#if you're curious! the stripe in his hair is supposed to be white like the feathers on an antitoon's head.
geekygoo · 10 months
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On that Raywritten grind again girlies!! This time, have some Raymesises. Raymesi? (featuring Selena and Glombrox!!)
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vampsywrites · 1 year
forest boy.
synopsis: you are tsakarem (tsahik-in-training) of the metkayina clan, promised to ao'nung. however it seems that things take a turn when you catch the attention of a certain forest boy.
tags: fluffy drabble, fem! metkayina! reader, a test post to see if this fandom still lives lol, jealous! ao'nung, pining! neteyam, love at first sight! neteyam, subtle tsireya x lo'ak, reader and ao'nung are parallels of ronal and tonowari
part 2 here
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The bellow of a horn echoed throughout the village, accompanied by the fluttering of an Ikran's wings. Both you and Tsireya halted your light conversation, laughter dying down as your attention was drawn to the exotic mountain banshees flying above. Sharing a curious glance, both of you moved towards your Ilu's, making haste towards the sandy shores.
From afar, you could see how a family of forest Na'vi dropped down to the sands. They seemed apprehensive, led by a tall man dressed in exotic gear.
"Isn't that the Olo'eyktan from the Omatikaya clan?" Tsireya whispered, her voice barely audible. "What could possibly bring them here?"
"I have no idea," you replied, dismounting from your ilu as you approached the shore, Tsireya mirroring your actions.
As you dipped your head in the water, you pushed yourself upward, breaking through the surface. With a graceful motion, you brushed aside your damp hair, allowing it to cascade down your shoulders in a shimmering display.
Just then, your eyes locked with one of the strange forest people. Almost immediately, he bowed low, gesturing to you by placing his fingers on his forehead and extending one hand down. Smiling, you gestured back, returning the greeting with a nod of your head. The forest boy seemed pleased by your response, and his eyes sparkled with interest.
As Neteyam's gaze fell upon you, he couldn't help but become entranced by the mesmerizing shade of aquatic blue that adorned your skin, gracefully accompanied by flowing white stripes resembling gentle waves. The captivating allure of your large, penetrating blue eyes seemed to delve into the depths of his soul and he found himself speechless, mouth running dry.
Taking in your petite stature, the fin-like formations on your arms and legs piqued his curiosity, evoking images of elegant aquatic creatures. Your attire, intricately woven and embellished with coral, shells, and delicate trinkets, complemented your features perfectly, adding to your captivating appearance.
"You're staring, skxawng," Lo'ak snorts, playfully knocking his brother's side. Neteyam huffs, feeling a tinge of embarrassment as he quickly averts his gaze. "Shut it," he retorts, trying to brush off the moment.
As their father engaged in conversation with the newcomers, a group of boys broke away from the crowd, heading towards the brothers. Lo'ak and Neteyam exchanged quick gestures of greeting, but received no response in return.
Neteyam's gaze sharpened as he observed the group encircling them, a hint of caution in his eyes. One of them then laughed heartily, pointing at their tail, "What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail? How are they supposed to swim?"
"Do not!" Tsireya hisses, swiftly moving to smack Roxto's hand away. Sensing the tension, you saunter towards them, joining Tsireya in scolding the boys. "Be nice," you chide firmly.
Neteyam's attention shifts, his gaze locked on you as you approach Ao'nung and place a firm hand on his bicep.
In that moment, Neteyam witnesses a silent conversation unfold between the two of you, communicating with nothing but your eyes.
'You are being mean again,' you assert, raising your eyebrows and fixing your intense gaze upon the Metkayinan boy. Ao'nung blinks slowly, a dull look on his face. With a click of his tongue, he shuts his eyes and huffs in resignation. 'I know,' he concedes.
As all four of you shift your attention back towards the newcomers, Tsireya beams with enthusiasm, her warm greeting echoing once more, "We welcome you."
