#and applied these tactics to my own site!
aloftmelevar · 8 months
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i'm not a DNI person but actually do not fw me if you're like this
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boatemlag · 2 months
Grian rerun — build guide/is she worth pulling?
This patch has the long awaited rerun of the pyro Archon 5* sword user Grian, but how do you build her? And is she still worth pulling? This guide will walk you through my opinion on her current worth in meta and how I would build her now that we have so many pyro applicator and sub-DPS options. Let's dive in! [GrianBOOM]
✦✦✦ Breakdown ✦✦✦
Grian is a pyro applicator that is unique to this day because she cannot be played to full effect with another pyro character in party, meaning that her kit is built primarily to facilitate reactions. Her skill works well for generating particles for her burst, but doesn't do major damage on its own without her signature weapon. Therefore, she requires a decent amount of ER, since her energy cost is higher than many other supports.
Grian is still considered to be one of the best options for reverse melt and vaporize teams in terms of supports, but because she is a version 1.1 character, her burst uptime is a bit hard to maintain without skillful rotations. I would say skip if you have a C6 Katherine, as she does a similar thing to Grian without the DoT. But if you're looking for a fun pyro support, Grian is fun to play even at C0, in my experience.
✦✦✦ Explaining the kit ✦✦✦
◇ Basic Attack: Awakening Blade
He's a sword user, nothing special. Does 5 consecutive strikes.
◇ (E) Skill: Ready, Aim, Fire
Hurls an Evil Eye at the nearest target, marking them, and dealing pyro DMG. Hold to enter aiming mode to control where the Evil Eye is placed. This skill has 3 charges. When 3 Evil Eyes have been placed, or the skill no longer has charges, press the skill again to detonate the eyes, dealing pyro DMG and generating particles. If the skill is not tapped again, they will detonate after a fixed amount of time.
◇ (Q) Burst: Slash and Burn
Creates an AoE referred to as an Annihilation Zone and dealing AoE pyro DMG. Depending on how many enemies are marked with Evil Eye, the area gains additional buffs, meaning it's tactical to use the E skill, then burst, then use the E skill again.
Allies within the zone receive an all DMG type boost of 5/10/15% for 1s when hit.
Allies within the zone receive an EM boost of 50/100/200 when receiving overflow healing.
Additionally, the zone continually applies pyro to enemies within the zone for the duration.
◇ Passives
To The Death: When Grian uses her burst, Ready, Aim, Fire CD is reduced by half.
Independent Streak: If Grian is the only Pyro character in the party, increases the ATK of all party members by 10% and the EM of all party members by 80.
To Infinity!: Gliding stamina reduction passive (stacks with other similar passives).
✦✦✦ Constellations ✦✦✦
C1: Let's Go Again!: Reduces Slash and Burn energy cost by 25% when in party and not on field.
C2: Foresight: Increases max number of Evil Eyes and charges from 3 to 4.
C4: Archon's Blessing: Imbues her basic attacks with pyro.
C6: She Who Writes Her Own History: Increases the bonuses from Slash and Burn to 10%/15%/20% DMG boost and 100/200/270 EM boost, and, additionally, applies Smoldering Flames to enemies within the Annihilation Zone.
Obviously C6 is insane. I'd say C6>C1>C4>C2, with C1 having insanely good value. I'd even say C1 > C0R1.
✦✦✦ Ascension & Talent Materials ✦✦✦
◇ Agnidus Agate
Duh. Luckily, her boss drops these. Thank god for early region boss consistency.
◇ Drops: Ghasts
These spawn all over the world, but can be found in large clusters in the northern parts of Ention, especially close to the Grumbot Containment Site. You will need:
Sad sliver x18
Smoldering droplets x30
Ghastly tears x36
◇ Unburning Branch
Unburning Branch can be claimed by defeating the Young Dragonspawn in Ention. You will need x46.
◇ Diligent Lily
Diligent Lily is Grian's local specialty, and you will need x168. They can be grown in the teapot and found in large clusters by God's Nursery in the east of Ention.
◇ Fun Talent Books
Can be gotten in the Ention talent domain on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
◇ Continuous Stationary of Wisdom from the Surveillance Prophet weekly boss.
Unlocked by finishing the Ention Archon quest. This boss cannot be done in Co-Op.
✦✦✦ Artifacts & Stats ✦✦✦
Grian's best and signature set is 4-piece Cat's Calling. The 2-pc bonus increases ER by 20%. 4-pc bonus increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40% for the whole party, and increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15% for the whole party. This effect cannot stack. Using an Elemental Skill increases 2-Piece Set effects by 25% for 10s even when switched off-field. Max 3 stacks.
Sands: ER
Goblet: Pyro DMG
Circlet: CR=CDMG (ER only if you're really struggling with uptime)
Substat priority: ER > CR=CDMG > EM
ER goal: 160%+
You could alternatively run her on 2pc Cat, 2pc Fated Strings for the ER, but the 4pc bonus from Cat's Calling is suggested.
✦✦✦ Weapons ✦✦✦
Grian's signature weapon, Incidental Blazing Breath, increases her ER and elemental skill DMG. It is considered her best in slot (duh) because it is specifically built around maximizing the DMG from her skill, with 8 stacks of bonus available, matching the suggested rotation. I do not suggest pulling on weapon banner this patch because Martyn's signature weapon is VERY SPECIFIC, giving a DEF and swirl bonus, and Grian's constellations outweigh the value of her weapon. Though it does look dope as fuck.
For other options, the five star standard weapon Gross Misuse is great for its ER bonus as well as its energy particle production. If you're looking for a 4 star weapon, the event weapon Glory Glory is good, and the craftable weapon Scribe's Pen at R5 is her best 4 star option. If you absolutely must use a 3 star, Whispering Blade (gotten from speaking to an NPC in Ention City) is the best choice.
✦✦✦ Talent Priority ✦✦✦
Burst > Skill >>>>>>>>>>> Basic ATK
Recommended not to level Basic ATK. 9/7/1 is a good place for talents to be.
✦✦✦ Team Comps ✦✦✦
Basically the only teams you don't want with Grian is any team with additional pyro characters.
Do You Even Vape Bro - Lizzie as a reaction based DPS, BDubs for heals and hydro battery, and Zedaph for crowd control/swirl/DEF reduction
Sahara+ Melt Team - Stress as reverse melt DPS, Mumbo and Grian for support and application (Mumbo as a Cryo battery) and Iskall for more battery and sub-DPS
Grian Driver Burgeon Team - This requires you to build your Grian with EM instead of CR/CDMG, but is a good option for how versatile she is. Pearl (or Beef), Netty, Skizz, Grian. Pearl/Beef for dendro battery and off-field application, Netty for heals and dendro resonance/battery, Skizz for consistent hydro application and shield, with Grian as the main driver for reactions.
Grian works well with teams who do multiple reactions as well, so freeze/melt is also a good choice.
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That's all! Comment down below if you're pulling for Grian, pulling for the new 5 star Martyn, or skipping the patch. I personally want more Mumbo and Cleo cons, so I will be pulling on the banner anyway LOL. Good luck and happy building!
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granulesofsand · 1 year
I like pluralpedia. I think it’s great that systems are finding and sharing words to describe themselves. There are terms I don’t agree with or wouldn’t use, but it’s a resource nonetheless.
A lot of the controversial words and phrases can be understood with a different perspective if we’re willing to look at concepts and compare without judgement.
There was a time when protogenic systems were pushed away because they didn’t fit the theory for DID at the time. Turns out they were right, even traumagenic systems don’t usually start as singlets.
We might be able to call ourselves parogenic. That means headmates were created, not naturally occurring. Our abusers made that decision for us, but they surely did create alters on purpose. We can still do that, forming new headmates from fragment dust and past trauma.
I feel more comfortable referring to us as adaptive than traumagenic, because my system was the adaption to what was done to us. Even if it wasn’t organic, we still exist because we had to survive. I don’t want our abusers to get credit for our intricacy and beauty, because we are a result of our own ability.
We need a metric ton of vocabulary to describe our layering and structures. It helps to know we’re not alone and that others already have the words for us. It reassures us that we’re allowed to come up with our own language for our internal workings, and that feels like safety and community.
It’s still the internet, still Wikipedia, the information gathering skills from school and work still apply. Not everything is correct or true to everyone, but it doesn’t have to change unless it becomes a threat.
