#if you're still reading lmao i hope you're having the most beautiful weekend
daisynik7 · 9 months
WIFEY! i woke up rolling off my bed and landed on a back scratcher that was on my floor and now there’s a dent in my knee LMAO. your wife is not only a sleepy, silly girlie, she’s also a clumsy girlie. i’ve also been incessantly crying over your messages it’s fine 🥲
but i’m sorry to hear about that, i’m glad to hear it was almost and not did get into a car accident, even then i don’t know if you suffered from whiplash or anything but as long as you're safe and unharmed, i’m happy. i do feel bad for the person who randomly broke down, especially on the freeway, hope they’re ok too :( 
i have family that lived in the midwest and can attest to how brutal the cold and snow is, and yes driving must’ve been an absolute nightmare! another reminder to my snookums to stay warm on all fronts bundled up, and eat warm foods (soup!!!!!!) 🥰
AND THANK YOU for hosting the swap and for your recs! given your impeccable tastes i know i will enjoy them thoroughly, and i can’t get over how well-detailed your descriptions of each and why you love them, i’m excited to read them! 
i have to say one thing i’ve always loved about your fic reblogs is your in-depth analysis i.e. the screenshots and highlights of particular excerpts that stood out to you and loved, there’s truly no one like you 🥹 and for you to that to something i wrote??? I’M HONOURED, AND I’M SOFT NOBODY TOUCH ME I’M A SOBBING MESS wait no please hug me 😭 i am absolutely in love with your love and care for others, and that has shown in your feedback to others and your check-ins, thank you for your sweet words and support <3
as i’m typing this i just got your message, (don’t feel pressured to respond to this!) do as you please, i’m honoured, thank you for the follow!!! <3 and once again thank you for your sweet words on How It’ll Be, i’m shrieking!
 i hope the rest of your week is productive and your weekend is well spent and restful! i’m so proud of you!!!! in the meantime, i’m sending you all my love, all my kisses, all my hugs, and cuddles 🤍🤍🤍
also, my internet is being a little silly billy so i don't know if this message was sent the first time, i'm hoping not 🫠
lastly, i’d like to inform you that you have permanent residence in a very special place in my heart where I have you safely tucked in and you are not allowed to leave (there are snacks, i promise) 🫢 in all seriousness, hope you’ve had a wonderful day and night and i love you endlessly my darling wife, treat yourself kindly, always! 🥰
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my sleepy, silly, clumsy, beautiful wifey! I'm sorry your rolled off your bed, but I'm assuming it's because you had such a pleasant dream, so I hope it was at least worth it. and if not, I'm kissing the little dent on your knee to heal it if it isn't fully healed already!
I'm totally safe from the near accident, it sounds more dramatic than I'm making it sound and the person who stopped seemed to be fine physically. hoping they were able to move to safer location and get their car fixed because it didn't seem like anything was wrong (which is good).
thank you for participating in the fic swap! I still have yet to read the rest of the fics you recommended, been a busy and distracted girl this week, but they are still on my radar and I'm very excited!
I try to leave more in-depth comments whenever I can just because I feel like I can better express myself doing that instead of spamming the tags LOL. I got inspired by another mutual I have on here who does it often, so I can't take credit for it! I just want to show how much I appreciate the writers on here because I feel like we (as a Tumblr community) don't do that enough!
I never want to leave this safe space I have in your heart! 🥹 I am the most cozy and comfortable there and I'm not leaving for anything (so you better get used to me lol). I love you so so dearly my snookums, always thinking of you even when I'm away! I hope you had a relaxing and/or productive weekend and that these last few weeks of 2023 go by smoothly. love you so much thea ♥️
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alphabetboyluvr · 10 months
Holly, hi! How are you these days?
