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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Thirty Five
Summary: Trying to keep your past a secret leads to friction within your relationship Words: 3.6k Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Danneel, Clif, JJ, Tom, Shep, Arrow, Zep, Dallas (OC) Warnings: angst, emotional confrontations Beta: @blacksiren
I Know Your Wife - Masterpost
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You were back on set on Tuesday, getting straight back to work after your weekend off.
Gen had graciously not pressed the issue of telling Jared what you’d disclosed to her the day before, so you managed to push the memory of your first pregnancy to the back of your mind - where it had been for the most part of the last four years.
Dallas was grouchier than usual, no doubt due to flying the day before, so filming was a little more difficult than you were used to.
Luckily, you didn’t personally have much to film that day; Trinity’s part in the current episode was minimal, just the odd appearance to update Castiel or the Winchesters on what she’d found out about her past.
You worked as quickly and efficiently as you could; all pranks that you usually played on each other shoved right to the back of your minds in order to get your scenes done in time to avoid any Dallas tantrums.
By the time you broke for lunch, you were exhausted.
Jared was grabbing you food while you sat down, bouncing Dallas to try and get her to calm down a little bit.
She wasn’t hungry and she’d recently been changed, she was just grumpy.
Jensen cleared his throat as he sat next to you, putting his plate down and taking a sip of his coffee.
“What’s up?” you asked, resorting to the shark plushie in a last-ditch attempt to calm your daughter.
“Have you checked your social media?” he asked, and you frowned.
“Not really,” you admitted. “I posted something but I haven’t really had time to look at notifications and stuff.”
“Good,” he nodded, looking straight ahead as he took another sip from his cup. “Don’t.”
You shifted your hold on Dallas and her toy, reaching into your pocket for your phone.
Jensen moved swiftly, grabbing your phone from your hand and shoving it into his pocket before you could take it back.
“Jen,” you argued, “Give me my phone.”
“I’m not gonna do that,” he murmured, picking up his fork. “It’s confiscated.”
You narrowed your eyes, snatching his fork out of his hand.
“It’s confiscated,” you echoed, causing him to sigh.
“Y/N… I’m trying to help you,” he explained, taking his fork back and shifting his chair away so you couldn’t reach to steal it back without disrupting Dallas. “You need to leave it a couple days.”
Jared put your plate down in front of you, sitting opposite you and leaning across to tickle Dallas lightly.
“You’re not gonna give me my phone back for a couple days?” you questioned, and Jensen shook his head.
“You can have it back when we go home,” he reasoned, “But you’re not allowed to check social media.”
“Good plan,” Jared agreed, uncapping his soda and taking a drink.
You glared across the table at him.
“So, you’re both allowed to see the crap people are writing about me, but I’m not?” you asked, irritated.
“Who said people are writing crap?” Jared tried to argue, and you rolled your eyes.
“Your expressions,” you shot back.
“Doesn’t matter,” Jensen dismissed around a bite of pasta. “It’s not good for you to read it. We don’t read our hate, you shouldn’t read yours.”
“So there is hate,” you confirmed, pushing your plate away from you.
You looked down at your daughter, your jaw clenching tensely.
“Eat, Y/N,” Jensen told you, bringing your plate back towards you.
“I’m not hungry,” you murmured as he took Dallas from you, taking her shark along with her.
“It wasn’t a request.”
“You’re ordering me to eat, now?” you asked in disbelief.
“Hey,” Jared interrupted, nodding to your plate. “You need to eat so you can make enough milk to feed Dal. Gotta get your nutrients.”
You pulled a face, finally picking up your fork.
“Don’t talk about my boob milk at the dinner table,” you complained, shoving your pasta around your plate.
“Eat, Y/N,” Jensen told you again, expertly holding Dallas while shovelling his own lunch, your phone still tucked deep into his pocket. “We can discuss this at home.”
You were wrapped for the day a good few hours before either Jared or Jensen, meaning that you got the chance to go home earlier after quickly changing Dallas in your trailer.
It was for the best, really, seeing as she really wasn’t enjoying being on set too much that day.
You were so keen to get her home that you didn’t even think to get your phone back from Jensen until you reached to get it out of your pocket to let Gen know you were on your way home.
“Crap,” you sighed, leaning your head back against the headrest.
Clif caught your eye through the mirror, raising an eyebrow.
“You alright back there?” he asked, and you laughed slightly.
“Yeah,” you assured him. “Just remembered that Jay stole my phone at lunch and never gave it back.”
Clif laughed softly, rolling his eyes dramatically.
“Dads, huh?” he scoffed, making you laugh.
“Yeah,” you agreed, stroking Dallas’ cheek as she was sat in her car seat, calm for the first time all day. “Your grandpa’s still a douchebag, baby girl.”
Clif stole fond glances back at you and your daughter as he drove you home, making sure the two of you were comfortable in the back.
It was a reasonably short drive so you were pulling up to your house in no time, Clif getting out, as usual, to help you down from the back.
“I’m not so fragile anymore,” you protested fondly, accepting his help.
“It’s on your girl’s orders, I’m afraid,” he told you, walking down to the other side of the car to help you with Dallas’ car seat. “Take it up with the boss.”
You laughed, taking your daughter from him.
You didn’t even protest the mention of Gen being the boss, you knew how intimidating she would’ve been when telling him to help you.
“Well, thank you for your services, kind sir,” you smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Now get back to work and make sure those boys behave.”
“Yes ma’am,” he grinned, patting your shoulder before getting back behind the wheel.
You dug your keys out of your pocket, sending Clif a quick wave over your shoulder before finally making your way inside.
You were down to the last few days with Danneel, Gen, and the kids in Vancouver, so as soon as you got home, Gen took Dallas from you for some snuggle time.
“You get this every day, I’m taking it while I can,” she reasoned, and you grinned as you handed her over.
“Take her, she’s been moody all day,” you told her, and Gen gasped in mock offence.
“That can’t be right, can it?” she asked Dallas, kissing the top of her head. “My bambina is never moody. Never ever.”
“Try telling that to the sound crew,” you murmured, leaning in for a soft kiss before pulling back and stretching. “I’m gonna grab a shower if you’re willing to keep grumpy butt entertained.”
“Of course,” Gen agreed, grabbing your hand and squeezing slightly as you walked past. “How are you holding up, Y/N?”
“Alright, tired,” you answered, knowing that she was talking about your past but not wanting to talk about it. “I really need that shower, though.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” she murmured, letting you go. “Love you.”
You smiled, waving to your daughter as you made your way towards the stairs.
“You too,” you agreed, turning and practically jogging up the stairs.
Danneel was with the rest of the kids in Tom and Shep’s room, so you popped your head around the door on your way past to let them know you were home.
JJ ran over to you, hugging you tight.
“Come play?” she requested, and you ruffled her hair fondly.
“I’ve gotta go shower, baby girl,” you explained, and she pouted.
“Can I come?”
Danneel laughed from her position on the floor, Arrow and Zep crawling between her and the boys.
“Dits doesn’t want you in the shower with her, darlin’,” she told her daughter.
“Sorry, sweets,” you agreed with Danneel, picking up JJ onto your hip so that you could kiss her cheek. “You can come sit with me while I dry my hair after.”
“Dally?” she questioned, confused.
“Aunt Mama has Dally downstairs, so we can use the blow dryer,” you explained.
She nodded excitedly as you put her down.
“And I can help?”
