belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Meeting your wounded self
This ritual is an introduction to your Shadow. The part of ourselves we have ignored or neglected it because we didn’t like it. Part of our spiritual journey to befriend and show love/compassion to this part of ourselves. This is a life long journey, but it all starts with an introduction. This work can be done by beginner witches, but with a warning that it might be highly emotional and even overwhelming.
Preparations: Grab some water or tea, put your phone on silent (and away!), let any parents or partners know not to disturb you, light some incense, put some instrumental (no words!) music on and relax.
White Candle (tea light works).
1 mirror (you want to be able to comfortably look into the mirror.)
A piece of paper and a pen.
Note: It would be ideal for you to cleanse your mirror with the intention for magickal use. You can use water with essential oils if you don’t know what to use. It is essential to perform this ritual under the Moon. Not during the daylight.
Ritual Guide:
1) Go into a room that has a mirror, and you can turn off the light.
Begin this ritual with the light on. Take a few moments to focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale.
Find yourself in a relaxed state and open a sacred and protected space around you. (There are many ways to do this. Do whatever ritual or chants work best for you.)
2) Light your candle. This candle represents your inner light.
Hold the candle. Focus on the flame. How is it burning? Is it flaming tall? Or a small spark?
3) Turn off the lights in your room. Hold your lit candle.
Close your eyes focus your intention on your inner light. Find it in your chest. Feel the energy of your heart and your love.
Chant this following as many times as you’d like in a succession of threes. Don’t open your eyes until you feel the energy building up.
By the Shadow of this New Moon
I meet my darkness inside the cosmic womb.
4) After you find the energy, open your eyes and look into the mirror, use the candle’s light to illuminate your eyes.
You may feel the urge to put a hand on the mirror. You are welcome to do so.
Look deeply into your eyes.
Say hello to your Wounded Self. Look into their eyes. What do you see? You feel many overwhelming emotions or even feel like crying.
That’s okay. It is a painful reuniting.
You have pushed this part of yourself away for so long. These are the parts of you that you thought was ugly, shameful, gross.
Look more closely into your eyes. Even if it is had to break eye contact. There is beauty in there. Even though the tears. There is a light. There is hope.
Your Wounded Self is looking for recognition and compassion. It’s time to look at what makes you feel vulnerable. Where does the insecurity, the jealousy, the lack of awareness come from?
Sit with this for a moment. What does the Wounded Self tell you?
When you have received your message, thank your Wounded Self for being here with you, and tell them that you love them.
Afterward, turn away from the mirror, but keep the candle burning. Your light does not go out.
Take this time to journal what you just experience. If you can only by candlelight great, but turn on lights if you cannot see.
What did you learn about yourself? Did you learn about a specific moment? What did you feel? Don’t worry about the journal entry making sense. This is called transmuting by writing these notes you are processing the experience.
5) When you are done writing. The ritual has been completed. 
Thank your guides, angels, or whomever you asked to assist you in this introduction. It is time to close your sacred space.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
quick and simple jinx/hex for when someone fucks you over 🥀
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this isn’t necessarily for when you have specific intentions for the person (eg. for them to feel guilt) but rather for when you need to express your anger and want for the person to get what they deserve.
you will need:
- black candle (justice)
- salt (banishing negativity)
- water
- the person who you’re jinxing’s name on a piece of white paper in black pen (as a taglock)
- optional: a tiny bit of blood (to represent the hurt they’ve caused you)
side note - this is better performed when the moon is in last quarter because that’s when banishing spells are best or on a new moon to represent new beginnings!
1. fill a glass with some water and add salt. wait for it to dissolve.
2. smear the blood on the paper with the name
3. hold the paper and place the edge into the flame
4. just before the flame reaches your fingers, drop it into the salt water
5. optional: give a massive middle finger at the water & paper. it’s very cathartic.
6. blow out the candle and tip the water down a sink.
quick disclaimer: I am not responsible for any harm caused by this hex (or if it comes back three fold). please be safe both with your intentions and when casting. make sure you don’t do this hex around any flammable surfaces or materials.
I hope this helps you with whatever pain you’re going through or at least gives you a bit of relief. ❤️
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
How to invert a crystal's effect to the opposite of its normal effect, and aim it at a target!
You will need...
-Mirror (can be a pocket or bathroom)
-Crystal of your choice
-Taglock or paper
1: Place crystal in front of your mirror.
2: Say "mirror, invert this stone" twice while focusing your intent.
