#ignore that writing that's just bc I was using a used sketchbook/notebook
dooodle-bug · 3 years
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“But Pluto is not a planet!!“ you say. I say “I know, but I draw what I want“
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shanxy180 · 5 years
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guess who made an entire cast of characters(?) that are related to each boss ghosts somehow.. It’s mee
Though I’m kind of thinking of changing some designs but thats for another day bc this took forever fsndjkfnskj
snkjfnsd Anyway, yea I made a couple good kids/teenagers that are all related to the lm3 bosses, information about each kiddo below..!
Sadie  - The cousin of Steward, younger by a couple years. Perhaps 17-19 years old.  - Acts like a mix of both “responsible adult” and “nervous teenager that doesn’t know what they’re doing”.  - She’s responsible, likes to plan ahead and is hard working, but when faced with something new or unfamiliar she cracks and nervously tries to get through it.  - She originally wanted to go to nursing school, but couldn’t pursue it due to her death.  - Died via car accident, she was crossing the road when a vehicle suddenly lost control and ran her over.
Claude  - The son of Chambrea, somewhere around 14-15 years old.  - The quiet, kind hearted (former) mama’s boy that’s nervous but tries his best.  - Has picked up the habit of nibbling on things while lost in thought.  - Can act very nervous and shy around people,  - He’s jolly and loves to giggle and chuckle, ends up in a 2 minute giggling fit if something really makes him laugh. And really likes to make other people laugh.  - Also likes to hug people he enjoys, or at least let people know that he cares about them, if he’s not being sheepish.
Korey  - The daughter/child of Kruller, 16 years old.  - Is a huge dork, obsessed with comic books and cartoons, sometimes for video games and movies.  - When not nervous about her interest and around people, she likes to ramble about her topics and get really deep into discussions about her interests. And often gets passionate when speaking.  - Has a fear of bats, loves the color purple, she’s a bit of a sensitive person, snorts when they laugh, and likes to collect marbles and coins they find.
Alexandre Soulfflé  - The son of Chef Soulfflé, around 17 years old.  - Kind of an awkward and bitter guy, dripping with sarcasm and a bit of sass.  - He’s a decent cook, knows a couple recipes and some of the things he makes can actually be super tasty.  - He also has a weak spot for animals, loves to draw, knows a lot of french vocabulary, has a slight accent and is just the smallest bit touch starved.  - Though he’s insecure about a couple things about himself, and prefers to keep some things a secret.
Thomas Wolfgeist  - The son of Amadeus Wolfgeist, somewhere around 16-17 years old.  - A grumpy, sarcastic guy, not really that sociable but at the same time lowkey wants friends, and is slightly emotionally distant.  - Has a temper, although not as bad as his fathers, he can still snap and yell at people who frustrate and/or annoy him for long periods.  - Likes attention and receiving compliments, not too big on criticism but will take that to improve if he must.  - Plays piano very well, knows a couple songs but can’t play overly complicated or fast ones.  - Has a mild fear of bugs, not so much when on the ground or distant from him but absolutely hates when one is crawling on him, also knows how to speak german, but he rarely does.
Queen/Princess Drew MacFrights  - The daughter of King Macfrights, 17 years old.  - Has a fiery and aggressive personality, loves to have battles and being active overall. Is decently strong and a good leader, but rarely ever thinks before doing or saying things and is impulsive.  - She’s also stubborn, doesn’t think much on what other people feel, and can be ignorant at times. But, she still cares for a lot for her friends and family, knows when to tone down her edge (sometimes), and can be a supportive and lovely friend. - Is really good with weapons and fighting in general, she’s decently strong and knows how to defend herself.
Fiona Potter  - The granddaughter of Dr. Potter, around 15-16 years old  - Is a really sweet and caring girl, loves to make others happy and is overall very understanding and friendly, but also is a doormat and can’t tell when someone’s her friend or is taking advantage of her.  - Loves plants as much as her grandfather, used to have a small venus flytrap/piranha plant like flower that she took care of but has sadly been overwatered by a house sitter at the time.  - Is a part time bookworm, and has a book on plant care on her and even though she has read it hundreds of times, it’s still a very good pass time.
Micheal  - The son of Morty, around 16-17 years old.  - Has a very passionate and caring personality, he loves to be dramatic and give scenarios a certain flair.  - Always has his notebook and sketchbook on him, along with a couple supplies, he loves to write notes and sometimes doodle about stuff he sees, experiences, etc.  - Basically very creatively driven and is very jolly, although naive.  - Is a very good actor, loves to watch movies and sometimes dreams of being able to record things he’s done and make some “vlogs” of himself for fun.
