#ik cj is the only one who understands but them
lingeringscars · 2 years
I am SUCH a jr x nate truther
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spoiltizzy · 4 months
Aside from Izzy, Ed, and Stede, what, if any, other OFMD characters do you have an interest in seeing gain?
In addition, do you tend to favor certain branches (ik there's def a better word but I am like 3 mins away from bed so my brain is off rn) of feedism over another for particular characters, or do your interests remain fairly steady across the board (ex: prefer to see character A getting hand fed, have a thing for character b burping, seeing stretch marks on C, vs liking to see the same scenarios for a, b, and c)?
I was in the pub when I got this and I’ve been thinking about it but that doesn’t mean my answer is going to be any less rambly than usual sorry haha. I talk about dubcon scenarios in this more than I usually would, so. Just a warning. Um, I did once write sprizzy, but unfortunately at this point I’m sort of more in the Stede, Ed, and Izzy fandom than the OFMD fandom, if that makes any sense. You’d think that I’d be more interested in the heavier characters in OFMD, given my kink, I guess? Or more interested in other characters for other reasons. I mean, Fang has his tummy out all the time, and Roach seems to be quite a passionate chef. But I connected the most with Stede, Ed, and Izzy, and sadly the other characters really just do not scratch my brain, and there are some of them that I actually really dislike, like Ricky and Jack.
Jack, at least, I’d be willing to have horny thoughts about, but the situations I mentally put him in are all sort of demeaning and humiliating towards him. Sometimes worse. Maybe there’s a market for that, haha, idk. I didn’t understand hate sex until I read a CJ fanfic one time. I find him so annoying that I’d do kinky things to him but in a demeaning way, which is weird, because normally this kink is, if not always soft, usually at least sort of loving for me. It’s almost the only time that I have any interest in gaining being used in a genuine humiliation or punishment way, rather than anything of that sort being just roleplay between characters who actually love each other. Even when I think about Izzy being humiliated or feminized in a humiliating way, which is a weird kink of mine but hey, I grew up in a society full of gender roles so I’m allowed to have kinks about shit that’s been a part of my upbringing’s culture, usually I imagine that the people doing that to him have a lot of affection towards him, whereas any cuteness Stede or Ed saw in Jack in the scenarios in my head is in an actually condescending way with no respect for him. In fact the scenario sort of rests on them approaching the exchange with animosity towards him, which probably makes this my most controversial horny fantasy about pirates. Still, just because I find Jack annoying and don’t like him, I doubt I’d ever actually be able to write a fic or draw any art of this scenario or of chubby Jack or any of that. I don’t like the guy, the only satisfaction I get from thinking about him is either in this weird fucked up capacity, OR in a very very specific scenario involving Stede which I’ll get to later, because I think it’s kinda related to the second part of the question.
Given I am mostly only interested in my three favourite pirates, I can only really answer that second part of the question in relation to them, so I hope that’s ok. But yeah, there are different things that I like best for different characters.
I tend to favour Izzy in I guess what you’d describe as more submissive roles. That doesn’t necessarily always mean him being bigger. For example, the idea of a fat Stede and Ed feeding Izzy because their baseline for what he should weigh is thrown off by their own ideas of how big someone should be, given what they’ve done to themselves. Izzy also tends to be the only one who I’d put in more dubcon situations, like… force-feeding (though it’s worth noting I want him to secretly enjoy it) or weird fantasy intox scenarios where he’s being fattened up and might not be fully aware of it. He’s also my favourite pick for being the spoiled pet out of the three. In general, though I adore Izzy, he’s unfortunately the one that I tend to put in the weirdest most demeaning scenarios of the three. I have also been guilty of making him so fucking stupid because I think it’s funny, cute, and sometimes a little hot in the right scenarios. Like, if the crew realises giving Izzy food shuts him up and he has no idea why it’s happening and doesn’t realise he’s getting fat because of it, or, like I said, in weird fantasy intox scenarios where he’s just… not especially aware of what’s happening. He likes it, though. And he’s always very very loved. The only scenario I can imagine Izzy being somewhat akin to dominant in is just under the circumstances in which he’s petting Ed’s hair and saying sweet comforting things to Ed while Ed “some kind of mommy issues probably” Teach nuzzles and mouths and sucks on Izzy’s tits. Um. What can I say, dude, I’m a weirdo.
