#ik i say this everytime but my god are there so many titles for this universe
ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
ayo another meta post for wangxian (but nightless city flavored)
Alright y'all bare with me here since I cannot for the life of me upload screenshots or gifs (I swear I'll figure out my weird computer eventually but today is not that day). Absolutely in love with the gifset @cherryysundae posted, so I'm gonna attach that here for reference to the scene: (XX) (pls work)
TLDR; I have way too many emotions about the cliff scene, but especially the part where WWX realizes that JC is going to send LWJ down with WWX and WWX can't take that so he wrenches away to save LWJ bc he can't lose any more than he already has, even if that means dying alone (but then him realizing 16y later that maybe he still has reasons to live and he'll do whatever he can to keep them this time).
Once again getting emotional about wangxian, specifically the Bloodbath of Nightless City when WWX dies.
Ofc we see that WWX has lost virtually everything at this point, right? Lost his adoptive parents (no matter how cruel they might have been, they still raised him so it's gonna be a shock a person just doesn't recover from in even a year). Lost the respect of the cultivation world because he wasn't willing to fit into their mob mentality and charge the innocent for the crimes of a war. Lost his clan, his home, his family when Jiang Cheng rejected him; people he's known and fought beside his whole life, places he's grown up in, foods he's connected to every little moment. Lost his new family, seeing the Wens dead and disgraced with crowds of people able to witness their bodies and talk shit on them (he doesn't see A-Yuan, ofc, but surely he wouldn't believe a little kid to survive the indiscriminate wrath of the entire cultivation world. He knows what's coming, he knows A-Yuan is done for if not already. He can't protect him anymore). He looses his sister, his tether to the world, the one person (he knew of, at least, as we know that even when he came back via MXY, WWX thought LWJ never actually trusted him) that truly believed there was good in him --- that maybe he was doing a good thing. And she died right in front of him with him believing it was his control of the spirits that caused the chain of events (IT WASN'T EVEN THE SPIRITS THAT SURELY KILLED HER. SHE WOULD HAVE LIVED JUST FROM THAT. It was some other cultivator determined to take down WWX in his moment of vulnerability and family mourning that lead to Jiang Yanli pushing him out of the way so the sword would run her through instead). And then, if there was any hope in rekindling his relationship with Jiang Cheng, that surely suffocated it. He's lost everything.
And the worst part? They can't even see what they've all become. Wei Wuxian just stands there, overlooking the destruction they're all spiraling into, no longer even trying to control the spirits. He breaks the Yin Tiger Seal and scatters it to the animalistic crowd below. Now, he really has nothing. What more to lose? There's no coming back from this, nothing more for him to do, no one else for him to protect.
"Trust me," LWJ told him when they still stood on the rooftop together before it all got so out of control. It's the fact that even before WWX lost control of the spirits (with someone else's flute taking over and causing the destruction), LWJ is there with WWX trying to calm the situation, help him the only way he knows how. "Lan Zhan, do you think I have any other choice now?"
"The situation changed ... You must trust me. It's not that simple."
FIRST OF ALL IM SCREAMING The change this represents for Lan Wangji??? "It's not that simple" --- after years of trying to understand WWX and this growing tension within the cultivation world and their tyrannical systems, consulting Lan Xichen about "black and white, good and bad" and how not simple it all is. "Do you think I have any other choice now?" Because WWX thinks he understands LWJ by now; that the Perfect Golden Child of the Lan Sect would of course cherish and uphold every rule and regulation and surely the Lan Sect wouldn't allow for WWX's reputational actions (he should know, he memorized (almost) all of them, cocky lil shit reciting them to Wen Chao instead of the Wen Clan's). So surely, LWJ would believe there's nothing else for WWX to do --- he's too far gone. Everyone else seems to think so, why not him? If even his own brother could reject him like that, why would some High Moral guy who "hates [his] guts" (thanks, JC, for completely misreading LWJ's gay frustration) think that any of this is still salvageable?
"Situation changed" "trust me" "not that simple" --- bc LWJ understands now, he does. He watched what they did to the Wens, he knows that A-Yuan is still out there somewhere, all alone surrounded by resentful spirits. He hears how the crowd refuses to even try to reason, how they attempt to shoot WWX down, scorn him for defending himself --- others can harm him, but he can't touch them. Most of all, Lan Zhan knows Wei Ying. He just needs WWX to trust him now, and they can figure out a way --- even if it means leaving everything else behind.
