know of plenty of resources for learning html and resources for helping with web design that i can share with you!!
theres plenty of good tutorials and resources all over the web for html/neocities/web design and whatnot, so heres a nice little list of some of them:
neocities has its own html tutorials actually! these are pretty good for getting started!
w3schools is good for basic html stuff (it also has stuff for javascript & css if you need stuff for that!!), not all of it is accurate to neocities but most of it is good! + it also has a good hex codes color picker and a list of web safe fonts for basic css/style stuff if you want that.
a pretty basic but good and easy to read tutorial by sunny that i like!(the webmaster of dokodemo.neocities.org)
sadgrl.online's html tutorial/help section is amazing for beginners in html and has tons of different resources! its generally just a good website with plenty of fun stuff to look at too, if you like. + the website also has a layout builder! this is good for learning layouts if you'd like.
heres another html tutorial i like! i havent used it myself but it seems pretty helpful
now, i do have some tips just from my own experience. these may sound a bit weird so uh, sorry about that
try to keep a basic theme/aesthetic for the website/each page. if you want to alternate theme on each page then thats pretty cool! and if you have the energy to do so, i recommend, since it looks pretty neat usually! however, some kind of base theme does make your website easier to build/design, and sometimes does look more aesthetically pleasing.
make your own graphics if you can! this may seem basic but i was pretty lazy with my website originally so i just used other peoples graphics and whatnot, but eventually i finally got to making my own stuff more often, and it really helped give my website a more personal and homemade touch so uhm ya....... ^_^ ofc you shouldnt feel like you need to make everything youre own, because you definitely dont need to make all your own graphics!
heres some helpful resources for making/finding graphics i like to use:
good if you wanna make one of those sparkly glitter edits
blinkie maker!!! its very easy and fun to use
ezgif is amazing and is really easy to edit gifs, images, and even videos with!!
sadgrl.online also has a ton of free to use backgrounds ! rivendell also has a few + a short little tutorial on how to have a image for a background !
gifcities is really good for finding old graphics!!
a nice collection of some neat graphics
another nice collection of some just as neat graphics!!
sadgrl.online's button maker!!
hope this was alright!! ^_^
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