#I’ve had jello of it before like so yummy
dragonherder2030 · 2 years
Bought some pistachio Icecream and loving life
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
A Doorway Is Opened (Chapter 10)
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 Warnings: Explicit Content The following morning, Keanu awoke to the wonderful aroma of baking bread. Hannah had got up without waking him at 7 so she could get everything set for their taste of France breakfast.
 She’d laid out the place settings and all the accompaniments on the patio table and was sitting at the kitchen island enjoying a coffee when the aroma lured Keanu from his bed.
“Oh my God, I could get used to this!” he said wrapping his arms around her from behind.
Just then the timer beeped and she pulled out 2 crusty brown baguettes and a giant boule from the oven all with cracks on the top revealing the treasure within. She set them on the cooling racks and then lent over placing her ear close to the breads
“what are you doing?!”
“Listening for the crack”
“the what?”
“In France, she explained, when the bread comes out of the oven it starts to make a lovely cracking noise and they say “ca craque!” it’s such a gorgeous sound.
Keanu joined her in her little listening project
“oh yeah cool, you really can hear them, how long do we have to leave them to rest? I’m starving!”
“When are you not?”
Once the bread was cool enough, they went outside and feasted like kings on the delicious baguettes. Keanu spread his first slice thickly with the fine butter she’d brought from home which had salt crystals running through it and dove in, making yummy noises all the while. His favourite was having it with apricot jam - another item she’d bought from home because it was her favourite Bonne Maman brand imported from France. Keanu raved about it all leaving Hannah proud of herself for having the idea and the delicious outcome. After breakfast they stayed chilling by the pool, each lost in their own thoughts.
“what you thinking ‘bout’ Keanu asked eventually
“just time passing ……… and you going again is rushing up at us like a steam train”
“yeah, me too, I’m sorry about that …………. You regretting what we’ve started?”
“uh uh  - not at all silly, it’s been lovely” she sighed “you’re lovely” she said softly, meeting his hazel eyes.
“You too” he answered threading his fingers together with hers.
“Come ‘ere” he said
She rose from her chair and went to sit straddled across him, leaning down to meet his lips.  
They sat kissing in the chair for a long time, gently exploring each other’s mouths, low moans accompanying their kisses.  She could feel wetness pooling in her panties and his hard on growing beneath her.
“Ever done it out here?” she asked.
“You know, actually no – I never have” he answered honestly.
“and here’s me thinking of you as some lothario doing it all the time in every room and on the patio, in the pool……..”
He laughed.
“I told you, I haven’t actually had that much action and to be honest I have often chosen not to bring women back here, you know, to my space”
“I’m honoured” she said
“and rightly so” he answered “So that’s what you want? To do it out here?”
She nodded, giggling and stood to remove her panties from beneath the sundress she was wearing while he un-zipped his jeans and pealed them off along with his boxers.
“Climb back on” he encouraged and Hannah willingly obliged, carefully lining up with him and sliding down onto his rock hard cock, groaning as she did before capturing his mouth in a deep kiss.
Her feet could reach the patio and she used it for leverage to rise up and down on him going agonisingly slowly at first but gradually speeding up as Keanu thrust up grunting and grabbing onto her hips more tightly.  
“God you feel so good, so hot around me”
“and you’re so hot and fucking hard in me” she said groaning and leaning back slightly. Keanu could see her breasts bouncing through the light fabric of her sundress with each movement.  At this new angle, Keanu’s cock rubbed perfectly against her G-spot and her breath started to come in rapid pants as she quickly neared her climax.
“God I’m close, are you coming for me Baby?”
She only nodded in response, as a low moan accompanied the pulsing and clenching of her pussy around him. The sight of her letting go and the feel of her clenching his hard dick was enough to push Keanu over the edge. He shouted out as the pleasure coursed through his veins reaching his fingers and toes. She fell forward, resting her head on his shoulder, breathing hard. He squeezed her tight, holding her close as his heart-rate slowly calmed.  Eventually she raised her head and grasped his face with both hands and placed a tender kiss on his lips, a tear rolling down her cheek as she did.
“hey what’s wrong?” Keanu asked, concerned.
“nothing, nothing at all, they’re happy tears” she said taking a shaky breath
“I thought I was, you know, all closed up literally, you know like Diane Keaton in your movie, that I wouldn’t have this kind of intimacy ever again, so thank you”
“back at ya!”
“now my 31 year old self really would be giving me a hi 5” she laughed and he joined in chuckling and giving her a literal hi 5 before hugging her tightly again.
“Come on, let’s clean up and go in, I gotta start thinking about my packing, see if I need to buy anything before I go”
The next few days passed in a blissful haze of making love, cooking meals, bike rides and general companionship. They watched movies, played chess and scrabble, listened to more music and sometimes just each read a book in comfortable silence.  She helped him with packing and they made plans for their keeping in touch calls and a grand reunion in September - they hoped he could be back in time to celebrate his 56th birthday on 2nd September.
On their last night, their lovemaking was passionate yet tender. Keanu took things slowly, wanting to prolong the pleasure and the feelings of togetherness as long as he could. His cock was so hard and thick that Hannah was a writhing mess as she came over and over again as he rubbed over her G spot with skill and precision. When he came his face was writhed in bliss and he yelled out her name as he rode the tingling waves of ecstasy.
As they lay exhausted in the tangle of sheets, breathing hard, fingertips just brushing, he turned to her.
 “You OK”
 “Good enough send off for ya?”
“Absolutely perfect thank you – I feel like jello on the inside!”
He giggled “me too, my fingers and toes are still tingling, good to know we oldies have still got it right?”
“yeah – god my kids would probably be horrified to know I’m still “doing it!”
“you going to tell them? About me I mean?”
“What about you”?
“errrrm ….” Keanu frowned, suddenly feeling vulnerable then she quickly smacked him on the arm
“of course I’m going to tell them…………. Don’t quite know how to broach the subject” she paused, wondering whether to go for it or not “ how to broach the subject that I’ve fallen in love again”
She held her breath, wondering if she’d made him freak out.
Keanu rolled to face her again, looking into her eyes with the most tender expression.
“I love you too………… and I’m not just saying it coz you did, don’t think that. I haven’t felt this giddy or this sad about being apart from someone for a very, very long time”
They kissed softly, not needing any more words, each storing up this happy memory to carry them through to September.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Jello! (Because it's yummy) You're an amazing writer! Making me believe that I'm in a relationship with all of the boys lol (T-T) May I request a happy ending fic? A celebration party is held before Noctis and Luna's wedding and s/o is trying to be supportive for her two childhood friends. She tries to come to terms that she's gonna lose her Noctis. The prince tries to talk to s/o about her distancing herself from him when the emotions were too much she needed flee..
Jello is pretty yummy. I haven’t had that in ages…
I’m so glad you like my writing!! Your support means so much to me! It lets me know that I’m doing something right and that I can bring joy to others, which is really all I’ve ever wanted. 
I am so sorry it’s taken me sooooo long to get to this fic. But, here it is! I’d say it’s a decent mix of angst and fluff with some Noctis x reader, some Luna x reader, and some OT3 with a dash of Disney references! I enjoy anything that lets me write Luna. Four Suns has gotten really out of hand in terms of length, so I’m working to keep my fics a bit shorter and moving a bit faster.  I hope this fits with what you were hoping for! Enjoy! ❤
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
Come Home, Cinderella
The wall was cold against your back, but it was better than being in the middle of this commotion. You were in Altissa, attending an “engagement party” for Noctis and Luna. Everyone laughed, drank, and danced around you, relishing the rare moment of communal joy.   The celebration was as much for the happy couple as it was for the entire kingdom of Lucis, as peace was soon expected.
Soon, the Prince and the Oracle would be wed. It was to be an ornate ceremony where the two professed their love for each other as the world looked on. As the rest of the world rejoiced in a celebration of love, you felt a hole form in your chest where your heart had been.
Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change,
You could taste the playwright’s words on your tongue. Perhaps they were overdramatic, but you didn’t care right now.
Noctis was your everything. He always had been.
You had grown up as friends, meeting in the Citadel when your parents worked as groundskeepers. You had fond memories of playing hide and seek with your “new friend”. People had thought the little boy you spoke of was imaginary. Their shock at finding out your friend was real and THE PRINCE was hilarious to your young self.
The two of you tried to stay friends over the years. Many of your games came to include others, like Luna, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio. No matter who came and went, you and Noctis were constantly together. The two of you grew distant with time, though, as you went to different high schools and made new friends. But fate had other plans.
Noctis was thrilled when you entered the court one day, summoned to be his newest bodyguard. By his side, the two of you became ever closer. A childhood friendship grew into a whirlwind romance. Sweet smiles led to small gifts that eventually led to secret kisses.
The two of you had been together for some time, keeping everything hushed until the future was more certain. The “royals” of Insomnia would not look kindly at a bodyguard the Prince was dating. So the two of you kept your kisses secret and your nights together short, only letting your closest friends know about the two of you.
And now, here you were.
With every memory you had of Noctis as a child, you now remembered Luna being there, too. She was a dear friend of yours. You truly did adore her. Who wouldn’t love the fair maiden with a soft heart and strong duty. But this was all so unfair.
You were here for them, though. You loved Noctis with all of your heart and Luna was still your friend. You had to keep telling yourself that it was your duty to support them.
