#if you're gonna go down that road at least do yourself the courtesy of not lying to yourself about what kinda person you really are
coulsonlives · 8 months
For self-proclaimed leftists, some of y'all seem weirdly comfortable with telling people to kill themselves
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mjlovescm · 2 years
3- McKay's party pt.1
Completed, 30 chapters, “Grey” Fezco O’Neill x black fem reader
You had been in Rue’s life for a very long time. But then again, of course you'd be. You were her sister. Half sister Rue loved to remind you. But half or not you'd been with Rue for years watching her hit every milestone from afar and celebrating with Leslie and Gia. At the beginning of the summer, you thought the next one would be her first day of junior year, but no. It was her leaving rehab.
You, Leslie, and Gia stood outside the same somber building the three of you dropped Rue off earlier that summer. The same optimistic yet ultimately scared feeling filled all of you. A minute or so later, she came walking out with the same red sweater she went in with. A harsh reminder to all of you of the now missing piece in the family. But at least it brought her some comfort. 
Gia waste no time when she saw her. 
“Rue!” She yells, laughing as she runs and hugs Rue. 
You and Leslie stay behind at the car. Offering her small smiles and waves instead. If that wasn't an accurate representation of Rue’s relationship with the three of you, you weren't sure what was. The ride home was silent for the first few minutes. No music or conversation, staring, just quiet looks out the window. 
“I’m very happy for you, Rue. You're about to start a brand-new chapter.” 
Your mother's words of encouragement should have been inspirational, but a heavy shadow of desperation hung over them. Rue gives her a quick smile, probably the best reaction in the moment. And just like that the silence returns and everyone was back to looking outside the window. Now staring at the biker not too far ahead of the car. Watching their mix of blonde and light pink hair flow in the wind with their plaid skirt.
It was the end of summer, the week before school started. I had no intention of staying clean, and  Jules had just moved to town. 
The rest of your eyes drifted back to the road when the car passed the girl. All except Rue, who turned to watch her. 
A toxic cloud courtesy of Kat and BB's vape pens filled Maddy’s small car. The lyrics of Cocky Af by Megan Thee Stallion boomed in the car. It was McKay’s end of summer party and everyone was gonna be there. Even so-called recovering drug addicts who didn't tell you they were going and would rather walk than get a ride from you and your friends. Luckily, though, you'd shared her location to your phone. Was it an obvious invasion of her privacy ? Yes. Did you also do it with Leslie and Gia’s phones? Yes. Did any of them know? Of course not. But in times like this, it was a good thing. 
“Is that…?” Maddy spoke. 
“Oh, shit, slow, down. Dude that's Rue. Oh, my god.” Kat said skeptical. 
“Wait. Didn't Rue, like, die?” Maddy says confused. 
“Girl, I told y'all she came home.” You say, confused by their reactions. 
“Oh, my, god, I hate ghost.” BB adds.
 Kat rolls down the window and calls to your sister. 
“Yo, Casper ! You want a ride ?” 
The car comes to a full stop and Rue quickly approaches. 
“Why, thank you.” is all she says before getting in the car next to you. 
And then, the night got weird.
You lost track of Rue as soon as you got to McKay’s house. Then you lost track of Maddy then Kat, which left you with BB. And ultimately left you by yourself. 
It was ironic because you knew this exact thing would happen. Maddy wasn't really one to ditch you at parties, especially when she knew you needed to have a good time. Because her logic was after a breakup that was exactly what you needed.  And that was what she would have given you if only her and Nate didn't break up for probably the third time that summer. And when her and Nate broke up, she didn't need a good time, she needed a new guy. 
Nate was fucking on one. And in turn, Maddy was fucking on one. 
So she found one and was currently fucking him in McKay’s pool in front of everyone. 
“Come on Maddy.” You sigh in disappointment and disgust, watching from inside the house. 
Shrugging it off, you decided you could just have a good time by yourself. The kitchen was an absolute mess. Red solo cups, alcohol and half empty drinks everywhere. After scavenging for a clean cup, you rinsed it in the sink just in case before pouring yourself a shot. Lifting the cup and throwing your head back, you quickly swallowed before pouring another one and repeating the action. You shake off the burn and made yourself a more casual drink, mixing soda with the alcohol. 
