#ignis is drunk
geomimetry · 2 years
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deimos shenanigans with my buddy @tiny-chubby-bird​
rip to every creature in deimos but my ignis wraith doesn’t discriminate 👹🔪
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ranseiuniter · 1 year
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mini-headcanon; Hiroko's personality does, like, a 180 when she's drunk. She works very hard to be polite and well mannered and so forth, but seriously, get her a couple drinks and she'll be going off about how "shut the fuck up I kicked Nobunaga's ass TWICE. TWICE! IN ONE DAY!!!! GET FUCKED."
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tehrevving · 2 years
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I'm tripping on all that you said, I've got it all inside. And I held it up until you came in.
When your eyes turn down. My whole world crashes, You watch it burn and get high on the ashes.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Higuruma Hiromi Masterlist
Updated: 8th June 2024
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🔥 Smut. 💔 Angst 💕 Romance
☕ Comfort/Fluff 🤡 Clowning
🐙 Monsterfucking. 📚 Education (*dirty laugh*)
"BabywearingDad!Higuruma" Ask and Drabble ☕
Behind the Wall 🔥💕-- a desperate Higuruma visits your glory hole
Bound 💕🔥-- the reader wants a home-made NSFW video, and Hiromi is happy to oblige
Calamus et Gladius (the pen and the sword) 🔥💕💔☕-- slow-burn, enemies to lovers Culling Game smut with Higuruma and a foreign reader
Cunt-Drunk 💕🔥-- Hiromi goes out for work-drinks and karaoke...and comes home feral.
Daddy 🔥☕💕-- dating apps are a hazard for men like Higuruma Hiromi...
Debellatio 🔥💕-- a Higuruma x Reader x Nanami sex-pollen threesome
Domestic Bliss series--
#1 Fire Alarm #2 Storm #3 Bite #4 Silver Fox
Fellatio 🔥-- the bathtub lawyer receives head in his office.
Fidget Toy 🔥-- Higuruma Hiromi needs stress relief.
Fumus et Ignis 🔥💕-- sometimes, Hiromi smokes and ties you up while he makes you ride him.
Glory Glory 🔥☕-- 'Help, I'm Stuck!' with Hiromi, two bottles of wine and a compromising position with his gavel.
Hiromi and Nemo ☕-- tales of Higuruma Hiromi, and his little black cat.
Hiromi Higuruma Relationship Headcanons ☕🔥💕
In Flagrante Delicto 💔☕🔥💕-- Higuruma struggles to adapt to life as a sorcerer, refusing all of your offers to help...until he needs you.
"I've Committed a Crime" Ask and Drabble 🤡💕-- Higuruma is a ruthless tease
Jus in Bello: A Judicious Domain 💔🔥💕-- The reader throws Higuruma out of their home after they struggle to adapt to his new Cursed power...and the reader must then hunt him down in the Culling Game, to bring him home.
Men with Big Noses 🔥💕-- you reveal a kink for Higuruma's nose, and he shows you exactly what he can do with that.
Milk and Honey 💕🔥-- Hiromi is obsessed with your milk, and loves you while you sleep.
Monster 💕🔥💔-- Vampire!Higuruma is a good man...but even good men have their weaknesses.
Office Besties ☕💕-- Hiromi and you are just friends...right?
Sanguis et Vinum 🔥💕-- period sex with Higuruma
Shower drabble ☕💕-- Higuruma comforts you after a bad day.
The Stairwell 🔥💕-- You've been teasing Higuruma all day at the office; he catches up to you, eventually.
Vinum Rubrum 🔥💕-- wine is better when you share a glass...and your mouths.
The Stacks 🔥💕☕-- spending all night with your college/university rival at the library, doesn't go exactly as you'd planned...
The Widow's Keeper ☕💔💕-- The reader and Higuruma traverse the complexities of love and grief, after the death of Nanami Kento, her first husband.
The Wrong Tie 🔥-- Nanami x Reader AND Higuruma x Reader...Nanami and Higuruma make a mistake after fucking their wives in the same cupboard.
"Your Honour" Ask and Drabble 💕🤡🔥-- Hiromi forgets your name as he cums.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 5 months
A young, horny Lambert sets his sights on an older hunk of Witcher beef. CW: age gap, flirtation.
"I'm going for it."
"Lambert, don't be a fucking idiot. They'll laugh at you."
"They might, but he won't. You miss all the chances you don't take, right?"