Ed’s really hot, and though he may not be suave at heart, he’s capable of acting all cool and sexy and stuff, and for some reason that kinda inspires the desire to see him be completely unabashed about his gain more than I want to see that with either of the others. Or even perhaps unaware of it, or at least acting unaware of it. Ed’s the sort of person where I can totally see him always eating whatever the fuck he wants, and then one day his metabolism really starts to slow down but he keeps eating like always and it just doesn’t occur to him that gaining weight is ever on the agenda. Sneaks up on him because he’s never worried about managing his weight in his life, so he’s not prepared for getting a little older and his sweet tooth having consequences all of a sudden. But I don’t think he’d be ashamed when he realised he was getting chubby, or at least he definitely wouldn’t if he realised Stede and Izzy liked it. And because he’s never had any shame about his food choices, he remains shameless about his sweet tooth and his appetite. That’s a specific fantasy I have quite regularly about Ed, but wouldn’t necessarily put to any of the other characters. And this is related to intox more than tummy, but this is my kink blog so I’ll just say whatever I want on it, but I also sort of like the idea of an Ed who somehow still expects his alcohol tolerance to be what it was when he was in his 20s and partying a lot— I imagine this is sort of just Ed lore in every universe, lol, in some context. Even if “partying” was just getting drunk with Jack on pirate versions of shore leave or something. So he might overdo it and then just insist, while tripping over his words a little and hiccuping, that he wasn’t drunk. But not cause he’s lying, just because he genuinely didn’t expect to be drunk already, and he’s a cute silly billy who thinks he isn’t drunk. Ed’s versatile. He can be a good kitty or a sweetheart who deserves to be spoiled or he can be the kraken demanding to be fed more with a gun in his hand. He can be using his appetite and his pudgy belly to fluster Stede or Izzy on purpose, or he can be so unprepared to have gained weight but so unabashed about his cropped tops and appetite he’s doing it accidentally.
Stede’s a funny one because I usually make him slightly more dominant than the others, in a soft way, in my head. Though that is NOT a rule. I will write flustered or submissive Stede or Stede being teased sometimes. I like a lot of things for Stede, I love it when he feeds another character or fattens them up, I love it when he has those desires and he executes them, but obviously mutual gaining is a really big thing for me so I like him to gain and/or be pudgy too. Though I always want Stede a bit chubby, and usually pudgier than he canonically is by a notable amount, I don’t necessarily feel a need for him to be as big as the others, whereas if I were writing a scenario where Ed or Izzy were not as fat as Stede I would want them to catch up or surpass Stede in weight/size. Maybe it’s because I relate more to Stede, but I tend to give him the most feedery role in my head and though I don’t mind the thought of him catching up or matching the others if they were gaining, I don’t have anywhere near as much of a desire to see him surpass the others. Ed or Izzy on the other hand I would love to see surpass the others. I know I’ve just repeated myself but oh well.
Also, though I like it when all of them burp, I have more of a thing for Stede burping. It’s odd because to me it counts as a sort of subversion of expectations that I adore applying to Stede, but it’s hard to explain exactly why. After all, Stede’s not exactly polite. I guess, though, that he doesn’t come across as gross or messy, so the idea of Stede burping aloud, or aloud in front of others, unabashedly, or letting out rather loud/big burps is kinda hot to me BECAUSE Stede… though he’s willing to pick up pickled noses in his bare hands or dig around in the dirt, he doesn’t have gross vibes, or the vibes of a man who would burp aloud.
That’s where that other Jack fantasy comes in, actually. It’s purely this: I think it would be sort of hot, if say, Jack and Ed were drinking beer and trying to one-up each other’s burps, you know, like the frat boys they were, and Stede just. Got fed up of it, and tried to get them to stop by proceeding to burp in such a manner as to win whatever silly burping contest Jack and Ed were up to. Or if Jack and Stede got catty with each other and it somehow lead to some sort of competition like that, and Ed and Stede’s crew were like “wow, ok, didn’t see that coming” about it. Haha.
