pagan-speedforce · 6 days
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pagan-speedforce · 7 days
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Chappell Roan. Also known as Mother.
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pagan-speedforce · 7 days
Witches please remember to never leave candles unattended. Some of thee (you know who thou art) tend to be a TAD careless with fire. Let us perhaps look, listen and think before we light any fires. Please do not let anything bad happen to thee!! thine safety is of the utmost importance my dear!!!
The gods can’t protect you if YOU LIGHT YOUR FUCKING HOUSE ON FIRE. Clear your working place, remove hanging sleeves, hair and jewellery, DO NOT reach over a flame, test to make sure your fire alarms are working. If lighting incense ensure thine space is well ventilated!! And there are no pets or babies in the vicinity. I fare thee well, BE SAFE!!!!!!!!! OR I WILL BITE THEE ON THE ANKLE!!!!
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pagan-speedforce · 7 days
Often the idea of divine feminine in spiritual contexts is based entirely on reducing AFAB people to their reproductive organs.
The mother, maiden crone archetype or the “life cycle” of a female revolves around reproduction and whether or not it is being done. Ones “divine feminine” and spiritual wellness is judged on reproductive factors being “in sync with your cycle” and the like.
I think it is time we move on from this. We are not defined by our ability to reproduce, witchcraft and paganism claims to be a freedom for women free from the misogyny that plagues all other faiths. Yet just like these other religions spirituality, paganism and witchcraft reduces AFAB people to breeders.
People with children are first and foremost people. Their spiritual purpose is not just child bearing and should not be forced into a lifestyle where they are treated as nothing but a mother.
A person who chooses to not have children is not “out of touch with the divine feminine” one does not need to have children to “spiritually level up”.
People who do not have sex or are perhaps on the asexual spectrum are still divine. Getting your tubes typed or going on birth control doesn’t make you of less value. Those who can have children are not any more divinely feminine then those who cannot
AFAB people who have periods and female anatomy but do not associate them with femininity should be respected. Reproductive organs do not define a person.
Trans women who cannot have periods are not any less divinely feminine. A trans woman who never got to be a maiden in the outdated, traditional sense should not be considered any less.
If the language you’re using to describe AFAB people is the same way that a dog breeder describes a breeding dog, you’re doing something wrong.
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pagan-speedforce · 1 month
Remember there is a boycott for the new captain America movie
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
I don’t know which current pagan needs to hear this but your life doesn’t have to revolve around your religion. Every act of self care doesn’t have to be devotional, every meal you make doesn’t have to lose a portion to sacrifice.
You’re allowed to be casually religious, a “Yule Pagan” if you want to steal “Christmas Christian” from the Jesus club. You’re allowed to dedicate a day or two to worship and just stare at the sky or ground and mutter the rest of the week.
Just because the world sees your religion as invalid doesn’t mean you have to go into overdrive and let it consume every aspect of your life.
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
GEORGIANS(US)! Keep an eye on your voter registration. GA has set up a website where pretty much anyone can remove anyone else from the voter rolls!
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
*sets poll on the ground and runs away like its a firecracker*
*"Trickster" spirit can also mean liar, asshole, dingdong, etc. I'm using this phrasing because "trickster" is an umbrella term, even though I know people disagree on what counts as an archetypal trickster
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
Your gods are listening to you. Yes, even when your tears are falling and you think you are alone. You are not.
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
💀 Subtle Hel Worship 🪦
Honor your ancestors or passed loved ones
Visit cemeteries; leave flowers at graves (with permission!!!)
Try veiling
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have imagery of birch trees, cemeteries, skulls, snakes, wolves, or dogs (dogs are huge) around
Have a stuffed animal dog, wolf, or snake
Practice mindfulness; try meditation
Explore abandoned places (urb-ex; be safe!!!)
Take time to yourself every day to decompress
Drink relaxing teas or beverages; black tea or coffee is especially good or dark hot chocolate
Eat a comforting meal
Engage in activities you find calming; drawing, painting, crocheting, reading, etc.
Feel your feelings; cry if you need to, scream if you need to, etc.; find a healthy outlet for these emotions (drawing, boxing, dancing, etc.
Support homeless or animal shelters, healthcare or humanitarian organizations
Volunteer at homeless or animal shelters
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
If you have dogs, play with and take care of them; play with/take care of any pets c:
Cook a meal for someone you love
Donate supplies to animal or homeless shelters
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so)
Recycle, make/use compost (great with gardens)
Spend time with loved ones; spend time with any elderly or older folks that you love
Take care of your basic needs; eat three meals a day, get some movement into your day, take a shower when needed, etc.
Revisit things from your childhood; keep any stuffed animals from childhood or buy ones you've always wanted
Practice patience, especially with yourself
Take a walk at night, especially on the new moon (only if it's safe in your area!!!)
Have a nighttime/bedtime routine
Learn more about death; get more comfortable with the concept itself; focus on figuring out what your beliefs on the afterlife are (if any)
Collect old items or antiques; try to restore them or give them a fresh coat of paint/polish; keep them or give them to someone who will love them
Have compassion towards those who are often looked down on by the wider society, such as addicts or the homeless; donate to causes that aid them /their recovery
Eat an apple; go apple-picking; visit an apple orchard
Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable; when at home, get comfy!