"Your funeral."
Lambert licked his lips and smoothed his hair back as he stood. He hadn't torn his eyes away from his mark for a single second since said man had swaggered into the hall a few hours before. This was the winter he'd do it. He was a man himself now, which meant he had every chance of bagging himself the hunk of good-lookin' he'd been coveting from the moment his dick had started getting hard at night and hair had appeared on his jaw.
It wasn't just that Eskel had two decades on Lambert or that he was becoming a seasoned witcher. No other Witcher in the keep compared. Sure, some tried. They might step toe to toe during drills or try to outflame Eskel's igni, but they never could. The only one that outmatched Eskel was his pale shadow, Geralt. They even looked a little similar. But cream puff was a fucking bean pole of a man, and that shitty headband...
N'aw, Lambert wanted big. He wanted heat, and honey eyes, and that thatch of dark hair he'd seen on Eskel's barrelled chest in the baths, and that huge fucking d--
"You lost, Lambert?"
Lambert blinked. Gweld, the ginger prick, was frowning at him, ale tankard halfway up to his mouth. The others had paused their card game; Clovis looked drunk, Geralt was slouched back trying to see Clovis' hand and Eskel was watching Lambert speculatively.
Watching, with those honey-coloured eyes that turned Lambert inside out. The words caught in Lambert's throat; shit, fuck, why was he so fuckin' stupid the moment Eskel looked at him?
He took a breath, conscious of Clovis elbowing Gweld with a chuckle, while Geralt looked over with a smirk.
Lambert found his words. He folded his arms, thrust his chest out, widened his stance and put on his best cocky smirk. "Was just wonderin' whether Eskel wanted some better company. You losers can't handle your beer at the best of times."
They laughed. Gweld elbowed Eskel who cocked a half smile, eyes rolling not at Lambert, but his friends, proving Lambert's point. Obviously.
"Is that right?" Geralt asked, amusement turning his narrow face bright with a toothy grin. Lambert had been told that as witchers matured they honed their sense of smell, could identify a man's emotions from his body language, the flush in his skin. Lambert knew Geralt had him sussed. "And what kinda company are you offering?"
"Geralt..." Eskel growled in warning, and it went straight to Lambert's groin. Fucking hells.
"Whatever he wants. I'm a man of many talents."
More laughter--"little man has game, shit; fuck, I'm chokin, too funny"--but Lambert wasn't put off. Eskel's eyes were on him, warming him like the sun. The lines around those eyes were wrinkled with mirth, and damn if that smile wasn't snatching the breath right out of Lambert's chest.
"Does your master know you're out?" Eskel asked, placing his cards face down. He leaned back in his chair and slung his elbow onto the back of it, knee turned out while a hand tapped at his drink.
Lambert tried to keep his eyes level and resist the urge to... look. Eskel's codpiece put on an absolutely fucking heroic effort, but it could only hide so much and that was when Eskel was soft. "What he don't know can't hurt him. No business of his who else is in my bed as long as I am."
Eskel pressed his lips together to smother his smile while the others guffawed. More was said but Lambert didn't really hear; he was too focused on keeping his heart from beating out his chest and appearing suave.
Eskel hummed. "Aren't you a little young to be lookin' for that kinda fun?"
"Worried you won't be able to keep up, old man?" Lambert felt momentum. He could do snark, he could meet Eskel on this well worn ground, toe to toe, and the way Eskel's head tilted to the side and his eyebrow rose. It wasn't a no, right? He looked interested. Amused, but he didn't dismiss Lambert outright.
Gweld slapped Eskel on the shoulder with a bark. "Eskel here's got stories that'd make your balls shrivel up into yer belly, lad. I don't think he's a good choice for yer first ride, best drop your ambitions."
"Fuck off, Gweld," Eskel said, but there was no heat to his words. Just wry amusement.
Geralt snorted into his drink and Clovis made a vulgar gesture with his hand, but before Lambert could respond a familiar voice barked through the hall and sucked all the building sexual tension into a vacuum. "Lambert, get your arse to bed, you missed roll call!"
Lambert clenched his teeth, shoulders lifting towards his ears. For fuck's sake...
Three of the witchers in front of him groaned in mock empathy. "Oof, tough break, Lambino. Cock blocked by Vesemir," Gweld said, shaking his head while Geralt and Clovis snickered. "Don't worry, we've all been there. Ain't that right, Gerbear?"