“‘Course,” you smiled, earning a huge grin back.
“Alright, let her go,” Danneel laughed, nodding JJ over. “Go freshen up, sweetie.”
“Thanks,” you laughed, catching Tom and Shep’s eyes as you left. “Be good for Auntie Dee.”
“Yeah,” they both agreed, barely looking up from the twins.
After JJ drying your hair and the two of you taking Bailey for a walk, you finally had a chance to sit down with your laptop.
Jensen still had your phone, but that wasn’t your only access to the internet and you were determined to find out what they were so insistent on you not seeing.
You were in your room, Dallas sleeping beside you after undoubtedly wearing herself out with all of her grumbling, once you finally logged onto twitter. Bailey and the other kids were downstairs with Genevieve and Danneel as they awaited their husbands’ return.
You bypassed your twitter home page, heading straight for your notifications and mentions.
“Here goes, baby girl,” you murmured to Dallas, despite the fact that she was asleep and wouldn’t understand you anyway.
As soon as the page loaded, you knew why Jared and Jensen had tried to keep you away from it.
Can you believe @dittoackles would talk so crudely in front of her DAUGHTER? Talking about her sex life in both panels. Gross. #TorCon
So @dittoackles is way more into @realGpad than she is @jarpad. Anyone else think she used him for the baby and now he’s just their beard?
Lemme get this right… @dittoackles gets herself a dog, then she leaves it at home for @realGpad to look after along with Tom and Shep (1/2) (2/2)so that she can go to Toronto to spend the weekend fucking Gen’s husband and talking about it on stage? And people still support her???
Nobody else gonna mention the fact that Jared is clearly more into Y/N than she is him? @jarpad, @dittoackles is using you. Go back to Gen.
Feeling sorry for the Ackles’ right now, having their name shat all over by @dittoackles at #TorCon. Bet Jensen’s regretting that adoption.
So… @dittoackles brings her daughter to the convention, leaves her with @bigEswallz only to bring her out on stage anyway? #BadParenting
It’s crazy, this time last year @dittoackles was a nobody… now she’s a nobody with a rich baby daddy and a claim-to-fame daughter. #TorCon
‘Not as good as Genevieve’... so… @dittoackles is using Jared as a beard to hide her sexuality? She’s not infiltrating their marriage to (1/2) get with Jared but to be with Gen. Open your eyes, @jarpad @realGpad! You guys are soulmates. Y/N is a gold digger. She’s using you.
You sniffed, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand as you signed out of twitter, looking up as you heard the door creak open.
Jared frowned when he saw you, closing the door gently behind him.
“Gen said you were napping,” he murmured, unbuttoning his outer shirt as he made his way over to the bed.
“I told her I was,” you admitted, sniffing as you closed your computer and placed it back on your nightstand.
His eyes focused on your movement, understanding why you were upset.
“You went online,” he stated, and you nodded.
“I… I had to see. I needed to know,” you murmured, using your sleeves to wipe away your tears. “They’re so mean.”
Jared smiled sympathetically, tucking your stray hairs behind your ears.
“Why did you think we didn’t want to you to look?”
You shrugged, unable to defend yourself.
He sighed, standing up to remove his shirt, leaving him in his jeans and undershirt as he sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him.
You rested your temple on his shoulder, curling your legs up into you as you leant against him.
“Do you think I’m a bad person?” you asked quietly as he placed a kiss to the top of your head.
“I think you’re an incredible woman,” he answered, his voice soft. “You’re a great mom and an amazing partner.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes even though he couldn’t see it.
“I’m serious,” he assured you, shrugging his shoulder slightly so that you would move your head to look at him. “Y/N, those people don’t know you.”
“But that’s what they think of me,” you told him as the door opened and he cupped your cheek in a strong palm.
“I really think you should see Sarah,” he whispered, his eyes flitting between yours until you nodded, your slow blink causing tears to fall.
He wiped them away with his thumbs, pulling you into a kiss as Gen shut the door behind her.
You smiled sadly across at her as you met her eye, earning the same expression back.
“You decided to tell him?” she guessed, and your eyes widened.
You took a breath as you shook your head, knowing that Jared was frowning at you.
“Tell me what?” he questioned, and Gen shook her head.
“Doesn’t matter,” she told him, walking over to you and pulling you up into a hug. “What’s wrong?”
“Just read some tweets,” you murmured, drawing a soft sigh from her lips as she pulled back.
“They’re all bullshit,” she whispered, and you swallowed.
“I told her that,” Jared agreed, making Genevieve nod. “We’re gonna set her up with my therapist.”
“That’s a good idea,” she agreed, looking at you. “You’ve got a lot of stuff you need to talk about, I think.”
“Yeah,” you breathed, wiping your eyes again as Dallas began to stir.
Gen placed a kiss to your lips, and you lingered slightly before you turned to pick up your daughter, walking through to her nursery so you could change her.
Jared stood up, walking over to Gen and pulling her into a hug.
“What’s going on with her?” he whispered.
She pulled back, keeping her arms wrapped around his waist as she looked up at him.
“A lot,” she admitted, biting her lip. “I can’t… it’s not my place.”
He frowned, pulling away from the embrace.
“But she told you,” he reasoned, and Gen shook her head.
“Not by choice,” she explained, taking his hands in hers. “I broke her trust, and I’m trying to win it back. I can’t do that if I go behind her back and tell you something she’s not ready to share.”
Jared shook his head, pulling his hands free and turning towards the door.
“I can’t do that to her,” Gen told him quietly, causing him to stop in his place.
“Y’know, I-”
He cut himself off, reaching for the door.
“Jared-” Gen tried, and he turned back to face her with his hand on the door handle. “What are you thinking?”
He took a breath, looking at the floor as he shook his head.
“I’m thinking,” he murmured, meeting his wife’s eyes again as he opened the door, “That maybe some of those tweets weren’t as far off as I thought.”
Genevieve was stunned, stuck still with shock as Jared left the room, unable to believe what she’d just heard.
Jared was already halfway down the hallway before she was able to get her body to move again.
“What?” she asked in disbelief, following him out.
He kept walking towards the staircase, but she wasn’t ready to let this go without a conversation.
“Jared Tristan, you look at me right now,” she demanded, and he turned to face her, his jaw set firm. “What the hell did that mean?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he snarked, the commotion causing you to come out into the hallway with a freshly changed Dallas in your arms, “Maybe it means I’ve noticed the fact that y’all have got closer. Maybe I’ve picked up on the fact that y’all prefer to sleep with each other than with me. Maybe - well, shit, maybe I just realised that the two of y’all are keeping secrets from me.”
You swallowed, not knowing what to say as the tone of her father made your daughter start to cry.
“Jared, that’s not-”
“That’s exactly what this is!” he shouted, Jensen and Danneel appearing on the staircase to check on the situation. “This whole relationship was built on our mutual trust and respect. The whole ‘no lies’ thing was set up from day one. But now the two of you are shutting me out, and I can’t help but think-”
“That what?” Gen asked, her anger rising as you felt yourself begin to panic. “That all of a sudden we don’t want you?”
“What else am I supposed to think?” Jared practically yelled back. “Y/N will barely look at me and you’re keeping secrets from me. If y’all want out, just fucking say so and stop playing with me.”
Gen took a step back, hot tears of anger welling in her eyes.
“Jared-” she breathed, and he shook his head.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you,” he admitted, anger giving way to sadness. “I hate it.”