I know we all are going through hard times🥺 And every army is needed in comfort. Your books helped me so much times! Thank you 💔 And in return I wanna comfort you too… cuz I guess you need it like all of us. Unfortunately all I can do for you - just support your books. But I just wanna you to know that there are lots of people who loves you as an author and as a person (we all know you ARE good person 🥰)
I’m reading Colour vision. JK and Annie are my comfort zone 🥹 For now their couple seems the most mature from all your characters (sorry BD JK and B). And I adore them so much!😭 CV such a beautiful story… ohhhh… I can’t 🫠
I’m definitely glitter girl like B, but in the rest Annie is my mirror 🤭
By the way, when is your birthday? Capricorn here 👋🏻 ♑️ (December 27th)
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not gonna lie, i was having drinks with one of my army friends when jk went live and it was v healing for me lmao. id been out with other friends during the group live and still hadn't mustered up the strength to watch it, and so I'd been sitting with the sadness of this new lil reality for the past week haha
tannies aside, work is busy busy busy and now that we're entering the festive period, so are my weekends 😭 I have a lil time off after christmas so I'm gonna hopefully have throttle fully finished then!!
our colour vision couple are my favourite!! both just good people deserving of a happy ending <3 of all my girlies, Annie is the most like me too - but if you're a capricorn too then I suppose it checks out that she's most like you too he he
I'm a December baby!! the 23rd 🥹 it's why I'm called Holly!! for people curious about my big three - cap sun, gemini moon, pisces rising!!
how are you doing?? I hope you're well! this period of time is so strange and obscure for army, so fingers crossed everyone is doing okay 🥹
thank you for your kindness, always. I'm so lucky 😭💖 you guys really have the sweetest souls and I'm very grateful that you choose to spend time with me / my stories<33
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1d1195 · 2 months
SAMMMMMMMMM I CANTTTTTTTT !!!!! i read the protection blurb🥹🥹🥹 i’m literally about to cry they’re ADORABLEEEEE whew😮‍💨😮‍💨 i was cheesing sooooo hard the whole time I CANT BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY WROTE A BLURB YOURE AMAZINGGGG AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH
i saw your post apologizing for the next part of Most👀….yea i think ima stay away for a littleeee bit longer HAHAHAHA i hate lauren🙄 (idk her)
IM ACTUALLY GOING ON A TRIP !! in the first week of august im traveling to see my sister and some other family (only excited to see my sister tho lmao) and that’s gonna be fun hopefully. not quite sure how long i’m staying but whtvr (i take back what i said, i wanna binge-read Most on the plane and then stress out abt the posting from a different timezone)
i have a new song! (it’s actually old ((and a cover)) but who cares) “Dance Me to the End of Love” The Civil Wars has been on repeat omg. i actually have this whole montage in my head that plays when i hear it of a tv couple and one of them is dying and this is playing in the background while the scene goes from their happy flashbacks to the present AHHH HANDJEIE THATS SO SPECIFIC IDK BUT DO YOU GET IT ?