In my opinion, I think LWJ was willing to sacrifice everything for WWX in this moment. I think he was ready. Before JYL died, before WWX lost control of the spirits, before the crowd broke out into monsters slicing and smashing each other for a piece of the Yin Tiger Seal. He would have done it. But then... "situation changed" again. Wei Wuxian lost everything (everything except him, but LWJ was never WWX's to begin with, was he? Who was LWJ to think he would be enough to make him stay? to make him "come back"?)
"Wei Ying... come back."
But WWX can't let that happen. He can't trust him, can't get too close. To him, he's hurt everyone he's touched. (ok, now we start the gifset references) So, he goes to the point of no return.
And Lan Wangji catches him. He catches his hand with Lan Wangji's wounded arm, literally pouring blood down as he grips onto him (and as @cherryysundae said, blood is slippery as shit. so that's a strong ass grip right there, fighting against both the pain, the weight, and literal fucking physics against him and he still manages. It's taking all he has just to hold WWX there, but he does. And then JC is there, and maybe he'll help; reach down and pull WWX up from the cliff, save his brother, fix what they have left of their grief-ridden family and sect (would anyone else besides the Jiang sect have noticed the change in spirits? When they refused to brutally harm anyone, but not even daring to touch the sect? because "Wei Wuxian hasn't forgotten us!" and then the utter horror when they think he has?)
But instead, LWJ sees that bloody sword, sees it gripped tight, JC's unmoving stance. "Jiang Wanyin! Stop it." The tears in his eyes here, the unspoken 'please stop falling with them, stop pushing him away, stop ignoring everything you've been raised upon and realize that some things need justice and sometimes those things are the systems you've base your life on. Stop grieving what you've lost to the point of blinding you from what you still have.' And JC pauses another moment, so LWJ turns his attention back to WWX --- make sure he's okay, that he's alive, that he's not planning on going anywhere just quite yet, just a moment more please---
And then Jiang Cheng draws his sword back and plunges it into the cliff side. (and now we get into why I specifically love The Untamed's version of this scene, maybe even more than the novel/manhua/donghua versions). Jiang Cheng doesn't stab Wei Wuxian, he hits the rock. He digs into the cliff, makes it unstable, twists his sword just so in a way that would force the loose stones to crumble beneath not just WWX, but also LWJ. And Wei Wuxian sees this, he knows what will happen if Lan Wangji continues to save him here, hold him there against the cliff without the strength to pull him up alone. He's lost everything... he can't lose Lan Zhan just as he starts to realize that maybe he can have him. And he realizes here that Lan Wangji would die for him. He would give up everything, and Wei Wuxian knows what it feels like to have nothing left.
"Do I have any other choice now?"
So he forces himself out of LWJ's grasp, falls into the pit, away from all the pain and nothingness and from Lan Zhan--- who still, even after JYL died and the spirits created a bloodbath and insanity fell upon the crowd in desperation for power of the amulet, still thought Wei Ying was worth saving. To the point that he'd die with him if that's what it took. Or maybe, LWJ doesn't notice the loose rock, doesn't see exactly what JC does with the sword, too focused on making sure WWX just stays right here, stays as safe as he can be. And maybe WWX knows this, knows LWJ won't be prepared for what's to come, knows he won't have the strength to save them both anyways, let alone himself if it came to it. I mean, you can see the moment WWX realizes what could happen: the way he stares at the sword, eyes wide, then in an instant they widen even more and that quick gasp before he wrenches his arm away from LWJ, pain and tears and guilt and fear on his face.
The pure devastation on Lan Wangji's face as he stands there frozen, arm still outstretched, even after JC walks away. He screams, Lan Wangji, Han Guangjun, Second Jade of the Lan Sect screams. I think this might be the most expressive we ever see of LWJ in the series, though he does let down his walls more after the 16 years (for The Untamed) than during their youth, but nothing ever quite like this. not even when faced with the possibility of losing WWX again via JGY (see: the other half of the referenced gifset). I mean, dude is PISSED, tho, absolutely staring daggers at JGY here, but he's calmer. He's grown. He's gotten stronger. And he knows that if it came to it, he would gladly give his life to save his Wei Ying. He's not letting him go again. He's tired of WWX's savior-complex; he loves him for it, but damn it's starting to get on his nerves when WWX keeps pushing LWJ away to save him. Just the:
WWX: "Lan Zhan, you go first to find reinforcements."