Gen swallowed, glancing towards you but not meeting your eye before looking at Jared.
“It’s not my place,” she whispered, causing Jared to sigh and turn around, splitting Jensen and Danneel as he made for the stairs.
Your heart was pounding, the sound of your bloodstream filling your ears as you felt yourself speak without thinking, knowing that the only way you could stop their heartbreak was to share your own.
“I lost a baby,” you blurted, regretting it instantly when all eyes snapped to you.
Jared turned around, looking towards you as you focused your eyes on the floor, bouncing Dallas slightly as she continued to cry in your arms.
“What?” Jared asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he took a step forward.
You sniffed, realising that you were crying now as you continued to look down, unwilling to meet anyone’s eye.
“I lost a baby when I was sixteen,” you admitted, letting Gen take Dallas back into her nursery without raising your eyes from the ground, using the new freedom of your arms to fold them protectively in front of yourself. “Gen- Genevieve found the scan.”
You could see in your peripherals that Jared took another step towards you and you finally looked up at him, your jaw clenching as you deliberately avoided looking at your parents.
“You told me that all those tweets were crap,” you reminded him. “You told me not to let it get to me, then you go and accuse us of- of- of whatever.”
“Y/N,” he whispered, and you shook your head.
“No,” you breathed, fighting back tears. “I lost my baby. I wasn’t ready to tell Gen, and I’m sure as hell not ready to tell you. I would’ve come to you when I was ready, y’know? Probably even soon. But the fact that you even considered that we might lie to you about our relationship… after everything-”
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“I love you, Jared,” you told him, wiping your eyes as you schooled your expression, “I just can’t do this right now.”
He stepped aside as you walked past, making your way downstairs without meeting anyone’s concerned expressions.
The kids were all in the front room, Tom looking up in concern as you reached the doorway.
“What’s happening?” he asked, and you offered what you hoped was a reassuring smile.
“We’re all okay, buddy,” you told him. “Can… can you and Sheppy look after Arry and Zep while I talk to JJ?”
They nodded, and JJ got up and walked over to you instantly.
“Uncle Jay and Auntie Dee will be down in a minute,” you promised, taking JJ’s hand and leading her through to the kitchen.
“Uncle Jared was shoutin’,” she whispered once you were alone, and you nodded, lifting her up and sitting her on the countertop. “An’ you’ve been cryin’.”
“Yeah,” you whispered back, letting her little hands try to wipe your tears.
“Are you ‘kay?” she asked, and you sniffed as you nodded.
“I will be,” you told her, smiling weakly. You’d promised to never lie to her and you weren’t about to break that. “Just needed a moment with my best girl.”
She nodded, wrapping her arms around you.
“Do you not love him anymore?” she whispered, her little voice pained.
“I love him very much,” you promised, holding her a little tighter. “There’s just some things we need to talk about; some things we need to clear up.”
“Mkay,” she agreed, pulling back enough to squeeze your cheeks between two small palms and kiss you quickly.
“Love you,” you told her, and she grinned.
“Love you more.”
You laughed softly, picking her up off of the counter and onto your hip.
“Love you most,” you finished, kissing her nose as you kicked a foot stool into place.
You set her down so that she could reach the countertop, smoothing her hair down as you did so.
“Now,” you breathed, leaning over the sink to wash your hands, “Wanna help me cook?”
tags are closed because this always takes me forever
@purgatoan, @thelittleredwhocould, @sammylynne321, @ariannalikescake, @writergirl909, @tlb-kylie, @allinhishands, @winchester-gospels-67, @supernatural0826, @mija-novella, @nerdysandwichqueen, @gemini75eeyore, @imaginespnr5er, @green-love-red-fantasyhearts, @kelsey-spn, @lafayettrash, @emoryhemsworth, @dearnoonethisisurlovesong, @spnolivia, @remybosslika, @ruined-by-destiel, @kickasscas67, @theplaidshirtmadness, @quilliamfears, @charity-elizabeth, @haleyhay96, @latinenglishfandomblog, @smoothdogsgirl, @chelseypaigeake, @katymacsupernatural, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @prideandprejudiceandbrendonurie, @tiffanycaruso, @breakthesociety, @jpadjackles, @abbirae99, @hiddenwritingsintheworld, @karrington7, @leyhikawinchester, @youcanhavit, @faegal04, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @avengersgirllorianna, @mint-and-pastel-pink, @feelmyroarrrr, @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @clueless-gold, @trashforwinchesters, @raeeismee, @supernaturalsuperfreakfan, @blacktithe7, @supernaturalstarbug, @pinkbunnies2001, @danijimenezv, @missbabyfae, @impalaimagining, @im-super-potter-locked, @samcentric-fics, @oriona75, @samsexualdeancurious, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @atc74, @too-much-winchester, @aquabrie, @taylorlaurenthomas, @missvengeance93, @flawsweirdo, @a-queen-and-her-throne, @maxwellthemajestickoala, @castielsgrace-idjits, @typicalweirdbookworm, @relationshipyard, @aeryntheofficial, @summerbee53, @cfordwrites, @im-beautifully-sewn, @xlarryisreallovex, @archer-whovian-violinist, @asgardianvamp21, @shadowpriestess6, @l8nitl0vr, @wificrazymisfit, @buckybarnesisalittleshit
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
The Beauty of a Beast - part 5
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen (briefly), Y/N Singer, Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, Chuck, Jack, Charlie, Crowley - future pairing of Gabriel x reader
Words: 1500+
Beta-reader: @nobodys-baby-now
Warnings: Bi!Dean (if you consider that a warning), arguing
Chapter summary: Sam tries to cheer up his rejected brother. Planning dinner doesn’t work out very well at the castle.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[General masterlist] [Gabriel masterlist]
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Part 5 - Taverns and Tea
Business at the Roadhouse tavern was like it always was; busy. Dean Winchester sat in his usual fur covered chair, facing the fireplace. His brother brought another round of drinks for the both of them and set them on a table before Dean.
Dean downed another pint. “What’s the point.” He muttered. “I keep pursuing Y/N and every time they shoot me down.”
“So maybe stop pursuing them?” Sam offered.
The older Winchester glared at his brother.
“Look, Dean, it’s not the end of the world. You can get any girl- or guy, for that matter- in town you want!”
“Yeah, but I don’t want anyone else!” Dean huffed. The hunter was too stubborn to let the one that got away go.
“Dean, please. Come on, Benny Lafitte’s single, right?” Sam said.
“I’m not dating someone taller than me.” Dean grumbled.
“What about Jo Harvelle?” Sam offered.
“Talks too much.” Dean scoffed.
“Gadreel? The librarian?”
“He’s a nerd.”
“Becky Rosen?”
“More like clingy.”
“Garth Fitzgerald’s a nice guy.”
“He’s always too happy.”
“You’re joking. Why can’t Y/N just like me?” Dean whined.
Sam sighed. “Don’t put yourself down like this, Dean.”
“If I’m not good enough for them, I’m not good enough at all.” Dean concluded, turning his green eyes to the ground and pouting like a child.
Sam sat next to Dean. He looked up at the mantle and the wall behind it. Countless animal heads decorated the tavern but this section? This was all the Winchesters’. Scratch that, it was all Dean’s. All Sam did during hunts was chase the prey for Dean to wear it out before his brother got the final shot, and all the credit. Sam always felt proud of his brother, though there was always a hint of jealousy.