“You sure that's enough?” A familiar yet distant voice asked behind you. 
 You froze. You knew exactly who it was, there was no question about it. 
“Uh-h.” You stammer. 
He sets his drink down, steps closer behind you, and takes the large glass from you. “Have some more, it's a party, right.” 
You watch the clear liquid pour into your cup, unable to move. 
“You like to drink a lot now, dont you.” His tone is cold and condescending. “That and fuck other guys, right?” 
He doesn't stop even when your cup is overflowed and spilling over onto the counter. Not wanting to get wet, you tried to step back, but he pushed his body against yours, forcing your hips against the counter. You had no time to react because before you realized it, he wasn't standing by you. Pushed aside by an angry Nate, who takes the bottle from him and carelessly pours himself a shot before drinking it. Nate must have seen Maddy in the pool and was pissed, he started pushing things off the counter and yelling at everyone in the kitchen. 
“Get the fuck out of here!” He yelled, killing the mood instantly. 
With everyone distracted, you took the opportunity to slip away from the now forming crowd. You found a bathroom and quickly tried to clean yourself. Grabbing one of the hand towels, you wet it before rubbing the fabric of your skirt. Semi panicking at how strong the smell was on you, you threw the towel aside and decided you were ready to go. Now you just had to find Rue. It was normally easier said than done, but to your surprise, Rue was outside. Riding on the back of some random girl's bike. 
“That's fucked up.” Fezco comments, and you jump, startled by his presence, but quickly calm down once you see it's him. “How you gettin' home?” 
There's a hint of concern in his words, but you ignore it. 
“I don't know Maddy’s my ride, but she's a little occupied. So imma just wait for her, I guess.” 
He nods slowly. 
“Yea, I seen her in the pool.” 
There's a beat of silence, but Fezco fills it before it gets awkward. 
“Want me to-”  He pauses, unsure of himself. “Wait with you.” He says with a shrug, pretending to be casual. 
You opened your mouth but had nothing to say. You knew you could just say no and Fezco would leave, but you weren't fully sure if you wanted to be alone right now. What if your ex came back and saw you waiting for Maddy. A cold shiver ran down your spine just thinking about it. But on the other hand, what if he saw you with Fezco. Would we leave you alone or would he cause a scene? What would a scene between the two of them even look like and how would it end. You knew Fezco and you knew he wasn't an angry person at heart, but you knew more than anything he’d protect anyway he needed to. 
“Yea, we can just wait in your car.” 
As always, you choose Fezco.
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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2jaeh · 4 years
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When your over controlling boyfriend invites you and his best friend to a three day resort did he not see trouble approaching? especially when said best friend has been trying to get in bed with you since the moment he met you.
Genre: mature theme, slight smut
warnings: cheating, suggestive masterbation, slight public scenes, cursing. 
words: 3k
“Are you sure it's okay for me to tag along ?” Taeyong spoke into the phone as he threw a dress shirt into his already overflowing suitcase. “Okay cool, well I`ll see you guys at the resort then.” Taeyong sighed as he cut the call and took a good look at himself in the mirror. He wondered if he was too overdressed, or not dressed enough. He bit down on his lip and looked at the caller ID, his best friend Inseong holding on to the person Taeyong desired most, Inseong`s girlfriend. 
He had no idea when this “crush” began, if you could call it that at this point. Inseong and Taeyong had been casual university friends for a while but it was after graduation, when they both got hired by the same corporate office did they really establish a close friendship. 
Taeyong and Inseong did most things together, whether it be catching up at music events or a sunday afternoon golf trip. But if he were being honest, the real reason he loved hanging out with Inseong was because he knew he’d bring her around, the girl who had stolen his heart without having the slightest clue. 
“Taeyong is afraid he is going to third wheel” Inseong chuckled as he concentrated on the open road in front of him, casually looking over at you scoffing down a bag of jelly tots. 
“Youre working though” you stuck your tongue out at him, “Im gonna be just as alone as he is.”
“I guess you are” Inseong let out a sigh, “I don't understand why the dude cant get a date though he’s pretty good looking right?”