“You Are In Love” BY TAYLOR SWIFT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MACY AND ELLIOT CODED IM SCREAMINGGGGGG !!!! that’s always been one of my all time favorite taylor songs bc it’s just so lovey dovey so ofccc but i just heard it again after reading love & other words and holyyyyyy ugh i almost cried😭😭 i meannnn “one night, he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says, you’re my best friend, and you knew what it was, he is in love” AFHKJEAGFOUEHJFL AND THE WHOLE BRIDGE ??? ITS SO THEM anyway, im still completely in love with that story n i think of them a lot (im trying to persuade my sister to read it, she’s being difficult)
IT. HAS. BEEN. STORMING. FOREVER. i kid you not we spent WELL over a week where it was raining and gloomy and gray nonstop BUT IT WAS STILL HOT. its sunny again now though and i am living purely off of iced coffee LMAO
Of course! your inspo was such a good idea! I love to make Harry sound dramatic about safety and of course there's no better Harry than the one I wrote in Protection. 💕
That's awesome you're going on a trip and you get to see your sister! I'm sure that will be really happy and exciting. A no return date is so cool. I wish I could have that part of your life for sure 💕 My entire life is scheduled to the minute lol. I think by the time you are on the plane and in a different time zone you won't be stressing too much about Most hehehehe. I think most of the frustrating scenes and parts are all done (but we'll see what I come up with for the remaining parts)
What a beautiful song 😭 my favorite lyric is in the first verse "lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove" I TOTALLY see what you're saying about the TV montage. That's how I envision songs and see stories as well. Thank you for telling me about it! I have a couple songs I've also been listening to that are older. Go Solo - Tom Rosenthal, Where's My Love - SYML, and Acoustic - Billy Raffoul (the lyrics for this last one are a bit spicy but it sounds so innocent I didn't notice the lyrics when I first heard it on TV)
It's not a book for everyone! My sister didn't like it because she didn't like that she was engaged. Which I think makes me toxic because I didn't even CARE. I love Macy and Elliot. I think about them 20 times a day. Specifically the part where he calls her honey toward the end and consoles her. I'm a sucker for the comfort trope. But you're right, You Are In Love is about them.
It finally cooled down this past week (it's supposed to heat up again though). I'm doing well. This is the last week of summer school. Can't wait to be done with it. I read a trashy book this weekend and I'm hopeful I'll read another one this week. But I wrote Part 4, 5, and I'm working on 6 of Most so I've been doing literature things but I should be reading more. I need less screen time hahaha. I also watched Maxton Hall and I know it's probably a little young for me, but the enemies to lovers is my weakness.
There is nothing wrong with living off iced coffee 😉 Hope you have a good day! Do you have to pack a lot for an undetermined trip length? I think I would explode trying to pack for that 😭 how do you do it?
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Tatsuo, hiii!!! AAAAAA to be honest, I really miss you! 🥹💖 I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply, my days were so hectic and I slept as soon as I went back to home 🥹
Teehee, I'm glad that you know it was me who requested it! 🥹
I'm also happy to hear that! <3 I read your writing when you analyze Suguru being in Slytherin, and I looove it also! And you're a Slytherin too? I'm happy to hear that! 🤗
Thank you for allowing me to ask for requests, I will be very happy to ask, and please take your time! Your health is what matters the most, I hope you're happy and healthy!
Thank you for being there for me, Tatsuo! 🥹💖
Also, may I ask about your day? How was it? I hope you have a good week, but it's okay if you don't, I hope you can take a rest, and eat your meals, okay? 🥹❤️ Please remember I'm always rooting for you, even when you feel like the world is against you, and I always get your back 🤗
Ooh, it's a very good idea! May I use this "💖" emoji as a sign that it is me? 🥹
Have a good day and good night, Tatsuo! I always hope that you don't skip your meals! 🤗🥰💖 I love you! 💖🥰
Don’t worry about it, it’s perfectly fine and you don’t have to be sorry for taking time for yourself and putting your sleep first 💓 I hope that your next days will be a bit less frenetics though 😊
I’m so glad that you like my « Slytherin Sugu », I really enjoyed talking about it ☺️ and YES I belong to the snake house eheh, and what is your Hogwarts house ? Maybe Slytherin too ? 😌