Geralt guffawed in protest and smacked Gweld on the shoulder. It quickly devolved into a wrestling match on the floor, one which Gweld was definitely going to lose. Eskel watched them briefly before he looked back at Lambert. "Another time perhaps," he said, toasting Lambert with his ale. "G'wan, before he decides the target dummies are a little light on straw."
Lambert grunted, frustrated, but stalked away. He'd made inroads, and the way Eskel's eyes had shone, and that crooked grin. Eskel hadn't outright rejected him, hells, he'd--well, that smile... Eskel didn't smile at everyone like that.
Lambert laid in bed with that smile behind his eyes and a hand under the sheets, determined that it would be Eskel's instead of his own by winter's end.
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sinful-lanterns · 5 months
I like the idea that reader, and especially drunk reader, uses “if I fits I sits” even when she clearly does not fits.
Like when a sinner is smaller than her but she drunkenly crawls into their lap and falls asleep anyway (idk which ones are)
This just screams Kelvin and Ariel (assuming you are taller than both of them) But those two women in particular are definitely not used to having a woman crawl into their lap and fall asleep on top of them in the middle of so many people. (Or just in general)
To add onto this list, Ignis and Luvia Ray aren’t used to it either. Coquelic is used to it, but that’s because she’s such a powerful authoritative figure, so despite being so short, she’s capable of handling a precious girl like you sleeping on her lap 💕
Besides Coquelic however, Kelvin, Ariel, Ignis and Luvia Ray become the most flustered when you drunkenly stumble into their lap for an “if i fits, i sits” situation 😅
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lorei-writes · 6 months
ooh, comissions! Specially from someone whose writing I love so dearly! Congratulations, hun! You really deserve it!! *insert tons of heart emoji here* now, for my request: Touch + Shingen, comforting!! I love that hunk of a man! Wish you all the best!
Aye, just requests ^^" I don't do commissions. But I'm glad you enjoy my writing so much <3 And I hope you like this bit too! >:)
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»All the things we choose to share«
Shingen x Reader Fluff/Comfort Content Warnings: none Word Count: ~500
Ignis Fatuus
You breathe in deeply to cherish the scent of salty iodine, now devoid of noxious summer notes. Rocky shores have never felt so vast. Not once. Yet here you are, walking at what seems to be the very edge of the world, silver waters swaying as if drunk. Wind tangles in your sleeves, tightens cloth against your body while also setting your hair loose. Free like a bird, your spread your arms, ready to fly and float among the stars. Will you...?
The stone feels cold to your bare feet. Be it due to the evening dew or the ocean mist, it is slick, the lulling of the world around having you believe it is a plank you walk and not the solid rock. Your toes hurt. Not that you care; you cannot see how purple they are either way. What little light stars produce skips from puddle to puddle, shimmers to then cease and reappear a few paces ahead. You fall for the ignis fatuus and follow in its steps. There… is no harm in that. Is that not the case?
No, like a drop.
No, like a wave.
No, from an ocean, delivered to your personally by its freezing hands – and yet it is also hands that save you from being coldly embraced. You look over your shoulder, still awkwardly bent at your waist and with one leg extended. Your lips part.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” you hiss, only now made aware of the chill. Shivers run up your spine; it is maybe a second before Shingen pulls you back by your obi, but a second is already a second too long.
“I did call you a moon deity, but I didn’t expect you’d try to take reign of the ocean.”
“I did not plan to!”
“I hope you did not,” he huffs a laugh. Shingen’s shoulders shake as he crouches down to wring out the hem of your kimono, a few unfortunate pebbles scratching the ground when pressed under the soles of his shoes. (At least one of you was reasonable enough to wear shoes.) It is nigh impossible to see what exactly it is that he is doing – so you close your eyes, cut off the redundant vision and replace it with touch.
Shingen presses his forehead against your belly. His hair is soft, although you do manage to find few tangles in it, likely invited there by the wind. You do not focus on them for long, however. You cannot. Hot despite – or perhaps precisely because of – the cool of autumn ocean, his fingers brush against your calf, press against your muscles to re-invite warmth into your skin. Slowly, his hands move down your leg, to eventually reach your toes.
It may be fortunate you cannot see his face.
Shingen stands up abruptly, but remains quiet.
“Shin—gen?!” Your voice hikes up as your love lifts you into the air. Instinctively, you throw your arms around his neck, half-afraid that your feet have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, and that surely, he will drop you whole into the water now.