Noctis had spoken to you as soon as he found out. So much of the conversation was a blur. He didn’t want this to happen, best for Lucis, stay together…blah blah blah. You knew he hadn’t wanted this to happen, but it was hard to see that through his smiles with Luna, now.
Luna’s smile lit up the room next to Noctis.
But he was your Noctis…yours.
It wasn’t fair.
But…he never truly was yours, was he?
The two of you were from different worlds.
Luna was from his world…
A hand on your shoulder woke you from you thoughts. It was Noctis. His soft smile touched your soul.
“Hey…” he said, moving to stand beside you.
“Hey,” is all you could respond. The two of you stood in silence for a few moments, staring out at the party.
“Want to get some air,” he finally asked.
You hesitantly obliged, unsure if you wanted to spend time alone with the Prince after all you had been through.
The two of you stepped out onto a balcony overlooking the sea. Silence and salt filled the space where love once lived.
Noctis sighed, looking down at his hands. “How’ve you been?” The silence did not break cleanly.
“I’m…fine.” You answered. How could you tell him you were being torn apart at your very seams, pulled between duty and love. How could you tell him that you still adored Luna but part of you wanted to hate her? How could you put this raw pain into words?
“That’s…good.” Noctis couldn’t look you in the eyes. He bashed his hands against the stone railing before turning to you. “Please, may I just kiss you? I miss you so much.” His eyes were pleading.
You stared back, teetering between what your heart wanted and what your head told you to do.
“No. It would be inappropriate. Your bride is just inside,” you replied, reverting back to your duty. The facade of the good soldier was easier to wear than that of the hurt lover.
Noctis stared at you, silent. Finally, he sighed, looking away. “Fair enough.” He turned away from you. You wanted to reach out to him, to hold him, to let him know it’d be ok, but…you couldn’t, you wouldn’t.
“[Y/N], I want you in my life. I love you. I…I want us to go forward TOGETHER.” His words were directed more to the sea below, than to you.
“I know.”
“Then…what are we going to do?” He turned to you and you were swept away by those eyes.
“I..” You began to speak, but were interrupted by someone calling for Noctis.
“Erg…wait here, I’ll be right back, ok?” His eyes held a determination in them as he held your shoulder. He turned away to return to the party. You watched his black hair and strong back disappear from view.
“Ok,” you whispered as he left.
What were you going to do? How would you get through this? If you stayed, you’d always hurt. You couldn’t be Noct’s mistress, that wouldn’t be fair to Luna. It wasn’t right. Could you ever be a proper bodyguard if you loved the future king?
A thought crept up from the back of your mind: Wouldn’t it be better if you weren’t involved?
The thought tasted bitter and left you with an awful sorrow, but it wasn’t wrong. Perhaps, this was the best option.
You set your glass onto the railing, determination running through your veins. You turned, making your way along the wall of the party. You reached the steps to the outside and began to run, taking your first breaths of this new freedom.
You were almost to the bottom before your heart pulled.
“[Y/N]!” It was Noctis, at the top of the steps.
Tears welled in your eyes but you kept going.
You kept going until you made it to the docks. A ferry was leaving in that moment. You ran aboard and threw yourself into a vacant middle seat. Wherever this random ship went was fine by you.
Noctis made it to the docks, just in time to see the ferry leave.
It was years later. You had been wandering Eos as a rogue hunter. That fateful ferry had taken you back to Cape Caem, only days before the darkness fell. You had heard rumors of Altissa falling, but you had also heard that both Noctis and Luna made it out. They had set out for Gralea. After that, though, there was little information.
You had been wandering the darkness for five years. It had been five years of wondering if Noctis was alright. Five years of wondering what had happened to Luna. Five years and countless steps plagued by guilt that you had left Altissa and abandoned everyone to the darkness.
You had spent every day trying to help in any way you could. You had escorted countless refugees to Lestallum and ended every daemon that you encountered. You didn’t help Noctis, you had run from your feelings and left him to face the darkness alone. You tried to repent every day by helping everyone else.
Today, you had heard rumors of daemons congregating near the entrance to Insomnia.  None of the other hunters dared to go near the city due to superstitions and the sheer power of the daemons in the city. You felt some sense of duty and need for self sacrifice, which brought your feet to the gates of the city you once called home.
The city that held so many fond memories for you. But standing at the gates to the ruined place made all of those memories feel like they belonged to someone else.
You stood, looking through broken gates into dark streets. “It feels like forever since we were last here. Doesn’t it?” A warm voice asked from behind you.
You spun around to face a dream in white. It was Luna, now a bit older than last you saw her, smiling warmly at you. She leaned on her trident as she took you in.
“Welcome home, Cinderella. You really scared everyone when you took off from that party.” She could have been no end of bitter with you, instead, she greeted you with the warmth of an old friend.
You stared at her, so many emotions swelling within you. “Where’s Noctis?” Your voice cracked, reminding you of a scared child.
Before you could take another terrified breath, Luna was there, holding you. “He’s alright. Shh, he’s just…resting.” She held you close while she explained everything that had happened.
The two of you made camp outside Insomnia, as you were in no shape to face daemons, now. Luna never left your side.
It took some time, but eventually you made your way into the city. The Oracle surprised you, holding her own and striking fear into the hearts of all daemons as the two of you swept through the city like a hurricane. None could stand in your way.
A song of laughter accompanied you as you made your way back to Lestallum. Luna had always been your friend, but this journey reminded you of why.
Having no place of your own to go back to, Luna invited you to live with her and Ravus. The spectral man was rarely home to mind, anyways. It took time, but living within someone else’s light soon thawed your frozen heart.
You found Luna to be the light of your life. Her smile was warm and her wit was sharp. She was utterly amazing. You had been too blinded by Noctis to see it before. All you could hope was that their marriage was filled with joy.
But it is the simple moments that change life the most. You had been wounded on your last daemon hunt. A stray tonberry left a long cut down your back. While Luna had healed it with gentle hands for you, the stiffness lingered.
You were attempting to put on your boots, but your stiff back made it painful to lean over. Luna noticed. With a silent but pained face, she was at your side, helping you with the task.
“Really, you don’t need to worry. I’ll get it,” you protested. You tried to wretch your leg from her, but between her strong hands and the pain in your back, she won.
“When will you stop torturing yourself? You don’t deserve this!” Her hands shook as she tied your shoe. Soon, the dark leather was stained with teardrops.
You stopped, stunned.
“Please, [Y/N]! Every time I see you hurt my heart breaks! Please, stop trying to atone for sins you never committed,” she looked up at you, crying.
“But, I…I…” you hadn’t expected to have to voice your soul. Your head snapped towards her as your voice plead. “I LEFT YOU ALL! I abandoned you in Altissa! And for what? Because I was lovesick and jealous…”
Luna stood, cupping your cheeks in her warms hands. “No, you didn’t. You ran away from a love you could no longer control. From a situation you didn’t know what to do with. No one blames you but yourself.”
“WHY?! Why don’t you blame me,” you cried. You could think of every reason Luna should hate you, but she didn’t. Why did she grant you such mercy?
“Oh, [Y/N]. It’s because I love you.” Her warm words hit you. You couldn’t believe they were real.
Your stunned eyes asked more questions than you could voice. Luna laughed through her tears. “I’ve always loved you! I loved you the moment I first saw you. But Noctis was always at your side. I didn’t want to intervene. I…well, I didn’t know what to do.”
Luna wiped tears from your face before leaning in to gently kiss your lips. “I love you. I wanted you to stay with us in Altissa, but I was too scared to say anything. Please, won’t you stay now?”
It took a moment for you to fully understand everything that she said. Honestly, it all made sense. She was your moon goddess, your light, and you had always adored her. You had always found everything about her to be perfect. Looking back, maybe you should have realized your own foolishness sooner.
You wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her in for another dreamlike kiss.
The two of you were inseparable in the years that followed. Both of you had been planning for Noct’s return. You were trying to figure out how to tell him about your relationship, considering you both still loved him, as well.
The day finally arrived. You met the men in Hammerhead. Noctis was in shock when he saw both of you standing before him, hand in hand.
“I…I don’t know what to say…” is all he could say to you and his wife.
“Well, Sleeping Beauty, do you want to come home with us?” You held out a hand to him.
“There’s room for one more,” Luna added.
Noctis simply smiled. “I…I couldn’t imagine anything better.” He leaned over to kiss you, a rough hand on your cheek. His lips were as warm and soft as you remembered. You free hand wrapped around the small of his back, while your other held Luna’s.
Next, Luna swept in to kiss you. Her lips were a constant warmth in your life, sweet and gentle.
Then, you watched her and Noctis kiss. The sight that once pained you, now brought joy to your heart. You all had always loved each other, it just took time to learn that.
And now, you’d make sure you would have plenty of time to spend with each other. The three of you shared a love strong enough to conquer the strain of time; dameons would be no problem, in comparison.
Together, you walked into the light of a new day.
Luna: “Wait, if you’re Cinderella and he’s Sleeping Beauty…who am I?”
You: “Maybe Belle?”
Noctis: “Naw, more like Ariel…”
You and Noctis, together: “PRINCE CHARMING!!”
Luna: That makes sense…
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fromxnerd · 6 years
Hello, honey. I don’t know when in the day you’ll be reading this but I’m writing it at one thirty am. I know, I know....I should be sleeping. Specially considering I’ve only slept for 3 hours today but i promise i’m not tired. Besides, I really wanted to write this for you so honestly....who really is to blame here??
