#ik a disclaimer seems silly And yet
c-kiddo · 2 years
(this is a string-of-thought infodump. .. maybe it doesnt make sense but i just felt like writing something about it. . just out my brains. do not yell at me i mean this entirely in a special interest thinking way and not as an argument)
i feel like people get touchy about this but i do think its rly interesting to see, especially in this fandom, sometimes the unwillingness to accept death, i guess? like, thats the one great inevitability.. but people make au’s where caleb is turned to an elf so he wont die before essek, when really him dying within his human lifespan is a just as worthwhile lifetime than one lasting centuries. they can still love each other and care for each other in that time. like, this goes for all characters and relationships in anything really - a short life is a worthwhile life. oh man and especially (ik i’ve talked about this before but i got the ‘tisms im going to repeat it) with molly’s story.. right, like his whole ethos was living as much as possible in what time he had (because he knew, to some extent, that he was in a borrowed body. it wasn’t really his) so he left his mark and got tattooed and had sex and drank and everything else. and then he did die and the cycle continued, the original soul, and then a new soul, in the body. (and THEN taliesin made a character who’s entire purpose in life was carrying people gently from life to death, a gravedigger and priest. are you kidding me thats so cool... and i just want to say how much i love the moment when caduceus reaches down into the earth of molly’s grave and casts decompose... its such a lovely passing of the baton, a definite moving on and a goodbye... i made the earth remember him.. .. waugh.) and then i guess theres discourse now surrounding cr3, which, is odd since clearly Bells Hells are trying very hard to make this not a perma-death. so i just kinda want to see what happens, if marisha wants a new character or not.. (i do very much like laudna tho..) ... ok enough death rambles.. and please note that i dont even mean this as a judgement and maybe its that morbid autism trait people sometimes talk about.. its just very interesting to me. i love thinking about it. i love waiting to see what happens
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sagesolsticewrites · 4 months
hiya! ik it might be late for v-day prompts but could i request a buck x female reader with the prompts 'boo boo kiss' and 'pet names'? where he's gone on a mission all day and she's a base nurse? maybe he comes back all scraped up and a little delulu
thanks so much! xx
not too late at all, Nonnie! Thank you so much for requesting, I’ve been having so much fun with these Masters of the Air requests! (Reminder that requests are open! Feel free to check out some of my favorite prompt lists in my pinned post, or check the tag “Sage’s Valentines” for some special Valentine’s Day prompts <3)
Obligatory disclaimer that I know absolutely nothing about head wounds nor how they were dealt with during WW2, we are running purely on vibes here 😇
Kiss It Better? 💋
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Having been a base nurse at Thorpe Abbots for nearly three months now, you were no stranger to flirtatious soldiers. They would wander in between missions — usually to visit a friend on the mend in sickbay — and it became routine for them to try out one or two pickup lines on you. Sometimes they made you blush, but you knew it was all just a bit of fun for them. Had to get their entertainment somewhere, you supposed.
Major Gale Cleven, or “Buck” as everyone called him… he was different, though. The first time he’d come in to visit an injured comrade, you’d stood there frozen for at least a full ten seconds before coming back to yourself and leading him over to his friend.
It wasn’t just that he was handsome — though he absolutely was. It was the way he made real conversation with you in the rare moments where you didn’t have any pressing responsibilities, rather than a few silly lines to turn you red. He was… kind, and before too long you began to consider him a friend.
A friend you had a hopeless crush on, but a friend nonetheless.
Your fellow nurses, and even a few of the 100th Bomb Group took notice, and would quietly tease you whenever Buck came by — though he never seemed to notice how you blushed and swatted away the people who’d give you knowing smiles as they walked by.
Every time he went out on a mission, you held your breath, and thanked your lucky stars each time he wasn’t one of the soldiers being rushed to the sickbay upon their return.
Until he was.
You were in the middle of tending to poor Lt. Crosby after yet another bout of airsickness when Buck was rushed in. You froze, icy veins of fear gripping your heart, but quickly shook it off and went back to your current patient, mentally scolding yourself.
But Harry had noticed how the blood had drained from your face, and gently placed a hand over yours, stopping you.
“Go take care of him,” he smiled, nodding over to where Buck was being transferred to a bed, “I’ll be fine. Nothin’ I haven’t dealt with before.”
