#if: si huaiqiao
vermillioncourt-if · 5 months
As promised, I updated the ROs portraits! Remember, they're only temporary until I've saved enough to pay an artist to properly draw all 6 them ^^ ❤️
Under the cut, like usual! I'll update their pages when I have the time!
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If you go here (lol), you know who each one is!
If you're new, left to right, top to bottom we have:
Huaiqiao - Chanyu
Kounao - Sandong
Duqiong - Nahou
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
How about instead of the mc dying how would the Ros react to dying in the mcs arms?
Womp womp, rip to the ROs. I'm interpreting this as them dying from a mortal wound and not like old age or sickness.
ROs dying in MCs arms
Let's start with the people who are afraid of dying, so Nahou and Kounao. They would be terrified in their last moments saying stuff like "I don't want to go yet" and other such things. It's up to MC to settle their asses down though before they work themselves into a panic attack as they're dying.
Sandong and Duqiong aren't okay with dying, but they're not losing their minds like Nahou and Kounao. They express regret about dying, but accept it for what it is.
Huaiqiao and Chanyu are kind of a strange case since both of them kind of expected to die early at some point (being a bodyguard and ex-assassin). They're more relaxed about it. Like weirdly relaxed. They'd say something like "well, can't say that was unexpected". They're weird, idk what to tell you.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
This may be too NSFW so feel free to ignore!
How would the ros react if the mc made the ro accidentally come early?
There's not much that is too NSFW for me!
ROs react to coming early
I think Huaiqiao would be the most embarrassed. He'll apologize profusely for "ruining it". You gotta tell him it's fine or he's not going to believe you and just have a little pity party. If you don't, that's fine too since he'll get over it pretty quickly.
The girls (Chanyu, Sandong, Nahou) would be fine. They really don't care since they basically have no refractory period and can keep going.
You know who else barely has a refractory period? Kounao. It'll be maybe like a second or two before he's ready to go again. Love that for him.
Finally, Duqiong also doesn't really care. It happens so he's not like fussed about it or anything.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
Ros reaction if they found a nude risque drawing of the mc? (Crushing)
ROs finding a nude risqué drawing of MC (crushing phase)
Huaiqiao would be SO embarrassed. First of all, he can't even recall when MC got this done since he's with them pretty much 24/7. Second of all, he can't believe he even looked at it for that long. He considers maybe burning it.
Chanyu wouldn't actually have a reaction. She's probably seen it before since she's MC's maid and regularly cleans their rooms. She'll just put it back where it was.
Kounao is stealing that drawing and he is NOT subtle about it. FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, he says. He's lying, but we're being nice and letting it slide. He'll be super into the drawing and would probably look at it just whenever.
Sandong would put the drawing back. She has her own collection of risqué nudes, so she's not phased and just returns the drawing to where it once was.
Duqiong is ALSO stealing that drawing, but you won't know its him. MC will look for it and be confused since they couldn't find it anywhere and then a day or two later it just reappears in the same spot. He stole it so he can make a copy for himself. Little freak (affectionate).
Nahou is appreciative of the art more than MC's body. She's an artist so her eye is naturally drawn towards the lighting and shading and techniques the artist used in the drawing. Don't get me wrong, she enjoys seeing MC's body, but she doesn't really view it erotically and more tasteful art.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
Oh i Can keep going if you thirsty asses want me to. HERE THREE MORE!
how often do the ROs touch themselves (if at all)?
where do they prefer to come?
how do the ROs let their partner know they’re in the mood?
Thanks nsfw lists -sarah
YALL ARE NASTY!!! I love it 😏 I'll answer these all in the same response.
RO 18+ Facts
Si Huaiqiao:
1. Huaiqiao doesn't touch himself often, maybe once or twice every week or two. His natural libido is fairly low and he's often busy worrying about MC/his job, so he doesn't feel the need to do it too often.
2. If MC let him, inside. If not, their stomach/chest/back is fine.
3. He'll flirt and get more touchy. He'll hint at it, but he's too shy to come out and actually ask MC for sex.
Xu Chanyu:
1. Chanyu touches herself about once or twice a week, depending on her workload. After a day of work and chores, she's pretty tired so she usually just falls asleep before doing anything,
2. On MC's dick/strap. Whichever is applicable.
3. She'll be similar to Huaiqiao, getting flirtier and more touchy. She's more bold than him so she'll start to feel up MC and talk dirty to them.
