#ifc yipes
spiritgamer26 · 2 years
[CP] Nouvelle vidéo de MultiVersus
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Warner Bros. Games a publié une nouvelle vidéo présentant le gameplay dynamique du mode 2 contre 2 de MultiVersus, le tout nouveau jeu de combat de plateforme gratuit en développement chez Player First Games. Cette dernière montre ApologyMan (jouant Tom & Jerry) et Brokkr (jouant Superman) de l’équipe bleue affronter l’équipe rouge composée de Spooky (jouant Sammy) et de Leviathan (jouant Véra) dans un combat intense en 2 vs. 2. Animé par les commentateurs du FGC Sharpie, AJAX et IFC YipeS, ce résumé des 5 matchs donne un aperçu de la variété de gameplay, des choix possibles de personnages et de stratégies coopératives utilisées par chacune des équipes, ainsi que des interviews d'après-match avec les quatre joueurs. ​ ​Enfin, un tournoi 2 contre 2 de MultiVersus aura lieu lors des Evolution Championship Series 2022 (Evo), l'un des tournois de jeux de combat les plus importants et les plus anciens qui rassemble les meilleurs joueurs du monde entier. L’Evo aura lieu du 5 au 6 août au Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino à Las Vegas avec 100 000 dollars de cash prize. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur https://www.evo.gg/. Pour voir et partager la vidéo MultiVersus – Pro Player Showcase (ft. Leviathan, Spooky, ApologyMan & Brokkr), cliquez sur la vidéo ci-dessous :https://youtu.be/hjBukO2HQ4QMultiVersus est un tout nouveau jeu vidéo de combat de plateforme gratuit qui proposera plusieurs modes en ligne, dont un format 2 contre 2 en équipe et un casting de personnages emblématiques dont Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman et Harley Quinn (DC) ; Sammy et Véra (Scooby-Doo) ; Bugs Bunny et le Diable de Tasmanie alias Taz (Looney Tunes) ; Arya Stark (Game of Thrones) ; Tom et Jerry ; Jake le chien et Finn l'humain (Adventure Time) ; Steven Universe et Grenat (Steven Universe) ; Le Géant de Fer (Le Géant de Fer); une créature originale extraordinaire nommée Chien-Renne, et bien d'autres à venir. La bêta ouverte de MultiVersus sera disponible en juillet 2022 sur les consoles PlayStation 5 et PlayStation 4, les consoles Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One et PC avec une prise en charge complète du cross-play et un serveur dédié entièrement aux parties en ligne.
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diepod-stuff · 3 years
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doctorbutler · 6 years
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Detroit: Become Mutant (2018)
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uiruu · 6 years
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shadowcow · 7 years
UMvC3 Top 8 Loser’s Bracket at EVO 2017, with the commentary of IFC Yipes.
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ctcgod-blog · 7 years
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IFC Yipes shitpost
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gunnm · 6 years
Smash 4 (and Ultimate when it comes out) needs commentators like IFC Yipes and Chris Matrix
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thiswebsiteisbooty · 7 years
On the EVO donation drive
If you’re reading this on Tumblr and still following me you probably know that I pretty much only come around to post about EVO and then peace out a few days later. I’m not sure how many of you that is because Im not 100% on how the new dashboard works but if you are here then you know I’m around a little early. But I’m posting *about* EVO anyway so there ya go.
If you’re reading this on Facebook then I know a lot of you guys probably only have at best a passing knowledge of what EVO is but you’ve seen me post about it, particularly Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 a lot, so I’m just gonna ask if you guys have any spare money please consider donating here:
Your money goes to the Make-a-Wish foundation, and you make a guy you know personally really happy as well.
And as a final pretense before I really get into this I’m just gonna be honest this is gonna be pretty rant-y, so it might not be a super focused read and will probably contain a few expletives so just be pre-warned.
Originally I was gonna come here and I was going to break down the poll game by game, essentially breaking down why I felt like each game shouldn’t be voted for and why Marvel should. But as it stands right now the winner is going to be either Marvel or Pokken, so this is mostly going to be centered around why I think Marvel is the most deserving game, and why I feel Pokken just might be the least deserving, or at least one of the least deserving.