LWJ: bitch, who do you take me for?
WWX: my god we're both doomed
JGY and LXC: you're both hopelessly in love, actually, but yeah also doomed.
I just,,, I love wangxian so much, right, and they have so many beautiful moments, but I will never get over the cliff scene. Everyone always talking about what LWJ would do for WWX, I think we need to focus on this scene more and just what WWX gave for LWJ in that he didn't try to break the hold UNTIL he saw that it was going to put LWJ in danger. He would've stayed. He would have come back. But it couldn't happen, not yet, not with everything still in shambles. No, he needed to go --- let fires settle, let systems overturn and stir into a rolling boil, give Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling time to grow together and grieve what they'll never know, give Lan Wangji time to grow as a leader of his sect, have disciples under his command and care, let A-Yuan become Lan Sizhui (fucking "chasing memories" I'm sobbing, LWJ), let people question whether WWX was ever actually wrong to separate from order and protect the Wens. Let Wei Ying come back sixteen years later to face a Lan Zhan who knows how to protect him now and by god will never let him go again. Let Wei Wuxian grow into a person that no longer wants to die; he doesn't fear death, he knows it well -- but he doesn't want to die anymore. For the first time since probably the Cloud Recesses days, he finally has hope, finally joy and love, he has reasons to stay. He won't fear death, he understands it now. But by god he'll rage against it if he can.
"Come back..."
And so, if just to see the ones he loves finally full of joy and not mourning him for another sixteen years, he'll do it. He'll come back.
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cornyforjk · 3 months
Your quite treason | JJK
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ᥫ᭡pairing: married exbsf!jungkook x female reader 
ᥫ᭡genre: ex best friends, forbidden love , angst rating: 16+
ᥫ᭡warnings: drug and alcohol usage, mentions of cheating, swearing, depressed, obsession, crying and all that stupid stuff.
ᥫ᭡word count: around 20K (ik it's too much but i couldn't control my feelings 😩)
ᥫ᭡summary: Your love for Jeon Jungkook was ruining your life.
ᥫ᭡inspiration: Fortnight by The Motherr Taylor Swift (ft.Post Malone)
ᥫ᭡listen to: Fortnight by The Motherr Taylor Swift (ft.Post Malone), happier by Olivia Rodrigo
ᥫ᭡Author's note: AHHHH, okay, woof. This is the first ever fanfic I'll post, tho I've written many but never posted. Please bare if there's any grammatical mistake and if my writing feels too much.
Show some love and your suggestions are welcome in the comment section 😗
Hello Mrs. Park, how have you been?" You turn around to find Minji, speaking to you while watering the flowers of her front garden.
Minji, Jeon Minji. She always made you feel like the worst person, tho she never meant it. In fact,she's the sweetest and the kindest person you've ever known. And that's why, she's in the position you've always dreamed to be in. That's why she has the man you've always dreamt of.
And the fact, you can never be her nor in her position, makes you feel like the worst person on this earth.
"Hello, Mrs. Jeon, I've been doing just fine. How about you? " Tho your tongue burnt on the feeling of reffering her by the title,you still held up a smile. A smile behind which no one could see the pain. "I'm great, actually! But you, Mrs. Park, you look unwell." You sensed the concern to be genuine and you hated that. "Oh yeah, just tired from work. Yk it's too much these days." You replied, not wanting her to noticing anything wrong with you. "Ah, I understand. Work can get stressful, but I'm sure everything will get tell well soon." She smiles at you, and you see another reason why she's deserves the title more.
You smile back at her and thank her before leaving towards your house, your insides burning with the urge to kill her right then.
"There's a new couple shifting in the house behind ours" Jaehyun, your husband says while he's eating his breakfast. "Oh, in the Jung's? Didn't think they'll actually sell it" You reply, as you pack your lunch, not really caring for the fact. You forgot about it and the new info never crossed your mind once in the day.