Lo'ak acknowledges her with a nod and a mumbled greeting, and you can't help but notice Tsireya's endearing reaction. Her cheeks flush, and her smile turns almost bashfully giddy as she glances down at her feet, clearly charmed by the interaction.
Months had passed since the Sully's integration into your village. You couldn't help but admire their quick learning, seamlessly adapting to the ways of the water in less than a month. As you spent more time training with them, your bond with the siblings grew stronger, particularly with endearing little Tuk, who always seemed eager to drag you along the shore to play.
'This is going to be interesting.'
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Amidst the camaraderie, not everyone got along. Fights frequently arose between Ao'nung and the two Sully brothers, resulting in heated scuffles, both physical and verbal. And while Ao'nung and Lo'ak seemed to have made some progress in improving their relationship, the situation with Neteyam remained…unresolved at best.
"Ao'!" You gasp out, flinching back when he tackles Neteyam to the ground. The two boys exchange hits with fervor, their fists flying in rapid succession as they grapple with each other.
"Oh, you skxawngs!" you huff, unable to contain your frustration any longer. You grab hold of Neteyam's tail, pulling him off Ao'nung and breaking up the fight. "What is wrong with you two?!"
"I told him to back off!" Neteyam snarls, his hand pressed against a blossoming bruise on his torso. Ao'nung clicks his tongue, rolling his shoulders as he stands up, his expression defiant. "Maybe you should back off my mate."
The tension in the air remains palpable as emotions run high, leaving you caught in the middle of the escalating conflict. You don't miss how Neteyam's shoulders drop, his mouth agape as his eyes dart between the two of you.
Confusion fills his gaze as he stammers, "Mate?"
"I am Tsakarem," you affirm, taking a step towards Ao'nung's side to assess his injuries. "But it's bold of you to claim that I'm your mate," you add, clicking your tongue disapprovingly. Neteyam, catching your mocking tone, seems to perk up and grin
"Don't get too excited, forest boy," Ao'nung grumbles, his gaze drilling holes into Neteyam's head, "She is still promised to me."
Sighing you tuck your head into his shoulder, begging him to shut up.
May Eywa help you.
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Hmm. I'm glad my Krampus experience was better than yours then then.
Oh yes, I'm sure I'd get along well with Husk and Angel Dust. I'll have to share photos of my little Christmas village during the holidays. Hah...I remember I had a dream once that Angel and I were just watching dumb tik toks and giggling like mad...and he kept calling me Shortcake. Now I want someone to call me that irl. 😅
I'm not typically one for parties. I either stick like glue to one or two people I know...or if there's any kind of pet, I will disappear to hang out with it. I found goats and chickens at a cousin's outdoor wedding once. After dinner, no one saw me again. 😂 That being said, Charlie's costume party actually sounds fun! Maybe I could crash it for a bit this year. Idk if you're aware, but Florida absolutely contains portals to hell, which is why I'm able to pop in from time to time. I suppose because I'm super *not* dead, I just sort of get...popped back home after a bit. Lol. I love dressing up. My last Halloween costume, I was Beetlejuice. Wore a black and white striped dress, my friend did my makeup and we spray painted my hair green. 😁
A lottery! Intriguing. Maybe a bit alarming for us over worlders. Hah. Though, things are pretty bad up here. We'd probably barely notice any chaos a demon visitor would cause! Hah!
I'm very curious, what do you think you would do up here if you won this lottery? 🤔
Oh bad Stanley! We need to have a chat. No eating pets. I support Angel Dust's chasing him off with a bat if he tries to eat Fat Nuggets again. Are you not feeding him enough pedophiles, Alastor??
We're opposite ends on The Shining. I've only watched the movie and not read the book. I know King is brilliant, but I think I got halfway through one his books once. Surprisingly not a huge fan of most horror. But it's only bc...none of it scares me, so I usually feel kind of disappointed? I'll like those kinds of movies if they're well written/have some humor/have a good aesthetic. The art school bitch in me is sated by beautiful camera work and colors. Haha. Oh, recommendation, watch Crimson Peak.