And every time I look at that generosity page my stomach does flips because it’s literally like a best/worst case scenario. But the funny part about this entire situation is I feel like Marvel shouldn’t even be on this poll. Marvel absolutely *should* already have its spot. Regardless of how you the individual might feel about Marvel 3 in particular, Marvel vs. Capcom has been practically synonymous with EVO. Up until only last year Marvel, be it 2, 3, or Ultimate 3, has always been sort of the penultimate game for EVO, only behind whatever Street Fighter was out at the time. I don’t know if I agree with IFC Yipes in that Marvel made EVO (mostly because I haven’t been around *that* long), but I do agree that without it EVO never would have reached the point that it has. And you look at Marvel 3 specifically, and that game has been a staple of EVO through damn near every iteration of Street Fighter 4, even lasting long enough to share the stage with Street Fighter 5, outlived who knows how many Netherrealms games, Soul Caliburs, Tekkens, Personas, you name it. And that’s not to knock (most) of those games but to make a point that not even taking into account 2, Marvel 3 specifically has been a prefixture of this event for a long ass time
And never mind the countless moments that the game has given us. Back in 2013 what was one of the top things people talked about when EVO was over? Justin’s absolutely incredible run, beating odds on favorite Chris G and going on to nearly defeat Floker to win his first Marvel 3 EVO. Then there was the following year when he clutched it out against F Champ and beat Chris G once more to finally actually do it.
Hell even last year, Chris G, despite being the odds on favorite to win several years in a row, *finally* went ahead and took the one tournament that had alluded him for years. And the year before that when KBR (even though I dont much care for him) became the first non-American to win Marvel at EVO.
People have known for a minute with MvCI on the horizon that this was probably going to be Marvel 3′s last year at EVO, and so people were gearing up for it’s proper final sendoff and now you’re telling me that Marvel might not even be *at* EVO?
And I know there’s a lot of people who agree with me on this because every where I go, even from people who voted for different games, even for people who voted for Pokken, I keep hearing the same thing: “I’m voting for Pokken, but Marvel absolutely deserves to be there”
“Marvel shouldn’t even be a part of the poll”
“There shouldn’t even be a poll, Marvel should take that 9th slot”
And don’t even get me started on how tight I am that there are not one but TWO Smash games, games that barely even qualify as fighting games, games that a good chunk of the FGC never wanted around in the first place, at EVO, but Marvel might not. Especially since y’all are a good chunk of the people pushing for Pokken (which we’ll get to trust me). If I hear one more Melee player complain about Melee being on Saturday and not Sunday while Marvel might not even *be* at EVO I honestly might lose my shit.
And I mean no disrespect to my Smash 4 community, particularly the local Nebraska scene cuz y’all know I have nothing but respect for you guys. My problem really mostly is with Melee, that relic of a game that people just cant seem to let go of. But it’s so funny to me at how often the Smash crowd, particularly Melee, talks about how much they don’t need the FGC and yet they won’t leave.
But it isn’t even really about that. I could sit here and talk shit about Melee all day long but you know whatever. They have there spot and that’s fine. But suffice to say that if it were up to me, Melee would get booted in favor of Marvel in a heartbeat.
But let’s talk about this poll for an honest minute though. If you remember the donation drive they did a while ago and compare it to this one, the last one blows this one way out of the water. Every single game on that list was at least, you know, a fighting game, with actual communities that would absolutely show up to play. I mean there was Melee and Brawl of course but again shit, at least those two games are closer to fighting games than shit like Windjammers, and Nidhogg. There wasn’t goofy meme-y shit like those two, and ARMS. And dont get me wrong I’m excited to play ARMS but THAT GAMES NOT EVEN OUT YET (and before anyone brings up “Injustice 2 isn’t out either” just know that in my book that game can go fuck itself for about the same reason. BUT EVEN THEN, that game at least has a known community that will come out and play it). We don’t even know what community, if any, is gonna come out for ARMS, by that point, since it’ll be coming out 1-3 months before EVO (I’d remind you that ARMS doesn’t even have a set release date. Just “Spring 2017″), that game isn’t even gonna have any real advanced tech discovered yet, if there even is any to discover. Not that any of those stand a chance at winning at this point but the fact that they were included kinda pisses me off. I can kind of see Windjammers since a lot of the FGC likes that game but Nidhogg? Do most of yall even remember that game? And ARMS? REally?
I know someone’s gonna be like, “Well the last donation drive had Divekick, and Fighting is Magic”. And I was one of the first people to say that FiM was probably the weakest, meme-ist option put up there but you know, that was happened because the FGC is filled with trolls. If you remember, the only games that made the donation drive were games that got at least 500 votes on the Facebook poll and I’m pretty confident that 490 of FiM’s votes were trolls being trolls. And at least in Divekick’s defense, that game was made by a dude from that community, for the community. Divekick is basically one massive FGC in joke anyway so if Divekick had made it, it basically would’ve been a big thank you to one of the FGC’s own.
But I think what makes me the most upset about the whole situation isn’t even just that Marvel might not get the proper sendoff that it deserves, but that it’s Swan Song stands a strong chance of being snatched away by Pokken. And just, let’s review Pokken for a sec.
