#ik a lot of youngins don’t like it as much
dragonherder2030 · 2 years
Bought some pistachio Icecream and loving life
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myelocin · 3 years
hi! i’m taking you up on your offer of speaking to you about deep stuff 😭 i don’t really have people to turn to and even though i don’t know you, your words are genuinely so comforting, regardless of what you say so thank you. in advance, i apologize for the entire dissertation i’m abt to write 😭😭
anyways, i’ve just been feeling so bland?? 😭 like idek how to describe it. but genuinely so purposeless for so long. i started college (youngin over here 😩) and although the experience isn’t at all bad, and i don’t mind being alone, it feels isolating sometimes yk?
i only ever had one close friend my entire life because we both developed a sort of unhealthy dependence ig? and our relationships w other people were always compared to ours so we weren’t able to be very close to others yk.
but she moved away and i stayed home, and while i’m happy she’s experiencing everything she deserves to, it sucks to lose the only person i’ve had. i don’t even live on my campus, so i can’t make friends easily since i don’t live with everyone. and since she lives on her campus, she’s making friends and moving on (and i’m not mad or bitter that she is, i’m just sad i’m not experiencing that on my end).
i know bad moments pass and everything, it just sucks that in order to move past them you actually have to live through them. it feels never ending, and i know it isn’t, but life feels so bleak. it’s so hard to put yourself out there and meet people and do things and experience stuff when i feel like this, and obv ik i’m young so whole life ahead or whatever ‼️ but right now i’m here, and here is sad 😭
just wanted to put my feelings out LMAO just typing it out and knowing someone might read it feels nice. so you’ve already helped immensely 🙏
thank you for everything you share on here. you’re seriously my favorite creator and writer and all around blog on this app, thank you so much for this safe space. please remember to prioritize yourself always always always always ‼️‼️ take care of yourself a LOT because the world needs someone like you. i expect to see you posting more about your accomplished goals too ‼️ your success is celebrated by all of your followers 🥰🥰
apologies for the essay 😭😭 but thank you again 🥰 i hope you achieve everything you’ve dreamed for yourself shawty bae
pls! never apologize ab your feelings TwT this corner is here for u to stay and hopefully feel safe in, and ofc, i'll always try to deliver love as best as i can.
but everything u feel!!! TOTALLY VALID!!! i understand how ur feeling in regards to ur friend tho. like it's not like u want them to be miserable w/o u but the loneliness rlly does settle in when u catch urself feeling like the rest of the world is moving while ur "here" and "here" just has u feeling stuck. (BY THE WAY I LOVE THAT U SAID THAT BC IT MAKES SENSE..........) alot of the time we try to invalidate our own feelings by the comfort that what hurts will eventually go and we should look forward to that(?) and it results to ignoring what hurts in the present. like how do we move on and heal if we don't acknowledge the here T__T
but honestly i'm glad you're looking at things and thinking of the bigger picture. truth is we are only this young and there is a whole life still ahead. it's sadness today, but that sadness or loneliness won't stick for the rest of your days. it feels like everyday when that cloud is right above your head but even storms have to leave at some point right ;w; u just gotta allow urself to feel it all then let it go when the icky part of feeling signals that it's gotta go. until then, i hope you hold tight to the little reasons that make u think of the inevitable sunshine that really will come. i assure u that u are always heard and u are tremendously loved.
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