#if youve left one of these comments (or MULTIPLE comments) on my stuff in the past few days pls know i see you and i love you
crimeronan · 1 year
every time i get an ao3 comment on a horror fic along the lines of “jesus fucking christ. this is so vile what the FUCK what the FUCKING FUCK THIS IS SO FUCKED UP” i hug my laptop to my chest and kick my feet and roll around in bed giggling like a schoolgirl who just got a love letter from her crush. omg you got physically nauseous.....? eeee
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blxetsi · 3 years
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armin arlert, mikasa ackerman, and eren jaeger polyamorous headcanons (modern au)
armin arlert x gn!reader, mikasa ackerman x gn!reader, eren jaeger x gn!reader, mikasa x armin x eren x gn!reader
warnings: uhh fluff, this is very long, reader has a gf b4 getting w ema,
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this is like my first post since feb that isnt a request 😍😍😍 how did i pull this out of my ass
- obv eren, mikasa, and armin have been besties since childhood so its no wonder they all got together first 🤩🙏
- and theyre all hot so why wouldnt they wanna date each other
- i think armin and eren wouldve gotten together first, and then invited mikasa into their relationship
- the three of them have been officially going steady for like over a year now, and its going really well
- they didnt really expect you to drop into their lives tho
- youre an old friend of historia's and you two reconnected after you moved to the city, securing yourself a decent paying job working as a writer for the city paper
- you usually get the boring stuff, never able to get a good story to write about, focusing your time on heartwarming stories in the community or the sports column
- its boring but it pays the bills
- you were thankful when historia called you during your lunch and asked if you wanted to get drinks at a bar with her and a couple of other friends
- of course you said yes
- so historia and her girlfriend ymir picked you up after work, having dinner with them after a long week was the best, but you were a bit nervous to meet all of their friends
- thats how you met eren, mikasa and armin
- at first you were sure that mikasa and eren were dating, seeing as mikasa had her head on the taller man's shoulder, while his arm was wrapped around her
- but when armin leaned down to give mikasa a kiss before heading off to the bar you werent so sure
- ymir pulled you away to get more drinks and explained to you what the situation was, while commenting on the way you gawked at the three of them before
- you were embarassed to say the least but they didnt bring it up that night so you hoped the throuple didnt notice (they did)
- you really hit it off with all of them though, especially sasha and jean, and were constantly talked about among the friend group
- because of your demanding job dealing with writers block and deadlines you couldnt really meet up with all of them often, usually just having sleepovers at ymir and historia's apartment, the three of you drinking while you wrote on your laptop
- after a couple months of casual hangouts with historia and ymir and their friends, you kinda became one of them too which was nice
- you were added to the groupchat, you all followed each other on social media, and a certain brunet had taken a liking to you
- eren didnt know why exactly he was so attracted to you but he was, maybe it was your hair, or how pretty your skin looked even when oily or with breakouts, maybe it was your smile or your body or your sense of humor or you kindness or maybe it was all of it
- eren jaeger would always stay faithful to his boyfriend and girlfriend, but maybe they could add another person into the mix, more to love right ?
- he had only known you for a couple of months though, he didnt want to jump the gun and bring this up with his partners so soon, especially if they didnt feel the same way he did
- and it would be a bummer if you turned out to be a bad person or smth
- so summer rolls around with lots of memories being made with your new friends, as well as friends from work, and you get a girlfriend ??
- shes not really your girlfriend you two have only been out on a couple of dates and she kisses you a lot but, you havent talked about labels
- one night you, along with your friends are back at the same bar where you first met them
"so, tell us about the girl youre seeing." ymir says, smirking over her beer.
eren's ears perked up at the mention of you seeing someone. "girl ?"
historia nodded. "mhm ! y/n's been talking to someone recently, they've gone on dates and kissed and stuff."
"and stuff, jesus tori you make it sound like we've had sex." you sighed.
the blonde just laughed, leaning her body onto her freckled companion.
"well ? what about her ?" eren asks. armin slapped him on the arm, already having suspicions about eren's interest in you.
your shoulders sagged. "well, she's great and everything, truly..."
"but ? is there a but in this ?" connie asked. sasha started laughing at connie's use of the word but, while jean slapped the girl on the arm because of her reaction.
you shrugged, swirling what was left of your fruity cocktail in your glass. "well, i'm not sure. she's very lively, and sweet. but i don't know, i just don't see myself being able to be in a steady relationship with her."
"so you're gonna end it ?" eren asked. you thought he seemed a bit too eager about your failure in the love department.
"why do you care so much ? you like the thought of me being lonely ?" you shot back, before downing the rest of your drink.