3: Take the crystal and wrap it in either the taglock or the paper with the target's name on it.
4: Let it sit as long as you'd like, remove taglock or paper when you want the curse gone.
5: When you remove the curse, do the mirror thing again and cleanse your stone to bring it back to normal.
Hopefully this will help if you're like me and can't access the rarer stones needed for curses. Your crystal chosen will have the opposite effect it normally does, for example rose quartz will now bring heartbreak and fighting.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Stomp Out The Bastard Spell
If you don’t have a lot of time or money to do magic and spellwork, here is one way to ruin your abuser’s day. This is one that I do to keep a rancid family member from coming around.
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Write the name of your target on a piece of paper.
The target can be an individual person, a group or an idea. (This works great too if you want to stomp out a bad habit, or maybe your racists ass senators.)
Fold up the piece of paper and stick it inside of your shoe, between the sole and the insole. Then, say:
“Under my foot, your power is no more.”
Now, every time you take a step and walk, you will be stomping out the target’s power. It’s very satisfying.
You can also tape the piece of paper onto the actual bottom of your shoe and enjoy watching that shit get ripped up as you walk around and enjoy your fabulous fucking life. Treat yaself while you keep your target under your foot.
Discard the paper when you see results.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Crystals and Stones for cursing:
A lot of the times you see crystal references that refer to positive metaphysical properties of the stones, but in this list we are going to be looking at more negatively associated properties that could be used in your magickal working. These properties are brought out from the stones primarily when they are used in situations that use their energies in excess, or uses metaphysical properties that we would associate with more negative aspects of being.
Amethyst: To cause oversensitivity to spiritual Energies, and to cause illusion.
Lapis Lazuli: To cause illusion, oversensitivity, detachment, and ungroundedness.
Opal: To cause bad luck, and greed.
Quartz Crystal: To cause energetic overflow.
Selenite: To cause energetic overflow.
Flint: To cause conflicts.
Pyrite: To cause illusion, bad luck, and greed.
Obsidian: To cause overwhelming emotions, and conflicts.
Diamond: To cause binding on a physical, or spiritual level, betrayal, bad luck, and greed.
Blue Lace Agate: To cause people to confess to their actions.
Celestite: To cause detachment, and ungroundedness.
Jasper: To cause aggression, anger, and overbearing control.
Tiger’s eye: To cause arrogance, pride, and egotism.
Pearls: To cause bad luck, sadness, and depression
Emerald: To summon harmful spirits.
Agate: To turn your enemies against themselves, and to cause confuse.
Turquoise: To cause corruption, and decay.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Voice Theft Curse (Disney Inspired)
A curse to stop someone who has been spewing hateful speech and words and return that negativity they put out back into their life.
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You Will Need:
Sea Shell (preferably a clam shell)
Black Marker or Pen
Black Candles
Taglock (if you can manage)
Sea Water (sea salt in water will suffice if needed)
On your small slip of paper write down your target’s name in pencil.
With your black marker write in large letters covering the name “SHUT UP!”
Crumple up the paper between your fingers, rolling it and squashing it. Put all of your frustration and anger into this action.
Place the crumpled piece of paper into your sea shell. To release more negativity and return it to the target spit onto the shell and paper. If you have a taglock place it in the shell as well.
Place your candle onto of the sea shell and light it, let it burn down and cover the shell and paper in wax
Once it is sufficiently covered take your sea water and pour it over the candle drenching it and the shell. Take the shell and bury it in the ground or into a planter. If you cannot do this then store it somewhere dark.
cleanse your space and yourself afterwards and rest.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Tips for Hexing & Cursing
Anything Hot, Spicy, or Sour can inflict physical pain, heat, agitation, or “sourness” to the individual.
Anything you normally use for divination, dreams, or astral can be used for Illusions, Delusions, & Nightmares
Anything you use for spirit work can be used to send unhappiness, restlessness, or spirits to someone
Anything poisonous/toxic can be used to create either illness or even death.
Any number or color association you may have can be used in opposition against them.
Anything with positive aspects can be used to siphon those aspects from your target.