Oogh - Daughter of Ug, 17 years old.  - Grumpy and judgemental of everything and everyone she sees, though if gained her trust, she’ll only be grumpy. With the slightest hint of sass.   - New thing? Must smash. New person? Must be danger, must smash. Always keeps her wood club with her for smashing.  - Barely knows english, but understands body language and facial expressions enough to know when people aren’t gonna harm her.  - Prefers to be left alone, being used to it for a long time. But has since grown a little bit sociable after meeting the others.
Cathy - Youngest niece of Clem, 15-16 years old.  - Very outgoing and very friendly, laid back and carefree but also wouldn’t hesitate to gently bully her friends or roughhouse for a bit.  - Had at least 3 other brothers and 1 sister, she’s younger than all of them by a couple years.  - Has enough sense to know when something’s a bad idea but will still do it for a dare or simply for fun.  - Sometimes acts difficult on purpose and likes to annoy people for fun, but of course she knows when to stop and actually try to be helpful.  - “Cathy” is actually short for “Catherine”, but she thought that sounded too boring so she mostly goes by the nickname.
Atuumb  - The son of Serpci, around 17 years old.  - Acts like a serious, no funny business and dull kind of person, but is actually a pretty chill and calm guy, he loves to make friends, talk to people, he’s very curious and loves to figure out new things. Though if his buttons are pushed too far he can get upset.  - Even found his prince/king status pretty boring, and having to act like a stuffy, refined and pretty formal person, always busy and secretly getting stressed. Lowkey he’s super glad he’s out of that situation  - But still, he keeps that sense of responsibility, even in death he still feels the need to be responsible for something or to keep busy/distracted.  - Has a love/hate feeling for “Life or Death” scenarios, traps, etc. On one hand it’s super fun but on the other he doesn’t want anyone actually getting hurt or killed.
Ebony Fishook  - Daughter of Captain Fishook, around 16-17 years old.  - Acts mostly like a feral pirate, being raised by pirates/sharks in the middle of the sea, stealing, pillaging, and mostly eating raw fish and drinking milk.  - She loves to use her sharp mouth on things, such as biting things she’s not supposed to eat (tables, chairs, etc.)  - She’s not much of a cook, or can clean all that well, being used to having others cook and do stuff for her. But, she can hunt for her own food, she has a great sense of direction, knows how to handle a blunderbuss and a sword.  - She’s rather excitable, and barely knows proper etiquette. But is very sociable, and just as long as you don’t upset or offend her, there’s a good chance she’ll want to be your friend.
Justin Deepend  - Nephew of Johnny Deepend, 16 years old  - He’s a pretty friendly and energetic kid, always eager to help and loves to get himself moving. Though since he can be so carefree he sometimes comes off as aggressive or uncaring.  - Is a bit self centered, competitive, and often doesn’t know his own strength, he also isn’t that bright. But, again! His heart is in the right place, and he’s always willing to make people happy.  - Has tried a variety of different sports but his two main ones were soccer and volleyball. Soccer was when he was much younger (around 7 years old), and volleyball when he was starting out in middle school.
DJ Tony  - The son of Dj Phantasmagloria (or simply Gloria), around 16-17 years old.  - Although he can get sentimental, he’s a pretty joyful and overall chill guy. He’s laid back, and takes things to stride. He’s very caring and sympathetic, a total softy.  - A huge sucker for music, any kind will do, just as long as it has a groovy beat and it’s something he can bop to. Sometimes loses himself in the music and ends up dancing to the song, totally unaware of everything.  - Despite being only a teenager, and him constantly having headphones around him, he’s a pretty good listener, so he’s nice to vent too and he even sometimes gives decent advice.
Hector Gravely  - The eldest son of Hellen Gravely, 17 years old.  - Is a huge fashionista, and loves to try on different outfits.. When he can.  - He’s a pretty quiet, albeit friendly character, when not in a bad mood, he can be clever and a pretty good friend.  - Is a bit of a spoiled bitch, he’s mostly used to being pampered and having other people do his things. Being complimented and having lots of money. All that.
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muggleriddle · 8 years
YASSS. Under the cut because it’s a lot of stuff!
What does their bedroom look like?
Dark, because it’s horrible to convince him to open the damn curtains. It has a bed, I guess queen sized bed? Wardrobes, nightstands and a table by the window (the window, btw, has a view of the gardens of the Riddle house). It’s usually messy, but like… It’s a mess that makes sense to him, so, please, don’t try to organize it, because then he’ll never find his stuff if you take away his piles of papers and notebooks. His table is full of notebooks of all sorts, paper, objects he’s using as reference to draw, books and photos pinned to the wall.
Do they have any daily rituals?