It was when the bell rang and you opened the door only to face the new neighbors. Him, Oh god, It's him. Your excitement died the next second when you saw a very pretty women standing right beside him, her arm wrapped around his. "Oh-Oh hey Y/N. I totally didn't expect you! " His face evident with surprise. "You know her, babe?" The woman asked him. "Yeah, hun. She's a college friend. " That's when you felt your heart clench tightly.
Jeon Jungkook, the guy who you've been loving since your collage days even when you got married. The guy you thought of every night before you slept, the guy you thought about when woke up in the morning, the guy you thought about everytime when you ate icecream. Jeon Jungkook, was your friend who you trusted with your life. But now, he was just a stranger you know everything about. (Stranger by the loml Olivia Rodrigo, but the oc isn't over kookie😩)
"H-Hi. How are you J-Jungkook." You couldn't believe it. You've cried so many nights for him. Praying to get back in his arms, have him in your life as anyone, if not a lover. But now that he comes back, he's married. And very happily, you can see.
"I'm doing very well, Y/N. This is Jeon Minji, my wife. We have just shifted in the house right behind your backyard. So nice to see you again." You could feel your eyes pinch with pain, but you tried your best to pull up a bright smile. You can do this, you're very good at hiding feelings. Come on Y/N. "
I'm so happy to see you too. And hello Minji, nice to meet you. Well come in you both. " You move aside for them to come in but the refuse by saying, " It's fine, Y/N. We were just her to Introduce, but guess we don't need to do that. " Minji chuckles and continues, "But we'll see you soon. Have a good night. " She smiles at you, and you feel your legs tickling with jealousy. "You too have a good night, and please don't hesitate if you need any help in shifting. Both me and my husband are willing to help."
You fail to notice Jungkook stiffen as he's reminded that you're married too. He doesn't know why but he's always been uneasy with you being in a relationship and he has no idea why.
Both of them agree and leave after a short goodbye. You shut the door and you suddenly feel all the strength leaving your body. You collapse against the main door, still not believing everything that happened. All the memories that you were burying, we're now out of your control . You could hear his voice, feel his touch and his warmth. Tears made their way out of your eyes as you cry silently.
You unlock the main door to your house as you get inside. It's been so long since they've moved but you can't get yourself to move on. You reach the kitchen to grab a can of bear in an attempt to calm yourself down. But nothing seems to work, every drink or drug, leaves only a temporary effect. You continue loving jungkook even when you're high. You decide to take a cold shower when you hear the main door open again, only to see your shitty husband entering.
Jaehyun, both as a husband and a person, might be the worst guy you've ever met. You don't understand how he's able to lie on your face so smoothly. If you had control, you would have never married him. But fate and your parents had a different plan for you.
Around 2 months ago, your friend Sarah sent you a picture of Jaehyun with a girl sitting on his lap, and they were heavily making out. You didn't feel any pain in your heart but only shame, it felt like he had stepped hard on your dignity, your self respect. He made you feel like the most undeserving person, and he definitely did that intentionaly.
Ever since then, you've never started and conversation with him, disgusted to even look at him. And you guess, it makes it easier for him to leave the house whenever and stay at the girl's place. But you don't bring yourself to care, your mind always drift to jungkook and his very happy married life.
They're living their best lives, the typical rom-com like love life. Jungkook never leaves without a kiss with his wife. And Minji is always ready to welcome him by door when it's time for him to return.
When you had the same time routine, you always witnessed them being the happiest around each other and you had to change your timings. You couldn't bare seeing them being all lovey-dovey, so you leave for work earlier and arrive back home later.
"Y/N? " You were too drunk to hear him calling you. He called you out a few times before his hands reach your right arm to turn you around. "What the fuck!" You slurred, your drunkenness now evident to jungkook. "What are you doing here Y/N?? " He asks you with a strict voice, which soon melts when he sees you pout. "Kook, oh it's you thank god. I thought It was some guy again. " You said slowly as you moved closer to him. You were too drunk and high to remember the argument you had earlier. "Let's get you home Y/N. Don't you have morning classes tomorrow,hm? " He speaks very softly, as is talking to a kid. You mover your side to side, disagreeing with him and then you say, "Noo, let's have another drink and dance. I missed youuu" You wrap your arms around his neck, as your pouts grows even more. He chuckles while holding your waist just as tightly as you're holding him.