"no i just-"
"i think what eren means is," mikasa intervened, her smooth voice calming you as she looked at you with a smile on her face. "is that there's no point in staying with her if you can't see yourself with her. don't lead her on."
you nodded. "you're exactly right my friend. which is the plan for tonight because i," you quickly checked the time on your phone. 8:17. "have a date with miss molly at nine, so i will be taking my leave."
the group engaged in a chorus of boos for leaving so early, while you chuckled and took the lighthearted insults thrown at you by sasha and connie with ease. grabbing all of your things you put down two twenties onto the table. "i'll see you guys later, have a goodnight." as you walked off you heard jean yell "have a good time you heartbreaker !" making you shake your head
- the date with molly went less then well. she yelled, and cried, and even tried hitting you at one point. your walk back from the park was spent blocking her on every form of social media you followed her on, and when you got back to your apartment you spent the night in a hot bath before retiring to bed
- meanwhile, armin and mikasa were trying to pry the truth out of eren, who was constantly denying his attraction to you
- finally mikasa took one for the team "eren, you aren't alone with the way you feel, i do too." this made eren more willing to open up to his partners
- armin doesnt say anything about you, only saying how youre kind. he doesnt feel the way that his girlfriend and boyfriend do, but he knows that may change
- soon enough, more time flies and christmas rolls around, with you all deciding to have a secret santa get together.
- historia invites everyone to her home on christmas eve, with ymir begrudgingly allowing it
- bertholdt and annie come too, reiner not being able to make it due to going home for christmas, while everyone else decided to stay in the city
- you picked out your secret santas at the beginning of november so you would all have enough time to find something for each other, you hoped whoever picked your name gave you something good
- after hours of games and karaoke and drinking you all decided it was time to open the presents
- ymir got socks from bertholdt, connie got an ugly beanie from ymir, historia got new pens from mikasa, mikasa got knitting needles from annie, annie got a dumbell from eren, jean got a not so appropriate t shirt from connie, jean gave sasha more comic books, armin gave new stationary paper to bertholdt, sasha gifted you that new biography you've been wanting to read and you gave armin your old copy of frankenstein by mary shelley
- he was surprised but very thankful, "how did you know i needed a new copy ?" "well i remember you said eren spilt water on your old one, and the pages just stuck together so i thought you might as well have mine"
- it warmed armin's heart that you remembered something so insignificant, and opened him up to the thought of being with you
- the rest of the night was spent with hugs and thankfulness, cheering when the clock struck 12 and it became christmas day
- after getting things cleaned up everyone decided it was time to leave, with armin, eren and mikasa offering to give you a ride home
- a ride where armin straight up kissed you in the backseat
- you stopped him of course, thinking that it was weird he would cheat on his partners right in front of them, while they were shocked all on their own for different reasons, armin who didnt have feelings for you KISSED you
- and surprisingly armin took the lead in explaining how he felt, why he kissed you, an apology for doing so, and an offer to start dating all three of them
- your heart was pounding in your ears and your entire face felt hot, it was probably the alcohol, or the way his lips felt so soft when they touched yours, so you said yes.
- its not smooth sailing from there
- youre kind of awkward
- this is your first relationship where you really feel like you could love these guys (you already do) but its also your first relationship with multiple people
- the trio start inviting you over more often, soon for sleepovers, and start inviting themselves over at your own place, mainly eren
- he just comes at random times, sometimes when youre not even there and waits for you, or stays and cleans up a bit before leaving
- armin and you share a deep love of literature, and you often find yourselves in hot debates about whatever youve read (mikasa and eren have to pry you two away before things get physical)
- mikasa likes to cook with you, she shares recipes that her mom taught her, and her and armin love to cook dinner together whereas eren is the breakfast maker of the household
- the first time you slept in the same bed as them you were so nervous your whole body thumped to the tune of your heartbeat, you were convinced armin could even hear it as he was laying beside you, but eren wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his large chest before whispering "youre as stiff as a board, relax honey"
- eren snores, mikasa drools, armin has those dreams where you fall and then violently wake up before you hit the ground
- slowly but surely you stop thinking about your relationship as the trio and you, but as all of you together, and that really helps you come out of your shell a bit
- you may still be in the honeymoon phase, and there may be bumps along the way, but you like being with armin, eren, and mikasa. they make you so happy, it feels like the happiest youve been in a long time
- you like watching eren and armin dance in the living room while you and mikasa cuddle on the couch, before the boys pull you two up as well
- you like when armin reads to you, his soft voice reciting the words of the great gatsby
- you like it when eren can just tell youve had a rough day, and pulls you into a hug like hes protecting you from all the bad things in the world
- you love being with them. you love them. and you think that theyre it for you
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i rushed the ending bc im fucking tired but i kinda wanna do a poly!series with like sasha, connie and jean, or annie, bertholdt and reiner, or any other poly ships u guys may request !
so yeah pls give me feedback it rlly helps me figure out whether you want a polyamorous series (or just like what i write in general), and it would be my first series ever which would be super cool anyways
yeah requests open for poly!ships anyways
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Can u do a Tom Holland x black reader
Where there relationship has been secret for a while and reader confronts him while there with the ffh cast at a get together and they have a huge argument in front of everyone and reader starts to think he wants to keep her a secret because of what she looks like . Ending in fluff
Summary: huh-
Warnings: uhhhh- a dick thomas and a faking it andddd- NOW NOW NOW NANANANA NOW YÆS- jk fluff
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You wanted to not care, you wanted to act like your feelings weren’t hurt- but it wasn’t true, it wasn’t fair. You sigh and laid in bed with him thinking about everything you gave to him, everything you’ve done for him.....but he can’t even take you outside? What the fuck, no really. What the actual fuck.