“Uhm yeah he's attractive.” Attractive was an understatement. You will never forget the day Inseong introduced you to Taeyong, It was around the time you two just started dating about two years ago, and you had never seen someone that good looking up close before. It wasn't the fact that you didn’t find your boyfriend attractive, you loved Inseong and he was a good looking guy but Taeyong, he was different. 
Taeyong barely spoke to you but he was always polite and had a warm aura unlike the rest of Inseongs friends. He was the one you got along with most and because of that Inseong had a habit of inviting him on many of your trips, much like the one you're venturing on now. 
You stuffed the empty snack packets into a trash bag as Inseong pulled into a very fancy resort one you weren't quite familiar with. Inseong was actually on a work trip that involved meeting with potential clients and partners, this did not include Taeyongs sector but their boss allowed him to bring you two along as a treat. Inseong’s firm absolutely adored him, which made sense because he was practically married to his job. 
“I'm going to get the room keys” Inseong placed a peck on your cheek and you watched him jog off to the front desk while you meandered around the foyer of the hotel. 
“y/n” you heard a chirpy voice call from behind you. Turning you were met with those bold black orbs and that ever so charming smile.
“Taeyong” you grinned back pulling him into a tight hug that drowned you in his rich scented perfume. 
Taeyong wasn't sure if you noticed his fingers linger on the small of your back. He would always leave you small signs but you’d never notice. His bright eyes dulled for a second when your attention turned back to Inseong who returned with the room keys. 
“Oh you're here great! y/n and I are staying in the room next to yours, do you mind taking her up ?” Inseong said, handing Taeyong both sets of keys. 
“What? You’re not coming up to see the room ?” you asked, a little hurt that he was already ditching you on this trip. 
“Sorry honey they want to do a meet and greet and tour of the resort, i'll be up as soon as it's over” Inseong gently stroked your head and you watched him walk off with one of the resort employees.
“I guess it's just you and me then” Taeyong smiled although regretting his words when he saw the fake smile grace your face and made your way over to the elevators. Taeyong was all too familiar with this scene. Inseong being busy, he excludes you from the rest of his corporate friends and eventually calls on him to babysit you. He wondered if you resented him solely because of Inseong’s habits. He tried his best to always make you feel comfortable even if it put him in the most uncomfortable position both mentally...and physically. 
“Well I'm going to take a nap so I'll see you around I guess” you pressed your lips together and took the room key from him. 
“Are you not gonna eat anything ? We could go down for Lun-”
“I'm good Taeyong, I'll see you later okay ?” Taeyong watched as you disappeared into the room and it felt like he had been punched in his stomach. 
Taeyong lay in bed utterly exhausted after barely getting a wink of sleep courtesy of the screaming match that happened last night. Although muffled, Taeyong already knew it was about Inseong coming back at around 3am. ‘What meeting would go on until that time especially on the first day’ Taeyong thought as he rubbed his bare chest and stared up at the ceiling. Inseong loved his job and he loved socializing with people who shared that interest. To him coming home at that time absolutely plastered was normal, because it was part of his work lifestyle. 
Taeyong groaned and turned onto his stomach, burying his head into the pillow as he heard your sobs replaying in his head from the fight. He was tired of sitting around not doing anything when he knew for a fact he could treat you way better. At moments like this he didn't give two shits about Inseong, especially after he got the new promotion and made a new friend group of pretentious assholes. Taeyong wanted to be with you by your own choice, he wanted to hang out with you without Inseongs name attached to the reason you two were together. 
Just as he was lost in his thoughts Taeyong’s ears perked at the sound of Inseong leaving the room and the sound of the shower running. 
“No fuck not now please not now” Taeyong groaned as he felt shudder overcome his body and his underwear became slightly restricted. His mind raced with thoughts of you. It all came to him so quickly he barely noticed that his hand was already down his sweatpants as he buried his face further into his pillow. He wished he was with you. The things he would do to you were unspeakable. He wouldn't give a shit if Inseong walked through those doors finding him on top of girlfriend, he didn't care. 
