31daysofcrazy · 10 years
Today's Video! Let's solve a rubix cube and talk about people I want to be friends with... *cries*
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
31Days 2.0 - Day 8: Catching Up [w/ special bestie guestie EMMA]
I borrowed my best friend to plan for LeakyCon and help me catch up on questions. Whoo!
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
Not gonna have a video today. Sorry. :/ I'll make it up to you tomorrow. Promise.
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
31Days 2.0 - Day 4: My Week in Review
Yeah, so I started to upload this around 5 yesterday and it didn't go through until 1. Not my fault!
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
Sharing Sunday: 31 Days of Crazy; May 4th, 2014
The piece I read was called "Mermaid Tales" from the Spring 2014 volume of Medium Weight Forks from Greentower Press. 
Forgive Kevin visiting in the video :) 
Follow me here and the rest of the project here. Have any questions for me to answer? How about suggestions? Send them here or here!
Thanks for watching!
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
31Days 2.0 - Day 3: What's in My Hand?
Yeah, I know I'm not doing so hot on getting things posted on time, but give me a break...
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
Sing-a-long Saturday: 31 days of crazy; May 3rd
Once again, sorry it's late. I just can't get the internet to work fast enough! 
An established schedule type-thing is happening now. I hope you all don't hate my singing :) 
You can follow me at becauseweweretoomany
Make sure to follow the rest of the project at 31daysofcrazy
Please send any suggestions for other songs or other things in general to either my askbox or the 31 Days of Crazy askbox! 
Thanks for watching! 
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
31Days of Crazy 2.0 - Day 2: Oops
This was uploaded yesterday, I promise. I just edited it today and so it says it was uploaded today. Oops. Again. Dang.
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
First Challenge Friday! 31 Days of Crazy; May 2nd
Again, sorry to be a little late on posting. It takes forever to get these videos uploaded to Youtube for some reason.
You can follow my blog here and special guest and other 31 Days of Crazy participant Sam's ( stardustinoureyes ) blog here
Also, I would like to be able to continue to do "Challenge Fridays," but in order to do so, I need challenges! You can send them to my askbox or the 31 Days of Crazy askbox. Please help me out! :) 
Thanks for watching, see you tomorrow.
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31daysofcrazy · 10 years
An Introduction: 31 Days of Crazy; May 1st
Sorry it's a day late, but this is my first vlog. You can follow my personal tumblr becauseweweretoomany. 
Please askbox, either on this blog or my personal, stuff you would like me to vlog about! This is an experiment for me, so I hope you all enjoy!
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
May 30th: Secluded
Out in the woods sits a little house. Perfectly secluded in a grove of oaks. In that little house is nothing but dust and cobwebs. But it used to be something so much more. In that corner was the bed, the one they shared that first night. Both nervous and so young. On the other side was the kitchen. The place where she cooked their dinner, where they danced to the music that wasn't there, where they broke plates in one really bad argument. Next to that the living room, where she cried when she told him she was expecting. Where he lifted her up and kissed her with joy. 
This is where they raised their beautiful little girl, where they fell more and more in love every day. This was their house, but so much more than that, it was their home. Their little perfect dream out in the woods. 
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
Day 13: May 30
This will probably be my last post for the initial 31 days, mostly because I want it to be 13 out of 31 haha yeah ignore me
A couple things about me: Though I love my dog at home, turns out I don't really like having pets up in my business. I have too many books...
I've done a lot of stuff today, and I'm still going to do more. I found the cat, Castiel, on top of our fridge a little while ago, still trying to figure out how he got up there without knocking anything over. Also found out that Casitel messed up the windows in our dining room :/ And our dog, Puppy, keeps making messes. I secretly think he's doing it out of spite. -.- I'm sure this is all just the animals getting used to the new house, but it's still frustrating as fuck, especially since the only pet I've been around (besides a fish) has had misbehavior trained out of her. So I'm used to really quiet, extremely well-behaved, and frankly more frightened than anything-but-too-scared-to-run-away kind of animals... So this is new for me too. I just hope they are going through phases that pass. 
Found a TV Stand on the internet today. Nearly talked my dad into buying it too, so that's awesome. We get our big TV on Wednesday, another awesome. Still looking for a job, less awesome. Money is going to be kind of tight for a good minute, even less awesomer. Least awesome: my parents are kind of being awful right now. Not to me, but to each other, and I never know how to deal with that... :/ I think they're going back to court...AGAIN rageface.... 
I need to clean more.
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
May 29th: Neon
The neon glow of lights of stardom. The city attracts the youth like that very sign attracts bugs. Same concept, is it not? The idea is warmth, bright lights, and success, followed by the sharp sudden reality that you are just dying anyway. 
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
May 28th: Oblique
Oblique, askew, atilt, cock-a-hop, cockeyed, crazy, crooked,... 
Wait, crazy? Another word I can add to my list of hated words. (I only hate them cause they are true...) Crazy, insane, mental, bipolar, anxious, manic, oblique... All just words? (I wish.) 
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
May 27th: Delve
I wont delve into the truth, no matter how far it goes. No matter how much it could mean to speak the way I should. When I cant even forgive myself, how could you? 
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
May 26th: Shattered
I found this mirror at work. It was shattered in the most perfect way. You know how they show mirrors in movies, when the character is so distraught that the only option is to hit an image of themselves? That was just how perfect it was.
And when I looked into that mirror I saw 7 pieces of myself. 7 different lines, deep and dark, and so immensely perfect. And imperfect perfection that simply made me want to cry.
I wanted to keep that mirror, to hang it up on my wall so that I had to look at it everyday, a reminder of just who I am. A shattered person, but yet still whole. But instead I heard it shatter even more, no longer whole as the machine broke the frame and crushed the glass. And I cried. 
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31daysofcrazy · 11 years
Day 12: May 26
Happy Birthday Ian!!!
A couple things about me: I really like to drink. I am currently pretty drunk. 
We were just celebrating Ian's 21st birthday!!!! Yay Ian!!! We all had quite a bit to drink. Jacob came and it wasn't weird. Overall, I'd say a good night. Gonna sleep now. 
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