You eventually nodded, asking one of your fellow nurses to take over for you despite Harry’s protests that he was “perfectly fine, honest!” and made your way over to Buck’s cot in the corner of the room.
As you drew closer, you winced at the large bump that was clear on his temple, accompanied by various scrapes and bruises. According to the people that brought him in, the landing had been rougher than usual, and loose items in the plane had flown everywhere, leaving more than one soldier with bumps and bruises, but Buck seemed to have gotten the worst of it.
You attempted to remain professional, cataloging each injury and mentally checking off the supplies you’d need. Something seemed… off about Buck, though. Rather than a pained wince or even a brave attempt at his usual smile, Buck’s face transformed into a wide, uncharacteristic grin as you stood at his bedside.
“Hey,” he said in a dazed voice, your name sliding off his tongue with an ease that surprised you, given that he always called you by your last name and made sure to use the title of “Nurse” that you’d earned in wartime.
You nearly blushed at the charming, boyish expression on his face, wincing only slightly at the way the scrapes scattered across his face stretched with his smile, but remained as professional as you could, tending to his wounds with care and speed that spoke to your experience.
Buck rambled the entire time — this may have been the most you’d heard him speak since you met, and you soaked in every word. He rambled on about what happened in the air on this most recent mission, about his friends & family back home, about life in Wyoming.
“Got any pretty girls waiting for you back there?” You blurted out, fiddling with the bandages on his forehead and firmly avoiding eye contact.
“None as pretty as you, darlin’” Came his smooth reply, and good lord if hearing him call you that in that soft Southern drawl didn’t make you weak in the knees.
“Oh, hush, Major.” You bit your lip in an attempt to hide the smile fighting its way to your face, retreating back into the safety of professionalism.
“How are you feeling now? Those scrapes should heal up in no time, but you might have to hold off flying until that head wound clears up—”
“Might heal up faster if you kiss it better,” he grinned, dazed blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
Heat flooded your face, and your mind went entirely blank.
Several subtle glances around the room confirmed that your fellow nurses were focused on their own patients. Not a single eye was on you and Buck in the corner.
Taking a moment to gather your courage, you steeled yourself before pressing your lips to Buck’s temple for the merest moment. You were sure your cheeks were nearly as red as your lipstick as you pulled away, checking again to make sure no one saw— the teasing from your colleagues would surely be merciless if they knew.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I can feel myself gettin’ better already,” Buck drawled with that same boyish grin, his fingertips resting over yours at the edge of the bed.
You jerked away, suddenly even more aware of the potential eyes on you.
“You should heal up just fine, Major. The docs will just need to run a couple tests before you’re clear to fly again.” You said before excusing yourself.
If only you hadn’t been in such a rush to get away.
You would’ve remembered to wipe off the bright red lipstick mark lingering on Buck’s forehead.
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(Sorry, Nonnie 😇 I saw the opportunity for a cliffhanger here and I couldn’t resist… What could possibly happen next? 👀)
Read Part 2 here!
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saigeboredeaux-blog · 5 years
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( cisfemale ) haven’t seen NAEVA BARABESI around in a while. the NAOMI SCOTT lookalike has been known to be (+) STEADFAST & (+) JUDICIOUS, but SHE can also be (-) CHARY & (-) DETACHED. The 21 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in ANTHROPOLOGY. I believe they’re living in POTENTAS but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( james! 20. EST. she/they. )
hello hello ! i’m james and this is my baby naeva !! she’s an oldie but also ... a new..ie ?? let’s just say it’s been a hot minute since i’ve awoken her ! i’ll probably pick up another muse at some point b/c that’s Who I Am and it was already a struggle figuring out who to bring in first so jskjdflg (except ik who i’d bring in for my second muse :~) ) anyways !! let’s get right into it !