System-hopping isn’t an inherently dangerous idea, and I can’t say for certain that no plural system is capable of such. Some systems are spiritual or based in entirely different practices than traumagenic DID, and that’s also fine. It’s only hurting others when used as a manipulation tactic or to cause harm.
Scrolling through all the words is fun, we find aspects of our system described for us by people who figured it out ahead of us. I wish everyone would use the site and have a semi cohesive dictionary for our experiences.
We can get along in spaces that are for all plural systems. Some information shared could benefit everyone. That doesn’t mean we should have no further distinction, but we don’t talk to each other enough as it is.
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godbirdart · 2 years
first off, i just want to say that i love your art, you are a huge inspiration to me and i love how expressive your characters are! would you have any tips for someone trying to grow a following from their art? specifically within the furry community ideally. im just not sure where to start
i hope youre having a great day!
thank you so much!!
okay i gotta preface this with: i have been doing commissions for over a decade. everything i say here i've been doing since roughly 2014, but my career as an artist didn't really Take Off and become reliable until 2019. success isn't immediate. some artists will grow faster or slower than others, not every tactic is going to apply / work for every artist; and that's okay. just keep pushing yourself and adapting and figuring out what works for You!
i’m putting this under a readmore as it got a bit long. every time someone asks me for advice on professional Anything i always write up a five page essay despite trying to bulletpoint it oof
post on multiple platforms and keep them all updated. i’m putting this one in bold because it is possibly the Most Important thing. we’re all watching twitter sinking over there, and many of my mutuals there were floundering because they hadn’t established themselves on any other social media site. i strongly recommend three or four socials minimum. my main four sites are tumblr, deviantart, twitter and toyhouse. furaffinity is also good. inkblot and artfol are new and i use them frequently as well. if you don’t like posting manually to every site each and every time you post art, Postybirb exists and is what i use to crosspost all my art to most of my socials at once.
avoid venting a lot on main. we all have frustrating days where our art isn’t getting the recognition we hoped, or we’re feeling petty about a controversial topic or the latest drama. it happens! it’s okay! however, many people just don’t like seeing dozens of negative posts on their feed. most people will sympathize, but if your negative vents are constantly clogging their dashboard they’re not gonna stick around.
shamelessly self promote yourself. reblog your own art. retweet it again. repost it. mention your other socials. we live in a world of timezones! when you post art, only a fraction of your audience is going to see it. i recommend reblogging / retweeting one to four individual pieces periodically over the course of a day and change it up each day. you can also repost your own work into photosets and title it “recent commissions” or the something like that.
don’t hide your linktrees and carrds. seriously! the amount of times on twitter i went to try and follow someone on another platform only to find they had no carrd or linktree link,, it is infuriating. put your socials link in your bio or pinned or SOMEWHERE readily at the top of your profile that’s easy to spot.
if you’re offering commissions, make a telegram channel or discord server for your announcements / openings.
post regularly. this one is a lot harder for artists that don’t make a lot of content, but posting even a status update once or twice a day can go a long way - especially if you’re on twitter with that platform’s hideous algorithm. alternatively as i said earlier, just retweet/reblog your work a few times a day and you should be good.
art trends are cool and fun and an easy way to get your work seen by others. see a “draw your sona in this outfit” meme? go, have fun with it. this one’s a bit tricky as timing is everything when it comes to ~trending~ content, so try and draw quick. that said, it’s never outdated to drawover reaction memes with your fursona.
try not to clog your socials with memes and shitposty images. this one is directed at twitter specifically. with twitter moments now gone, your media tab is the last way for people to hope to find your work organically on your profile without having to use the twitter search. they can’t get invested in your work if they can’t find it!
it’s okay to change course if you’re not vibing with where you’re headed. if you want to move onto a new aesthetic - that’s fine! you may lose some followers if they don’t click with your new vibe, but you’ll inevitably gain some new ones.
avoid frequent name changes. so many of the artists i follow have changed their brands / urls over the years that i don’t recognize them anymore.
tag your work properly. on tumblr, the first five tags on the original post are the tags your work will pop up in in the search feature. make those first five tags the Most important ones; example: #furry, #anthro, #art #fursona etc. twitter’s algo seems flip-flop if it likes tags or hates them. if you see a tag trending, repost your art in a photoset with the hashtag in the post [example: if #pokemon is trending, repost some of your pokemon fanart with the hashtag in the post body]. if the tag isn’t trending,,, i’ll be honest it’s a gamble if twitter likes your post or not at that point. i have no advice for that hell algorithm.
hosting raffles or doing a mini art request event [example: “leave a ref and i might draw your oc”] is good for traction while simultaneously giving back to the community + your audience a little!
try and reply to / like comments on your work. it’s not required per se, but it’s good to express gratitude.
engage with other members of the community. comment on other peoples work. like it. retweet it. follow other people. obviously don’t be disingenuous about it, but this is what the professionals call ~networking~
don’t compare yourself to others. this one is one you have got to keep in mind constantly. you’re going to find 17 year olds with huge followings and 30 year olds that are doing professional industry work whose level feels alien and almost out of reach. if you’re not doing as well, don’t let yourself get discouraged. we all gotta start somewhere!
related to the above point: be nice to your followers. venting on main about not having the same audience volume as others can come off as a huge middle finger to the audience you already have.
gaining a following takes time. unless you get a really lucky break, it’s going to take a lot of work and self promotion to build up your brand.
slap your name on everything. i mean it. any art you do - sign it. watermark it. people can and will share art in telegram channels and discord servers, and if the art interests someone they can easily source it back to you if your name is on it.
you can buy adspace. if you’re catering to a furry audience specifically, you can buy adspace on furaffinity pretty easily. inkblot i believe also offers adspace for artists though i haven’t looked too deep into it. this is really a “if you’re okay burning money” situation, as the huge chunkk of internet users have adblockers now and it’s a gamble if people will see or even click on your ad.
just have fun and do your own thing. you can hop on trends and draw art that caters to your audience’s tastes, but don’t forget to draw what YOU want and what YOU’RE about. Draw what makes YOU happy.
hope these help!! ;w;
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Re: Wizard Stupid
As you outline it, i definitely believe its a thing. However, id like to object that Ludinus exhibits it in earnest. Absolutely its what he projects (ie. the absurdity of hating clerics for being gifted magic while working alongside SORCERERS), but i think he projects it knowingly and deliberately, which disqualifies him from Wizard Stupid.
Basically im denying the adage “Never attribute to malice what can be adequately attributed to stupidity”. Id LOVE your thoughts on this but its my belief that Ludinus is weaponizing populist talking points against what are basically ignorant common folk and traumatized people as a shield to hide his greater true desire to become god emperor of Exandria. Especially keeping in mind that us as the audience have a vaster knowledge of the Exandrian pantheon and its inner workings than a regular commoner who’s worked a farm all their life and just wants to make enough money for a meal. If right-wingers get away with this kind of shit all the time, i certainly believe Ludinus does, too.
I would disagree with a few things here; but to address the first point, Wizard Stupid really is just "I think the consequences of my actions will not come back to me, and indeed haven't necessarily thought them through at all", which I believe absolutely applies to Ludinus. While we don't know for sure that teleportation is broken, or that he's fucked the ley network and therefore arcane magic, those are both pretty likely. He activated a machine that had taken damage with his own life force. He also did hire Astrid, who is heavily implied to have been feeding intel to Caleb and would therefore be indirectly responsible for quite a lot of that damage. He stiffed Ira's bill; reneging on a contract with a fey even other fey think is kind of a wildcard? That's Wizard Stupid. I'd also note: never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity is much more about assuming that the person who cut you off in traffic is a fucking idiot who wasn't paying attention, not that they have it out for you and want you to crash. It doesn't mean people can't be both malicious and stupid, and we do know Ludinus is, canonically, evil. I am not denying his malice; I'm saying he's also, in some areas, very, very stupid.
