Protecting Her Honor
Bonus chapter! I didnt plan this one; it just kinda wrote itself. Hope you all enjoy!
Breathing deeply later that evening, Archie made ready to open the door of Granny’s Diner. Shortly after, he paused and thougt to himself. Was it really a good idea to ask Ruby to attend a party with him after her ordeal this afternoon? Briefly glancing at his reflection in the porch light, Archie smiled to himself. It would only hurt him more if he didn’t try... He entered the diner, noticing Ruby watch as Regina ended a discussion with Emma and Henry.
Ruby caught his eye and nodded, smiling slightly, though it didn’t reach her eyes.
In his line of work, Archie gained a second sense: knowing how to read people and their emotions. Talking about people’s emotions and lives was his livelihood, so he pretty much could tell when someone was trying to hide something, including Ruby.
She had told everyone present earlier, himself included, that she had slipped and fallen from the Jeti, after noticing that Roger Bracings wasn’t on the rocks; she began to look for him.
Why look for him in jeans and combat boots? Archie thought. He understood that the water could be cold, but the jettison were not meant for anything thicker than a sneaker; it would have been better to be barefoot.
He loved her more now than ever, and was determined to help, even if she were afraid to say anything...
"Hello" he smiled when they were alone finally.
"Hi" she murmured softly.
"Ruby, are you-" he began, before he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as Ruby looked behind him with and abject look of fear on her face. Something was wrong, or someone...
"Ruby" Archie scowled as he heard, rather than saw Billy Goats saunter up to the counter.
"I’ve called you, like, a thousand times already! You ready to go or what?"
Ruby’s shoulders slumped and her face fell. Archie’s hands itched and hurt, especially when he saw a drop of water hit the counter.
"Yeah, uh, sorry. My phone died. Archie, I’m not feeling too great right now, do you mind waiting while I close up and then walking me home?"
Archie, not expecting her change of plans was slightly startled.
"O-of course, Ruby, I hope you get to feeling okay"
Archie swore he saw her blush.
"Thanks, I’ll just be a minute"
Archie nodded and smiled, sitting down at the barstool he had that morning.
"That’s Ms. Lucas to you"
Archie, confused, turned to Billy.
"I’m sorry, did you say something?" Archie said dryly.
"Yeah, I did" Billy scowled. "Ruby n me we’ve been together for a while now, so she’s not too keen on anybody showing disrespect, especially to her man!"
Archie raised an eyebrow. Just who did this young man think he was!?
The therapist tried silently to process the response and his reaction; he smiled and looked at Billy condescendingly.
"For your information Mr. Goats, Ruby Lucas and I have been friends far longer than you have been a mechanic in Storybrooke. We agreed when we met that we would mutually refer to each other by name. From what I understand about women and dating, a drink here and there shared over two weeks while looking over a pile of dirt doesn’t constitute a relationship."
A snort was heard behind the two men just as Billy was thinking up a reply.
Archie turned to Ruby, feeling his ears turn red as he noticed she was trying not to laugh aloud.
"I’m ready when you are" she said softly, her jacket looped around her arm.
"Finally! About time we got outta here and away from this old-timer!" Billy growled.
Archie’s look was sardonic at best as he raised another eyebrow at the fumbling mechanic.
At least Peter would have tried coming up with something more original.
Ruby looked at Billy in disgust. "I wasn’t talking to you, filthy rat! I’m done Billy, not that there was anything between us to begin with"
Billy looked between them and scoffed. Archie eyed him mistrustfully.
"Wow! Now she tells me! That hurts Ruby, it hurts"
So did pushing me off the Jeti, stupid! she thought.
"So what now, you gonna fling it with me and start on the old timers now, huh?"
Ruby gasped and slapped him. Archie was seconds away from maiming him. His eyes flashed green in the dim yellow light.
"Stay away from me you troll!" She ran out, crying.
"Yeah. Just great! Run like you always do, Ruby! Ain’t nobody else gonna come to your rescue cuz you done slept wit em all!" Billy called after her
Archie had had enough. He tripped Billy with his umbrella and crossed the boy’s right arm behind his back.
Billy yelled out in pain.
"I don’t see anyone coming to your rescue, Billy" Archie hissed. "Go on, keep yelling" as Billy yelled, Archie hogtied him with his laces, and jabbed the rod of the umbrella into the mans shoulder muscle.
Billy screamed in pain.
"If I ever... hear you have hurt her, or embarrassed her, again, I will break you"
"Let me out! You’re crazy!" Archie smiled.