You Kounao:
1. Kounao touches himself as often as a horny teenage boy would. So... every 1-3 days. He's got so much pent up energy, he found that masturbating actually helps.
2. On MC's ass or face.
3. He'll just flirt with MC and then proposition them. He's pretty direct with what he wants.
Shen Sandong:
1. Once or twice a week, maybe three times. While her libido runs high, she likes to wait to have actual sex to get her release. She says it's more fufilling.
2. She doesn't have a preference.
3. She's bluntly proposition MC. She likes to be honest and upfront about her expectations so you know what you're getting into.
Wei Duqiong:
1. At least once a day. A minimum, at least 7 days a week. Duqiong is horny like all of the time and it's raring to go.
2. Inside. Will have protection if he can get MC pregnant and they don't want a baby yet.
3. Quite like Sandong, he'll openly proposition MC. He's a bit more tactful and smooth, though.
Wu Nahou:
1. Nahou touches herself maybe once or twice a week. She has a decently high libido but she doesn't act on it as often as Duqiong or Kounao.
2. On MC's face.
3. She'll get more flirty and try to make herself more appealing to MC. If they miss all of her hints and cues, she'll proposition them again.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
Biggest ass/boobie/🍆?
I will probably make others ask in the future OR i could make them in your other blog but let's finish with the one here first 😁 -sarah
skfjsjdjck I've been waiting for the sizes ask
RO Ass, Boob, and Dick Sizes
All of these are biggest to smallest!
Ass Sizes
Sandong (very nice and plump but not obnoxious. 10/10)
Chanyu (round and cute. 10/10)
Duqiong (he has ass rights. 8/10)
Kounao (average sized, middle of the road. 6/10)
Nahou (there's a lil something there, but not much. 4/10)
Huaiqiao (he's got a flat ass leave him alone skdjdjf. 2/10)
Boob Sizes
Sandong (pretty big for her frame. carries weight on the bottom so the top of her chest is pretty flat making her look smaller than she really is)
Nahou (on the bigger side of average. nice and round)
Chanyu (on the smaller side of average. small and perky)
Dick Sizes
Huaiqiao (long dick privileges, average girth. about 6.75 to 7 inches)
Duqiong (pretty man, pretty dick. average length and girth, but knows how to use it. around 5.5 to 6 inches)
Kounao (shorter in length but thicker than the others. around 5 inches)
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
I'm gonna ask a spicy BUT really funny Ask:
Their reactions when they are doing it with MC... and their kid walks in?
If not :
ROs’ most sensitive areas / where do they like to be kissed or touched the most?
How they feel about vocal MC? Are they vocal?
Biggest ass/boobie/🍆?
I'm proposing a lot of options -sarah
sarah you're feeding the spicy asks skdjskjdk
I want to do all of these, but I'll do your original one! Feel free to send in another ask for the others!
I wrote this more along the lines of their kid interrupting them by knocking on the door rather than walking in on them!
I also tagged this with both tags since it's also borders being 18+
MC and RO's kid interrupting a moment between them
All of them would be annoyed that their kid cockblocked them.
Huaiqiao and Kounao would throw on whatever was around and go open the door. They wouldn't be super annoyed about being interrupted, though! It's a 50/50 chance if Huaiqiao decides to continue after he takes care of the kid. Kounao would be willing to continue, though.
Chanyu and Duqiong would grumble and sigh and let MC go figure out what their kid wants. When MC comes back, they're still pretty interested in continuing where they left off!
Sandong goes to see what the kid wants. She's quick at getting what they want and brushing them off before going back to MC.
Nahou would be annoyed as hell and probably go "this is why i didn't want kids". She's bitter and won't want to continue once MC comes back, now in a bad mood.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
Since so many spicy ask I'll send in my own!
Ros reaction to the mc accidentally turning them on? Crush stage
Hello! ❤️ I gave this both tags since it doesn't fully cross over in 18+ territory!
ROs react to MC accidentally turning them on (crushing stage)
All of the ROs would be embarrassed!
Huaiqiao would not do anything about it and just sit there and suffer in silence. Like this:
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Kounao and Duqiong are more likely to act on it and probably relieve themselves when they have the opportunity to do so.
If Duqiong's feeling real brave, he might proposition MC under the idea of "no strings attached" (there are strings attached and it's his feelings)
Chanyu and Sandong are the middle ground between Huaiqiao "I will keep all my horny thoughts right here and then I'll die" and Kounao and Duqiong "I will go insane if I don't beat my meat right now".