In general though, I don't think a comparison to populism is apt. Ludinus and the Vanguard expressly aren't going around doing massive, active recruiting among common people who are, or perceive themselves to be, disenfranchised. Tuldus is actually the exception to what we've seen; the majority of Vanguard members we've encountered have been Ruidusborn. This is a cult recruiting vulnerable people. If it were truly populist, why is it not commonly known among the population? Why recruit Lilliana and not Relvin, who is similarly a regular commoner who's worked on a farm all his life? Why hasn't anyone in the party, many of whom have been living on the fringes of society, heard of it before now? Why are their only allies other tiny obscure cults and a crawler gang? Why are they killing what appears to be random travelers? The Paragon's Call members are honestly pretty apathetic, and the Malleus Key plan wasn't a recruiting tactic when Bells Hells encountered them; I think it's a case of "boss says we're killing god and they're paying well, so, sure, I don't care as long as I get overtime." Killing the gods is not a talking point being used to rally the masses; it's not populism and it's frankly not even popular. All things considered, the group at the Tishtan site is pitifully small.
I will also admit, and this applies here but to a few other posts as well, that I don't find a framing of Mortals vs. the Gods under any kind of real-world political structure to really work for me. The premise is in fact that the gods don't function like mortals, so even if killing the gods were a popular sentiment, which again, it is not, I don't know if it would map well to populism.
Now, I do agree that Ludinus is being deliberately manipulative and hypocritical. With that said this also doesn't rule out stupid for him (nor for real-life politicians). I do, in fact, think that no shortage of right-wing populists believe a decent amount of their own bullshit. Like...generally, a lot of fascists are very effective at amassing short term power, and they don't believe all the bullshit they say but use it to manipulate the population, and we obviously don't want that either, because it does not take terribly long to do a massive amount of harm; but they do often fuck up the long term planning. Eventually, you eliminate everyone you've been scapegoating and you still haven't built a utopia so you either need to, as Ashton said, get down to like 5 people at which point society collapses; or someone else shows up and you now become the target of the population's ire. Basically this is all to say you can be both stupid (and specifically Wizard Stupid, which is about ignoring immediate and possibly lethal consequences, often though not always in the service of pursuing knowledge or a greater vision) and manipulative, ie, Ludinus is not in fact disqualified from Wizard Stupid simply because he also deliberately misleads some people.
I also don't think Ludinus wants to become god-emperor and haven't seen any evidence he does - it's a theory, but I don't agree with it and believe he genuinely is mostly focused on just killing the gods. But, frankly, if he did wish to be god-emperor? Doing so by allying with powerful sorcerers whose powers are believed to come from Predathos? Of whom we know he - one of the most powerful archmages in the world - is jealous? And assuming he'll keep that position? With all the potential fuck-ups to magic? Also, specifically pissing off druids, who might actually (along with paladins) be the group most able to withstand what may go down if Predathos is unleashed given that their magic comes neither from the gods nor is arcane? Now that's Wizard Stupid.
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aesethewitch · 2 months
#OcculTea - Topic 2: Influencer Authenticity
Out of what I share on social media, how much of it is staged vs reality?
Pretty much everything I share is reality. I’ve mentioned before that when I publish spells and rituals, I’m usually leaving out a step or two that are deeply personal to my practice. They’re not things I want to share with the public, so I keep them to myself.
But I’m not staging pictures or publishing spells that I haven’t actually done myself. Everything you see here is Real, Bona Fide Witchcraft that I actually perform.
That said, I’m definitely not fully me while I’m posting out here. It’s a facet of me, sure, but it’s a persona I choose to put on. This is for my own sanity and protection. Folks who interact with me one-on-one in more private, casual settings see more of The Real Aese, but you’ll likely never actually Know Me on a personal level just by what I publish online.
Nothing personal. It’s a safety thing.
Do I think there is an element of censorship in online spaces?
In a general sense, yes — websites censor activity they deem unsafe or against their terms and conditions. Sometimes for incomprehensible reasons which might appear borderline indefensible (narrow look at this website’s recent moderation tactics). Some sites are more strict than others. I know that TikTok has a reputation of shadow-banning people for swearing or for creating certain content, which has, in turn, created this odd tendency to censor words like fuck or kill on sites that don’t do that (like Tumblr, for example). In regards to platforms silencing witches specifically, I haven’t really noticed anything.
Now, censorship between individuals? Perhaps. I’ve seen it happen where folks share their experiences or views and get shut down because they disagree with the “popular version” of witchcraft. Note that this doesn’t apply to cultural appropriation and bigotry in all its forms. I mean innocuous posts about opinions and personal experience being taken in bad faith. Complaints about certain laws that don’t apply outside those certain traditions, arguments surrounding correspondences, demands for more accessible/easy/beginner-friendly additions or substitutions… It ranges from simply annoying to downright threatening sometimes.
It creates an atmosphere of anxiety. I’ve experienced it myself: the worry that publishing something too personal or too niche or too “out there” will bring in nasty commentary. I have exactly one hex published on Tumblr. I haven’t gotten anything on the post itself, but I’ve gotten anonymous asks deriding me for “risking the consequences” of casting a hex. I just delete them and move on, personally.
But it does cause problems. Folks I know personally — good, intelligent practitioners who would absolutely love to share their practices and views — refuse to post anything online. The reasons they cite are fears over backlash.
This is where I’m uncertain how to define it. Does this constitute censorship? It’s definitely something. We see the effects in copious disclaimers. “This is my personal practice!” “These are my views, it’s okay if you disagree!” “In my opinion… It’s my view that…” “Not to put anyone else’s practice down or assume I know everything or put myself in a position of authority or pretend I know best or or or or…”
Don’t get me wrong. It’s important to delineate unverified personal gnosis (UPG) from other sources. But there’s such a fear over being misinterpreted as speaking like “my way is the only way” that we crowd our words with apologies and defenses before anyone even speaks up to complain. We do see folks who act like that, talking as though it’s their way or no way, sure, and that it’s a privilege that they’re sharing this information with the unwashed masses. Holier-than-thou is a solid term for that.
But most folks talking about their practices on here are… talking about their practices and the way they do things. Of course, they’re going to talk like it’s “the only way,” it’s their only way.
Bad-faith interpretations run amok on Tumblr, and it makes us fearful that we’re next in line for a callout post. Is this censorship? I don’t know. I do think it encourages self-censorship. It inhibits creators from being honest and sharing interesting, useful information that they otherwise would without hesitation.
And that’s a damn shame.
How do I decipher what is “appropriate” to share online vs what to keep privately? Is this based on “social media etiquette” or a personal preference?
For the most part, it’s basic internet safety. You know, don’t share your name or location or personally-identifying information. I don’t take pictures of myself to post publicly for a reason. My identity has to be secret and protected. Unless we’re friends, you won’t ever see my face. If we’re only ever friends online, you may never know my IRL name. I like it that way. It keeps me safe, but it also helps me to draw a line between myself and my online identity.
Witchcraft-wise, that’s personal preference. I won’t ever share the full details of my spells, because there are things in there that I can’t share. Many of my workings involve collaboration with spirits, and part of those agreements is that I don’t talk about them in detail. A lot of my kitchen-based spells involve practices that have been handed down to me by my family — superstitions I observe and rituals I perform in order to make spells work better and faster (and at all, in some cases). I won’t share those because… I don’t want to doxx my family? Lmao.
My general rule is that if sharing something would interfere with an existing working or get too close to my home, my family, or myself, I don’t share it. Like, if sharing a spell would give someone a way to reverse or fuck around with a ward or something? That’s not something I’m going to publish.
General information is usually safe. Spells I no longer use or that were one-time castings are often fair game. Methods and techniques are, for the most part, fine, with a few exceptions. Research is always on the table.
Stuff about my local environment, not so much. Practices I’ve developed to connect with the nature around me are so specific to where I live, I wouldn’t want to publish them. Practices involving spirit work are usually fine; but individual relationships with spirits are less so. I think there’s only one relationship I’d talk about in detail, and that’s because the little bugger is an attention hog who loves to chat with whoever’s willing to listen.
Have I ever encountered or heard of grifters in our community? Do I recognize them? What are significant signs of grifters in the community?
YES. Oh, my gosh, yes. There are so many people who are desperate for you to buy what they’re selling.
We have a thriving community of professional witches who offer all sorts of services for pay (I’m among them, hello!) here on Tumblr. From tarot readings to custom spells to astrology services to spell kits and more, there are tons of very legitimate shops on this platform, staffed by knowledgeable, experienced practitioners of all stripes. It’s awesome.
Not all witchcraft services are equal. Always, always, always vet the people and shops you look at before making a purchase. There are folks out here who will overcharge you for subpar services and goods if you let them.