I’m so excited to receive your future requests my love, I already know that they will be perfect ! 💗💗💗 and thank you so much for worrying about my health and happiness, you truly are an angel 🥺❤️
You’re truly welcome sweetheart, you will always have a place here ☺️💞
Omg you’re so nice my dear, you really are a beautiful treasure to be honest, only a few people ask about me (don’t want to act as a victim or whatever, it’s just true lmao) and I really appreciate you caring about me that way, that warms my heart deeply, so thank you a lot 🥹❤️
My weekend was good, I had the time to take a good break while still working on my things to do so I’m happy ! My week was also good, a bit tiring but I think I did fine so that’s okay 🌸 I’m starting to get the hang of my studies and slowly stopping putting pressure on myself so I’m proud at the moment ☺️🌸
I’LL REMEMBER YOUR COMFORTING ENCOURAGEMENTS FOR A LONG WHILE 🥹💓💓💓💓💓 They’re so sweet like you and makes me so incredibly happy, you put a big smile on my face and you’re an angel for that☺️☺️☺️
Know that I also dearly hope that your week was not too tiring for you and that you felt happy every day if possible ! I believe in you for living the best life possible 💞😊
Of course love ! « 💖 » is perfect, that way I’ll always recognize your beautiful asks 😌
Thank you lovely ! And have the best day/night as well because you deserve it ☺️🌸
I’ll try to remember to not skip any meals while thinking about you because I tend to forget them easily 😭💖 (I also hope that you don’t skip yours either😌) I love youuu❤️❤️❤️
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doctorslove · 2 years
i could be literally getting married to someone and i'd still call alec hardy my soulmate and love of my life
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
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You make your way downstairs and you see him leaning against his car, the bouquet of flowers in his hand. The butterflies in your stomach start to go crazy as he comes into view, only getting worse as he starts to close the gap between the two of you. "Do you like them?" He questions before handing them to you. "I love them Tsum. They're beautiful. Thank you." You say before taking them and giving him a kiss. "Ya know, I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing ya." Rolling your eyes you playfully shove him before he opens the car door for you.
"Where are we going? You still haven't told me." You pout, pretending to be upset. "Yer just going to have to be patient angel. It's a surprise for a reason." Letting out a sigh, you lean back into your seat and just look out the window. "Am sure yer gonna love it." He says while giving your thigh a squeeze. The rest of the ride is spent with you trying to guess where you're going based on where your location was at the moment.
"Close yer eyes." You arrive at your destination but you were still unsure of the surprise. You shut your eyes and wait for him to help guide you out of the car. He places his hands over your eyes, wanting to make sure that you wouldn't be able to peek. "Tsum, don't make me fall." You say while gripping at his wrists, wanting to have something to hold onto.
"Ya can trust me angel, I won't let ya fall." He says, his face near your ear. You walk for a few minutes before he finally stops. "Are ya ready for our date?" He questions and you nod excitedly. "Yes. I'm ready for our date Tsum." He removes his hands from your eyes and you can't help but gasp. Your date was a picnic by the water, but not just a plain old picnic, there was a mini table and cushions as well, everything you needed to be comfortable. "What do ya think?" He asks nervously. Turning to look at him, you see him anxiously waiting for an answer. "I love it! I'm so happy Tsum!"
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Now All I See Is Color - chapter 61: make ya fall so in love (miya atsumu route)
♡ masterlist ♡ 《 previous | next 》
In a world where soulmates exist, it's uncommon for most people to find theirs. A lot of them going their whole lives never experiencing the world in color because they've never met their soulmate. But that all changes for y/n when she becomes MSBY Jackals player, Miya Atsumu's assistant. They're about to experience the world in color together. But what does that mean for y/n when both her and Atsumu are in committed relationships?
tomorrow's the last chapter for tsum's route! and then we get to start on suna's! lol. i hope y'all are excited.
i love reading your comments!
yes i love blonde wonho as tsum. lmao. i use him a few more times 🥴
i hope you're having a good weekend.
Taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @youidiot91 @https-sen @kyomihann @szeonn @chantalkate16 @onlyonew @ntimacy @underratedmage @90s-belladonna @simpletype @toshikamo @todomaniac @sumebreaks @sammistry @pansexualproblemchild @kozuelle @roselleviennesstuff @erensnubs @fantasycantasy @choozari @starsabove-me @halesandy @encrytpta @youraggedybitch @pablopascal @qualitygiantshoepsychic @iheartkuroorin @curiouslilbeast @cannibalcuriosity @fandomsgotmefucked @xhyunjinbbyx @grassbutneo @therealpussybangs @angelxsage @tetsuhoes @haikoochi @erinoikawa @starglow-xx @riceballsandanime @nashionalpotatocorner @fucktheworlddude @fo-love @xmyshya @bbyaj @kingggjaay @matsunshine @ashers-playpen @silver-liner @ayeputita
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aka-ashi-keiji · 4 years
Akaashi Keiji
soft angst, unrequited love
a/n: this was for a school assignment lmao but i really really enjoyed writing it, even though love stories are def not my forte :(( but angst definitely is, so enjoy!!
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Keiji, such a beautiful name. This was the name of someone who you held so closely to your heart, but weren’t necessarily as close to his. Despite this fact, the fondation in which your friendship was built off of will always overpower your sense of heartbreak as you realize that not all the feelings you feel for Keiji are reciprocated. The earliest memories your mind encapsulated revolved around the amount of time you spent with him as a child. Your mothers being best friends and your houses set on the same street, you each had a “built in best friend”, as your parents would like to tell you. And it was true, he was your best friend all through the enjoyable years of grades kindergarten to fifth. As well as staying through the hell bound years of grades six to twelve. 
The core memories accumulated through the daily interactions between you two, stood out so brightly in your mind even years after graduation. Racing each other down hills even though those races always ended with either you or both of you with scraped knees. the scars still graced your skin and were visible under the skirt you wore to your office job day in and day out. Spending time sat in the shade provided by your house, in the backyard as your backs faced each other. On these days of your early preteen years, Keiji would bring you a new book every time, insisting that you would adore it. You nearly always did, and when you think about it now you’re not entirely sure if you truly did like these books, or if you just adored the person sitting with his back to yours as he read the same set of words. 
Despite whether you adored the books or if you adored him subconsciously, this admiration soon became a conscious thought that consumed your entire being. It all started with the garden of flowers that grew near the back door. Tiger lilies, roses, tulips, all varieties of each end of the color spectrum, definitely the second most beautiful thing that took part of Keiji’s household. The first being obvious, but nonetheless beautiful. But one specific flower soon had woven its roots of beauty and simplicity into your mind. Forget-me-Nots were simple, easy to overlook, kinda like Keiji and yourself. But when examined closely, they were completely immersed with beauty. Or, that’s what he would tell you everytime he handed you a bundle of these precious plants. Every morning since fourth grade, you would walk with Keiji to school. Every single one of these walks began the same. Around when you both were first years in high school, you finally asked. 
“Why do you give Forget-Me-Nots every morning?” 
To which he replied with, “Maybe if I give you them enough, you’ll never forget me.”
At this point in time, you had become conscious of the romantic feelings you had for keiji, but you could see it in the way he looked at you and in the way he gazed at the girl who sat next to you in English. His eyes weren’t tainted with the same love you felt for him, his eyes only became tainted when they were focused on her. 
You had read about this, the emotion of something much worse than a breakup. Unrequited love. The concept only existed in stories you read with the person who manifested this fictional feeling into your reality. But that feeling started to dull as his closeness started to become tainted just as your eyes had been for so many years. This had started your third and final year of high school, after the girl you sat next to in english had dumped him on his birthday. You were at that party, you watched it happen, You watched as she laughed with another the next day, while Keiji wept into your shoulder. You had never seen such genuine and painful tears spring from his beautiful dark blue eyes. His eyes were no longer tainted with that love, but instead flowed through to his actions. 
He started to linger longer after walking you home, bringing books over ‘just because’. He stayed for dinner now on the days where he would normally be out on a date, and not just on the weekends like before. Everything that unrequited love had taken from you, was now slowly making its way back into your life. The taint that still clung to your eyes seemed to force yourself to see the same emotions through his actions. Maybe this unrequited love was finally starting to go both ways. You knew in the back of your love sick brain that you were just being hopeful, and that he most likely was just being himself and his love was still only platonic. But a heart that had been bruised so many times can only handle the bleeding inside for so long. 