“Everyone here wishes they were you. Your skills, your good looks…” Sam would add ‘your brains’ but his brother wasn’t exactly the sharpest arrow in the quiver. “Your reputation…” He added. “Everybody in town either wants to be with you or to be you.”
Dean just grunted as a reply.
“Tell me again how you got that one.” Sam said, pointing to the stuffed head of a bear.
A faint smile crept across Dean’s face. “Took me three whole days. I sprained my ankle in the process, but still managed to catch it.”
A couple people grouped around Dean as he told the tale.
“It got caught in a trap I had laid out by the river, so I caught up to it and BANG!” Dean shouted. “Killed it in one shot.”
Becky, a blonde who was arguably Dean’s biggest fan clapped as he finished the story. Dean gestured for her to come closer, so she did, sitting on the arm of the armchair, leaning towards her crush.
“Oh Dean,” Becky sighed. “You’re sooo manly.”
The elder brother grinned and flexed. “I work out, you know. I bet I could lift Sam.”
“Really?” She gasped.
Sam grimaced. “Please don’t. We’ll take your word for it.”
Dean laughed. “Scared I’m right, Sammy?”
Dean went on telling hunting stories about his prowess. He was skilled, that was true, but his ego and stubbornness often got him in trouble, so Sam was the one who had to pull him out of it. Of course, the favour was never returned.
Sam was always there for his brother. He supported him and helped him with hunts or picking up flings. The thing was, he didn’t have the courage to get in Dean’s way when things got out of hand.
If Sam had Dean’s courage, or Dean had Sam’s intellect, things would probably turn out different for the brothers.
A loud knock at your door woke you. You sat up and yawned, surprised for a second by the unfamiliar surroundings. You weren’t home, you remembered.
Your room in this castle had to be the size of your house in the village. The four poster bed was soft and big. The walls were painted elegantly, rather than plain brick. Everything was so much bigger, so much more expensive. Not to mention the wardrobe was alive too.
There was another knock. “Dinner. Now. Join me.” The Beast growled from outside.
“Ask nicely.” Castiel chided.
“And smile!” Balthazar added.
The Beast bared his fangs in what vaguely resembled a smile.
Balthazar winced. “We’ll work on that.”
“Now ask again,” Chuck said. “Nicely.”
The Beast huffed and faced the door again. “Would you join me for dinner?” He asked in a softer, but still demanding voice.
You wanted to scream. “Join you? You treat me like garbage and you want me to eat dinner with you?!” You yelled.
The feathers of the Beast wings bristled, and his chest rose and fell heavily as his breathing quickened.
The servants picked up quickly on his anger. Castiel was the first to try and calm him down. “Easy now-”
The Beast raised his fist and slammed it against the door. “YOU WILL JOIN ME FOR DINNER AND THAT’S NOT A REQUEST!” He roared.
“NO!” You yelled back, twisting the lock on the door handle and dragging a chair in front of it. You didn’t want to see his ugly face again if you could help it.
“Fine!” The Beast sneered. “GO AHEAD AND STARVE! If you don’t eat with me, you don’t eat at all!”
“Fine!” You replied.
The Beast turned and stormed off down the hall, slashing a wall in anger as he went.
Balthazar looked at his friends. “Staff meeting.”
Balthazar stood on the round table, tapping his arm against a glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Hello, everyone.” Balthazar started. “Well, everyone who could be here.”
“I can tell dad!” A teacup piped up.
“Hush, Jack. Later.” Castiel replied.
“So, we have a guest. Someone from the village named Y/N.” Balthazar continued. “As you know, we don’t have a lot of time left. If things work out, Y/N could be the one. We’ll all return to normal.”
“That’s a great plan and all, but what if it doesn’t work?” Charlie, a former maid turned cardinal-shaped feather-duster asked.
“We have to try.” Chuck said.
The group murmured in agreement.
“So, the master has forbidden Y/N to eat dinner with him after his temper tantrum. Of course, we can’t have that.” Balthazar retold. “Gabriel will be asleep in his quarters soon enough. We’ll make a second dinner.”
“Castiel, Jack, bring some tea upstairs for our guest. Tell Y/N and Crowley of the plan. Charlie, tell Lucifer to wait in the dining room. The rest of us will cook and set up.” Chuck gave the orders.
Cas nodded as best as a teapot could nod. “Come along, Jack.”
Jack skipped across the table to join his uncle. “Charlie, tell dad I say hi!”
Charlie smiled. “Will do, kiddo.”
“So, can I ask why you’re a wardrobe?” You inquired.
Crowley hummed, thinking. “Suppose the one who cursed us had a sense of humour. I was a tailor.”
“Huh. Interesting.” You replied.
“And you?” Crowley asked. “What do you do?”
“I help- or helped my father with his work.” You explained. “He makes things like clocks and music boxes.”
A tap at the door ended your quiet conversation.
Your voice wavered as you spoke. “Go away.”
“It’s Castiel.” Was the muffled reply.
“The master doesn’t knock that softly.” Crowley chuckled. “Let him in.”
You moved the chair away from your door and unlocked it. When you opened the door, a trolley with a tea set was before you.
“You must be Castiel.” You said, wheeling the cart in.
“I am.” The teapot replied. “This,” He gestured to the teacup beside him “Is Jack.”
“Nice to meet you!” The little cup replied, its painted face grinning. He sounded young. You felt pity for this poor kid. He was probably the only one of his age in this palace.
You smiled. “Nice to meet you too.”
“We’re making you something to eat.” Castiel said.
You frowned. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to eat.”
“What the great big lummock doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Crowley huffed. “You need to eat, love.”
“You’re not afraid of him?”
The room fell silent.
“No,” Castiel finally spoke. “He has outbursts but he’ll never hurt anyone.”
“I think the person who fears him most is himself.” Crowley mused. “Are you afraid?”
“No,” You replied. “He doesn’t scare me. He’s big and he’s cruel, but there’s… something about him. Like an animal lashing out in pain…”
You fell quiet. Could this beast have any emotion apart from anger? Why would these cursed people stand up for him? How did this happen?
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The Beauty of a Beast: @a-michellerae-things @a-vast-african-plain​ @clockworkmorningglory @red-bandana-girl@icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog @person-born-winchester@sumara62
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hbdtgpawsaaf-blog · 5 years
Updated How To View Private Instagram Profiles Latest
Set stirring the application subsequently your gadget and begin it. It resembles the actual Instagram application suitably you'll be satisfying committed following it. Most of the people nowadays look at movies by streaming. announce it, subsequent to was the instagram private profile viewer total time you went towards the Instagram specialists have invested numerous days in developing a fantastic system to hack private Instagram account. You can moreover use their trial and possess an up to standard mature upon IG. So, are you ready? Instagrams userbase is rising all month, we reside in the become old of social media publicity and Many individuals are sad in the same way as the nonexistence of new functions on Instagram and they are turning to unofficial and unauthorized approaches therefore as to Learn how to view private Instagram profiles on the web. Belows anything you need to know nearly these techniques.