But there’s another type of grifter in these Tumblr wilds. I won’t name names, of course, in the interest of keeping the peace. You may know who I’m referring to, or have thoughts on who this might apply to, but keep their names off this post. Alright? No tagging anybody.
I talked in a previous question about creators hedging their statements in disclaimers about not being the end-all, be-all Knower Of Things and how it’s exhausting and frankly disheartening to have to do. We do it for two reasons:
Backlash; and
There are absolutely folks on Tumblr who can and will claim that their way is the only way. Or the best way. Or the original way. Or the “people call what they’re doing one thing, but in reality, they’re actually doing this, because that’s how I/my practice/my culture/my “ancestors” say it is.” (Note: I’m currently editing this post, and I just saw someone saying literally that shit — “people call [spirit] this and that, but it’s ACTUALLY this, and I’m right, because that’s my tradition, which is the Right Tradition, obviously.” Nonsense.) They make claims that they come from long lines of witches with long-standing traditions that are so secret, you can’t even imagine. And yet, they come onto this site and… share all of those secrets? How odd.
Anyone who claims that Their Way is the Only Way is full of shit. The truth is that none of us really know how all of this works. In many ways, we can’t. We can visualize and describe and try and cavort with spirits and work toward the Ultimate Answer, but there will always be an opposing viewpoint that somehow discredits ours. There’s no telling who’s right. It’s unknowable.
It’s… y’know, it’s esoteric. It’s occult. That’s sort of the point.
Even if the person promising that Their Way Is Perfectly Right isn’t directly selling you something (a shop, asking for tips, etc.), that doesn’t mean they’re not a grifter. They have something to gain, even if it isn’t your money. It could be your time, your clicks, your attention, your belief. Truthfully, though, it’s usually your money.
Anyways, visit my Ko-Fi page if you’re enjoying th— [gunshot]
Claims like this are the a solid way to know that someone’s pulling a grift. Other red flags might include New Age ideology, buying into conspiracy theories, using inflammatory language to get attention, plagiarism, and so forth. I also, personally, wouldn’t trust someone to provide a metaphysical service if they either have little experience or refuse to elaborate on how much and what kind of experience they have. A genuine, trustworthy practitioner will be happy to explain their background and methods when asked. If someone gets upset when you respectfully ask for details about their services and history, that’s a good sign that they’re up to no good.
In general, be wary of people who claim to be absolute authorities on anything. Even the highest-ranked member of a religious order has something to learn. A good leader knows they’re never done. The truly wise recognize that there’s no end to learning. Someone who pretends they have nothing left to do but teach is either a fool or a liar.
Again, even if they’re not demanding your money for services “only they can provide” (note: not services at which they excel or talents which they’ve perfected their technique; specifically claiming that “only” they can do it “the right way,” explicitly stated or otherwise) they want something from you. What is it?
What tools are helpful to decipher misinformation, and how can we as a community prevent widespread misinformation?
This is a tall order sometimes, especially when the most popular search engine in the world is providing dangerously incorrect results at the top of every search page.
If you’ve ever taken a class on journalism, among the first things they teach you is how to read an article. One of the most important things to take note of is the author’s goal. What are they trying to say? What do they want from you? What ideas are they sharing, and why are they sharing them?
Another important thing to consider is the sources being cited. Who is the author quoting, and why? Where is this information coming from? Are the sources reliable? What are the goals of the source material?
These two sets of questions can reveal some pretty damning red flags. If someone refuses to cite their sources for something they’re claiming is Absolute Truth, that’s a sign that they’re dealing in misinformation. If their sources are dubious or debunked elsewhere but they won’t reconsider their beliefs in those sources, that’s misinformation. If the tone of their work is inflammatory, throws out wild accusations with little proof, and otherwise is attempting to get a rise out of you, it’s not just misinformation — it’s a strategy.
Learning how to vet a source is crucial, and I would suggest doing so through mundane avenues. Read up on journalism and rhetoric. Familiarize yourself with persuasive speaking and writing techniques and learn to discern when someone is trying to sway your opinions and beliefs. Learn about cults, cult tactics, and common conspiracy theories. Learn the signs of conspiracy thought and propaganda. If you notice someone sharing information you know is untrue, tell them. Be kind, and don’t shame anyone, because they really may not know the information they’re sharing is wrong.
Our strongest allies against misinformation are each other. If we can kindly hold each other accountable and point out falsehoods respectfully, we can root out near any issue. The other side of this, of course, is being open to receiving that sort of heads-up. The knee-jerk reaction of needing to be “unproblematic” and free of guilt isn’t helpful. Learn to admit you were wrong, thank the person who reached out to you, and delete the dang post. If it spread around, put up an addendum letting people know it was misinformation.
Shame is the enemy of progress. Be kind to each other and to yourself.
How does a large following impact the perception of the creator?
Perhaps a tough one to answer for me, personally, since I don’t have a particularly large following when compared to other professional/content-creating witches out there (as of this writing, I sit around the 1,500 mark on Tumblr).
With that said, I’ve been a fan of YouTubers since YouTube became A Thing. I’ve been online and following creators on various platforms for a long time. I’ve seen the rise and fall of so many, been part of creators’ fandoms, witnessed from the inside the insidious rot that can easily take over lives.
Having a large following, whether earned or not, imparts some authority on a person. The feeling is that, well, they wouldn’t have such a following if they weren’t doing something right. Right? Surely this person has a vast array of fans and supporters because they’re right about things. Right?
Consider the humble Tumblr post. When you read a post, no matter the content of it, do you check the notes count before you reblog it? Not the contents of the notes, not the replies, not the tags. The number.
Popular posts with a ton of notes expand exponentially up to a plateau point. They’re more likely to receive interactions agreeing with the most recent addition on that post, and not necessarily because it’s right, but because the assumption is that, well, everyone else agrees with it. That’s why they’re reblogging this version. Right?
A larger, more popular witchcraft blog publishes a post on a subject. Their large following interacts with the post, liking and replying and reblogging, thus spreading it to their own followers and adding to the notes count. The more notes something has (without people within those notes debunking any misinformation or adding context), the more “trustworthy” it seems to be. Again, if everyone else is reblogging that post on that topic, surely it’s correct. Right? The witchcraft blog, thanks to this post with lots of notes, sees a rise in followers. They post something else, and their followers reblog it.
The point is, even though we can’t see people’s follower counts on Tumblr (a good thing, in my opinion), the perception of popularity lends credibility to posts and posters. Calling out misinformation on posts like that is a dangerous thing sometimes; the more dedicated the creator’s fans are, the likelier they are to send hate and vitriol to the whistleblower. Thus, the cycle of call-out posts comes into play...
This doesn’t even touch on the distortion that can happen to the creator themselves when they obtain a large following. All those eyes, all that attention… Terrifying and thrilling in equal measures, I assume. So easy to fall into the role of Great Leader, so simple to fool oneself into believing those ardent followers’ words of admiration and dedication. Parasocial relationships do go both ways.
It’s tough. We want to make an impact and have our work seen, but we don’t want to fall victim to the curse that comes tied to fame. Other, more popular witches might be able to speak more about this particular facet of things. I can only talk from the perspective of watching the rise and fall and rise and fall and rise of so many different creators from the dawn of Social Media to now.
Does this immediately make them an “expert”? Or are there other assumptions as to why they may have a large following?
I mean, no. Of course not. There might be the assumption of expertise, particularly from practitioners who are less experienced, but a large following (or lots of interactions on a given post or posts) doesn’t automatically equate to expertise.
I can recall a blogger I followed when I returned to Tumblr a few years ago. I’ll be vague and ungendered here to avoid pointing fingers at that blog. Essentially, they were publishing content and answering asks about witchcraft with the air of a teacher. After a while, they admitted that they weren’t nearly as experienced as they thought when they’d started the blog. They abandoned the blog, stating that they were going to refocus on their own studies and step away from the teaching role they’d assumed. It was a brave thing to do, and I very much admire this blogger for it.
When a magical practitioner gains a large following, it’s often because they publish content with an air of confidence. Whether that content is vetted, correct, and otherwise trustworthy depends on the individual. It can be hard to know when someone actually knows what they’re talking about and when someone is just trying to seem like they know. The only way to know for sure is over time and by vetting their sources yourself.