You finished drying yourself off and put on a cute yellow sundress that hugged your curves, showing off the two piece bikini that Inseong told you not to wear around the resort especially when he wasn't with you. This was payback for the way he treated you last night. Not only did he ditch you in a foreign room for an entire evening, he also returned drunk out of his mind and blamed you as usual for not taking care of him. You wanted to at least enjoy whatever you could from this trip and if it meant looking hot and hanging out with Taeyong, then so be it. 
You made your way next door and rang the doorbell patiently waiting for your assigned babysitter. Taeyong swung open the door, dressed in only in a pair of black harem pants and a towel on his neck that he used to dry his hair. You took in the site of his bare chest, drinking in his pretty figure that matched his gorgeous face. 
“I'm sorry I was gonna go down for breakfast I was wondering….i’ll just wait outside”  you stuttered and you heard Taeyong giggle
“Come inside y/n.” 
You walked inside his room and it was surprisingly neat in comparison to yours. You felt kinda embarrassed at the state of your room even though most of it were Inseongs doing anyway. 
Taeyong continued drying his hair as he watched you scan his room, his eyes already on your figure in that goddamn sundress. His only thoughts were ripping it off until he noticed you were staring right back at him. 
“Your hair is sticking up a bit at the back, here let me help you” 
Taeyong watched as you approached his figure and reached up to neaten his hair. He really admired his will power to keep his hands off your body as you inched closer and closer to him. 
“Thanks” he smiled sweetly masking his dark intent and threw on a loose hawaiian shirt gesturing towards the door, “shall we?”
The two of you had a decent day lounging around the pool area and took a stroll on the beach before heading back for lunch. You never expected to bump into Inseong and his colleagues during lunch and the way Inseong looked at your outfit, you knew you’d never hear the end of it. He practically ignored you the entire time while he and his friends chatted away, even going as far as introducing Taeyong to a few of them but not you. 
Just before you and Taeyong made your way to the elevators to retreat back to the rooms, Inseong jogged over and tugged on your wrist. 
“I know we had it out last night but was all of this really necessary ?” Inseong gritted his teeth as he looked over your skimpy outfit. 
“I thought it was cute, not everything I do is to ruin your perfect life Inseong” you rolled your eyes and pressed the button to signal the elevator. 
Inseong let out an exasperated sigh and released your wrist before massaging his temple. 
“Just dont pull this kinda shit at the dinner tomorrow please, the chairman is going to be there.”
You and Taeyong watched as Inseong stomped away and Taeyong noticed that for once instead of beating yourself up about Inseongs reaction you seemed somewhat proud to piss him off to that extent. 
“I'm sorry you're always in the middle of all of this Taeyong” you apologized as the two of you stepped onto your floor and made your way to the rooms. 
“It's okay y/n it's not your fault, and besides I think you look ridiculously hot in that dress” he replied and licked his lips as you felt your face heat up with his bold words. “Also,” he continued as he scanned his room key
“I think you should own it, wear something sexy tomorrow, not for Inseong but for yourself and maybe a little for me.” 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the classy black velvety dress you had saved for a night out. The dress was intended for a Valentines date with Inseong but that never happened because he had a more important meeting to attend. 
As you made final touches to your outfit you wondered if subconsciously you did also dress up for Taeyong. God the way he looked at you when he told you to wear something sexy, you hadn't felt flustered yet intrigued like that in a long time. 
You put on the final touches to your make up and made your way down to the banquet room. You already felt a bit awkward as you noticed a few people stare at you and whisper until you saw Taeyong. You barely noticed Inseong sit directly in front of him, all you could see was Taeyongs dark eyes taking every bit of you in. 
Inseong’s eyes though we're different. He looked annoyed but still got up to help you into your seat which was weirdly next to Taeyong instead of him. But then it dawned on you when you noticed that the name card next to him was the chairman. 
Typical. That was all he cared about in the end. 
Taeyong’s eyes were still on you as you took your seat, unbothered if Inseong even noticed at this point, he was in awe. Did you dress up because he told you to ? Did you dress up for yourself and maybe, just maybe for him ?
“You look gorgeous y/n” he whispered, his deep voice sent a shiver down your spine. You brushed your hair behind your ear and nodded a thank you, trying to keep your focus elsewhere. Although Taeyong was conversing with the people at the table something made you feel as if you still had his full attention. 