Instagram Profile Viewer
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Male accounts can easily be viewed since the majority of the Adult males dont maintain privacy settings on their own accounts. next again, viewing female accounts is much tricky. This question has become amongst on the list of hugely searched phrases on preferred serps with Google and Bing. This may not be the ideal and simplest answer in your mission. But should youre upon the lookout For further photos or guidance virtually your goal, this is utterly a more valid means of conduct yourself it in comparison to our bordering Resolution. It is a Software that allows you admittance to private accounts view private instagram on the net in which you can view, in imitation of or comment upon any declare you desire out of your focus ons profile. Similarly, Instagram moreover permits stop users having an marginal to save their account Private to ensure that abandoned their buddies can look their profile. Regardless of this Instagram environment, is there any strategy to see every those private Instagram profiles? They can purchase your individual facts after which you can present it to a corporation or get within the online video views or clicks to the commercials. Not recommended strategy, mainly because it invites to become among the most unethical means to intrude an individual. However, if the above-stated method doesnt pay for you the results you want, you could try out making a con Instagram profile that may be recognized for that reason as to view private Instagram pictures & posts. Public IG account finest for the two billboard and non-business use including attaining far-off more social exposure, manufacturer consciousness and followings .If none of these techniques bill You thenll have no option. The sole extra habit is to utilize a hacking app correspondingly that you can look whats upon the extra aspect subsequently the private account. And gone the other side individual incorporates a community account your devotee question for might be recognized instantly after you click the follow button. But if that individual includes a private account, next the person will acquire a notification and if he/she is au fait of you or want to just log on more accept your demand subsequently by yourself it is realistic to how to view private instagram see his posts and all. Listed here it is possible to send out a concept to him/her by introducing you. Just be factual and authentic.This is taking into consideration connecting and collaborating following influencers is a fine idea. next influencers portion the articles of any addict on their own account It is just a nice of authorization that will acquire potential customers accepting their invites to adhere to back again.
Get This Briefing
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Thank you Root report team for giving me the best meting out approximately the artifice to start to see the private Insta account. Communicate later them For those whore ready to catch their focus via immediate messaging, conscious them to check out your profile. You might desire to maintain your profile public. Ensure that your contents are intriguing suitably that theyll desirability compelled to take your abide by request. This results in an opening to enter into a conversation in imitation of prospective clients and total more info from them. Listed heres an example. Permits tell someone cant acquire up to standard J. Cole, for that reason They have the funds for the heavens of brute for aficionado teams to satiate their appetite. Which account underneath seems in the manner of a much bigger resource: Should your ask for remains not recognized, you could send a private proclamation in your focus on conveying why you wish to adhere to them. This can be what worked how to view private instagram no question best for me. It absolutely was speedy, pain-free and Tremendous easy to use to get due to the fact I didnt in fact have to ruckus following developing a sham Instagram account or making use of my authenticated one particular. The last and the certainly best process is to employ an online software or cellular application that includes a element which could enable you to view any private Instagram profile of your respective picking, photo and online video upon The full platform. By default, your Instagram account is publicly seen. Many of the photos and movies we amass to Instagram are noticeable to Anyone who enters our profile. Nonetheless, not every people wants their profile to get general public. There's a final for these types of View Private Instagram people today quality their account as private. If you're apprehensive They can be cyber bullying you thru a private account that You can't see, it is possible to talk to Instagram to query it. Normally, individuals who usually get not desire to allowance their situations publically, support their account private. This assists them to allowance their written content in the same way as without help A few prearranged persons.
Final Words
For this It's important to head higher than to Instagram profile viewer apps and go ahead as per the guidance and there you're going to acquire the images of private account. Developing a bogus profile isnt difficult, just time-consuming, you have to be certain to put going on some genuine-on the lookout pics, dont declare your actual aspects and get some additional people to follow you previously you regard as being to make an effort to abide by your focus on. Watch out though, you will discover websites that present you a method to view private Instagram accounts but chat to you to supply your password, And so the profile that is certainly susceptible is yours and never the upon the list of consumer you ought to accessibility. Hardly ever present your password to any person. In that site, You obsession to copy glue the username in the Instagram account you view private instagram desire to view. snappishly after put-on this, You must uphold In act the account you want to view is legitimate and alive. In the event that it is not legal or alive, you will end up valuable to mark the purpose account soon after which you'll be accomplished to view the private posts.
0 notes
vczkeurqrwfg-blog · 5 years
Easy Ways How To See Private Instagram Working
Set in the works the application later than your gadget and begin it. It resembles the actual Instagram application appropriately you'll be delightful functional subsequently it. Most of the people nowadays look at movies by streaming. find it, bearing in mind was the instagram private profile viewer complete era you went towards the Instagram specialists have invested numerous days in developing a wonderful system to hack private Instagram account. You can furthermore use their proceedings and possess an pleasing grow old upon IG. So, are you ready? Instagrams userbase is rising every month, we reside in the period of social media publicity and Many individuals are sad subsequent to the nonexistence of other functions upon Instagram and they are turning to unofficial and unauthorized approaches as a result as to Learn how to view private Instagram profiles on the web. Belows anything you obsession to know not quite these techniques.
Instagram Viewer
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Male accounts can easily be viewed previously the majority of the Adult males dont support privacy settings on their own accounts. later again, viewing female accounts is much tricky. This question has become in the midst of upon the list of hugely searched phrases upon preferred serps later Google and Bing. This may not be the ideal and simplest reply in your mission. But should youre on the lookout For other photos or suggestion virtually your goal, this is entirely a more legitimate means of pretend it in comparison to our next-door Resolution. It is a Software that allows you door to private accounts how to see private instagram upon the net in which you can view, subsequently or comment on any read out you desire out of your focus ons profile. Similarly, Instagram along with permits end users having an other to keep their account Private to ensure that unaccompanied their followers can see their profile. Regardless of this Instagram environment, is there any strategy to see all those private Instagram profiles? They can obtain your individual facts after which you can come up with the money for it to a corporation or receive within the online video views or clicks to the commercials. Not recommended strategy, mainly because it invites to become along with the most unscrupulous means to intrude an individual. However, if the above-stated method doesnt allow you the results you want, you could try out making a feat Instagram profile that may be ascribed consequently as to view private Instagram pictures & posts. Public IG account finest for the two personal ad and non-business use including attaining far-off more social exposure, manufacturer consciousness and followings .If none of these techniques play a role You thenll have no option. The sole other habit is to utilize a hacking app consequently that you can see whats upon the other aspect considering the private account. And later the further side individual incorporates a community account your enthusiast question for might be approved instantly after you click the follow button. But if that individual includes a private account, subsequently the person will get a notification and if he/she is au fait of you or desire to just retrieve more take your demand next forlorn it is feasible to instagram private profile viewer look his posts and all. Listed here it is attainable to send out a concept to him/her by introducing you. Just be factual and authentic.This is taking into account connecting and collaborating in the manner of influencers is a good idea. afterward influencers portion the articles of any user on their own account It is just a kind of certification that will get potential customers willing to help their invites to adhere to back again.