Your blood boiled on the inside out, just looking at him clouded your mind with all these negative thoughts. You didn’t want it to happen but you couldn’t help it, and since you refused to shed a tear your head was pounding and lips slightly chapped. Hearing his moan made you jump a bit, turning your back to him as you acted sleep. “Y/n?” He whispered, turning enough to look at you and smiled, leaning over to kiss up your arm all the way to your cheek as he took his hand to rub your waist. “Y/n wake up, I wanna make you coffee” he chuckled, biting your ear before kissing it. You opened your eyes and tried best not to laugh, just something about getting caught always made you giggle.
“Hmm?” You let out when he pressed a kiss to your lips, “I wanna make you coffee” you smacked your lips and laid back down “Thomas I’m still tired” lie, you just wanted time to yourself to think about what your gonna do. “Pleaseeeee y/nnnnn!” He shook you and you groaned “fine” he smiled and bit your revealed shoulder making you squeal and try to wiggle him away leaving him laughing at you before he stood up and walked to the kitchen.
“Soooooo” he tried to ease the sudden tension sitting at the table, looking at you drinking the coffee. “Yes?” You looked up at him, placing the mug down. “Uh, I don’t know....just wanted to speak to you ya know?” “Nah I don’t” you shook your head and he furrowed his eyebrows at the mean comment, wondering what went wrong, but he knew better to bother you or else you’d go off the chain. “Zendaya wants to see you” Tom smiled, putting his hands in his lap and rubbing them together while he looked away from you. “Really?” You asked.
It was like a child and their independent, self centering father were talking....the silence loud and the father barely even caring...or at least that’s what it looked like. “Yeah, and so does Jacob, haz, Laura and tony” he cheered up, excited to see you happy. “When?” You grinned as he chuckled, “today, we have to go for lunch” he moved his chair closer to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead before holding your hand. “I love you so much, y/n” it wasn’t the first time he said that, but when he did it sent you unplesant chills as the angel and devil on your shoulders agrued.
‘If he were to love you then he would show you off’ ‘y/n no, he might be scared to’ ‘what is there to be so fücking afraid of, listen to me’ ‘stay positive! You both are gonna get there’ ‘you’ve been dating for multiple months, it’s not even fücking dating it’s like a fling at this point, just a longggg fling-‘
You cut them both out and looked at him “I-I” you choked. “Don’t worry you don’t have to say it, I already know you do” he chuckled.
‘What a cocky bitch’ ‘he just said he loves you!’ ‘He’s laughing at you because you can’t say three simple words’ ‘he’s not pressuring you into doing anything, listen to me!’ ‘You’ve been getting negative signs every single months, it’s time to fucking move on’ ‘just give him another chance! He can change!’ ‘He won’t y/n, he wont’
You didn’t know how to stick to, your angel couldn’t fight anymore because the your devil kept pointing out the larger things and storing up the pot, you chose angel this time and decided to give him one more single chance, after that it’s done. You know your worth.
You smiled up at him and put a kiss to his lips thanking him “it’s no problem princess”
After that whole shannanagin you washed the dishes and took another nap on the couch this time, you wanted to watch Disney+. Tommy woke you up and told you to get ready so you did, just something comfy like sweats and an oversized hoodie with some uggs, he wore jeans and a sweatshirt per usual. “You ready?” He asked watching you when you looked up and nodded, he smile and held his hand out for you to take and you put it there.
‘He’s using you!’ ‘He’s being nice!’
You told your conscious to shut up mentally and then poof they left, the ride was silent and playing some random songs that you couldn’t catch while he tapped his fingers on the wheel.
Once you came in the small quiet restaurant you all sat around the table saying hi to each other, tom sat next to you on the right and on the left was the boys while the rest of the girls sat across from you. Food was ordered and you all were chatting “sooo I see that you two are hanging out a whole bunch...what’s goin on?” Zendaya said. You looked at Thomas “no we aren’t together” he laughed “she’s a friend”
That hit so deep. To deep. You only nodded your head and filled your cheeks with air, Tom looked at you with a smile, his eyes happy too. “Yeah just friends!” You agree, “right” he said after, you released the air in your cheeks and bit the side of your lip. “Cool” Zendaya smiled and looked down at her plate.
Everything was normal for everyone else except you, the small people on your shoulders appearing.
‘I told youuuuu’ ‘y/n I never thought that I could agree with him’ your angel pointed to your devil ‘but I do, whatever needs to come it has to’ the devil perked up to the words, standing and walking to your ear before whispering all the things he’s done.
As you mind cakes up your eyes flare and nostrils perk and jitter, “I have to use the bathroom” you looked at Tom and he only shrugged but noticing the look in your eye he could tell somethings wrong. You stood and walked in the bathroom, your hands shook as you sat ontop of the counter, taking time to yourself to try and calm down but that’s all that you could think about. Trying to be respectful as possible.