“Let me,” he murmurs, concern seeping from each word. “Once we return, I intend to worship the chill out of you, angel.”
Your cheeks turn redder than the falling leaves.
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86 @rinaririr @cheese-ception
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thewitcheress2389 · 2 years
Hello! Is it possible for you to write something for Eskel using number 10 and 25? Eskel deserves much love 🥺❤️ Thanks! 💖💖 And, uh, if I wrote something incorrect, sorry for that 😅 My native language isn't English.
I love your works!
You're good! And you are right, Eskel deserves so much love💖💖
The Beauty of The Broken
Eskel has always been insecure, but he doesn’t know all the time you take to admire him.
#10 “You should smile more often.”
#25 “Is it that hard to believe that I love you?”
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Broken beyond repair.
A terrifying monster.
Unworthy of love.
That’s what Eskel sees every time he looks at his reflection. It’s hard for him to see himself when those voices echo inside his head each time his eyes trail down those scars. That’s all he ends up seeing.
Those scars.
It’s the reason that Eskel stays away from mirrors, and why he always has to collect water from a rushing river. He can never allow himself to look at his reflection or else his insecurities might get to him. Eskel may be a witcher, made for killing some of the most dangerous creatures on the continent. 
But he’s still a man. One who has a heart more fragile and kinder than anyone you’ve ever met.
You see it. How can’t he?
Eskel doesn’t know all the time you take to admire his features. Whether he was cleaning his gear, making a fire, or taking care of Scorpion, you were there to watch every little movement that he made. 
One thing that Eskel hardly allowed you to do was clean his wounds.
He would come back beaten and bloody, but still refuse any help you would offer. At first, you thought he was being stubborn. But you later realized that Eskel had one sole purpose when it came to avoiding your assistance.
He didn’t want you to see him. 
The witcher was full of scars, this was well known. Eskel figured they made him unlovable, so he kept them hidden from your gaze even though you were well aware that they were there. No matter what you said to him, he never believed you. But there was one thing that you absolutely adored about him.
Eskel’s smile.
It’s a little half smile as he never smiles fully. His scars render the other half of his face motionless. Eskel feels if he moves them, people will notice more. He tries to not pay any attention to it. The witcher only ever smiled when he was drunk with Lambert and Geralt, or when he was truly excited or happy for something.
Which was rare.
You loved his little half smile and wished you could see it more. Eskel kept it to himself and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t get him to do it a lot. He just doesn’t see what you see.
“You should smile more often.” You told him one day after seeing him smile at you. Eskel was just having such a nice time with you that he brought his walls down. But when you mentioned that, his smile instantly vanished and he turned his head away from you, touching his scars in a nervous gesture.
You reminded him. You noticed. And it brought him nothing but shame.
It's been weeks since you started contemplating your feelings. Your love for him has always been there since he took a contract from you. You figured he must feel something too because he kept coming to see you. Eskel was a shy witcher for sure, but now you were at a crossroads with this.
Do you tell him?
Eskel's insecurities always get the better of him, so you didn't know how he would react if you told him how you felt. You didn't want to shut him down or anything. But he deserved to know. And he needed to know that he was more worthy than anyone to be loved.
That he is no monster.
"Eskel? How is it coming along?" You asked the witcher after you came back from washing yourself up in the river. He was kneeling over a fire, trying to pile sticks together before using Igni to light it up.
“It’s coming.” He responded simply. True to his words, a couple seconds passed by, and you guys had a cozy little fire for the evening. You moved to sit on a log, tapping your hands on your legs as you tried to think of what to say to him. Staring at Eskel, you realized that even though he didn’t say much, he obviously sensed that you had something to say.
The witcher had his back to you, and was busying himself with the campfire, poking at it far longer than he needed to.
"Eskel." Your voice said weakly. Eskel pretended that he couldn't hear you, but you knew that was a lie. Witchers have incredible senses.
"Eskel." You said much more strongly, showing him that you weren't backing down. This caused the witcher to jump a bit, and you bit back an apology. He was obviously trying to ignore you.
"Yes? Sorry...I just had a lot on my mind." Eskel said while stumbling back a bit to sit beside you. He was tense, hands folded in his lap as his leg jumped around in an anxious manner. It was also hard for his golden cat-like eyes to look in your e/c ones. Perhaps he knew what you were going to say.
Perhaps he was afraid of the opposite.