Personal Recommendations:
Amethyst - Nightmares, illusion, paranoia
Jet - cloud their vision, blind them
Serpentine - Sickness, illness, make their ground unsteady
Smoky Quartz - Delay them, cloud their vision, make them be late
Lead - weigh them down, make them be late
Malachite - Anxiety, fear, cowardice, nausea
Green Obsidian - Siphon/steal energy
Obsidian - Cloud judgement, block energy
Jade - give yourself control over aspects of their lives
Amber - get them stuck, cause obstacles
Bloodstone - Nausea, chaos, frailty
Carnelian - Rage, anger
Hematite - Attract negativity into their lives
Peridot - Confusion
Petrified Wood - Ruin, abandonment
Garnet - Steal their loved ones, others wide with you
Nightshade - Anxiety, nightmares, sickness
Rosemary - Taint their dreams, nightmares, cloud their vision
Mistletoe - Attracting serious harm
Gardenia - Steal their love life, break someone up
Ivy - Binding, standstill
Roses - Tempt them into cheating, cause cheating in their life, make them attracted to you (especially good when you want to hurt them)
Mint - Visions, nightmares, paranoia
Lavender - Depression, lack of sleep, restlessness
Lotus - Depression, sadness
Catnip - Distraction, loss
Dahlia - Bad luck, loss
Violet - Nervousness, Anxiety, Paranoia
Valerian - Nightmares, Anxiety
Foxglove - Nausea, nightmares, obsessive vanity
Ginger - Bitterness
Sandalwood - Block, prevention, aids in astral cursing
Dragon’s Blood - Cause unwanted attention, spotlight, destruction
Frankincense - Can be used to control, subconscious actions to your bidding
Myrrh - Reflect back hexes/curses
Lavender - Anxiety, fear, depression, delusion, lack of sleep
Patchouli - Cause unwanted attention, push away loved ones
Nag Champa - Cause tunnel vision, over-focus, fussy, over-critical 
Musk - Temptation, authoritative interference
Sage - “Cut that shit out”
Red - Unwanted attention, aggression, anger, divide, agitation, burning, itching, emotional/personal obsession, impulsive, temptation
Pink - Anxiety, nervousness, unease, fussiness, over critical, discrimination, bias, error
Blue - Sadness, anxiety, depression, loss, mourning, grief, loss of money and valuables, distance, emptiness
Light Blue - Anxiety, detached, cold, loss of control, slipping, time manipulation (cause lateness or earliness), vague, cloud judgement, obscure visions, dream manipulation
Dark Blue - Nightmares, dream manipulation, fear, terror, darkness, manipulation
Purple - Nightmares, anxiety, dreams and visions altered/tainted, material obsession, confusion, constant change, manipulate variables, influence
Lavender - Lack of ambition, distraction, confusion, lack of motivation, easily distracted, restless, dissociation, indecisive
Green - Stubborn, forceful, rash, obstacles, getting nothing from work, blocking, inability to reach milestones, halt, stop
Orange - Expenses, not enough money, blocking flow, material obsession, yearning and getting nothing, distractions
Yellow - Siphon money/fortune/good from them, leech from them, lack of energy, lack of control, constant annoyanes
Gold - Financial ruin, siphon money, narrow-minded, tunnel-vision
Silver - Financial ruin, lying (to them), reveal truths, loss, mourning, departure
Black - Death, loss, mourning, depression, obscure their vision, bring out the worst, drama
White - Lack of ambition, blank their mind, disappear, make them (or yourself to them) invisible, push away their family
Ego, selfishness, loneliness
Discontent, not enough, divide
Imbalance, obstacles, hurdles
Hard authority figures, brutality, dominated
Lack of reason, lack of logic, lack of common sense
Unwanted attention, steal love, take away passion
Lack of ability, taken advantage of, gullible
Blocking knowledge, not thinking, clouded judgement
Shadow, unwanted memories
Forced change, starting over, ruination
Lack of energy, siphon strength and courage
Over-sacrifice, sensitivity
Ending, regrettable actions
Restraint, discomfort
Dissatisfaction, lackluster, anti-climatic
Destruction, violence, catastrophe
Hopelessness, lack of courage, blocking
Anxiety, delusion, nightmares, trouble with discernment
Lack of expression, trouble expressing, you have influence over them
Absolution, resolve, forced ending, loss, limitations
Note: Adding salt to certain herbs or small spells (such as bay and/or basil mixed with lemon for money) can siphon that thing to you from them for a simple small hex. 
Whatever you do with information is on you. Do with it what you wish.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
quick and simple jinx/hex for when someone fucks you over 🥀
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this isn’t necessarily for when you have specific intentions for the person (eg. for them to feel guilt) but rather for when you need to express your anger and want for the person to get what they deserve.
you will need:
- black candle (justice)
- salt (banishing negativity)
- water
- the person who you’re jinxing’s name on a piece of white paper in black pen (as a taglock)
- optional: a tiny bit of blood (to represent the hurt they’ve caused you)
side note - this is better performed when the moon is in last quarter because that’s when banishing spells are best or on a new moon to represent new beginnings!