Personally, having been burned by bullshit artists in real life, I tend toward the people who are happy to say “I don’t know!” when asked questions they have no idea about. If I can find evidence of a creator admitting that they don’t know something, I’m likely to trust them more solidly. If I can find them apologizing for being wrong about something… That’s a very good sign.
How does one maintain the balance of authenticity and content creation?
It can be hard, to be sure. We want to protect ourselves and keep the core of our crafts to ourselves, but hiding away too much feels like leaving out important information. It’s the context by which we measure our experiences and write our posts.
For me, I keep that balance by allowing my true voice to come through in my posts. I don’t overly-edit them to sanitize them of swears and grammatical flubs. Believe it or not, this is kind of how I talk. I’m a verbose bitch. The Curse of Long-Winded Explanations was cast upon me at birth.
I like to think that it’s my voice that draws people to my work. It’s the cadence and tune beneath the written words. It’s the way I write my ideas out and explain the way I’m thinking. It’s the charm in them, and the honesty. At least, I hope so. I hope that comes through.
I refuse to just make shit up, and that includes my core personality. Yeah, there’s a sort of persona going on, what with the esoteric tone and the smoke and mirrors around the actual way I’m doing the magic I post about. It’s almost a character. But it is me, at the end of the day. Just because I don’t share every detail about my life doesn’t make me inauthentic.
This is part two of a series! Click here to view the masterpost to see all #OcculTea posts in this series. Replies, reblogs, and asks on any or all of the topics covered in this post series are very much welcome.
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hapigairu · 1 year
Genuinely not trying to get into anything here, just wanting to learn more. What about Khalid and Nader's writing is a poor example?
Don't worry about it! Asking questions out of curiosity is always a good thing :)
People directly concerned with this topic will be more apt to give a detailed answer, but I'll do my best.
People from the Middle-East as well as Northern Africa generally have a bad reputation around the globe and face discrimination as a result. This is especially true of immigrants. Like, where I'm from, they're seen as untrustworthy, thieves, even murderers or r*pists. There's also the fact that they're associated with Islam, so on top of facing racial discrimination, they also face religious discrimination (whether they're actual Muslims or not). Not everyone thinks that way, thankfully, and I believe some states are trying to address this issue. But then, you have the police who sometimes (often...) have no qualms about arresting people or violently repress people because they look a certain way. There were riots in France a few months ago because a policeman shot a young man - Nahel Merzouk - of Moroccan and Algerian descent to death. You can find articles about this on sites like The Guardian if you want.
Now let's return to FE3H/FEW3H.
In Houses, we learn that Almyra invades Fodlan for funsies and the soldiers then celebrate the fight with a big feast. So killing people (or getting some of your people killed) is basically treated like a joke... Fodlan's throat was built to better protect Fodlan from these attacks... which are treated like a game by the interloping party. That's... really not great. But we also learn from Claude's B support with Hilda that his father - the king of Almyra - tied him to a horse and dragged him around because he was a "brat" sometimes? And her own mother just laughed when it happened (granted, she's not Almyran, but still... nobody seemed to think that Claude's treatment was disgusting)? So physically abusing a child is seen as something funny. Again, reaaaally not great. And Cyril tells us (well, Claude technically) in their B support that his parents died in battle, and he had to survive on his own without any help, especially not from the king. And he was serving in the army at age 11/12 (possibly younger). Whether he was forced or not... I'm not sure, but it's entirely possible he had little choice if he wanted to survive somehow. ... not great at all.
In Hopes, we have Nader looking forward to "taking some souvenirs" aka pillaging and Lorenz - a white nobleman - telling him that pillaging is not allowed in Fodlan. Not Claude. Lorenz. Important Almyran general (and probably most of his soldiers lbr) thinks pillaging is fun for the savages from Almyra so we need local white nobleman from Fodlan to teach him that it's bad. Yikes. Then you have Clod who... well, first of all makes the worst possible decisions in part 2 (why side with the country that did nothing to you when you can help the one that intends to invade you?). He also believes Edelgard's words about Rhea without... I don't know, find a way to verify the information he's been provided? And he's shown to be a backstabbing, untrustworthy scumbag with the Randolt chapter for example. He uses morally reprehensible 'tactics' to invade a country that has done nothing to him (e.g.: inciting Sreng to attack the kingdom). He centres power around himself and suppresses the nobles who want to bail because they're not happy about this. Oh and there's Shahid, a prince so stupid he doesn't recognise his own brother in chapter 3. He attacks Fodlan to get a better chance at inheriting the throne. That's quite... ugh. This is when a sensitivity reader and a diversity editor would have been GREATLY beneficial to this game's writing (can also be applied to Petra and Dedue tbh). Sadly, it's not a thing in Japan as far as I know. Also, I probably forgot (or overlooked) some stuff, so any correction or addition is more than welcome!
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seoafin · 1 year
hi Morgan! I hope everything's going well! I just wanted to stop by because, aside from ddao/fic updates, I really enjoy reading your posts & your blog in general (you're literally .. the stsg writer to me but i swear. this isn't going to be another ask abt me complimenting your work, I must be getting boring 😂) so I just thought of sending something in to have a chat but please feel absolutely free to ignore me if I'm bothering you or if you're busy :)) !
I've only now seen the rude asks you got recently (i've been living under a rock due to exams, sigh) and the Gojo hate anon had me flabbergasted . . as a Gojo girlie/fucker/everything myself (and a Gojo bullying lover. he 100% deserves it 🤩) the honesty left me speechless 😭.  Not to mention the person who rated your fic when bookmarking it on AO3 .. ?!?! that was so incredibly disrespectful. Maybe I'm naive but I could have never imagined it was a thing before coming back to fandom spaces - you aren't the first author I see pointing out this behavior from readers on the site .. I think it's just insane how people can be so gratuitously rude (and allow me to add tasteless. the 3/10 was definitely personal).
I've also seen your more recent posts about not wanting to write the next Gojo scenes in ddao (tbh i get that. he is the character I struggle to write the most & in general .. he is the hind of person he is yk what I'm saying 😂) but I'm glad you're finding some motivation to work through it! please stay strong 😂!! What do you think is the hardest thing abt them for you? As a writer, or personally, either point of view is fine! is it anything in particular like the dialogue .. any part of the writing process, or is it him in general (that would be an incredibly valid answer too 😂)? I personally find him pretty hard to write - it's likely a personal limit, but especially when some kind of romance or pining is involved. I mean the dynamics are probably already going to be some flavor of messed up and chaotic when he's in the picture (especially with Geto) .. hence why I think if I was in rip!mc's shoes i think I wouldn't have survived the mess 💀. He definitely wouldn't be helpful at all in such situation .. Geto is just so much better at presenting and promoting himself to others than Gojo is, despite being equally messy and messed up behind the facade. Which is a fairly obvious statement. But what makes him hard to deal with is the fact I think Gojo would likely open his mouth and say something outta pocket/offensive and/or misleading about his feelings and then act frustrated about how you can't see he's insanely pathetic about you. He might even think he's being obvious but he's actually being insufferable and in a way that would make anyone's brain hurt lmao. As of now, I think he somewhat tends to erroneously apply the same logic he applied to his relationship with Geto - except it's obvious their case was an exception to the rule (hence why he just creates more chaos and misunderstanding) .. he regarded him as a peer more than he did with anyone else,, and I also think Geto was more used to his bullshit than anyone else could be (re: your manipulation tactics post .. their love language is psychological warfare. so true). But this is my take and it's likely not 100% correct so I'd love to hear your thoughts if you wish to share any! I've actually been loving your characterization of him. It's been refreshing in the sense that I think especially a Geto stays!AU Gojo but also in general a younger version Gojo would've been a pain to be around and I think you really delivered that feeling well!