TW: implications of illness.
a e s t h e t i c s
black a-line dresses and black oxford shoes and their light tapping against polished floors, parental expectations and eyerolls beginning lectures, sunglasses under fluorescent lights and the same old tired excuses. driving drunk friends so there’s a reason to say no, laughing off backhanded remarks and clinking of glasses, that old vintage watch that no longer functions but the presence brings a comfort like no other. tossing and turning and waking up and falling asleep--vicious cycles in a battle between dreams and reality. knowledge, and the ever-ending thirst to learn more--love for the surrounding world and an undying will to live. noses in books and the peaking gazes from underneath so, curiosity peaking and a longing to feel alright in one’s skin.
general info !!
full name: naeva ornella barabesi
nickname(s): to be determined t b h
b.o.d. - september 1st, 21 yrs old, virgo
label(s): the facade, the pastiche, the prevaricator, the salubrious
height: 5′6″
hometown: lecce, italy
sexuality: brave of u to assume naeva even know
her stats can be found HERE
and her pinterest can be found HERE !!
biography !!
to those her parents boast to, naeva is a miracle child by all means. guests told that she was born perfect--silent out the womb, easy as day to care for after years of trying for child with no avail; an angel taking vessel in their baby daughter. she is born to liars.
born to old money invested in hedge funds and the vice president of an international bank, surrounded by old buildings of exquisite architectural design--the barabesi family lived lavishly. this is not a lie. their mansions and sports cars and boastful superiority is all, undoubtedly real.
a child born with ailments to last her lifetime is a precious miracle who needs to stay quiet when mommy and daddy are bragging to their guests.
being oh so fragile only meant a lack of socialization except for when it’s convenient--the endless faces of specialists, or tutors, or her parents’ friends.
they love their daughter, yes, but after years and years of building perfect empires and fitting the mold they’ve so desperately tried to label themselves--god be damned if little naeva wasn’t their golden star right from the moment she was born.
born and, for a short time, living in lecce, italy--the barabesi family soon moved to the states in pursue of the best of the best doctors. specifically, cold spring, new york.
small enough to go undisturbed, the young girl spent her time learning and learning; whether it were numbers or vague history or what to take on what days and how to turn a cough into a smile.
and being treated as far too fragile--too delicate, as if she could shatter if you so dared look at her for too long.
eventually, the vicious cycle shifted to a life manageable. though still feeling as if she walked on eggshells, naeva could attend elementary school.
sure, it was stressful--but god, it was her life; she was not a burden, no matter the circumstance and no matter what ailed her.
years passed as naeva juggled the golden child act--attending school, her parents’ little parties, her after school lessons, endless doctor appointments--a blur, in all honesty. a near comfortable routine.
it wasn’t until naeva was in high school that she got a little, well, restless
routine is good, yes--but she was a girl who wanted to live a life where she didn’t have to worry about her health.
it were small things at first, skipping class to read in the library (how very rebellious, wow) and staying out of her house as much as possible without raising suspicions--whether it was stopping at the convenience store after violin or purposely hitting as many red lights as possible.
though naeva seemed to spiral her senior year, really, that’s when it became an issue.
unraveling quickly for reasons she really couldn’t fathom, she felt as if she wasn’t living enough.
going to parties instead of the library, committing vandalism with newly acquired friends, ignoring all the don’ts that came with being her and getting just. absolutely plastered.
it was at one of these parties, a college party nonetheless--where naeva met tatiana samuels.
the girl fascinated an impressionable naeva in a way she didn’t understand--it grew into a friendship, and for the rest of the year; if tatiana was at a party, so was naeva.
but of course--reality got to the best of naeva and when her health crumbled, she withdrew. canceled her bad girl subscription; practically swore it off.
it hadn’t helped that the entire situation had thoroughly freaked out her parents, and suddenly, naeva was six again. back to the basics. this time, however, naeva thought that just maybe, it was for the best.
her parents practically forced her to attend lockwood (not that she really minded) in order to keep her close to home--even so, naeva is living as independently as she can.
it’s sort of easy to mistake naeva for a very serious kinda woman; y’know, no laughs or jokes or inappropriate behavior.
it’s the air around her, really; cool, calm, and collected; aloof yet confident, eyes so dark y’can’t tell if they’re judging or commending you. always seen with a yeti in hand, undoubtedly filled with decaf coffee--booties and tights and tasteful blazers. she’s your fourth grade substitute teacher that wouldn’t let you talk during free time.
but well, it’s a mistake.
she’s responsible and rational and work-oriented but god, does she value humor and amusement and all the good little things in life.
maybe she’s not the funniest person around, but she’ll attempt banter with you--and if you’re passionate about something she’ll hear you out; hell, she’ll support your excitement, maybe even share some of her own passions. naeva is constantly amused, even if her mouth’s set in a hard line.
