carterhaughs · 6 years
Hey Kat, great to have you back! You just narrowly escaped my reaction to seeing a Bryan Ferry concert and getting my programme signed (I believe the technical term is 'losing my sh*t') and that's the most exciting thing to happen to me recently so you might spot more than a few rambling posts from me mentioning it.
oh my god that’s so wonderful! I will be on the lookout for them :) so glad you got to do that!
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Have you heard anything by the band First Aid Kit? Only their song 'Fireworks' kind of reminds me of 'Love' by Lana Del Rey, and I know you're a big Lana fan. I don't know if their vocals would be your thing though, since they're definitely more 'countrified' (although they're Swedish).
I actually have their first album! Yes I really really dig them but I don’t think I’ve heard that one song, I need to now because omfg that sounds like my jam
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opheliaintherushes · 7 years
2017 ask meme: 2, 3, 6, 25
2. Album of the year
It didn’t come out this year, but since it went along with one of my biggest life changes this year, The Modern Lovers’ self-titled album.
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? 
I’m not usually into that kind of thin indie whine, but for some reason Novo Amor and his collaborations do it for me.
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? 
Got to be Fargo’s “The Law of Non-Contradiction.” Not my favorite of the season, but the futile journey of the animated robot and the hollow feeling the episode left with me might have made the biggest impact.
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one 
Well, before the cold set in, I discovered that writing an hour each day in the park by my apartment meant I would actually get writing done. But I’ve also learned never to share anything for free on the internet so mum’s the word for now :)
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goatsandgangsters · 7 years
ifigaveyouthemoon replied to your photo “so I never knew my grandfather because he passed away when my mom was...”
I'm sorry, I know this is a serious post but my first thought was 'he looks like Michael Pitt'
to be fair I’m not sure how serious it can really be when it’s basically me going “I don’t know how to say this in a way that doesn’t make it weird, but damn grandpa” so :p 
I can see the Michael Pitt comparison, yeah! The family consensus is that we think he looks a bit like a young DiCaprio, but they both do have a similar “baby-faced pretty” sort of a look
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phantomdrawingbooth · 7 years
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So this was based on a suggestion from @ifigaveyouthemoon like, forever ago... Better late than never, right??
And yes, these shirts were definitely gifts from Benny
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overelegantstranger · 7 years
replied to your
this is me poking my head into tumblr during my...
Who is this Juno Steel? I am most intrigued
Juno Steel is a character from The Penumbra Podcast! He’s a film-noir PI on Mars, and he’s as queer as anything honestly i cannot over state how queer Juno is
He (rather obviously) uses he/him, is a Mr and a gentleman and a guy, all by his own admission, but also barely an episode goes by where he doesn’t also refer to himself as a lady (my favourite ever exchange was when a goon goes “let’s fight like gentlemen” and juno goes “i’m more of a lady myself”)
The podcast itself makes me feel like those Agatha Christie characters whose alibi is being in their rooms listening to a radio play, except about a hundred times more queer. It’s funny and light and sharp and honestly i am addicted i’m hopeless
(edit: he’s also canonically mentally ill and the podcast does not shy away from this)
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meyerlansky · 7 years
So Ori and the Blind Forest looks amazing, but I'm too scared to get it because after watching ONE short video I am already extremely protective of the wee thing (Ori?) and I know I would feel awful if I made them die through bad playing.
god ori is SO EFFIN CUTE so yeeeah i definitely feel you there, the first couple of times i mistimed a jump or didn’t dodge or jumped in Evil Water i was just like “nooooooooOOOOOOOOO” but it’s not a drawn out wipe scene, if that helps at all? he just kind of... pops off the screen with a little noise and then you start over from your most recent check point
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lizardrosen · 7 years
"KIRK: Don't you see? The thing with living is you've got to feel!" The final scene of an episode that was never written.
As promised, the Impassioned Speech of my dreams!
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beannysiegel · 7 years
ifigaveyouthemoon replied to your post “please yell at me to finish my spec script im only at 26 pages and...”
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platoapproved · 7 years
Hello! Could you recommend me a blog please? :D
I would recommend @addidesu who I believe might be following you (?) and who is about as close to a human manifestation of a sunbeam as it is possible to get.  A+ person A+ blog highly recommend to anyone tbh.
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notgrungybitchin · 8 years
Happy birthday! :D
Ahhh thank you so much hon!
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carterhaughs · 7 years
Sometimes I think you should have been the English major rather than me since you're so good at book reviews and meta (although I'd do even worse in a law degree, so maybe it's just as well).
oh no, not at all! you have skill and passion in spades and everyone approaches their analysis differently - don’t doubt yourself
that being said thank you so much for reading my reviews; it really means a lot to get feedback and know that my words meant something to someone beyond myself
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Happy birthday! :D
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opheliaintherushes · 7 years
ifigaveyouthemoon replied to your post:                  Crowdsourcing: any short stories/short story...                
   Neil Gaiman is my favourite but you’ve probably already read his    
I’ve read Trigger Warnings, but not his other collections, so thanks for the reminder!
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goatsandgangsters · 7 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I'm sorry I didn't have time to make you anything this year, please accept these non-romantic heart emojis ♡♡♡
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Roxy Music / Same Old Scene 
 Requested by ➝ @ifigaveyouthemoon
 Want one? [x]
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