Essentially, they won't proposition MC or anything, but you can guarantee they're doing something about it when they have the chance. If MC (for some reason) decided to proposition them, they'd take it.
If Chanyu and Sandong are the middle of this spectrum, Nahou would fall between them and Kounao and Duqiong.
She'll mostly behave similarly to Chanyu and Sandong, but she's also not against propositioning MC either. It depends on her mood, really.
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vermillioncourt-if · 8 months
Fun Poll Time!
Just curious to see the demographic breakdown, although, like with the RO one, I feel like I know which will be the most picked one!
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
A New +18 ask is going to show up!
MC : honey it's getting late, you should get to the bedroom
Ro : just finishing this chore and i'll be in bed right away
MC : are you sure ~~ 😏
RO : yes why are y-
*cue the ROs looking at MC wearing lingerie*
Their reaction ? -sarah
I love this so much! skeffjdslf
MC surprising the ROs by wearing lingerie
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao's eyes widen almost comically when he sees MC. He'll smile and blush and drop whatever he's doing to go over to them. He'll compliment them, giving them a kiss. He'll try teasing them a bit. It's up to you whether or not he'd succeed. Ultimately. he'll let them drag him to the bedroom with no complaints.
Xu Chanyu - Chanyu would be so thrilled to see MC in lingerie. Surprising her while she has one last chore may or may not be the best idea if she's holding anything breakable, because she's literally dropping it when she sees MC. She'll happily gush over how amazing MC looks before teasing them and letting them take her to the bedroom.
You Kounao - Kounao would be so excited to see MC in lingerie. He was already on the verge of just putting off the chore until tomorrow, but MC convinced him. He'll honestly act kind of like a hype man more than a smooth and suave boyfriend. He'll be the one to drag MC to the bedroom. As much as he likes the lingerie on them, he prefers it off.
Shen Sandong - Sandong will be surprised. She'll blush and put down what she's doing to go over to them. She'll compliment MC, telling them they look great, before teasingly asking if this is all for her. She'll thank them and tell MC as pretty as they are while wearing the lingerie, she likes them more without it. She'll gladly let them take her to the bedroom after that.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong's eyes will widen slightly before he smirks and gets up to go over to MC. He'll tease MC a bunch before telling them they look very adequate great. Depending on how pent up he is, he might be inclined to take MC right there over heading to the bedroom. I wouldn't get too attached to the lingerie either, since he will probably get a little confused trying to take it off of MC and just end up ripping it off of them.
Wu Nahou - Nahou is so happy to see MC in lingerie and she drops whatever she's doing. Her initial reaction isn't really a typical one, rather it's her judging the lingerie. She does a full 360 look at MC, making comments on the colors, the design, etc. After that, she'll compliment MC for wearing it well and happily take them into the bedroom.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
How would the Ros react if the mc woke them up in a NSFW way? 😏. They were given consent to surprise them with this one day!
Ooh, spicy! I'm writing this as MC giving them oral, but if you want something else, just let me know!
MC waking the ROs up with oral
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao would be surprised and a bit embarrassed, even though he said he'd be fine with it. He's a blushing mess telling MC they didn't have to do that. He'll still enjoy it, don't get it wrong. He'll happily return the favor, going for quite a while. It will definitely escalate into morning sex, so keep your schedule free.
Xu Chanyu - Chanyu would be pleasantly surprised. She blushes and encourages MC to keep going, even though she'll tell them to not get too carried away since she does have to get ready for work. She'll happily return the favor when MC is done, but it won't escalate since she does have things to do.
You Kounao - Kounao will be surprised but take it in stride. He'll grin and then praise MC a ton as he guides them through it. When MC is done, he'll jump on the chance to return the favor. Much like Huaiqiao, it definitely escalates into morning sex. Unlike Huaiqiao, this man can go for hours.
Shen Sandong - Sandong will be stunned silent for a few seconds before taking it in stride. She will direct MC on what to do while threading her hands through their hair. She will immediately return the favor, although it's up to you whether or not it would escalate into anything more. She's fine with stopping there, but will happily go longer.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong would be happily surprised. He's not usually one for slow sex, but this is a nice change of pace. If MC is up for it, he'll happily return the favor in the form of nice morning sex. He is able to go for a long time, but he'll temper himself to only go one fairly quick round since he has things to do.