1. fill a glass with some water and add salt. wait for it to dissolve.
2. smear the blood on the paper with the name
3. hold the paper and place the edge into the flame
4. just before the flame reaches your fingers, drop it into the salt water
5. optional: give a massive middle finger at the water & paper. it’s very cathartic.
6. blow out the candle and tip the water down a sink.
quick disclaimer: I am not responsible for any harm caused by this hex (or if it comes back three fold). please be safe both with your intentions and when casting. make sure you don’t do this hex around any flammable surfaces or materials.
I hope this helps you with whatever pain you’re going through or at least gives you a bit of relief. ❤️
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
To Ruin Someones Life
You shall need. 
1 Black Candle
A Photo of the person 
Musk Incense 
Graveyard Dirt 
A Bowl
Light the Incense and conjure up all the rage for you have for this person. Light the black candle continuing letting the rage build. Look at the persons picture and say 
“ (Persons name) I curse you, i summon, call and conjure all the dark to one, Fill you mind with rage. To ruin your life, To tear your life apart from vein to vein I command this” 
Feel again the rage you have for this person build up inside you. Allow it to fester and boil inside you. Place the picture inside the bowl, Pour the graveyard dirt over the picture as you visualize your hatred for this person.
Place the candle on top of it at the top of your lungs scream
Put the candle out, Each night after light the candle, and feel the rage you have for this person and scream “Destroy” repeat this each night until the candle burns out.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Tipos de Bruxas
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Este é um post sobre os diferentes tipos de bruxas. É claro que aqui não estão todos os tipos existentes de bruxas, essa lista está longe de completa. E também, você não precisa ser apenas um tipo dessas bruxas, nem precisa se sentir limitado a se encaixar em nenhuma delas. 
Primeiramente, o que é uma bruxa? Uma bruxa é uma praticante de bruxaria. Não há outros requisitos para ser uma bruxa além do ato de praticar bruxaria, por isso qualquer pessoa pode ser uma bruxa, independentemente da idade, sexo, sexualidade, raça, religião ou qualquer outro fator. A bruxaria é definida como a prática da magia principalmente, mas não se limitando à prática da taumaturgia.
Bruxa Nova (Novata ou em inglês Baby Witch): São bruxas que são novas na prática ou sentem que ainda não são completamente bruxas.
Bruxa Elementar: São bruxas que trabalham com todos os elementos clássicos. Esses elementos são fogo, água, terra, ar e espírito. Algumas bruxas elementares optam por não incorporar o elemento do espírito.
Bruxa do Fogo: São bruxas que trabalham com o elemento fogo e as energias que ele possui. Elas trabalham com coisas como magia de velas, elementais do fogo, rituais de fogueira, entre outras coisas relacionadas ao fogo.
Bruxa da Água: São bruxas que trabalham com o elemento água e as energias que ele possui. Elas trabalham com coisas como diferentes tipos de água, elementais, entre outras coisas relacionadas à água.
Bruxa da Terra: São bruxas que trabalham com o elemento Terra e as energias que ele possui. Elas trabalham com coisas como cristais, ervas, rochas, elementais da terra, o espírito da terra e outras coisas baseadas na terra.
Bruxa do Ar: São bruxas que trabalham com o elemento ar e as energias que ele possui. Elas trabalham com coisas como elementais do ar, incenso e respiração rítmica.
Bruxa de Cristal: São bruxas que usam cristais em sua prática. 
Bruxa de ervas: são bruxas que usam ervas em sua prática. Elas geralmente cultivam ervas e as usam de várias maneiras diferentes, a fim de produzir efeitos mágicos.
Bruxa do chá: são bruxas que usam chá em sua prática, a fim de facilitar certos efeitos através do ato de beber certos chás.
Bruxa da Flora: São bruxas que usam flores em suas práticas.
Bruxa da Floresta: são bruxas que trabalham com coisas da floresta, como árvores, espíritos da floresta e animais da floresta. Elas podem ou não viver em uma floresta.
Bruxa do Pântano: são bruxas que trabalham com coisas do pântano, como a água do pântano, os espíritos do pântano e os animais do pântano. Elas podem ou não viver em um pântano.