Hahah. Don't worry. I won't be calling you Big Al. Was only teasing. I don't like it either. Hah.
No offense taken at the drunk comments. I suppose it hasn't been a bad experience for me since I've never been so drunk I wasn't unaware of what I was doing. I used to go to bars a lot (had a lot of musician friends then...I've been to a frankly obscene number of open mics) so I feel you on being subjected to obnoxious inebriated people. I generally drank a coke...or if I was feeling particularly feisty...a Shirley Temple. 🤣 You'd be amazed the side eye and teasing I'd get for that order. Never cared, those things are tasty!
I promise to not call you the c word again. Though, if you piss me off, I will definitely call you the *other* c-word. Heh. Will just settle on calling you dapper, eh? It's an excellent and underused word in modern times.
Appreciate your discretion and care in the imaginary unwanted drunk cuddle scenario. Lol. That is, dare I say it, rather sweet. You are surprising!
I also quite enjoy our conversations, so thank you! 😊
Work was alright on Friday (I left early for another baseball game so that helped, lol). I was training a new hire all day. He's great; laughs at my jokes (v important), is COMPETENT. He gave me candy! PLEASE DON'T QUIT I scream internally.
Let's see...I have a sort of a joke for you. Hopefully you appreciate a nerdy joke like I do.
oh shit - i was time travelling and accidentally killed an ancient italian. doesn’t matter tho everyone was killing each other, when in Reme do as the Remans
And for today's photo I present this chaos table covered in several dozen Halloween decorations. They're here until I get them all set up nicely, hopefully this weekend.
I really need to think of a song rec again. I haven't seen any on your tumblr for a while...*sad face*
I'm off to pick up a werewolf! I will not be elaborating.
After while, crocodile 🐊
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I can imagine Angel Dust doing something of the like. At least he gave you a somehow respectful nickname: Shortcakes. Compared to Smiles.
Hah, well you and I are very different. I would rather spend time with people than pets. However I suppose to each their own. People entertain me far more, pets are simply loving. Oh well, I hope your cousin's did leave some tempting animals to play with. It was on them that you didn't return to dinner. Hah!
Yes, Charlie's costume parties are always fun. Oh well, I would love if you could pay the hotel a visit! Charlie would absolutely not mind if you showed up for a Halloween party! We've had an unfortunate amount of Floridians accidently end up in Hell and it usually ends badly for them. Hah, well, thank goodness you haven't run into our rather lively denizens! Beetlejuice? My, that's a rather fun outfit!
If I won the lottery? I'm sure I would wreck some havoc on New Orleans for the sake of it and take a canoe out on the Bayou. Terrify a few loitering teenagers. I'm not quite sure if I am being honest what I would do.
I am feeding Stanley plenty of pedophiles! It seems he has an insatiable appetite and he seems to crave beloved pets. KeeKee is far smarter than the pig to stay out of Stanley's way. I can arrange a chat between you and him if you so desire.
I am not a big fan of movies but sure, I'll give it a shot when I happen upon a chance. Hmm...none of it scares you? Interesting. I am personally not one to be scared of silly movies or books however I did find myself deeply invested in the fate of the characters. In the Shining book if I recall correctly, the father cared far more about his family in the book than in the movie where he was a raging horrible maniac. I could go on about it but I shall end it here.
Hmm...it wasn't a bad experience to be out of control of your own body? That is personally not something I would enjoy but to each their own, dear. I'm not one for Shirley Temples but I'm sure its tasty for you!
Yes, I would prefer to be called dapper. I've never been one to love cuss words but they surely have their place and time.
Why is it surprising? It's the only rightful thing to do. I know quite a quite a few people that would disgustingly take advantage of a situation like that, unfortunately. Common human decency is truly dead.
Yes, its always important to have a competent coworker. There's a surprising lack of that in the working world. He gave you candy? My, my. Yes, I do hope he doesn't quit either.
Hah! That's an absolutely delightful joke, dear!