But anyhow....You fell asleep about an hour ago, you tried to wake up but you were so sleepy that you just went right back to sleep. It was really cute and I could totally picture you, half asleep, looking for me while i get ready to get to bed, trying to chat with me but unable to do so cause you are tired. It makes me smile. Makes me love you a lot. You are so sweet that tomorrow you’ll apologise for falling asleep when you have no reason to be sorry. You gave me the most wonderful night, just talking with me for hours and hours. Now you need sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Still....Part of me wishes you would’ve stayed awake a little longer. A little selfish, I know but if you had been awake, I would’ve come back from watching my show to push your laptop away from you, straddling your lap instead, running my fingers through your hair as you’d greet me with a little hi there, loosely wrapping your arms around my waist.
I would’ve kissed you then. Soft at first, then deeply, with my tongue in your mouth, my hand on the back of your neck, pressing myself close to you, melting into the kiss, wanting nothing but to be close to you, clinging to you as I licked your lower lip, sucking on it, playing with your tongue, moaning into your mouth, moving my hips a little, slowly and almost without noticing but oh so very intentional.
I want to give you the kind of kiss that when I pull away, you feel your face hot and there’s strings of saliva still joining out mouths, my lips pink as we pant before I go to your neck, kissing you softly, butterfly kisses, just little pecks as you moan something: babe, amor, dragon. I don’t care, I just want you to make those little noises I enjoy so much, leaving playful bites, pinching your skin but never quite leaving marks. 
I want to pull away slightly, look at your eyes as I grab the hem of your tanktop, pulling it up, getting rid of it slowly, just dropping it next to bed, pushing you down into the bed, my hands on your chest, dragging them down with very soft scratches, not wanting to leave marks on your skin, just give you a new sensation as I move my hips against you, at a slow and steady rhythm, eyes closed and mouth parted, letting out breathy sighs, grabbing your wrists to pin them above your head when you try to touch me, when you try to run your hands on my thighs or hold on to me.
Stay. Breathed out against your ear, letting the hot air hit your skin, my tongue just barely brushing against your neck, the back of your ear as I keep grinding against you, just a little faster, pressing down on you as I pull off my shirt, staying in my pretty skirt and my bra, feeling warm all over, moaning a little bit, watching you squirm beneath me.
Are you getting wet, prince? I know I am. It feels so good to be this close to you, it feels so good to rub myself against you. I might just soak through my underwear, leaving a wet spot on your boxers. ( Is your hand down there now, honey? Or perhaps you can’t do that right now but you wish you could? Either way, I hope you are getting wet, I hope you are making a mess on your boxers ).
I think then you will ask me to touch you. Pressing your hips up against mine, being a good boy and keeping your hands to yourself. Maybe you’d take a hold of the headboard or just grab a pillow to hug against your self, against your face cause you don’t want me to see you get so turned on just by me humping you, you don’t want me to see you blush when I give that look that drives you crazy.
I would grab your hand then, guide it between my legs, pushing my panties to the side so you can feel me, feel how wet I get for you, letting you be cheeky and touch me, moaning for you before pushing your hand away. ( Imagine it, the wetness of my pussy, lick your fingers thinking of how good it would be to taste me, how much it would turn me on to watch you ).
I’d pull back then, hooking my fingers on the waistband of your boxers, crawling away from you, pulling them down with me to toss them away, spreading your legs, licking my lips when I see how wet and sticky you are. Such a pretty mess, my prince. The best snack. Thank you. ( Don’t blush too much, amor mio. If you can, take off those pesky boxers, if you can’t, try rubbing your thighs together just a little bit).
I would run one of my fingers on you, make sure to get it wet ( Yes, go ahead and feel yourself, use your hand to imagine it’s me. Or if you can’t, try not to squirm too much ). What a messy prince you are....And how tasty. I would lick my finger, looking at you to make you blush. ( Remember how I look when I lick fingers, prince. Lick yourself if you can. You are so yummy ). 
I would go slow. Stocking you and watching you squirm and ask me to please touch you more, struggling between wanting to do something with your hands or being a good boy. ( You are being good now, touching yourself because I’m telling you too or maybe just squirming on your seat to try and focus on work ).
Teasing you is so much fun, using just one little finger to make you moan for me, trying to hump against my hand cause you need more so badly. ( Don’t cheat and use more if you can touch. Hump your chair a little bit if you can’t). 
I would give you what you want, more fingers to play with you, letting you try to release yourself by moving your hips a little faster against them, panting and moaning for me in that way that turns me on so much. Should I tell you that you have me dripping? No, I should show you, sneaking my free hand on my panties, touching myself with a moan before showing you, letting you lick my fingers, letting you suck on them, making a trace of drool drip down your chin. ( Don’t get too eager, amor. You don’t want to cum yet, you are not allowed and you are such a good boy. Or perhaps you don’t want to make a mess in your boxers while still at work ).
You are so wet now that sliding my fingers into you is easy so I do it, (just like you are doing now, slowly my prince or just picture it, cover your mouth) and I use my other hand to touch myself, fingers sliding inside me as well. ( Are you drooling as you imagine me like that? Deep inside you and touching myself? Moaning for you?).
I would ask you to ride my fingers, babe so I can ride my own, enjoying the sounds you make and making sounds of my own for you to enjoy. (If you go to your phone search fuckfuckfuckfuck in our convo and you’ll find some audios of me~).
It would feel so good and I would struggle between wanting to make myself cum and not wanting you to cum. I want to delay it as much as possible, build it up so you cum hard, making a mess all over the bedsheets, wanting to hear your gaspy breaths as you keep your mouth open, drooling on yourself as you moan shamelessly, too lost in the pleasure to care. ( Can you feel yourself getting wetter? Getting close?? Just hold it there, my prince, you can’t cum just yet).
I would moan your name, so close to cumming as you beg me in those whimpered please to let you cum, barely making sense, just blurting out words in hopes it makes sense. ( Do you hate me a little bit? Good. Hate me and feel yourself on the edge, grab onto something and try not to cum as you listen to me moaning in your ear ).
I would feel you clench around my fingers and squirm, desperately trying to be a good boy and not cum, now your words cut in half, just noises that make no sense, half swear words and loud moans, holding onto the sheets, squirming because you need it so badly. And I would say yes, I would tell you to cum for me, just as I cum as well, making those noises you like so much. ( Yes, you really can cum babe, groan and bite a pillow or cum in your boxers biting your hand to stop yourself from making noise ).
You would cum on my fingers, on the bed, making a mess and moaning my name, your body turning into jello, your legs trembling, your mouth dry, your back arching up, heels digging the mattress. 
I’ll give you some water, cuddle you close, kiss you and tell you how good you are, how good you make me feel, kissing you sweetly and softly, placing a cover over our bodies, letting you drift to sleep, too tired to even care about changing the bed sheets or cleaning up, sticky, sweaty, drool and cum all over you.
How pretty you are, my prince.
I love you.
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oforoddette · 7 years
Jessica Shrinks
A tiny Jessica Rabbit pigs out.
Jessica felt her head spinning as she awoke.  Everything seemed blurry.  She quickly rubbed her eyes to get rid of the grogginess. She stood up and wobbled slightly as she tried to get her bearings.  She couldn't seem to remember anything except being hit on the head.  Beside her memory lapse, her stomach emitted a loud gurgle. She was absolutely famished!
"I am starving!" Jessica rubbed her stomach.  "I need something to eat."
Suddenly, a sweet smell invaded the air.  Jessica followed the scent towards an opened door.  She pushed the door opened and gasped.  Jessica was surrounded by nothing but large mountains of pastries! Cookies the size of the moon; cupcakes large as monster trucks; a three-layer cake as tall as the empire state building.  Never before had she seen such magnificent sight before!  Her empty stomach growled loudly.
"All of this is so strange," She told herself.  "But I'm so hungry."
Jessica walked towards a huge chocolate chip cookie.  Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she sunk her teeth in.  The cookie was still warm, and the chips were super gooey.  Never had she tasted anything so fantastic before in her life! Her stomach took over, and she found herself demolishing every bit of cookie until the massive sweet was gone.  Once it was finished, Jessica sat back and smacked her lips.
"That was yummy!" Jessica burped.  "Hmmm.  I wonder what else is here?"
Jessica managed to stand up, but she did have some trouble.  She hadn't noticed, but after eating that one cookie, she had gained at least fifty pounds.  Her flat tummy was now a round, little globe.  With her newly acquired pudge, she regained her journey.
As she only walked a few paces until she came upon a vanilla cupcake with strawberry icing.  Again, Jessica was filled with the desire to gorge herself returned.   She ran towards the cupcake and hit it full force. Once she made contact, she began to tear into the dough.  Slowly, the cupcake became shorter as the tiny redhead devoured it.  Once the cake was gone, all that left was the icing which fell on top of Jessica.  It only took her a few seconds to gobble it all up.
"That was the sweetest cake I've ever had!" Jessica smacked her lips.
Jessica's once tiny gut had doubled in size! It wobbled and sloshed with each movement.  Jessica struggled to stand up, but once she did, she spotted her next victim; a large cherry pie.  Jessica ran towards the steaming pie, her belly bouncing all the way.  She jumped into the air and landed into the soft, warm center.  Right away, she began to demolish it all.
Slowly, the pie disappeared until it was no more.  Jessica rolled onto her back and sighed happily.  Her stomach was now as big as a small car. Her signature breasts were like tiny, water balloons in comparison. Each movement caused the mountainous gut to jiggle.  Grunting and straining, Jessica managed to stand up.