Bruxa do Deserto: São bruxas que trabalham com coisas dos desertos, como areia do deserto, cactos, arbustos e espíritos do deserto. Eles podem ou não viver no deserto.
Bruxa do Mar: são bruxas que trabalham com coisas do mar, como água do mar, areia da praia, conchas e outras coisas associadas ao mar. Eles podem ou não viver perto do mar.
Bruxa Estelar: São bruxas que usam corpos cósmicos ou astrológicos em seus ofícios e praticam coisas como astrologia e bruxaria cósmica, e trabalham com as energias das estrelas, lua, sol e planetas entre muitos outros corpos celestes.
Bruxa do Sol: São bruxas que trabalham com as energias do Sol.
Bruxa da Lua: são bruxas que trabalham com as energias da lua e os ciclos da lua.
Bruxa da Tempestade: São bruxas que trabalham com o tempo e as energias do tempo para alterá-lo, receber energia ou obter algum outro resultado.
Bruxa da Morte: São bruxas que praticam magia da morte e trabalham com as energias da morte.
Bruxa de Sangue: São bruxas que praticam magia de sangue e usam a energia da magia de sangue em sua prática.
Bruxa de Adivinhação: São bruxas que praticam adivinhação como tarô, pêndulo, ouija, runas ou qualquer outra forma de adivinhação.
Bruxa Animal: São bruxas que trabalham com animais, ou uma forma específica de animal, e usarão as energias desses animais em sua prática. Essas bruxas também trabalharão com as formas espirituais e físicas desse animal e poderão usar magia baseada em seu animal.
Bruxa Draconiana: São bruxas que trabalham com dragões e magia dracônica.
Bruxa das fadas: São bruxas que trabalham com fadas e magia das fadas.
Bruxa de metal: são bruxas que trabalham especificamente com metal e encontram sua arte em restaurações e jóias.
Bruxa dos Sonhos: São bruxas que trabalham em seus sonhos e podem praticar sonhos lúcidos. Elas podem lançar magia em seus sonhos.
Bruxa Oculta: São bruxas que não são abertas sobre sua prática.
Bruxa solitária: são bruxas que praticam seu ofício sozinhas ou sem um grupo pessoal como um clã ou círculo de outros praticantes. Esses tipos de praticantes vão praticar principalmente sozinhos, mas ainda podem ter acesso à comunicação e recursos de outras bruxas.
Bruxa de Coven: São bruxas que pertencem a um grupo de bruxas, coven ou círculo, e serão capazes de aprender e praticar magia entre si.
Bruxa Urbana: são bruxas que vivem na cidade ou na área urbana.
Bruxa Suburbana: são bruxas que vivem em uma cidade ou área suburbana.
Bruxa Rural: São bruxas que vivem no campo ou em uma área rural.
Bruxa da Cozinha: são bruxas que trabalham com magia através da culinária e as propriedades mágicas que podem obter de diferentes alimentos.
Bruxa Tecnológica: são bruxas que trabalham com a tecnologia moderna em sua prática e integrarão todos os tipos de computadores e eletrônicos com sua magia.
Bruxa da Ciência: São bruxas que têm um foco maior na ciência e usarão seus entendimentos da ciência em suas práticas.
Bruxa Eclética: São bruxas que têm uma prática eclética. Isso significa que eles trabalharão e aprenderão com muitos tipos diferentes de caminhos, práticas, filosofias, tradições, conhecimentos e fontes, e acabarão conhecendo todos eles.
Bruxa Sincrética: São bruxas que têm uma prática sincrética. Isso significa que eles reunirão diferentes caminhos, práticas, filosofias, tradições, conhecimentos e fontes, a fim de facilitar e criar sua própria prática única.
Bruxa de Ossos: São bruxas que usam ossos em sua prática e podem se comunicar com espíritos que possuam os ossos, para permitir que eles os ajudem em sua prática.
Bruxa Negra: são bruxas que praticam o caminho da mão esquerda, formas prejudiciais de magia e formas antiéticas de magia.
Bruxa Cinzenta: São bruxas que praticam formas neutras de magia e usam um equilíbrio de ambas as formas prejudiciais de magia e formas benevolentes de magia.
Bruxa Branca: São bruxas que praticam o caminho da mão direita, formas benevolentes de magia e formas éticas de magia.
Bruxa Roxa: São bruxas que praticam trabalho com energia, habilidades psíquicas e psiônicas.
Bruxa Azul: São bruxas que praticam formas curativas de magia, como Reiki, yoga, acupuntura, cura energética e toque quântico.