"Who will they believe, Billy? Me or you? Let me know if you ever want to talk about that"
Archie patted Billy’s bruised shoulder and Billy hissed in pain.
"You have a nice night" Archie chuckled darkly.
Archie caught up with Ruby outside the diner a minute later.
"I thought you might have walked home already"
Ruby smiled and shook her head. She seemed to want something, but wasn’t sure how to go about getting it.
"And leave you behind? No way" Archie chuckled as they walked in the direction of the bed and breakfast.
"Archie, we never got that walk you promised. Can we go now?"
Archie raised an eyebrow at her. "You want to walk instead of going to the party?"
Ruby nodded. "Yeah, well, something Billy said made me feel kinda self conscious, so I’d rather not be around anybody right now"
Archie nodded and scowled as he thought of Billy.
"Billy is ignorant. As is anyone else who tries to intimidate you or anyone for their own self importance."
Ruby flushed. Archie sighed, grasping Ruby gently by the shoulders.
"Don’t give in to them, the hatred, the naysayers. They’re just jealous and insecure because you outshine all of them"
Ruby’s eyes lit up and shown with tears. “Archie, do you really mean that?"
Archie smiled and rubbed her nose with his. "I absolutely do, one hundred percent."
"Hey! Hopper! Thats my line!" a voice behind them hollered. Archie grinned and raised his umbrella at his fellow green eyed red head, a security guard named Will Bowman who had a crush on Ruby’s coworker, Wendy Shields.
Ruby giggled. She turned back to Archie, who was looking at her thoughtfully.
"Something happened today at the Jeti " he surmised. "Something that you’re afraid to say because it may cause a bad reaction from someone"
As if he’d hit the nail on the head, that look of abject fear was back. Then it suddenly clicked. Ruby didn’t fall off of that Jeti! She was pushed! By Billy!
A rage like no other surged into the therapist’s veins just then. His eyes felt like they were on fire.
He will pay for this a darker side of Archie’s mind howled Archie briefly wondered if he wasn’t a wolf in disguise.
That rat will pay for hurting our mate!
As if Ruby sensed what his body was going to do, act on the senses of his mind, Ruby threw herself into Archie’s arms, praying he would hug her back. Praying he would comfort her and not seek revenge for what Billy had done...
I should have known Archie would figure it out- and he did. Of course he did! I didn’t even have to say a word. It was like he could read my mind or something!
The video cameras had been out of order today. Zack was due in the morning to check them out and see what was what. Fortunately, Archie wouldn’t be arrested for tying Billy up like the pig he was; it was Billy’s word against Archie’s, and I sure wasn’t going to testify...
When I saw Archie’s eyes turn green, I knew something was up. My senses of hearing and smell were getting keener. Could Archie have what I do and have really good eyesight? Even without his glasses?
He had looked at me thoughtfully. Not the violet steamy gaze I would have sworn I saw earlier, just thoughtful.
"Something happened today at the Jeti " he had said. "Something that you’re afraid to say because it may cause a bad reaction from someone"
I was sure my face drained of color. I was scared Billy would come outside and try to finish the fight with Archie- that it would get physical. I was afraid Archie would get hurt, or arrested by Emma and taken away from me.
I couldn’t let that happen!
Keep him back! A distant part of me howled. Do what you must, but do not let him return! He is our mate!
I threw myself into his arms, praying he would hug me. Praying he wouldn’t leave and pummel Billy to a pulp. That reaction was for tough guys like Leroy. Not Archie. Not my sweet, noble, attentive Dr. Hopper, who had a more protective side to him that I had never seen before...
Please, I thought, please hug me back and give me the comfort I’ve been needing all day...
I wrapped my arms around his waist, both to keep him with me, and to let him know I was there.
Please hug me back! Please...
You must return and destroy- eh?
I heard a whine in the distance, as if a dog were upset and crying.
I was confused I had walked Pongo home before coming to the diner. There were no other dogs...
Our mate is saddened. Comfort her *lick* *lick*
It was then that I felt arms around me.
Ruby! Ruby was hugging me!
I felt could die happy and go to Heaven right then.
My eyes were now warm, not hot as I had felt earlier. I wondered what color they were now. I hoped they weren’t violet... I would die of embarrassment! I only feel violet late at night when I’m dreaming... Ahem...
I smiled, closed my eyes, and buried my face into Ruby’s long silky hair...
We turned and noticed the lights on the fishing boats in the distance. They looked like stars out there on the water...
Ruby and I looked at each other and laughed as I held her in my arms. Sweet, strong, beautiful, intelligent Ruby... I loved her, and hoped someday I could tell her so...
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