Oh my, that is quite a lot of Halloween decorations! My mother would have a stroke if you saw it. Charlie I'm sure would be absolutely ecstatic! I wish you luck.
See you later, my dear, alligator!
PS: As much as I do enjoy our conversations, could you perhaps make your letters a bit shorter?
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bnhavibes · 4 years
Like You.... part two.
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(FANART for ysag by @myherowritings)
(update: credit to @clee-writesbnha for the eboy YSAG shinsou UwU u drewd him so yummie)
There wasn't much the lavender eyed boy could do when his face was met with blindingly hot lights, other than to shield his eyes of course, but something about the way the crowd was cheering made him curious.
Curiosity killed the cat, however, he peeked over his arms cautiously regardless, and was met with your eyes peering up at him-- you were seated on your knees in front of him, almost directly on the edge of the stage where the UA students were sat, handheld mic replaced with a wired on on your body.
Oh god! Your body. You were in that delicious looking latex bra, the sheen from the lights reflecting on it caught his eyes at first, but then his gaze trailed lower to find you were still in your too-short skirt, the fishnets raised to your hips, and body chain almost identical to the one on his hip. He silently thanked whatever god there was for reminding him to tuck his cock upwards into his belt as it already twitched in delight.
(play when he calls u kitten)
"Hajimemaste," You cooed, hands resting on his knees, "(I'm (stagename), and you are...)?" You trailed off, leaning in for a response, your bottom rising from the ground a bit. You were merely a yard from the ledge that barricaded your stage and the crowd.
"Shinsou-- Hitoshi. (Call me Hitoshi.)" He squeaked, his voice was a little demanding, but eager. You licked your lips at him.
God fucking bless. He thought.
"Hitoshi-san, I need your consent to dance on you, are you okay with it?" You sheepishly ask in your best impersonation of a kawaii anime girl, the microphone still picking up your softened voice; reverberating it through the arena.
"Of course.” He smirks, "(Do your worst, kitten.)"
The last part didn’t catch on the mic. Now it was your turn to smirk, a dark look instantly coating your eyes-- he almost regretted agreeing as the music started.
(I've been going through some thaaangs, I struggle with my inner maaan. I hustle; I’ll do what I cannn)
The muted voice resonated off the speakers, your pole beginning to rise beside him; You were smiling voraciously at the unsuspecting male, but his eyes were wide— he knew exactly what song this was.
The beat was fading and you climbed the self-spinning pole until the bass-heavy beat dropped; flipped upside down with the pole tightly secured between your sliding thighs. Hips occasionally rutting out to arch your back, hands running along your body, occasionally squeezing your own breasts. Hitoshi nearly leapt out of his chair when you flipped back over, one leg wrapped the pole and the other sinking down in an open squat; Stage lights flashing along with the snares in the background.
“(Like you.)” You sang softly, “(Like you. O-woah. I found it hard to find someone like you. Like you. Like yoo-uwu-oo.)” You had been on your knees, rubbing your arms up your torso, legs spreading in a soft pulse with the beat, as you crawled towards the wide eyed hero in training. “Send your locaaa-tion, coming through.” You huffed a change in lyrics at the last part, hands on Shinsou’s knees, pressing them apart roughly at the last word.
“(Fuck.)” He muttered under his breath.
“I can’t sleep no more, in my head we belong” You had memorized the Japanese version of the song your fans wrote for you; they’d even made it much sexier for you. Your words panging his heart in awe whilst your crawled onto his lengthy legs. “And I can’t be without you, why can’t I find no one like you?” You were on his lap now, nose nudging around his neck as you sang; your body hovering along his thighs, left hand tracing his face, and forcing him to look you in the eye as you whined and pouted with your lyrics. Side stage lights flashed red and pink hues along the crowd, lighting up their excited faces while a camera took video footage and pictures.
