#ignore me being lazy i will link the art pieces eventually sobs
theogony · 1 year
The Jesper Fahey Foolproof guide to getting your friends to fall in love™
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written for the grishaverse big bang 2023 (@grishaversebigbang)! Pleasure to work on a lighthearted fic for a change of pace ^^ thank you sm to yaalni (@bloodyrakshasi ) for betaing the fic, and please go check the absolutely stunning works of accompanying artists :)
@intrgalartic (link to art here) @bubble--berry (link to art here) @jmie-draws (link to art here) @mitraavrs (link to art here)
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"Wait, no, that’s it. That’s perfect,” Jesper says, and everyone turns to look at him. “What if we use like - what’s the term - reverse psychology?” Jesper pauses, for additional appropriate gravitas (as though everyone in the table isn’t already looking at him with varying degrees of shock, horror, or scheming.)
“What if we still say it straight - but to the opposite person - tell Inej that Kaz likes him and Kaz that Inej likes him,” he finishes, triumphant.
The table quiets down, before interrupting into a series of loud whispers borderlining on shouts, before quieting down again as everyone mulls over the idea.
All in all, Jesper thinks, it’s a pretty promising reaction.
When even the imminent departure of Inej cannot prompt either her or Kaz to confront their feelings and cross the invisible line the two of them have been toeing for entirely too long, Jesper and the rest of their friends decide to take matters into their own hands with the help of PowerPoint transitions, nosy partners, and perhaps the entirety of Ketterdam University.
Alternatively, the faked into dating AU, wherein Jesper learns that perhaps he's not as good a matchmaker as he thought he was.
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read part of it under the cut! / ao3 link
The hallways part like a sea before them, whispers following them as the 6 (well 7 really, but no one's terrified of Wylan even with the rest of them surrounding him) skulking figures stalk down the hallway, leaving behind the principal's ajar door in their wake. 
All in all, it's a pretty normal day for Kaz Brekker and the crows, really. 
"You'd think we'd robbed the school ourselves at the rate the students are avoiding us." 
Jesper laughs merrily, throwing a friendly arm over Inej's shoulder.
"Relax, Nej. Besides, it's not like you're going to be here in this shithole much longer anyway!"
Inej lets out a tinkling laugh, lips momentarily turning up at brief levity - before she purses them again, turning around to address the rest of them.
"Alright, enough moping around about inevitable change - don't think I've noticed some people in particular practically avoiding me since the trip was announced."
Though the rest of their group tries their level best (which is to say, not at all) to hide their snickers - it's pretty obvious who the message is directed at. After all, there's only one person whom Inej would never bother to hesitate to call out so publicly - only one person whom Inej would never forget to look out for. 
To his own credit, Kaz looks away non committedly, before hefting his bag slightly higher. 
"If you forget to collect your dance shoes from the studio, I don't even think I'd be able to stop Baghra from keeping you here."
Imej hums before walking next to him.
"Fair enough. But you know that I'd stay if you asked me to."
A tension fills between the two of them, filled with unspoken possibilities. 
"I think I'd eventually learn how to handle my accounts on my own, thanks." 
The both of them shrug, turning away from each other, though the tense look on both of their faces tells a very different story.
The fact of the matter is this - no matter how much Inej wishes, Kaz wouldn't dare take away everything Inej has worked for - even if that meant depriving them of something that both of them wanted so badly.
Eventually, Inej shakes herself and joins Kaz, currently facing forward, an impenetrable stone wall of emotion. Together, they tentatively begin talking again about a topic that's too quiet for the rest of them to hear and enclose themselves in a bubble of their own - disappearing into the winding hallways.
read the rest here!
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