Also - I love every time you get a message with people telling you abt how you turned them into Geto fuckers. As a Geto hater (i want .. to kiss .. him ......) I can safely say I did that to myself too - it's inevitable. I started writing for him because I wanted to get rid of the thoughts but it backfired. I slowly turned myself into a fucker. truly dug my own grave. that's what he does to people 💀💀 !! I remember you saying how you wouldn't stand him irl (am i right .. ? I can't find the specific post so i hope i'm not making a huge gaffe right now LMAO) and tbh i think I wouldn't be able to stand both him and Gojo irl. I would literally have eyes only for Shoko. the only woman ever. sigh
Soo yeah, this is it for this silly ask! I hope this message finds you well - in the meantime, keep up the good work and have a good day😊!!
with gojo it's not rlly him that's difficult i think im just finding it increasingly difficult to write for a character that im not as personally invested in. at this point writing gojo is more of a habit than anything. i've been writing him for ages so i know the way i want to write his character and everything about how i characterize him so it's mostly free sailing now!!!!! im actually really excited for the expanded HI arc in the anime so i can recontextualize my fics through the added info and sashisu interactions in the anime!!!!!!
oh yeah i think gojo is definitely a bit blind to the nuances of other people and/or considerate in a way that comes off as inconsiderate (his treatment of ijichi). also he and geto just.....fell in love. and i like to think falling in love with each other was even easier than becoming friends. one day it just clicked. they understood that they loved each other the entire time so there was no need for an extended courtship. i think in regards to stsg's relationship there really was no big change. a lot of things actually stayed the same lmfao.
ripmc is difficult because she actually needs like....articulation of their feelings and something more than just patience. softness maybe. also where geto just intrinsically understands, the last thing gojo actually wants is to detail every single thing he loves about not just rip!mc but geto too. geto probably teases it out of him anyway LMAO gojo is still kinda mortified at his early behavior and treatment towards rip!mc although he has apologized for his antagonism. i just KNOW it keeps him up at night 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's still growing out of his immaturity. geto never left. the blue spring goes on for longer. he gets to be a teenager for a little longer. you know!!!!!
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thesaleswhisperer · 8 months
Dre Baldwin on The Sales Podcast
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...
Former professional basketball player
Zig when others zag, which means sending personalized outreach
Do what doesn’t scale
“What is my competition not willing do that I will?”
He’s been making content since 2005
He has a process for researching ideal prospects
Send link to assistant to research
Assistant finds pertinent information and adds it to the CRM
He then makes the video intro
He’ll make 5-6 each day
Do enough that you can handle the replies
Related episodes and posts
Find The Best CRM For Your Team and Budget
Start Your Free 12 Weeks To Peak™
He was always a salesperson at heart but didn’t really realize it
He has a business degree and responded to a bulletin board post “make money”
It was an MLM and after a couple of meetings he learned how to disrupt the negative assumptions about making money, which his college professors never mentioned
He got into personal development
He started selling training products to basketball players who found him on YouTube
He only played one year of high school basketball then D3 basketball and made it to the pros, so people started finding him online for his mindset content
It took a while for him to realize that not everyone thought like he did
He stopped playing ball in 2015 and wanted to get into the professional speaking business
He applied to some TED talks and got accepted
Then he started writing books
Build your own audience and master DTC, direct-to-consumer
His mom was an educator who got her college degree when he was in college
He was not “found” by the pros
When he graduated college in 2004 he worked at Foot Locker store then Bally Total Fitness
He went to an exposure camp for basketball players: you pay to play for two days with 200 other players
Then he cold-called basketball agents, which was a flip in the script
He called about 60 agents and reached 20 and sent them a VHS tape that he recorded and one agent said he’d represent him in late 2005 and got him a job in Lithuania
He was blogging and sharing his videos on YouTube
He got his experience writing then other players had questions on how to play overseas
By 2009, he started thinking about how to leverage this into a business
2015 was his last season and he played with a different team every year
Not a fan of the news
Don’t follow or associate with the negative people
Find your lane in which you can succeed
Principles—never change, Strategies, Tactics—can change daily
Your mandate as an entrepreneur is to make money, which should remain very clear
If you don’t like running ads, don’t run them. Hire someone and keep your eye on them.
You can do this with any aspect of your life.
You can create content like podcasts
Become findable
Be consistent
When it comes to hiring staff, give them the “brief” that needs to be clear and detailed. You need to know what you want.
If you’re an expert, I believe you should be able to produce the results and explain it to me, so here’s $100; go make it happen and explain it to me
He’s not a fan of agencies…they are looking for their next client
Are you—or do you want to be—a top 2% performer? Join his program.
Mindset and strategic tools
His first coaching client was back in 2015 via Periscope
Around 2020, when speaking gigs dried up, he pivoted to more in-house stuff
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Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
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gonzalez756 · 1 day
How to Become an eCommerce SEO Expert
In the competitive landscape of online retail, mastering eCommerce SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for driving traffic and sales. If you aspire to become an eCommerce SEO expert, this guide will help you navigate the key steps, skills, and strategies you need to succeed.
Understanding eCommerce SEO
Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to grasp what eCommerce SEO entails. It involves optimizing online stores to improve their visibility in search engine results. This includes optimizing product pages, category pages, and the overall site structure to attract organic traffic and convert visitors into customers.
1. Learn the Fundamentals of SEO
Key Concepts
- Keywords: Understand how to conduct keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Focus on both short-tail and long-tail keywords relevant to your niche.
- On-Page SEO: Learn about optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and product descriptions to improve relevance and click-through rates.
- Off-Page SEO: Familiarize yourself with link-building strategies and how to earn backlinks from authoritative sites.
- Technical SEO: Gain knowledge about site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and XML sitemaps.
- Online courses (e.g., Coursera, Udemy)
- SEO blogs (e.g., Moz, Neil Patel, Backlinko)
- SEO forums and communities (e.g., Reddit, Warrior Forum)
2. Develop Technical Skills
Analytical Tools
Become proficient with tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and eCommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Understanding these tools will allow you to track traffic, analyze user behavior, and make data-driven decisions.
Coding Basics
While not mandatory, basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can significantly enhance your ability to optimize web pages and troubleshoot issues.
3. Specialize in eCommerce SEO
Understand the Unique Challenges
eCommerce sites have specific challenges, such as duplicate content, URL structures, and site architecture. Learn how to address these issues effectively.
Focus on Product Optimization
Learn the best practices for optimizing product pages, including:
- High-quality images and alt text
- Unique, engaging product descriptions
- User-generated content (e.g., reviews and ratings)
Master Local SEO
If applicable, understand local SEO tactics to drive traffic to brick-and-mortar stores. This includes optimizing Google My Business profiles and local keyword targeting.
4. Gain Practical Experience
Build Your Own Store
Consider starting a small eCommerce store to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting. This hands-on experience will help you understand the intricacies of SEO and the customer journey.
Freelance Projects
Take on freelance projects to build your portfolio. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can connect you with clients seeking SEO expertise.
Collaborate with Others
Networking with fellow SEO professionals can provide valuable insights and potential collaboration opportunities. Attend industry conferences and webinars to expand your connections.
5. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
SEO is a constantly evolving field. Stay informed about the latest algorithm updates, tools, and best practices through:
- Industry newsletters
- Webinars and podcasts
- SEO conferences and meetups
6. Build a Strong Online Presence
 Create a Personal Brand
Establish yourself as an authority in eCommerce SEO by sharing your knowledge through blogs, videos, or social media. Engaging in online discussions and contributing to SEO communities can also enhance your reputation.
Showcase Your Success
Document your projects, case studies, and results to demonstrate your expertise to potential clients or employers.
Becoming an eCommerce SEO expert is a rewarding journey that requires a blend of technical skills, industry knowledge, and practical experience. By following these steps and continuously learning, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the ever-expanding world of online retail. Start today, and watch your expertise—and career—grow!
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sociallyawkwardsailor · 2 months
As an Elder Millennial, I watched this happen in real time. The Internet, especially, was the wild west and I may or may not have tactically acquired music that was otherwise inaccessible *cough*Rammstein*cough*.
The basic takeaway I get from this is the shift happened when companies realized they could monetize the Internet. All the sites we use are geared to appeal to companies, so that they can ad revenue, not to us anymore. "You can't say/post/discuss that because then advertisers won't want to partner with us."
The intro segment about how Hollywood has ran franchises into the ground really resonated with me and I think this largely may be why I, a long-time enjoyer of superheroes and such, feel more inclined to skip the latest movie and watch it "sometime" when it's available for streaming. The excitement I had for Captain America: The First Avenger was unparalleled, and I still enjoy that one to this day. But I have missed out on all the newer Marvel movies because, well, I can't keep up with it; it's exhausting for me to try to. So yeah, they feel more like a quick money maker than quality entertainment. This can apply to video games as well. EA cares more about making money of Ultimate Team and yearly releases than fixing longtime issues or making a genuinely fun, enjoyable game (though College Football 25 seems to be exactly that but we'll see how long it takes for EA to also ruin that franchise). This, ultimately, might be why I can't get into fandom anymore, and lean more towards casual enjoyment on my own schedule...especially since my life is largely dictated by what the Navy needs me to be doing.