(I can’t sleep no more, in my head we belong, and I can’t be without you, why can’t i find no one like you?~)
You brought your right leg back, about facing on his lap and you rolled your head in a whipping motion. “(Baby, we tried to fight it, we all been there some days~)” You popped your chest with the drums in the background; Your hands on his spread knees, you ground your ass in a slow circling motion, “(Thought I needed something else, and acted like I was okay.)”
He groaned softly in your ear, nibbling the lobe softly as you leaned your back flush against his chest, the heels of your ankle strapped silver pumps barely touching the ground below the chair, ((we just had to work it out, and baby i needed space~)) your hands intertwined atop his; You were guiding him along your body, completely aware of the growing appendage against your ass, eyelids fluttered closed and a sexual crinkle in your nose as you continued the song; the boys in front of you beet red in the face, knuckles white from the grip they had on the gate from how well your performance was affecting them. ((Ain't nobody 'round here on your level, You're so far away~))
He almost grabbed at your wrist to keep you down when you stood up from his lap, but he knew you still needed to perform for the crowd, and you could feel his eyes burning holes in your back as you walked back to the pole. There was a soft pink spotlight on you while the rest of the stage was dark, illuminated only by flashing phone cameras and recording devices— neon signs that garmented your performance space flickering your stagename, ‘Call Me’, and various hearts and stars while you circled around your pole.
“You’re pouring your heart out, I’m acting like I knew,” You had reclaimed your place on the pole, climbing up with slow grinds of your hips until you were a good enough height to stop and hold one hand out to the audience. “(You held me so down, so down I never grew.)”
Hitoshi’s little show lost his attention as he could hear Bakugou barking obscenities at him and threatening to kill him for touching you, but the rest of the guys were cheering him on, shutting the porcupine up, and making his cheeks feel much more warm than they already were. ((I tried to find out when none of them came through~—)) You swung your leg backward around the pole, flexed torso arched with your arms holding the pole behind you; your stage lights beginning to flash about in a strobe light fashion. Only then did Shinsou realize your quirk had begun to take affect.
“(Now I’m stuck in the middle, and Baby has to pullll me out, uh~)” There wasn’t supposed to be three poles and three of you, right? Shinsou felt waves of intense emotion crawling along his skin, his seat suddenly felt insecure— it was almost like he was on a rocking boat, and you winked at him as you realized what was happening, lowering yourself until your pointed toes touched the ground.
((Like you.... Like you.... Like you, oh woah~ I found it hard to find someone like you.))
It was almost sufferable, but euphoric.
The UA students felt it too, their eyes were glossy, pupils enlargened, and the feeling of static caressing their entire bodies, and they swayed with the music. (Like you... Like you...(Like yooo-uwu-oo, Send your loca-aation,) Come through~) Many of the hundred people along the first row began subconsciously touching themselves, but not them; They were disciplined, and had repercussions to act so lewdly in public whilst representing UA.
“(Yaaah. Damn, papa, you’re a rare breed) No comparing, (And it’s motherfucking scary,)” Your were completely fluid now, the receiving ends of your Quirk seeing the mist as it twirled around your body. The sparkles twinkled about, and your body was beginning to look like it glitched around; You were moving too fast for the strobing lights to steady their gaze, and yet they were unwavering in the cheers and attempts at rapping along whilst you approached them.
“Trying to keep him, cause I found him. (Let a hoe know) I’m not ###motherfucking### sharing!” Your fans in the crowd shouted with you, your hand snapping about in accusatory air punches, a rough way to emphasize your point. “(I could take you to the parents), then to Paris! Plan a ###motherfucking### wedding!” Your body stilled, hands running down your body as you squatted, face fierce while you sang to the group in front of you.
“You’re the type I wanna marry, keep you merry.” You coaxed the crowd below, grabbing hands and caressing their palms across your face and crawling your way back to the desperate UA student in the chair with a beaming smile.((I’ll put the ring on when you’re ready~)) A twinkle in your eye that tricked the receivers into seeing you make sexual faces at them and touching yourself with the use of your Quirk. But you were simply crawling, eventually scooting between Shinsou’s legs with your own over the edge of the stage, your legs wide open in front of them.