Tom pretended to walk inside the men’s bathroom but instead came into the woman’s, seeing you stare at your hands. “Y/n?” He tried to be gentle. “What the fuck do you want, Thomas?” You looked up at him. “What-“ “get out” “tell me what’s wrong” he stepped in and the bathroom door closed by it’s self. “what’s wrong? We aren’t dating so what does that matter? Leave me alone” “I’m not leaving you a fücking lone, you need to get your act together so you can sit down with your fucking friends” he said sternly.
“What am I? Your fucking pet? Child? No the fuck I’m not!” You stood, walking over slowly. “I’ve tried my fücking best to ignore it, to suck it up, to hide it, but you fucking enrage me SO MUCH that I can’t help it!” “Shut up y/n your being to loud” “IM BEING TO LOUD? HERE ILL BE MORE FUCKING QUIETER!” You raised your voice louder.
Everyone’s eyebrows furrowed as they could hear your screams.
As you got closer he backed up more. “Y/n please-“ “what thomas? You dont wanna let everyone know what a fucking bitch you are? The fact that you LIE TO EVERYONE about our relationship”
At this point you were so blinded you didnt notice that you were infront of everyone.
“Why do you hide me away?” You genuinely asked, and suddenlyyou were crashed by a sudden rush of anxiety. “is it because i dont look like your past exes?” He was backed up against the table as you stopped right infront him, your eyes started to water as he didnt reply.
“Y/n i-“ zendaya harrison and jacob looked at tom too, it was clear what the problem was and zendaya was getting kinda mad and was waiting for an answer.
“Thomas” you begged and he had nothing, he said.... nothing.
Tears fell down his cheek as he watched you sniffle and rub your nose, grabbing your bag and running out.
Everyone watched him in silence as he leaned back into the table “excuse me” the lady gently said, tom noticed it wasnt his table so he only walked out of the store and waited outside.
He watched as you pulled out of the car but he didnt even feel like trying to make you come back, you do need to have some time to yourself.
“Fuck” he let out, wondering why he didnt say anything nor do anything. Harrison walked outside and sat next to him.
“Why?” He asked and tom looked at him. “I dont know i just felt like- i felt like my fans were gonna hurt her” “but you did” harrison pointed at tom “you didnt even give a chance and she stuck by your side for how long?” Tom told away and as he speaked he noticed how much of a dick he was......is.
You cried in the bed while you had your things out, getting ready to pack them up as you could barely breathe choking ob your sobs.
What did i do wrong? What did i do to deserve this? Should i change?
All these things running through your head and distracting yourself from putting your stuff up.
You ened up crying your ass off, crying it longer then the months that youve both been together, its all that you could think about honestly.
So when he came home you didn’t even notice your head hurt and your eyes stung, cuddling the pillow while your clothes were on the floor.
He hated seeing you like this, it made him cry and something he couldnt suck up, so when he saw you hurt and hearing your weeps it instantly hit him and made him come over and sit on the end of the bed, uncontrollable tears falling down his cheeks while he let out matching sobs.
You sat up and saw him, your eyes drying as they filled with hatred you stood and walked but tom beat you to the door, shutting it and locking it behind you.
You pointed to the door silently asking him to let you out but he shook his head refusing to. You walked up to him and tried to take his hand to pull him out the way but instead he forced his arms around your neck to hug you.
“Get off of me!” You yelled muffled. “No” he simply said, kissing your head as tears continued falling down his cheeks. “Get off- please get off!” You tried pushing him but he wouldnt budge.
“You can hit me, push me, whatever you want but im not letting you go” he gripped tighter speaking into your hair. “Fuck you” you muttered and he replied with a ‘i know’.
You both sat in silence all day and he was still hugging you but you didnt hug back until you calmed down, sobbing into his chest. “Y/n, you’re the one i want, you’re the one i need. So im begging you please... just dont leave me” he whispered starring at wall, his fingers touching your hair and trying to sooth you.
“Im scared your gonna leave me tom” you look up at him with your chin on his chest. He looker back at you “i cant even think of it, darling” he rubbed away your tears “but why-“ “i was scared” “what is there to be so afraid of?” “My fans are terrible... at least the 12 year olds” he chuckled “im scared they wont see the same beauty i see in my eyes, id rather keep you to myself then share you with this cruel world”
He reached down and kissed your forehead. “But youve been doing it for so long and-“ you sighed “i didnt feel like it was that long, you made me feel like-like you took it away. Like i could spend forever with you and it woukd seem like it was just an hour or so”
You gave him a weak smile and he returned it, reaching to meet his lips you did, the kiss salty from the shared tears but no one was complaining, you both laid in the bed and he cuddled right behind you, while you were sleep he took a picture and posted it with the caption ‘couldnt ever ask for anything better, love you y/n’
After that he shut off his phone and returned to your side and pressed a kiss on your neck before falling asleep, safe and sound.