Your emotions had begun to spur your actions, linking your arms with his in the halls at school, legs over his lap as you both read on the couch, the grazing of your knuckles when you two walked too close together. He too, mimicked these habits. His head finding its way to your shoulder as you two studied, squeezing your hand when he sensed your unease, and even the smallest glance of his daring eyes seemed to hold yours for a second longer than would be comfortable, but it was comfortable with him. Even though the words never came from Keiji’s lips, you could’ve sworn you felt them with every move. I love you too. 
One day however, your feelings became too great to live in your mind. The love that manifested in fourth grade in his backyard was finally going to be voiced and accepted into the world. This day was like any other school routine, but the excitement and nausea was the catch. You waited patiently to hear Keiji’s strong but subtle footsteps come into earshot as you waited on your porch. Once they had, your heart nearly pulled you to his side, the giddiness concerning Keiji. 
“Are you alright? Are you cold, you're shaking.” He asked quietly as he began to take off his uniform blazer. Oh only if he knew. He placed it over your shoulders and began to reach back to the side of his school bag as you softly thanked him. What happened next was something so completely normal, but it still made your cheeks dust pink everytime. And today was no exception. He held out a single bundle of the precious flowers, his soft subtle smile gracing his face. You smiled back brightly as you took them, and with that you started your commute. 
You nervously picked at the stems as you fought the urge to just blurt out your confession. You nearly decided against it, but you shook your head as you promised to go through with it. You owed it to yourself, after all the years of pain you unnecessarily had put yourself through. And even though you knew you had to come clean, you still feared that maybe this was just a side effect of a love sick brain and a heart damaged by an emotion you read in a teen fiction book in seventh grade.  But that taint in your eyes never left and it remained glossy as ever. So as your steps fell in time with Keiji’s, you spoke. 
“I like you” 
He slowed down a bit and turned his head to see you staring at the gift he had given you. “What?” You both had stopped in your tracks now. Slowly but surely, your eyes connected to his and with one look, the taint had spread through your body and infected your heart. 
“I like you, or actually I love you.” You stammered out, the weight that sat so heavily on your head and heart finally receded. But soon returned as the air around Keiji was filled with silence. “That’s what I wanted to tell you.” You spoke again, hope filling your voice. You smiled at him as his eyes had suddenly become a shade darker. 
“Oh.” One word, that’s all you got. And that one word shattered the taint that covered your heart, and bruised it once more. 
“Oh?” you questioned, silently begging for more of an answer. Hoping for the answer you wanted. But you knew you wouldn’t get. His eyes still bore into yours, your smile fading along with any hope of this going the way your feelings had told you it would. 
After the few seconds that felt like eons, his explanation finally fell from his lips. The words gentle, but still sharp enough to draw blood. 
“Y/n look, y’know I care about you and I’ll always be your best friend but it’s just that-” 
You cut him off, you knew what he was about to say and if he said it, it would’ve split your heart in two. You saying it didn’t dull the damage as much as you hoped. 
“You still love her, huh?” You asked quietly, your heart pumping adrenaline into your veins, every muscle in your body working together to keep tears from falling. You didn;t want the answer even though you already knew it. You knew it from the start, you knew that fictional emotion wasn’t fiction and unfortunately, it was permanent. But you couldn’t blame yourself, you were sick, too love sick for your own good. And something you wished that book had told you, was that unrequited love could be deadly. 
A single nod was all it took. And when you think about that day now, you remind yourself that you should really listen to the thoughts that stick around long enough. The thoughts that don’t deter even when you have the strongest of feelings. You didn’t know how to feel, or what to say. In all honesty, what could you do? So you did the one thing you had mastered over all these years, you hid your true feelings.