You almost jumped when you felt his cold fingers trace circles on your knee, his focus was still in his conversation but yours was solely on his movements. Taeyong lightly squeezed your thigh to test the waters, a smirk he indefinitely couldn't hide graced his face and he allowed his hand to move higher. 
You gulped as he began to move, completely entranced by his touch as you felt him trace more circles on your upper thigh until his hand settled in your lap. Taeyong moved his chair closer to you and the table in order to obstruct the view of a passerby or any suspicious eyes at the table. 
“You work with Inseong right?” a man said to Taeyong as he laced his fingers with yours under the table.
All of it was so incredibly promiscuous but it gave you an adrenaline rush and Taeyong knew you were completely on board when you squeezed his hand back and bit down on your lip. 
Taeyong grabbed your hand and placed it in his own lap, allowing you to feel exactly what you were doing to him at this moment. You sucked in a breath as you palmed him and he gave your thigh another squeeze, this time much harder, rougher than before. 
Eventually into the night you decided to excuse yourself and Inseong preferred it anyway. You couldn't believe how oblivious he was to the closeness of you and Taeyong that it only angered you even more of how he would really choose these fake people over his girlfriend for the night. 
As you made your way to the elevator you didn't even realise Taeyong had already followed you there, putting on his usual laid back demeanor. The two of you stepped into the elevator and it was silent. You wondered why he was so quiet especially after pulling that stunt during dinner. Completely confused you grabbed your room key but before you could scan it Taeyong blocked your path, scanning his room key and pulled you inside his room not giving you any time to process this. 
He was all over you, his lips his hands his body, you felt almost every part of him as he pressed you against the wall. He used his knee to separate your legs as he planted open mouthed kisses on your neck, practically growling into your ear when he heard a moan escape your lips. 
“I-I didn't do anything in case someone from dinner saw us” he explained as he found the hook of your dress but stopped to look in your eyes, “are you okay with this?” 
You answered him by practically ripping open his white dress shirt and ran your hands down his body. Taeyong smirked and moved you to the bed, ridding himself of his shoes and trousers before attacking your neck once more. 
“I'm sorry if this all moves too fast I literally can't help myself” he growled once more as you got undressed and the sight of you in your scantily clad underwear made him lightheaded. 
“Well its best we hurry the fuck up before that asshole comes back” you sighed as you pulled him on top of you. 
“Fuck I dont want to hear about him, youre mine right now” Taeyong groaned and skillfully unclipped your bra and rid you of your lace panties. You bit down on your lip as you watched him pull down his boxers and free his member, licking your lips unconsciously. 
“Don't worry baby you can suck it next time” he teased and without warning pushed himself into you with one brisk movement. The room filled with both of your moans as Taeyong’s hips slammed into yours, while one hand laced his fingers with yours while the other was wrapped around your throat. 
“Oh my God Taeyong” you cried completely in ecstasy thanks to the way Taeyong handled you. He was animalistic yet not hurting you in any way. His eyes burned holes into yours as he moved his hips faster and faster until you came undone and he followed straight after. 
Taeyong quickly cleaned you up and kissed you softly, his touches were much lighter as he held your face in his hands moving his lips gracefully against yours. 
“I'm going to end things with him Taeyong I can't take it anymore” you rested your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. 
“I know baby just do whats best for you, and just know I actually do like you like really fucking like you” he replied and he felt you smile. 
“You fell for me in three days ?” you giggled against his chest. 
“No baby i've liked you since the day I met you, these three days were for you to finally come to your senses.”
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i-found-your-shoe · 7 years
Where My Demons Hide - Part 2
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[Sam Winchester, Reader, Dean Winchester; Eventual Sam x Reader]
Your sobs were muffled as you buried your head deep into Sam's heavy flannel shirt. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you shook, patiently waiting for you to calm down. It took about 10 minutes, but you were finally able to catch your breath.
“I'm sorry.” you whispered, laying a hand on a particularly wet spot on his chest. “I fell asleep waiting on you. I - all I could see were the flames.”
