#ig my nervousness might also have something to do with the fact that. like. i've known him since i was in high school
supercantaloupe · 2 years
also i swear to gd i Need to get less weird and anxious about the mere concept of talking to maestro. i have known and played with him for seven years and in that time he has been literally nothing but kind and friendly and helpful and supportive. and yet every single time i have to ask him a question (or if he comes to talk to ME or like sends me an email or something) i swear to gd my heart starts racing like i’m about to get banned from every orchestra ever or something
#it's so weird. idk why i'm so weird about talking to him in particular cause i rarely feel the same about other professors.#ig it probably has to do with the greater level of like. formality? involved in orchestra#like i'll call other professors by their first or last name sometimes (though not usually directly to them...#only rarely like for my jazz prof in freshman year who was like 'just call me jake lol')#but i straight up refuse to refer to maestro as anything but maestro. y'know.#so much of classical music is about tradition and formality/politeness is an element of that...#which is usually nice for me and my social ineptitude but also occasionally is not. for example when i need to ask maestro a question lol#especially one that's not relevant to the rehearsal#i would make a 'going to get a bad grade in orchestra which is both normal to fear and possible to achieve' joke here#but i literally can get a bad grade in orchestra and he's the guy who'd assign it.#(y'know...hypothetically. i would die before i willingly did anything to tank my grade like skip rehearsals/concerts#or purposefully play horribly)#ig my nervousness might also have something to do with the fact that. like. i've known him since i was in high school#and so the thought of like. being a grad student and working on a much closer to equal/professional footing with him#as opposed to just like. student musician in the orchestra.#fucking weird! it's a weird idea to me#which i'm sure i'll get over myself enough to actually proceed if/when that becomes a reality#(though not over myself enough to cease all anxiety entirely lol)#i wanna talk about me#sasha speaks
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Quentin smith x Goth! Reader
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Requested by anons and @aristocracy-y :
⭐quentin and the abrasive goth girl from school end up as lab partners and he comes over to study and he discovers she’s actually soft and sensitive?? pls i crave quentin content (if u don’t wanna write this just anything for quentin is fine
⭐My love for Quentin knows no bounds, and a soft, slow make out is literally all I can think of rn
⭐OML you write for my baby! Could you maybe write some Quentin nsfw, if you don’t write that then something soft and fluffy
Warning: swearing, sorry I don't write nsfw but its super fluffy so that makes up for it ig, also i think its safe to say this is quite sometime before fredrick fucked him up.
And sorry for taking so long im trying to get back to actually posting things so please enjoy!!! Sorry that its just sort and sweet.
"Sick drawing." Quentin looked up at the you who was standing next to him putting your bag down and taking the seat next to him.
"Oh uh thanks." He said offering a smile.
"I'm y/n, Your new lab partner." Quentin took you all in as you shook his hand. He'd heard about you, seen you in the hall. Nothing about your goth aesthetic exactly sreamed friendly. Kris and jesse would say things about you. "Careful she'll hex you!"
"Wow who's funeral are you going to? Oh sorry that's just how you dress."
You spent class paying attention to the work taking notes and before he knew it class was over. "Uh..so when..or really were do you wanna study so we can do the lab right tomorrow?"
"Uhh my dad's got a teacher meeting thing tonight...I don't have to be home for a few hours.." She nodded as she put her things in her bag. "Yea alright..my house then...I'll meet you after school at the end of the front steps?"
"Yea..sure thing."
At the end of the day you met him exactly where you had said to, but he was accompanied by his friends. "Watch out quentin she might hex you!" He he elbowed jessy as he walked away from them to meet you.
"Sorry about th-"
"Let's go." You bit out grabbing your bag and started walking he quickly followed.
"They're jerks." He said as you continued to lead the way through your neighbor breaking the silents. "They're your friends?" You said.
"Doesn't change the fact that they're absolute dick holes sometimes." You glanced back at him with a smile, before walking up a drive way.
"Penny! Cherry!" You yelled as you opened the door. You where both greeted with the sound of barking and quick feet running down the hall. "Y/n!" Your face lit up as you got to your knees and greeted the girl and dog as they ran into your open arms.
"Hey kiddo!" The dog salked up and licked your face causing you to laugh. "Uh Cherry this is Quentin...he's gonna help me study for biology, Quentin this is my sister Cherry and our dog Penny."
He offered a small wave. "Hi! Are you y/ns friend? She doesn't bring a lot of those home." Cherry asked Quentin as he fllowed the two girls deeper into the house, He only laughed nervousely and you hit her shoulder. "Shut up dork!"
Sbe laughed. "Go do your homework!"
She burried down the hall to her room. "Oh! Dad said he'll be home by eight thirty! Maybe nine!" You rolled your eyes and lead him to the kitchen. "Thanks!" You then turned to him. "Sorry I should've mentioned something about the two of them..." He shrugged and pet penny while taking a seat at the counter.
"I don't mind, She seems like a good kid." You smiled. "She is...do you want something? We've got chinese leftovers?" He laughed. "Sounds good."
The rest of the night was spent within your bedroom attempting to study only to find neither of you took good enough notes to answer the study questions.
"Well I can just look it up in study hall...you can hang out here for a while if you want..." You offered him noticing he'd gotten up from the desk chair to look at the bulleten board filled with pictures that hung on the wall by the door.
"Is that your mom?" He asked pointing to a family photo. "Uhh yea...Penny l/n...she died a few years after cherry was born...we got penny and named her after her..."
"I get that...the whole mom being dead thing." He admitted still staring at the photos, He finally turned to you. "You knkw I meant what I said about my friends-"
You waved him off. "No need to say sorry I'm used to it."
"So then why do you-"
"I like how it looks....It's the only thing I felt comfortable in was clothes like this...kt's not actually true to who I am." You explained quickly. He moved to sit next to you on the bed. "Then who are you?"
"Who do you think I am?" You challenge.
"Well...from what I've seen here tonight. I'd say you're a softie... You like being around people, like making friends, your sentimental, a family per-" you held a hand up to his mouth.
"Got it, you've spent to much time with me today." You said with a laugh moving your hand.
It was quiet for a second. "You know I know somethings about you too." You said.
"Your the reserved one in your friend group, but also out spoken when you get the chance...sweet...kind." You said looking at him. He looked you up and down and leaned forward.
"And you're thinking about kissing me.." You teased before moving closer to him yourself and kissing him.
His hands mobed to your waist as yours cupped his cheeks and climbed into his lap. "You're absolutely right on the last one." He said as you pulled away briefly, you laughed lightly and slid your sweater off and kissed him again.
He wrapped his arms around you and leaned you back on the bed deepening the kiss.
"Y/n! Cherry! Penny!" You quickly pulled away again upon hearing your fathers voice from the front door.
You both let out a slight disapointed sigh but laughed. "Maybe some other time." You winked before kissing him quickly and pulling your sweater back on.
"Hey dad!" You said coming down the hall and hugging him as he let go of cherry. "Hey!..oh I didn't know you had comapny I would've bought more food."
"No, sir I was leaving..my dad will be home soon anyways." Quentin said reassuringly. "Dad this is my friend, Quentin." You introduced the two of them. "Well nice to meet you Quentin, you're welcime baxk here anytime kiddo! Y/n doesn't get a lot of friends around here." He said jokingly, you hit his arm as you walked quentin out the door.
"Goodnight, thanks for having me over." He said.
"Anytime." You smiled and kissed him once more before going back inside.
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