My View Definition
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Thank you Root financial credit team for giving me the best dealing out not far off from the showing off to start to see the private Insta account. Communicate next them For those whore ready to catch their focus via rapid messaging, rouse them to check out your profile. You might want to preserve your profile public. Ensure that your contents are intriguing appropriately that theyll desirability compelled to take your abide by request. This results in an introduction to enter into a conversation taking into consideration prospective clients and cumulative more info from them. Listed heres an example. Permits say someone cant get okay J. Cole, so They pay for the way of being of mammal for devotee teams to satiate their appetite. Which account underneath seems gone a much augmented resource: Should your ask for remains not recognized, you could send a private broadcast in your focus upon conveying why you hope to adhere to them. This can be what worked how to see private instagram completely best for me. It absolutely was speedy, pain-free and Tremendous open to reach due to the fact I didnt really have to argument past developing a feat Instagram account or making use of my legal one particular. The last and the extremely best process is to employ an online software or cellular application that includes a element which could enable you to view any private Instagram profile of your respective picking, photo and online video on The full platform. By default, your Instagram account is publicly seen. Many of the photos and movies we ensue to Instagram are noticeable to Anyone who enters our profile. Nonetheless, not all people wants their profile to acquire general public. There's a answer for these types of View Private Instagram people today mood their account as private. If you're apprehensive They can be cyber bullying you thru a private account that You can't see, it is practicable to speak to Instagram to query it. Normally, individuals who usually pull off not desire to ration their situations publically, retain their account private. This assists them to portion their written content when unaided A few agreed persons.
For this It's important to head beyond to Instagram profile viewer apps and go ahead as per the guidance and there you're going to acquire the images of private account. Developing a bogus profile isnt difficult, just time-consuming, you have to be clear to put taking place some genuine-on the lookout pics, dont allow in your actual aspects and buy some supplementary people to follow you before you rule to make an effort to abide by your focus on. Watch out though, you will discover websites that present you a method to view private Instagram accounts but chat to you to supply your password, And correspondingly the profile that is no question susceptible is yours and never the on the list of consumer you ought to accessibility. Hardly ever present your password to any person. In that site, You habit to copy paste the username in the Instagram account you how to see private instagram accounts desire to view. rudely after fake this, You must establish In deed the account you desire to view is legitimate and alive. In the event that it is not genuine or alive, you will end stirring indispensable to mark the aspiration account soon after which you'll be skilled to view the private posts.
0 notes
blood-of-fandoms · 8 years
Subject 28
Request by madithemagicalfangirl : I wondering if I could get a aos imagine where the team rescue the reader who is a teen off a hydra base where they were training her to be a weapon and didn’t even give them a proper name just like subject 28 or something. The reader has telekinesis (kinda like eleven from stranger things) and they find a family in the team they never had and they teach her about the world and everything since she never got to with hydra and it’s all fluffy and cute in the ending? Thanks!
Of course you can! Sorry for the delay!
The whole room was painted red as alarms flashed, and all you could hear was a conglomeration of sirens, gunshots and shouting. In an instant you were up against the metal bars of your cell, unable to escape but still wanting to know what was happening. You had gathered from fragments of passing conversations that someone had broken into the base but that was all you knew.
“GET BACK!” a voice shouted and you turned towards the source of the noise just as a flashing device was attached to the door of your cell. Your eyes widened as you realised what was happening and you pushed yourself off the bars as hard as you could, sending your body to the floor at the back of the small room.
You heard a bang before your vision was filled with smoke, then suddenly a pair of hands emerged from the smoke and grabbed onto your arms which you had raised above your head. The sudden contact caught you off guard, allowing your instincts and training to kick in as you ripped your arms out of the mysterious person’s hands and placed a kick where you thought their torso was, causing them to fall to the floor and giving you an opportunity to bolt out of the room.
You ran around the compound which was both familiar and unfamiliar, as you had spent most of your life there but had rarely been outside your cell, only for medical tests and training. You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew you had to run. As you rounded a corner, you heard something like a gunshot but somehow gentler and before you could register that it was you who had been shot, you were falling to the ground, your vision going black.
You forced your eyes open and blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light which illuminated the small room you were in.
‘Oh great’, you thought, ‘I escape from one cell just to be thrown into another.’
You sat up and glanced around the room. It was mostly empty, just the bed which you were lying on, but outside the cell was a chair and some stairs leading to what you presumed was the only way out.
You had started walking around the cell, getting a feel for the space and checking for any possible escape routes when you heard a door open at the top of the stairs, followed by the sound of footsteps. You sat back down on the bed and watched as three people approached the cell. The first was a male with a stern yet kind face and a lack of hair on the top of his head, dressed in a suit. Next was a female with dark hair, more serious than the first, not showing any emotions on her face and dressed all in black. Lastly was a girl in her early twenties with long brown hair and obviously more relaxed than the other two, dressed in casual clothes and holding a tablet of some sort.
“Hello,” the man said, affirming your guess that he was the one in charge, “how are you feeling?” You didn’t answer and kept staring at the wall directly ahead of you.
“Are you hurt?” He tried, eliciting only a brief shake of the head from you which almost went unnoticed.
“Good, I’m glad. Now, what’s your name?”
“Subject 28.” You replied instantaneously, being used to being asked this on a regular basis.
“I mean, what’s your real name? The one you had before you were taken.” He asked, only gaining a blank stare in reply.
“You do have a name, right? Everyone has a name.” The younger girl said, a look of mild confusion appearing on her face.
“My name is Subject 28.” You repeated.
“Okay, how about this.” The man started, trying to bring an end to the cycle, “What would you like us to call you?” This shocked you as you couldn’t remember the last time in your life when anyone asked you what you wanted. You thought for a moment, remembering your time at the Hydra base. You couldn’t recall ever seeing another name for you on any documentation, but one memory did spring to mind. You remembered a scientist, the only one who ever treated you as something more than an asset. You remembered asking what her name was and thought of her response.
“Y/N,” she had said, smiling kindly at you, “My name is Y/N.”
“Y/N.” You said after a moment. The man smiled gently at your reply.
“Alright then Y/N. We just have a few questions for you. First, do you know where you are?” You shook your head, unable to remember how you ended up in the room. “Next question, do you know where you were before?”
“In a Hydra base.” You replied, remembering the symbol printed all over the walls and the constant repetition of the phrase ‘Hail Hydra’.
“Good. Last one, do you know why you were being kept there?” You felt all eyes on you as they waited for your answer.
“They wanted to use my ability against their enemies.” You said, eliciting a shocked sound from the girl.
“What? But she’s not a weapon, she’s a kid!” She cried.
“You think Hydra cares about age?” The other woman responded.
“Sorry, one more question.” The man interjected. “What exactly is your ‘ability’ that Hydra wanted to harness?”
“I can move things by thinking about it.” You said simply.
“You’re telekinetic? No way! That’s so cool!” The girl squealed, earning a look from the other two.
“Would you mind showing us?” The man asked kindly, his tone being one you weren’t used to. You glanced at the group for a moment before nodding, deciding you had nothing to lose, they couldn’t be worse than Hydra was. You stared at the tablet in the girl’s hand and imagined it moving up towards the ceiling. You heard the girl give out a startled yelp as the tablet started floating up until you stopped, allowing it to fall back down.
“Well, Y/N. I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Phil Coulson, this is Melinda May and Skye. We work for SHIELD, you’re currently on one of our jets. Now it seems to me that you’re not used to being in the outside world, right? What do you say to us letting you out and showing you around a bit, help you to familiarise yourself with your new home?” You were shocked, you barely knew these people and they were offering you a home, something you hadn’t had in a very long time. You looked at them, wary of their unexpected kindness but you couldn’t see any hidden emotions in them, they seemed sincere in their offer.
Slowly you nodded. “I’d like that.”
“In that case, welcome to the team Y/N.” Coulson said. Skye pressed a button on her tablet and whatever was keeping you trapped before disappeared, allowing you to take your first steps out of the cell and into your new life.
So I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that if enough people want it, I’ll write a second part to this where the reader meets the rest of the team and bonds with them as they teach her about life. If you guys want to see that, let me know.