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awisa-moved · 4 years
hey i love your posts about sufjan stevens and was wondering what your thoughts on the predatory wasps of the palisades are? idk if youve posted about it before but id love to hear your take on the song
ok ok this makes me so happy u wanna hear my thoughts on predatory wasp cuz i sincerely just. love it so much thank u <3
i think it’s sad because it makes you think of the “what ifs” while being incredibly innocent in its lyrics. he sings about summer, pretending to be asleep, lake swimming  .. it’s very vivid and idk he just has such a way with describing the simplest things with so much feeling and love lmao. the narrator was in love with his friend, they were both in love, and after he kissed him his friend left. maybe he disappeared because of the kiss, maybe he disappeared cuz it’s summer camp and you’re just not gonna stay in touch with everyone u meet cuz thats life. but the narrator doesn’t sound regretful even though it Does hurt which is expressed through the wasp. 
in tone it’s very upbeat, which makes it feel almost deceptively happy at first? not that it can’t be interpreted as happy, but it ends with the same conclusion of “my friend ran away” as kill from a sun came does, but in a retrospective way that feels grateful for the experience. there could have been more between the two boys but their love ended abruptly, just as the song’s final hallelujah in the last verse gets cut off. the repeating of “we were in love […] i can wait” is especially emotional, since it’s so happy and hopeful and affirming! it wasn’t a one sided crush, they were friends and in love, and presumably that fell apart after the kiss. instrumentally it’s brilliant. the song is very calm until after the fourth verse with the “touching his back with my hand i kiss him” line. the music picks up, and it jsut .. sounds amazing? it’s explosive and theatric and so incredibly good for my ears, and really feels like the excitement of having a new love.
the motif of the wasp is very clear and appears three times in the song: while he’s falling asleep in the first verse (which initially i just see as a setup of the story but the imagery of a wasp creeping in your bedroom at night while you want to sleep is a bit anxious right?), on his arm during the kiss, and “terrible sting, terrible storm”. there’s also the line “there on his shoulder my best friend is bit seven times”, again talking about the physical pain. the number seven is of course significant and is supposed to signify divinity and god in christianity; i however have no knowledge of christianity (ironically perhaps, considering how heavy his christian imagery can get) and its motifs so i can’t really comment on that part, but, yknow. bugs and pain. and i think wasps are fuckin scary dude. they’re fast and annoying and all u really know abt them when ur little is they dont die after they sting u like a bee would. they’re a natural part of summers spent outside, so not especially significant yet it’s a reoccurring part of the song. ofc and the title is “the predatory wasp of the palisades” which also makes me think of yknow feeling weird and predatory for having gay feelings especially when ur young. the wasp brings anxiety, the wasp brings pain to the narrator in multiple ways, this wasp is fucking predatory and a pain in the ass!!!
in the end, it’s not the narrator telling the story as it happens but reminiscing about it (”i can tell you – the telling gets old”) with no shame (”trusting things beyond mistake”). which.. i love! so many of his songs with gay themes are tragic or just plain sad (which reminds me of how he wrote with my whole heart on his pride ep as a personal challenge to “write an upbeat and sincere love song without conflict, anxiety, or self-deprecation” which is fucking hilarious and accurate). predatory wasp is sad yes, but in the cheesy type of way where you miss a person or at least what they used to be like and you miss the way you felt and the brand new experiences. it’s sad that it’s over, but what can you do but be happy that you at least felt it, both the good and the bad parts?
when looking at songs i try to just think of them as stories and detach the artist from the narrator of the song, for sufjan’s work especially since a lot of his projects are concept albums and not necessarily autobiographical. but i love love love the live recordings of this and the little story he tells before it, always the same story at it’s core (methodist summer camp, hung out the entire time with this boy, wandered into the woods and saw a giant wasp and ran back to the camp) but with little details changed and dramatized every time. in venus, from the planetarium album, he sings about love and lust and brings up methodist summer camp and in two separate interviews that were years apart talked about “most profound spiritual and sexual experiences” being at a .. methodist summer camp. and he does not repeat stuff in his discography very often, if at all 🙄
anyways, yeah. in conclusion it’s about love and being gay and in love 
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asexualzoro · 6 years
so you want to make a twitter (part 2)
i’ve seen a few guides on twitter for new twitter users, which is nice, but something about having the posts being things you had to finds on twitter--a new site for the people who needed those guides--seemed unhelpful to me. so, i figured id make a small series of guides of my own here for anyone considering a move (or just making an account) who dont know how
this is a series of posts, since im going to be sort of detailed, so feel free to use just the pieces you need. ill tag them all “lews twitter tutorials” so you can find them on my blog
this is written under the assumption that youve read part 1 of this mini guide series, and dont know anything about twitter or any other social media site but tumblr
ill put it under a cut to save your space, but here’s the most important feature of twitter: tweeting!
so, tweeting. this is something you obviously have to know how to do.  this is how to make a tweet, differences between tumblr and twitter, and how to interact with a tweet
so, making one! when you make a new tweet on mobile, the screen looks like this
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(the icons are p much the same whether you use mobile or desktop, so it doesnt matter which i use)
first, the tweet itself! tweets can only be up to 280 characters, and cant be edited once you post them. theres no feature to bold, italicize, underline, or add linked text in twitter, so its not as good as tumblr for stuff like that, unfortunately. 
here’s what the icons at the bottom do, from left to right
- pictures! this is sort of straightforward: it lets you add pictures. a tweet can only contain either 4 pictures, 1 gif, or 1 video. you cant have a gif and a picture, or a picture and a video. 
a note for artists! twitter is known to compress image quality when images are uploaded, BUT there is a workaround! if you have even one single transparent pixel, your image wont be compressed. 
a note for everyone! you can enable image transcription captions in settings (Settings > Accessibility > compose image descriptions). this allows you to type a short image description to any image you post, if you choose to. it’s a feature i recommend you have on and try to use for your followers who might have worse vision!