First off, this was the game that was being removed from Japanese arcades in droves because nobody gave enough of a shit to play it. And we’re talking about a culture that loves both Pokemon AND fighting games, and they wanted absolutely nothing to do with that game.
And then, when it came stateside, those of yall that watched tournaments saw that pretty much ever ad breakthere was a little vingette for Pokken. They tried their hardest to get people to actually care about this game, and yet... you pratically had to dig through the Twitch trenches just to find Pokken tournaments. People weren’t watching, and people weren’t entering. Then it got to EVO because Nintendo money, and it had one of the lowest entrants and viewer rates of any of the games there.
Then post EVO, a lot of majors didn’t even run the game because people weren’t entering or watching. And speaking of Nintendo, I would remind you that Nintendo themselves have since dropped Pokken from their Pokemon Championship Series. So not even the parent company gives a fuck about the game at this point.
So with all that being said, never in a million years did I think that Marvel would be neck and neck with Pokken. KI, maybe. MKX, maybe. Shit I figured even Windjammers had a better shot than Pokken and yet here we are.
And you might wonder where the fuck the money is coming from if nobody gives a shit about Pokken. Simple, its coming from Smashers (and you can go check smash websites, most of them are advocating super hard for Pokken), and people who are just fans of Pokemon and will throw money at anything Pokemon. And look I love Pokemon too. It’s top 3 favorite Nintendo franchise and might be top 5 favorite franchises of all time. But I have no doubt in my mind that a lot of the people throwing money at this, barely know what EVO is, probably don’t even know the dates of EVO, and have 0 intentions of watching that game at EVO much less showing up to play the game. Case in point, Shofu is out here on Twitter advocating and donating to this game, and you would think that Shofu, who runs one of the biggest Pokemon related YouTube channels, would probably have a lot of Pokken content right? Well guess when the last time he even posted a video about the game was. I’ll save you the search, it was 6 months ago. One of these videos were, ironically enough, entitled “time to come back”. And then there were two more videos within the same time span, and he hasn’t touched the game since.
And this is kind of the additude that I’m talking about. I read a tweet earlier that summed it up perfectly. About how people never want to watch or come out to support Pokken, and then want to wonder why there aren’t any Pokken tournaments. That game died forever ago. You might even argue that that game was dead on arrival but even if you don’t, then you have to agree that there hasn’t been a game that died out quicker than Pokken did. For all the shit people gave SFxT at least that game lasted a couple of years as opposed to about 3 months. And at least that game had some potential at release, instead of being booted from Japanese arcades Y’all are throwing money at this game and I have no doubt in my mind that it’s going to once again have abyssmal turnout/viewership.
And that’s to me, is the most upsetting thing. That Marvel stands a shot of being robbed by a game that people don’t actually care about, but has a fanbase that will throw money at anything with Pikachu’s face on it. If it were KI, I wouldn’t be super happy, but it would be ok. MKX, kinda upset because I hate that game but you know what, fine. Or even Skullgirls which to me would be best case scenario, if your top two games were SG and Marvel because easily and measurably those two deserve it. Skullgirls is a fantastic game with an ultra dedicated community that only got treated like shit by EVO. I have no doubt in my mind that had SG’s won the last donation drive that game would be one of the biggest in the FGC right now and might even still to this day be a mainstay at EVO. And so if *any* game was gonna be Marvel, I’d wish it to be Skullgirls. But at least I can say of any of the games I mentioned above, people would come out to play it, and support it. In the example of MKX, it would be the exact same people that would be playing Injustice but fuck, at least it’s *someone*.
And I know someone’s gonna be like “well what did you ever do for Marvel?” and yeah, I’ve never been to a major, because I don’t have money like that. But at least every time there is something local for the game, I go out and play. I took time off of work and drove an hour out one time just to get 0-2′d in Marvel on a couple of occasions, but at least I went out there. And I’m out here watching the streams, watching the VoDs; 90% of my “watch later” playlist is Marvel shit that I didn’t get to watch live.
And with that said, yeah I’ll admit that a bit of it is personal for me. Marvel is absolutely my favorite game out there right now. Without Marvel 3 I probably would not care about EVO and the FGC as a whole. But that’s why I don’t want to see it get robbed of a proper sendoff by a game that’s just gonna die out again the minute EVO is over.
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williamsjoan · 5 years
EVO Champion Viscant Reveals that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Was Almost a Major League Gaming Title
It’s both unusual and delightful to see classic fighting game Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 making headlines recently. The title has seen a lot of love from its endlessly passionate fanbase mainly thanks to a tournament called Battle of the Strongest organized by popular fighting game personality IFC Yipes. The event, unlike most fighting game events that make the news, wasn’t played in a major arena. Instead, it was simply broadcast live from a cramped apartment in NYC to the world at large.