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loseitall-ff · 8 years
21. Part 4
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I actually don’t care if Lakers have won now because I have won at life, I am so happy. Looking at Robyn smiling, I can’t stop smiling because this has made it official “you’re so smug right now” Robyn nudged me saying “can’t help it, we should go. Lakers are going to win now anyways” picking Liana off my lap, getting up from the chair “pick me!” Liana held her arms up “you’re too big for this” picking Liana up “after you” I pointed ahead of me for Robyn to walk ahead, I like to watch her ass swaying when she walks so of course I will let her walk ahead of me. Looking across the court seeing Drake, I done clocked his ass a while ago, he soon turned his head as he noticed me looking. I smirked looking ahead of me, shit is about to go down but I don’t care anymore. My bodyguard met up with us as we left the building, people were hanging off the barriers shouting things but I don’t care, it made me laugh that they was shouting Liana’ name though, she is so confused.
Laughing at the text from my mom “my mom goes, she saw us glowing and she knew” facing my phone to Robyn to look at “glowing? Momma be knowing” Robyn said laughing “yeah, she is crazy” I have so many messages from people, I am just trying to see the important ones “I thought I said no phones?” I am saying this while looking at my own damn phone “oh no, I am just cussing Mel out. She sent me this video” looking away from my phone, Robyn pressed play turning the phone to me. My smile grew “she recorded the TV screen of us” laughing seeing how shy we both got, that was crazy “we look so shy, look at us” what I did was very impulsive so that is why I am looking like that “kiss cam bitch!! I told you!!” Mel screamed out on the camera laughing, Robyn shook her head “I hate this bitch, I blame her. She predicted this and it happened, I am not even answering any of the messages. I am done now, you should be too” look at Robyn telling me off “I guess we better drive off, paparazzi been waiting for us to drive off” locking my phone.
I really want to smoke a blunt but my daughter is here so I need to wait this out, this traffic don’t help at all “you not mad at me are you? For what I did” I never actually asked “no, I just got shy. Everyone cheering, just came out of nowhere but this is me Chris. I would have not said anything, I just get scared, you know of the backlash but it’s happened. The only person I care about is Liana, fuck the rest” putting my car in park, this traffic ain’t moving anywhere fast “good, that is what you need to think about. You know those stories you read, the things people say you need to remember me, you need to remember how much I love you. I get I am going and leaving you here but I just need you to be strong, this is going to test us” Robyn sighed out “I need you to hold it down in LA for me, I can’t stress enough how they and when I mean they I mean those people that hate me. They will be in your ear, don’t let them tell you different. They the same ones that will make the rumours up about me” I am so worried about leaving Robyn with these assholes “I won’t let them but I need you to tell me anything that goes off, I do know you. I trust Chris but I don’t trust anyone else, this is going to be hard but I believe in us” Robyn reached her hand over and held mine “your love will get me through this, please keep in touch” raising Robyn’ hand and kissing the back of her hand.
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Chris went out to get some food but it’s too late, Liana has fallen asleep now. Walking backwards out of her room, I swear I love this bedroom of hers. He really made the effort to make sure she felt like a princess, I want to take this bedroom from him for her actually. Luckily Liana did eat something, even though most of that was junk. Looking down at my phone once again, this thing has been ringing none stop. Seeing my mom’ name plastered on the front screen of my phone, I really don’t want to ignore her but I don���t want to hear anything that will ruin my day, this is about Chris and I. Staring at the screen waiting for it to stop ringing, finally it did stop ringing. Unlocking my phone, I really love that video of Chris kissing me, reminds me of young love. Just makes me smile, tapping on IG, I am sure it will be here. The first thing I see on my timeline is just that, my smile grew watching the video. My face, I was so taken back and so shy. I am about to repost it but not caption it at all, reposting the post to my page.
Sitting Indian style on the couch, I am really wondering where Chris has gone now. I am not as hungry now, I just want him back home, he has gone to get some food and look at me just missing him, sat staring at the door. This is so bad, I look like a lost dog waiting for its owner, I am going to miss him so much. I wish he stayed in America, he will be so far away from me and anything can happen. I don’t think I could ever be without him, even when we was apart I knew he was there, I knew he was safe and I could go to him. Hearing the door unlock, my head poked up smiling “my bad” he said as he walked down the steps “I didn’t purposely do this, I got chased by paparazzi. The pizza is cold now and I scratched the side of my Range because of that” I gasped “are you ok!?” my poor baby “I’m good, just annoying that my car is damaged. Can you sort that out for me while I am gone, get someone to pick it up. I will send you the details to do this” getting up from the couch “of course, I will do it for you” walking around the couch “you not hurt are you?” he took his jacket “I’m fine, I didn’t want them to find this place but we good, don’t worry Robyn” Chris chuckled “where is Liana?” he looked around me “she fell asleep, she is fine” I bet he was speeding and everything “let’s leave this pizza and go upstairs and do other things” he grinned, placing a hand on my hip, I stared at him ready to object to his request but he cut me off before I could respond.
“We can warm this up later, just go to the bedroom” He pointed towards at the stairs, he is really leaving no room for discussion “whatever you say boss” I said pouting, trying to bite back the smile that was growing “time for daddy to eat” Chris rubbed his hands together “all wet for you” I winked while I left the room. Practically running up the steps, I am so excited for alone time with Chris. Skipping towards his room, I really love this place, I honestly have fallen for it but it is so small which makes me sad. Pushing the bedroom door open, let me sit in the middle of the bed and wait for him. I think he is up to something, he made me come upstairs first.
Sat with my legs crossed in the middle of the bed, Chris walked into the room with a bag “uhhh what is in the bag?” I questioned, I am so intrigued “well before I go, I want to make sure I do you right in many ways. I wanted to spoil you, I personally went out and bought some oils, I am about to give you a nice back massage” he opened the bag and showed me the assortment of oils, my eyes lit up “you’re giving me a massage!?” I am shocked “yeah baby” he walked over to the edge of the bed, I sat back on the bed and grabbed the end of my top. A flutter grew in my stomach and I smiled “I am so lucky to have you” I giggled and pulled the shirt over my head.
“Damn!” Chris spat as I exposed my breasts, my black panties I wore left little to the imagination “I can see from your panties you were ready for this moment” he pointed out, he is not wrong. My nipples were beginning to harden, grabbing my breast and squeezing it “fuck me, stay focused Chris” He talked to himself while stifling a moan. Reaching down, he gripped my legs and pulled me towards him in one swift move, he can easily pin my ass down. Chris cleared his throat “so which one do you want” he asked me while throwing the bottles of oils on the bed “We have Strawberry, vanilla, raspberry, and cherry. They’re all edible too” squinting my eyes as I moved my head to the side to see “erm let’s go with Vanilla” I grinned, Chris placed the bottle of massage oils back in the bag, leaving out the vanilla one and placed them on the floor.
“Roll over for me” He instructed me, I rolled around ever so excited for this. Propping my upper half up on a pillow and making myself comfortable. I sighed out as Chris began spreading the warm oil across my back, placing one hand over the other, he gently added pressure, sliding his hands over my shoulders and back around. “What did I do to deserve this” I moaned as he grazed his thumb across my spine “just spoiling my fiancé, you do so much. You look after Liana for one and that is a hard job, you deserve it” he continued to work his hands up and down the length of my back. Massaging the oil into my skin, soothing each nerve. Sending my body into a blissful sea of relaxation “my god Chris! Your hands” I moaned, crossing my arms above of me, I placed my forehead down, burying my face in the pillow. Feeling Chris Kneeling on the bed, he pressed his knee into the mattress and moved away from my shoulders and ventured down to my waist, making circles with his palms.