"Whoa, what's this?" Jessica poked the belly.  "Oh, this is me!  Man, I've gotten kinda big.  I guess I should stop but---" Jessica's eyes wander towards the other cookies, cupcakes and more.  After getting out of the pie tin, Jessica waddled towards the other sweets.  Her hunger increased, and she went straight to devouring whatever she saw.  She chewed up scones, tarts, jello, muffins, doughnuts, and eclairs.  After all her eating, Jessica's stomach was now as big as a building.  How she managed to move was a mystery.  Wobbling all the way, Jessica searched for one more sugary delight to eat.
And then she found it.  Towering over her was a three layer cake.  Jessica waddled over and sunk her teeth in.  Like a mad worm, she munched away, devouring all that stood in her path. Her stomach expanded, but that didn't stop her. Bigger she grew, her stomach filling to the brim with cake.  All she could think of was eating! More, more, more! All she wanted was more.
The cake shrunk as the tiny singer demolished it.  With the third layer destroyed, the second layer began to disappear. Tinier it became, getting closer to the last layer.  Once the second layer was gone, only the last layer was left.  As she ate, she kept her eye on the cherry at the top.  Soon, the second layer was gone, and the cherry fell into her mouth.  She swallowed it and then gave the loudest burp ever.
Jessica looked at her mountain of a belly. It was bigger than a whale, and she felt like she could no longer move.  Sighing, she caressed her belly and closed her eyes.  She didn't care if she couldn't move. As long as she was fat and happy.  With a yawn, she began to drift off to sleep.
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my-fanfic-soul · 7 years
Niall-- Dancing in the Moonlight
“I’ve got it handled, don’t I Doodle Bug?” Niall said, tickling at his little girl who squealed and ran off, a giant grin on her face.  He turned back to his wife, love and adoration naturally slipping into place as he looked at his best friend.  “Go have your girl’s night, love.  You deserve it.”
And as far as Niall was concerned, she really and truly did. He had been doing promo and then touring for months which left his loving and strong wife to take care of their house and child by herself, all while still working and following her own dreams. She never once complained about all of the weight on her due to the rigors of Niall’s career, but he knew she needed a break and that she wouldn't take one if he didn't push her to.
It had been Niall’s suggestion that she take a day to spend with her friends and sisters.  It had been four months since she had done anything just for herself, not with their daughter or Niall in mind, and he was determined she would relax.  He had let her sister and best friend plan out a day full of spa treatments, nail appointments, a few nice meals, a movie, and shopping at her favorite mall, all funded by his credit card.
She was grateful for his thoughtfulness, but she couldn’t help but be uneasy.  “Are you sure you’ve got everything under control?  She’s going through a bit of a phase and you’ve only been home a couple of days…”
“Hey,” Niall whispered, cupping her chin in his hand.  “I love you, but you’re overthinking things.  I’m her dad, remember?  We all win today.  You get to rest, she gets to hang out with her daddy, and I get to spend time with my little princess.  Don’t worry about us, go enjoy yourself.”  Lots of kisses for Niall and their daughter ensued, but he could see how grateful she looked as she slipped into the front seat of her best friend’s car.  It was hard for her to turn off the full time mom part of her brain, even while she was at work, but that made it all the more important for her to get away.
Niall locked the front door and turned around to see his three year old daughter looking at him curiously.  “Daddy, where did Mommy go?” she asked, her thumb slipping into her mouth. 
Seamlessly, like he hadn’t been traveling for months, Niall reached down and pulled her hand out of her month and smothered it with kisses, making her laugh.  They had opted for a gentler method to keep her from sucking her thumb.  “She’s having a day with just your aunties, so I get to hang out with you.  Does that sound like fun?”
“What’s she doing?” she asked and Niall scooped her up into his arm, carrying her to the kitchen to set her down at the bar.
Niall kissed her head and said, “She’s gonna get a massage and her nails painted and spend time with your aunties.  Do you want eggs and bacon for breakfast or fruit and oatmeal, Doodles?”
“Fruit and eggs,” she responded prompting a grin from Niall.  She had become more independent and opinionated while he was on tour and he honestly loved it.  She knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to tell you about it.  “I like getting my nails painted.”
Niall chuckled as he started cutting up fruit.  “Oh, do ya now?”
She nodded enthusiastically.  “Uh huh.  Mommy painted them for me.”  The incident in question had been when her mom had painted them with a clear coat while she was doing her own nails.  Doodle Bug had been excited to be a “big girl” that day.  She let out a dramatic sigh and said, “I wish my nails could get painted today.”
Niall glanced over and while her head was ducked, he could see her big, round eyes looking up at him through the fridges of her hair; she was about to go into full emotional warfare mode.  “How about I paint your nails for you later?”  She got excited, her head shooting up as she danced in her seat.  “Careful, you don’t want to fall,” he warned her.  “We have things to do before I can paint your nails, though.  First of all, you need to eat this yummy fruit and then Daddy needs to drop by his manager’s office to fill out some paperwork.”
Her little shoulders drooped.  She didn’t like doing “boring stuff” with either of her parents.  “Buuuuut… guess what we’re doing after we get done at the office?”
“We’re gonna go play golf with Uncle Bressie and eat lunch at the golf club with that jello you like and then we’re gonna come home and just hang out, just the two of us.”  She looked at him, trying to keep a glum look on her face but Niall knew she was fighting off a smile.  Just like her daddy, Doodle Bug loved to play golf.  “Does that sound like fun?” he asked, eyeing her knowingly.
Slowly her face split into a grin.  “Yeah,” she answered quietly.
Niall grinned back; he loved going to play golf with his little girl.  “Good.  Here, start on your fruit while I make the eggs.”
An hour and a half later, she was dressed in khaki shorts, a purple polo shirt (her choice), little white shoes, and a white bow in a ponytail Niall wasn’t ashamed to be proud of, and they were pulling into the golf course parking lot.  As soon as he got her feet on the ground, she was running across the parking lot screaming, “UNCLE BRESSIE!”
“Hey, no running near the cars!” Niall yelled, but she was ignoring him as she flung herself into Bressie’s arms.  Bressie chuckled as he picked the girl up, giving her a tight hug as he swung her around to loud laughter.
“Did you miss me?” Bressie asked his honorary niece who nodded enthusiastically.  “Are you ready for me to beat you in a round of golf?”
She thumped him on the shoulder, her tiny body completely dwarfed by his muscular frame.  It probably felt like nothing more than a mosquito bite to Bressie.  “No!  I’m gonna beat you, Uncle Bressie!”
“Well, you’ve certainly already started.”
Niall shook his head as his best mate carried his daughter back across the drive to where he was standing at the back of his Range Rover.  “Doodles, are you supposed to run away from me in the parking lot?” Niall asked her and she shook her head shyly.  “I know you’re excited to see Uncle Bressie, but we’re gonna be with him all morning.  You’ve got to be safe, right?”  She nodded again and Niall said, “Good.  Get your bag, now.”
Together, the three of them made quite the group as they walked over to get their golf cart.  Bressie towering over all of them, both men prompting double glances from people who weren’t used to seeing them around but thought they recognized them from somewhere, and then Doodle Bug, hauling her tiny pink club set along with her.  
Niall knew a lot of people hated for little kids to go to the golf course, but he felt like it was the best place for Doodles to learn a love for the game.  He always made sure she was as safe as she could be (an adult was always with her in the covered golf cart while the other adult was swinging) and she was only allowed to play with plastic balls up until the point they had either been at a hole for ten minutes or if someone came up behind them.  He also only took her to quiet courses that didn’t have much activity on days when it typically wasn’t very busy.
The thing about Doodle Bug was that she was an old hat, even at three years old, to being on the golf course.  She knew how to sit really still and hold on as tight as she could as her daddy drove the golf cart around.  She knew to be respectful of all of the other golfers and to never get too loud while watching someone else swing.  She knew to always keep a lookout for stray golf balls, one of her favorite activities to yell “Fore!” whenever one went off its intended path.  She was also a very, very, very serious golfer.
“No, no, Daddy.  I got it,” she said like she was 70 years old, not three.  Niall and Bressie had to fight not to grin as she pushed Niall away and put her ball on the tee.  When Niall tried to help her get into the right stance, she pushed him away once more.  “No, Daddy.  I got it.”
Bressie whistled softly as she made contact with the ball.  “She swings better than you do,” he told his friend with a wicked grin.
“Shut up,” Niall muttered, but he was grinning with pride.
A few holes later, Niall heard from the golf cart, “Now, see what your daddy is doing?  He’s definitely not going to get what he wants from this swing.”  Niall glared at Bressie, who was grinning conspiratorially with Doodle who was in his lap and grinning as well.  Sure enough when he made contact with the ball… it went nowhere near where he wanted it to go.
Doodle Bug giggled and said, “Daddy, I think you need to go back to lessons.”
Around 1 o’clock they finally called it a day and headed back to the clubhouse to have lunch.  Once their food had arrived, Bressie asked, “Are you having a good day hanging out with your dad?”
She nodded enthusiastically, a roll balled up in her hand.  “Daddy’s gonna paint my nails later!  So I’ll match Mommy!”
Bressie raised an eyebrow at Niall who shrugged and explained, “Dads of little girls do what they have to do, mate.  Besides, I got pretty good at it when I had to do the wife’s toenails while she was pregnant and couldn’t reach ‘em.”