- gif keyboard! this image is a search for reaction gifs, basically. i almost never use it bc i can usually never find the specific gif im looking for...
- polls! tis is a feature i like about twitter! it allows you to conduct anonymous polls with up to four options. you can set a time limit and leave it up to allow people to respond. settle arguments between you and your friends or get opinions!
you cant post an image and a poll in the same tweet, so if you want opinions on something in an image, just have the poll be a reply to your tweet
- location! you can add your current location to any tweet. ive had this disabled for so long i genuinely dont know like... anything about this.
listen, im trying my best
- the little circle at the bottom which is grey with a dot of blue is the character counter. the circle is grey when empty, and gets bluer as you tweet. it wont count out how many characters you have left until youre within 20 of being full, in which case itll let you know so you dont go over the limit. 
- finally, theres the + icon, which is for making threads. it lets you edit multiple tweets at once, connected in a string. threads are helpful for a lot of reasons!
if you have information to share, then put it together in a thread! if one tweet in a thread is retweeted, it’s marked as being part of a thread. this will encourage readers to look at the rest!
if you like to livetweet series, put it in a thread! this allows you to keep all your livetweets in one place, and also allows people following you to mute the thread if they arent interested
- i also know on mobile if you close out with the X, you can save a tweet to drafts to edit and post later. i dont know if you can do this on desktop because i never use desktop, and when i have, i couldnt ever find the drafts thing. i know if you delete the app, all your drafts are deleted, too
WELL, now that youve got the basics on a tweet....
interacting with the tweets of others
okay, heres a bit on what buttons do what, and some Twitter Manners
here’s our sample tweet, posted. this isnt how it appears on the timeline, but how it appears once you click it, so i can show the full range of things you can do with a tweet.
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you can see the tweet, who posted it, and the date/time, and other stuff
- profile. top left. if you click the icon/display name/handle of the op, you can go to their profile!
- menu. see the little arrow in the top right corner? thats a menu. 
on your own tweet, you can delete the tweet here, pin it to your profile, or mute it. muting a tweet means you no longer get notifications when someone interacts with it
on someone else’s tweet, you can follow or unfollow the op of the tweet, mute the op, block the op, or report the tweet
in the bottom row....
- theres tweet activity. it only shows up on your own tweet, and lets you see how many people have seen your tweet.
- below this would tell you how many likes and retweets your tweet got, but no one liked or retweeted my wonderful tweet for some strange reason, so i cant show you
worth noting, if your account is on private, you wont show up in the notifications of people who arent following you
now for the buttons
- the speech bubble is replies! that lets you repy to the tweet
worth saying, if you reply to a retweet or conversation, its important to be sure to un-@ the people who you arent talking to. when you reply to someone, at the top of the reply it will list everyone youre replying to. click the little names and unclick the check boxes by the names of those not involved, and youre good to go! not doing this is considered rude/annoying
- next, retweeting! retweeting is sort of like reblogging. you retweet another tweet so it shows up on your own account. you can retweet without comment, which brings the tweet as is, or with comment, which allows you to add your own sort of caption. the op of the tweet will nto be notified for any replies, likes, or retweets on a comment retweet
a note! people often do retweets with comments on stuff like news stories to add their own commentary/jokes
another note! DO NOT do this to art by artists, even if youre doing it to be nice! a lot of artists, especially international artists, find this incredibly rude, as it takes away attention and retweets from the art itself. if you want to share art, just retweet. if you want to say something nice, just tell them in replies!
its not uncommon for people to retweet something without comment, then make a tweet of their own to comment on them.these tweets generally start with LRT (last retweet)
- likes are pretty simple. you press the like button and you like the post. one thing thats different from tumblr to twitter, though, is twitter has a feature that shows your likes (and that you liked them) to your followers (if they havent disabled it). 
- the share button allows you to share tweets! you can DM them to your friends, bookmark them (this is good for articles and such), or copy the link to share elsewhere.
and... that concludes tweeting!
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Family Time pt. 3
PREFACE: This is a fluff piece about MC and Chris on a family visit to Chris’s home in Maine for AJ’s birthday. Some story-lines from the App have been altered. These events are placed between The Junior and what I can only hope will be The Senior.
NOTE: This is a fictional story based on Pixelberry’s Choices App. *Books The Freshman, The Sophomore, The Junior. I am not affiliated with Pixelberry nor do I own the rights to their characters.
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“There he his” Chris’s mother beamed closing the door behind her. Ms. Powell or ‘Lily’-as MC had been asked to address her on their last visit- quickly wrapped her son in a hug. MC felt his hand leave hers as he returned his mothers hug. MC’s anxiety flourished at the loss of his touch but the sight of his happiness around his mother calmed her again.