Wu Nahou - Nahou is thrilled MC woke her up like this! Once she gets her bearings, she'll reposition herself to be able to pleasure MC at the same time. She enjoys morning sex, so she'll be pleased if MC wants to keep going.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
How would the Ros react if the mc walked in on the touching themself and moaning the mcs name? (Crush stage) 😈😏
Anon, this is so spicy!
MC walking in on the ROs touching themself and moaning their name (Crush stage)
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao would straight up probably die of embarrassment. He'd blush and cover himself up apologizing profusely. He'd then start to ramble on about anything, literally unable to stand the awkward silence between them.
Xu Chanyu - Chanyu would be so embarrassed. She'd cover herself up and say MC should've knocked first. Then she'd ask if MC needed anything and, if not, if they could leave. She wouldn't be able to look MC in the eye for the next few weeks.
You Kounao - Kounao would be surprised and cover himself up. He'd apologize but say MC should've knocked first before coming in. Afterwards, he'd be a bit more awkward around them but try to act normally.
Shen Sandong - Sandong would blush and cover herself. She'd ask if MC needed anything or if they could leave. When MC sees her again, she'd apologize that they had to walk in on her. Other than that, she's able to go about her normal business.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong would be pretty upset MC walked in on him. He'd start to lecture them about manners and how you should knock before entering a room, although it's a bit hard to focus considering he's naked and didn't bother to cover himself. He'd see MC looking and would smirk before saying that they could help him out to make up for it, if they'd like. Whether or not MC accepts the proposition or not, that's up to you.
Wu Nahou - Nahou is shameless. She doesn't care and would smirk at MC before asking them if they'd like to join in. If not, she'd appreciate if they'd leave.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
HI! hope you're having a good break, don't mind me I'm just dropping off this ask so I don't forget.
ROs’ reactions if they were working and mc was like ‘oh. i wanted a hug, but I can see you’re busy :(’?
Hello! ❤️ I did have a wonderful break, thanks for asking!
I wrote this interpreting 'working' as the ROs doing their normal jobs!
MC asking for a hug while the ROs are working
Si Huaiqiao - The perks of dating your personal guard means he's always technically working. He'll happily give you a hug if you're alone/with your family. If in public, he'll promise you a hug when you get back to the palace.
Xu Chanyu - The perks of dating your maid also means she's technically always working too. She'll gladly hug you, whether or not you're in private or not! Just be careful if she's holding plates or anything breakable!
You Kounao - Kounao will smile at you before letting you hug him. Despite being an envoy, in this case, he's probably doing paperwork, so he'll let you cuddle with him as he works, if you want that!
Shen Sandong - Sandong is also a diplomat, so she's probably also doing paperwork in this scenario. She'll look at you and let you give her a brief hug before getting back to her work. When she's done, she'll let you cuddle with her for as long as you'd like!
Wei Duqiong - No. Don't bother asking while he's working. It's a no and will always be a no. If he's doing paperwork or something in private, he'll let you sit on his lap and cuddle him as he works.
Wu Nahou - She'll laugh it off like you're a fan or something, but you can see the confusion in her eyes. When she's done performing and has free time, she'll ask you about it, since you know she can't really interrupt her set to hug you. If she's not performing and is doing something else, she'll give you a quick hug before getting back to whatever she was doing!
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
If the ROs despise the MC so much, how do they react if the ROs realize that they are in love with the charmer yet oblivious MC?
Hello! ❤️ I don't think I said that the ROs 'despise' MC, but I get what you're asking! ^^
Normally, I'd be happy to write this, but it does get a Little spoiler-y since I will address something akin to this in the story! So, I'll just give you a few words to describe how they'd feel!
Si Huaiqiao - Confused, Anxious, "I'm so gonna lose my job."
Xu Chanyu - Happy, Nervous, "Should I tell them? I'm sure they won't kick me out..."
You Kounao - Excited, Enthusiastic, "I have to tell MC right now!"
Shen Sandong - Surprised, Hopeful, "... Oh."
Wei Duqiong - Displeased, Happy, "I can't believe I'm in love with them of all people."
Wu Nahou - Happy, Glad, "I'm interested to see where this leads."
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vermillioncourt-if · 8 months
Ros reaction to having a NSFW/wet dream about the mc? 😏
😏 Hello! ❤️ I'd be happy to tell you!
I wrote this from the perspective of them already being in a relationship with MC!