Learn to get comfortable with change, especially necessary change; try spontaneous things, go outside your comfort zone, find effective ways to manage stress during changes
Take note of the seasons changing; maybe capture the moment of an Official Season Change™ in a painting or picture
Take time to reflect on yourself objectively; if you find yourself being unkind, take a step back
Observe the life cycles of animals; learn more about the natural world around you
Practice compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others
Set healthy boundaries; learn what your personal boundaries are
Let go of what no longer serves you; release what you no longer need in your life
Go out in weather that reminds you of her if it's safe to do so (may sound weird, but I associate fog with her)
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Start a new hobby - something that is calm and enjoyable; crocheting, carving, painting, etc.
Live your life unapologetically
I'll likely add more to this later as I feel it's incomplete. For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hel. I hope this is helpful! Take care, everyone. 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
what a good day to remember that butch lesbians (ESPECIALLY trans, poc, and/or fat butch lesbians) aren’t fucking predatory 
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
The biggest act of devotion and worship to any deity is to take care of yourself.
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
🔥 Subtle Loki Worship 🐎
Sitting around a bonfire or campfire, especially with loved ones
Being kind to children; playing with them if offered
Supporting organizations focused on marginalized groups; spreading the word, donating, volunteering, etc.
Supporting organizations focused on children and children's safety
Volunteering at a homeless shelter or an animal shelter
Teaching yourself that it's ok to ask for help, even if you don't receive it at first
Seeking out a community you can join; this will help with creating a support system as well; LGBTQ+ support groups, gamer groups, fandom groups, etc.
Having horse, snake, raven, or wolf imagery around; having skull imagery is also cool, but may not be acceptable in all households
Engaging with your childhood media or toys
Having literally any stuffed animals
Keeping a list of jokes and quotes that make you laugh
Supporting animal conservation efforts
Learning to accept yourself for who you are; embracing unique aspects of your identity, especially those that are looked down upon by others
Showing support for marginalized groups, such as being an LGBTQ+ ally or purchasing from POC small business owners
Identifying your strengths and weaknesses; finding healthy ways to acknowledge them both
Learning new ways of coping with emotional turmoil, including mental illness related situations
Listening to scary stories
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Collecting lost or interesting objects (so long as it's not reclaimed first lol)
Being a little mischievous/silly with loved ones
Finding little ways to express yourself if you can't do so openly (e.g. wearing a bracelet with the colors of your gender identity, wearing shoelaces with pride flag colors that aren't easily recognizable, etc.)
Being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time
Learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes you've made
Sleeping with comfy blankets
Drinking hot chocolate
Eating candies and sweets or spicy foods
May add more later! So far, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Loki. Hope this helps, and take care, y'all!
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
🔥 Subtle Hestia Worship 🥖
Clean your room/house; keep your home in good condition
Make your space your own; decorate your room/home in a way that makes you feel good
Help out with household chores
Bake pastries for those you love, especially those topped with honey or cinnamon
Drink a soothing tea or hot chocolate; any sort of comfort drink; add honey to it if you can
Eat comfort food, especially from childhood
Have a picture of her in your wallet
Make a bonfire for her; gather around it with loved ones
If you have a fireplace, spend time around it
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Have a stuffed animal of a pig, cow, or donkey; have any stuffed animal, really
Have imagery of cranes, fire, or kettles around
Try veiling in honor of her, if able
Try growing poppy or hollyhock flowers
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Make a warm meal for someone in need
Give baked goods to neighbors
Learn how to cook or bake
Care for yourself physically and mentally
Be as kind to yourself as you are to others
Practice modesty (this does not mean never celebrating or taking pride in yourself)
Host parties/celebrations at your home, especially those that welcome in family (found family works just as well)
Read a book to relax
Wear comfortable clothing; robes, slippers, sweaters, etc.
Learn how to make homemade bread
Learn how to crochet, knit, sew, etc.
Support local food banks; donate to them, if able
Donate toys to children in need
Donate clothes to others in need, especially warm clothes
Cook yourself/loved ones a delicious meal
Practice body positivity
May add more later on! For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hestia. I hope it helps someone, and take care, everyone! May your hearth fires always be kept warm. 🧡🔥
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
I love Hestia! That's it. That's the post.
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pagan-speedforce · 2 months
If you’re finding it difficult to carve out a practice for yourself, you’re just having a normal response. We were never supposed to do this. Polytheism is not an orthodoxy that we can divert to based on dogma and texts. It’s an orthopraxy, the likes of which were always intended to be practiced by the community, the polis, with the guidance of elders and experts. Because of the march of time bringing forced Christianization, colonization, and capitalism enforcing rugged individualism, we’ve been left with little choice but to carve a tiny piece for ourselves.
We’re doing fantastic, considering we’re rebuilding from the scraps and ruins of long gone empires.
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