He agrees with you and empties the red cup you were having rum and coke in. Both of you weren't a fan of frat parties but whenever you're both together, everything feels the best. Jungkook's breathe fans over your neck as you both dance along On the floor by JLo.
When the chorus of the song starts you along with most of the other girls turn around to twerk along, as if it's a mandatory ritual. Jungkook's cheeks and ears turn bright pink as your ass grazed his crotch a few times while dancing and he wishes you don't notice. You turn back around to hold him again because when you weren't, you felt a certain type of coldness even when you're in bw so many people. His warmth was something which can get you just as high as a joint.
Both of you melted in each other's arms and stayed that way for so long, you didn't even know what song was playing now. "Mhmm, kookie can i kiss you? Just once I promise. " Jungkook wanted it, he wanted you to kiss him forever but he knew it's not safe for your friendship. He can't let his feelings over take him because he knows you only see him as a friend (who you might kiss sometimes 🤭) but how can he say no to you, especially when you're being so cute and adorable. So he decides to fuck it and bend down to kiss you. He captures your lips in a kiss as you both make out in the middle of the crowd. Jungkook felt like the luckiest person ever to have you like this. He has always been so happy that you're open to him with your feelings and uhm.
And you felt similar, just as euphoric and wanted this moment to last forever. Oh, how you wish to have him in all the ways possible. Even pray for it at every 11:11 you notice. And everything feels so good with him around. You were so in love with him but you knew he wasn't.
He has always been the best friend, the bestest you could ask for. But best friends can never be together, thec can never have feelings for each other because it always results in heartbreaks.
And so it did, both of yours heart broke quite terribly. When jungkook had to leave for USA after he got a job placement but he told you about it just 2 days before. Out of anger, you didn't talk to him neither did you come to see him off at the airport. Both of you were hurt, and you both had your reasons.
Next morning when you were returning from a morning run, you ran into Jungkook by the mail box. "Good Morning, Y/N" He wishes you and you just wanted to jump in his arms. "Oh, Good Morning to you too Jungkook! " You wished him back trying to match his level of energy. "How have you been? " You ask him further.
"I've been great, what about you? "
"I'm doing well too. " You reply, knowing you always feel well around him. "Good to hear that. The weather has been terrible these days" He says, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, ikr. It's so hot these days,even when it's just February." You both continue talking about random things when he invites you and Jaehyun over for dinner.
"Thank you for the invite, but i don't think Jaehyun will be able to make it, he comes back late these days. " You say and Jungkook could sense your hesitation on the topic of your husband. And ofc, him being the kindest human being , he asked, "oh, btw, is everything fine between you both? Minji mentioned you being very stressed these days. You know you can always reach out. " with concern evident in his eyes.
It became difficult to maintain an eye contact because you both know how terrible you're at lying to him. "W-well, yeah everything is fine between us" You say, your eyes roaming everywhere but jungkook. He knows that's not the truth so he persuades, "Y/N, yk you can't lie to me so tell me what's up? " When you finally meet his eyes, you feel like crying.
He thinks your misery is because of your husband but who's gonna tell him that he's the reason. He's why you're suffering, he's why you're depressed and he's the reason of your misery. You give him a little smile, and when you're about to continue, you get a phone call from your husband. "Uhh, I'll have to take this up. " You tell him and he says, "okay Y/N, I'll get going but please ask for any help that you need, hm? " With that you both smile at each other and leave.
"What? " You ask Jaehyun. "You're not at home? Where are you? " You turn around and see him at the main door. You scoff realising that he's coming back from that girl's place and you want to kill him right there.
It had been a week since you met him and now you were walking towards their house around 10pm. Your dad had been calling since morning but you couldn't answer his once . Though you're high as fuck but you can't find your phone, and that's why you're going to jungkook's place to ask for any of theirs phone.
You ring the bell and wait there for a few seconds. The gate opens and you're met with a just out of shower Jungkook. Your breathe hitches and you feel your cheeks burning. He's just as hot. "Umm, hi Y/N.all good? " He speaks, breaking your trance.