“I noticed...hey, you ever think that there’s more to life than this?” You decided to ease into your confession, not wanting the poor man to shut down on you. Still, you scooted a bit closer to him, causing Eskel to swallow nervously.
“What do you mean? For a witcher, there isn’t much more than this.” Eskel said, folding his hands together and staring deep into the fire. You gave him a sad look, but it quickly glossed over with one of love.
You just couldn’t help but admire how the fire made Eskel look even more rugged. More handsome, in your eyes.
“But what if...what if there was someone who wanted to share it with you? Someone...who loved just everything about you...” You confessed while moving to touch his knee. Just like you expected, Eskel tensed up before moving his body away from your touch.
“That’s impossible. Why would anyone choose to love someone like me? A monster...a scarred monster...” Eskel’s voice grew quieter as he spoke, and he moved to gently touch the scars that ran down his face. If you looked close enough, you could see the heavy rise and fall of his chest. It’s almost as if Eskel was struggling not to just break down at the words he just said.
And it broke your heart.
“Is it that hard to believe that I love you?” You asked him in a whisper, moving to touch his shoulder and make him look at you. It took Eskel a while, but he eventually gave into your touch.
Looking into his eyes, you saw how miserable he looked.
But your heart broke even more when he nodded slightly at your question.
Gently, you brought up your hand to grab his that was trying to hide the scars. Then, after prying his hand away and gripping it in your own, you moved your free hand up to cup his cheek and gently trace over the scars with your finger. He couldn’t stop himself from closing his eyes a bit at the warmth.
“Please don’t push me away...” You begged him quietly, squeezing his hand a bit. Eskel responded in kind, barely being able to muster out an apology because of how choked up with emotion he was. 
“I...I...Thank you...I feel the same for you...” Eskel didn’t know how to respond to your feelings, which he greatly returned in full. He never said anything because he was afraid of the rejection he was sure to receive. But now, he was just basking in the relief and love he felt around you.
“Eskel...” You moved to brush some black hair out of his eyes before kissing his scars and saying, “You are more worthy of my love than anyone else.”
As you said this, moving your hand to rub his back, you could’ve sworn you saw him smile a bit. While you continued to stare, Eskel moved to look you in the eyes for the first time in a long while.
And, just when you thought you would never see it again, he gave you that adoring half-smile.
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seth-kia · 1 year
irrelevant headcanon: ignis doesn't read in the car like gladio does because he gets carsick very easily. he prefers to drive because when he's actively at the wheel, it's much easier to focus on the road and not the vertigo. every time noctis break checks him he loses his mind a little bit more. prompto isn't allowed to drive because one time he got them pulled over and when they did the drunk checks, ignis failed the straight line test so badly they made him do a breathalyzer. do with this what you will
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felikatze · 16 days
@vivi-mire so, the follow up: Can Robin do a backflip? Interesting question
Robin doesn't have aether (which is the skill that made me default to Yes on chrom) but Robin DOES have access to both Sol and Luna, Aether's component skills. Yet I don't think either of those have a backflip animation the same way Aether does?
Gameplay wise, Robin is a complete beast, without question the best unit in the game (fRobin moreso than mRobin cuz of Class Difference lol. another win for feminism.)
But Robin is also the Tactician. IN THE LORE they're not a backflipping whiz kid. And Robin's class skill, Ignis, is more about the special effects than the aerial manouvers.
Someone in the notes did say that Robin can't but Grima can, which is a fascinating position, but one I think I disagree with.
Yes, I did say RKC gained the power of backflip from Grima. But consider that Chrom did know how to backflip in the first place, so Grima simply restored his physical capability to do so.
Robin doesn't know how to backflip. At all, I think. In any incarnation.
Crosses arm. The interesting thing here is that Grima sure does boost themself with fell magic, but doesn't do any fancy manouvers with it. If you follow grimleal literature, you'll know I think Robin is physically 100% human, and thus can't even transform into their dragon form, hence using their own skeleton to resurrect it as a Risen. And Grima uses that corpse to fire off the fell energy blasts in the final battle, instead of actually doing fancy footwork themself with their squishy human body.
The same applies to any version of Grima in Heroes - they all summon their second body to attack.
And like, no matter how boosted you get physically, if you don't know how to actually execute a move, you're still gonna eat shit, even if you're the god of destruction now.
Therefore, Robin, considering their gameplay potential, is capable of learning how to backflip, yet does not actually know how to do so, and would eat shit on an attempt, even as Grima.