“Okay, that’s alright!” You said brightly, beginning to walk once again. His steps fell in time with yours, and he even tried to apologize, apologize for being honest. But you assured him that it was okay, that you two were okay. You couldn’t be mad, but that didn;t stop you from being broken. It was true, your friendship continued as always, never letting the side effects of unrequited love over power the strength of the love manifested in your friendship. 
You both soon graduated, promising to keep in touch. And that you did. You both began to travel quite a lot after university, your jobs moving you all around the globe. But the tradition of the flowers that grew in Keiji’s backyard never ceased no matter the distance. They may have not shown up everyday, but they made their way to you on most occasions. 
On one very specific day, the day your first company launched, the bouquet of the dainty little flowers made their way to your office desk. However this time, they came with a note. 
“You didn’t forget me yet did you? I always knew you’d do great things. Congratulations y/n, come visit soon. I have some new books I think you’ll adore. 
- K.”
You could never forget him, you couldn’t ever forget Keiji even if you wanted to. The memory of him brought you back to that emotion that only existed in the fiction books you read in seventh grade. It wasn’t fiction, it was most definitely and undeniably real. Unrequited love was bitter, but with Keiji it was also sweet. And that’s something you could never forget. 
a/n pt. two: as an akaashi simp and stan this hurt my heart.
part two is under construction :))
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liyawritesss · 4 years
ik i’m popping into ur inbox a lot 👉🏽👈🏽 but... i was reading that post insp by @/todorkihoe’s ask (i think??) and i just went 🥺 so.. hand over more shinsou hcs 😡❤️‼️ (please 😖🙏🏽)
Shinsou Hitoshi Headcanons (PT2)
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Don't ever be sorry for giving me requests! I have nothing better to do with my life, so please give me inspiration to write!
Its so fun having another Shinsou kinnie to write fics for and bump ideas with, and I swear we all live solely for this man #shinsousupremecy
Synopsis: shinsou hcs!
Warning: fluff, some suggestiveness, cursing, aged up!2nd years, shinsou hitoshi x fem!black/poc!reader, quirk insecurities
If you haven't heard it yet, I headcanon shinsou being a fan of Chase Atlantic. Maybe might a die hard one, but he definitely uses their music to chill out.
If you listen to them too, he'll ask and give recommendations of their songs. You eventually make a Playlist of your fave songs from them and some other artists as well
When you're on your internships separated, both of you will listen to the Playlist to remind yourself of one another as you drift off to sleep
Shinsou's room screams sex vibes ngl
Whether its his dorm room (most likely) or his room at home, they'll have the basic key components
LEDs lining the upper edges and corners of his wall! Always set to the prettiest shade of purple. Theres an essential oil diffuser in there somewhere too, cuz after long training periods with Aizawa baby boy needs to unwind
Shinsou can be either one of two personas
No. 1 - secluded boy who on the outside looks and seems like an ass, but once you get to know him he's just a precious bean who's a bit timid, very insecure abt his quirk, confused on emotions and desperately in need of hugs and cuddles
Or No.2 - edgy tough boy who can be kind of cocky, still pretty quiet but more in observance than in bashfullness, steals kisses, shows dominant tendencies but in more nonsexual ways, and quite teasing
There is no in between sis, pick one
Nicknames include but are not limited to: love, doll, baby, pretty, beautiful, kitten/kitty, little headache, cuddle bug
Lmao if you're the cuddle bug wtf is he, cuz this boy is ALL OVER YOU when he needs cuddles
Will impatiently wait until you're in private before legit tackling you into the bed and holding you
"You need to charge up my social battery."
During training he maybe kind of sort of probably actually wants to show off in front of your???
He wants to hear you congratulate him on training since you commonly do it to everyone else, but he wants to stand out so much that he's the only one you're complimenting.
He may or may not also sort of kind of maybe probably actually wants you to baby him after a hard day of training???
