purplecocobolo · 4 years
In 1400 ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but in 1400 ninety six, Columbus ate 100 dicks
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I’m in the home stretch.
This is my second to last week of school. But this summer vacation will be different than the others. Not only will I be paying rent, but I also will not be moving home. I wont be with my man over the Summer. For the first time in 7 years. And I guess I’ll be okay. I mean, I’ll do it because I can’t transfer to Cleveland. I have a roommate I can’t ditch and only a year left. I want to finish and get married. THAT’S ALL I WANT. To be MARRIED. Is that too much to ask?
I’m currently working 35-40 hours a week. And I’ve been told I can’t take weekends off anymore. I’m tired all day so I miss classes constantly. And it’s not like these classes teach me squat and charge me thousands of dollars. Oh wait-- THEY DO.
...And I also sexually assaulted a couple weeks ago on campus. Gave witness statements and everything. C-Bus rocks, amiright?
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