"Oh hellooo" You give him a 90° bow which startles him "I'm good how are youu? " Your words trail of as your brain suddenly feels numb. "Wait- are you drunk? " He recognises your drunken voice but you deny him by saying,
"Noooo. I'm not drunkk I'm Highh hehe" You start giggling and it confuses hi even more "I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but i need your phone." You pout, and jungkook feels like he's floating. He knows how it is, but your pout still softens him. "Come inside, it's cold. "
"Your wife isn't at home? " You ask him to which he replies, "no she's out with her friends for drinks."
"Oh cool"
You get inside his house and are amazed how pretty they've made it. This place screams jungkook and it feels so much like home. "So what brings you here? " He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Ohh yeahh my phone was calling and I need to call him back but i can't find my dad" You pout again. This time he chuckles, laughing at your words.
"You can't find your dad?" His lips pulling into his iconic bunny smile.
"Yeahh, I can't find my dad. Can you give me your dad so i can call my dad, pleaseeee"
"Here you go, here's my dad" If you both were still young , he would've have teased you a lot. But you both have grown up and even though he wanted to, he couldn't.
"Thank you so muchhhh" You busy yourself dialing your no. when he asked you, "where's your husband tho? "
You were trying so hard to dial your no. correct, that you didn't realize when you said, "he's probably at his girlfriend's. "
"Holy fuck"
"Shit shit, you didn't hear anything" Your eyes widen with horror and you scolded yourself internally. "Wait fr? Jaehyun's cheating on you? And you know that?? " His eye balls almost out of the sockets, shock evident in his voice.
"Uhh, no no, Yk I'm-im drunk, don't mind that" You tried to play it off but jungkook wouldn't even budge. "Y/N, ik you're telling the truth, you don't have to lie to me. " His eyes full of concern and once again you feel your brain going numb. And you were starting to feel sober, which was even worse.
"Uhmm, I'll have to take your phone over so i can listen to my phone ring. " You ran quickly in an attempt to save yourself from further embarrassment.
Later in your room, you find your phone in your bathroom floor (you have no idea why) And now you have to return jungkook's phone back to him.
You gather so courage and reach his house. You plan on giving it to him and leaving right after thanking him.
And you did so, but after you turned around to leave, he held you arm in an attempt to turn you back. "Y/N, please talk to me. How long have you known this? " You see genuine concern in his eyes and feek like hugging him and crying on his chest.
"Uhh, just let it be jungkook."
"No, tell me. " His voice stern now.
"Why do you even care. It's nine of your business"
"But i just can't see you get hurt. " His voice soft again.
You looked in his eyes, and scoffed. "You can't se me hurt? Of all the hurt I've ever experienced, you have been one reason every fucking time. And you can't see me hurt? Wow"
Jungkook's face falls,but that doesn't stop you. "You fucking hurt me more than anyone does. I don't even care jaehyun's cheating one. It doesn't hurt me. But you do. You hurt me so much that i can't even feel any other pain. " Your voice now louder. Your eyes pinch with pain, tears threatening to fall. But no, you can't do this, not in front of him at least.
"How do i hurt you? " His voice low like a whisper. "Good question Jungkook. You wanna know how you hurt me? How don't wanna know since when you've been hurting me? "
"Y/N you're still mad at what happened almost 10 years ago? " A frown appears on his face and his tone makes you feel as if you're at fault.
"I wouldn't have been if it didn't affect me so much. And why do expect me to not? You told me fucking 2 days before you were leaving for Florida? You never called while you were there. You were living your life and here I was dying. I was suffering." Years finally rolled down your cheeks. And jungkook wanted to wile them down and hug you to make you feel better.
But he was feeling the similar frustration you were feeling. And it became evident when he said, " You weren't the only one Y/N! I was also hurt. You didn't even come to see me off at the airport even when I texted-begged you over text. I wanted to apologize you that day and tell you something important. But you decided to be egoistic and didn't come. And that's why I never called. Even when I was in utter need of help and support, I couldn't call you. Because I lost the level of trust and I knew you won't even pick up. "
His word felt like slap. He's right, you were being a bitch when you didn't meet of on the last day, but you were mad too. "I would have, I was missing you so much, I would have definitely. I would have caught the first flight to Florida only to be with you again." Your words were now slurred due to your crying, when you finally broke and jungkook felt like crying too.