she studies anthropology because of her love for human life and culture; her minor’s in sociology for god’s sake. naeva loves life, loves liveliness, loves people who feel intensely--naeva’s got a lot of love in her.
it’s a shame she’s so afraid to let people in.
don’t get it wrong--she’ll cozy right up to you but...is she really? or is she just letting you see what she wants you to see? it pains her, as somebody who feels so much, to act so...distant? she by no means gives off a cold air, but she’s the kind of gal you know without really knowing.
god, naeva is so scared. it hurts, sometimes, how scared shitless she is--the events happening in lockwood, secrets being revealed--the possibility that hers will be one day out in the opened without her consent. she just wants to live her life. she really, really, just wants to live.
‘course, she keeps it very very contained. her friends must not know how goddamn stressed she is, at all times of the day--the woman hates pity. she’s been pitied since birth. she wants no more of it.
it’s precisely why she keeps her medical history so hidden. she isn’t ashamed of her life, no, she’s alive and that’s what matters--but the pity. imagined or not--the thought of it is unbearable. maybe it’s silly, maybe a little too irrational for a girl considered so...rational, but, she can’t help it.
it’s not anybody’s business anyway--she tells herself, at least--
it’s led to her lying a lot--unnecessary, but she panics often--when she disappears from school for an extended amount of time, it’s because of family drama or events or public appearances or whatnot.
which, sometimes really gets to her--she’s supposed to be dependable, reliable, trustworthy--goddammit, and she can’t even do that. she’s just a girl with a lot of excuses up her sleeve and one day she’s going to run out.
don’t get her wrong though ! she’s not a passive person, y’know, just because she can be quiet and distant. if she sees an injustice she will speak out about it--she’s got a lot of opinions, and is pretty much ready to attack you with words.
tl;dr - kind and a Pal whilst keeping a distance--always stressed but [laugh track] you’ll never know. she’s also a big nerd when it comes to cultures and just. learning in general. loves history and sociology and anthropology and all that. like...a mom friend? very responsible, will be the designated driver Always and take care of you, it’s just...you only really know what she wants you to know, and she’s a lil bit of a liar. Big Smart, is always amused. not as serious as you’d think.
OH! and she’s very noncommittal in the relationship-sense. like...she’s probably dated around a little bit but the longer it lasts the more tense she gets and more often than not she breaks things off.
illnesses can be a very sensitive topic and i promise i’m not being vague about it without reason: i’ll be going into it for a task. i’m always cautious on how i portray it, so please let me know when and where i can better myself if something feels off ! the last thing i want to do is come off as inaccurate.
i also was going to do a fun fact/headcanon section but my brain? big dumb and i literally forgot everything i wanted to write so lmao. one of these days, expect a lil headcanons thing. but for now ...
OH! here’s a fun fact! she’s rich as FUCK. that is all, good day.
wanted connections
god give me everything
like i’m really up for anything.
give her a best friend! somebody who really truly knows her
or somebody who Thinks they really know her tehehehfgjfghj
let her mom friend others! be the parental figure in this relationship!
fake friends b/c she’s got money.
study buddies!
people she tutors!
somebody who lets her be a lil’ wild, loosen up.
on the other end: let her keep somebody rooted! a good influence.
ex partners! on good or bad terms??
hook ups! one night stands! fwbs!
ex-hookups ! one night stands that lead to awkward encounters
a thorn in her side, an absolute Annoyance.
on the other hand, let me use naeva to badger your characters. let Her be the annoyance.
enemies? for whatever reason ??
will they won’t they?
ex-friends! ex-friends trying to fix their friendship!
tense relationships!
oh, your mail keeps getting mixed with mine ?? wth ?? we don’t even have similar names ??
conspiracy theory buds!
STOP running INTO ME on ur morning JOGS u PRICK i’m trying to WALK HERE
purposely stealing the last like...breakfast sandwich in the food court just to be that asshole
bickering. just lots of bickering.
somebody who is just suspicious of naeva’s lil lies n is like HMM and she’s like OH NO U DON’T
somebody she rly wants to be close with but just :) refuses :)
anything unrequited. anything one-sided. love or hate or platonic idc i want it all.
pls n thank.
like this n i’ll msg you of course !!
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