Her uncle turned back to her and asked, “Did you know you have the best daddy in the entire world?”
Doodles grinned and said, “Yeah, he’s the best.”
Several hours later they were safely back at home with Doodle Bug asking about Niall remembering he was supposed to paint her nails and Niall wondering where the heck his wife’s nail polish was.  “Do you know where Mommy keeps it?” he asked her as he opened drawers on her vanity.
“No,” she replied sadly as she leaned against the counter.  “Mommy says that little girls don’t get to know where she keeps dangerous stuff. How is it dangerous, Daddy?  It’s just nail colors.”
Niall opened another drawer and tried to explain, “Just because something’s pretty doesn’t mean its safe.  Nail polish can be very dangerous.  You should never use it or even open a bottle without one of us, ok Doodles?  Aha!  There it is.”  He pulled out the clear polish and said, “Ok Doodle Bug, sit on the floor and put your hands on the towel so Daddy can paint your nails.”
He had just barely touched the little brush to her finger when she squealed and pulled her hand away.  “Daddy, it tickles!”
“I’m sorry sweetie, but you gotta hold your hand still, ok?”  This was more Harry’s territory than his, but he’d been determined when he had a daughter that he wouldn’t be a useless parent.  That he’d be the dad that had tea parties and knew how to dress her and do her hair so people would never say, “Oh, is the wife out of town?” when they saw her.  For Harry it was natural, but Niall had to work at it.  It was easier now that she was older and he saw how she reacted to his undivided attention and he’d seen how other little girls wilted when their dads refused to do something with them that they deemed to be “too girly.”
She’s three, at this point she doesn’t care about what’s girly or not because she hadn’t been taught that being a girl was inferior, and Niall intended to keep it that way.  All she knew was that she had a mommy and daddy who loved her to pieces and that was far more important to Niall than being a manly man.
Niall examined his handy-work and said, “There we are, they are all painted.  I’m gonna blow on them so they’ll dry faster, ok?”  She nodded and then proceeded to giggle like a little fiend as he blew on her nails.  Once he was sure they were just tacky and not truly wet anymore, he left her blowing on them as he cleaned up the supplies from the floor.
They spent the afternoon hanging out and watching a soccer game on the television and talking about her life.  He loved talking to her about the things that were happening; from preschool to playgroup to which of her toys were her current favorites.  They seemed so small, but he knew to her they were huge and he had always made a point of letting her know her life was important to him.  He wanted her to come to him with the small stuff now so she’d come to him with the big stuff later.
Dinner was a giggly affair, with Niall making her pesto chicken and pasta and letting her help him in the kitchen.  She used the spoon to spread the pesto over the chicken and she sprinkled the cheese over the top of them before Niall put them in the oven.  She inhaled all of it and even helped him wash the dishes, which was just as giggly as they splashed each other with soapy water.
After dinner, things were supposed to start calming down, but even as Niall tried to read her books she was a bundle of energy dancing across the living room.  Even the soap that claimed to be “calming” at bathtime had no effect on his very much awake little girl.  Finally, he said, “Doodle Bug, you’re supposed to be calming down so you can go to bed.”
She frowned and whined, “Where’s Mommy?  Why isn’t she home yet?”
Niall sighed and glanced at the clock. It was 7:30, this little girl’s bedtime, and his wife wasn’t due home until 10.  “Mommy is still out with your aunties.  She’ll come in and kiss you when she gets home.”
That wasn’t what Doodles had in mind.  “No, I want Mommy here!  Mommy puts me to bed!”
“Mommy isn’t getting home until late tonight, Doodle Bug.  It’s your bedtime now.  I promise she’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”  Her lower lip started trembling and Niall suppressed a groan.  They should have expected it.  Her mom hardly ever missed the night time routine and she had been gone all day.  
His options ran through his mind.  He could force her to bed and listen to her cry herself to sleep, but that didn’t seem fair knowing that her mom would be home in a few hours.  That would make more sense if she wasn’t coming home at all.  He could let her stay up until she got home, but that was entirely too late for a three year old.  He could have her call her mom to say goodnight, but that wasn’t fair to his wife who was enjoying her first child free day in several months.
Finally, he settled on trying to exhaust her into falling asleep.  He tried racing with her through the house and encouraging her to jump around to burn off some energy, but it had the exact opposite effect he was hoping for.
“Daddy!” she giggled as she jumped towards him.  “Can you sing for me, Daddy?”
“What do you want me to sing?” he asked her as she kept jumping.
“The good stuff!” she proclaimed and Niall couldn’t help but laugh.  The good stuff meant the oldies that he played for her around the house and in the car.  He had always exposed her to a variety of music, but one time he put on his older music playlist and informed her that this was the good stuff.  She had called it that ever since.
Niall flipped to the playlist and hit shuffle.  The first song that came on was Sugar, Sugar and Doodles immediately started begging Niall to stand up and start dancing with her.  He wasn’t one to say no to his little one’s favorite way to enjoy music so he made a big show of getting up off the couch slowly and dramatically.  Doodles giggled and pulled at him, trying to get him up faster.
By the end of it, they were both dancing and Doodle Bug was laughing her little head off.  The next song that came on was All Shook Up.  When Niall pointed at Doodles during “I’m actin’ wild as a bug” she squealed happily, grabbed his hands and he moved her around the living room, shaking her at various points to make her laugh.  At various points through the song he made signature Elvis moves and Doodle Bug would try to imitate him to humorous results.
The next song was Elvis again with Blue Suede Shoes.  This resulted in them taking turns chasing each other around the living room as they tried to step on each other’s feet.
Little Bitty Pretty One started with Niall clapping and moving towards her goofily one step at a time.  He started humming along with it and Doodle Bug tried to join but couldn’t quite get it right, not that Niall cared.  Finally, Niall scooped her up in his arms and danced with her as she held onto his shoulders and giggled as he sang every word.
When Dancing in the Moonlight came on, Niall kept her in his arms as he danced her across the living room some more.  During the chorus, he switched to holding one of her hands in his and pretended to do a silly impression of the tango, even leading her over so they were standing in a window looking out at the moon over their house.
It was when he turned back around to take her back to the middle of the floor that he looked over and saw his wife leaning against the back of the couch, an amused look on her face.  “Did you lose track of time?” she asked as Niall and Doodle Bug both froze.
“Mommy!” Doodles yelled and Niall let her down to go hug her mom.  He had a string of apologies ready to go, but she just shook her head and gave him a knowing look. He knew he loved that woman.  She just picked up their daughter and carried her upstairs as she chattered on and on about the day she and her daddy had.
Niall was coming back in from taking the trash out when he was met by his wife.  “Our little party girl is in bed but she’s asking for a special song from her Daddy.”
“Of course she is,” Niall sighed.  This was one of her favorite tactics to avoid going to sleep yet.  He got upstairs and found her lying in bed, looking far more tired than she had downstairs.  He supposed that now the adrenaline was dying off, she was crashing quick.  “Hey, Doodle Bug,” he said quietly as he sat down on the edge of her bed.  “Mommy said you wanted me to sing for you.”
She nodded sleepily and said, “The world one, please.”
Niall smiled at her softly at what she referred to What a Wonderful World as and said, “Of course, baby girl.”
As gently as he could, he started singing, “I see trees of green, red roses, too.  I see them bloom,” Doodle Bug grinned as Niall touched his chest and then her nose while he sang, “For me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”
Niall started brushing her blonde hair off her forehead as he sang, “I see skies of blue, and clouds of white.  The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.  And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”  Her eyes started drifting shut as he kept singing, “The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by.  I see people shaking hands saying ‘How do you do?’  They’re really saying, ‘I love you.’”
Doodle Bug was asleep now and Niall felt himself choking up, looking at his little girl as he continued, “I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, they’ll learn much more than I’ll never know.  And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.  Yes, I think to myself… what a wonderful world.”
Niall had never doubted the world could be a wonderful place, but his little Doodle Bug had changed how much he appreciated it. And truth be told, the more time he spent with his intelligent and beautiful little girl… the way she giggled, took on challenges, and moved through the world like she was confident with every step she took, the more he realized just how truly wonderful the world could be.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL June 19
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“This June we’ve curated a box filled with Japanese and Korean beauty and makeup products that will come in handy for your morning beauty routine. Wash your face, style your hair and apply your makeup: Get ready for your day with nomakenolife!“
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For this months contest, the featured brand is Peripera (which I can’t even type without being reminded of PriPara). 2 grand prize winners could receive a Peripara Ink Writing Eyeshadow Peach Palette. 5 runner-ups received the Peri’s Ink Velvet no. 12 peach Lip Tint.
Meanwhile, for the
Glam Gift
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subscribers were automatically enrolled to win a set of various cosmetics from the brands Makanai and Vecua.
This month, the Horoscope suggests Treating Yourself by getting the following:
Aries - a new hairstyle
Taurus - pizza
Gemini - a car
Cancer - a new lipstick
Leo - a spa day
Virgo - a new dress
Libra - chocolate (I love chocolate, and as a Libra I approve~)
Scorpio - a new perfume
Sagittarius - a new pair of heels
Capricorn - a sheet mask
Aquarius - a new bag
Pisces - a new phone.
(I like the concept behind this, but don’t some of these seem a little unbalanced?) 