"I know it's wrong, it's so so so wrong but I can't help myself. I can't control myself" You covered your face as you cried even harder. And when you felt his arms engulfing you, you couldn't hepl but wrap your arms around him too. Jungkook stands there caressing your back while he himself cries silently.
"It's so wrong I still can't move on-" Jungkook's heart picks up speed. He's not ready for this. You suddenly pulll away from him and wipe your tears. "I'll get going jungkook. " You left before you could do something that maight ruin not one but many hearts.
And for the next few weeks you so neither jungkook nor his wife and you were very glad for it. It was untill one Tuesday morning when you swa both of them in front of their house. And they were not kissing or anything but arguing? You heard Minji saying, "what has happened to you? You're so distant these days kook. You don't even kiss me a goodbye??" To which jungkook replies, "it's nothing baby, I'm just stressed with work and things are getting lost in the back of me brain. Come here lemme kiss you" You were shocked when you heard Minji saying "No, you're first gonna tell me who else you're so in love with"
"What the hell, Minji? Why would you say that? " Jungkook was just as shocked. You didn't want to hear anything further so you stepped out of the fence and that's when Minji calls you out. "Mrs.Park! Good morning!"
And hearing your name from her mouth, Jungkook's eyes light up and he turns around quickly to look at you. He couldn't control but then he blurted out, "Nice sweater, Y/N."
Minji called you out to check something and she was right. She was right. "Oh Good morning, Jeon fam. And thank you Jungkook. Hope you guys have a nice day!" You wished them and hurriedly left.
And so did Minji. Jungkook was left standing there.
It took him 2 minutes to finally understand how he reacted and complimented you which was totally out of his mind.
And he finally realises how fucked up he is.
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 so I can find later
aita for attending to pride despite not being queer. at all
( opened a tumblr acc just for this bc I don’t trust reddit bros on this one, so do tell me if I did smth? wrong somehow)
I(19m) as u can understand from the title, not queer in any way(gender, sexuality etc). But I regularly get harassed with trans/homophobia and the cause is…Me looking feminine
This sounds stupid but it’s true, despite having my hair short & dressing pretty masc I am often confused as a girl, everytime I meet someone I get the classic “are u a boy or a girl” question. Everything but my voice is seen “girl like”. Apparently it’s my facial features or smth (think of that one streamer guy finnsmth except I’m not a femboy outside the scope of this ask + %100 sure I’d pull it better) most ppl seem to assume I’m either a trans man or a lesbian
The place I live is very conservative and ppl genuinely have no manners I cannot explain how many times I got some stranger telling me how I’d never be a “real man” or how I was “throwing away the gift of femininity” ig their hate is not technically directed towards me but I would be lying if i said this didn’t make me more comfortable in my own masculinity (bc there’ll always be ppl who say I’m a woman despite whatever I do so I just might well enjoy my life stupid logic ik) after a point I just got used to it I suppose
The aita part is that in last pride me & two my friends(18nb I’ll call Red/20F I’ll call Blue. they’re both queer) decided that it’d actually be super funny if I attended pride dresses as a woman, this was also partially bc it was Red’s first pride and they were nervous but also because I think it’s hilarious
Anyways so Blue lends me a dress(should also mention I’m pretty short like 5’6-7) and does my makeup. We even buy a wig for it
Of course there was homophobes like there is every year but honestly? It was super fun.
Like my average convo would go with them saying something on how god intended me to like man & I’d be like “oh that’s gay” or how I will never be a real woman after hearing me talk(ironic isn’t it?) and i’d say “cool. Never been one anyways”
this also helped Red & others around get a break cause turns out u spend less time hating when ur trying to convince someone they’re actually trans & gay
I genuinely had fun as most ppl were really cool, many ppl there seemed to find it funny like I did it was genuinely a great experience for me
However there were some people who were…not so cool w it. I got told it was disrespectful and it felt like I was mocking actual queer people/invading their spaces
Blue also asked her mostly queer group on the matter and they seem to be divided
I am also confused on this but one time I DID felt like the asshole was when a lesbian hit on me genuinely thinking I was a woman
so aita?
What are these acronyms?
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