“(We play our fantasies out in real life ways and,) No Final Fantasy, can we end these games though?” You winked at the flushed blonde in front of you with a black stripe in his hair, he was literally drooling out the corner of his mouth with your panty-clad cunt so close, and at eye level.
You tossed your head back onto the space between Hitoshi’s thighs, looking him in the eyes while your arms snakes around his calves and continuing, “You give me energy, make me feel lightweight,” timed almost perfectly, your hallucination burst some invisible bubble surrounding the bodies of those entranced by you, releasing them from your Quirk and any tension became complete bliss; some even having a bodily type of “relief” occur. Hitoshi licked his lips down at you, calloused fingertips framing your jawline, palms cupping your cheekbones as you bore into his lilac eyes. “Like the birds of a feather, (Daddy* we’re real-life made for eachother—)”
You pushed off his legs, jumping your body up onto your feet for the next part, “And it’s hard to keep my cool, (when other bitches try to get with my dude),” Your voice breathless as you were sinking backwards onto his lap during that part with a snarl on your lips, feigning anger and possessiveness over the lanky male you were grinding your body on while wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
Curling your legs to your chest before becoming a coddled mess in his arms, which grew confidence to grope and rub around you “And when other chickens try to get in my coop. Cause you’re a one in a million,” you snaked your left arm around his neck, his right arm perfectly hooking you into his chest in reaction, and poked your pointer finger at his clothed chest when you said, “(There ain’t no man! like! you!)”
((Like you~...... Like You~...))
The music continued, pre-recorded background vocals singing as you dance around in his lap once more, breathing heavily against his neck and ears, causing him to shut his eyes gently. “(I found it hard to find someone like you~)” Your voice tantalizing his ears, filling his mind with lewd thoughts of ravaging you or vice versa. You smiled back at the audience, tossing a wink before turning back to take a slow, long, tongue swipe up his neck from the base of his neck, gliding over his adam’s apple, and stopping just at his chin, your left hand in the way as you had a soft grip on his jaw to push his face up while you scraped the wet muscle along his throat. As if the crowd couldn’t get any louder, there was a roar of cheers following suit of your lewd act.
((Like yoooo-uwu-ooo, Send your location, Come through~))
You got on your knees, on top of his thighs, your head hovering over his, a tour camera circling your position. Still holding his jaw, you looked down at him; raising a brow and awaiting a response in your silent question, the thumb of your left hand tracing his plush lips.
A soft press of pursed lips against your finger was the only movement you needed, quickly looking over your shoulder to face the crowd and wink. “I can’t sleep no more, in my head we belong,” You sang while you brought your attention back to him, thumb rubbing his lips harsher, eventually pulling his lower lip down, his jaw opening a bit with it, almost begging Shinsou to flick his tongue out and swipe at the digit. ((Why can't I find no one like you? I cant sleep no more...))
Lust filled lavender eyes; the last thing you focus on before pulling his head to the side with your right hand fixed in his hair so that the audience could watch as you defiled his open mouth with your tongue. His grip on your ass tightened, pulling your hips against him roughly, shifting in his seat while you lowered yourself off your knees and letting your legs dangle off the sides of the chair. You dipped your tongue in slowly, lapping around his mouth with a heavy breath, stealing his own as he released shuddering, soft gasps.
All too quickly you pulled away, “And I can’t live without you, (Why can’t I find no one like you?)” you finished while pressing your face cheek to cheek with his, squeezing his body in an embrace and nuzzling his face.
The final word echoed until the sound was drowned out by the audience. You stood almost immediately, cheesing a bright smile at the lights flashing around you, “Thank you so much, Tokyo! You were so amazing! Keep streaming my album, (Call Me) and I might be back sooner than you think! I hope you give my dear (j-pop artist) the same love and passion as you did to me!”
You were downright adorable, the way you clutched your hands to your heart so innocently despite the nature of your performance. Frantically waving and blowing kisses as the floor beneath you descended until you were completely out of sight.