Okay, so without further-ado, let’s get started with the review ;3
Juicy Bottle Mask
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These face masks by Sizena are catered for a quick morning job. Each one only takes 10 minutes and they come in several scented varieties, each with its own properties; for example, mine is Lemon, and as you can see it says it focuses on Firming and Refining the skin.
If you’re curious like I was, here are the other varieties I could find on the Japan Haul website:
Green Tea - Firming + Health
Pearl - Moisturizing + Convergence
Shea Butter - Firming + Mild
Aloe - Soothing + Nutrition
Tea Tree - Transparent + Health
Hyaluronic Acid - Firming + Mild
Manuka Honey - Nutrition + Refining
Rice - Moisturizing + Health
Pomegranate - Moisturizing + Mild
The packaging says the mask is an airbag type? Which I guess means its a large size? I’m not really sure, but it smells really good :3 like lemon dish soap.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As nice as it is to relax when using face masks, I kind of prefer the ones that don’t take as much time because I’m forced to sit back or lay down to keep the mask on. I can’t really do anything when I use them (unless I use one of those covers I got from a past box to keep it on), so a ten minute mask is pretty decent. I didn’t use this during the morning, but I did use it after a particularly painful experience (see further in the post) and I felt so much better afterwards. It was a great distraction and my face feels cooled and refreshed.
If you’re interested in checking these out, here’s a link to the Japan Haul website. You can also use the search box on the page if you’re interested in any other item.
My Beauty Tool Eti Hair Band & Oshima Tsubaki Hair Cream
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Our next item is this hair band by Etude House, themed after an adorable white pair of cat ears. It’s very soft and has a stretchy band on the back to help it fit most heads. These are ideal for those days when using facial products or applying makeup, but if you can tolerate the feel, I think it’d also be a cute sleep mask.
Rating: ♥ ♥
It’s very well made and I like how it feels, the problem is that it’s a little too tight for my head. I know masks are supposed to be firm-tight, but not squeeze your head like rubber-bands on a watermelon or pumpkin tight. It’s uncomfortable to wear, and while I can get it on to use, I find myself sliding it further up to lessen the pressure.
It does however, make a cute bracelet. But in terms of head wear, I don’t think this would be the first thing I reach for...
Made from Japanese camellia oil to moisturize the hair, our next product will add a healthy-looking shine and smoothness. This can be used on damp or dry hair and it has a typical hair product scent, it’s not overbearing or flowery in my opinion.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It definitely delivers as promised, I’ve used it a few times, testing it on someone’s full head of hair, and then a portion of mine prior to writing this for comparison. I can see a difference right away, it’s very shiny, smooth and condensed, giving it the appearance of just being washed. It dries and returns to normal fluffiness over time, but I’d suggest using it after a bath if you’re in a hurry and don’t want to leave with a wet head look.
Oh M’Eye Line Liquid Eyeliner
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I don’t know if these boxes are trying to help me, or if they’re making fun of me by giving us so any eyeliners; but as I’ve said before I’m always up for trying. It comes in a cute, sleek bottle that reminds me of a skinny nail polish, or maybe a vase and has the name written in light pink cursive.
Rating: ♥ ♥ 
The smaller the tip is, the higher my hopes are, and sadly this one didn’t really do much for me. It has a lot of product, even after I wiped it off a little, and it just came out the same as usual, a huge sloppy, spotty, mess; as this rate I don’t think I could even use a needle-sized tip.
But I will say that it seems to dry quickly, and it was very stubborn to come off. I used two of my cleansing wipes I got a few boxes back, my makeup removal stick (both of which usually works wonders), and a tissue; and I still have a small amount of it there. It flakes off with a bit of scratching but who wants to do that? I lost a few eyelashes in the process too so there’s that.
I think for now I’m going to be sticking to eyeshadow eyeliner <_<
Lip Moist Oil
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Besides the face mask, this was the item I was excited for :3 I love lip products and it looked really promising. This is available in cool lime and mellow orange and comes from the brand Crayon Touch-Me, a brand that we’ve been seeing a lot of lately haven’t we?
Like most products, it can be used as a standalone or on top of another lip product.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I was right, this is great! I smells like yummy lime jello/gelatin, but the scent only lingers on your lips for a few minutes. It does a good job moisturizing and gives you a very noticeable shine that lasts for a while. As an oil it does stay wet, but it isn’t sticky and goopy at all.
Angel Heart Cheek, Eye & Lip Cream & Choonee Water Lip Tint Balm
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Our next two items are also lip products, again I see no problem in that cause I love lip products x3 especially cutesy ones like these.
First up we have a cute, lip-shaped lip, cheek, and eye product that was available in several pink and red shades, the one I got is Coral Apricot (if I translated that right). The product is made from minerals to ensure the skin its applied on stays smooth and moisturized. I feel like i pick up a tiny scent from it, but I’m not sure what it is.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The color is a bit too-coral for my skin tone, but I think it’s quite pretty. It’s a little more vibrant on my face than on my hand, but it blends out to a more natural shade on the cheeks. It’s light and feels very nice.
Next up is the cute Choonee Water Lip Tint Balm, which was also available in several shades and includes ingredients like shea butter, jojoba seed oil, sweet almond oil, and grape seed oil. In the booklet, I only see raspberry and grapefruit, and I got raspberry. Like our previous 2 lip products, this one also moisturizes.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It goes on very easily, the color is a pretty raspberryish magenta and it feels really nice on my lips. Even after wiping it off, my lips feel pretty good.
Lucky Trendy Hair Curler Set
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This item is the reason why it took me a few days longer than I would have liked to write this. I couldn’t find my blow dryer (its somewhere in our mess of a hall closet) and I was trying to wait, but I gave up.
This is a set of hair curlers, and it was available in 2 sets... I’m not sure what the difference was, other than it seemed like the smaller size set came with more?
Anyway, this seem really easy to use. All you do is pop open a curler, then wrap a segment of hair, then you roll it up and shut it. You’re supposed to use a hair dryer/blower on them for a few minutes (supposedly 5) then when you take it out they should provide you with gorgeous wavy curls.
Rating: ♥
That didn’t happen!
I got the idea “hey, because I can’t ind my hair blower why don’t I just try to put them in for an hour or so, then take them out?“ BIG MISTAKE. I did that and you know, a first I thought “wow I’m impressed, this is a lot of fun! They don’t  feel heavy or anything, the hairstyle is even kind of cute!“
So then, about an hour and a half later, I go to remove them... it HURT extremely bad and probably took me ten minutes per-curler to remove and each one hurt. I only put in 2 and by the time I was done I had a hairball next to me and several BIG knots, and I brushed my hair before putting them in so you can’t say its my fault.
I had a lot of high hopes for these and I don’t know if they would have come out better if I blow dryed them like instructed or if it would have happened regardless. I don’t know if I want to try these again.
I will say that while I did notice a slight curl where I used them, it wasn’t worth it because my hair is already a little curly and I could get the same effect just braiding my hair before bed with better results.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4 out of 5. I loved all of the items, except for the eyeliner, hair curlers, and the head piece. The eyeliner and head piece would fit for some people, I admit, but those hair curlers are pure torture devices!
Theme: 5 out of 5. Yeah, I could see how people would use these items more towards the morning. I kind of feel like that wouldn’t be a practical summer theme though cause don’t most people like the idea of relaxing during summer? But if you had plans or work or something, it’s fine.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10. I liked the theme and thought they did great nailing it, and I really liked the items I could get to work, I’d say it was worth it.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Lip Oil - It’s not as decorative as the other items, but I’m in love with its scent~
2. Juicy Bottle Mask - I like the unique bottle shaped package and it smells wonderful, I’d recommend this :3
3. Choonee  Lip Tint Balm - It’s very pretty, even though it’s bright, I didn’t think it looked bad. I also like the packaging again.
4. Cheek, Lip, Eye Cream - I love the lip-shaped container, it’s so cute in a silly kind of way. The color is lovely and feels nice on the skin.
5. Hair Cream - I like how it makes my hair feels, but as I said above it takes a while before your hair returns to normal. It might just be because I used a little too much...
6. Hair Band - very cute and soft, but too tight <_<
7. Eyeliner -  It’s very neat looking but I won’t use this again, it just didn’t work for me.
8. Hair Curlers - It should be obvious right...?
0 notes
suckitsurveys · 7 years
Are you currently wearing anything red? I have a tiny red bow on my underwear.
Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today? Nope.
What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted? Capers.
What was the last food you got a random craving for? I don’t remember.
Has anyone/anything made you angry recently? Yes, always.
Who did you last go to the cinema with? My niece earlier this year to see Moana.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head? How Far I’ll Go from Moana is now stuck in my head thanks to the previous question haha.
When was the last time you listened to it? It’s been a while.
Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking? I have no idea.
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? My friend Mary’s birthday was yesterday. Also America’s.
How old were they? 37.
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? I have no idea, I have to plan meals for the rest of the week at some point today.
Is your best friend in a relationship? Lydia and Sarah both are in relationships. Randal is not.
How old were you 5 years ago? 22/23.
What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing, I guess.
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’? The temp Creighton.
What colour are that person’s eyes? I have no idea.
Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Veggies!
What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film? I guess Spirited Away.
Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like? Just good ol’ fashioned hair ties.
What’s your favourite type of insect? Lighting bugs.
What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect? Earwigs.
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Stephanie.
What’s his/her favourite food? I’m not sure. I’ll ask her next time I see her.
Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do? Yes! We had a 4th of July bbq and ate a bunch of burgers and drank yummy drinks and jello shots and had a bonfire going and lit some sparklers and Stephanie’s friend brought actual fireworks and I got to light a couple!
When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party? I don’t know if I have ever been to a party you would call “fancy.”
Who/what did you dress as? ^
What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it? Comedy, and yes.
Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it? I am actually going to make a sandwich for lunch. If sloppy joes count as sandwiches that is.
If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? A mix of Gayle from Bob’s Burgers and Liz Lemon from 30 Rock. Because she’s basically both of them already.
Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation? I can overhear my coworkers talking in the other room.
Did it make you feel awkward? Nope.
What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning? This, haha.
How many vowels are there in your first name? One, but it’s repeated twice.
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? No idea.
What flavour was the last cupcake you ate? Stephanie’s friend made brownies in a cupcake pan for the party yesterday. They were fudge with M&Ms in them.
When was the last time you complimented a stranger? I don’t remember.
What’s your favourite milkshake flavour? Vanilla.
Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently? Eh.
Do you know how old your favourite actor is? She just turned 33 I believe.
Is there anything worrying you right now? Getting back on a healthy eating plan.
If so, have you talked to anyone about it? Mark. Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have? To lose 30lbs in like 2 weeks.
When will you next see your best friend? When Lydia comes back from vacation; when Sarah comes to Chicago/Wisconsin for my wedding celebration; when Randal is free again.
Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight? We have to go to dad’s to stay over with my grandmother for the next 10 days and I don’t want to fucking do that.
What’s the age difference between your parents? My father is older by 2 years.
You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Butter pecan.
Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently? I’ve been eating so many burgers lately.
When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it? I want to tell off my brother in law so bad.
Why did you choose not to do it? I have to work with him and I don’t want it to effect the relationship I have with my sister.
When was the last time you ate an apple? A couple of weeks ago.
What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you? They say a lot of nice things.
Have you ever experienced a hangover? Yes, currently. Oops.
What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time? Some sort of Bosnian sausage yesterday, I forget the name of it.
Did you like it? I did! I was a little weary of it because it’s apparently made with veal, but I took one for the team and it was really good. I probably wouldn’t seek it out to eat on my own though.
What is your least favourite pizza topping? Pineapple. Fight me. Also I don’t like green peppers or onions on my pizza. But I do like all three of those things off pizza.
What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in? Everyone seems to love Mark and they all say he’s perfect for me. :)
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’. Salsa!
The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? My sister came to my housewarming party a couple weeks ago.
Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to? Good question.
Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now? I wish Mark was awake to discus food with me.
Why that person, specifically? ^
When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind? I woke up at 4:30 with a bad tummy ache, so that.
At this moment, what are you most looking forward to? Weddinggggg.
Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)? I have a honeysuckle one in the kitchen and a vanilla one in the living room. We also have two wax burners that both have coconut in them
Are you planning any special outings with family or friends? Yes, in September my friends and family and I are going to the Dells to an indoor waterpark to celebrate me and Mark’s wedding.
Who were the last 3 males you talked to? Eric, Creighton, and Tony. Coworkers.
Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer? Nope.
If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her? This morning when she crawled on me.
Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song? My Heart Will Go On, naturally.
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’. Crab legs.
Does the person love/like have a car? What colour is it? Nope, he uses my car, which is silver.
Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing? On something currently? I get compliments on my Pusheen sweatshirt constantly.
Have you had any caffeinated beverages today? Yes, my green tea latte.
What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? A French Martini.
Did you like it? Yes I did.
Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind? I have not.
The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? 5 years older.
When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? I refuse to stop referring to my brother in law as a temp even though he asked me to because that’s what he fucking is.
What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? His face is nice. And his arms. And pretty much all of him.
How many people have you hugged today? 0.
Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex? Nah.
Do you remember the first CD you ever bought? Tragic Kingdom from No Doubt.
Is there anyone on your mind atm? Nah.
The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? Didn’t you ask this?
Is your birth year an odd or even number? Odd.
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? Nope.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? I didn’t have a legit lunch. I had some Chex mix and a bloody mary, haha.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? What’s their sign? I’m not sure actually. She told me her birthday but I’m blanking. Maybe it says it on her Facebook. March 6th, which would make her a Pisces.
How many different towns/cities have you lived in? Just the one.
What are your parents’ middle names? Irvin and Kay.
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? Yes.
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? One kitten. I would like 17 more kittens.
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? I don’t like sparking water, if that’s what you mean.
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? Not really.
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? Is it just me or is they survey repeating a lot of questions? I may still be stuck on the survey I took before this one though.
Which friend do you confide in most? Ellen and Kayla, usually.
Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes? This is definitely a few surveys smushed together, but oh well. <--Ahh, see I knew something was fishy with this survey.
Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them: Nope. I actually just took it out of a ponytail a minute ago.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? This morning, my stomach is feeling weird.
If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today? ^
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? I guess some girl named Liz in grade school. I have her on facebook and we kinda still talk but not really.
Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you? I love my middle name. I think it’s super interesting.
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? My dad bought me this shirt in Arizona. And my engagement ring was technically a gift?
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Nope.
Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special? Nah.
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged? Nope.
What colour is your shampoo bottle? Clear.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? Nah. She’s cute but other than that, nothing.
Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? Nope.
Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today? Yeah, Stephanie is my neighbor and the person I mentioned two questions above.
1 note · View note
unwritrecipes · 5 years
Thanksgiving Recipe Roundup-2019
Happy November! Are you still drowning in Halloween candy? Here in the Northeast, the weather did not exactly cooperate, so even though I bought far less candy than I usually do, we still have a fairly large bowl of it leftover. Hmmm…whatever will we do?
But enough about candy, it’s on to the next holiday and as you know, it’s a biggie! For once I am actually planning early (it helps that Thanksgiving comes later in the month than usual—that and the fact that there will probably be at least 25 people at my house for dinner that night, so I’d better be prepared!)
So to get us ready (mostly me) I thought I’d do a little recipe round up and planning session , so I can figure out what I’m making, what my Thanksgiving guests will be bringing and whether we can actually pull this off without renting tables and chairs (which somehow made it less comfortable last year!)
Okay, so here goes:
Do you do these at all? My feeling is that there will be so much food that no one needs to fill up before the meal, but still, you don’t want people standing around with a drink and nothing to munch on, so I generally make one of the following and put out chips and maybe a nut mixture or a simple cheese platter
Hot Cheesy Corn Dip
Roasted Scallion Dip
Easy Buttermilk Ranch Dip
Roasted Sweet Potato Salsa
Cowboy Caviar
Sweet ‘N Spicy Pretzel and Nut Mix
Perfect Party Nuts
Do you/don’t you? We sometimes don’t, but we always regret it. I love salad, so does my daughter and my mom and others and I think it balances out all the rich, heavy food. I’ve got a bunch here on the blog, but the reality is that we will make our standby of mixed greens, craisins, some sort of chopped nuts, scallions, maybe a chopped up apple or two, freshly grated parm tossed with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. But here are a couple of seasonal ones if you’re looking for something a bit different.
Autumn Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette
Autumn Salad with Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette
Though I’ve reached quite an advanced age, I have yet to make a turkey on my own. That’s because my mom is a master at it. I know she seasons it the day before and fills it with apples and onion and then uses a cheesecloth basted in lots of butter—Ahhh, it’s stellar (as is her gravy) and I promise, promise to watch and document every step of the process this year, so that I can share it with you guys. Since we’re having a lot of people, she’ll probably do 1 big or 2 small turkeys and a turkey breast. I’ll keep you posted.
I know a lot of people serve lasagne or another sort of pasta (I never have) but I think this mac and cheese will be making an appearance. Certain people who haven’t been home in a long time are requesting it. Plus, I can make it ahead and heat it up on turkey day and any leftovers will most definitely not go to waste!
This is what the people really want, right? As far as I’m concerned, you can never make enough stuffing and mashed potatoes! Lol! And we need them for leftovers!! Here’s what I’ll definitely be making:
My Mom’s Mashed Potatoes—nothing to it—just boil potatoes in salted water, mash them with a ridiculous amount of butter and keep warm in a pot over low heat so that little browned bits form on the bottom of the pot. To die for yummy!
Mom’s Sweet Potato Casserole yup, the marshmallow topped one—gotta have it!
Mom’s Cranberry Jello Mold Seeing a theme here? My mom is a great cook and everyone expects plenty of her classic dishes! She’ll probably make this for me and we’ll likely have two of them due to the size of the crowd and for leftovers.
Wild Mushroom and Brioche Stuffing This has become a new favorite of ours over the last few years, so much so that we have officially cut out the traditional Pepperidge Farm Herb variety. You can buy brioche but I would highly recommend making your own using this recipe. So easy and you can make it several days ahead. Totally worth it! I will triple this for sure!
Savory Butternut Squash Crumble Made this for the first time last year—it was a big hit so I’ll be including it again. Homemade Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce I think homemade is just so much better but some people like the jellied kind, so we’ll probably have both.
Butternut Squash Soup Another of my mom’s specialities. We never had soup on Thanksgiving when I was a kid, but lately we’ve been serving it in small mugs and and people look forward to it.
Some kind of green veggies—one of my sister makes the best string bean dish with lemon and garlic—I will definitely ask her for that.
And maybe I can convince someone else to bring these Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Sherry Vinaigrette or these Lemony Caramelized Roasted Brussels Sprouts because we’ve gotta be healthy, right? LOL!