Sam raised a calloused hand and gently wiped the tears from your face with his thumb. “It's alright. I heard you scream through the wall. Thought I'd better check on you.”
You furrowed your brow. “Thanks. I guess.. I feel like a terrible daughter. I thought my father was losing it. I - I never believed him… Never believed that something bad was going to happen.”
“Look, (y/n), it's… Normal. If this, hunting, wasn't my life, I wouldn't believe it either. I wouldn't believe that demons walked the earth. Or angels. Or monsters. You're not a bad daughter.” Sam got to his knees and rested himself on his heels. “You gonna stay under there all night or do you need help up?”
You smiled sheepishly and bit your lip. “I need help up.”
Sam got to his feet and reached out. You took his hand, still slightly damp from wiping your face, and let him pull you to your feet.
“There's a bar down the road. You wanna get a drink with me?” you paused. “Oh,I'm - I don't mean to be rude. You're probably exhausted.”
“I could use a drink.” There was that grin again. It was small. Barely there. Shy. But it crinkled his bright hazel eyes in just the right places.
Sam told Dean you were borrowing the car and let you give directions as the Impala ambled out of the parking lot. Once inside the bar, you had five hours until last call and you were determined to use them well.
Sam impressed you with the fact that he had been going to school to be a lawyer, as you both sipped your Jack Daniels slowly. You could see the disappointment in himself hiding behind his eyes when he revealed he had dropped out.
“Don't worry. I almost dropped out of Oxford.” you shrugged, draining your glass and holding it up to signal a need for a refill. “Stanford was lucky to have you while you were there.”
“I can't believe you went to Oxford. That's amazing. Really impressive.”
“Stanford is impressive, as well.”
The grin and chuckle. God, it made your knees weak. “I think Oxford is a little more impressive, (y/n).”
“Probably.” You winked at Sam as the bartender filled your glass. “I was actually aiming for a PhD in physics. But we see how that turned out.”
Sam motioned for a refill. His cheeks were a nice shade of pink, courtesy of Jack. “God, smart and hot. I'm impressed.”
You chatted for hours, the bar tab rising steadily with the minutes. Finally, you checked your watch. “Fucking hell. It's almost 2. We should be going.” you slid over your bank card and swiftly signed the receipt.
Sam stood and wobbled, holding onto the chair for balance. “I….cannot drive.”
“Let's walk.” you giggled. “we'll grab the car in the morning.” Sam waited while you let the bartender know that the Impala would be picked up first thing. He offered to call a cab, but you denied it, saying you were less than a mile away from your destination. Slowly making your way back to Sam, you took his arm. “Let's go, cowboy.” and the two of you swayed out the door, using each other for balance.
When you finally made it back to the motel, you paused at the door. “This may be incredibly forward of me.. And I promise no funny business… But -” you paused, your head suddenly swimming with more than the whiskey. Adrenaline and nervousness clawed behind your eyes and in your stomach. “I don't want to be alone while I sleep. I don't want -” you didn't finish your sentence but Sam understood, even in his inebriated state. You didn't want the nightmare to come back.
He silently followed you into your room and waited as you sat your key down on the night stand. Your room was a bit smaller than theirs. No couch, and only one bed. On the plus side, it was a king. On the minus side, you hadn't shared a bed with anyone in a long time.
“Um.. I'm gonna get changed.. You…. Make yourself comfortable.”
You eyeballed your suitcase. You weren't even sure what was packed in there and you were nervous to check. Finally, you gathered enough nerve to barely unzip the bag halfway and pull out the first shirt you saw. With eyes to the floor, anxiety rising in your chest, you made your way to the bathroom. When you returned to the room, you noticed Sam had discarded his jeans, shoes, and shirt and curled up under the blanket. Slowly, you crawled into the bed on the opposite side, and made yourself as comfortable as you could. It wasn't long before your eyes began to feel heavy and hot succumbed to a, hopefully, dreamless sleep.
You were awoken the next morning to your door opening and a deep voice saying “Well. Okay, then.”
Your side felt heavy and your nose was filled with an unrecognizable, but comforting, scent. You peeked out of one eye and came face to face with a chest - and a very interesting tattoo. You slowly began to realize that you had curled up against Sam in the middle of the night and he had wrapped an arm around you.