I don't think Robin would be interested in learning, either. Backflips are probably not part of Frederick's Fitness Hour, and the actual tactical applications of backflips are pretty much nil, so it's not something Robin would be interested in learning just for the sake of being able to do it. (Especially after seeing a drunk christmas Chrom eat shit on the pavement.)
Morgan can backflip though. Because they think it's cool.
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bestiarium · 1 year
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The Stallichtjes [Dutch/Flemish folktales]
A Will-o’-the-wisp, also called ignis fatuus is a floating light that appears at night, usually over a swamp or bogland. There is a perfectly rational scientific explanation – if I recall correctly, it’s related to the oxidation of methane gases and other gases – but they play a significant role in folktales of several countries, each of which provides their own explanation for the mysterious floating lights.
One of them is the stallicht (‘barn light’), also called stalkaars (‘barn candle’) or dwaallicht (‘wanderlight’), supernatural beings from Dutch and Flemish folktales. These burning lights were the souls of children who died unbaptized. There are several tales of people who baptize them by making a cross sign, upon which they disappear, presumably to pass on to the afterlife. One story from Antwerpen tells of a woman who encountered a single stallicht floating around. After her initial surprise, she understood what was going on and said “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”. The light disappeared but suddenly, hundreds upon hundreds of stallichtjes appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. They had seen how the woman successfully baptized their companion and also wanted the chance to get to Heaven. The woman spent the whole night baptizing the lost souls, well into the following morning, and when the last spirit was finally gone, she dropped dead on the spot.
Stallichtjes also play a large role in a myth from Kortenaken (Belgium). As the story goes, there lived a wicked countess in the village of Hoeleden, who absolutely despised any form of religion. She was an exceptionally cruel woman and every time one of her servants had a child, she would drown the baby to prevent the parents from baptizing it (as baptizing was a form of religion and she couldn’t stand the thought of that happening on her lands). (Note that, at least as far as I can find, there is no historical record of such a countess. Unless I am mistaken, this story is purely fiction.)
Her rule was ruthlessly brought to an end, however, as her body was found in the bushes one morning. It was mangled and the heart was torn out, so people assumed it was the work of devils. The body was buried and since then, wailing could be heard in the area at night, accompanied by small floating stallichtjes, which we can assume to be the spirits of the drowned infants.
One night, a man called Waar van Pius happened to pass through the area. Though he was drunk, his heart was in the right place. Most men avoided the area at night because they were scared of the spirits and the ghostly wailing, but Waar was far too drunk to be afraid. When he heard the wailing, coming from underneath the bridge and accompanied by floating lights as usual, he yelled “what do you want, you hellish hooligans!” and a disembodied voice replied “baptism.” As such, the man put the tip of his whip in the stream and sprinkled water over the stallichtjes to baptize them. They disappeared, finally able to pass on to the afterlife, but suddenly a floating, bleeding heart appeared, surrounded by stallichtjes. This was the heart of the countess. Waar van Pius had enough of this nonsense and resumed his path, and the bleeding heart fell into the stream.
Sources: Peeters, K. C., 1979, Vlaams Sagenboek, Davidsfonds, Leuven. https://www.volksverhalenbank.be/mzoeken/zoeken_Subset.php?Zoek=Verteller&Term=9480 (image source: engraving from Josiah Wood Whymper, 1849)
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suvidrache · 1 year
I Got You Something!
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 830 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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Prompto had a love for photography. He took photos of you constantly, whether you were ready or not.
Some of them turned out beautiful, others not so much.
Either way, he kept them all in his photo album.
He didn't often take photos of himself but instead of his friends, his significant other, nature, anything but himself.
You were the one to take photos of himself as well as you both together.
You were always happy with him. You comforted him when he was sad and were always there for him.
However, he was insecure and quietly kept his thoughts to himself. What if you were only using him to get to Noctis? Or Ignis? Or Gladiolus?
After all, Noctis was the prince. Gladiolus was strong and muscular, and Ignis knew how to cook.
Prompto could cook noodles, but anything else and it turned out to be a massacre.
It was the day before Valentine's day and Prompto was worried about what he could get you.
He didn't want to ruin this day for you and he sat on the roof of a building, fearing what would happen if you didn't get anything at all.
He would get you something, but he was worried about the things that could happen.
He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.
He knew what you liked and what you didn't like, but what could he do for you?
