riziriverz · 1 year
Choose Wisely...
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mo-the-half · 1 year
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Ronald Gluffawitz, business entrepreneur (fanart for bucklington’s IgniteRP character. Thanks for making me laugh!! :3 )
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bill-weasley · 8 months
Hi hi hi - I just saw that Ignite is moving to a private sandbox, but wanted to let you know that the board is open for viewing by anons. I was looking at something and realized it was open - just wanted to let you know before a tea-blog runs with it (ala Tattler) or something similar. Happy writing! Always glad to see you back in the fold, even if its just private
hiiii. uhm yeah, i think i do wanna come back, but in a more manageable setting without feeling overwhelmed. <3 i forgot i opened it for john to access a topic i was trying to test, and boom, i forgot. thanks for letting me know <3
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dickbaggins · 1 year
Long long ago soupes made Zero as a joke about the self aggrandized super spy type characters in gta rp and now that the katya storyline is mostly over in igniterp I can safely say that Zero and Two are still better self aggrandized super spies than she ever was and they are joke characters
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glitchedhelix · 1 year
I just remembered I have a Tumblr account!
No updates on the ADHD adventures yet, I need to fill in some stuff that I have done yet because I keep forgetting because I have ADHD ha ha
I have however been RPing a lot on IgniteRP, an 80s themed GTA server. Tons of fun! This is Barbara Gizzard
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
New month. Geez, this year is flying bye, huh.
I had the whole waking up every couple hours thing again, even with the earplugs which work quite well. I don't think it was nightmares either, I don't remember though. I did get back to sleep every time, so no real complaints.
I did a very long yoga routine this morning, almost 40 minutes. I was pretty proud of that. I'm actually getting in pretty good shape considering I'm not really doing any other consistent exercise other than morning yoga every day. Adding in regular skating and walking will definitely get me in good shape.
I am... however... I honestly don't even really know how to describe this... I'm having weird pains all over my body. It's been going on for a while now, but it's been getting really strong lately. That whole panic scare with the deep pain in my inner thigh was the same kind of pain... ish... and probably the most severe. Today it's been the lower back by my spine, and the outside of my hips, and my adductors in my inner thighs. And my forearm. It's muscle pain, I guarantee it. But it's not sore. Not like sore used to be. It feels like... electric, kinda, or like the feeling when someone grabs a bunch of your skin and pinches it really hard? So like, not like a sharp pinch, but like a blunt pinch. I have no idea if that makes sense. The notable part about it is how uncomfortable and intense it is.
I tried using my desk as a standing desk for a bit today and it did help, I think. I've been really afraid of being too sedentary lately, so spending half of my work day standing at my desk and dancing to 80s music helped with that.
I've been watching this big transition that's happening where a bunch of RPers are flooding over to IgniteRP, a new and kinda game-changing GTA V RP server that's set in 1985. It was created with the intention of making a very different environment than the min-maxed memey shit going on on NoPixel... It's been really good so far. Though it does have a lot of glaring problems and a lot of work left to be done.
I watched like 9 hours of it today while I worked on another abstract ink drawing. I hope to have that one finished by tomorrow night so I'll hopefully post it then.
Hearing them talk behind the scenes about what's going on with the server, it made me really want to apply myself to getting into 3D modeling. I fucked around with SketchUp like 10 years ago a bunch, like... making recreations of my apartment at the time and everything. I am very detail oriented. But again, I don't know shit about all this. But I guarantee I could learn in Blender for free. And I can cram and learn really quick. And I have an actual art background to back that up, so... doing custom graphics and shit? And applying them to 3D models? Once I get the 3D shit under my belt, I could pull that off. If I wanted. And there's good money in that. And these guys would be constantly looking for good custom shit. I just, again, have no proof of concept... and no real knowledge in the field. But it's something in great need, if I want to go that route, especially if I can give them a good deal.
I've been really tempted to get into RP. I would fucking love it, it's really good social practice and social interaction. I really enjoyed it when I was playing my character Raymond Holmes on TwitchRP. I just... well... I got a bit too emotionally attached to my first character, which I would need to work on. But the big thing is... I don't want to be loud. I don't feel like I can. I feel like I'll be whispering the whole time, and that wouldn't do my performance justice. It worked at my old house because I could be as loud as I wanted. Here? I've got lots of neighbors. Here, I feel bad if I sing at a normal speaking volume in the shower, with music playing along. Not sure how much of that is anxiety and how much is just being a good neighbor.