So yeah, it is rather different for all the characters, and my rules do all tend to have exceptions. But in general, Izzy’s the one I’m most willing to demean, lovingly. Izzy’s not the only one I tend to make stupid or under the influence of something that makes him so so silly and dumb, but I tend to enjoy doing that to him a lot more than the others. I don’t really like Stede to be the biggest one in the endgame but he can be equal to the other(s). Also, this has nothing to do with tummy, but I like Stede to top. I think this is because Stede is sorta my projection character a lot of the time, and I have an unwavering preference for topping. I like the idea of like… force-feeding as roleplay for both Ed and Izzy but not really for Stede. I tend to like my Ed shameless and my Izzy more often full of shame but for horny reasons, though when Stede’s full of shame it’s usually for angsty reasons.
Basically, yeah, I have a set of different preferences depending on the character, but it’s all sort of weird and complicated and full of exceptions and not really following all that many patterns. I mean, it does follow patterns, but… ah, I don’t know.
SORRY for talking this much, have fun tackling this fucking CHUNK of text, lmao. um. oops.
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thxngam · 3 years
Sam Seaborn for the character thing (of course)! Maybe also his best friend Donna Moss.
1. Sam is not neurotypical. I’m sorry but this man is just…not. I think he’s scared to get a diagnosis but when he does it’s either OCD or something else and I just-fuck this man is not neurotypical.
2. Sam drives like a crazy person. He grew up driving in CA with its stupid stupid freeway system and he merges across like three lanes without turning his indicator on and it gives his passengers heart attacks. Josh refuses to drive with him ever, though he’s honestly not much better.
3. Sam doesn’t really have a sweet tooth (dental hygiene, hello?) except when he’s super super stressed, in which case he will eat an entire cake by himself. He’s also a bored eater. During slow weeks there will be absolutely no snacks in the entire comms bullpen because guess who ate them? Sam. Sam ate EVERYTHING.
4. Sam’s parents are either conservative Democrats/moderate Republicans and when Sam turned out to be a die-hard gay liberal Democrat his parents were…reasonably shocked. Family dinners when Sam was a teenager were pretty much HORRIBLE. (Cmon. Can you imagine bby Sam arguing with his entire extended family about healthcare? I can and it is a beautiful image)
5. I think Sam went to a public school! Ik a lot of people headcanon him as coming from a very wealthy family, etc etc but also Sam is SUPER passionate about public education in canon! I understand people caring because I think the staff isn’t stupid, but the level of caring Sam has seems to me slightly more than just. Being sympathetic or something. I mean there’s gotta be a reason he cares sm. I mean, he went to a nice public school bc he grew up in a nice county but it’s still public school. Sam tells Josh about the pacer one time and the look of horror on Josh’s face lives in Sam’s head rent free.
Donna Moss!
1. Donna is the only competent driver of the senior staff. Toby has been taking public transportation his whole life, Josh has INCREDIBLE road rage, CJ refuses to drive because she’s tall and she hates having to adjust the seat a million times, and Sam has literally never heard of using his indicator. So. Donna drives.
2. Donna has a sweet tooth! If it’s sweet and available she WILL eat it. Doesn’t matter what it is. (Except baked Alaska bc I don’t get baked Alaska. Cmon. It’s just ice cream and egg whites)
3. Donna LOVES horror movies. Anything creepy and terrifying, Donna will watch it. She’s watched so many that her “scary” meter is super skewed. The one time she convinces Josh to watch a scary movie with her (“it won’t be that bad!”) Josh is literally SO FREAKED OUT and Donna is just. Munching on popcorn.
4. She’s an only child! I just can’t imagine Donna with siblings. She doesn’t seem like the oldest, youngest, or middle child. She did want an older sister when she was a kid and was very very disappointed when she found out she couldn’t manifest an older sibling into being.
5. I just had the funniest thought that Donna is lactose intolerant. Like. Josh heard about it on the campaign trail and straight up works it into every conversation he can for like a month.
“Did you hear Donna is from Wisconsin and lactose intolerant-“
Donna sighs.