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youngurbanproject · 3 months
Top SEO Courses Online with Certificates – Young Urban Project
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains a critical component for businesses to thrive online. Young Urban Project offers the Top SEO Course Online with Certificates, designed to cater to aspiring SEO professionals across India. Whether you are in Chandigarh, Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, or Kolkata, this course promises to equip you with advanced SEO techniques through a self-paced learning model.
Why Choose Young Urban Project’s SEO Course?
Young Urban Project's SEO course stands out due to its comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and flexible learning options. Here's why our SEO Online Courses in India are the perfect choice for you:
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering everything from the basics to advanced strategies, our course ensures you become proficient in SEO.
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Flexible Learning: The Self Paced Best SEO Course Online in India allows you to learn at your own convenience, making it ideal for working professionals and students.
Course Curriculum
The Advanced Online SEO Course by Young Urban Project is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of SEO. Here’s a detailed look at our curriculum:
Fundamentals of SEO:
Understanding search engines and their algorithms
Importance of SEO in digital marketing
Introduction to various types of SEO
On-Page SEO & Keyword Research:
Best practices for on-page optimization
Tools and techniques for effective keyword research
Content optimization and SEO-friendly writing
Technical SEO:
Website structure and URL optimization
Mobile SEO and site speed optimization
Handling duplicate content and canonicalization
Off-Page SEO & Link Building:
Importance of backlinks and how to acquire them
Strategies for effective link building
Social signals and their impact on SEO
App Store SEO (ASO) & E-Commerce SEO:
Optimizing apps for App Store search
SEO strategies for e-commerce websites
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) for online stores
Local SEO:
Importance of local SEO for businesses
Optimizing Google My Business listings
Local link building and citation management
Benefits of Enrolling in Our Course
Industry-Recognized Certification: Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate that is highly valued in the industry.
Real-World Projects: Gain hands-on experience through real-world projects and case studies.
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Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, you will:
Understand the core principles of SEO and how search engines work.
Be able to conduct comprehensive keyword research and apply on-page SEO techniques effectively.
Master technical SEO aspects, ensuring your website is fully optimized for search engines.
Develop advanced link-building strategies to improve your website's authority.
Optimize apps and e-commerce sites for better visibility and conversions.
Implement local SEO tactics to enhance your local search presence.
Who Should Enroll?
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Digital marketing professionals looking to specialize in SEO.
Business owners who want to improve their website’s visibility.
Content creators and bloggers aiming to increase organic traffic.
Students and fresh graduates seeking to build a career in digital marketing.
Cities We Cater To
Young Urban Project offers its course to individuals across various cities in India, ensuring everyone has access to quality SEO education:
Chandigarh: Catering to the growing digital market in Chandigarh with practical SEO training.
Delhi: Providing comprehensive SEO education to the bustling capital city.
Bengaluru: Equipping tech-savvy individuals in Bengaluru with advanced SEO skills.
Mumbai: Helping the commercial hub of India excel in online visibility.
If you’re looking to master SEO and boost your career prospects, Young Urban Project’s Advanced Online SEO Course is the perfect choice. With a comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and flexible learning options, this course is designed to make you an SEO expert. Enroll today and take the first step towards a successful career in digital marketing.
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Entry 3 - personal brand
Personal branding is the notion that individuals can self-promote and change perception among peers (Pawar, 2016).
Lampel and Bhalla (2007) state that “information found online provides a digital footprint that implicitly brands people.”
The logic behind personal branding is that through self-marketing, everyone has the opportunity to be apart of their own brand (Peters, 1997).
Personal branding is the reflection of an individual’s values and is used to benefit the specific persons employment of social opportunities (Pawar, 2016).
Personal branding is the continuous expansion of creating an image of oneself, often giving others an impression into your psyche (Pawar, 2016).
The majority of what each user posts is thought out and posted (Labrecque, et., al, 2007).
Branding has grown exponentially due to increased users on social media platforms (Pawar, 2016). Individuals now align themselves with particular brands, a network of friends to create an image of who they are. Social media users should be wary though, as their online presence may not align with the authentic self (Pawar, 2016).
The rise of social networking sites has meant people can interact in forums like never before. It also means profiles can be adjusted quickly, allowing frequent managing to personal brand (Labrecque, et., al, 2007).
Due to past experiences, personal quirks and communication abilities, each individual has their own brand, different to companies (Rangarajan, Et, al., 2017).
Building a strong personal brand online can differentiate individuals can open employment opportunities and professional goals (Shaker, & Hafiz, 2014).
Examples include if an individual can authentically display positive attributes on their web pages, and receive recognition from others (Shaker, & Hafiz, 2014).
If students from Holmesglen are competing for an internship position and one has posted their work experience on Linkd In and received strong impressions from the post while the other has nothing, an employer is more likely to choose the student with the stronger personal brand.
Positive impressions online mark a successful personal brand and can benefit individuals in an online and offline environment (Shaker, & Hafiz, 2014).
The digital age has put an increased emphasis on personal branding.
Personal branding is now a relevant tool for everyone, instead of bygone eras where it was considered a marketing tactic for politicians, companies, celebrities and entrepreneurs (Labrecque, et., al, 2007).
For example, my personal brand is my country-ness and authenticity, I present myself online as someone who enjoys responsibility, has a good sense of humour and has team experience.
There is an even balance between seriousness and light-hearted jokes.
I used to think being from the country was a bit of a hindrance but through marketing it the right way it could be an advantage and a really good point of difference.
For example, if everyone applied for an internship at Basketball Australia, they might have great knowledge of the programs in the city, but due to my personal brand online showing that I am from the country, I could become an asset to Basketball Australia as I know about the Country Basketball League (CBL) and how to market the game to rural areas.
Pawar, A. (2016). The power of personal branding. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 6(2), 840-847.
Rangarajan, D., Gelb, B. D., & Vandaveer, A. (2017). Strategic personal branding—And how it pays off. Business Horizons, 60(5), 657-666.
Shaker, F., & Hafiz, R. (2014). Personal branding in online platform. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 3(2), 109-120.
Labrecque, L. I., Markos, E., & Milne, G. R. (2011). Online personal branding: Processes, challenges, and implications. Journal of interactive marketing, 25(1), 37-50.
Lampel, J., & Bhalla, A. (2007). The role of status seeking in online communities: Giving the gift of experience. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 12(2), 434-455.
Peters, T. (1997). The Brand Called You, FastCompany. URL: https://www. fastcompany. com/28905/brand-called-you (Läst 8.1. 2018).