ROs React to Having a Wet Dream About MC
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao would wake up so embarrassed. He'd be even more embarrassed if he and MC were sharing a bed! The whole day, he can't even look MC in the eye. If/When MC confronts him about his weird attitude, he'll tell them about his dream. He'd surprised MC doesn't really mind, and is even more enthused when MC asks if he'd like to recreate his dream,
Xu Chanyu - Chanyu will wake up and be so god damn horny. She'll be cranky and super touchy the whole day, until MC asks her what's up to which she'll tell them. She'll all too happy when MC asks if she wants to have a few rounds now.
You Kounao - Kounao is an impatient little guy. He's going to shake MC awake/find MC and immediately proposition them for sex. He wastes no time. He'll be a bit disappointed if MC says no but fall back asleep fairly easily. He will ask again at the end of the day.
Shen Sandong - Sandong wouldn't do anything, really. She'll just shrug and roll over and fall asleep. When she wakes up in the morning, she'll tab away any dirty little things they did in her dream for future use.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong will jerk off. I'm sorry, but he doesn't care. He won't do it if you're in bed with him, he'll go into the bathroom. But if you guys don't share a bed, he's jerking off. You won't really know any difference in the morning from him, except he may be a bit more touchy-feely.
Wu Nahou - Nahou will just deal with it. She'll go back to sleep and then immediately tell you in the morning. Depending on the time of day will depend on if she takes MC's offer up to have sex together since she's not a huge fan of morning sex. It just makes her sleepy.
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vermillioncourt-if · 8 months
Well I'm interested in the RO's reaction for the kidnap ask, and I totally get doing the mom and bro first I also want more asks for the family.
Hello! ❤️
I'd be happy to write this for the ROs!
I, too, wish to get more family asks, as long as they aren't about Kutuo or Consort Xing skfjsjdjdk Those two are living rent free in your heads skdjsjdjd
ROs React to MC Getting Kidnapped and Reappearing Beaten
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao will be so distraught with himself when you're first kidnapped. He's your personal guard! It's his job to make sure this exact thing doesn't happen! When you're found, he'll be relieved you're alive, but feel very guilty. He'll either spend no time with you as you're healing or he will hover around so much your Mother will have to dismiss him. He would join the group looking for revenge, but he's a little too sad for that.
Xu Chanyu - If Huaiqiao is distraught, Chanyu is furious. She doesn't understand how you could've been taken from under her watch! She's an assassin! Or was one, anyways. She resolves to training harder once you're found. Speaking of, she is one of the people Consort Huo sends out to go find you. When you're found, either by her or someone else, she'll be diligent in your care. She'll listen to the doctors closely, taking careful notes. She's not overly smothering, but she's definitely more serious about her job. As for revenge, well... of course she's coming. She probably was the one who found the kidnapper to begin with.
You Kounao - Kounao will be upset. He can't join in the search, but is happy when you're found alive. He spends all day with you as you're healing. He brings various things to help occupy your time, like books and weird things he found on the ground. You have to tell him to stick with bringing books or arts and crafts when he brings in a jar of worms he found. In his free time, he lends his help to the search for your kidnapper. It's not much, but he's a filthy little rich boy, and money will go a long way.
Shen Sandong - Sandong will also be very upset when she hears you've been kidnapped. She also can't participate in the search, but is by your side as soon as you're found. She, much like Chanyu, will take care of you as you're healing. She's not over as much as say Chanyu or Consort Huo is, but it's enough. She brings light and quiet things to do to help occupy your time. You find the silence to be refreshing and her presence is comforting. In her free time, she lends her help for the search for your kidnapper. She has a few choice words and actions for them when they're found.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong will be furious, like Chanyu, but his is a silent rage. If you're not found in a matter of time he deems appropriate, he'll launch his own search for you. When you're found, he'll still be very angry. He won't spend much time with you as you heal, focused on finding your kidnapper and making them pay. He's not some stuffy noble, he's a commoner, and he's not afraid to use some of his more shady contacts.
Wu Nahou - Nahou will also be upset. She won't join the search to find you, but will be happy when you're found. She'll come spend time with you as much as she can. She'll bring poetry and her instruments to keep you entertained while you heal. She seeks your opinion often for her poetry. When she's not with you, she's lending her services to the search for your kidnapper. She may be a pretty courtesan, but she knows the city inside and out. She, like Duqiong, is also a commoner and playing dirty is just what comes natural.
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