grahamcarmen · 4 years
can i request for a redcrackle fic where carmen tries telling gray that she's pregnant but keeps freaking out until he noticed somethings wrong then forces her to tell him and he;s just like " IM GETTING A CHILD" sorry its so long
"Hey ivy can you ask carmen what's going on today?"
"You noticed she's off today too gray?"
" Kinda hard not to. " He said fiddling with the electric box outside. "An alarm this soon in the caper? An alarm at all?"
" Graham you know I can hear you right? " carmen voice crackled in his earpiece. It was comforting to hear her say his real name more often.
" I just thought you'd be more open with ivy " he said, a grin spreading across his face as the main lights and alarm went out, leaving only some emergency lights where carmen should be.
"More open?" Carmen asked.
Graham's grin dropped. All day he'd been treated to a series of almost moments with carmen. It was driving him up a wall to see her come up to him pensive and afraid of...something and to not say anything at all. He hadn't even been with her longer than 5 minutes today until this caper without her sending him away to go get something or to cut herself short by calling in other team members for other preparations.
"Carmen its just, I feel like you've been wanting to say something but for the life of me I don't know what. " Graham made his way to the building carmen would be heading out of in...
" Carmen's coming to you guys in 5 minutes" player said.
"Then you can just ask me." She sounded annoyed.
" Then please! Tell me!"
" ..." she was hesitating again.
Graham "Carmen I just want to understand and we can't be working in the dark." He squinted as he kept walking. Maybe a few more lights would have been ok to keep.
"I...want to be here for you. I am here for you." He said as he arrived at the exit.
The door opened to reveal carmen. With the same pensive face she gave him before holding herself back.
" Graham I think I'm going to have a baby."
His face went slack with surprise before lighting up with excitement. " carmen...i..."
He picked up carmen and twirled her around.
"Carmen our family's about to get bigger!" Carmen paused for a moment before wrapping him up in a hug in return.
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