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frenchfriesoverguys · 3 years
moxie (2021) review
spoilers ahead & trigger warning: mentions of s*xual assault
as always: i have a degree in film and a real estate job due to the pandemic
first i want to address the biggest concern i’ve seen about this film. this is absolutely not a perfect film about intersectional feminism. they could have and should have given more screen time to the girls other than vivian. that being said, this is a film by a white women about a white girl’s experience noticing inequality and not being silent about it. if we want more films focusing on women of color and people in the lgbtq+ we need to focus on support and lifting up women of color and people in the lgbtq+ in film. please do not expect white men or women to tell a completely accurate story of WOC suffering. we need to bring more WOC into the spotlight to tell their stories. same goes for the lgbtq+. 
so no this film didn’t solve the feminist issue by any stretch of the means. its a 2 hour piece of film meant to get the conversation started. and i believe it did that. that’s how i view this film: a jumping off point. it didnt cover everything it needed to cover but women’s rights is a large topic. 
now lets get into the actual plot & characters.
vivian (hadley robinson) is likable enough to root for her but she’s not without fault. it makes her well rounded and relatable. her anger is powerful. she also adjusts once being called out. she does have certain privileges that she consistently failed to notice throughout the film. so she uses it at the end to give other women a platform.
but lucy. lucy (alycia pascual-pena) is the real star of the film. she calls everything how she sees it and she’s right every time. she knew mitchell was not just annoying but dangerous. she unites the girls and volunteers kiera. she encourages everyone and supports everyone. the only flaw in her character was her view of claudia, one she adjusted as the film went on. 
claudia (lauren tsai) was also so interesting to watch. i really didn’t like her until the tank top scene. everything clicked once the audience saw how she was with her mom. some women support causes differently. claudia could never protest boldly with her mom watching her every move. but she also shouldn’t feel like she had to. she operates in the shadows to not draw attention to herself. that’s okay. her calling out vivians privilege was so nice. like while vivian didn’t get in trouble for putting up the stickers, claudia got suspended just because she put her name down for the club. vivian acted without understanding the ramifications it would have on the WOC around her.  
kaitlynn (sabrina haskett) is also a good character but a little flat. moxie gives her the confidence to call out the unjust dress code that targeted her for being curvy. this is as far as her development goes. however you see her struggles with the boys harassing her by forcing her to sit on his lap and leering at her. adding to the topic of sexual harassment that is simply chalked up to boys being boys.
kiera (syndey park), amaya (anjelika washington), and cj (josie totah) deserved so much more. if this film did anyone dirty, it was them. they had no character development, no real plot besides the athletic scholarship and the school musical. they were essentially background characters with names. the relationship with amaya and lucy should have been more flushed out, even if it just had them holding hands. even emma (josephine langford) had more character development and she only had like 3 scenes. 
i love emma’s character development though. they set up her reveal at the end perfectly. she is shown to constantly be uncomfortable around mitchell (patrick schwarzenegger) and the audience assumes its because they’re exes. but lucy’s comments about mitchell’s behavior had established that yes he is capable of worse. emma reveals that to be true when she tells everyone he sexually assaulted her. and then ranked her most bangable. absolutely disgusting. she goes from being a silent victim to screaming like she always wanted to do. 
mr davies (ike barinholtz) and seth acosta (nico hiraga) exhibit two forms of male feminists. seth being one who supports women throughout the film. he volunteers keira, he draws the hearts and stars, he supports vivian as moxie. a great example of a male ally. as is mr davies. once he is called out by kaitlynn for being dismissive of the cause as it is a “women’s issue only” he actually changes his behavior. he listens and adjusts. he then encourages the girls to leave during the walk out. 
the ending was the best part of the entire film. women uniting to scream and make their voices heard. all while the principle is forced to take action and accept that she hasn’t been supporting the girls at her school. it was great. 
the line amy poehler delivered “it wasn’t perfect but it was better than doing nothing,” is exactly how this film reads. we needed this film. was it perfect? no. did it need to be made because it’s better than doing nothing for women’s rights? yes. i think white women specifically have this fear that when we talk about women’s rights that we’re not being intersectional enough or inclusive enough so we stay silent to avoid that. but in doing so we allow situations like what lucy and emma went through to happen. the key point of this film is to listen and adjust. vivian does it after claudia calls her out as a bit of a white feminist and mr davies does it after kaitlynn calls him out as being dismissive. not a perfect film but definitely starts the conversation on women’s rights and how we learn to accept it very early on.
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