Here’s what I’m contemplating because I love them, but I know that there has to be a limit and/or they only work for a small crowd:
Butternut Squash and Spinach Gratin A great vegetarian alternative.
Maple Roasted Parnsips
Auntie Mirrie’s Roast Potatoes If I could make mashed potatoes and these I would ‘cause they are so, so good but it might be tricky with oven space
Sweet Potato & Parsley Salad
Fork-Tined Potatoes
Smashed and Roasted Baked Potatoes
Orange and Yellow Potato Gratin
Spoon Bread Souffléso, so good but don’t make unless you are having a small group—it needs to be eaten right out of the oven and it will be too hard to coordinate with all the other dishes.
Holiday Green Bean Casserole with Crispy Shallots—just in case it’s not Thanksgiving for you without this iconic dish
You don’t need a lot of variety here but I kinda think cornbread is a must. Some people I know prefer dinner rolls, so I included my two favs below.
Foolproof Parker House Rolls
One-Pan Buttermilk Dinner Rolls
If you’ve spent any time around these pages at all, you know how intensely I love the after-the-main-meal offerings, so I’ve split them into categories. I will definitely be making a few pies (no pumpkin ‘cause no one in our crew is a big fan of it), but I always find it nice to have a bar or cookie or two for people who just want a little something and for keeping visitors happy throughout the holiday weekend. I also sometimes will make a simple cake which can double as a breakfast treat too, so I’ve included a few of those.
Pecan Pie or Maple Pecan Tart
Apple Crumb Pie or Cranberry-Apple Crumble Pie
Chocolate Caramel Tart—I made this for the first time last year and it was a huge hit.
I’ve also got my eye on something citrusy—will make and share if it’s good—it’ll balance out all the others nicely
Triple Chocolate Cream Pie with Oreo Crust
Cranberry Brown Sugar Tart (just looked at the recipe and remembered how good this is, it might have to get added to “definites”, yikes!)
Mississippi Mud Ice Cream Pie-you can’t beat the make-ahead-ability of an ice cream pie!
Bars, Cookies
All these are maybes—I’ll probably change my mind a dozen times before the big day and if my kids make a request, all bets are off!
Luscious Lemon Shortbread Bars
Pumpkin Silk Bars—I hate pumpkin pie but these are yummy!
Supernatural Brownies
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Espresso Cookies—I’m always looking for an excuse to make these and I need a large crowd around to help eat them up cause I can’t resist!
Jammy Butterballs
Easy Lemon-Almond Biscotti
British Wheatmeal Cookies
I always like to have one simple, every-day cake around for the holiday weekend, so it’ll probably be one of these
Olive Oil Lemon Bundt Cake
Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake
Cranberry Maple Pudding Cake
Coconut Tea Cake
Bishop’s Cake
Caramel Apple Cake
That’s about it for now. Hope this doesn’t overwhelm you. For me, seeing it all on one page, calms me down and makes it more manageable. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some new recipes that I think would be great for the holiday too and of course, I’d love to have you share any of your favorite recipes/traditions/advice, so keep ‘em coming. Have a great rest of the weekend and here’s to the kickoff of a wonderful holiday season!!xoxo
0 notes
cutiecrates · 3 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat June 20
Alright, so I mentioned in the previous post that I had been doing some more thinking. I know I sound like a broken record, but I was hoping this may fix things. But for anyone new, lately I haven’t been extremely happy with this box. The new booklet art is cute, the items aren’t bad- but besides some changes/decisions I really don’t approve of, a lot of items I get are repeats. Now, they’re usually not bad, and this box doesn’t guarantee new items all the time either. But considering the price raise, sometimes the items don’t exactly feel worth it to me...
Anyway, to save time I plan on cutting out anything old in these reviews. I won’t even be including pictures, like I used to. I’d rather my reviews be interesting, and fun, or at least try to be, so they will only be focusing on the items new to me and what I think about them.
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“Thanks to our family’s awesome support and love we’ve made it this far, and we’re not stopping now! We’re inviting you to enjoy some Japanese birthday party treats with us at TokytoTreat’s 5th Birthday Party!“
For this month the Lucky Treat featured all sorts of fun, colorful Nintendo character products! While the prize for the month was based around Rilakkuma. The special page in back of the booklet talks about Japanese birthday parties.
Fanta Premium Grape
Our drink this month was a premium grape fanta, by premium they mean its made with fresh grapes turned into a puree within 24 hours of harvest to ensure its freshness. So it’s more like grape juice, rather then soda.
Okay, so... either this is supposed to be wine-like (is that why it’s premium??) or because I had it for nearly a year, it fermented into wine. I’m not really sure which. I was pretty confused, and the book doesn’t mention anything on it.
Mike Popcorn & Sakura Oreos
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(Ignore the Black Thunder, I’ve already reviewed it. My decision above was made ages after I took these pics.)
What was fun this month was that rather then everyone get the same popcorn mix, there was 3 different ones we could get; caramel, milk tea, and banana smoothie. I’m so thankful I got caramel, and if you know me then you’ll know why ;P besides the fact that I obsessively love caramel.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It was super yummy, and I love how the bag was resealable. They remained fresh for about a week, I was surprised I had them last that long. They made me really crave more caramel corn, so I went out and bought some (and unicorn popcorn, it’s fruity and delicious!).
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These sakura Oreo’s came in a cute little box, in three cute little packs. I usually don’t see things like that around here. What we call “Oreo Thins“ around here, they call Crispy it looks like. I have to admit, I never wanted a thin oreo because to me, without all that cream they can’t be that good right?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I was wrong big time. These were amazing~ Even with less cream, it was still flavorful. The sakura itself actually tasted like cherries, which I didn’t mind at all, in fact I wish it tasted like that more often. They made me want to actually try the thin Oreo’s some time.
Lemon Squid Snack & Matcha Cookie
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I feel a little confused by these snacks, because they feel familiar to me but I don’t believe we’ve had them before. Our first is a crunchy, dried squid snack, which is popular among adults in Japan. You get one bag-length piece, or if you’re like me it’s broke up into multiple pieces. That just happens now and then.
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This will probably sound very strange, because I mean, squid is sort of acquired I think. Like sushi, and seaweed. I actually don’t like eating squid, nor have I ever actually done it before outside of a few snacks like this, or jerky. But this was actually pretty tasty, I can see why adults like it :D it had a lemon, slightly peppery taste, and it reminded me a lot of a taste from the restraunt Long John Silvers. 
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Meanwhile... this cookie was less-than impressive. You can tell in the package it was pretty demolished. Everything else was fine so I’m not really sure what happened to these two.
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The heart shape its supposed to be in is really cute, but the flavor was pretty unremarkable to me. It had a Japanese-ish flavor as they described, but it didn’t really do anything for me.
Marshmallow Dice, Chibi Maru Chocolate, & Pudding Marshmallow
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Okay so... we’ve had the chibi maru before, but I don’t believe we’ve had it in this format before. I love their fun, vibrant packaging and colors. Essentially they’re just M&Ms.
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I also think we’ve had this pudding marshmallow before, but I couldn’t exactly remember, so we’ll cover it again. It reminds me of a baby daifuku, and features a fluffy custard/pudding cream filling.
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It was so fluffy and soft, and the filling was really yummy~
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Our last item is this... basically, a marshmallow cube in a dice package. That’s it. But I love marshmallows, so I really didn’t mind! It was old and pretty hard by the time I got to it, but it was still edible.
Long Sakeru Gummy & Long Gum Mini Soda
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I believe we’ve had this gum before so let’s just focus on the more impressive item, the one that was so hard to open that it took me forever to tear the packaging apart and eat it >3> This special gummy was available in orange or grape flavor (which we did have before in a smaller package, like a year or so back), and it is 50cm long!
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I prefer the grape flavor, but the orange is also really good. It’s soft and chewy, and it’s kind of fun to play with too. Not only is it really bendy and a bit stretchy, but you can even peel it apart and make it look like spaghetti, or hair strands.
Grape Ball & Marukawa Grape Gum
Okay, so... I don’t know what happened to the picture. But basically the grape ball is a super-cute, small half-jello. We’ve gotten a green one before, and this one is grape.
The other item are grape spherical gum balls that come in a cute little box, which we’ve also seen before I’m pretty sure. They’re popular in Japan with kids and adults.
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They were both delicious bite-size grape sweets. The gum flavor lasts about 4 minutes per-gumball, and I loved its soft and smooth texture.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
This review feels super small to me, compared to the massive walls of text I used to have to write for it.
Content - 3.5 out of 5. Everything was super-yummy overall, and I liked the items. Two of them were a bit broken up but it didn’t have any lasting effects on my opinion or anything. If anything, it’s the drink that was kind of meh, but that’s most-likely my own fault for keeping it as long as I did.
Theme - 3 out of 5. I love the birthday theme (I also love birthday cake as a flavor), however, while I get the concept of them including items you can like... sorta get from a birthday, I wish they had used more birthday-ish flavors. You know, like ice cream, vanilla/chocolate, strawberries, include some actual snack cakes or more cream-filled things, etc.
Total Rank: 6.5 out of 10. They picked good items and I really liked them (I was also happy to see something else besides kit kats)! I wish they had focused more on birthday flavors -namely the cake itself- though, and a handful of the items were smaller scale/tiny/single portioned, which sort of felt like a waste when you take into consideration the cost of the box.
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