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apkfanda · 1 year
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The EA SPORTS FC™ MOBILE BETA is here. Join us in building the future of soccer today. Build an Ultimate Team™ of legendary soccer stars and put them to the test. Collect Player Items of world-class talent. Collect Player Items of world-class talent like Vini Jr., Erling Haaland, Virgil van Dijk, and Son Heung-min. Play as Real Madrid from LALIGA EA SPORTS, or Manchester City from the Premier League and many more. Score goals with some of the world’s best players as you level up a team of soccer superstars. Compete against the best in PvP modes, including Head-to-Head & VS Attack. World-class competition, realistic sports game thrills, real time 11v11 gameplay, and authentic soccer game action await. Whether you call it football or soccer, be a part of the next generation of mobile games. FEATURES NEXT-LEVEL GAMEPLAY - True Player Personality: reflecting authentic player characteristics, with tangible attribute impact and animation diversity - Dynamic Game Speed: Mobile-first and tactile game speed, allowing for more player personality and attribute impact on the pitch - Elite Shooting System: Realistic shot system allows impact players to make their mark. - Impact Controls: Power Shot, Hard Tackle and Knock On, to allow you to create memorable moments on the pitch IMMERSIVE SOCCER SIMULATION - Immersive Broadcast Experience by incorporating new dynamic cameras and impactful replays - Experience upgraded football stadiums including several classic venues - Football fans can experience realistic stadium SFX and live on-field audio commentary SOCCER LEGENDS -The EA SPORTS FC platform is home to the biggest leagues in the world, and star players across the world's game: LALIGA EA SPORTS - Vini Jr., Jude Bellingham Premier League - Erling Haaland, Virgil van Dijk, Son Heung-min, Diogo Jota Bundesliga - Youssoufa Moukoko Serie A TIM - Federico Chiesa LOCKER ROOM CUSTOMIZATION - Get a closer look at each Player on your roster. - Customize their look from kit to boots. Club Crest, Ball, Kit, Kits style and Number can each be adjusted to your preference. MANAGER MODE - Be the soccer manager of your own dream team! - Plan your strategy and adjust your tactics in real time or choose auto-play to enjoy an idle soccer manager game experience. Welcome to the club. NOTICE: EA may survey your mobile device for details about your hardware and software configuration as part of your participation in this Beta Beta is in English only. Requires persistent internet connection and acceptance of (i) Pre-release Feedback Agreement, (ii) EA's User Agreement (terms.ea.com), and (iii) EA's Privacy & Cookie Policy (privacy.ea.com). Must be 18+. Gameplay progress, progression, characters, character data and/or any other value or status indicators achieved in the EA SPORTS FC Mobile Beta will not transfer to EA SPORTS FC Mobile main game. EA SPORTS FC Mobile Beta is pre-release software, may contain errors/defects and is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty. This app: Requires acceptance of EA’s User Agreement and Privacy & Cookie Policy. Do Not Sell My Personal Information: https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBPRIVACYCA/US/en/PC/ Requires an Internet connection (network fees may apply). Includes in-game advertising. Contains direct links to the Internet and social networking sites intended for an audience over 13. The app uses Google Play Game Services. Log out of Google Play Game Services before installation if you don’t want to share your game play with friends. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items. FC Points not available in Belgium. User Agreement: terms.ea.com Privacy and Cookie Policy: privacy.ea.com Visit help.ea.com for assistance or inquiries. EA may retire online features after 30 days’ notice posted on ea.com/service-updates. Read the full article
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socialstardom666 · 1 year
Why You Should Work With A Professional SEO Agency
Search engine optimization, sometimes known as SEO, is a technique used to promote websites in order to boost their exposure in search results and, ultimately, site traffic. In general, there are two ways to perform SEO: either on your own, or by hiring an seo company in pune. While doing it yourself cannot guarantee excellent results, working with a professional SEO firm is the preferable option. It is due to the numerous advantages of hiring an SEO company, some of which are listed below.
Obtain Results More Rapidly
Self-promotion of your website through search engines is difficult because it can take months or years to become proficient at it, and you don't have that much time. You can get results more rapidly by working with an experienced professional SEO company.
Avoid Penalties From Search Engines
Websites that don't apply the proper SEO tactics are penalized by large search engines like Google and Yahoo. Therefore, if you do it yourself, there is a good possibility that you will make a mistake that may harm your website's ranking in the search engines. To avoid penalties, a professional SEO company is aware of which SEO tactics to avoid doing.
Pay Attention to Your Business
Employing an SEO company allows you to focus more time on other crucial business tasks. Concerns about rankings, marketing, and optimisation will be handled by the SEO company.
Avoid Making Newbie Errors
There are many myths about search engine optimization, and there is a lot of conflicting information available. It is now difficult to determine whether advice or tricks are effective. But if you work with an seo services in pune, you won't have to worry about these errors.
Do you know that search engines assign a ranking to your websites based on algorithms that guarantee responses to queries on a certain topic will come from the highest caliber web pages from a variety of online sources? By hiring a qualified SEO company to complete these tasks, how can I ensure that my website will be correctly crawled by search engine spiders and appear as an authentic response on any results page?
Consider employing a reputable firm today if you provide high-quality goods or services but aren't receiving the online recognition they merit. Believe me when I say that SEO may be highly stressful, especially for newcomers. You can avoid worrying about managing all of this strain alone by hiring an expert SEO company to perform SEO for you.
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Hello guys we want together with Gpm Racing show for all something really unique !!! :)
Code how can find parts on GPM Racing website : MAK011N-B
Price : $23.90
Colors :
Weight: 41 g
This awesome diff case can buy on this link : https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/product-detail?id=5479&fbclid=IwAR3qZ2u1Sgat9bSlT0_BQC5pitDG9tvgTUFYnSV5zSkk0ysAlqAZ7_h-324
More info about diff case :
Packaging Includes:
Diff case-1pc
Grade 12.9 black Flat Head Screw 2.5x8-4pcs
Grade 12.9 black round head screws 3*8-4pcs
Rubber sealing ring-1pc
(All accessories are installed on the goods)
Original Name / Part No:
Part Location:
Front and middle and rear diff case of gear box
Does this product replace a specific part or function?
Product major function & usage:
Stabilize and protect the differential gears
Major advantages of upgrading to this product:
(1) The differential housing is made of medium carbon steel, which improves the strength and wear resistance. The middle section is made of aluminum 7075-T6, which is more lightweight, and rubber sealing ring is used to achieve better sealing effect
Suitable Model:
ARRMA 1/8 KRATON 6S AR106005/AR106015/AR106018
Please remember one very important thing we have 420 days warranty on GPM products but you must buy from this link : please remember one very important thing we have 420 days warranty on GPM products but you must buy from this link : https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/
not from ebay because after you can´t apply our warranty when happen something and after you are very sad and hate our brand but this is your mistake not GPM mistake. Please remember this.... and often the original GPM parts are not sold on ebay but some counterfeit parts. Therefore, it is always better to order directly from the GPM official site because you are sure that you own the original GPM and not some waste. Then, if something happens, it is possible to claim the warranty as it should be. I have already encountered similar cases, so I decided to write it. Thank you for understanding. I understand that maybe there is a longer delivery time now, but people also need to be a little aware of the situation in the world. Yes I mean COVID-19 so please be understanding and buy parts directly from the original website: https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/
this page is mentioned several times on my profile every time I post about GPM Racing. And also it is not a problem send me a message and I will send you the original page. I'm here for you. Thank you and I believe that you will enjoy GPM Racing products and you will be satisfied
not from ebay because after you can´t apply our warranty when happen something and after you are very sad and hate our brand but this is your mistake not GPM mistake. Please remember this.... and often the original GPM parts are not sold on ebay but some counterfeit parts. Therefore, it is always better to order directly from the GPM official site because you are sure that you own the original GPM and not some waste. Then, if something happens, it is possible to claim the warranty as it should be. I have already encountered similar cases, so I decided to write it. Thank you for understanding. I understand that maybe there is a longer delivery time now, but people also need to be a little aware of the situation in the world. Yes I mean COVID-19 so please be understanding and buy parts directly from the original website: https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/
this page is mentioned several times on my profile every time I post about GPM Racing. And also it is not a problem send me a message and I will send you the original page. I'm here for you. Thank you and I believe that you will enjoy GPM Racing products and you will be satisfied
You can have your goods delivered in two ways:
Standard post - 7-15 working days for dispatch: 5 $ (Free Shipping Slovakia ) It depends on the weight of the goods
FedEx: $ 30
If you have goods of a higher value, only the FedEX option will remain available to you. The reason why only this option remains is that the price of the goods is higher, the goods are heavier, and the company wants to transport them safely directly to you in the shortest possible time. It usually depends on the weight of the goods, if it is too large, only the FedEX option will remain. I believe that this is understandable since GPM Racing wants to provide quality services ... 👍👍👍👍👍
We are still delivering, some deliveries may be slightly delayed.
But GPM Racing still hard work on your order !!!
Why buy GPM Racing parts ??
There are lots of privileges to subscribe on the GPM official website : www.gpmracing.com.hk !
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GPM customer service contact : to [email protected]
Phone call number : +852 2385 0313
If you have any questions please write emails on email address what is UP !!! There you can answer faster than Facebook or instagram or others social sites !
This are official social sites channels :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gpmracinghk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gpmracing1st
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTp6BDlWb-NTihB50djeC8w
And this is main website where you can do orders 24/7 : https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/
If you are satisfied with product please leave your review on official Facebook site GPM Racing which is mentioned UP 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please still have on mind this is official website !!!! : www.gpmracing.com.hk/en
never use any other way otherwise you will be the victim of fraud and parts will not be delivered to you !!! This is the only functional official website. Please don't forget! Avoid unnecessary problems ‼️‼️‼️‼️⚠️⚠️⚠️
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