However, the popularity of the tournament’s stream has been enough to lead to a lot of people taking notice of the game once again and chatting about it online. One such character is none other than Jay Snyder, better known as 2011’s Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Evo champion Viscant.
Viscant took to Twitter to state that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was almost added to Major League Gaming’s list of competitive titles. Through a series of tweets, the fighting game player claims that he was approached by a representative of Major League Gaming back in 2004 who was inquiring about the rule sets for Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.
Concerned about the power of characters such as Cable and Sentinel, the representative allegedly made it clear that they were looking to ban certain characters, presumably in order to keep the game both diverse and entertaining for the viewers. Viscant recounts that he believed if top tier characters such as Cable, Storm, Magneto, and Sentinel were removed, they would simply be replaced with other characters who would still overpower much of the roster. Ultimately, he redirected the MLG representative and nothing came of it.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is well regarded as one of the best 2D fighters of all time. The game, which sees members of the X-Men and Avengers clashing with characters from popular video game franchises such as Street Fighter and Resident Evil, was released back in 2000 on PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox. It was later ported to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as a digital download. Unfortunately, the game has not been re-released on the current generation of consoles, but it can be picked up on iOS and Android.
In the spirit of the MvC2 talk on the timeline lately.
Did you know MLG wanted to run MvC2 as an esport (almost before that was even a word) at one point?
— Jay Snyder (@JayViscant) January 2, 2019
The post EVO Champion Viscant Reveals that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Was Almost a Major League Gaming Title by Eoghan Murphy appeared first on DualShockers.
EVO Champion Viscant Reveals that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Was Almost a Major League Gaming Title published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
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kan100 · 5 years
SFV ➤ IFC Yipes [Commentary] Compilation
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bamfas · 7 years
Pro gamer IFC Yipes shares his creative freestyling in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite in this extended #MarvelGaming interview from #E32017!
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doctorbutler · 6 years
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vice-s-assistant · 6 years
Notable Women in the Fighting Game Community 2018 Edition
Note: This is is not a complete list. This is a shorthand list of names I can think off the top of my head and I encourage people to add more.
Emiko Iwasaki- Artist For Arc System Works, Director of Battle Fantasia
Kiinu Nishimura- Former Artist for Capcom, Worked on a Variety of Fighting Games including The Street Fighter II Series, The Street Fighter III Series, Cyberbots, Vampire Savior, The Marvel Vs. Capcom series, Etc…
Mariel Cartwright- Lead Animation Artist For Skullgirls
Mari Shimazaki- Lead Artist from Platinum Games and the Bayonetta Series, Designed art and character costumes for Soul Calibur V, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Tekken 7
Marie-Laure”Kayne” Norindr- Professional Fighting Game Player for Red Bull, Current holder for the Guinness World Records in 2011 for the most the most successful female participant in fighting game tournaments, also the host of Esports shows as well as notable French Video Game Personality
IFC| Persia- Fighting Game Commentator, MVC player, Wife of IFC Yipes,  co-host and co-creator of the bimonthly show Marvel Live!
EG|Ricky Ortiz- Professional Fighting Game Player, 2nd Place in Capcom Pro Tour 2016
Sherry “SherryJenix” Nhan- Professional Fighting Game Player, Community Manager for GamesterGear
Lilian “MilkTea” Chen- Developer, Smash Bros Competitive Player, Tournament Organizer for Super Smash Sisters
Leah “Gllty” Hayes- Pro Street Fighter V Player
EG|Yuki “ChocoBlanka” Momochi- Professional competitive Fighting Game Player for Evil Geniuses, Wife of Yusuke “Momochi” Momochi, Creator of Shinobism along with Momochi- A Japanese Fighting Game E-sports Coaching Service
DF|Pink Diamond- Pro Killer Instinct player
ITS|Jeannail” Cuddle_Core” Carter- Pro Fighting Game Player
Tanukana-Pro Tekken Player for Cyclopse Gaming 
Michiru Yamane and Yoko Shimamura- Composers for various music games and fighting games including Street Fighter II (Yoko), Skullgirls (Michiru), and Smash Bros 4 (Both) 
Tomoko Hiroki-Producer at Bandai Namco Games and for Dragon Ball FighterZ
Feel free add more.
Happy International Women’s Day!
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doctorbutler · 7 years
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wangwizard · 9 years
They don't call him "Yipes" for nothing. Honestly, I kind of adopted doing that yipe whenever I'm shocked by something
(mobile users, I'm specifically mentioning the 9:10 mark)
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