MC loved her own mother, but in her own way. Her mother was a lawyer, a business woman and a professor. Between her three jobs she’d not had much time for a daughter. MC spent most of her upbringing around her father. The relationship between Chris and Lily was foreign to MC.
“And there she is” Lily smiled giving MC a quick hug which she already knew would not be returned. Lily adored MC and the happiness she’d brought into her son’s life. She knew there was a reason MC didn’t show physical affection back to her but Chris had instructed her not to pry about it. Lily’s affection for MC was mutual. MC respected her and trusted her, she even valued her as a human but would push the idea of her being a mother figure aside because the fear of loss was even greater.
“It’s good to see you” MC nods. “How’ve you been”
“I’ve been just wonderful, everything here is the same as before. When was the last time you visited?” Lily said trying to recall “Was it Thanksgiving?”
“Yes! And I’ve been craving those yams ever since” MC laughs.
“Where’s everyone else?” Chris says knowing he’s interrupted.
Lily turns her attention, “Kyle just got his license and is taking AJ out for her birthday dinner. You kept your arrival a secret right?”
Chris and MC had made the long trek to Maine only to surprise the light of Chris’s life, the only girl MC would ever had to compete with, his little sister; AJ. It was her twelfth birthday today and Chris had told her he’d have to miss this year for his football training.
“Of course, I even sent her an apology this morning for not being able to make it early this morning” Chris responded maniacally. “When will they be home?”
“They left about an hour ago so I can only assume they’ll be home soon.” Lily said sweetly getting up and pulling out birthday presents that had been hidden in high cabinets above the fridge.  
“Where’d they go to eat?” MC asked innocently, only the moment the question left her lips she knew the answer “Wait!” she halted their responses “They’re getting lobster right? I remember, it’s tradition!” she smiled happily. Chris and Lily’s smiles confirmed that she was indeed correct. MC felt total happiness wash over her, she’d wished more than anything should could jump back in time and meet Chris’s family in their prime. “Every year someone, and just one someone would take the birthday boy.. Or girl in this case out for lobster dinner! Chris favored his mom taking him, Kyle favors…” MC pauses trying to remember all the conversations her and Chris had had about his brother. “Kyle favors, Grandpa!” she yells “And AJ favors Chris” MC goes silent realizing that is not the case this year. “Oh” she looks at him as Chris’s eyes go sad.
“I can’t take that from my brother this year, it’s his turn to be her big brother I’ll surprise her when she’s home.” As Chris finishes his response they hear the garage door opening.
“Hide!” Lily yells helping them grab their stuff as MC and Chris run up the stairs to Chris’s childhood bedroom.
“Shit! My Car!” Chris yells to his mom “She’s gonna know!”
“I asked you 5 times to park around the corner Christopher!” Lily yells back as the door opens
“Where is he, where is he, where is he!” AJ’s screams as her voice fills the house. AJ sprints around the living room checking her room first. “Not there!” she says slamming the door. She runs to the guest bathroom sliding the shower curtain open. “Nope” she pauses and realizes how foolish she was not to check his room first” AJ runs up the stairs faster than a lightning flash and comes around the corner of the hallway to his room just in time for Chris to catch her in a hug. “You liar” she laughs in the hug burying her face in his shoulder. For AJ this is the best birthday gift anyone could have given her. Adolescents and puberty are creeping into her life, mood swings and attitude. But she could never let all of that affect the way she saw her oldest brother. He was her hero, she’d written multiple elementary school projects about him and had even been teased by her peers that she was ‘in love’ with her brother. “I can’t believe you came!” she says not moving her face from his shirt.
MC can see Chris’s grin bigger than it’s been since their last visit. There’s a glisten in his eyes, tears maybe? He’d hide them before AJ looked at him again. Seeing the way he was around his little sister only made MC love him more. “I’ll leave you alone” MC mouths to Chris before heading back down the stairs to Lily and Kyle.
Kyle stands by the fridge putting leftovers inside and pulling a large cake out. His eyes are tired and face saddened, his hair is much darker than his brothers and it’s long enough to cover his eye in this moment. Kyle’s never been one to speak his feelings, something MC always wanted to relate to him on but never had the strength to talk to him about. She’s never had brothers, or siblings at all for that matter. And Kyle, Kyle always seems a little short when she comes around.
“She loves you too” MC blurts out covering her mouth quickly as her thoughts had come out verbally. Kyle looks at her with a glare “Yeah, I know she’s my sister and I just paid eighty dollars for her dinner” he says sharply slamming the fridge while still perfectly balancing the cake in his other hand. He places it down on the table and goes to get the birthday candles from the cabinet.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean-” MC says before Lily places a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“Don’t blame yourself MC, he’s always like this when Chris comes around. Just let him run his course” Lily speaks quickly and quietly walking to the kitchen to help her son look for the candles. MC looks up the staircase her eyes pleading for Chris to return. She knew she was socially codependent on him but she didn’t know how bad until now. After a few moments when Chris doesn’t return MC turns her gaze back to Kyle and Lily. Lily whispers to her son, MC can’t hear what's being said but their body language says he’s being punished for what came before.