Bruxa Verde: São bruxas que usam coisas básicas da natureza em suas práticas, como ervas, árvores, pedras, animais e elementos naturais.
Bruxa Vermelha: São bruxas que praticam magia do amor e magia sexual.
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
So I'm not really comfortable doing this post, but I NEED some answers and comments of others witches.
Is there anyone who discovered to be a Fae (half human / half faerie)? Or know know anyone who passed through this experience?
I know it's a weird question, but self-improvement first lol
(Sorry for my bad English, is not my mother language)
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
What are types of witchcraft/what type are you?
As I repeatedly state, the true purpose of witchcraft is deeply personal, often times, a major part of witchcraft is honing your skills in a specific areas, so here’s a crash course on the types of witchcraft
Eclectic witches
Eclectic witches embrace magick and practice in all of its forms, many modern witches choose to describe themselves as such, they cannot be pinned down to one specific type of magic
Green witches
Green witches focus on their connection to nature, and draw their spiritual energy through their work with plants. The particularly work with herbalism and gardening.
Hereditary witch
Witches whose traditions have been passed down through their families, this type of witchcraft typically varies from family to family, typically this incorporates old pagan practices
Hellenic witches
Witches who devote their practice to the worship or Ancient Greek gods and goddesses
Kemetic witches
Witches who devote their practice to the worship of ancient Egyptian dieties
Kitchen witches
Witches whose practices involve working in the home, using objects they likely already have, magick is often incorporated into cooking and work within the kitchen.
Wiccan witches
These witches practice a religion within the strain of neopaganism called Wicca
Witches who alter their state of being or conscious to practice magick
Word witches
Main source of magick is practiced through sigils or by weaving words into their craft
A Japanese practice which tethers itself to the worship of the Kami, a type of spirit
Those who worship Lucifer as the bringer of light and the morning start
Lunar witch
Magick and practice is tethered greatly to the cycles of the moon
Fae/Faery witches
Practice based on ancient British, Germanic, Slavic, Scottish/Celtic, Irish and French folklore
Those who choose to defy the constructs of society and organized religion. Often are against traditional magicks and religions
Sea witch
Witches who draws power from the ocean and practice water based magick. Can be tethered to lunar magick
An Italian practice very similar to Wicca
Those whose practice focuses on foresight, divination, and the uncovering of hidden information through means such as tarot, scrying, tea leaves, bone burning, etc
Cosmic witch
Witches who focus on celestial practices, such as astrology and star-reading
Chaos witches
A blending of all types of magick that defy organization and one practice
There’s lots of practices this is just an overview of a few major ones to help you in any way i can :) much love to all of you
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
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Some of my fave personal spreads 😊
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
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Oferendas para Afrodite, Hécate e Nyx.
(twitter: @ambrose_witch)
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belladonnagrimoire · 4 years
Feitiço simples de amor (Simple Love Spell)
Ingredients | Ingredientes:
• Uma vela vermelha
• Essência de Patchouli
• Incenso de rosa vermelha
• Quartzo Rosa
• Um pequeno punhado de pétalas de rosa secas
O Que fazer?
Tenha certeza que seu cristal está limpo e energizado. Pegue a essência de Patcholi e unte a vela vermelha. Acenda o incenso e diga:
"Peço que todas as divindades e seres espirituais de amor me acompanhem e me abençoe durante e após esse ritual".
Após isso, sinta-se a vontade para dizer o que vier em seu coração. Eu, por exemplo, expliquei o motivo de estar fazendo o feitiço e porquê era tão importante.
Depois, pegue o quartzo rosa, feche-o em suas mãos e aproxime-as da vela.
Repita quantas vezes achar necessário:
"Com a chama dessa vela e a força dessa pedra, peço que juntem ele(a) à mim e eu à ele(a)".
Medite sobre a situação, esteja aberto para ouvir conselhos dos deuses e espíritos. Imagine -se enviando sua presença e sua energia amorosa para a pessoa em questão.
Por fim, junte as rosas ao pé da vela e diga:
"Para todos os seres divinos e espirituais que me acompanharam até aqui, ofereço essas pétalas de rosa como gratidão
Assim está feito e assim será"
Deixe a vela queimar até o final, queimando junto as pétalas.
Se possuir algum item da pessoa desejada (camiseta, calça, colar, pulseira) use durante o processo.
Esse é um feitiço simples, que abre caminhos se a energia da pessoa estiver aberta para. Não se trata de nenhum tipo de amarração.
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