“I got coffee in the pot and a lead whenever you lovebirds are ready.” Dean stated as he left the room.
You sat up quickly and Sam rubbed his eyes. “I'm sorry. I've been told I'm a heat-seeking missile.” your cheeks burned red as he dragged his arm from around your waist.
Sam rubbed your arm, attempting to comfort you in your obviously embarrassed state. “As long as you slept well.”
“Yeah. I did.” You groaned as you stretched. “Fuck. I need coffee. With a touch of the hair of the dog that bit me.”
“I got you. Get changed and meet me next door. Dean can make motel coffee taste like actual coffee.”
You nodded and got out of bed, trying to pull your shirt down so you didn't expose your ass. If you did, and if he noticed, he said nothing.
You finally made your way over, after reaching blindly into your suitcase and finding a pair of yoga shorts, and rapped your knuckles against the door. Dean opened the door a crack and whispered, “you didn't use the secret knock.”
“I didn't know there was -” you blushed again.
“I'm messing with you, sweetheart.” he laughed as he opened the door and ushered you in.
“Sorry. I think I'm still a tad bit drunk.”
Sam raised his hand from his position on the bed. He was laying back with his legs over the edge and his other arm draped over his eyes. “I - I am still drunk.”
“Here. This’ll help.” Dean handed you a coffee mug and the sharp aroma of Jack Daniels smacked you in the face.
“Is there coffee in this?” you asked, staring at the mug.
“Eh.. A little.” Dean chuckled as he looked at your shirt. It was emblazoned with Princess Leia’s face and the words ‘A Woman's Place is in the Resistance.’ “Nice shirt.”
“What can I say? I'm kind of a feminist.” you shrugged, taking a long drink of coffee. “Oh, yes. That's what I needed.”
“Pfft, feminist, my ass.”
“Anything you can do, I can do better. And if not better, at least backwards and in heels.” You sat down on the bed next to Sam, and you must have jostled him because he placed his free hand on his stomach. “Sorry,” you muttered, but he waved you off, letting out a slow, deep breath and sitting up as well.
“Not hunting, sweetheart. Nobody hunts better than me.” Dean raised his eyebrow as he handed Sam a cup of coffee.
“What if you taught me?” you asked, eyes widening as Dean choked in his own coffee.
“I vaguely remember us talking about that last night. Didn't think it would be brought up first thing in the morning, though.” Sam groaned, taking a drink of his coffee.
“Listen, sweetheart. This job takes a lot more than just a pretty face. It's tough -” Dean interjected.
“I'm tough. Don't let the pretty face fool you, Angsty McBroodyArse, I'm more than meets the eye. I'm smart. I'm a quick learner. I'm a damn good shot. I studied Krav Maga for 12 years.” you glared at Dean and Sam raised an eyebrow. “The only shoes I own now are the combat boots I was wearing last night. You might not get me in flannel, but I look damn good in leather. And I live on four basic food groups; coffee, whiskey, bacon, and cheeseburgers.”
“I don't know what kind of pretty picture Sammy painted last night, but it ain't all sunshine, roses, and hookers. You give up a lot to lead a life like ours.”
“Please explain to me what I have left to give up. My only family is gone. My house is gone. I haven't had a job, friends, or a relationship in 4 years. I have nothing to lose. I'd go back to England, but I'm sure I need to remain stateside until I can get bank documents and insurance forms squared away. I have nothing but time and money, Dean.”
“Yeah, come on, Dean. What's the harm?” Sam asked, glancing at you sideways.
“Three months. Give me three months, Dean. That should be long enough for me to get down the basics, as well as some in-field experience. Plus getting my assets in order. If it's not working out in 90 days, I will go without a fight.”
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Fine. Three months. 90 days. Sammy, she's your problem, not mine. I don't teach.”
You squealed and jumped up to hug Dean. “Oh, bad idea.” you moaned, letting go of him to grab your head. You had stood up too fast and made your still-drunk self dizzy. You waited for the feeling to pass, and when it did, you opened your eyes and grinned at the boys like an idiot. “So, you said you had a lead?”
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