thepokedexisgay · 2 years
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Peakypeakica | Madeorderica
Metamorebornica | Ifsongica
Flyerica | Gekkouica
Niccorisurveyica | Hachijuuhachica
Tricologica | Nomadica
[ID: Ten flags with six horizontal, evenly-sized stripes. They are arranged in pairs.
The first flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Very dark gray, red, yellow, white, pale golden-orange, and teal.
The second flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Dark indigo, light purple, magenta, white, pale yellow, and light orange.
The third flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Bright orange, light orange-yellow, very pale yellow, white, teal, and muted blue.
The fourth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Red, light gray-red, pale gray, white, very pale blue, and light blue.
The fifth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Royal blue, blue, cyan, white, light blue, and bright yellow.
The sixth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Dark brown, brown, orange, off-white (orange tint), yellow, and darker orange.
The seventh flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Hot pink, gold, light pink, white, pale lavender, and blue.
The eighth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Dark blue, dark gray, muted teal, pale gray, yellow, and yellow-orange.
The ninth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Dark red, muted royal blue, light pinkish-gray, very pale gray, pink, and bronze.
The tenth flag has the following stripes from top to bottom: Brown, purple-gray, pale indigo, white, light gray-green, and very dark navy blue. End ID.]
Still more ProSeka commissioned song genders. These are the last character-specific ones until every character has gotten their third commissioned songs. I will still post anniversary and Vitural Singer exclusive commissioned song genders. Definitions and alternate names under the cut.
Peakypeakica - A gender connected or related to the song “Peaky Peaky” by mikitoP featuring Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin or featuring Hinomori Shiho, KAITO, Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Saki, and Mochizuki Honami; a “Peaky Peaky” musicagender.
Madeorderica/Ordermadica - A gender connected or related to the song “オーダーメイド (Made-to-Order/Order Made)” by Kasamura Toota and Yuichi Murata featuring Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, KAITO, Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, flower, kokone, Kizuna Akari, IA, Luo Tianyi, Ken, Kaori, Fukase, Yuzuki Yukari, Nekomura Iroha, GUMI, and Mew or featuring Hoshino Ichika, Megurine Luka, Tenma Saki, Mochizuki Honami, and Hinomori Shiho; a “オーダーメイド (Made-to-Order/Order Made)” musicagender.
Metamorebornica - A gender connected or related to the song “メタモリボン (Metamo Re:born)” by emon(Tes.) featuring Kagamine Rin or featuring Hinomori Shizuku, Kagamine Rin, Hanasato Minori, Kiritani Haruka, and Momoi Airi; a “メタモリボン (Metamo Re:born)” musicagender.
Ifsongica - A gender connected or related to the song “イフ (If)” by Yurrycanon and Tsukuyomi and featuring Hatsune Miku or featuring Kiritani Haruka, Hatsune Miku, Hanasato Minori, Momoi Airi, and Hinomori Shizuku; an “イフ (If)” musicagender.
Flyerica - A gender connected or related to the song “Flyer!” by Chinozo featuring flower or featuring Azusawa Kohane, Kagamine Len, Shiraishi An, Shinonome Akito, and Aoyagi Toya; a “Flyer!” musicagender.
Gekkouica/Moonlightica - A gender connected or related to the song “月光 (Gekkou/Moonlight)” by Kitani Tatsuya and Harumaki Gohan featuring Kagamine Rin and Hatsune Miku or featuring Shinonome Akito, MEIKO, Azusawa Kohane, Shiraishi An, and Aoyagi Toya; a “月光 (Gekkou/Moonlight)” musicagender.
Niccorisurveyica/Niccorichousataica/Smilesurveyica - A gender connected or related to the song “にっこり^^調査隊のテーマ (Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme/Niccori^^Survey Team’s Theme/Smile^^Survey Team’s Theme)” by JesusP of WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! featuring Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len or featuring Otori Emu, Hatsune Miku, Tenma Tsukasa, Kusanagi Nene, and Kamishiro Rui; a “にっこり^^調査隊のテーマ (Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme/Niccori^^Survey Team’s Theme/Smile^^Survey Team’s Theme)” musicagender. Niccori may also be spelled Nikkori.
Hachijuuhachica/88ica/Eightyeightica - A gender connected or related to the song “88☆彡 (Hachijuuhachi/Eighty-Eight)” by marasy and kemu featuring Hatsune Miku and KAITO or featuring Tenma Tsukasa, KAITO, Otori Emu, Kusanagi Nene, and Kamishiro Rui; an “ 88☆彡 (Hachijuuhachi/Eighty-Eight)” musicagender. The 88 in 88ica may or may not have the ☆彡 symbol (not said aloud).
Tricologica - A gender connected or related to the song “トリコロージュ (Tricologe)” by Niru Kajitsu/NILFRUITS featuring flower or featuring Hatsune Miku or featuring Yoisaki Kanade, Hatsune Miku, Asahina Mafuyu, Shinonome Ena, and Akiyama Mizuki; a “トリコロージュ (Tricologe)” musicagender.
Nomadica - A gender connected or related to the song “ノマド (Nomad)” by balloon featuring flower or featuring balloon or featuring Shinonome Ena, Kagamine Rin, Yoisaki Kanade, Asahina Mafuyu, and Akiyama Mizuki; a “ノマド (Nomad)” musicagender.