So yeah, that was pretty much the entire day. Watching RP, drawing, making and eating 3 baked potatoes with butter, habanero jack cheese and scallions. Drawing more. Then... here I am.
Not much else to say there. XD Still kinda riding the post-project-completion lull. Instagram was devastatingly anti-climactic. Next piece is going to be my hoodie, most likely, but I might try to polish a few of the stones from the other day first. And I also have had the impulse to go paint wooden beads again, so I might... I might throw a batch in a jar and dye them. Like 20 or 30 of them. Just so I have some with a base coat on them, then I can add ornamentation after. Aaaand there's also the skull to do, too...
I have no idea why I keep putting the hoodie off, maybe because of the "finality" of it, or maybe the visibility of it. Maybe because the rest of the back piece looks so damn good, I don't want to "ruin" it. I dunno. I kinda left off with... doing research on the zodiac constellations. I have the 12 signs plotted out and properly aligned, I have spaces that will serve as the houses, too. The signs are essentially a wide ring around the entire backpiece, and inside each wedge I wanted to put the glyph for each zodiac sign, and the actual constellation. Everything but the actual written name of the signs. Then I'm going to superimpose the planet alignments after, but I haven't even gotten that far. So... that's kinda where I am with it. So I just need to do some research on how I want to do the constellations, and then do some sketches, then... I'm guessing black out pretty much the entire zodiac ring? Or I could leave it hoodie color, because the hoodie is black? Not sure... And then I can just do the stars in white or silver. Maybe do a low-opacity glyph in the back with the constellation on top? That could be cool.
So yeah, lots of ideas, but the abstract ink shit has been calling me the strongest so I've been answering that call. It's very therapeutic, and really good hand exercise for longer drawing sessions.
I'm off to bed, we'll see what inspiration calls for tomorrow.
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ahepburns · 5 years
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alygatorswamp · 5 years
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bilociraptor1990 · 5 years
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danielle victoria perry avatars for member Rhiannon
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midnightxxxtish · 5 years
Name: tisha. Age: 31. Timezone: eastern. Pronouns: she/her. About Yourself: heya! i'm tisha, just your average coffee slinger from metro detroit who spends most of her free time hanging out online. i'm high key obsessed with game of thrones if you get me going i'm not likely to stop, sorry not sorry. tumblr is a mess. i never reblog things anymore i just like a million and two things. Reaction Gif: 
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bradyrps · 5 years
Name: wyatt. Age: 24. Timezone: atlantic. Pronouns: he/him. About Yourself: i'm,,,,,, so sorry u will have to endure my presence because i am literal trash(TM) ((((((luv me)))))) Reaction Gif:
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will-ospreays · 5 years
Name: michelle. Age: 28. Timezone: aest. Pronouns: she/her. About Yourself: wrestling, gaming and drag queen trash. Reaction Gif: 
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marie-rps · 5 years
ignite intro
Name: Marie Age: 26 Timezone: eastern Pronouns: she/her About Yourself: Hi I'm marie!! I'm twenty-six, work part-time retail (spoiler alert: it sucks), full-time college student, and a mess tbh. I'm in a relationship with an amazing guy and can't wait to move back down south hopefully next year if all goes well. I have an addiction to coffee, makeup, marvel, Doctor Who, The 100, sci-fi, space, and snapchat filters. I'm in constant pain from breaking my ankle last year, but i'm getting the hardware removed in September so I can't wait for that!! Just love me pls xoxo Reaction Gif: 
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raye-of-sun · 5 years
Ignite intro
Name: Hannah
Age: 24
Time zone: CST
Pronouns: she/her
About me:
Hi, it’s Hannah here, and I’ve been on Ignite for about a month and I love it and everyone who’s on it. I’m addicted to making characters (though not as addicted as some people...and I OOP) I like all things Disney, musicals, tv comedies, any Netflix originals, messy plots, cats, chatting, and other things. I’m really bad at this, but this blog is a mess and it’s currently just Disney stuff but I’m working on making it strictly rp things. Ok. Thank you. Come join ignite? Be my friend? @ignitedaily
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softgrungetae · 5 years
Name: suzy Age: 25 Timezone: pst Pronouns: she/her About Yourself: Amateur filmmaker, professional trash. Reaction Gif: 
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