He always takes a long time to get up in the morning; he’ll usually wake up and spend at least half an hour in bed before getting up. When he’s not feeling too down, he does change his clothes before going down (otherwise it’s the good ol’pajamas). He likes to take daily walks around the gardens and take this time to chat with Frank Bryce, the gardener. At night, he usually checks if the doors of the house are locked at least twice. He likes to be able to practice the piano everyday too.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
He rides on his horse, around three times a week if he’s not feeling down. He used to go swimming in the sea, at Hornsea, when he was younger, but he’s stopped doing it after the Merope fiasco.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
Depending on his mood, he’d either go out to eat or steal some crackers or bread just to ignore being hungry or simply go without eating until the kitchen was free for him to use.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
As stated above, his workplace and room are messy, but not dirty. Well, you have paint stains and spots everywhere but that’s because he’s a mess when painting. He’s alright with personal hygiene, bathe and shaves everyday etc etc… All of this, though, is when he’s actually feeling okay. When he’s in one of his blue moods, he’ll probably stop organizing his room, forget about changing from pajamas, forget about bathing, shaving, etc. When the depression bus hits, everything feels just too much for him.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Tom’s eating habits are shit. He usually forgets to eat, either because he’s too focused on something else or because he’s not hungry or because the effort of getting out of bed to eat is too much. When he eats, its not much. Sometimes he has this thing of staying awake throughout the night and raiding the biscuit jar at three in the morning. (btw, when he was a kid, his mum never allowed him to eat biscuits at night and his dad had this thing for saying that ‘if you’re not at the table when we’re eating, then you won’t be eating until the next meal’ Thomas never carried this threat all the way through though). He loves tea and is not too used to drinking coffee. He’s not munch of a drinker (regarding alcoholic stuff), but he can be a happy drunk if he drinks more than idk two or three glasses of wine.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Drawing, painting, reading and playing the piano when he’s feeling productive. Just lying down on a couch/bed when he’s feeling bad. The productive waste of time is well accepted by him; the ‘I’m feeling like shit and therefore can’t move from this couch’ waste of time is something he hates.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging?
… spending a lazy day in bed? sleeping until the afternoon? stay the whole night awake (being productive) and then sleep throughout the next day?
He doesn’t wear it, but I believe Mary Riddle must have tried to hide his dark circles with powder or foundation when they went out, but like, just on the first few months after the Merope fiasco. As the years went by, she just got used to it.
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Afraid of leaving the doors of the house unlocked, looking outside the window 198298382 times during the day just to see if there’s anyone lurking around the house, trying to listen to someone approaching his room at night, afraid of going out, nervous af when confronted with crowds of people or when alone with women.
Intellectual pursuits?
Tom is the perfect Gemini: he loves to know at least a little about everything. He loves learning, but his attention spam usually drifts to something new after he starts to dive into a subject. He does manage to study art and music (by himself and with his mother’s help) more than other subjects, though. He dreams of going to art school and working with illustration, but is too scared of trying to do so.
Favorite book genre?
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Myopic (doesn't wear glasses bc is done with putting his fingers on the lens and having the glasses falling off his face). Depression, anxiety, PTSD. Scar on his right knee (from a bad scrap on it at 13) and on both wrists (suicide attempt at 21).
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Smallest: finish a painting or learning a new piece on the piano;
Biggest: being able to go out of the house without feeling the need to go back inside at every second when he sees someone/when he’s around other people;
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest: art school
Smallest: traveling to somewhere that is not London or Great Hangleton, maybe visit Scotland;
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Pajamas are his favourite outfit. But I always see him wearing pants + shirt + a sleeveless sweater (I guess it has stuck with me from the time I used to have an askblog of his and I always drew him like that). He hates wearing ties and always keeps his sleeves rolled above his elbows.
Favorite beverage?
Non-alcoholic: tea… chamomile and valerian tea.
Alcoholic: it’s a tie between wine and vodka.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
It depends on how he’s feeling. If he’s been reading before bed, he’ll most likely think about the book he’s been reading. If he’s not feeling well, Merope Gaunt is a recurrent thought during the night (he’s afraid of dreaming about her and ends up, surprise! having a nightmare about her).
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
He was a pretty strong kid, like, he didn’t get too many colds or flus or whatever. He must have had chicken pox. Ah, he used to have quite a few earaches.
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
Turn on: hands, man, he really loves hands. Also, any reaction from his partner… he pays attention to the person’s breathing or how their skin has goosebumps and he loves it. His partner showing pleasure is a turn on for him. People being all passionate while playing an instrument. And pretty underwear. And if he already trusts his partner a whole lot, Tom’ll actually admit he kind of enjoys being a lil sumissive to them, some softcore BDSM is a thing he enjoys although he doesn’t really realize it.
Turn off: anything that may remind him of Merope Gaunt*
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Drawings, drawings everywhere.