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projectmogai · 1 year
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Day 30 of @cocajimmycola's April Icon Event: Free day/Best commissioned song for each character
I'm going to detail my personal reasonings under the cut. Note that this only goes through Samsa, so none of the fourth commissioned songs (which as of writing this are Aioi, Momoiro Key, and Kitty) were taken into account
Flag(s): Ryuusepulsica (Ichika), teraterica (Saki), stagesekaica (Honami), yuyovoicesica (Shiho), tenshicloverica (Minori), ifsongica (Haruka), icedropica (Airi), metamorebornica (Shizuku), onesheepica (Kohane), awakenowica (An), suspendanimatica (Akito), radogica (Toya), mrshowtimica (Tsukasa), niccorisurveyica (Emu), glorsteadgoica (Nene), whatendingwantica (Rui), samsaica (Kanade), niigobugica (Mafuyu), nomadica (Ena), lowoneyesica (Mizuki)
Ichika (Ryuusei no Pulse): I'm... really not the biggest Ichika fan, and unfortunately that applies to her commissions as well. Ryuusei no Pulse took the lead largely because of the Virtual Singer version
Saki (Teratera): Teratera is her best song, no question. Close second goes to Stella though
Honami (STAGE OF SEKAI): It was really close and I almost chose Flyway, but STAGE OF SEKAI won in the end. I'm pretty sure the full version changed my life it was that beautiful
Shiho (Voices): I could have picked any of her commissions because they're all amazing. However, given Yuyoyuppe's Leia used to be my favorite Vocaloid song ever, Yuyoyuppe got the win from me. Helps that this is one of my top five songs in the game
Minori (Tenshi no Clover): This song... this event... I cried. Minori really succeeded in bringing hope back then... she still does of course, but this event just... wow
Haruka (IF): This is literally in my top five songs in the game. Also really shows Haruka has the voice of an angel. Everyone who says it's generic and boring is wrong
Airi (icedrop): If I allowed the fourth commissions, this would actually be Momoiro Key. I do not like Parasol Cider, and while DAKARA MOTTO More! Jump! More! is iconic, I just... really like icedrop
Shizuku (Metamo Re:born): It was a hard call between this and I Am, We Are. This one won out because we have the full version honestly
Kohane (One Sheep): I could have picked any of hers, and Beat Eater was almost the choice. I don't have much to say about it, it's really good
An (Awake Now): An unfortunately gets some of the weaker commissions. Forward is... okay, and while Machi is good, I really like what Yunosuke gave us
Akito (Suspended Animation): Easily top ten material for me, bordering on top five. I also just... love how it starts with Akito and Kohane together. Please give us more of that
Toya (RAD DOGS): None of his commissions have topped this one yet. Mirai is a good song held back some by my dislike of the Virtual Singer version's tuning, and Utsuro wo Aogu is... slowly growing on me a little but I'm still not a huge fan
Tsukasa (Mr. Showtime): This is one of the best songs in the game. It has perfect Tsukasa energy without being obnoxious like TONDEMO-WONDERZ is. I almost gave this to Eighty-Eight, but that's because the Virtual Singer version is absolute god-tier because of marasy's Miku tuning, and I don't like the SEKAI version as much
Emu (Niccori Survey Team's Theme): I almost went with the more unpopular opinion of Once Upon a Dream because that song is beautiful and while it's an odd choice to give Emu a lower energy song, I think it worked. However, Niccori is just iconic
Nene (Glory Steady Go): I have a confession to make. I don't think Nene has any good commissions at this point. I am not a fan of OSTER Project or kinoshita, which really knocked those commissions down for me. And the less said about Hoshizora no Melody, the better (I am so disappointed in Polypho). However, I do recognize Glory Steady Go is probably the best out of them so far, as the issue is mostly me not liking the producer's style. Don't disappoint me koyori
Rui (What Kind of Ending Do You Want?): Rui is another case where I could have picked any song of his and it would've worked. In fact, with the full versions of all of them available, it was a very close match between all three of them. I almost gave the edge to Showtime Ruler...
Kanade (Samsa): Another probable top five. Teniwoha does not disappoint, and KAITO is so good in this song
Mafuyu (Bug): I almost went with an extremely controversial pick for her in Saisei, but no, Bug is still probably the best song in the game. Let the guys sing with Niigo more please
Ena (Nomad): Now this is an interesting choice for sure since I generally prefer to go with the full versions, and this one isn't due to come out for a few more months. However, it's like the Charles cover but better and given full group balance. Can't wait for the full version
Mizuki (Lower one's eyes): If I included fourth commissioned songs, it would probably be Kitty, but it's really hard to say. They have really consistently good commissions. Yes I even think give me your night is a good commission, please listen to their solo of it
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projectmogai · 2 years
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Niccorisurveyica/Nikkorisurveyica Emu | Tricologica Kanade
Flyerica Kohane | Peakypeakica Shiho
Metamorebornica Shizuku | Nomadica Ena
Hachijuuhachica Tsukasa | Madeorderica Ichika
Ifsongica Haruka | Gekkouica Akito
Part 4 of an icon series where I match characters with their event songs’ genders (with their trained event cards with rare exceptions)
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