I clenched up, moaning softly. Completely relaxing my body deeper into the mattress, I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. Switching back to using his thumbs, Chris grazed over the base of my back. “Go lower” I begged, my clit is beginning to throb and more than anything I wanted to be touched. Chris ran his thumb over the lacy material until it slipped between my thighs, touching sweeter territory. My panties are soaking wet and I hope he could feel my heat burning through the material. My breathing hitched, he began massaging my clit, caressing me until I was panting for air. I rocked my hips, slowly rotating my sex around his fingers. Chris pressed a kiss to my back before lowering his head again and licking down my spine, it tickled just enough to cause me to arch my back and twist my body. He was circling his fingers around the edge of my centre while trailing the tip of his tongue along my spine. Reaching the centre of my back, he sucked down hard enough for me to curve my body “what am I writing?” Chris said, and then circles were now being made on my skin with his tongue.
“uhmmm” I chuckled with a slight moan and rose my head up “C…..” I said, He looped his tongue around, perfecting the letter C across the centre of my back “H ……..R….. Let me guess baby, Chris?” I quickly said “yeah but I ain’t finished yet!” he told me and went back to licking my skin. He continued to spell things out “ermmmm P ….I believe that is a U” I answered unsure, just a little bit confused. “S…..” I giggled out a moan as his finger pressed into my sex harder “hold up, pussy? Really!?” I laughed. “Didn’t even let me finish” Chris said with a slight chuckle “that is because I know you, only you would spell pussy with your tongue on my back” feeling Chris stretching his body over mine, Chris kissed my ear “where too next?” He asked, his raspy voice echoing deep down into my ear. “A bit lower” I directed him as he licked his way down my back.
“Right here?” he asked, smiling to myself “a lot lower” I tilted my head back and panted when he moved his finger lower and touched the swollen lips of my sex. His index finger was teasing me, dipping in and out of me “here?” He softly growled against my spine, moisture pooling around his index finger as he slid it in deeper. I hissed out a sigh. The stroke of his finger drove me to the point of madness “Yes! Oh yes daddy” I spat, and then turned into a long moan. Kissing his way down my body until he was positioned between my thighs, Chris pulled my panties off and spread my legs open. Not making contact with my sex, he just breathed and inhaled. Blowing his warm breath on my centre until my body was quivering with eagerness.
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The very tip of my tongue grazed her swollen flesh and the tiny drop of her essence that fell on my tongue was enough to ignite my taste buds and have them blossoming to life in search of more. Before Robyn knew it, I had flipped her over on her back and her legs automatically fell open, waiting for me to devour her. I sat on my knees in front of the bed, grabbing Robyn’ thighs until her centre was only a breath away from my face. Draping one of her legs over my shoulder, I pushed her other leg back completely until it was almost touching her stomach. Kissing her clit, I spread the lips of her sex and parted with my mouth. Placing open mouth kisses against her sensitive bud before running my tongue back and forth across her. Looking up at Robyn she grabbed her thigh, her fingernails cutting into her skin when I stroked my tongue deep inside of her “oh C…” She cried, my name never leaving her mouth. My tongue was everywhere, flickering hard, flickering fast where ever I could place it. Inside her, around her, against her, I stuck my tongue where ever there was flesh.
It was as if someone took a spoonful of heaven and poured it into my mouth, she is always the sweetest thing to ever touch my tongue. Every experience I have had between Robyn’ thighs was different, I don’t know how she manages to do it, but each time was better than the last, I could spend hours licking up every drop of my shawty. Finding the sounds she made above me to be beautiful, so much so that I began moaning myself, my tongue vibrating against Robyn’ clit, sending shivers through her. With her head rolled back and her body ached completely off the bed. With her mouth open wide, not a single sound left from Robyn. Her breathing stopped for a moment, I love to watch Robyn unfold when I eat her out.
I continued to feast between her thighs, I could never have enough. I was infatuated with her taste, with her smell. My own arousal was beginning to peak against my boxers, reaching down to unbuttoned my pants. Pulling my belt through my belt loops until I was free to unzip and pull my pants down, my hands dipped into my boxers. I clasped my hands around my length, stroking it tightly as I pushed my tongue inside of Robyn, with every intentions to eat her from the inside out. I pushed and pushed until Robyn lost control and withered around me, her orgasm bursting out of her.
I moved back, tracing my eyes over Robyn’ body. Evidence of my journey between her thighs were sprinkled all across my face “I feel disabled” she said, Robyn was panting hard. Her chest heaved up and down as she sat back on her elbows. The fire in her eyes and the flicker of her tongue against her lips caused my dick to jump and for me to wince. She was so painfully beautiful, she had the power to bring me to tears and onto my knees. Getting up from my position “I keep to my word” wiping the side of my lips “you won the Mario game, you reaped the win” stepping out of my pants. Our eyes met and held when I stepped forward and grabbed Robyn, pulling her body back to the edge of the bed. The head of my erection was pressed against the entrance of her sex and I was ready to be buried deep inside of her “what about the other bet?” she spoke, she is already done with. Her lazy ass “Robyn, baby. Come on. We got all night, we have pizza. We can refuel and go again, don’t worry. I will reap my own benefit too” the look on Robyn’ face, she need to get ready for my plan.
Spreading her legs wide and pushing them back into the air, I held on to her ankles and slid inside of her. My groan was deep and long when she gripped my dick and tightened around him. My hips barely moved forward, my rhythm was so slow. My eyes were locked on my dick sliding in and out of her. I enjoy watching myself disappear deep inside of her core. My eyes travelled up when I heard Robyn try to moan, her voice was caught in her throat, and all she could do was look up at me with begging eyes, pleading for me to give her more. To stroke a little deeper, to push a little harder. This slow speed I was serving her was beginning to drive her mad. She reached her hand up to grab my hip and pushed me in deeper, but I swatted her hand away. “Don’t touch! Just feel” I breathed out, Robyn complied, stretched her arms back, clasping her hands together over her head.
I stared down at her face, loving each priceless expression she made. The ruffle between her eyebrows, the wrinkle of her nose, how tight her eyes were clenched shut, and what really turned me on, the way her tongue brushed across her bottom lip before pulling it back inside her mouth and biting down. It drove me wild, awaking the beast inside of me, but I had to contain myself. I fought the urge to flip her over and drive into her, something I really wanted to do, but I couldn’t muster up the strength to break away from her face. Being able to watch Robyn’ sex faces while filling her up was the best thing on earth. Pulling out of her, I thrust back inside of her and picked up my speed. Finding a natural rhythm, each stroke was filled with passion. Letting go of her ankles, I gripped her hips. The bed rocked back and forth as Robyn gripped me and released, gripped me and release. My speed picked up more and my head fell back in ecstasy. I was only a thrust away from the edge.
She came and so did I, with a raspy grunt, I rooted my love deep inside of her. She was still so tight around me while I throbbed inside of her, we remained connected, our climax still slowly riding through us. I fell forward and placed my hands on either side of her, sucking down on her neck “my turn next” I said into Robyn’ ear, she turned her head to look at me before her lips connecting with mine.
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