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
See the question about his room and his organized mess.
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
He’s really good at arts and music. He used to study human anatomy for fun and because it helped him drawing the human figure, so he has a good knowledge of it. He is kind good at maths, but doesn’t like it.
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
If he’s still alive, that’ll do.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
See above the art school plan. Part of him also wanted to have a family, have kids and all, but he’s too scared of doing so.
What is their biggest regret?
Accepting Merope’s invitation to have a cup of tea and abandoning Merope (he regrets it but at the same time he doesn’t? He’s scared af of what happened, but he feels guilty about it).
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
I have this two OCs I created for a fanfiction, one is a friend of his from his time at Eton, his name is Charles Campbell. They were almost like Harry and Ron at school. And the other is Charles’ wife, Ellen, who is a nurse and who he met while studying Architecture at London (he dropped off thanks to the Merope fiasco). His worst enemy is… himself? He sabotages himself a lot and his fear and anxiety fuck things up for him.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
It depends??? He can have those boosts of bravery sometimes, but it really depends on the situation??? He can either have the fight response or the freeze response.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Again, depends, it can be the fight or the freeze response. I think it’s most likely for him to dissociate and have this terrible freezing response that’ll eventually take him down the depression and anxiety lane.
Most prized possession?
His sketchbooks and a snuffbox that belonged to his grandfather (he used to have a pocket watch that his father gave him when he graduated Eton, but he sold it while under the effect of the Amortentia and doesn’t remember; he thinks he just lost it).
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
I… don’t know? He’s a little possessive with his own stuff. And he’s hoards notebooks, sketchbooks, books, old drawings etc. He has difficulty letting go of some stuff.
Concept of home and family?
Home is where he feels comfortable at and family are those he consider as so. In some fics, I write him thinking of Row as family even though they’re not married or anything. Silly information: it’s instintive of him to think of Tommy as family the first time they meet… too bad Tommy doesn’t think the same way;
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
He loves privacy. His room is his place and please knock before entering, don’t go looking into his notebooks without asking permission, don’t enter his personal bubble before he feels comfortable with it.
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Sometimes, drawing. He always has this inner conflict about ‘is this really useful?’ when it comes to drawing and painting. Also, sleeping.
What makes them feel guilty?
The whole Merope Gaunt thing; not being able to be the person people expected from Mary and Thomas’ son; living with his parents at the age of 38; not achieving anything at the age of 38; etc.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
Type B.
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Sleeping, a long bath, painting, playing the piano, watching the sea, sitting in the garden or just staying in a silent place all by himself.
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
Inferiority-complex. His self esteem is horrible.
How misanthropic are they?
He’s… not misanthropic? Not at all.
Drawing, playing the piano, reading, horse back riding, walking on the garden or on the beach.
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He graduated high school (I don’t remember the term for it in the English educational system sorry), but never finished university (he started to study architecture and dropped out).
I think he’d be officially protestant but he couldn’t care less for it? It’s been years since he last went to a mass that was not a funeral or a wedding. I guess you can consider him an agnostic.
Superstitions or views on the occult?
He’s waY INTO IT! He has always been interested in this kind of stuff, growing up hearing folk stories about faeries and witches, but after Merope, he became really scared of it… at the same time, these stuff still fascinates him. Which is a real struggle for him.
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
He says he’s terrible with words, so he tries to paint or play music to try to express himself. Depending on the person he’s with, he can be good with words, although he tends to start talking and talking and talking and forgets to stop.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Someone who makes them feel comfortable and safe. He needs to trust the person and vice versa. He needs to be able to spend time with them, be it making out, having sex or just talking about what’s the size of the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit? and other Very Serious Subjects like that.
How do they express love?
He likes to hold hands. And hug, but he needs to feel really comfortable with you in order to allow himself to touch you or be touched by you. Sometimes he’ll start to talk about you and how you’re important to him and lose himself in his words. He likes to give gifts to people, drawings done by him or a song he learned how to play because he knows you like it. If you catch him looking at you with a silly look on his face and a dumb smile, he’s sold to you. He also likes to share his interests: he’ll show you his favourite poem, his favourite book, he;ll ask you to play something with him on the piano, etc.
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
He’s terrible at fighting. He’d punch the person and then realize he’s just broken his hand because god damn it he doesn’t know how to throw a punch.
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
Nope. He’s more afraid of living. As his favourite poet once said:
In this lifeit’s not difficult to die.To make lifeis more difficult by far.                       
*if, by any chance, he meets a nice witch or wizard that makes him feel safe and comfortable, their magic won’t scare the shit out of him… okay, at the beginning, yes, but he can learn how to understand and appreciate magic (talking about a TomRow context here)
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