Just give him extra cuddles and and some kisses, and he's all putty in your hands
He always asks you to make him tea. His favorite is this sleepytime blend you bought one time and he doesn't drink anything else.
It helps a lot, especially on nights when it's very hard for him to sleep. He especially enjoys it when you two drink a cup or two together in either of your rooms, because the next morning you'll be tangled up in eachothers arms.
And omg, lazy weekend mornings with Shinsou are the. Fucking. Best. Just a mess of kisses and cuddles and I love you's and praises and sweet nothings being shared between you two. Legit if Halo by Beyonce was personified, it would be this scene right here.
I wrote until my eyes started burning lmaooo. I hope you enjoy this hun!
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jaeyooniverse · 3 years
Hello! Fantasy friend here 💕
I don't really have plans for my birthday, I'll probably just spend it with my family - I honestly prefer not to make a big fuss over things like my birthday, as long as I have people I love around it's enough for me ☺️
Omg yeah kids/teens online... it's terrifying to me how much kids share on the internet and how much they absorb, there are so many awful people and people who encourage unhealthy/toxic mindsets on here and it's basically impossible to stay away from influences like that especially if you're not already versed in how to deal with people and know what kinds of things are ok to say and do. Like, the most we can do personally is to try and look out for kids online and be good influences to them, but man sometimes it's hard not to just be like "you are Too Young for the internet go play in your backyard or something it's too dangerous for you on here"
Computational linguistics sounds really cool! From the sound of it I would assume that it's an area of linguistics that has something to do with math, but I could be super wrong - what does it involve?
Oh I bet Puerto Rico and Nigeria were both super awesome to visit! California is pretty cool too (I live in California so I have to hype it up lol), just make sure to come when it's not on fire 😂
Hope your day goes well! 💖
Oh that still sounds nice! Yeah I usually don't have big celebrations for my birthday I usually just get something nice to eat and hang out with friends and family. I think going for a little vacation could be nice? Like for my bday a few years ago I went out of state with a friend and we saw DAY6 and just had fun doing whatever. It was fun and outside of the concert it was still a pretty lowkey chill weekend. But I would never really want to have like a huuuge party with a bunch of people. I already feel awkward enough having small celebrations for me so I'd rather not 😂
Exactly 😭😭 Like luckily sometimes, as easy they pick up on the bad stuff, if they find that positive influence they're able to unlearn it just as well. But yeah sometimes I'm like please just log off,, find some toys to play with, read a book, run around outside with your friends while you have the energy and time to do that 😂 Seeing people be like they were little/babies when bts or someone debuted like...okay you shouldnt be on twitter rn how did you get here 😭
ahaha doesn't it sound cool? I'm still learning it I'm fairly new to it since in undergrad I studied math. Computational Linguistics is more on the technology/computer science side of linguistics. There a lot of different applications but for example it deals with language processing like translators, speech-to-text, chatbots, and search engines. I'm primarily interested in learning about AI/chatbots but after my first year I've been introduced to other parts of the linguistics field that I've found myself interested in, like semantics (primarily bc we discussed semantics using functions and logic, which, as somewhat of a math-enthusiast, I find pretty cool!)
Nigeria was way back like...16 years ago lmao I don't remember a lot of what we did but I do remember enjoying it and seeing my family. The Puerto Rico trip was fun but too short 😭😭 There were so many things my friend and I wanted to do but we were only there for a couple days. We went for a nature walk in a rainforest it was so beautiful :')
dhfsajkhk I hope you're doing okay! I have a couple mutuals in cali and they've been telling me about the heat...idk how you all are surviving and I heard it's only gonna get hotter?? 😭 whenever it cools down let me know then i'll head over 😂😂
And okay you say you have to hype it up bc you live there but honestly I don't hype up my state like that 😂😂 maybe it's bc I haven't done all the fun stuff it has to offer but I mean I've been to DC and that's pretty much where tourists always go when they come here 😂
I hope you're having a nice weekend ^^
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