You sat in the room you shared with Prompto. There weren't many rooms in the house, you didn't mind sharing with him.
You locked the door, knowing Prompto tended to walk into rooms without knocking first.
No matter how many times Prompto was told to knock by the other members of the house, he still forgot.
You looked at the board in front of you, glue dots in hand, decorations nearby. You had planned to give Prompto a handmade item for Valentine's day.
You knew Prompto was insecure. Sometimes he admitted to some things when he sat on the rooftop and you joined him.
Most of your emotional talks happened on the rooftop. It was his favorite place to go to when he felt sad or insecure.
Prompto stood up and headed inside, going to the bedroom. He turned the handle and it didn't move. It was locked.
"Hey Y/N, I'm going to the store. I'll be right back." His voice was laced with sadness. He felt terrible lying to you, but he didn't want you to know what he was doing.
You wished him well and continued to work on your project.
When it was finished, you covered it with a cloth and hid it in the back of your closet.
You joined Ignis, Gladiolus, and Ignis downstairs for dinner.
Prompto had returned from the store carrying a box in hand. He ran upstairs, stating he'd be down in a minute.
He looked around quickly, hoping he wouldn't be caught, and tried the doorknob again. It was unlocked.
He sighed with relief and stepped into his room. Closing the door behind him, he went straight for the closet and put the box on the top shelf of the closet.
He closed the closet doors and headed downstairs for dinner.
You didn't ask any questions, but thanked Ignis for the food.
February 14th arrived and Prompto woke up bursting with energy as if he had drunk many cups of coffee.
You rubbed your eyes and looked over at the clock. It was eight in the morning.
You rolled over and sat up, taking a minute before standing up.
Prompto had quickly readied himself for the day, while you slowly gathered your thoughts and followed after.
After finishing his breakfast, he went upstairs, grabbed his present, and headed out while you made your way downstairs, still tired after just waking up.
You slowly finished your breakfast and asked Ignis where Prompto had gone.
He was at the lake, which wasn't a far walk to get to.
You went and grabbed your item, keeping the cloth covering it as you followed in the general direction of where Prompto had traveled.
Prompto was smiling as he stood near the lake, watching you come closer to him.
"I got you something!" He said excitedly as he handed you a box.
You took it and handed him the item you had made him.
"Be careful, it's fragile."
He took it gently and watched, waiting for you to open your present.
You opened it and it was a stuffed chocobo and some candies.
"Thank you. I love it!" You said, as you smiled and looked at him.
"You're welcome!" He lifted the cloth, and you had made him a photo collage of the two of you together.
"Wow, thank you so much! Happy Valentine's day." He said, as he carefully held it in one hand, as he stepped closer with his arm outstretched for a hug.
"Happy Valentine's day." You said, as you wrapped an arm around him.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko / To join my tag list apply here!
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johannestevans · 4 months
Do you think when Ignis was about 13 or 14 or so and his predilections Became Clear that Regis initially had a small panic about his son's closest sworn brother and advisor being gay? Like a bit of a yikes about the reputation aspect of it?
Thinking about him having this small distaste and uncertainty, not because he's really AGAINST homosexuality - him and his own sworn brothers... But it's the LOOK of the thing.
And then Cor or someone being like
But hey. If Ignis is gay, he's not going to go and get distracted by girls, is he? He's going to focus on serving Noctis to the fullest! And Regis actually relaxing
And. The thing is
Cor - or whoever it was - being drunk and a bit easy with Ignis and telling him this like it's a funny story, and Ignis who like… He has been raised since he was a boy to serve the crown. It's his calling, his duty, his destiny. Noctis is the centre of his compass.
Yet there's a part of him that feels a bit sick at the idea of it, at such a core part of his being only being seen as acceptable because of how it might better serve his purpose, and knowing it's one more of myriad ways his humanity is less important than his duty to his king.
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tehrevving · 2 years
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If I was a ransom, you'd be what a pays it. If I was a colder cell, you'd be the prisoner. If I had emotion, you'd be so taken. If I wasn't cold as hell, you'd be the prisoner
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tomolari · 1 year
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Drunk happy Ignis 🥃🧊
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wo3backup · 7 months
Oh yeah btw. My besties (Ignis and Umbra) n I have this universe we've made...
And since Ignis is the reason I'm obsessed with the DCA she drew them how they would look in our universe.
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If your interested send an ask and I'll go into detail when I'm not drunk.
I just really REALLY love this and it makes me melt.
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