“Do you need some help” MC asks, though it took all her courage to do so.
“Sure. Take the candles and put them in the cake. She’s 12 not that you or Chris were around for the last year to know that” he says condescendingly.  
“Sure thing” MC says lightly, reaching for the candles.  But in that moment she’s had enough of his attitude. Every time she come to Maine she deals with the hateful comments from the teenager in the house. “Actually, if I may ask” she says doing her best to remain calm and polite. “Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you.” Kyle says directly
“So you hate Chris” MC spits back just as directly.
“I guess” Kyle responds in a whisper, he’s never said out loud that he hates his brother and he fears the punishment that will come if he does.
“I don’t think you do” MC continues with her polite tone “You see, I get it. Everytime I call my family they don’t ask how I am, they ask how he is. How is my star football player? When are we gonna get married? When am I bringing him home?” MC finishes and her polite tone turns to annoyance.
Kyle stands in front of her stunned, she’d hit the nail on the head. Every teacher at his school every parent of his friends constantly asked about his brother. But worst of all, every girl he’d ever liked, only liked him for his brother. His tired eyes are bigger and blue than his brothers and they stare back at MC in shock “But don’t you love him?” he asks
“Of course, he’s the greatest thing to ever happen to me, but I’ll say it outloud I wish someone would ask about me for once. I love him for all his accomplishments and his failures and I’ll love him for the rest of my life.  And so will you!” MC spits Chris standing at the top the stairs listening in, but out of view from his brother. “Everytime I come here I watch you treat him disrespectfully. I know he’s great and I’m sure youve heard it a million time right?”
“Right” Kyle grunts
“But your annoyance does not warrant hatred. You know… almost the whole way here Chris told me how you went out for the baseball team last year, that you’d never shown interest in it before that but somehow you ended up the star player. He also told me that you excel in writing and English studies that you’re only going into your junior year and you’re already taking college courses in it. That you’ve expressed interest in Ivy League schools and have held the grades to accomplish it. He loves you and it’s time you start giving that love back”
MC had felt herself getting lost in her world again as she spoke resisting the urge to paint the pictures of Kyle’s success at school. She wanted to shake him and tell him that being a teenager doesn’t last forever and that every moment and emotion you feel counts. He couldn't let all of those emotions be full of jealousy and hate. And most of all he couldn’t let all of his accomplishments only be done to spite his older brother. MC pulls herself out of the moment to see a smile shown on Lily’s face, her son had been put in his place as she’d tried to do so many times before. MC turns to Chris who’s now sitting on the top step with his sister next to him covering her ears; she hated the fighting. His eyes look to MC and they are grateful. He pulls his sisters hands away from her ears and reassures her that it’s over. The tension in the room is thick, MC finds it hard to breathe as her anxiety forms again. She’d never spoke like that to her family, she’d only ever been spoken too in that way. And now she’d spoken so openly around a family who did nothing but love each other. She’d accused a member of that family and though she was right she couldn’t feel it. She breathes in and out as the seconds seem to last for minutes. She can feel her emotions taking over as her eyes glaze over.
“I’m ready for cake” AJ says stomping down the stairs and cutting the silence. She goes immediately next to Kyle. “you got me this cake right?” she asks.
Kyles eyes full of anger turn only kind when he talks to his sister “Uh, yeah.. Happy Birthday AJ” he responds trying to shake the feeling of regret. He knows what MC said is true but something in him wants to be right, he wants to feel right for treating Chris poorly. He can’t own up to his actions. “Let me just light the candles” he says staring at his hand full of candles that MC never took from him. He places them in the cake and heads to the garage for a lighter. They only have a few moments before he returns.
“Thank you MC,” Lily says instantly looking to MC. “That wasn't easy for you but thank you.” she finishes there and turns to her daughter. Her body language instantly changes the tone of the room. “So what are you gonna wish for AJ?” she asks. MC tunes out of their conversation still standing in one place. She’s been breathing in and out deeply and quietly. She’s been clasping her hands squeezing them tight pushing them off one another for minutes now. She’s on the brink of a full fledged anxiety attack. She looks up when she feels Chris grab her hands.
“Thank you” he mouths to her and kisses her forehead for a long moment. He feels her hands sweating and shaking. Though quiet he can even hear her deep breaths. “You’re okay MC” he whispers softly moving his hands from hers and wrapping them around her tightly.  Chris was the only person who could pull MC out of her world once she got in it, if she was in her head no matter good or bad Chris could bring her back. She looks up at him mustering a smile. Their eyes connect and the conversations between them begin. No words being spoken but Chris suddenly understands. Her fears on a tight knit family were hard for Chris to wrap his head around but he tried for her. 
“Got it” Kyle says returning with a bright smile, he’s clearly readjusted his attitude for his sister. His best birthday gift to her. He lights the candles quickly and everyone gathers around the table. They sing happy birthday all together their voices completely out of tune but it doesn’t matter to AJ she’s just happy to have everyone there.
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