You let out a deep exhale as you saw the darkness of the stage trap room. Silence met you, the stagehands simply bowing their heads out of respect of your exposed body. “Thank you for your hard work,” You say gently, bowing your head in return before turning to face Hitoshi. “(You’re coming with me.)”
You walked in a strut right past him, cueing him to stand, adjust his pants, and catch up to you.
“Excuse me, miss, but... You always that handsy on stage?” He asked as you approached the opening where he was prepped beforehand.
“Only when I want to be.” You brushed it off, stagehands flocking to you to remove the wired mic from your body and clothing while you hushed a small “Thank you.”
“(Ugh!! (Stagename), that was the BEST i’ve ever seen you perform!! Holy cow!!)” Your mentor beamed at you while the stagehands and makeup artists surrounded you, almost cutting the man behind you out.
“(Yeah she did, but, I’m a little disappointed you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, you know they wanted you to be more modest than Kyoto!)” you manager spoke.
“(I know, and I’m sorry, but, there was just a different energy in the crowd tonight.)” You lied, sneaking a glance to your side, insinuating to both your manager and mentor that the man beside you was the reason.
“(And they LOVED you!! When you started on the pole at first I was scared they'd shut the lights off on you, I admit, but!!! In the end there, I was like BITCH!!” Your mentor cheered, slightly bopping on her toes as she shook your shoulders; the stagehands and makeup artists having finished up and the four of you begin walking towards your dressing room.
“(I think they really liked the fact that I had ‘Toshi on stage with me though,)” You said casually, looking back at the isolated young man with his hand scratching at the back of his neck, eating up his image now that you were in the privacy of the hallway. “(What did you think, Mr. Hero? Did you like the performance?)”
His face was flushed still, hair and clothes frazzled from your performance, “Heh, if somebody didn’t like something like that, I’d think they’re certifiably insane.. You’re truly incredible.” He tried really, really hard to look away from your eyes, but faltered.
“...(what did he say?)” Your mentor whispered in your ear, snapping you back to reality.
“(He said it was fun, and that he liked my songs.)”
You were not paying them any attention, a feral intensity growing in your chest, heating up your loins as the two of you held your apparent staring contest.
“(Oh, good! Well, we will be sure to get him some merch, yeah?)” Your manager rushed cheerfully, ushering your mentor away with him.
“(You’re a rockstar, (name)! Rehearsal at noon tomorrow! Don’t be late!!)” She yelped over the shoulder of your Manager, who was hushing her so that your ...situation wasn’t interrupted.
“(So...)” He said after a moment.
“(So...)” You echoed.
“Is this part where you send me back to my seat, and we pretend like you didn’t actually find an interest in me?”
“It could be... If that’s what you’d like.”
His eyes darkened, and it was only then you noticed the dark circles below them, somehow making him far more attractive. “(I’d like to do a lot of things.)”
“(Oh?)” Your stance was unwavering.
“(But I’m not some fanboy looking for a quick fuck in some dressing room.)”
“(I didn’t peg you as the type.)”
He chuckled, “(I’ll bet you haven’t pegged anything at all.)”
A smile pulled at your lips, “So you’re underestimating me, AND you’re picky. So cruel, ‘Toshi.”
“So familiar, and we just met,” He says, closing the gap between you. “(Is someone counting on a deeper connection?)”
“(I’m counting on you to make it worthwhile~.)”
“Heh, when you talk to me like that, I’d say you can gather enough information to know.” He snuck his arm around your hip, gently pressing his large hand against your lower back.
“Know what?” You challenge,
“(That I’m going to ravage that tight cunt of yours before we can even make it to the hotel.)” His deep voice carried the words straight past your lips and directly to your heating loins.
“(I’ll see to it that the car is ready.)” You say, seemingly unfazed as you opened the dressing room door. “You wanna stay out here or can you be a good boy and wait inside while I change?)”
“(Oh this good boy’s coming inside.)” He smirks.
“We’ll see about that, Mr. Hero.”
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